Page 1: 6 THIS WEEK’S ALENDAR MISELLANEOUS NEWS LAST … McKinnon, Pastor’s Assistant


Sunday, September 21

8:15a Contemporary Worship 9:15 Breakfast 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Traditional Worship 4:30 Children’s Choirs Celebration Choir—choir loft 6:00p Evening Worship

Monday, September 22

5:30p Handbell Rehearsal

Tuesday, September 23

8:30a Food Box Distribution

Wednesday, September 24

7:10a Youth Devo/Breakfast-FBC 5:30p Bible Drill in Faith Factory Women of Grace Rehearsal 6:00 Deacon Prayer Time 6:15 Faith Factory 6:30 Adult Bible Study/Youth Worship/Celebration Choir Rehearsal 7:45 Praise Team Rehearsal

Thursday, September 25

9:30a Happy Feet 12:30p Low Vision Support Group 6:00 The Gift Choir Rehearsal & Supper

Friday, September 26

12:00p Noon Prayer Time

Saturday, September 27

September 21, 2014 First Baptist Church, Douglas, GA

Worship - 8:15 a.m., 11 a.m., and 6 p.m. Sunday School - 9:45 a.m.



PLACE OF SERVICE Security Duty - September 21 8:15 a.m., & 6:00 p.m. Brad Barlow, Jason Roundtree Michael Taylor, Seab Lastinger S.S., 11:00 a.m., & Wednesday Danny Paulk, Greg Bennett Kenneth Morgan, Steve Bailey Deacons on Call Joel Scholten, Stacy Roberson

Ushers 8:15: David Knight 11:00: Steve Cowart 6:00: Derek Pridgen

Extended Care 8:15: Scott & Jennifer Kirkland, Dustin Wilkerson, Shay Wilkerson, Robert & Heather Preston 11:00: The Robersons, Christine Kirkland, Lisa Williams 6:00: Paid Workers




Contacts 115


Weekly Budget Needs $27,837.65

Given This Week $27,277.55

YTD Budget Needs $1,029,993.05

YTD Budget Given $961,093.19

Special Offerings:

Balance of Designations/Week $401.00

Storehouse Fund Given/Week $245.00

YTD $12,610.50

Missions $50.00

Missions YTD $18,789.00

Benevolence $50.00

State Missions $2,375.00

YTD $3,870.00


GET THE LATEST NEWS ON FACEBOOK firstbaptistchurchdouglas


Live at 11:00 AM Sundays & archived



CHURCH STAFF Shep Johnson, Pastor [email protected]

John Butler, Assoc. Pastor (Education & Administration) [email protected]

B.J. Holliday, Minister of Music and Worship [email protected]

Mike Clements, Minister to Students [email protected]

Diane Roberson, Preschool and Children’s Director [email protected]

Peggy Hurd, Family Ministry Center Director [email protected]

Rhonda Saeed, Ministry Assistant [email protected]

Antoinette McKinnon, Pastor’s Assistant [email protected]

Trish Payton, Financial Secretary [email protected]

Arnie Bowers, Facilities Manager [email protected]

Aline Littleton, Custodian Bruce Bassett, Maintenance

Hunter Latham, Night Custodian

NEEDED: A drummer for the early service. Current players have moved away to college. Also Needed: We are adding a keyboard player to play a string reduction part and a keyboard player to play a brass reduction part at the 8:15 & 11:00 services. Please see B.J. Holliday if you would be interested.

From the Grapevine: Last Sunday I shared with you four questions everyone needs to ask before his or her earthly life is over. One of those questions is, “Am I right with God?” In other words, “Am I saved? Have my sins been forgiven and do I have a home in Heaven with the Lord? Am I right with God?” Here are some characteristics of genuine Christians from 1 John. Are these characteristics present in your life? They should be if you are a genuine believer. 1) The genuine Christian has confessed his sin (and continues to do so). See

1 John 1:8-10. 2) The genuine Christian follows Jesus. To follow Jesus is to be submissive to

Him. His will is to be our will. His path is to be our path. See 1 John 1:5-7. 3) The genuine Christian obeys Jesus. See 1 John 2:3-5. 4) The genuine Christian loves others. See 1 John 2:9-10. 5) The genuine Christian does not love the world or the things of the world.

