Page 1: 6 th Sunday of Easter · FATHER ROGER PO LETE Emergency: 250-230-5524 St. Edward’s Parish ... MAIL your envelopes if using cheques or deliver your envelopes to the parish office


- S T . E D W A R D ’ S C H U R C H -

R E C O N C I L I A T I O N : B y A p p o i n t m e n t . P l e a s e c a l l t h e O f f i c e

Saturday Reconciliation


Sunday Reconciliation


Tuesday Mass

Sunridge Mass

Wednesday Mass


Emergency: 250-230-5524

St. Edward’s Parish

Mission Statement

We, the people of St. Edward’s reaffirm our

belief that we are children of God, created

in love, diverse and unique. We believe that

through our common Baptism, and by the

power of the Holy Spirit, we are called to be

Christ for one another and to foster unity

with all peoples. We accept the challenges

of living according to Gospel Values,

and we invite all sisters and brothers to

share this journey with us.

2085 Maple Bay Road

Duncan, BC V9L 5L9

Phone: 250-746-6831

E-mail: [email protected]


THURSDAY ONLY 8:30 am-12:00, 1:00-4:30 pm

Secretary: 250-746-6831 Cathy Higginson

Bookkeeper: Shelley Brimacombe Children’s Faith Formation Coordinator : Debby Fernandez

Parish Pastoral Council Chair: Brenda Hennig

Email: [email protected]

Queen of Angels Roman Catholic School:

250-746-5919 Kathy Korman, Principal

6th Sunday of Easter

May 17th, 2020

All Masses ,



have been


until further


Saint Teresa of Avila once wrote that Christ has no

body on earth but ours. This 16th century mystic

understood what Jesus meant when he said, “If

you love me, you will keep my commandments.”

She believed we meet Jesus’ expectation by

becoming a voice for the voiceless, as Philip did in

Samaria - where his preaching, signs,

and deeds brought great joy.

Page 2: 6 th Sunday of Easter · FATHER ROGER PO LETE Emergency: 250-230-5524 St. Edward’s Parish ... MAIL your envelopes if using cheques or deliver your envelopes to the parish office

Pray, Read, Discuss for This Week

A c t s 8 : 5 - 8 , 1 4 - 1 7 ; 1 P e t e r 3 : 1 5 - 1 8 ; J o h n 1 4 : 1 5 - 2 1

“If we do not speak and act for Christ, who will?”

Sixth Sunday of Easter Sixth Sunday of Easter Sixth Sunday of Easter

Jesus continues his farewell discourse to his disciples and to us with more promises. Remember

last Sunday, he promised that he would come again and he would take us to himself. Today,

Jesus leaves us with two more promises as he said: “I will ask the Father, and he will give you

another Advocate, to be with you forever. This is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot

receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, because he abides with you,

and he will be with you. I will not leave you orphaned: I am coming to you. In a little while the

world will no longer see me, but you will see me; because I live, you also will live. On that day

you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you.” (John 14:15-20)

Jesus is envisioning a new kind of relationship with him and the Father when he is gone. And

he is inviting us to enter into this new relationship. A relationship of truth and love. The

Advocate, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth will be our binding force. The gospel tells us that

love is at the heart of this new relationship as it is written: “The one who has my command-

ments and keeps them is the one who loves me; and the one who loves me will be loved by my

Father, and I will love them and reveal myself to them.” Clearly, the Lord reveals himself to

those who love him; therefore, if you want to see God, “you shall love the Lord your God with

all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, the greatest and the first com-

mandment, and the second is like it: you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (cf. Matthew

22:36-39). It is a circle of love. It is either you are in it or not.

The first letter of John reminds us that, “Those who say, ‘I love God’, and hate their brothers or

sisters, are liars; for those who do not love a brother or sister whom they have seen, cannot love

God whom they have not seen. The commandment we have from him is this: those who love

God must love their brothers and sisters also.” (1 John 4:20-23)

Take note that it is not enough to love God and ourselves only, we must love our neighbors

also. It is a MUST!

-Fr. Roger-

Page 3: 6 th Sunday of Easter · FATHER ROGER PO LETE Emergency: 250-230-5524 St. Edward’s Parish ... MAIL your envelopes if using cheques or deliver your envelopes to the parish office

Although public Masses have been cancelled, Fr Roger

will be saying mass privately every day, and intentions

will be said.

May 18th - Therese Janssen

May 19th - Kathy Lorette +

May 20th - Bernice Rosko +

May 21st - Carmen Martine +

May 22nd - Fern Louise Seaboyer +

May 23rd - Antonio Muzzin

Please also remember these loved ones in your prayers

on these dates.

** If you would like a Mass Intention offered for a loved

one, please drop off a donation envelope with written

details and Fr. Roger can say Mass and I’ll place your

intention in the bulletin.


Priest: To God the Father who has given us new life through the resurrection of his Son, let us offer our pray-ers for the needs of the Church and the world.

For the Church, formed in the Spirit as the body of Christ, may God graciously grant us what we need as we proclaim the Good News, let us pray to the Lord.

