
~- ---T'----.~-~~_


Subscripti9n ~l.OO in Ad~ance.·,

NUffi,ber 15,




FM.~Jay of PatternBats M •.....d Hate.An line of Sum-J¥ra...w

Will ~ell you

for only $35,

Other wheels

cheap tiS $20.

MiSS II: Wi~so.. Opposite P. O.



Bicycle Everest



GraDl8 a licensefler a legal battle lasting three weeks

be ween the Anti Saloon I eague and thesa 0011 (lIen the city COUllCl1 of Norfolk hasIi Ided III ~a\'Ol uf tJJe latter and IMued. ali nse to Josepb Vlazne) against whmnIt test ca'l'l~ was brought 1 he J eagueth eatens lli appeal fhe case

Sebrnsk,.. Short SOf("~

Hea\er (It\ ~ to haH \ reamery"'c(ook pror ose'! to lilt trampS I, '''(JIll'

011 the slreetsJ elgh IS debatlll~ the ad~lsal)Jhtyof I ut

tll11; In a lly~h Ill! of wa!e-rworksA ut'l\'. grl II l'll \ alor ~ one of thf III

pr:<nementB Illkanlah s t1gUTlllg Oll forChili summel

1IJe contract for hUlldmg the new (OllltJIOUlItl at "8.)118 ha~ I~en let. to nowle~ tMoore or Olltaha for $26 IKlO

ag~~: Strr:~: IO~l~:~~ ~: :t~~~~d IL~summer but the owner!! rebuilt

Gradioa Oil the \tkhlson and ~orlorl II'lnow co..,.a.tetl about ten miles out fromAtkinson and It I~ mcpecred that III U"P.ekthe force wlfl he within ;lIX mile!! of Perry

The :'oillJ:lerJor (reamery Company is...eudios: out from one to three cars of butterper w~k all ,(tOlng to Butte MontIt hM ~een .evl'ra' ) ears stnooRedCl()ud

ha!l witnessed as mlHh improvement Ql\ f~

lloUeeable thi!\ sprhl,l{ Nearly everyonei!ll doing something 1ft the hne or lmpr~,.menl!\ and man} hale Illrcha..~ed plac ~ ottbelro\"1

The pommlUee wbo went over to ~olth

Hall Storlll at ....merSOD 1 oupon (.. rand 4.rm,} of lhe RepubJicbus

~mer80n was \Jalted by 11 terrifio hall me.'l.'1 were 5uc~gflll in getting the re~

.!It rm .ooompanl~dl.Jywmd MayO Half un u at Greele\ It \\111 occural ttle

:~ n\\~~~~~rd~,~ts H~II~::~~s~~I::~~~~~ ~t;ed (> s~la~o~:):h~~ wIa; Inut.!! fell for 0\0r an hour ~()te Cor (>ltde) was Iluanlmous

I HeaT)' Land Purch.Be ca~hl~~I~~:;0; ~7=~~:~:';~1~~~rner,

~to lJl:umun Vice preStdent or the The polM for the telephone between

W t Point NatiQllal Bank hall pur{Jhllllffl Litchfleld and ltIlison CIty have been put

:~ bod~~::m~eJa~~~: r:~':lt;lll:d I:r~ndti~\e~:h:~e ~~~~~s ~::t~:kt~m~ therefor the sum ot'18 800 ~:I~~s and ready for 0Pllration Within

~Fourtb ot "'"ly Gelebral;lon Hen.-y F'ontll,lIeUe Qf near Decatur oue

I II i::~SO:;=I:p:~e~~~:~~~~~~~ ~i~~~~S;~11 ~dL~:ior~ve:~b~~a~a~~~th a:rlln<lest Fourtb of July celebration traotedt'i"llll::lS lUs fatbel; W4l:! a Frenobev r witne!sed In tbat town tra.der I li. bis mother WIlS an Omaha In.

8a.loon-~-flJOn dill. e bas perhaps ~~~:O~~e~~osome enemie&

,n! more tram

I' :i ( '!'I'f 1\ "-

'""il I I

, 'i -QUEENVi'CTdI\IA,--IWRtPS FOR SUM~IER'-~ray ylO'k .h.uld he .l...ed "p,ciul1.


'A. JtlSTI I=-I'A.'BLE4e~IME.~


"SplendldIY-Bplendldly!" be cried, al\he ran hIs eyes OYer It. "It's 'Worthy orBm Slkf's hImself I'll send It ot!' tbl~,';cry m\uutl:'" AUl\ he thr\1st it In anenvelope With It f;j note.

"You'Il}(>t rue know bow it answers?"I said, as he took hIs hat.

"OJ1, yes" And thr'll Wltll a 1111Htygood·nlght, hp "('ut t1~illl; ;10"0 thostairs to ('al( h 11)( jJost

IIIThe' follo\\J1J~ HlIll'IlIlJg' It ImpPNlr.(1

tbat ll. nlllU{". fiC hu.,(nct'l!:1 look me illtbe vldnlty or TWhpuharn's ('ham~r8,

IWd, hn"ln,l{ hulf nn hOllr to spare, Idetermined 10 ('all mill 8f'C If he hallhlf'llrd llUytlllllg III (OllIlPctloIl with IllSprot.

As I was alJOut to putl>r hiM sittingroom, howel"{'r, I lll'ard lhe flound of"OIC~'R, nod n hasty glano' lihowed ro~

tbnt be WllS "ugag('ll. A ;rolJng JadyWllH standing by 111P tabll', far'ing De­tlf'uhnm, ,,110 lookpJ fl~ guilty a~ llny~;('hooluoy (';)ul!ht m nil otr·hlUrl

"r ~ot It h,H k t111~ nJOrnm:;," the glll\,as saylllg' ".\. lllaD \\ ho ill pmployedon the ralhvay picked It up as he wa~

on his way to work.""1-1 am very glad," Debenbam mur­

mured, ner"\"ously, "He must havebE"en an honest fellow,"

"Yea:," she saId, "But the strangepart ot Jt Is that hy th1s mornlng's'postthere came II It'Her from a-a thiel, in­closing a £ri note, You can read It ityou like."

And abe hhuded him the preciousmisldve 1 had concocted.