See 1 John 2:15-16. 6) The genuine Christian perseveres in the faith. Real faith stands the test of

time. As Adrian Rogers used to say, “the faith that fizzles before the finish was faulty from the first.” See 1 John 2:18-19.

7) The genuine Christian confesses Christ. See 1 John 2:23. 8) The genuine Christian practices righteousness. The genuine Christian

practices right living. See 1 John 2:29. 9) The genuine Christian does not practice sin. All of us sin, but the genuine

Christian does not practice a LIFESTYLE of sin. Sin will not be a way of life for the genuine Christian, and when he or she does sin, conviction and repentance come in a timely fashion.

10) The genuine Christian will minister to the needs of others with compassion. See 1 John 3:17-19.

11) The genuine Christian has the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. See 1 John 3:24, 4:4, and 4:13. 12) The genuine Christian believes that Jesus Christ is God Incarnate. See 1 John 4:2-3. 13) The genuine Christian lives by faith in Jesus Christ and what He

accomplished through His perfect life, crucifixion, and resurrection. See 1 John 5:4-5.

Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 13:5 (NASB95), “Test yourselves to see if you are in

the faith; examine yourselves!” We can test ourselves by looking to see if the characteristics of a genuine Christian identified in 1 John are present in our own lives. Are you right with God? Test yourself and see; then rest assured that no genuine Christian can ever lose his or her salvation. As Spurgeon said, “If God hath loved me once, then He will love me forever.”

Brother Shep

Children & Youth Ministry 2

Missions & Music Ministry 3

State Missions Offering 4

Church Cookbook Information 4

Education Ministry 5

Traditional Service Order of Worship 5

Weekly Calendar 6

Inside this issue:

Flowers The flowers placed in the sanctuary today are to the glory of God and in loving memory of Jake and William Ward Thacker Jr. by Mary and Derek Thacker.


FBC Goal : $5000.00

See page 4 for more details

We are missing about 20-25 of our GEMS tablecloths. Ladies, please check your linen closets for them. We need them back before the banquet in October.

We are also in need of men and youth to serve at our upcoming banquet on Tuesday, October 21. Please contact Kim Knight at 381-4191 or Bro. John Butler if you would be willing to assist.

Attention Special Activities Group Leaders: We have new updated folders for you to pick up in the Family Ministry Center Office. Thanks!


We need your help in restocking our food pantry. We have assisted numerous families and have seriously depleted our resources. A list of needed items may be found on the FMC welcome desk. Thank you for all you do in the furtherance of the Kingdom of Christ.

Security Schedule As of Sept. 21st we are revamping our security schedule and we are in need of 24 men to sign up. On Sept. 28th there will be a sign-up table in the FMC and it will be staffed by gentlemen who will be able to answer any questions you may have and to assist you in signing up.

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Hebrews 2:18 (NKJV)

For in that He Himself has

suffered, being tempted, He is able

to aid those who are tempted.

SS Teachers please begin planning now for your Fall class

fellowship. Need ideas, see Bro. John.

Women’s Ministry

GEMS Banquet

Please sign up quickly if you wish to host a table at this

year’s GEMS Banquet. The theme is Walking with God.

By the Book Bible Study (Isaiah’s Servant Songs)

Will resume Thursday October 16, 2014

Coming Soon—Men’s and Women’s discipleship classes.

Women’s SS Teacher needed. If interested please see

Bro. John.

Bro. John


Traditional Service

Announcements John Butler

Welcome John Butler

Light the Candle

“Down at the Cross” B/H #140 (VS 1,2,3,4)

Prayer Shep Johnson

Testimony Doug Wasden

“Isaiah 53” Celebration Choir Terri Bailey, soloist

“The Wonderful Cross” B/H #144 (VS 1,3,4)

Offertory Prayer Mike Clements Children are dismissed for Children’s Church

Worship Through Giving

Message Shep Johnson “Twelve Stones”

Joshua 4:19-24 (NASB95)

Responding to God’s Call “Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)” B/H #330

Headmaster Vote



2014-2015 Budget News

Help Needed:

We are looking for people that would be willing to substitute in Children’s Sunday School classes.

