Page 1: 5 Essential Outdoor Upgrades for Selling Your Home

5 Essential Outdoor Upgrades for Selling Your

Page 2: 5 Essential Outdoor Upgrades for Selling Your Home

Whether you’re selling acres of land or a tiny urban terrace, it’s time to spruce up your outdoor


Page 3: 5 Essential Outdoor Upgrades for Selling Your Home

You never get a second chance to make a first impression, so make that front entry burst with welcome. Next, prune any plant overgrowth and add inexpensive shrubs and potted flowers. Make sure the doorbell works too.

1. Pump up Your Curb Appeal

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According to the same report, adding a wood deck has an ROI of 80% — better than remodeling a bathroom — and constructing one costs a fraction of building an addition, but dramatically adds to perceived living space.If you have an existing deck (or patio) in need of repair, now is the time to start swinging that hammer.

2. Add (or repair) a wood deck

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According to the National Association of Home Buyers, house hunters focus primarily on quality and appearance, so don’t let a sagging roof or leaky gutters drag you down.A roof in ill repair indicates to a buyer that more unpleasant surprises may await, and a home inspection will quickly reveal if your roof needs work.

3. Check the Roof

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Sure, your Pinterest page is full of sprawling gardens and rose-clad trellises, but in reality, most buyers want low-maintenance, unfussy landscaping.Mature, healthy plantings are a bonus, but if your yard is still under development, try to maintain a green lawn. No buyer wants to imagine serving burgers to pals with a side of sad, browning grass. If you don’t have time to reseed, consider laying sod.

4. Make Landscaping Attractive

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Real talk: Unless you live where it’s sunny all the time, a pool is not a good investment. It’s expensive to install and maintain, and not everyone wants one.Thinking about adding an outdoor kitchen? Most buyers aren’t. Instead, put your money into universally appealing amenities; buyers can add niche amenities (a tennis court, a hot tub) later.

5. Avoid Money Pits

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