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Table of Contents

Men’s Health Natural Remedies for Common Ailments

3 Heart Disease 35 Cold and Flu

5 Prostate Cancer 37 Hay Fever

7 Low Testosterone 38 Asthma

9 High Cholesterol 39 Food Allergies

11 Inflammation 41 Headaches and Migraines

43 Sleep

Women’s Health Disclaimer

13 Anxiety

15 PMS

17 Pregnancy

19 Menopause

21 Bone Health

Kid’s Health

23 Juvenile Diabetes

25 Obesity in Children

27 Childhood Depression

30 Autism


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Heart Disease

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention heart disease is the number

one cause of death among men. More than 300,000 men die as a result of heart

disease each year, but the frightening thing is that 50% of those who died from a

“sudden cardiac event” didn’t have any previous warning signs or symptoms. The good

news is there are many ways to reduce your risk of heart disease naturally. These

include alternative therapies, herbals, spiritual practices, improved nutrition, and regular


Heart Disease Risk Factors

Although genetics plays a role in the development of heart disease, there are other risk

factors which are within your control. By addressing these other risk factors you can do

a lot to minimize any risk due to genetics. In addition, managing these other risk factors

is an effective prevention strategy for anyone.

The risks include:

Physical inactivity

Excess weight, obesity

Insufficient nutrition



High cholesterol

High blood pressure






Complementary and Natural Therapies for Heart Disease

Alternative therapies are considered those which are outside of the mainstream medical

treatment therapies; however in recent years doctors and hospitals have begun to

combine alternative and mainstream therapies to create a complementary treatment

plan for maximum effectiveness. Sometimes this is referred to as integrated therapy.

Considering heart disease many healthcare professionals recognize a connection

between our emotional and spiritual well-being the onset and progression of heart

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disease. In order to prevent, slow, or even reverse heart disease a growing number of

healthcare practitioners are relying on the following therapies which have been proven

effective in addressing the emotional and spiritual aspects of disease.

Imagery: Research has shown imagery to be effective at reducing the pain and

anxiety associated with surgery as well as speed healing. Some healthcare

providers are helping patients visualize, or imagine, healing taking place in their

cardiovascular system.

Meditation: Studies have shown that when people focus on a single thought or

word, or focus on their breathing their able to still their mind which triggers

changes in the body including a decrease in blood pressure, heart rate, and

tension all of which are important for heart health.

Aromatherapy: By using essential oils whose properties increase calm,

aromatherapy can effectively reduce the stress that causes and perpetuates

heart disease. In addition, certain oils like lavender have been shown to improve

emotional well-being.

Massage: Research has shown that those suffering from anxiety, a condition

connected with the onset of heart disease, can benefit from massage. Massage

also promotes a sense of calm and well-being. In addition it improves blood

circulation, sleep, and overall relaxation – all important in combating heart


Acupuncture: Focused on specific pressure points and body energy,

acupuncture can help increase the body’s ability to produce testosterone. Low

levels of this important hormone can lead to high blood pressure and high levels

of cholesterol, both of which are linked to increased incidents of heart disease.

When it comes to heart disease there are many effective natural therapies which can be

combined with more mainstream treatments for an overall complementary approach.

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Prostate Cancer

Although prostate cancer is a slow growing cancer it’s still a serious concern for men,

especially as they age. According to the American Cancer Society nearly 200,000 men

in the U.S. suffer from prostate cancer and there are just over 30,000 new cases

diagnosed each year. Thankfully there is much research which suggests it’s possible to

prevent this disease through herbal remedies, alternative therapies, and natural

approaches like improved diet and exercise.

Preventing Prostate Cancer Naturally

Prevention should always be the first approach in protecting health and preventing

disease. In terms of prostate cancer there is much that can be done to prevent the

onset of the disease. These include:

Herbal Remedies: A growing body of research from respected institutions like

the Mayo Clinic has shown certain herbs to be especially effective at preventing

cancer, including prostate cancer. These include pygeum and green tea. In fact,

a Mayo Clinic study found that drinking green tea on a daily basis significantly

lowers a man’s risk of prostate cancer.

Nutritional Supplements: There is a lot of evidence to suggest that you can

dramatically reduce your risk of prostate cancer simply by boosting nutrition. One

way to do this is through the use of supplements. One double-blind study showed

the incidence of prostate cancer dropped by 63% when participants

supplemented with selenium. Another study showed that by supplementing with

a combination of 50 IUs of vitamin E and 20 mg of beta-carotene men were able

to reduce their risk by 32%.

Healthy Eating: Another way to boost nutrition is by increasing your

consumption of beneficial foods. These include whole grains, raw nuts, spinach,

sea food, and lycopene-containing foods like tomatoes, grapefruit, and

watermelon. One study showed that the body is better able to absorb the

lycopene in tomatoes when it’s consumed as paste or puree.

Exercise: Regular physical activity is part of the equation for anyone who wants

to improve their overall health; however when it comes to preventing prostate

cancer exercise is especially important. This is because obesity is a leading

cause of lowered testosterone levels and reduction of this important hormone

can result in the development of prostate cancer.

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Acupuncture: This ancient therapy has been shown to effectively treat a variety

of health concerns. Acupuncture can help improve the body’s ability to produce

testosterone and thereby help prevent prostate cancer and other related


Alternative Treatments for Prostate Cancer

Studies focused on alternative treatments for prostate cancer have found a variety of

methods effective. In fact, many recommend a combination of herbal remedies,

alternative therapies, improved nutrition, and regular physical activity.

Beneficial fruits: Some studies have shown that modified citrus pectin can have

an impact in fighting prostate cancer. In addition, a UCLA study identified

pomegranate juice as effectively slowing the cell growth of prostate cancer.

Plant-based Treatments: Supplementing with damiana root and licorice root

have also proven effective in the fight against prostate cancer. Taking three

capsules of garlic each day also slows the growth of cancer cells and boosts the

immune system’s ability to fight cancer.

Preventing prostate cancer begins with proper diet and exercise. In addition, there are a

variety of herbal remedies and alternative therapies which reduce the risk of getting

prostate cancer. Some of these natural approaches are also effective in treating

prostate cancer should you get it.

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Low Testosterone

Low testosterone is often thought to plague middle-aged and elderly men; however a

recent study shows that an astounding 20 million men in the U.S. suffer from low levels

of testosterone including men in their twenties, thirties and forties. Reduced levels of

testosterone can lead to loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, muscle loss, bone-density

loss, and depression. In addition, insufficient testosterone production has been linked to

diabetes, prostate enlargement, prostate cancer, high cholesterol, and high blood


Signs of Low Testosterone

Signs that you may be suffering from low levels of testosterone include:

Loss of libido

Lack of morning erections

Erectile dysfunction

Interrupted sleep




Difficulty thinking clearly

Memory difficulties

Loss of muscle mass

Decrease in bone density

Many medical practitioners prescribe the use of testosterone injections, patches, or gels

in their male patients; however there are negative side effects associated with the use

of these hormone replacement therapies (HRT). Some of the side effects associated

with HRT include testicular atrophy, cystic acne, mood swings, and the development of

“man boobs.” There are effective natural approaches for boosting testosterone

production including herbal remedies and alternative therapies.

Herbal Remedies for Low Testosterone

Plant-based and herbal remedies for dealing with low levels of testosterone have been

used for hundreds of years by people throughout the world. These include:

Mucuna Puriens: Indigenous to the tropical regions of India and Africa, this

small plant provides the body with a powerful injection of I-dopa, which enhances

the libido of both men and women.