He- read it In telgnE"d astonishment."I never beard ot snch a curleolll

l.hln~," he rnurmur('rl. "It's posJtlvely­Isn't 11, yon know'!"

or (OllrSe, tbH; l'ltll'lI11,p aHi'mpt at

d~C~~~fric~J~~~:~~~~;eJ ~If;}ll{~;;~: "~Jl1wJ'otf' this Ictt(,I'-~Oll sl'nt thlH notc"

"I? H£'ally. Mis:s---"'011, JCs, you dId, It's no use ',lonYr




AW AS BEEf,. , , MEMO (,Ali DAY.,!ClIlO G ,Itl:r PAVL, MIlflflll"POLIB. 'OMAU.... I' I I

:. \' \ iJ,,\ulIoGo\ua r&.~· \ Services to bel~Iat lhc Opera

I Wl~~ ~JJ,rt ::;:!;:;~::::: '::::: \\i~~~;::: J1ouse- -5ermop )vJJJ/be Delivered 'I

I Way Freli'b J ~ " 1:2~ 11. Ill. 6)' Rev. rnO'5,lmtbe\\,) ~> " ._.., ::- "'.~

"0'" "'<if,,,~~;~~::I)OI"'1 ,,,' 1,',0" 'n, 1'"",,,n 1m III" M"L,""I;; ""'u" " F' ~R'ljU10li~Y"~';'i' t~··~;'8!l·';:.!r.~'~.A'I IJIllC HllIlJ I lU..i!tlll!:"cr : Cfl I' Ui on BuurlllY Muyl ~tb lU3!Y,) at 111.30 II I . -;.:1 F:~'W"yIl'rel h J • "' .II 2011. Ul. m.tobebeldJnt~tll~o/a~neo~era1Jouse I ' .' .:~ .

L OMFIBLD L~~~t------._ __ Sermon to be dcl~,.Jefl ~y Itev 'fll lillB.S I I,' _. ta . •I "'8 lv.a. LEAVES. Blthell, to wblC I ~erVilCe aU aT..!> cor I~ Trt E' I t th Not much l'X~('ntlQn in often paid to ,the, m~da lo~ "" ~';'''1I17 ga. D\'l g;8i Uo.:. disHy invited ~ n 0 ure qua .0 8 fjrDt 8ympt~m!:lof Ec::crna. L~t it. is pot IpDg- 2~~~."p,~ I III bel r '~rot'eth(-'(\ttlcl'ednp.l)!',h~~\ni'>to\tch\\nd8~o ",0 t)' cJ;;od;;t,ion onDe~atRtner. All ex 301dll:H'~P7 Ith war of t te IChi d 8 "R" of burn. Thf" is but th~ b"ldnning, and will

1011 lth m hnpl&llseJJ a!.vq~a~n bellioo1and tbOHeJ1oftM 8parnsh imer· ng an urm & ~ell.d ~,o sUli'p~ing and tort~~e almost unen-(Jl\stcou- iClln wttr, are (:arne:-;t{y requChter{ to I dmaulr:. It IS fl. COm~l()n.IJllstake to regard

I , " 'I'" o'e1o('/{ I T1h' frf"l~ w I! O,'so~(Ion d roughncs" ft:IQ. r~:.r.b! ~If the s~i[] asI ll.rr v '15 t Jllla III at B:OO,fI::' In.; OflllCCttl at 8! Ma~r llW. frull at 10 ' : III is ~ijllU • Ga~th mel"elj a lo('"t lr.nb.tiuH; It l~ but an \~ui.C8.-~~Od\' tlij:nl~~~'WM[~~~ti."'co.~~~leo~t~;'N~~~ ahl:l.rp ¥uudl:l.Y rqol'nill;U liud ullireh III I' tion ot & humor i,n the ~l(Jod-()f terribl~folk It~U P. um1 trahul ~outb a1ll1 west. ~ body to t.he.oIJ4ra hquse. F..ezemn.-which is more tha.n !Ikin,deep,. and Cfln ~:Je :cc,C';,!f'r} ~.r.loc.a.l ?,pph-Over 1\ I'll. ~eo.e'er weRt,C IIneo~atNorroll, De"coratfdn IDa ' cltions of ointnll'nL!, Hulve!'., elp., !~pphr'll to th" . \11 fll.c~. 1 Ill;' dl\;:--ase Itself,with . a1comodILtiou fo "'l~oh.ttlN°btb I y. I I t (' real cau>'>e of til( trqublC' b ll1 the blood, alt, hlv,:h allS1.J1ierlOg IS prullucedaDd It ~.Moa.N, ,ayne, e_~ '£110 followlllg Il~ t4,o ])rogrum , OJ I t rough the ..Inn, the unly v,ay to reach the U1Seil.l',C, therdor{', no, through

Lr-~-.- . pecOlabon DIloYjMaYlllOtu, 1800 rhe

lt ohlood - rP0

to~a~ and MIS lIaneous. procefl;llOn Wlll f rm Of! Ma1ll StItt" ,It Mr Phd T J.one5, of ]\11' "s'fille, 110 : \' rItes ~,#f~ ~JI,I I -- one o'clock P T I wltb tbe IIp,ht JJl

I0 t14~;li~~?r~~~1~~,a[,t~1~~Y,,(~f~~r. ~~~;f<::!~.e~bl~;,~re_'l:,~~:~l,l .,,( ~_ r<~:,

II or~e for:)ale' Eli Jonctt, flont ot the \\~Lyn(\I:--;<\tllJlJd ,\"llIl t C~ll:otatJtPnH' ItfmaJ/ylJro], 11110/ rlnlllng~(-1 'nd h...;:<~ }vI - r - 1 t i he,~d(jdl lJ) tllll VI a} 11tl ('mil I ,d,l( (' bht;lLll to "pr(\IlI tl,d {HI" \\Or"r' 1 OJ tll(' p[.~t H· ((II ~~~.I T B Il~~kert. Denw-tover MIlle,·" IBliud, !ollo\'oed ll~ I fllX YP lr:-l I h I'iP HIlII rill lllllnid IlgoUy alld had glH n up ;\.~,

II J 0 U II h~IlIP Wll.~ Jtl () !l.huISl'tlll (Iff.) 'l'lwlh Jrlg' Sf] IlHiJ cOlUJ!(J"il'd oj t lw r;.,: lIlt! hup' 'If I I 1) lI'g f(r' 01 I,ul'" ,lthP

IdH;f'IISP~ a~ IJ ;1lI ~~. ~";F~." I I Ilh'll tIl III (1 I y Ollll( q t 11' lPS Jll)5H'lIln lit III £ • ~'--_"'" <

I ,JIl. 111b1l1r,n WIV, rJO"-Y1jf[()1ll l1m,klllfj IHOldlPli 01 tho S mlllsb \mClIr ill II! I t/l.Kt'n lIlall} bloull I1J(t1J(11H~, ail JIl ",lin \\ IdJ )Iltll "

Ilb'III)1 I I ('1\1(:8uelOtltH;J/Jl'd~JIJb{ldl;lt"lmllJ f~th hit I 1J\~';1l11 to tIki- H S H, il,nd It nPI)l1rl"ntly

rII I I I 11'1 !ll'll'ldtll l I I J ,Hll 1l., L( 'r JllIl \"ors h t f ].11 \0; 1."lt thlS \~Il th ..

