Page 1: A. Choose the correct sentence to match with what you heard B. Complete the sentence with the correct verb (word box provided) to match with what you

Unité 2: Cris et frissonsRévision pour le test

Page 2: A. Choose the correct sentence to match with what you heard B. Complete the sentence with the correct verb (word box provided) to match with what you

Écoute (outline)

A. Choose the correct sentence to match with what you heard

B. Complete the sentence with the correct verb (word box provided) to match with what you heard. You will need to conjugate the verb ‘au passé composé’

Page 3: A. Choose the correct sentence to match with what you heard B. Complete the sentence with the correct verb (word box provided) to match with what you

Vocabulaire (outline)

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct vocabulary word

A word box will be provided

Page 4: A. Choose the correct sentence to match with what you heard B. Complete the sentence with the correct verb (word box provided) to match with what you

Vocabulaire – pratiquez!

Mot Réponse A Réponse B Réponse C

Cambrioler To search To deny To steal

Coupable Crime Guilty criminal

Une empreinte digitale

Finger print Foot print Impression

Une enquête Investigation Clue Finger print

Un fait Clue Witness Fact

Une intrigue Plot Clue Fact

Un indice Clue Witness Fact

Interroger To accuse To question To arrest

Le lieu du crime Crime scene Clue Plot

Un témoin Clue Witness Theft

Un vol Clue Theft Fact

Page 5: A. Choose the correct sentence to match with what you heard B. Complete the sentence with the correct verb (word box provided) to match with what you


Essayez encore!

Right click here to return to vocabulary page

Page 6: A. Choose the correct sentence to match with what you heard B. Complete the sentence with the correct verb (word box provided) to match with what you



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Page 7: A. Choose the correct sentence to match with what you heard B. Complete the sentence with the correct verb (word box provided) to match with what you

Grammaire – Le Passé Composé

Le passé composé uses 2 verbs› #1 – L’auxiliaire› #2 – Le participe passé

Page 8: A. Choose the correct sentence to match with what you heard B. Complete the sentence with the correct verb (word box provided) to match with what you


The auxilary verb can only be one of two verbs – avoir or être

These are conjugated in the present tense

Practice conjugating them now

Page 9: A. Choose the correct sentence to match with what you heard B. Complete the sentence with the correct verb (word box provided) to match with what you

Avoir et Être

Avoir Être

J’ai Je suis

Tu as Tu es

Il a, Elle a, On a Il est, Elle est, On est

Nous avons Nous sommes

Vous avez Vous êtes

Ils ont, Elles ont Ils sont, Elles sont

Page 10: A. Choose the correct sentence to match with what you heard B. Complete the sentence with the correct verb (word box provided) to match with what you


We can remember the necessary parts of le passé composé by using the acronym S.A.P.

S = Sujet A = Auxiliaire P = Participe passé

EX: Il a sauté Nous sommes revenus


Page 11: A. Choose the correct sentence to match with what you heard B. Complete the sentence with the correct verb (word box provided) to match with what you

How do I know when to use Être as the auxilary? D – Descendre

(descendu) R – Retourner

(retourné) M – Monter (monté) R – Rester (resté) S – Sortir (sorti)

V – Venir (venu) A – Aller (allé) N – Naître (né) D – Devenir (devenu) E – Entrer (entré) R – Rentrer (rentré) T – Tomber (tombé) R – Revenir (revenu) A – Arriver (arrivé) M – Mourir (mort) P – Partir (parti)

Page 12: A. Choose the correct sentence to match with what you heard B. Complete the sentence with the correct verb (word box provided) to match with what you

La maison d’être

Page 13: A. Choose the correct sentence to match with what you heard B. Complete the sentence with the correct verb (word box provided) to match with what you

Le p.c. – Pratiquez!

Verbe et sujet Réponse A Réponse B Réponse C

Jouer (il) Il es joué Il a joué Il joue

Arriver (ils) Ils sont arrivé Ils sont arrivées Ils sont arrivés

Finir (je) J’ai finir J’ai fini J’ai fini(e)

Perdre (tu) Tu as perdu(e) Tu es perdu Tu as perdu

Prendre (elle) Elle a pris Elle est prise Elle a prise

Mourir (elles) Elles sont mouries

Elles sont mortes

Elles sont mort

Venir (nous) Nous sommes venu(e)s

Nous avons veni

Nous sommes venu

Pouvoir (Vous) Vous avez pouvoi

Vous avez pu Vous pu

Page 14: A. Choose the correct sentence to match with what you heard B. Complete the sentence with the correct verb (word box provided) to match with what you


Essayez encore! Remember SAP and the accord only with être!

Right click here to return to verb page

Page 15: A. Choose the correct sentence to match with what you heard B. Complete the sentence with the correct verb (word box provided) to match with what you



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Page 16: A. Choose the correct sentence to match with what you heard B. Complete the sentence with the correct verb (word box provided) to match with what you

Les verbes suivis d’une préposition

When there is more than one verb in a row…› The first verb is conjugated (EX: le passé

composé, le présent, le futur)› The second verb is left in the infinitive

form (EX: manger, finir, vendre) In French, some verbs are followed by a

preposition› À› De

Page 17: A. Choose the correct sentence to match with what you heard B. Complete the sentence with the correct verb (word box provided) to match with what you

Prépositions – pratiquez!

Phrase Réponse A Réponse B Réponse C

Aider Rien (nothing) À De

Décider Rien (nothing) À De

Vouloir Rien (nothing) À De

Inviter Rien (nothing) À De

Réussir Rien (nothing) À De

Apprendre Rien (nothing) À De

Venir Rien (nothing) À De

Pouvoir Rien (nothing) À De

Aimer Rien (nothing) À De

Page 18: A. Choose the correct sentence to match with what you heard B. Complete the sentence with the correct verb (word box provided) to match with what you


Essayez encore! Remember to check p. 219!

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Page 19: A. Choose the correct sentence to match with what you heard B. Complete the sentence with the correct verb (word box provided) to match with what you



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Page 20: A. Choose the correct sentence to match with what you heard B. Complete the sentence with the correct verb (word box provided) to match with what you

Lecture (outline)

Reading comprehension.

To practice, you can read through the readings in the text and double-check your answers to the As-tu compris ? questions.

Page 21: A. Choose the correct sentence to match with what you heard B. Complete the sentence with the correct verb (word box provided) to match with what you


Use the Étudiant program to continue to practice – especially with le passé composé!

NOTE: If you had your computer re-ghosted, Étudiant is now part of the image – go to Courseware and Language software (I think!)