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Tongkat Ali: Also native to India, this herb is effective at increasing the body’s

ability to produce testosterone, improving erectile function and the building of

muscle mass.

Maca Root: This South American herb boosts the testes ability to produce

testosterone by stimulating the endocrine system. This is an effective natural

treatment for overcoming erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, and the depression

associated with low levels of testosterone.

Muira Puama: Coming from the Amazons, this plan improves libido, erectile

function, and the building of muscle mass by behaving like testosterone in the


Sarsaparilla Root: This plant also behaves similarly to testosterone and has

been used to increase erectile function and libido.

Treating Testosterone with Acupuncture

A recent study presented at the European Congress of Endocrinology shows that when

a man suffers from insufficient levels of testosterone he increases his risk of dying from

cardiovascular disease. Addressing the issue of insufficient testosterone production

should therefore be considered an urgent matter for men and those who love them.

Acupuncture is an alternative therapy which can effectively treat reduced levels of

testosterone and its effects on the body. Acupuncture treatments can boost can be

helpful at improving libido, mood, and testicular functioning.

Low levels of testosterone can be impacted by age as well as weight. Tackling any

issues of unhealthy eating habits and a poor exercise routine can also have a positive

impact on some of the conditions associated with low testosterone.

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High Cholesterol

There is a lot of talk in the healthcare industry about high cholesterol and how to

prevent or treat it and for good reason. High cholesterol is connected with heart

disease, stroke, non-fatal heart attack, and atherosclerosis. Even so, it’s important to

recognize that cholesterol is necessary for healthy function of various systems within

the body. In fact, our bodies use cholesterol to coat our nerve cells, maintain strong cell

walls, and to produce bile, hormones, and vitamin D.

Signs of High Cholesterol

In order to accurately determine your cholesterol levels you must have a blood test. The

result of which is broken down into two, sometimes three categories: low density

lipoproteins (LDL “bad cholesterol”), high density lipoproteins (HDL “good cholesterol),

and sometimes very low density lipoproteins (VLDL).

Scientists and physicians alike are beginning to understand the relationship between

these cholesterols. As a result, focus is increasingly shifting toward the overall ratio of

our cholesterol rather than the level of each specific type of cholesterol. For example,

many believe that a ratio of HDL to LDL of 5:1 is ideal.

One of the most worrisome risks of associated with unhealthy levels of cholesterol is

heart disease, which is the number one killer among both men and women. Other

conditions related to cholesterol include high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome,

stroke, and heart attack.

High Cholesterol Risk Factors

Often family history is a determining factor in those who have high cholesterol. Like

many diseases and health-related ailments genetics play a role in your cholesterol

levels. In addition, age and gender impact your risk. For example, men are at greater

risk of having elevated levels of cholesterol as are post-menopausal women.

There are other risk factors which you do have some control over. These include:

Physical Activity: There is a strong connection between regular physical activity

and high cholesterol. Engaging in some form of moderate exercise 3 to 4 times a

week helps keep cholesterol at healthy levels.

Healthy Weight: Maintaining a healthy weight allows you to also maintain

healthy levels of cholesterol. Doing what is necessary to reduce excess weight

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should be considered a matter worth urgent consideration in those who have

high cholesterol.

Nutrition: Consuming prepackaged, processed, and fast foods increases your

intake of hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils. These are man-man fats

which expose your body to the transfats which lead to elevated levels of LDL.

Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Levels Naturally

In addition to increasing fitness and improving nutrition, there are other things you can

do to reduce your cholesterol levels naturally.

Herbs: Studies have that certain herbs are effective at reducing and maintaining

healthy levels of cholesterol. These include yarrow, holy basil, and fenugreek.

Other herbs commonly used to reduce cholesterol are still being researched for

effectiveness. These include rosemary, turmeric, and ginger.

Fiber: Increasing consumption of soluble fiber is another great way to maintain

healthy cholesterol. Eating raw fruits and vegetables is a great way to increase

fiber in your diet. Or, you can supplement with apple fiber, oat bran or pysllium


Omega 3s: These fatty acids are beneficial in promoting health and reducing

elevated levels of cholesterol. Avocados, fish, raw nuts, and grape seed oil. Fish

oil supplements can also boost omega 3s in your body.

There are many natural ways to fight high cholesterol including improved nutrition,

regular physical activity, and herbal remedies. Keeping cholesterol at healthy levels

protects against risk of heart disease, stroke, and atherosclerosis.

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In recent years, inflammation has become of greater concern to those in the medical

community. Our cultural disregard for the importance of sleep and its role in restoring

health has led to a society which suffers from near constant sleep deprivation. This

combined with our sedentary lifestyle and reliance upon fast, convenient, and

prepackaged foods has led to a rise in chronic inflammation and its associated health


Chronic and Acute Inflammation

Inflammation is part of normal, healthy functioning of the body. When we’re injured our

body creates inflammation to aide in the repair of the damaged cells. In a healthy body,

the inflammation ends when the healing is complete. This is called acute inflammation;

however when our bodies fail to turn off this mechanism the inflammation continues and

is known as chronic inflammation.

Chronic inflammation isn’t obvious because it happens under the surface and often

without our awareness. Even so, the damage that results from years of chronic

inflammation has serious consequences for our long term health. There are a number of

illnesses and conditions associated with chronic inflammation including:

Irritable Bowel Syndrome



Parkinson’s Disease





High blood pressure


Rheumatoid Arthritis

Nutrition and Inflammation

You can have a significant impact on reducing unhealthy inflammation in your body by

improving the quality of foods you eat and adding beneficial nutrients to your diet.

Consider the following.

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Omega 3 fatty acids: There are a number of things you can do to reduce hidden

inflammation in your body including supplementing with omega 3 fatty acids or

eating foods rich in omega 3’s like olive oil, wild-caught salmon, walnuts, and flax

seed. In addition, grass-fed beef and grass-fed bison offer a healthy amount of

omega 3 fatty acids that standard, grain fed beef does not.

Avoid or eliminate transfats: These are found in anything which contains partially

hydrogenated oils. Read labels carefully as this shelf-stabilizer has a way of

sneaking into a number of unlikely foods.

Avoid refined sugars: Consider using honey or low glycemic agave nectar

instead of refined sugar in your tea, coffee, and baking.

Olive oil: This healthy oil contains beneficial omega 3’s. Purchase light olive oil

for use in high heat cooking instead of canola or other unhealthy oils.

Antioxidants: Focusing on antioxidant-rich vegetables and fruits offers many

health benefits. Cherries and dark green vegetables offer high levels of the

antioxidants proven to reduce chronic inflammation.

In our competitive, fast-paced and hectic culture sleep is viewed as having little

importance; however our bodies repair cell damage done during the day while we sleep.

Many healthcare professionals recommend getting between seven and nine hours of

sleep each night in order to maintain optimal health.

Acute inflammation is a good thing. It’s the body’s way of repairing damage to the cells

and restoring health; however too much of a good thing can lead to issues. By getting

enough sleep and supplying our bodies with omega 3’s and other essential nutrients we

are able to reduce chronic inflammation and maintain vibrant health.

