Download pdf - 16th june notice sheet

Page 1: 16th june notice sheet

The week ahead...

Monday 17th

Gelitots 9.30-11.30 am

Engage 7.30-9.00 pm

Tuesday 18th

Wednesday 19th

Banner Making Group 10.30-1.00pm

Football Training at Harborough Town Football

Club 8.00-9.00pm

Home Group leaders meeting 7.45pm

Thursday 20th

Prayer Group 7.30 pm.

Friday 21st

Saturday 22nd

Man Talk 8:30 am

Sunday 23rd

9.30am & 11.15am services.

Food For Thought 6.00pm


121 Bath Street, Market Harborough, LE16 9JL Tel: 01858 434906

PRAYER If you would like someone to pray with you, please speak to one of the people leading the service.

GIVING We don’t take a weekly offering, however should you like to give towards the ministry of this church, then please use the collection box at the back of the church hall, on the right. Thank you.

18th June In homes -Contagious Christian session 5

25th June In homes- bible focused


If you are visiting and would like your child to join a

group...they meet in the following rooms...

Crèche 0-2 ½ years, in coffee lounge

Sparklers 2 ½- 4 years, in room 6

Reflectors school year Foundation –year 2, in room 5

Lasers school years 3-6, in room 2/3

Xplode school years 7-9, in room 1

These groups are in the 9.30am service only.

Fusion youth group meet at 11.15 in room 4 , school year

10-13 & again on Mondays at 7.30pm in the Coffee


The children are supervised all together in rooms 2 & 3 at

the 11.15am service.

KIDS ROCK We are having another Kids Rock holiday club this

year from 21st-23rd August. Would you like to be involved? We

would love your help. Please speak to Pauline Briggs or Eleanor

Logue for more information.


6pm. Rob Leveritt is speaking.

See you there.


MORE KIDS ROCK Could you start to collect empty toilet roll tubes

for Kids Rock craft? You can bring them into church and drop off at

the office or give to Carloine Osborn or Tilly Woodbridge. Thanks

HELP WITH KINGS CLUB Every summer we try to give our Kings

Club leaders some time off! To be able to do that we need some

volunteers to run or help with a session for the children. Could

you help out? There are 7 Sundays to cover from July 14th up to

August 25th. Please can you speak to Sarah Leveritt if you can

help in anyway. Thanks.

Pastor: Rev Tristan Styles [email protected] Associate Pastor: Andy Lloyd-Williams [email protected] Administrator: Richard Baker [email protected] Church Office: Lizzie Chadwick [email protected]

DEDICATION– Summer & Lucas Lloyd-Williams are being dedicated on July 14th. We are having a bring and share lunch afterwards, everyone is welcome. If you can help with putting out tables , bouncy castle, food, teas and coffees Andy and Hazel would be really grateful. Just speak to Hazel after the service.

HOMEGROUP LEADERS Just a reminder that there is a meeting

here at church next Wed 19th June at 7.45pm. Be great to see you



SECOND SERVICE HELP We do not have anyone to help with

children in second service on 23rd June. We need 2 church

members, one that is CRB checked. Can you help out? Please

speak to Richard Baker if you can. Thanks.

A BIG THANKS to everyone who supported the Youth Group last

week by eating cakes, weren’t they yummy? We raised £247.44.

This will go towards supporting Furaha, an 11 year old Rwandan

girl, that we sponsor through ‘Compassion’ Brilliant and thanks.

Page 2: 16th june notice sheet

Welcome to our service today

16th June 2013

9.30am & 11.15am Services

Coffee at 10.30am


Andy Lloyd-Williams

Acts 5:12-42

The Church, opposed


Prayer Diary...

Monday 17th

Lord, thank You that it is Your nature to

encourage. Lead me and strengthen me today.

2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

Tuesday 18th

Lord, at times faith is mysterious but never

meaningless; deep but not incomprehensible.

Teach me the difference. Colossians 2:16-19

Wednesday 19th

Lord, thank You for what You were prepared to

go through for us on the cross.

Matthew 27:45-56

Thursday 20th

Lord, when I disagree, help me to do so

agreeably. Philippians 2:12-16

Friday 21st

Lord, I don’t enjoy criticism but help me to

respond rightly to it and to grow because of it.

Proverbs 15:1

Saturday 22nd

Lord, help me to cope with the bitter taste of

disappointment, remembering I sometimes

disappoint others. Romans 5:5

Sunday 23rd

Father we lift Tristan to You this morning as he speaks Your Word to us . Help us to hear from You.

Thank you to each and every person who has

contributed towards the Nehemiah project so far.

We are so grateful to God for his on-going

provision. If you’ve not had the opportunity yet to

give, we are encouraging people to pray first and

give if you feel led to. So far we have seen a

staggering £127,424 provided!

If you are able to claim gift aid please speak to

Richard Baker.

(All donations are confidential. )

Duty rota for next Sunday, 23rd June

Projector: Mike F Welcome: Andrew’s Team

Sound: Cheryl H Security: Stuart B



Youth group, Pauline





Miriam, Tilly &


Helpers in second service: tbc
