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20 Advantages of Social Media for Insurance Brokers

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Are you satisfied with

your social media


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Most insurance brokers are using social media, but many are

still not tuned in to just how useful social platforms can be.

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We’ve compiled 20 incredible advantages of social

media that you and your brokerage need to be tapping into.

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1. Connect With Clients Everywhere

Being able to connect with clients, wherever they are;

this is the dream for the modern insurance broker.

Clients come to you from a range of different channels; use

social media to cover all the bases.

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2. Understand Your Clients Better

Social media is designed for direct engagement.

Speak with your clients, take a look at what they share,

and understand what they need.

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3. Promote Your Stand Out Content

Your content strategy is going great, but you need to push

your content to more users.

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Social media is perfect for this;

create content, post it on your site, then share it via your

social media channels.

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4. Gain Authority by Promoting Content of Others

Of course, it’s not just about promoting your own content.

Share links to great content produced by others; focus on

genuine worth for your visitors and build your authority

in the insurance market.

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5. Get to the Heart of the Insurance Conversation

What are clients talking about?

What are the current buzz topics in your marketplace?

Use social media to find out.

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It’s much cheaper than hiring a consultant to tell you all

about market trends, and it doubles up as a tool to place

you at the heart of the action.

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6. Diversify Your Strategies

It is no longer enough for insurance brokerages and

brokers to have one or two strategies for marketing and


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The modern broker needs many different tools to draw

upon, and social media provides this.

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7. Be All about the Client Experience

Clients appreciate personal responses and one to one


Social media gives us the perfect platform to achieve this.

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8. Convert Leads Better

The above also applies to individuals who haven’t quite

made the leap to a converted client just yet.

Give them what they need via social media and increase

rates of conversion.

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9. Boost SEO

Focusing on a social media platform might seem like an

odd way to drive SEO on your own website, but it works.

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Sharing links via social media increases shares and

impressions and drives traffic to your site.

All of this boosts your own site's SEO.

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10. Target Loyalty

Clients create strong bonds on social media. Studies

have shown that they remain loyal to the brands they

follow online. Use this to your advantage.

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11. Understand Your Competition

It is not just clients you need to be talking to and

monitoring online; it is your competitors too.

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Social media gives you a vantage point from which to

observe the actions of your fellow brokers.

Watch, learn, and

plan your next move.

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12. Target Users Across Time and Space

The smart thing about social media is that you can use

tools to configure the platform.

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This enables you to send messages directly to users at

specific times and in particular places, via tools like

Hootsuite or a complete content management system

like HubSpot.

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13. Analyse Everything

An insurance broker can never have too much insight into

the market.

It is only through using powerful analytics that brokers

can begin to get the understanding they need.

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Social media provides tonnes of data, which you can use to feed these analytics

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14. Great ROI from Marketing Investment

Imagine having a load of free-to-use marketing tools to

expand your reach and boost your effectiveness without

breaking your marketing budget.

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No need to imagine; social media provides all the tools you


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15. Strong Advertising Opportunities

Traditional advertising is not dead, but it has changed.

Social media channels provide additional platforms by

which to reach potential clients using paid advertising;

use them, and use them well.

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16. Network, Network, Network

Success in an insurance brokerage means connecting with

the right people.

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Everyone -- from potential clients, through future

partners, right up to revered industry experts -- can be

reached via social media.

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17. Introduce a Visual Element

Coloured visuals make users 80% more likely to click and

consume a piece of content.

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Social media gives insurance brokers a platform by which to

introduce this vital visual element.

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18. Strengthen Your Brand

Use social media to create associations between your

company and major client plus-points – such as quality

customer service and value for money.

This will give you a strong brand.

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19. Be Recognised for the Right Reasons

Social media is full of information on positive causes,

campaigns and events.

Connect with these, do some social good, and be recognised

for all the right reasons.

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20. Turn Bad Reviews into Positive Engagement

Negative reviews on social media should never be


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On average, a broker will need to ensure twelve positive

experiences from clients to balance out a single

negative review.

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However, social media gives brokers a way to respond; use

this platform to showcase your great service and to

turn a bad review into a positive one.

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Want to enhance your social media strategies in 2017?

Download our fascinating eBook –

Social Media for Insurance Brokers: The Ultimate Guide to

2017 – and strengthen your online game.