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Anxiety often robs a person of the normal joys and pleasures of life. So much focus may

be placed on the things which cause anxiety that it can be difficult for those who suffer

from anxiety disorders and panic attacks to relax and enjoy their employment, their

family or their friends. Thankfully, there are a number of herbal remedies and alternative

therapies available to help reduce anxiety and restore full enjoyment of life.

Herbal Remedies for Anxiety

There has been a good deal written about Kava. In fact, research has shown that it is an

effective treatment for anxiety; however there are grave concerns regarding the safety

of Kava. It has been connected with liver failure and more research is needed to

guarantee its safety. In 2002 the Federal and Drug Administration (FDA) issued strong

warnings about the use of Kava and some countries have banned its use altogether.

Even though the safety of Kava is in question, there are other herbal remedies that have

been proven both safe and effective in treating anxiety disorder and panic attacks.

Passionflower: This central nervous system depressant provides an overall

feeling of calm. It is ideal for use both during the day and in the evening when

sudden anxiety may set in or when waking from a nightmare. Passionflower also

helps with anxiety-related conditions like insomnia and gastrointestinal disorder.

A word of warning though for those using a MAO inhibitor: Speak first with a

trusted medical professional before taking passionflower.

Valerian: Probably the best known of all the anti-anxiety herbals, valerian impacts

a person in much the same way as Valium, but without the side-effects and

addictive qualities. Valerian relaxes the muscles making it easier to sleep and is

therefore ideal for those looking to improve the quality of rest they get each night.

Lemon Balm: Another safe and effective herbal remedy for anxiety disorders and

panic attacks. Lemon balm is known to reduce anxiety and improve sleep.

Green Tea: Brimming with antioxidants this herbal remedy is known to reduce

signs of aging, aide in weight loss, improve heart health, boost the immune

system, and even protect against cancer. In addition, green tea contains

Theanine which is proven to be both safe and effective at reducing stress and

relieving anxiety.

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Alternative Therapies for Anxiety

In addition to these herbal remedies there are a number of alternative therapies which

can reduce the experience of anxiety. These include:

Yoga: The deep breathing exercises associated with yoga are a great way to

reduce stress. These and other relaxation exercises can be very effective when

practiced regularly.

Massage: By manipulating the body’s muscles massage therapists are able to

help the body release the stress that builds up over time. Massage therapy can

be used in conjunction with other anti-anxiety treatments.

Statistically women are more likely than men to suffer from anxiety disorders and panic

attacks. Even so, both men and women can benefit from any of the herbal remedies or

alternative therapies mentioned here.

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Many women suffer from premenstrual syndrome or PMS in the week or so leading up

to their period. In fact, it’s estimated that somewhere between 12,000,000 and

25,000,000 women in the U.S. experience some amount of PMS on a regular basis.

There are a number of natural remedies which have been proven effective in treating

the symptoms associated with PMS, which means millions of women no longer need

suffer each month.

PMS Symptoms

The symptoms associated with PMS effect a woman’s mental, physical, and emotional

health. For some women the symptoms are mild, but many others suffer from

debilitating PMS and often impacts their relationships, employment, and life goals. The

symptoms include:

Water retention

Temporary weight gain


Swelling of hands, face, legs, and feet



Irregular and interrupted sleep, insomnia

Breast tenderness

Headaches and migraines

Nausea and vomiting

Light headed


Irritability and anger


Emotional lows and crying spells

Food cravings

Natural Remedies for Relief from PMS

Women experience these mild to severe symptoms in the weeks leading up to their

period. The symptoms typically lessen within a day or more after the menstrual flow has

begun; however there is no need for women to suffer through the difficult days when

their PMS flares up. Instead they may consider some of the following natural remedies.

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Water retention associated with PMS leads to many other uncomfortable symptoms

including weight gain and swelling. Some women find relief in drinking two cups of

dandelion tea each day. This herbal remedy provides the body with much needed iron,

potassium and vitamin A. It not only helps reduce water retention, it also helps with

anemia, muscle spasms, and inflammation.

Increasing intake of calcium-rich foods or supplements is another natural approach to

dealing with water retention and other symptoms of PMS. Research has found that 300

mg of calcium carbonate is effective in combating PMS-related food cravings,

depression, and bloating.

Mood swings are a common experience during PMS. Research shows that by

increasing calcium intake a woman can significantly lessen mood swings associated

with PMS. In addition, magnesium has also been proven effective at improving mood;

however there are safety concerns for those with kidney disease or heart disease.

Magnesium can also interfere with various medications including those used for

osteoporosis, diabetes, blood pressure regulation, and antibiotics. For this reason, it is

best to consider magnesium only after talking with a trust healthcare professional.

Many women use aromatherapy to relieve the stress, anxiety, depression, and irritability

associated with PMS. A few drops of the essential oils of rosemary, geranium, and clary

sage in a bath is effective for some. Others prefer a light massage with the essential oils

of lavender and clary sage to reduce their PMS symptoms.

Pain during PMS can manifest as cramps, headaches, and even migraines. Calcium

has been proven an effective treatment for pain. Some women use an omega 3

supplement to reduce inflammation and the pain associated with it. Others find

significant relief from pain through the use of acupuncture.

Whatever methods you choose to help minimize the experience of PMS related

symptoms, always consult with a healthcare professional. Also make sure to purchase

herbals and nutritional supplements from a trusted source.

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The hormonal changes which occur throughout pregnancy can lead to morning

sickness, heartburn, constipation, insomnia, and headaches. Many pregnant women

also experience high blood pressure, anemia, and stretch marks. Many of these

discomforts can be address by exercising regularly, eating healthy foods, and drinking

plenty of liquids; however herbals, supplements, and relaxation exercise have also

proven effective for many of these conditions.


Many women in their first trimester experience feelings of nausea immediately upon

waking and for several hours afterward, which is why this condition is often referred to

as morning sickness. Although genetics play a role in a woman’s experience of morning

sickness low blood sugar, low blood pressure, and low levels of vitamin B6 and iron can

also trigger nausea.

Some women experience much relief from morning sickness simply by addressing

these deficiencies. Others find bands acupuncture-point-specific wrist bands to also be

effective. Other remedies include:

Ginger: This root offers many medicinal properties and has been proven an

effective natural treatment of morning sickness. Use an infusion of ginger, smell

ground ginger, or drink ginger tea for relief of nausea.

Herbal Tea: Red raspberry, fennel seed, dried peach tree leaves, and anise teas

are all useful for overcoming morning sickness.

Bedside Snack: Keep a protein snack on your nightstand to be eaten before


High Blood Pressure

It’s important that pregnant women with high blood pressure take the condition seriously

as it can lead to preeclampsia, a condition which is dangerous for both mother and

baby. High blood pressure may be the result of physiology or due to stress and anxiety.

As a result, some women find massage and other relaxation methods keep their blood

pressure at normal levels. Other remedies include:

Passionflower: Take 2-4 capsules of Passionflower daily to restore blood

pressure to normal levels.

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Tea: raspberry leaf, nettles, limeflower, or dandelion tea are also all effective

natural remedies.

Cucumbers: Many believe blood pressure can be effectively lowered by eating


If you contract preeclampsia you can eat potassium rich foods like bananas and

potatoes. In addition, drinking 4 ounces of beet juice daily or taking a B complex

supplement with a minimum of 100 mg of B6 can help.


Although the hormonal changes during pregnancy often lead to constipation, iron

supplements can also cause blockage. Women who are anemic find that taking vitamin

C with their iron supplement helps. Eating leafy greens, drinking dandelion root tea, and

supplementing with Yellowdock Root are also effective in treating anemia without

causing constipation.