Please let Diane know if you are interested. ——————————————

We need people that can help with children’s church classes in the 8:15 or 11 service

(once every 8 weeks) and help with

Bed babies or nursery at the 11am service (4 times a year)

Also looking for volunteers on a rotational basis for

the Sunday night service in the nursery.

Please see Leann Smith or Diane if you can help!

—————————————————- We need people to be greeters in the Front Foyer on Wednesday nights from 5:30-6:30 to direct new

families to children and youth activities. Please see Diane if you can help.


We still need an Assistant in the Kindergarten Class on Sunday Mornings.

Wednesday Nights: Youth Wednesday night worship will be held in the warehouse this Wednesday at 6:30. Be sure to invite all to come back! Sunday Night Discipleship: Next Sunday (09-21-14) @ 4:45pm we will begin our Youth discipleship class. The topics studied will include information on various denominations, religions and cults that we as Christians may come across. In studying these we will also be strengthening our understandings of Christian theology and Baptist doctrine. See You at the Pole!: This Wednesday (09-24-14) is See You At The Pole at Coffee County Schools! Be sure to come first to FBC and pick up some breakfast! We will be here at 7:00am as every Wednesday and will be giving away sausage biscuits for breakfast to those who stop by before heading to the event at their school. As always there will be adults here to get you to school if you need a ride. Come early as the adults will be leaving early to head to the events also. Youth Revival: Be in prayer for our youth revival being held in the FMC on October 24 & 25. There will be Praise and Worship style music and Pastor/Youth Speaker Shawn McBride will be presenting the Word. This event will be in cooperation with several other churches in our area and we hope to fill the FMC with students who hunger for God’s Word! For info on Shawn McBride visit: ( Have you ever had writer’s block or for some reason stood speechless? It is a strange feeling when your mind goes blank and you just have no idea what to write or say. Many things can contribute to this; lack of sleep, mental overexertion or maybe even a highly emotional day or a sudden shock. I was just remembering a time that this happened to me. I was in history class at BPC and I looked four seats back on the next row and saw the most beautiful creature that I had ever seen. Amber Lynn Corbett. I was dumbstruck! Luckily I pulled myself together and a couple of years later she was Amber Lynn Clements. Blanking out is a funny thing, however one thing I learned is that when this happens it is not because there is nothing to say. In fact, there is always something to be said. How many stories have been written or songs been penned and how many more will the world have before the end of time? This also reminds me of another thing that happens to me at times. There are times that I am not sure that I feel God’s presence. Ya’ ever been there? Again this can come when you are tired or have been going through some kind of stress. But just like something to say, we are never without God. If we are His, He is with us always. I love the “Footprints” poem that we have all read. “I carried you” is what He said. We can know this because he has told us. Hey…that’s right…maybe in those times when we don’t know what to say…we can read what He has to say. Surely that will inspire us and move us on to the next story or the next song. God bless you my friends.

Bro. Mike

The wifi FBC

Guest password

is FBCD5598.

We are sorry for any

inconvenience caused by

changing the password.

If you would like to help with this outreach into our community

you can sign up by emailing BJ at [email protected], texting

him @ 592-4785, or calling the church office. We need people

to help with registration, cooking, manning the inflatables,

setup, and clean up. Thank you to those who have signed up


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Be strong and courageous... for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9 In preparation for the upcoming budget workshops, we would like to ask each committee and ministry leader to begin considering their budget proposals. Please contact either John Butler at [email protected] or Trish Payton at [email protected] or call 384-5598. Our target date for submitted proposals is October 1st. Thank you for your cooperation with the Stewardship & Finance Committee as it seeks the Lord’s face in planning the 2015 FBC budget.