I Su d Y lWIi'J !l. po(d aLUy l.lbd dlf'lH, 1 l'olll.k... lw XUiflU.l Jtolle e \l\""ully \\ay t:l1l' rl In, 'ly got rId of thf r\ll~()n Contlnumg~e!l. 10 dar I and St~d€tlb. r g, ~ ~~~~'~dt~l~~'r~~~ ~~~::il dw~l~c~~:ep~~f~~~I;~~n becameIL T roulnt.y. cOljDmi8 tonsns !Were in waYD.e Public ChOrlBt 'l'eacher.. and Eczema 18 nn '0.bst~nte dl8ease and can not be cured b.Ya remedy which 11"essl n

lSatlljrday StUdents. 0 ly a: toOlC. SWift's \leClfie-

I H (If.v., w.nt to O~'bo on [~ow,r Brlga<1? c0jn!'ooo<1 of \ OUII": S. S. • FOR THE BLOODSa.turday arte~noon•. I La le~. ,I is 8uperi<lr to other load remtjdies because it cures diBcuscB wluch they O&n

I k ~eltlen lor Wib.aide ~ad ~llf:;i- C S6.f Post N1.5,:0. A, n. Depart- ~t reach. It goes to he bottoqt-to the caU8e of the diseuse-and. will cut:ene.::iS 'h~f'e FrlUfll' ~fternlao[j , tnt'l t of Nobras It I I t 10 worst'case of Ecze~a, no matter what other trcatllHonlt ha6. failed. Ii IS

I, M h.ll{ (~nwelllr~tllr~ed .h~~e from !~ ·lel:(}.., fllltl ? ti~OI!~" ill. C", l'l'iflge,,:., : ~t~e~n;Xil~II,~~~ :;~r'~~v~~~~~~tete~d c~~,?f>E~~:.~n;:°s,,:T71~1;.\~;;~~~;:~L;°r)l~~)Vis Ol.lBilltBaturday m9rnillg.: Lbo prOCe'iSIO!!J w.,111 Jonn at 1"")1 ~()i,,'),:, (:'r, 'f\.>.t.LL1' lthpllmll:ul~m; ()TJ{'n :;Sure>'>, Uleers . .:.;Iods, I·tr.. InS181'I , ~' , , L sharp, anel all pOJsons aro rOfJlJosb_'d to i QP'Hl ;-J. t.. S.: rwtl11fJ' can ta~"'] t:" J!1I.1~·P. '... .,', 1'. G., Gabble, of SmIth O~~hR was bo iu li.UO on tim. 'l1h.{\ proco<;<;ion Willi ' 130.Ok..' .o..n the. '.". <1i .ea,.".il "'d.l..bC Ul.ailed. free. to any u.:ld. (.~" U) i:5Wlft.. Spe-rJ :r .nFb~1:~:sJe~:;~~;obror. ~;, ~~~; ~:r~~ l:t~~~b~:w~'~~S~;:~t~: Iifi:~m~:-~:.::-:=~ .. _. _ _ _' . __~. I g \: ~~:~I:::1.::~0~~::~:~.tWI~lIb:i~~~~S~~lt~~.~::t~~.tb:r:::.I.r-... 0;•.,.,;,,;;,;..- - -;;- ~ ';;.- '!-- ~'!--~-'~---~ ..=.~..!"~~~ ~:~_••--'!-.~_'!-_..--'!-~··..;.i.·..~-..,~1·:.ire, B.' From 5:30 to B, oonelu,lon of We sen-ice, st the cem-, :. :

~br t n,~:~:~. ::'.~rl~':~ ~::i~~~: :~:~' ~~~:.~O~:OJ·~t~:11 ~~~~r:et,~~si~1 ~~~~ f: 111 SC 11-"Z PIace I ~d, 0 nt~ Judg H1nter 'Thorsday pubho serVICe, con~lstlD~ of MUSIC, : II • :8J t n on: II' and an oration y tho lIon. (;eoJ'f{o \V. 'I: . I 11=[

~,. MtS. Da ies od ¥.rs, W. S. Wiltsi/:t. ~ 1 I . . .;; ! i' "i

01 i ve pIe santi ent~rtained a Everyone iA re tl~F~ed to.EartlOlpfl.h· '. N Ll>NER P :1

~*=Ui==l=~-=F"'c=;:-fr~~-R-F-~=~=fl'=t1-~-~--~'::=L-==O-=::W:=:=:R:;=A~r~E~sll~.~~, :;llvs~\nel:1 od:t,::..ndsl:n ~~~~~~~~~:~::lt;I'ld.~;,.::~,~"f:::::I!1ij=';1 F.~HERMA. tMI 'ArnOPd':'\:1

I I I 'I n Y" opp 8 pe pac g MARK S'JI'Rr ·oEm,' J. W. BARTLF,TT. 1e' =I I I T9· . a 18 Klop lng, 0 Pa ker, S. D., W. F. RAM ElIl : B. Ii'. FEATHER. ; :

. I i I I I I I. • I , 0 da whe he 8 ld her to Bome ! ,!, COnlmittee.' :'"11"'·..."1= I ~ - d'i ChrtstIan Endeavor bP~S ,,/.n esldln tb••, I - - --. -' I!·I L.:r n iln "g 1{13 nolds retur ed hbme from ATTENTION FARMERS. I Wl~eS .0 lquorS:

il; Convention, ~"IO ~ SUfdOY m'ornin , wb~r. he bud Do yuu d,siru to se"",'o hund,'uds of! ,i , .~!;