Remedies for constipation include:

Psyllium: This herbal remedy provides the body with the fiber necessary to keep

things moving.

Fluids: Drinking lots of water, teas, and prune juice is also effective.

Raw foods: Eating plenty of raw fruits and vegetables is yet another way to

provide the body with the fiber needed to prevent constipation.

Constipation can lead to hemorrhoids. Some women find relief from the itching

associated with hemorrhoids by adding baking soda to their bath. Others use soothing

ointments like comfrey or Yellowdock root.

When you’re pregnant it’s more important than ever to maintain the healthy habits of a

balanced diet, plenty of fluids, and regular exercise. By doing these things you can

avoid many of the common discomforts of pregnancy.

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Although menopause is a natural part of the life cycle, it can be a difficult and

challenging time for women and those who love them. Many women experience both

physical and emotional changes during this time. Hormonal fluctuations may result in

hot flashes, lower libido, depression, anxiety and more. The good news is there are a

variety of options available to help women manage these effects for an easier transition.

Herbal Remedies

For centuries women in various cultures have relied on medicinal plants and herbs to

address a number of health issues including menopause.

Night sweats and hot flashes: Many women find dealing with night sweats and

hot flashes particularly troubling. They come on unexpectedly and may make

professional and personal interactions difficult or uncomfortable. Worse still are

night sweats which interrupt sleep robbing women of the rest needed to keep

stress and anxiety at bay. Some women find relief through the use of blue

cohosh or hawthorn.

Soy has also received attention for its ability to minimize hot flashes and night

sweats; however there are some concerns about its interaction with the body’s

estrogen and isn’t recommended for estrogen-dependent breast cancer

survivors. The isoflavones in soy can also be found in other beans and are

recommended for use for a maximum of two years.

Depression: Often women who are menopausal also have children who are

growing up and they find their role in life altered. The changes in their body

combined with those in their life naturally result in some grieving; however lasting

sadness may be a sign of depression. Siberian ginseng, Ginko, Borage, and

Lemon Balm have all proven effective in helping women overcome those down


Libido: The hormonal changes of menopause may lead to vaginal dryness as

well as a lowered sexual drive. Aloe gel and Bayberry may help with dryness and

itching while Sarsaparilla, Damiana, and Catuaba have been used by many

women to restore sexual desire.

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Alternative Therapies

Some women find that these herbal remedies are enough to help them manage the

physical and emotional changes associated with menopause; however some prefer

alternative therapies alone or in conjunction with the use of herbals.

Acupuncture: Some women find the ancient practice of acupuncture beneficial

in treating some of the symptoms associated with menopause including

depression, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, and hot flashes.

Chiropractic: This safe and effective method of care during menopause has

been helpful to man women. Chiropractic care helps improve the functioning of

the nervous system which is intricately associated with the hormonal system.

Many women find this gentle approach useful in relieving the headaches, stress,

and body pains associated with menopause.

Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy

Bio-identical hormones, or natural hormone replacement therapy (NHRT), is being used

to effectively treat a wide range of symptoms associated with menopause. These

hormones are taken from plants or animals and then they are chemically altered in a

laboratory so that they are molecularly identical to the hormones found in humans. It is

believed that these bio-identical hormones are then better received by the body;

however there are many concerns regarding the use of NHRT including a strong

connection with breast, ovarian, and uterine cancers.

Regardless of whether you choose herbal remedies, alternative therapies, or NHRT in

managing the sometimes uncomfortable effects of menopause, talk with a trusted

medical professional beforehand. In addition, always purchase herbals and

supplements from a trusted source.

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Bone Health

Once women hit the end of their fertile years their estrogen levels begin to decline.

Bone health is a significant concern during this time because studies have shown that

women who break a bone during this time have an increased chance of dying within a

year of the break.

Nutritional Supplements for Bone Health

The body requires a certain level of estrogen in order to absorb the calcium needed for

regeneration of bone; however the interplay between estrogen and calcium is only part

of the story. In fact, in order for the body to properly absorb calcium it must also have

sufficient quantities of magnesium and vitamin D.

There are a number of nutritional supplements on the market specifically created to help

improve bone health. Unfortunately because supplements are largely unregulated there

have been reports of contamination in some and a complete absence of the advertised

vitamin or nutrient in others. For this reason, it’s best to purchase a high quality,

pharmaceutical grade supplements from a trusted source.

In addition, it is important that you consult a medical professional whenever taking any

type of supplement as they can interfere with prescribed and over-the-counter


Exercise and Strong Bones

Although our bodies are the most effective at regenerating bone before we hit midlife,

studies show that there are a number of things we can do after midlife to encourage

continued bone regeneration including exercise. Resistance exercise is best in building

the muscle matter needed for strong bones. Some good bone-strengthening exercises


Weight lifting






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Healthy Diet for Healthy Bones

It may surprise you to learn that between approximately 30% of men suffer from

osteoporosis and that up to 50% of men will at some point during their life suffer from

fractures related from osteoporosis. Even so, bone health is still a major issue for

women because of the related drop in estrogen at the end of their fertile years and

because of their tendency to engage in unhealthy dietary practices during throughout

their life.

Women, more than men, tend to drastically limit their caloric intake in order to drop

weight quickly or to remain slender. Unfortunately, unhealthy weight loss and insufficient

nutrients make it difficult for the body to maintain healthy bones. This becomes

especially problematic during the perimenopausal and menopausal years, but choosing

healthier dietary practices can improve their bone health at any age.

As mentioned earlier calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D are all needed for bone

health. Limiting the intake of protein, unhealthy fats, salt, refined sugars, alcohol,

tobacco, and caffeine also help the body build and maintain healthy bones.

Bone Health and Pharmaceuticals

There are a number of pharmaceuticals on the market, each designed to limit bone loss;

however research shows that these medications are bone hardeners and limit the

body’s ability to regenerate bone by 60% to 90%. It is therefore wise to carefully

consider the impact of such drugs before implementing them as a treatment for bone


Bone fragility is widely accepted as a normal part of the aging process; however there

are many cultures around the globe which experience few incidents of osteoporosis.

Clearly bone health is more than the luck of youth, but rather due to a number of factors

including nutrition and exercise.

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Juvenile Diabetes

Childhood-onset diabetes, also known as Juvenile Diabetes or type I diabetes, occurs in

those genetically predisposed to the disease as well as in those who are overweight or

obese, have poor nutrition, and are physically inactive. Managing the risk factors of

weight, nutrition, and inactivity can go a long way toward preventing the disease even in

those with a family history of type I diabetes.

Complementary Approaches to Type I Diabetes Management

For children who develop type I diabetes regular, daily injections of insulin are the only

safe and effective method for managing the disease. There are however a number of

alternative approaches that can be used as effective, complementary methods for

managing blood sugar, glucose, and nerve damage associated with type I diabetes.

These include:


Increase fiber intake: Several studies support the increase of fiber as an effective

method for stabilizing blood sugar. Eating more whole grains, beans, legumes,

and fresh produce are all great ways to boost fiber.

Replace unhealthy fats: Monosaturated fats are not only healthier than many fats

used in cooking and food preparation, they also help control cholesterol and

blood sugar levels. Extra light olive oil is a good replacement for many unhealthy


Reduce protein intake: Eating a limited amount of protein has been shown to

improve the body’s ability to tolerate glucose and to reduce the kidney damage

associated with type I diabetes.