For world leaders, may the good news of the Gospel guide their actions, let us pray to the Lord.

For our seniors in nursing homes during COVID 19 and for our political leaders to step up quickly to give them the medical attention they need, let us pray to the Lord.

For those who are sick, especially those who feel alone in their struggle, may they experience the comfort of our loving God, let us pray to the Lord.

For young people in our diocese, that God may open their hearts to the possibility of a life in the priesthood or religious life, let us pray to the Lord.

For all, in this faith community, may the love of Christ infuse our hearts and conform us ever more to his ways, let us pray to the Lord.

For those who have died, especially Bernice Rosko, Carmen Martine, Kathy Lorette and Fern Louise Seaboyer, may they be welcomed into paradise by the risen Christ, let us pray to the Lord.

Priest: Gracious God, you know our needs before we ask. Please hear and answer our prayers this day according to your will, we ask in Jesus’ name.

Daily Mass with Bishop Gary

As we continue to journey together during these challenging times, all are invited to join Bishop Gary Gordon

from the comfort and safety of your homes as he celebrates Mass through a live stream from the Cathedral. To access the live stream link from the Diocese of Victoria website simply google: Diocese of Victoria or copy link into your browser:

Sunday ……………….......... 10 am

Monday to Friday .......... 7 pm

David Russell

Michael Paulik Debby Warren

Patricia Pattenden

Laurent Boudreau

Charleigh Pollock

Eugene St. Pierre

Paul Cloutier

Jodi Kinsella

Terry O’Connell

Kirby Flegel

Cameron Bulger

Jan Spencer

Jim Korman

Theresa Thompson

Carl Lalonde

Linda Musto

Richard Brewer

Therese Janssen

Eileen Martell

Dear God, Please embrace those who are sick and hurting

today and let them feel the warmth of Your love. Amen

Paul Boray

Lois Cossar

Bill Cools

Ian Weibe

Sierra Heggie

Victor Fernandez

Patricia Richmond

Adriana Palasz

Tanis Chowen

Deb Stelter (nee)

For our beloved deceased,

Bernice Rosko +

Carmen Martine +

Kathy Lorette + (sister of Claire Burri)

Fern Louise Seaboyer + (Doug DeClerq’s sister)

Page 4: 6 th Sunday of Easter · FATHER ROGER PO LETE Emergency: 250-230-5524 St. Edward’s Parish ... MAIL your envelopes if using cheques or deliver your envelopes to the parish office



Francine Tournier 250-748-9831


Leanne Forest


Joseph De Lange, Grand Knight 250-701-7701

St. Edward the Confessor Council 4253

Fr. Claudio Holzer, is the new appointed Administrator of St. Peter’s Parish in

Nanaimo, effective, May 15, 2020. Fr. Claudio, new to the Diocese, was born in

Italy and is a Canadian citizen, having previously served for 30 years as a member of the

Scalabrinians in Canada and the United States.

We are grateful to the priests in our Diocese who continue to respond in service to the parishes and

school communities during these challenging times. Thank you to all the members of our Diocesan family,

clergy, employees, and volunteers, for your support and prayers for the ongoing pastoral needs of the Diocese of Victoria as we navigate through

uncharted waters in the days ahead.


There are FOUR ways to contribute at this time, with

new online or remote options to make it safe and more


1. MAIL your envelopes if using cheques or deliver your envelopes to the parish office using the mail slot in the door.

2. Online with your Credit Card at Canada Helps and they will issue your tax receipt directly.

3. E-transfers - using your online banking through your financial institution - can be sent to Fr. Roger’s email at: [email protected]

4. Automatic Debit - to be set up through forms in the

parish office, I can fill these over the phone

We are very grateful that you are part of

our St. Edward’s Parish family.

May God bless you and your families.

Email Buddies Unite:

Do you like online contact? Writing to stay in touch?

Sharing interesting finds? Keeping the church alive?

Conversation Starters:

• What have you been up to, your family, your pets

• A favorite recipe or craft to share

• Sharing photography, artwork, music, gardening

• Coronavirus conversation, how are you feeling?

• Future thoughts on where the Church might be heading

• Spiritual ponderings, questions on your mind?

(might be referred to Fr. Roger)

We have five volunteers offering to be your email "Pen Pal"

Choose one to start a conversation with and see where it leads you!

Their Biographies are on the Website!

As we at St. Edward's stay safe, we must continue to reach out and lift

each other up, staying connected!

Bernie Musto (Coordinator) - [email protected]

Phil Jennings - [email protected]

Leanne Forest - [email protected]

Tita Alatiit - [email protected]

Francine Tournier - [email protected]

“Be Ready to Open the Door”

was the theme of Bishop Gary Gordon’s recent

Pastoral Letter. During this Easter Season we are

spiritually and practically challenged to envision

“new life” and a “new normal” in the midst of a

global pandemic. Premier Horgan has announced the

gradual reopening of the province, and the Bishop

has appointed an ad hoc committee to address

protocols for the “reopening” our parishes in the

Diocese. More information will follow in the future.