1 I ': I •• rrVrngas Ia gra~d jnror at the ::~~~nce~~te~e~tl~p~1~~ltb:~kl~u~~~~ J ! !il


DETROIT Mlell., JULY 5·IOTII. ;yt. m,pf th. Unit. Stotes, court, logu.s ,.ndoireua"'pf the I.te,t im· I, ,=

~ at our stoe IS lar,ger than evee., II ' , b s T~w.r. wbo woo wltb tb. Tbird prov.d farm im 1.In.n.1s an.d maebin- CE. L.EBRA.. ir.ED S.C.H. L.1T7I MIL.W...A.. U.KE.E BEER.:'I I I k IV 1 11 C b t ery, fl.nd be kept, posted on 'lmprov{-'d, 'l :1T I lat 0}l:rl

oodft are better than ev~r. The III nois CentroI 'Roilr9Qd ~b as &:'1 Zeo:tever~8rI:t a~8 Bio8=~e a seeds and stock, fori two YC!l'rs or u~~re~ J _ '_" .. __ "_ _. ._ Ii

' . II, \ r I . ilk t f 11 1 t on o~ t 01101 a a g T If so, send us your hame With ten (Cll.ts '! ~._.._'! ..'!~.'!'!."~ --_..-- ~- _ 'f"""-"""-"."""""""--""-"-"-' '"":' .•al;i ohr rlce8 are <j)wcr t 1.tG ever. . WIll sell toe ~ rom a po n s riie s hete Monna.y. The writer was in silver and we ",'ill ~llsert tQe same Jl) -L-'~__--tl ~~-,~~~c-7=~=====

II I I I Its Western LUlesto Detroit, M.iohlgan, Jl.ttd rb. b d the 1merir'an Fa;dnl~r5'Dircl'tory whir'''"! .. I. __ _ .__~._. _I.' £ I 8 I fl.o<lOunt of the InternationalConven- "'" Yre~em ere. I Roe~whirlinl':'l1il()\"er·t1lOUnitAI1RtHtl'.'l 'I I i. I I Cl ~ twn l:oun,l{ People's Sooi;ty at Cbrls- I y aUo ing the acoumulaUons III topuoJishCl".'-;, IIll'r('halJls awl l;lallllflt(·' ~~~}}§t{}§, "'Ilt nr'{"g OOOQ:...-: tlll.ul:.nde"vor, at a rate a ~QW Is lo amatn, the ebUre s}'stem if> Ill'lll';';. 'Y')1l will J...'I'I 1ll1l)'1' g'lllld re:ll!illg'I WI".., I Ill' Pj ONE FARE PLUS .$200 14is ned" t>eWit~sLtttleEa~iYRh;era matter tlmn yll\l :t'll\tld l>Ul:dlt\~e for

I I I I, II ,I I"<lt05th:lnoIU' ~gu.t. b. bowels. ~ry ttl.'m on<l ~~n';.,~:,';'t·'.~~?"r;~;,~:t,~~I~~ni~~';:;~ M. SK.EEl\T,re bOW in. See 0 r fine hne of Dry Goads sive, limited for re~IJrIl to ~uJy lutb, ru 11.1 a waYfJ use th~DJ. Oft~, :United Sta.'.0.8 i~lour D.irt:ctOryato,nce.

I'll' B dl 'I' G" I I with privitel':'6 of extension untn Af,U' Th ex &vatJD&, tor ~he Dew Kruger A(1dress, Fl~npetl!!. DJrecwry Co. : "a d II~t\l~ 7 oosan I ;'lOes, jrOCellJeS, I I gust li>tb, 11:100, by,deposltine tie et n JnRoinMain street between FIrst' "_. P~p'~ll~lf)'.:n~rmin__~hn.m,All\. D

ti ~ fillit , etc. I ReQlember ,he place., I I r~:~ f~!;~,t~·:~d~~·:;~l ~~ dO:p sii ~d eOO!d .t'••1!J w.J ¥ondoy, [' fcult, .t9,y Idsy at Sullivan'H Attorney" at Law and RealEstate eaJer, II I I I I I I tee 01' fifty cents. I J:).d 80 n 8S completed the work on Groce~y.

I~ pt.' 'H ft· l~'or print:erl matter d!BOriPrive of the ~e onst uotion at t.h.e bO.! wlIi It you Buffer tell. <Ie. r.neRS or fulkf'sF> BeSit Bargains. Best Terms., 'I "I e I ~rfl~l~~fl~~e{;'~'Yl~:B:')~~I~~~n~~~~iire~I:~ I~egl . : on the right Bide, pRiOR. llnd~r. th~' I I I ..1, .j tho Unitt'd States," Rnd. inlrormation 1 BIl. cro t Blade-DaDMccart.~YOllme shoulder-blade, c.o.'HiUmptlOll, bllllOus· Best Locations. Lowest Interest.

II I '." ., oonoerning excursion rateal :01" side 14Qwn tro~ Wayoe S"turdaY,1 aocom· oe8fl,slokhead.a?~e,~ndfeeldull,beavy I

I I' I I: I .' . . . trips from Detroit to. V8riO~.tlpotnte io Ip'DI b bls, Thomas and sleepy your"l.lver is torpid and COD- I" :, I I' . i ~~~sl~~~ty, .to'j"~:·M~dRarY, tb. nn- Rlley.n drove ovrr ne~' p.o.t~r g~'t.d, DsWIt!'fLI~t1a Eorly Rlser~ ALL ON, COMMISSION.

II ~a. Ja: .... A" G. P. A., 1. C. R. R, Dubuque, la. If/her M. Ril~y has relatives. Mr. Will cure you pro,mpt~y, p.leu!lll.tltJ;) I-IUd II --- W'" , ·~I~""·' I I 1&1100 byretorredtoIWayne'1'neaday" permanently by:removemg the (mn - - ~

I I ' '1:1 ' I 'I I '~I Ii I, '.-.:fu ~ : T- gestloo and causing the bila duots to Strilj(.J~· fail' ~Ihli.ling wit.h 8ver;yuod;y. Not a It:'" suit ill s venteen rears. ' , I " ----;--1- ~ENVEa SAL'T LAKE l~iB81ard 8now~~i, ent;~UFes sick open Bod flow 'oat~rallr. Tbey are ofextensh·e<1/ealiugsint\llkindsofsalesu.ndtrades,in ealesb\te. A