Limit cow’s milk: Studies throughout the world have found that children whose

diets are founded on cow’s milk dairy products are at greater risk of developing

type I diabetes.


Psyllium: This herbal supplement is high in fiber, which has been shown to have

a positive effect on blood sugar levels.

Alpha lipoic acid: Early double-blind trials of this powerful antioxidant suggest

that this supplement slows kidney damage and improves nerve damage when

taken in daily doses of 600 mg to 1200 mg.

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Evening primrose oil: Double-blind research has shown this herbal supplement to

be useful in relieving pain and improving nerve damage. Study participants

achieved these results by taking 4 grams of evening primrose oil daily.

Magnesium: One study found supplementing with between 200 mg and 600 mg

of magnesium daily effective for slowing the nerve damage associated with type I


Note: Check with your child’s doctor before supplementing with herbals as some may interact negatively

with certain medications.


Acupuncture: Research has shown 77% of those suffering from type I diabetes

experience relief from nerve-damage related pain.

Maintaining a healthy weight, nutritious diet, and regular activity are the best methods

for preventing childhood-onset diabetes. For those children who develop type I diabetes

there are many foods, supplements, and alternative therapies which can be used in

conjunction with insulin injections to mitigate symptoms associated with the disease.

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Obesity in Children

Childhood obesity is on the rise so much so that it’s common to hear the issue referred

to as an epidemic – a charge which is hard to refute when the Center for Disease

Control and Prevention statistics state that 20% of American children and adolescence

are either overweight or obese. Although there are genetic variables in some cases,

most of the time childhood obesity is the result of a family lifestyle of inactivity and over


Obesity: Children at Risk

It’s shocking to read that obesity begins in infancy and that the issues should be

addressed among even the smallest of children; however this does not mean that

babies should be placed on a diet. In fact, restricting calories during this crucial time of

growth and development can have serious implications. Instead, the American

Association of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends breastfeeding when possible.

Studies reveal that American infants receive mother’s milk for an average of six months.

Breastfeeding boosts the infants immune system protecting them from illness, reducing

the odds of developing allergies, and is beneficial for the baby’s growth and

development. In addition, studies suggest that children who are breastfeed during their

first six months of life have a 22% less chance of becoming overweight or obese.

Those who do become overweight and obese have a higher risk of developing high

blood pressure, high blood sugar, diabetes, high cholesterol, and heart disease. In

addition, overweight children regularly suffer from poor self-esteem and depression.

Restoring the Health of Obese and Overweight Children

It’s common for both physician and parent to consider placing obese and overweight

children on a diet; however studies show that families who improve their nutrition and

physical activity together achieve more lasting results. Although the mental and physical

risks associated with obesity are significant, it is important that a slow and methodical

approach be taken as drastic changes are often short lived.

Improving overall health includes:

Nutrition: The prevalence of fast food restaurants, vending machines, and supermarket

convenience foods is contributing to the obesity epidemic among both children and

adults. Restoring health begins by recognizing changes your family is able to make,

setting family goals, and building on them.

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Goals might include breakfast, which is critical for improving nutrition and restoring

health long term. Consider replacing sugar-laden sodas with water or other low sugar,

low calorie beverage. Another goal might include eating fast food one fewer times each

week. Once these goals are a natural part of family life, continue building healthy habits

by setting new goals.

You might also improve nutrition by supplementing with a quality multivitamin. In

addition, some herbal remedies including green tea and dandelion tea are effective for

weight loss though they may not be safe for children. Always check with a trusted

healthcare provider before giving your child herbal remedies.

Activity: Taking a walk together as a family after dinner or on the weekend is a great

way to increase the amount of activity of the whole family. Once this becomes a habit,

add to it so that the family continues to build its level of physical activity.

Sleep: An Australian study found that children under 13 years of age who slept fewer

than 9 hours each night were at greater risk of becoming obese. Seventeen additional

studies around the world support these findings and discovered that kids under five

need a minimum of 11 hours of sleep a night while those under ten need 10 hours of

sleep each night.

The studies further discovered that those who received two fewer hours were twice as

likely to become obese while those who received one fewer hours of sleep each night

were 9% more likely to become obese. To improve sleep the AAP recommends no

more than two hours of media intake each day. Researchers suggest removing the tv,

computer, cellphones, and video games from your child’s bedroom as well as earlier

bedtimes and reading before bed.

Childhood obesity has serious physical and emotional risks that can play children for

life. To achieve lasting change it is best to tackle nutrition, physical activity, and sleep

issues together as a family.

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Childhood Depression

Approximately 2.5% of children and 8.3% of adolescents suffer from depression

according to Bastyr University. Depressed children may exhibit symptoms similar to

those of depressed adults: a progressive withdrawal from favorite activities, persistent

sadness, changes in weight and eating habits, and difficulty sleeping. Additionally

children who talk of wishing “they were dead” or “had never been born” should be taken

seriously as this may also be a sign of childhood depression.

Signs of Childhood Depression

Depression is a complex illness with a range of symptoms. Some people suffer from

mild depression, others from acute depression and still others from moderate

depression. Consult a medical professional if your child exhibits one or more of the

following symptoms for a consistent period of time.

Frequent crying spells, sadness, tearfulness

Disinterest in activities once enjoyed

Sense of hopelessness

Low energy

Low self esteem

Prefers to play alone

Difficulty communicating with peers, others

Difficulty with friendships, other relationships

Increased anxiety, anger, irritability, hostility

Frequent headaches, stomachaches

Difficulty concentrating

Regularly absent from school, low grades

Changes in sleep patterns, appetite

Desire or attempt to run away

Talk of death, suicide

Natural Alternatives for Mild Childhood Depression

It’s important to recognize that some of these signs of childhood depression are also

associated with other common conditions of childhood. For example, some children with

food allergies suffer from low energy, irritability, headaches, and stomachaches. It is

always best to seek help from a medical professional before settling on a diagnosis or


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For children with mild depression there are several natural alternatives to medication.

These include:

Nutrition: The impact of nutritional deficiencies cannot be understated in its role in

mood disorders including depression and anxiety. For this reason, the first step should

be a complete blood workup with a full assessment of any nutritional deficiencies. Many

kids today are surviving on convenient, prepackaged, and fast foods which are

incomplete in their nutrient content. As a result, millions of children do not have the

vitamins and nutrients essential for proper functioning.

Vitamins and minerals deficiencies which mimic depression include:

B vitamins including thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B6, and B12


Pantothenic acid

Folic acid

Vitamin C




Calcium and magnesium (best taken together)



Foods: Obviously foods high in the above mentioned vitamins and minerals will be

beneficial for anyone suffering from mild depression. In addition, several studies have

linked even moderate intake of caffeine, sugar, and dairy products with depression.

Some have found that the consuming a combination of refined sugar and caffeine

increases the severity of the depressive symptoms. Therefore, avoiding these items

may be beneficial for kids exhibiting mildly depressive symptoms.

Sleep: Research suggests a link between depressive symptoms and insufficient sleep.

Whenever possible kids 11 and older should get eight to nine hours of sleep each night

and kids 10 and younger, ten to eleven hours.

