  • 7/30/2019 2011 June Humanity First Medical Newsletter


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    Humanity First Medical June 2011 Update. The 5th Humanity First International Disaster Response Course.

    Cloud Forest Clin ic in Hait i

    June 2011

    (Vol 2, Issue 5)

    Welcome to the Humanity First Medical


    With these updates, we aim to keep you

    informed about Humanity First medical

    activities and talk about the latest in news

    and controversies, in relation to our line of

    work with these updates.

    Please visit our website

    Humanity First Medical

    for more about our activities, contribution

    to this newsletter or to contact members of

    the Humanity First Medical team.

    Humanity First 'tr iage' tent

    5th Humanity First International

    Disaster Response Course held in

    Dulles, Virginia, USA

    Humanity First International is delighted to

    report that our successful and popular

    Disaster Response Course has now

    travelled abroad.

    The 5th Humanity First International

    Disaster Response Course was successfully

    held in Dulles, Virginia, USA on the 5th, 6th

    and 7th of May 2011. The course was

    attended by 36 delegates. The 15 facultymembers from UK and USA disaster

    response teams followed the format and

    standards developed by the HF

    International Medical team on principles

    outlined in the Disaster Response manual.

    The course was supported by the local fire

    and rescue and a number of actors helped

    to run the mock disaster scenarios. We are

    very pleased to report excellent feedback

    from the delegates who in particular

    enjoyed the field exercises.

    Dates for future courses in the UK and US

    will follow in due course. In the longer term

    it is planned to take the course to

    Indonesia and Bangladesh where natural

    disasters are frequent to enable us to

    launch an effective early disaster response.
  • 7/30/2019 2011 June Humanity First Medical Newsletter


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    Medical resuscit at ion lectur es on Day 2

    The Cloud Forest Medical Clinic in


    Humanity First USA

    The Haiti earthquake 12th January 2010,

    left over 200,000 dead, 300,000 injured,and more than 3 million Haitians affected.

    Humanity First (HF) was amongst the first

    few humanitarian organizations that arrived

    at the disaster zone and setup the relief

    mission that served more than 50,000

    Haitians in need. During a Disaster

    Response Medical Reconnaissance Mission

    in February 2010, Dr. Clayton Bell, a 27

    year old physician from Arkansas and HF-

    USA Disaster Response Volunteer identified

    Seguin region in the Southeast of Haiti in

    dire need of healthcare services.

    Seguin is an isolated mountainous and

    farming community of approximately

    60,000 people located at more than 5,600

    feet above the sea level. Haitian Christian

    Outreach (HCO) an organization based in

    A boy f rom Seguin

    Regular meet ings are essentia l to update ski l ls and

    knowledge at the c l in ic

    We wish to thank B.Braun, sponsors of

    the 6th Humanity First International

    Disaster Response Course, for their

    generous donation

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    the area generously offered HF to use their

    facility, Cloud Forest Medical Clinic, to

    setup our medical clinic. In June 2010, with

    the help of Dr. Bell, Humanity First USA

    officially re-opened the Cloud Forest

    Medical Clinic (CFMC). Aside from a small

    dispensary located in Seguin, the next

    closest healthcare facility is located two

    hours away in Cayes-Jacmel.

    The Cloud Forest Medical Clinic opened

    only one year ago and has already seen

    well over 8,000 patients. Some patients

    walk many hours (up to 8 hrs each

    direction) across the countryside to receive

    medical care and it is not uncommon to

    see a patient's donkey tied up front by the

    clinic gates. Currently the clinic averages

    between 100-150 patients per week with

    busiest days being Mondays &

    Thursdays (market days).

    As of May 10, 2011, Ministry of Health

    (MSPP) reports 302,401 cases including

    5,234 deaths since the beginning of the

    cholera outbreak in mid-October, 2010.

    Spread of cholera remains a big worry in

    the rainy season which is expected to last

    until November. Ministry of Health (MSPP)

    and PAHO/WHO is working with partners to

    develop contingency plans. There is need

    for continued support to improve access to

    clean water and healthcare. The Humanity

    First teams remain vigilant and continue to

    monitor developments in Haiti.

    We wish to thank the British society of

    Paediatric Gastroenterology,

    Hepatology and Nutrition, UK for

    their support and donation to

    Humanity First International.

    We are also most grateful to BSPGHAN

    members who made individual donations to

    Humanity First International during the

    Pakistan Floods disaster.

    Field exercises on day 3 of the Disaster

    Response Course

    Please visit our website

    Humanity First Medical

    for more about our activities, contribution

    to this newsletter or to contact members of

    the Humanity First Medical team.

    All ph otogr ap hs in th is new slet ter ar e copyrig hted by Hu m an ity First In tern at ion al (UK)

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    Copyright 2011

    All rights reserved.
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