'C'i :.;' • ' t' ii, I • , I "I I M" :':':k t' I ,-it ° ' , ' ..d OhoSu' r,h,~np~o~ntls,~~~:::, ~f~8~::else, ollood PUls. Ortb. ' : business recota to bo proud of. Have for sale fl.IHl ex'hange prairie

..'.'e 11 ... , 1 Me~J.I. ar e '. ". II an FranCISco, Portland . nd •.11" p.ln .nd In". ~'mation. Mr. and Mrr;. W. ~.' Power~ were orer lund, Krass 11$.Hl, laud, pastnres, rapches,.lellso la~ir'i re~tal farms,o 0 , I' t W M it Ii d Tn d th brick· buildi gs, In-cry st,ables, dwellmgs, Clty lots, ,JOO, or morc, FOR"", I "II , 'I' I I' .~ "I II' I' If' e ostlp+netratioglUolme In tbe, 0 ayne 00, ay n es ar, €I SALE on p, CfLUW;F, in \Yayn!', OThalla, Sioux CitJ', Minneapolis,,t,1 i'! ., ., ,', I III , ', I I ' I orld 26 and 1)00, WilkIns & Co. formertoa.ttendthe~orthea1:itNebrIlH_

. "RE VOL~P1prop."I I' J ' .1 kR Press assooiat,ion and the latter to Kansas Cit.y,:Dhii:·llgo, and ot.her towns all m·e!" t.he West.1I I: ~ ' 1 ,', ~ " An rew"Qould p.ur~b.aaed t~e butld-, visit Miss Eo Baoho>lor ht the \Vaj<ne ill

B EF 'p t .UTTO . !SMOKE~ oEEF,' 'I

I0gSea F'l'e.d V;,lpps me~t market, Norwul. Miss 6eliu'M. Chase W!l.;; abo ZOO FAR S Ul South Dakotn, tob lJl MI,;sourl, ,00 III Nebraska

" . :,',: ,'I I..., ',' n~nped yJ. S,¥r.nob& ~:o.•nd l:' ot t*. ndrmeL Tbe'."er have beon foroclosodlon hymodgog.bomp.U1.sand,II 'aI'" S' oulder' afd J::Sacp'lI' 1. ~ub in and haas moved t et;Dl to .Isl lady ia mestlnR WIitb gratif,)'iug success are for ~ale c eap. Call and examine my list GIve splaial attention

' ,. ast&ditlonwbere heywJ i t i 'h th d di r. , ;:I,,! : II, I. I'. I . . - II ',. ' 'b"r:0 ve ad loto,a dwelling. ' as aD nat.ruo ~t n!8 or an au ,,!I to salo of \ \loylle, Cedfl.l, DiXon, K1H~' .an~ Pler;co, county lands.H ah·t.'lt Mar et ri e P ,·d for HIde, P Its and. FlJTS als<:t Poqlt Y I' d M 'D' (l 1 takicg otber br,n(Jl;le~ herself, expe,ct. }!'anuliar wit every farm Bnd localit wlthlll flttlt m

11es ot Wayne.

I ,t . Ilil '~" :'1 1 ','I' , eo ge Blegler ,an . , 0 emao, , Inji{' to oomplete ,ht'r ~tudles next rear. !llwo excelle t faCIhties for making exo anges of faj nd CIty proper' , , " , tl'lio .y. oonnty boys, IIw~o were !\Ilso H.tah.[orl Is ra!so teoohlni ond ty any por of the Unltea St.t.s, I

~l~mb rs of 00. «;J.,8rd Ne r ka Vol- studying In the, normal, and will (lOU- ~I

~tee 8, rived b9me Suoda,,f mornl~a, tloue tbere unt~l oex~ ~eptemberwhen I

[ kl g ale.n~ b••rty. fb. boy,~ sb. go.s to Norlolk tr t.oob In one of lIave Cor espondence and qemaods Both Es aod West.Ie t Ull at8, GB~, \ where Utey were ths prim~ry roo;ms of the oity schoolB. _ml,l~te ed out last 'i'buraday. I I Albert Pohlmann and Haury gaubaok, II I. j

Are more quiokly rellched via the .1.[ I b If fbi P It' tb I I I' Hl\\~S\Hh a huge ltst of excellent lauds 1I0lU "ayne It.. ~l I ve een a sl1 erer rom crOll 0 leroe pUpl sl e nOrUlF\ ure 1O ) I.tUnion Paolfie than 'Via any other lIne. dia I ~ th I d h i i Ith i I t di' d I woul be impossibie to describe all. Have Vn os and

ONLY I ' UIJ.~ ~e l:::ro~ n :dlo~n::rfjnlt. &1: :~::~;s;I::aed wlt~rt:e~ =~v::tll8:r8~ term to suit tho demllll4 of ant customer, fr9 smallI 'j"N" ht l t Ut h -llatitrI au d oDe1me?y that as been Prot. J. M. Pile,! the able Rod oorteous Pfl.Y ents down to all cash. I I

~g i go. . lasuo ss a8 a oure, and tb~ I Cbam- president aod Ifspirlnif genius of tbe I --~ - I..2 N.ght~ tst Cohfgtmo be~lat 'a olio, Cholera &0 Ilarrhoea normal. was fOllnd t~ be in hiS usual Have euthty rere tracts; have up to 8 8~ction and three secbons 10 a

FROMI~ISSOUR1!RIVER. RElme y.'-P. E. dnISIIAlIt, afB 'Mills, hea~th and Rplnta. lIe has blllH up a Lolly Somel of the \ery finest glOves, bearIng' orchluds, awl vmeyards