Exercise: Studies at Duke University and at Purdue University both found the impact of

exercise on depression to be positive and lasting. Those in the Duke study were

suffering from major depression. Researchers discovered exercise to be equally as

effective at lifting depression in these participants as the anti-depressant Zoloft. The

study at Purdue found that those who continued with the exercise they’d started during

the study had no depressive symptoms a year later.

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Other alternative therapies which have been found to be effective include acupressure,

acupuncture, aromatherapy, Bach flower remedies, craniosacral therapy, and St. John’s

wart and other herbal remedies.

Clearly there are times when medication is needed for those suffering from depression;

however most doctors will suggest some alternative remedies first. Tackling nutrition,

sleep, and activity level is a good place to start.

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Autism once occurred in approximately 5 out of 10,000 children. Today, the illness is

estimated to affect as many as 1 in 500 children. Although there is much literature and

research on the causes and treatments of autism, complete understanding of this illness

continues to elude much of the medical and scientific communities.

Signs of Autism

Autistic tendencies may be noticed in children immediately following birth and often

before they reach 2½ years of age. According to the Mayo Clinic some of the common

symptoms associated with autism include:

Social Skills

Doesn’t respond when called by name

Avoidance of eye contact

Seems not to hear

Resists physical touch including cuddling, holding, or hugging

Seemingly oblivious of the feelings of others

Preference for playing alone in “own world”


Verbal speech delayed until after 2nd birthday combined with 30 months delay in

other developmental milestones

Loss of words previously acquired

Unusual speech pattern, perhaps robotic or singsong in nature

Difficulty starting or maintaining conversation

Words or phrases repeated exactly without understanding of their meaning


Engages in repetitive movements like rocking, hand flapping, or spinning

Relies on predictable routines or rituals

Disturbed by slight changes in routines or rituals

Constantly in motion

Attached to objects rather than people

Fascinated with repetitive movements of objects like the spinning of a pinwheel

Heightened sensitivity to touch, light, and sound

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Children develop at different rates; however 18 month olds with persistent

developmental delays may benefit from evaluation.

Alternative Therapies for Autism

Autism is a complex and not fully understood illness; however there are some factors

which may predispose your child to autism. These include a family history of autism,

age of parents, and gender of the child as boys are approximately 4 times more likely to

become autistic than girls. These are factors which you as a parent can do little about;

however other factors like a build-up of toxins and insufficient nutrition can be

addressed through some of the following approaches.

Health and nutrition: Parents frequently lament their picky eat. It seems every

family has one; however autistic children tend severely restrict the foods they are

willing to eat, often outright refusing to eat. As a result, these children are often

severely depleted of essential vitamins and nutrients. Some parents find boosting

the child’s nutrition to be helpful.

One word of caution here, some parents desperate for relief from their child’s

troubling autistic symptoms may resort to force feeding; however it’s believed this

may lead to eating disorders later in life. In addition, many experts urge parents

honor their child’s resistance of certain foods as many autistic children have food

allergies or food sensitivities.

Instead, parents can begin by considering what a child is willing to do. If the child

will eat pizza consider slowly adding more nutritious toppings. If your child is

willing to take vitamins consider supplementing with calcium-magnesium, omega

3s, and B6 all of which have been shown effective at reducing some of the

symptoms associated with autism. A casein free and gluten free diet may also be


Craniosacral therapy: Because autistic children often have brainwave

abnormalities craniosacral therapy is effective for some. This gentle hands-on

approach works to restore balance to the cerebrospinal fluid and to the tissues

and membranes of the brain and spine. Research suggests that craniosacral

therapy helps improve eye contact, verbal ability, relaxation of autistic children.

Sound therapy: The heightened sensitivity to sound often causes autistic

children to shut down their hearing by relaxing the muscles of the middle ear.

Overtime this results in muted, distorted sounds making it difficult for the child to

understand and mimic verbal communication. Although more research needs to

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be done some early studies suggest that sound therapy may help autistic

children retrain those weakened muscles and regain their verbal communication


Although these therapies may be effective, autism is a complex illness which is best

managed in conjunction with the help of a healthcare professional.

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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition which begins in childhood

and often continues into adulthood. This condition is marked by extreme difficulty in

focusing, hyperactivity, and a tendency toward impulsivity. Children with ADHD may

have difficulty concentrating, following directions, and remaining still. As a result, such

children often struggle in school, in relationships, and in their home.

Parents of ADHD children may feel overwhelmed, worn out, and bewildered. Teachers,

school administrators, and family doctors often recommend that children suspected of

having ADHD should be treated with stimulants like Ritalin. Many parents are rightly

concerned about the use of such psychotropic drugs and question whether medicating

children is the best approach.

50% of ADHD Children are Misdiagnosed

According to the Mayo Clinic there isn’t a specific test for diagnosing ADHD. Instead

parents, school administrators, and physicians are left with a list of criteria and if the

child meets 6 of the items on the list then they are diagnosed with ADHD. These include

often exhibiting the following:

Not listening when spoken to

Failing to follow through

Difficulty with organization

Difficulty with sustained focus

Easily distracted

Interrupting conversations

Failing to wait for turn

Excessive talking

Difficulty relaxing, slowing down

Inappropriate running, climbing, getting out of seat

NOTE: These are just some of the items used to identify ADHD. For a full description of symptoms

associated with ADHD consult a trusted healthcare professional.

The Dean of the Naturopathic Medicine Program at Bastyr University, Dr. Eric Jones

views this system of diagnosis as severely flawed. In fact, Dr. Jones believes that

somewhere between 50% and 85% of children diagnosed with ADHD have been

misdiagnosed. Other issues to consider as an explanation for ADHD-type behaviors

include developmental delays, learning disorders, depleted nutrition, and toxic overload.

Alternative Approaches to ADHD

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There are several alternative approaches for managing ADHD behaviors. Some of

these work for some children and not for others. Consider trying one or a combination of

the following to see which offers your child the best results.

Improved nutrition: An Australian study linked the consumption of processed foods,

sugary foods, high-fat dairy products, and red meat, to higher incidence of ADHD. Some

parents have found that by cutting back on these foods while focusing on complex

carbohydrates like beans and whole grains, fish, lamb, and fresh produce improves their

child’s attention span and ability to control impulses. Supplementing with omega 3s and

omega 6s may also help.

Detoxification: Our increasingly toxic environment impacts a child’s smaller,

developing body more profoundly than it does an adult. As a result, some find that

detoxification of the liver with milk thistle or red clover may be beneficial for those who

exhibit ADHD behaviors.

Chelation Therapy: Studies show that many ADHD sufferers have high levels of

mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic in their blood. Some believe this heavy metal

toxicity may be a cause of ADHD. Chelation therapy or natural oral chelation

supplements may help to remove these heavy metals from the body; however there are

significant risks associated with chelation and therefore should not be attempted without

the assistance of a medical professional.

Herbals: Dr. Virender Sodhi, an Ayurvedic practitioner, suggests the herbs Macuna

prurens or ashwagandha to calm the hyperactive tendencies of ADHD children.

Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners find that certain herbs also effectively calm

the system including schisandra berries, zizyphus seed, and biota seed.

Sound Therapy: The healing qualities of music have long been recognized and studies

in recent decades have found it to be helpful in treating ADHD, Autism, and more.

Sound therapy can lower blood pressure, reduce muscle tension, and influence

brainwave activity. Sound therapy researchers at Drake University have had success in

restoring normal brain functioning in ADHD sufferers without the use of medication.

