
- An efficient contribution towards a

greener region


Reduce climate gas emissions and stimulate the

development of green solutions in the region

70 % Business

County Council 2020 Aim :

Reduce climate gas 22% , ensure energy efficiency 20%

Climate emissions Hordaland County

Official launch 4th of June 2014

Climate Partners Agder: impressive results

Reduction in CO2-footprint (2008) :

A regional network:

46 businesses/institutions

22 000 employees

Numerous new green products and services have been developed

Climate Partners Hordaland:

Huge potential for CO2-cuts and

reduced energy costs:

Largest public-private systematic

climate network:

14 businesses/institutions

More than 40 000 employees

We are scaling up!

The Network offers:

1. Knowledge sharing through cooperation, meeting and seminars

(Green procurement, climate communication, energy efficiency,

innovation, consumption, green IT, mobility)

2. Help to develop strategies, products and services for tomorrow’s

low carbon society

3. Inspiration, methods and tools for cutting emissions in own


4. Promotion of the organizations and the regions

5. Influencing the policies and conditions for sustainable innovation

Private-public initiative

Results: Lower carbon

footprint, products


Risk, reduction, possibilities

Inspiration Internal/External

Partner Commitment:

• Report climate footprint in annual

joint report

• Hold environmental certification

• Implement systematic

environmental governance

• Top level management support and involvement

• Pay annual membership fee

Under 20 - 10.000,- NOK

20 - 50 - 20.000,- NOK

50 – 300 - 30.000,- NOK

Over 300 – 50.000,- NOK

Partnership motivation

Wish to gain knowledge about threats and opportunities in

connection with climate change

Want to take part in a socially responsible development

View public-private partnerships as central to change

Wish to stay competitive in tomorrow’s low emission society through

improved profitability, risk/cost reduction

Build positive external and internal image

Best practice examples:

Air pollution 10 packages: Harbour: Power ships from the dock, power this week, ships test w 16

Products, services, management, cooperation

Best practice examples:

World’s largest charge station for EV, over 35% new cars sold EV in 2015

Products, services, management, cooperation

Best practice examples:

Green conferences Thon hotels

Products, services, management, cooperation

Best practice examples:

University of Bergen – Climate strategy - Bergen highest density of climate researchers

Products, services, management, cooperation

Best practice examples:

Zero village Bergen – 800 units

Products, services, management, cooperation

Best practice examples:

The world’s first electric ferryboat

Products, services, management, cooperation

Best practice examples:

Management by example – County Mayor Tom-Christer Nilsen on el-bike

Products, services, management, c

Best practice examples:

Løvstien – Climate Adaptation

Products, services, management, cooperation

We are scaling up !

Klimapartnere Hordaland: Helene Frimannslund [email protected] - Mob: +47 99 08 77 00

We warmly welcome people to contact us and discuss how to establish Climate-Partner networks

Climate partner networks can be established anywere! Key success-factors: Strong local presence and a facilitator that can bring the right businesses and institutions together

A Clinton Global