M i tl . did II IL~.. or sale by L. P. Orth OOI!{"e at War) ne un».ld<.!d by the inUu- ~mpro'nl(l fllllS from $J2.30 to $50 pel aCle. 1Ia1'o CIty plOpertyngn 1I06n y eqUlppea tr~mlS p. y. fta dO~h RePorter:-Whlt i Wayne eoo ot any seotariaD ~rganlzlJtlon,tbat W' ~~'Uglng flO $400 to $5000, some on plonthly PlQ'm~Dts, WIth small

l ---t----- ,·1 Mond y nd Toegd'ay, we i not tail Is a redlt to t~e state and to the town ca,sh pu.yme t down. SpeCial attention given to PlO~erties that areFor tlJQe tables,1 folders, Ulustr8rte~ tolnp ioe wbat a difference h eleolric in ~btoh It is ~ooated! 11ls Eluooess 18 peavJly inou uOled and hable to foreclo~U1·e. Hilve S&Jd a good Dl~ny

books, !pamphlets desorlptive ft tb~ li~ht8 ba 8 wrought in the appearanoe larg ly dne to his vlgdrons efforts and propertie::l i.q the last five year!:!, flOlU fqreolosure aud loss by makIngI terrttof' travsrsed, oal) 00 you near1oil tb II tIe oity,l Wa,.n~ Is rapidly to h seaflY Bodlnatnrat way (It'lnstruot· sales and U~",lhanges for purtles who could not otherWHi realIze out of

est age t or address, I torgl g t the front in pUbllo Jmprol'e. in,q'1 AR au eduoator he haE! few eqlU\ls tlloll IlTopel j Comllluuwato With me I;Uld see if I call~ot do you somei EoIILo LOM.A"1. 6, P. & T~I AO

fI d 10 maq;v otbe tbe In tpe state. 11;'fOlf ¥t PUe it was Kood. For lu.:tlonlar8, I I

I Omah', I - Nebra ka oerally ver ud ot lear.p'ed thRt ~ aq.4i~.ional bulldlua. I I I I;1 I I Yj'and its adv ano~ber do~mltlory ~~u.ld soon be ereo·, I Call on or A~dress,

I ! L.e8d~J·:~ About Itwenty-five ~d;n the college'(rouDds.--Pleroe Co., h ! N bI. • I oO)lnt *,'UbUSbS,S .ttsOd.~ tbe ,.;1. 's f.r, _~__ F. M. ~KEEN, Wayne, e.

annu I m s.lIng or l~e .- Ullllkllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll: 'brask P ess QB~o(Jlatlon atIWa"!ltl Just I~ _ ,I ~

., I MndY·I'I'beaosalonwQsfl.prollluhll' i ~~~~I· " \ i : ~~ I~ ~;~~~:;Ii::~~~~;n£~r:~~~~:'i~ ' • 111~~(!ivJ;;;:f~--~~~7- !...-~~~-:fu rTc.\ ---"'1""""~!!!!!!~~~~#~'9=""'*"""H=f~;';;~~#=~'==+=~'IIFour Hours Quicker liT se Ing w.s b.ld Ip tb. oomDiod 5' "--' LI ..L '--' V '--'~ .J.. ,

than Bny other ~Ine to S~ttle, an" io nd omfortablT tutn~8hed roo~s a I I ' ER IN. . . . . . !,

~~~7;:i::~~lf:~::~:::.:::::kf· :~~ :s~:;.:~~b::~J~sit~~~dO~:~ I rP'ump!'s P""I"p"DQEiAsL and F"lt'I"lngs



.o,rr.s"toBtitte. h 0 rIStl.nH,.r.ldPnb~,lsbe,ssom·.1 ," 5' ' ,; Tourist sleeprrs ,to Slt"ttle ,,0 lit -11 e lotures at the Qffia rs ,or t-!le Ei'., 'intermediate ~oints, a10DIZ t.h~ A e oa Stmday-Sbhool lolon and = I : ' ,Nortb.rn,p.O,I*,onTn.Sd.YSODa Is Iv sits 'O,~ .'t.nd.d , II: iii I Hose. Hose ReDls. Etc. l

I ~ursd.;vs. " ',' I ,I. 101 I noerDlo8 the wO~k ,of that, , ,['_ '. " I I I t I j, I'. ' ~ ,"Verrlow'ra 8~no~ tD·,effeot. ole odor Ita bolDln'lDlamood .' , t, I, !i'l PlnmbngWorkotallkh1dRpromptly'littimdfldt,also

'. Altk about them ", ". I· D i. r ry whloh wlh be 0$ ebrated at t:: carry in kiods of Plumbing Fixtures, Bath Tub!'j o.f ullJ ° FRANCIS, " b I 81 bio, Mar 24 and: 25. This _ ~~ :: I si2es. I I have the "Dewey" Hog Waterer, the vel" ,oest

Gen'l PilaR, AR'ent, I OmahB, N8b~. a~be ia otChrlstlBu worke:rs bas been ! 0;: thing ~f the kind made, , , I

I. I reel DO loed by the press ,11 o.ver our 5 ~ oltiC~ = I a I ' ~'"

on y s tbe soolety Is ll.tlonal in i-I iii r' an~· Gran't wareEL.I u<j>NES. ts 0 r tlo1'" oov.rlngls \b••.·ep~ledr.,resloresiii I Inw re ..' ~ _','" ."" " .

o· or,b Nebr",k. ~~pr~..n 'sded looks Ilightens wesrY = ".Y.' EJ.••.... o.u.. n.

g. ·O.f w.•..y.u.. ·.m.... I.Od be ISI.mlnd.S an:d'.:bUiJdS 'up the 1= I' Theb atandstronges.~ware~ad~; Allki~dsotTi~.~~~k

I . ~t.\b•.obnrobe. ~ ,,~~nd.~, "body. b bll8ces; It elves Pips ork and repolrlng d"ln.. ., • II I I" ".o 00' 1l')1I0 1I.[d ?h•• ,•. I'.ondoy, "you vim Mod bouoce,1\1 - 8.. Aolerioau SI1'1a1y.llohool i

'UDO R1\ . ",If'c 1,i~:,t1~:~~;1~





~Uy ONE.


E7lu E:iI'J!1PJ.lE.Cou~t)· Surveyor, r-{otary Publio.," I

Offioe at fbe Wayne S~am Laundry.



Cab~netPhotos a'Speoialty.

GaU ,ery +er Wayne Demoorat Oflloe,


J. H. GOLL. Proprietor.

~~~~~~~:~~~~jj:=l~j=t-:-:-:--·j'-i-;-·-·7'l-c'~~,f~dFg~ o~,· . S~~O*'~M'~""'-';'~E'"''t',.....-S··~lIi'T·''''''1l!I':A~,:·''SRi·£:T·'I):''''<L'Cll;~I'~~N.:l\l:.''\:G'.:;;;.v~;;,;,.N':.:I.':E·&,;,;""'W·,........,.S~.;,~A ;tbe Soqtp lire wsklnK lip ,oi" '".. f\~\'''' .

of m(u1ru~800turiDK compania and lue I 'I" ~

0& 1,!~~~li::~!~1~~~~:T~trz;:ueo~o;~8 ~:t:~:~~:" 8,6,ki,ng,',,','Powder, & Bargains Greet YOU.---..",/&. Convincing Offerings ~,-~."!lg ',the ,mJtb. A, commercial club haa -r ~ i m~ , I,.