Although each of these alternative treatments may be effective for some, it’s

recommended that you work closely with a trusted medical professional or a Certified

Holistic Health Coach when implementing these natural approaches.

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Cold and Flu

It’s estimated that 50% of those in the U.S. catch a cold at some point during the year

and 40% come down with the flu – which is one reason why the flu vaccine is so

popular, but for those looking for a more natural approach there are many things you

can do to protect your health.

Maintaining a strong immune system is crucial for keeping the body healthy. Some

common ways of doing this include feeding your body nutritious foods while also

avoiding nutrient-deficient pre-packaged, convenient, and fast foods; providing your

body with between 6 and 8 hours of sleep each evening; and limiting stress when


Natural Remedies for Fighting Cold and Flu

According to Dr. Mercola several studies have highlighted the ineffectiveness and

dangers of the flu vaccine leaving many consumers rightly concerned about submitting

to the injection. There is also a growing body of research pointing to more natural

options for protecting against and treating cold and flu. These include:

Supplements: Dr. John Hibbs recommends supplementing with 2000-5000 mg of

vitamin C, 100,000 IU of vitamin A, and garlic at the earliest sign of flu or cold. Dr. Hibbs

recommends these supplements be taken 2-3 times a day for 3-4 days. Several studies

support the effectiveness of these supplements in fighting illness.

Note: Women who are pregnant should not take high doses of vitamin A due to potential for harming the


A number of studies have also identified zinc, selenium, and N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC)

as effective in fighting cold and flu. A study involving more than 200 people, many over

the age of 68, found that 600 mg of NAC taken daily was effective in preventing the flu.

Herbals: There are a number of herbs whose medicinal properties offer significant

protection against cold and flu. These include astragalus, Echinacea, licorice,

goldenseal, and St. John’s wort.

For those who are fighting cold and flu, Dr. Hibbs recommends a lomatium tincture with

the herbs Echinacea and ligusticum (Ligusticum wallichii). You might also consider

these herbal remedies:

Yarrow: This anti-inflammatory is especially useful in fighting lethargy, decreased

appetite and fever-related respiratory infections.

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Elder flower: This immune-boosting anti-inflammatory is a great for fighting both

cold and flu.

Elecampane (Inula helenium): This natural expectorant is good for cough and

bronchial irritation.

Other beneficial herbs include Porter’s lovage (osha), red clover, and myrrh. Some

people also find cayenne pepper effective in fighting cold and flu.

Other: Dr. Martin Gallagher believes that sometimes the cold and flu are the result of

issues affecting the nervous system and negatively impacting the immune system.

Chiropractic care, craniosacral therapy, and acupuncture may be beneficial for resolving

issues responsible for weakening the immune system.

Vitamin D3: In a recent randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study conducted

at the Jikei University School of Medicine in Japan, concluded that supplementing with

1200 IU/d of vitamin D3 during the winter months may reduce the incidence of flu in

school children. As a result Dr. Mercola and others concerned about the safety of the flu

vaccine recommends supplementing with vitamin D3 instead.

Getting plenty of sleep, eating nutritious foods, and avoiding stress are all important in

preventing and fighting flu and cold. Nutrition supplements, herbals, and alternative

therapies can also be helpful.

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Hay Fever

A 1993 Harvard study found that more than 60,000 deaths occur in the U.S. each year

due to airborne pollutants. The number has surely increased in the nearly twenty years

since the Harvard study, especially in light of the increased use of toxic chemicals in the

manufacturing of a variety of products and foods. In addition, pollens, poor diet, viral

and bacterial infections, stress, inactivity, and overuse of antibiotics may also lead to the

onset of respiratory conditions including hay fever and asthma.

Natural Solutions for Hay Fever

Hay fever is often caused by allergies to dust, pollens, pet dander, or foods. Often those

suffering from hay fever take a two-step approach which includes avoiding the allergens

and treating with antihistamines; however some prefer natural solutions when possible.

These include:

Early treatment: Pollens are released during specific seasons of the year. Recognizing

which season affects you most and treating in the weeks ahead can go a long way

toward reducing the allergens impact.

Food allergies: Some believe hay fever is triggered by a combination of foods and

pollens. Some foods commonly avoided by those suffering from hay fever include dairy,

wheat, eggs, citrus fruits, peanuts, shellfish, and chocolate. Getting tested for food

allergies can be an effective way of identifying those which you should work to avoid.

Supplements: Some doctors believe that supplementing with vitamins A, E, B6, B5,

and C is effective in fighting hay fever. Other recommendations include boosting fatty

acids by consuming cold-water fish or omega-complex supplements.

Herbs: Some find nettle (Urtica diotica) effective at reducing symptoms associated with

hay fever. Drinking licorice tea five times a day may also help.

Boost nutrition: Some doctors recommend a vegan diet or focus on high-fiber items

like whole grains and raw fruits and vegetables. Juicing with raw celery, cucumber,

parsley, and spinach is another option for boosting nutrition and strengthening the

immune system.

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Natural Solutions for Asthma

Some 15 million people in the U.S., including 5 million children, suffer from asthma;

however the drugs commonly used in treating the condition can have severe side

effects including peptic ulcers, headaches, glaucoma, and muscle weakness. It’s no

surprise therefore that some prefer natural solutions for dealing with their asthmatic


These include:

Chiropractic care: Evidence suggests that some asthmatic conditions are the result of

trauma or spinal misalignment. Receiving regular chiropractic care may therefore be

helpful for some asthma sufferers.

Immune system: Dr. James Braly encourages asthmatics to focus on strengthening

their immune system by eating nutritious foods and supplementing where needed.

Balancing essential fatty acids, avoiding food allergens, and eliminating artificial colors

and flavors are good steps in keeping the immune system healthy and strong.

In addition, Dr. Alan Gaby of the American Holistic Medicine Association recommends

supplementing with calcium glycerophosphate, magnesium chloride, and vitamins B6,

B12, niacinamide, and C.

Herbals: Passion flower tea can be helpful in relieving tension and nervousness related

to asthma. Mullein tea may be helpful during the evening and natural ephedra is

excellent for opening bronchial passageway.

Olive oil: Research suggests that those who take one tablespoon of olive oil two times

a day can reduce the number of asthma attacks they experience.

As with many natural approaches to healing, it’s important to talk with a trusted

healthcare provider to insure than none will cause complications with other medication

or therapies you’re taking.

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Food Allergies

More than 20% of all U.S. children and adults suffer from some type of allergic condition

according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. This includes

approximately 7.5 million people affected by food allergies, 15 million suffering from

asthma, and 40 million suffering from seasonally-related conditions including hay fever.

These numbers put allergies sixth on the list of common chronic illnesses.

Food Allergies: Distinguishing between Allergy and Sensitivity

In the 1940s Dr. Theron G. Randolph discovered a connection between food allergies

and physical and mental disorders. Research has continued since that time to uncover

the link between a variety of illnesses and food allergies. The most common foods to

trigger allergic reactions include dairy products, wheat, corn, eggs, soy, shellfish,

peanuts, citrus fruits, and chocolate.

In some cases the foods you’re allergic too are the ones you like best or eat most

frequently. Some believe that this “high dose” of a specific food may lead to a “dose-

induced” food allergy. Resolving the issue may be as simple as removing the offending

food for a time while learning a more balanced approach to eating.

