Page 1: 9 simple steps to keeping your business data safe abroad

Arden Group – Listen. Understand. Deliver

Arden Group

9 Simple Steps to Keep Your Business Data Secure Abroad

Page 2: 9 simple steps to keeping your business data safe abroad

Arden Group – Listen. Understand. Deliver

9 simple steps to keep your business data secure abroad.

How many of your employees use their IT equipment for both work and personal use? As the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) trend continues to rise, companies need to be more vigilant than ever to keep business data secure.

Research published by online security firm Kaspersky Labs found that a fifth of UK travellers experienced some form of security breach in 2015. Not surprising given another study found that 89% of respondents admitted to lacking a security solution to protect their devices when connecting to Wi-Fi abroad. With the holiday season in full swing we take a look at how your employees can take simple steps to protect valuable business data overseas.

Page 3: 9 simple steps to keeping your business data safe abroad

Arden Group – Listen. Understand. Deliver

1 – Install the Latest Security Software

Ensure devices are loaded with the latest firewall and anti-virus software to protect from viruses, adware/spyware, worms, Trojans and other threats.

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2 – Password Protect Devices

Seems like a no brainer, right? Wrong. A recent study found that 33% of Android users do not use a passcode and even more astonishingly, the most popular laptop passwords were either ‘123456’ or ‘password’!

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3 – Keep an Eye on Valuables

Criminals take advantage of the fact travellers inhibitions are lowered when abroad, especially when enjoying the sun, sea and sangria! To avoid disaster, make sure you keep your mobile phone out of full view where possible. Sitting down for a working lunch or dinner? Hook the handle of your laptop case under the chair or table leg to prevent opportunists from enjoying a quick steal.

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4 – Leave Your Phone at Home

Going on a jolly? Avoid having to make that embarrassing call to your manager by leaving your phone and laptop in the hotel safe.

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5 – Store Emergency Numbers In Your Safe

What happens if you’re mobile phone gets stolen – along with the number you need to report it on? By keeping a list of important numbers in your safe you can quickly contact your IT department before any further damage in done.

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6 - Turn on Device Tracking

Applications such as Find My Phone or Android Device Manager allow you to wipe your mobile device remotely. Ideal if a security breach happens during the evening or a weekend, when your IT department is closed.

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7 – Do Not Use Public Wi-Fi

Connecting to unsecured Wi-Fi is the easiest way to give cyber criminals access to your device. Where possible use secured hotel access, pre-paid services such as dongles or add additional data to your existing mobile tariff.

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8 – Turn off Bluetooth

We often forget that’s it turned on and we seldom use it, but did you know criminals can also access your phone through open Bluetooth connections?

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9 - Store Data on Company Servers.

By keeping data on company servers rather than stored locally means that if someone does manage to steal your laptop it’s much harder for them to access important data.

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At Arden Group we deliver a complete range of managed services in the communications technology industry, including online security. Using our in-depth knowledge of the market, we advise and implement the latest security solutions, helping to keep our customers data safe, no matter where business takes them. To find out more about how we can help to protect your business, contact us today.

Tel: 03702 64 64 65