I been ot.anl.ed In Ore.nU.ld, Tenne.· ' :, ~4e from pure '~ On Everv Side. "InEvery Department. ~Ree, for:' the purpose of promoting In- I """;'''loJ..... bf tartar ~ ~

Stack ~~~i:71;;?;i~li~~{i;~~;~i~~~fJ~-s-the ~~ ~.j Our Stock !~~ve~~A~,t~,ct~: TT~e~ri:~~~}erso Low. iliud fill kinds, aud they are nOw ready I ~~t,alum. ;.g •

:~e~~~~ libarQ~ inducem~nls to get I -- ~ ,.. G F· h· rl ~A,eoonasmanufaoturln.indu,triee ~. Our Dress Gooys ents urnls In&;. ~

becom~;e8ta.blisbed iu the SOUth-8J;1d l" DEPARTMENT. I AND CL.OT~ING. the ~res9;nt rate of commeroial prog- I":::j,:::=;:;:j:::::~:::::;:~::'::'~ I '4 .,ress tll~t time is not far distant-the ....0.........., I ~ III this Department we have the largest

t'and, best We are positive that 'we can MV, you money in this Q

l' b 8 tb ill k t "M·."t II . 'I~ 88Bortment in our hlstorrat prices that wi I surprise Department, See our fine Hile of Ties, l1at,s and ~peop e, or t e 00 W ~a e op 0 a. I', Ir e aneous. I ~~'. tbe most economical buyers. We al the latest CBaOpyeS.•nWdeMail•• of Women's, Jdens', ~:!\reattztd.,g !lense of the va.lue and neoes- Tbrte thotu anddolillorsdamageswere ill _ , ""flity of a. E'roteoMve Tariff. The hour recov red bi entuBky for tbe lose or things in Summer Dress Goods and W~h pooos. , ~

has st~b.,ok for the, disappearllDcre at a, 'tbreE' n e'~.'t•. pretty big priM f6r a"solid "outh" united to suppurt. Free- dr,'nk.' g " ~ I 'X

I/; Do not For,"et that we also Carry ~.. ','"Trade, I 'l'he Southern people will not, The li"onrtq rir July will be obsenved ~ f5 '!'"

merely,!ortbe,akeo'loyaltytollfals. throUjhoutUnol. Sam', onO

t'~.. A FI·'ne LI·I'n·e of Gro~,'erl·e'.S ,<lI··k:~;.•',',·•.'theory:long ~t1Lored to oouscut to .Kive muoh Jargj'r ,Isoale this year than ever ~ r

up the~reatprosperity whioh ha~ come berore !

to tharp.tbrou,l{~Pf.~ot~otion.inexohange J, D,I Br'id:g~, editor and proprietor of

ffO.rth'lIIldU~lu"·""Uln.,~lllOb red,uj~ted tbeDJm<io".~,,ter,. N.H.,e'yB: Ii: FRESH .FROM THE MARKET. lI.rom t,te ..rHt Htep to war . reel. "I wo~d inot Ilrite without One Minute ~ ~1'1 ~

'Trade ,taken IU IBW,-Economist" I Cougb/,Cn're fbr m,.. boy, when troubled ti . I , , ~

i .: Caoned Vegetables, Canned Fruits,lCanned Fish, Evaporated Fruits, the Best Grades ot Flour, ~,.! I. LITERARY NOTES, i with a Ioi:>u~h or PaId. It is the best ~ in tact anything you msy need canlbe found at our store. ur The highest market prICe Will be ~

i ' I remedy tor ,0 up 1 ever nsed," Orth. h': paid f~r Butter and Eggs Don't forget to call when in the CIty, . a' Antl:jl,oDy Hope,s Dew romanoe, 'ITh~ ~,!- 1 ~ ~

Icount~Sf:lEmU1B"beAinnlnglnth,et4ayj Theo~8',Deio8rpettrU8tlnvlte8:ev. ~ I E ENSTOCK W' N b iii

L'dle,nOmSJO~r8al,wlllhereadi'lt~ orYbod~lo'~lor It. . ~ AUG.P,I PI ., ayn.,e..•. el,. ~

the grrr.test int,areat by its author's ado, T~lkt~ ~b ut the trust movemen;t l it II ~

ImJrer~ ~n thiS oountry In tbeopeI,liog Is still oWBl' ,8 New J~r8e'y. 1 ~",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~'~·~ ...-4"'•.~AV'''''.Mo~.....''''''''~W"~..dl7..dS?:r-t!V''''''~WA'·_~X: 4Y.......6F.~oha.ptyr the re!l.der'a OUrloslty IS aroused For ,hoopiDg-oough~ asthma, b~on. . ." _

I I to thel hvelteet poeible way. The story chiUs, Or ~O±BumPtlOn no med101ne I ,'""""""::l.'~b-c-'-rc=f~'**F=:'==oi===F",===i====-= IIi8 in Anthony Hope's oharaoterlstic equalel Balla. d's Horehound Syrup. H G. LEISENRING, 0' .. d 8 m'

