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    4. 建議




    (1) 應率先響應支持水務署供應的世界級食水,盡快停止使用公帑購買瓶裝水(包括連飲水機用的大容量瓶裝水),亦應禁止在政府舉辦的會議、活動中供應瓶裝水。此舉可向公眾


    (2) 盡快制訂法例,強制要求生產商或零售商回收膠瓶; (3) 在所有開放給市民的政府設施內(如圖書館、街市)供應清潔的食水予公眾,讓大家可



    (1) 向學生展示地球公民的責任,盡快停止購買及供應瓶裝水; (2) 在校內提供足夠的飲水機,鼓勵學生多喝水; (3) 鼓勵同學自備水瓶; (4) 鼓勵商戶提供優惠折扣予學生購買水瓶; (5) 向學生灌輸健康飲食的知識,以免他們改買對健康更不利的汽水。


    (1) 為地球、為健康、亦為節省金錢,拒喝瓶裝水; (2) 為著家人的健康,地球的健康,停止在家裡儲備瓶裝水; (3) 為自己及家人添置水瓶; (4) 搜集更多有關瓶裝水的資料,告訴你的朋友、同學、老師、同事、家人,拒喝瓶裝水。



    請你通知我們([email protected]),



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    5. 參考資料

    1. Rodwan, John, 2010“Challenging Circumstances Persist: Future Growth Anticipated – Bottled Water 2009, US and International Developments and Statistics”, Bottled Water Reporter, A publication of the International Bottled Water Association, April/May 2010 (

    2. 消費者委員會,2009 年,〈40 款瓶裝水大測試〉。 3. 香港水務署,〈住宅用水〉網頁


    4. 消費者委員,2010 年 7 月 11 日〈即日汽車燃油現金折算零售價〉網頁,當日最便宜的普遍汽油每公升 12.9 元,最貴的特級汽油每公升 15.11 元。(

    5. Gleick P.H, and Cooley, H.S., 2009, “Energy Implications of Bottled Water”, Environmental Research Letters, 4 (2009) 01 4009 (

    6. 塑膠材料編碼指引,環保署(

    7. Brown, Lester, 2009, Plan B 4.0 – Mobilizing to Save Civilization, Earth Policy Institute, P.102。 8. Goguillon, Patrick, 2010, “Going Green is Good for the Planet and Good for Your Business”

    Bottled Water Reporter, A publication of the International Bottled Water Association, April/May 2010 (

    9. Paster, Pablo, 2007 “Pablo Calculates the True Cost of Bottled Water” (Revised version: (Original version:

    10. UNICEF webpage, “Progress in access to safe drinking-water; Sanitation needs greater efforts”. (

    11. 水務署網頁,〈水務資料〉,水務便覽,統計資料,(

    12. National Association for PET Container Resources, 2009, “2008 Report on Postconsumer PET Container Recycling Activity” (

    13. 陳志剛等,2010,〈香港固體廢物監察報告──2009 年的統計數字〉,環境保護署(

    14. Thomas M. Kostigen, 2008 “The World's Largest Dump: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch”, Discover Magazine, July 2008 Issue, (

    15. Wikipedia, “Great Pacific Garbage Patch” (

    16. Good Morning America, 2008, “The Great Pacific Garbage Patch” (

    17. Leffall, LaSalle and Kripke, Margaret, 2010, “Reducing Environmental Cancer Risk – What We Can Do Now”, President’s Cancer Panel. (

    18. 維基百科,〈酚甲烷〉( 19. 維基百科,〈鄰苯二甲酸酯〉


    20. Hong Kong Trade Development Council, 2010, “Summary of BPA Regulations for the North American Market” (

    21. Wikipedia, “Phthalate” ( 22. 劉仲恩,2008,〈PC 塑膠水壺遇熱 會釋出有害物質〉,環境資訊中心


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    23. Plasticisers Information Centre webpage, “There have been newspaper reports that phthalates leach out of plastic water and soda bottles. Is this true?”, FAQ (

    24. Sax, Leonard, 2009, “Polyethylene Terephthalate May Yield Endocrine Disruptors”, Environmental Health Perspectives webpage. (

    25. Wikinews, 2007, “Bottled water in Canada recalled due to arsenic concerns” (

    26. Gleick, Peter, 2006 “History of Contamination Recalls and ‘Field Corrections’” (

    27. 食環署,2009〈專項食品調查──瓶裝水的微生物含量情況〉(

    28. 水務署網頁,〈我家的食水可由水龍頭直接飲用?〉,常見問題,水質,(

    29. Larsen, Janet and Roney, Matthew, “Selected Bottled Water Bans and Back-to-the-Tap Initiatives”, Earth Policy Institute (

    30. Wikinews, 2008, “Calls for bottled water bans grow in Canada” (

    31. Polaris Institute, 2008, “Toronto bans bottled water!” (

    32. Guardian webpage, 2008, “Leeds students ban bottled water”, (

    33., 2008, “Board bans sale of bottled water at its schools” (

    34. The Canberra Times, “NSW Government bans bottled water”, 2009 (

    35. Guardian webpage, 2009, “Australian town bans bottled water”, (

    36. University of Winnipeg webpage, “UWinnipeg to be first university in Canada to ban plastic water bottles” ( action/story.84/title.water-not-for-sale-)

    37. Inside the bottle, 2010, “Nova Scotia becomes First Province to Ban Bottled Water” (

    38. Colorado’s Governor Bill Ritter’s web page, 2010, “Press Release: Use Less & Save More for Earth Day” (

    39. Rossi, Christina, 2010 “Survey: More Cities Cut Bottled water Spending”, Corporate Accountability International (

    40. Eriksson, Boel, 2010, “Monte Sant' Angelo first to ban bottled water”, The Mosman Daily (

    41. Think Outside the Bottle ( 42. Find a Fountain ( 43. Inside the Bottle ( 44. The Bottled Water Alliance ( 45. End-Use Products webpage, National Association for PET Container Resources.

    ( 46. Franklin, Pat, 2006, “Down the drain, Plastic water bottles should no longer be a wasted

    resource”, Container Recycling Institute. (

    47. Gitlitz, Jennifer and Franklin, Pat, 2007, “Water, Water Everywhere: The growth of non-carbonated beverages in the United States”, Container Recycling Institute (

    48. Institute for Energy and the Environment webpage, “Conversion Information”, Green New Mexica, New Mexico State University. (

    49. Paster, Pablo, 2008, “Should I buy soda in plastic bottles or aluminum cans?” (

    50. Statistics webpage, International Bottled Water Association (