Signs of a food allergy or sensitivity include:

Unexplained persistent and extreme exhaustion

Swelling of ankles, face, or fingers

Weight gain or loss of 4 or more pounds in one day

Unexplained non-menopausal hot flashes

Often experience racing heartbeat

History of food sensitivity or intolerance

Craving dairy, breads, sugars, chocolate, coffee or tea

Headaches or migraines




Irritable bowel syndrome

Muscle aches

In some cases people are not truly allergic to a food, but simply either sensitive or

intolerant of it. Signs of food sensitivities include:

Mental fog

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Many people are particularly sensitive to artificial colors, flavors, and sweeteners in

foods. Sulfites and monosodium glutamate can also trigger food reactions.

Dealing with Food Allergies and Sensitivities

Those who recognize they have a food allergy or sensitivity often are motivated to

correct the situation. This requires some dedication as it involves eliminating offending

foods and learning how to eat a greater variety of foods.

Elimination diet: You can test your allergic reaction to foods by eliminating them for 60

to 90 days and then reintroducing them slowly, one at a time. Write down any physical

reactions you have when reintroducing the foods.

Rotation diet: By rotating a variety of nutritious foods in your diet you’re able to

increase your nutrition intake and avoid additional “dose-induced” food allergies. Dr.

James Braly suggests rotating foods in four-day cycles, which means you don’t eat any

one food more than once every four days.

Digestive enzymes: In some cases those sensitive to dairy, wheat and other foods

may benefit from taking a digestive enzyme with meals.

Probiotics: Some doctors recommend supplementing with probiotics to repair food-

related damage to the digestive system.

If you believe you suffer from food allergies, don’t treat it on your own. Always consult a

trusted healthcare professional who can help you create the best approach for restoring


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Headaches and Migraines

According to the American Migraine Prevalence and Prevention Study conducted by the

National Headache Foundation, some 30 million people suffer from recurring migraines

and headaches. In addition, women are more likely than men to suffer from headaches

and migraines and many are seeking an alternative to prescription medication.

Reasons behind Headaches and Migraines

There have been a number of studies focused on headaches and migraines, what

causes them and how sufferers can best find relief. Unfortunately there isn’t one answer

that works for everyone because these painful conditions are brought on by a number of

different reasons. They are caused by environmental sensitivities, hormone imbalances,

food allergies, dehydration, flu, caffeine withdrawal, sinus infection, eyestrain, and


Clearly, the remedy which works for those suffering from a flu related headache will be

different than the remedy which works for those with a food-allergy related headache.

Below are some natural remedies which may help. For some people, using a

combination of these methods offers the best results.

For those who suspect their headache is the result of a caffeine withdrawal, consider

reducing your intake slowly to allow for more manageable pain while eliminating

caffeine from your diet. For those who suspect certain foods may be the culprit consider

getting tested for allergies. Studies have linked wheat, eggs, chocolate, yeast, and

oranges to headaches so it is worth looking into.

Natural Remedies for Headaches and Migraines

Homeopathy: There are nearly 500 homeopathic remedies available for those

who suffer from headaches and migraines. As a result, it may take some

experimenting with various homeopathic tablets and liquids before you find the

right remedy. Be aware that effective remedies may initially increase the

frequency of these painful episodes as this is part of the healing process when

using homeopathy.

Traditional Chinese Medicine: This approach includes both acupuncture and

herbal remedies. Studies have shown acupuncture to be effective at fighting the

frequency and intensity of headaches and migraines. This is because

acupuncture releases endorphins which are a natural pain blocker.

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Chiropractic Care: Some people find regular chiropractic care effective at

reducing the number of painful headaches and migraines, though some find no

relief using this method. This would suggest that some headaches and migraines

are the result of misalignment in the body.

Nutritional Supplements: Studies suggest that regularly supplementing with

riboflavin (B2) can be effective in decreasing the number of migraines

experienced over time. Other studies support regular supplementation of

magnesium, which is always best when taken with calcium, as effective in

reducing the pain associated with migraines.

Another newer supplement option is the natural anti-inflammatory butterbur.

Some have found this supplement, when taken regularly will decrease the

number of migraine episodes experienced over time.

If you suffer from frequent headaches or migraines you’re not alone. According to the

World Health Organization migraines are the 19th most common debilitating condition,

more than Parkinson’s disease, more than multiple sclerosis. Talk with a trusted

healthcare professional to determine the best approach for you.

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Scientists and physicians alike are beginning to recognize that sufficient sleep is just as

important for long term health as eating nutritious foods and exercising regularly, but it’s

estimated that more than 70% of American’s do not get the sleep they need to ward off

illness and disease. In fact, a growing number of people are sleeping fewer than six

hours a night with a full 75% experience some sleep difficulty each week.

Dangers of Insufficient Sleep

If you spend any time researching obesity, depression, or heart disease you’ll discover

that sleep – or lack of, is nearly always mentioned as a factor. Lack of sleep mimics

depressive symptoms and it alters hormones leaving people at greater risk of

developing a number of health conditions including:

High blood pressure

High blood sugar


Mood disorders

Shockingly, one study found that those who are chronically sleep deprived are three

times more likely to die from any health condition than those who get enough sleep.

Most doctors now recommend 6 to 8 hours of sleep for adults, 8-9 hours of sleep for

adolescents, 10 hours of sleep for kids younger than ten years, and 11 hours of sleep

for kids younger than 5 years.

Suggestions for Improving Quality and Quantity of Sleep

A growing body of research connects insufficient sleep with childhood obesity; however

lack of sleep is not the only factor. Kids falling asleep in front of the tv, computer, or

other media are engaging in what some are calling “junk sleep” which is harmful in that

it robs kids of the quality sleep they need to remain healthy.

Suggestion: Keep all media and electronics out of the child’s bedroom. Encourage

earlier bedtimes and reading before lights out.

Other suggestions for optimizing sleep in both children and adults include:

Avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and sugar in the hours before bedtime.

Create a regular bedtime routine: turn off media, take a hot bath, read.

As much as possible, keep a consistent bedtime.

Keep bedrooms dark.

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Keep bedrooms between 60 and 68 degrees for optimal sleep.

Placing alarm clock where you won’t see it if you wake during the night helps

reduce sleep-killing anxiety.

Avoid fluids before bed.

Try relaxation methods including breathing techniques and music CDs.

Exercise regularly and have your doctor check for adrenal abnormalities.

Natural Sleep Solutions

Taking 200 mg of magnesium and 600 mg of calcium before bed helps

encourage sleep. These are also helpful for bone health.

Studies show that taking between 200 and 800 mg of valerian before bed helps

about 90% of people fall asleep and remain asleep throughout the evening;

however it has the opposite effect on about 10% of the population. Try taking

valerian during the weekend when you could take a nap but wouldn’t be

disappointed if instead you experienced a surge of energy.

Dr. Mercola suggests a pure, active form of L-theanine taken in doses of

between 50-200 mg before bed improves the quality of sleep by improving REM


Wild lettuce is effective for calming anxiety, reducing headaches, and reliving

muscle and joint pain. It may even help minimize the symptoms associated with

restless leg syndrome.

Other effective solutions include aromatherapy and meditation; supplementing with

hops may also help; and low doses of melatonin may be effective for encouraging

sleep. It should be noted however that some studies show high doses of melatonin may

lead to toxicity.

I hope you have enjoyed your report and I look forward to providing you with any

information you may be looking for.

Jennifer Johnson

Medicines Naturally

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