Page 1: A study of the local tribes of Assam - Bodo under ISA by the students of SBGJ

The Bodo tribe of Assam

Page 2: A study of the local tribes of Assam - Bodo under ISA by the students of SBGJ

IntroductionThe Bodos of Assam is a branch of the great Bodo group of Indo-Mongoloid family. The Bodos are basically an agrarian people; still using traditional means to irrigate their land. Their chief produce is classified into the ‘Ahu' and the ‘Sali' crops. Bodo villages are situated in the plains of the valleys of Assam, and hence they are categorized into what is known as the ‘Plains tribe'. The Bodo people are expert in bamboo and cane craft; hence one would usually come across houses fashioned out of bamboo and wood in places where they live in majority. With the changing times, the Bodos have taken in large numbers to the services, business and other non-agricultural modes of livelihood.

Page 3: A study of the local tribes of Assam - Bodo under ISA by the students of SBGJ

Usually, the Bodo family structure is patriarchal, with the father as the head of the family. The family property usually passes to the male members of the family. The village priest looks after the proceedings of the several rituals that mark their social and religious calendars. The priest, the douri (assistant of priest), and the heads of the families are the revered persons of the family, and are the decision-makers. The most important community institution of Bodos is the village. The village council's decision in all matters is accepted by the people.

Page 4: A study of the local tribes of Assam - Bodo under ISA by the students of SBGJ

CultureThe Bodo people, akin to most tribal peoples, are a festival loving people. The three main categories of festivals are ‘seasonal', ‘religious', ritualistic and ceremonial'. The seasonal festivals are (i) Baisagu, (ii) Domashi, and (iii) Katrigacha. These three festivals are parallel to the Bihu. Among the religious festivals of the Bodos, the ‘Kherai' is the most famous; usually understood to be the ‘national festival' of the Bodos.The festival begins with various dances, songs, and music. The ‘Bagrumba' is the most attractive group dance of the Bodos.Among other religious festivals of the Bodos, we have the ‘Siba', the ‘Sibrai Langamara Puja', the ‘Apeswari Puja', the ‘Haul Kheta' and others.

Page 5: A study of the local tribes of Assam - Bodo under ISA by the students of SBGJ

ReligionSome of the people of the Bodo community are Christians, while a large chunk follows the precepts of Hinduism. Among the Hindus, a few follow the ‘Brahma Dharma' while others follow the ‘Vaishnava Path'. The ancient tribal Bodo religious faith rests on ‘Bathou' which has, since the process of Brahmanization, become analogous to ‘Shiva' of the Hindus. The ‘Sizu' plant, which is known for longevity is planted in front of the Bodo courtyard and worshipped.

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LanguageThe Bodo language is currently an associate language in Assam. It has also been introduced as the medium of instruction in the school and colleges, especially in the Bodo dominated area. The script that they follow is the Devnagari.

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FoodBodo have favoritism and taste buds for some of the mouthwatering dishes. They are very much fond of conventional drink called Zu Mai, Zu means wine and Mai means rice. Rice is the main staple food but are savored with a non vegetarian dish like fish or pork. They now usually prefer non-vegetarian dishes. The main dishes are Oma Bedor, Onla and Narzi

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Traditional DressBodos have quite exquisite dresses which are exhilirating the beauty and glamours of women. Dokna is the dress worn by Bodo women which they themselves knit on their own hands. Shawls form the major fashion among Bodos and thus loom is the most important thing used in the courtyard of the Bodo House

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Current RelevanceSince the early 1990s, Bodos have tried to build up

movements, insurgent as well as pressure groups, to assert their rights.The Bodo problem is multidimensional. Initially it was a cry for identity. Then the question of ascertaining political rights and constitutional safeguards came up. The creation of a separate state of Bodoland is the common goal of all Bodo organisations today. The All-Bodo Students Union inherited this from Bodo political parties and tribals. The movement came to an end in 1993 with the signing of the Bodo accord. Today, the Bodoland movement has been recharged. The reason is not far to seek- the failure of the Bodo Accord.

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