Government (or the PhthpplnlB. vein Qlnd carries one'a IDterest as un~1 Prioe J and~, Wtikms & Cal· , . . r""p tn an ",' hn ! 5 ..~• .,etaryl riODK" expre"ion r"Kard. " dId "Tb. Prleoner ofl La eville I, ontRrtalnlng • Baptl,t 5urlle()n and PhYSICIan. G"'; I \Ir\lr

~~~5:l;,~~~~~~j:t;Et~~~~ JMY :m:~:::::::,:k:~oo StDre ~:t~~i,~a~::~:~a;:~e:i~~U8 late1Y'tlry U8 this spring.

, e bean e IS 11 or:: t~ Uon of I>,nbJugah1J; tihe, Phtllpplnt'F. able Ifor itfj artiulos of sharp present, 08pO r, oonsujnptlClD, heart dlsease!'iud 1· I

.' " ".' ~ .l" Al that :~reRIr:leflt reflksto do, he lintetie8t,' J, L.' ~telfenH supplieij a val- ep~l psy. KI'01 .qly~.epsla Cur~ 1 Physician an,d '5~rgeQ:n, L:, b Le ,' "'IIDj'," 're R.rkN, il

tdprflserveilaw and ord~r Inable, ~nd often _dramatio chapter In ven aUthie ye'l!eotAngaqulok oore ' ' um er - '1m'e

+.Li~' . r -~. -.. - - In ,he faIR. dfl, lind tfl t,ho 1~IIlUdtlil'Sll'eoetlt ~merican politios lu tbe story tn 'a I oaees 0 dy" Ortli. Wayne, Nebraska: '_ I

L.... ~'.=... IJ.~~._~...,J.'.--~~-~.~!f _:~\t~,~~,~._,r~Y~:~~I"-':-~:~.'~ ;:~: od.:mO~.~.::t~e~t~: ..o.,~r:~:~~>I~~l~:~:.: ':i~:;::V~I~~:r:x~~~li~n~:I:)W~:b'~~:O~, ::~ U~TI6,,~l~l~: .:l~oet~a~~~'~~~:~:~D;a~ Ofllce over tbe wayn.e N8.t.ional Bank. 0 , I:. _ ,_,I' '~". ,I, I,J . . up tI ~be w rk or their politioaL regen· :ring politioal reformers and party ~)Qli- Ne Jer~e ' !I.'" j

I,f\gn~itl' .ld~, ,", l Pljrl?~ ~llrto Fl, ~t er tloD, ,Wi b tbe vIe:w pf ~dvlDg them Itlol~oR I uring hIs reoent oanvs.Sij for y. , ker EDWARD S" BLAIR. ~: D,. I FLINT PLABTE.R, IG~~era.~ IOtIS,Jl g ~,~IDi II e d n t ali th~pri,v~leges wb~obi the torritotlNJ Ithe IgojrnorShl P of New York 'and 0 wonderf"Ul Reed ~8 8~ohrt-::'n e I , I!'~~t~ :fP~'~',_,._,_ ,_ ' _ '!_.~ _' _'" :' _ ~ of t~I~.'1 Unlt,ed ~ta~e~ b~tVi;'ee~ th,~ ]?8- sintra new ~nd fuller view of Ad- ~~' rp~e=Z: :I~~ :o~:a:e~,g& y, g ~~Yne, l2eb~. I : O!:f~H~.:~:..

'The "n Wh,cI'b! ,;tIvlI~n - o~ty ci ••ndi~eA,t,.ntl.n,ow:enJoy, ml~.lewey and bleway or dealln. q f·. bll;-boeep.llor W.yne N.t'l Bank Butldtng. Far1m Implements and wadi"'.onS~~I.i"~'.~"·..'....'."."ra~m L I, a dead s 're'r~illln~r tol p tit :, )f cO~lrAl' t~e seoretary Knows the in- with afffl,irs in the l'hililJpinea Is given any a ,alr~Yotlng 0 .... . " -, 9 ,_"h1'I.I.1.8'0. ,.. ,pal'lfltl.. 0.e. .'.' .." , I '. .~e. tlobs_ a~d...~~aire.s or the Presldeot. lin PBoarl..King Davis' "Stolies of Adm,.,.ir.. b '.. PUZZI.ed.' t. e Q. '0,ther, U.D.tll she .has Residence 1 lock east of: opera house.

, : [ ,;' -' -l. -"""-11 tI uUdoul)te~I'y ~oipeB them in this In·la

I pewey," Mr, Davis wrlting from' his s~f!lpeoted ,rl btl f ber darHvg (W8S , Agents for the Celebrated Henney Bug,gies':


",' -::;

'.1..;.....Ie t..I•..lO

,u.",~.t. no..w t.I1..'I.. A.. f:l


or· ~t noe.. NP.b~dY eitbe.r in the adminia- O.W!U perBonal kOOW.ledgE>, IlCQUired. e'..' ..t ~9.nbled With JWOlrm.• 9, has.. r ,galned!the A. A. WE H,.oe~le ,ql ~)e.'H.he t~p ~Iv~ii 0 m ~rt tr Uonor1ntbepartytowhlohtbe ad,.- thflMaoUaoorrespondent of the ~ew,l'b~Yh~e,orhe,altbwitha'feow dOB~of I & «,re ,~lnder of hJ,aa~ls. I , "-Ill Dis~ratl*n belongs ever had aoy de· Yqrh: Su1';l. i ,;: thl~es C~ea~ VermifuKe,. .Prioe25c lIt ,'OrIley at haw. Pbt"ll~o C.on a~;n~

'Tbe ;lilfkl;;;-~~\j~i;ry- ;'dlto I. Also, ~I e td sn~jngs~e tbei,l.nde. Th.eub, I! I " ' 'I r·\lkl", &:00., ' I' , , " ~ O· , . ,\Ir.oi'aho' , 'l",tIl ' boldl itls eodn' ndnfli ,jn ation t~lk, WBS ~n· invention ot the I'Postmfl,&ter-Genera.l Charles EI\lory' " l!'neumont8.y!1&- grippe, 0pughs, ooids, ,Wayne, Neb, I

,m'aleti g: at Ainswqrth one 3 Id'l B yans, dLUAlh11nSf:Hoars aod the rest ISPllth ha~ stopped his work loog enougb ~roup.whdopt J:-1 JOUah aJ~ readily yJelri l,o~m~oe~u~p~.•+I~re~o:v~er~t~b~oC~I~tl~ze~n~e~B~.~nk~, II==~=======~==:==::~~~==::~~:,', ,1'1 ~ -,__ , ' ot the aqtl-expR.n ioniBts, The pur· ,tQ prepfl~e for t,be May Cosmopo!!ltanj to poe Mlnut O,)ugh Ol1r~. Use thil!:l

.l;"u lIq"OPi, ion ~lIrs ; "-r.b~ 'r p bli- p e qt ~hr Pre~id nt. has bean to ..e· iIl.' paper or. "Great Problem'! in OrR-aul-1 ,'remedy In, tlma tn,s8'fe M.,(Jootor'R bUl- N RRISoan aperB of ,the ~ate ~hOllll:i tUI to., st re or(ie~r In t~e slands, aDd then to IzaUon" fqr the aories whloh the COimO.1 or uoder~ake 'tt. Ortb. W. F. ,

.g~t..h,~r,l,r;,and, that.' w~a I'ore


0 t em ta~ o:f c vil ".o~eroment afterWB.rd." p.oHtQn '~B now glvlnlil'. It woul be' 1'be George IWl\s.:h.lngtO.D 'or tbe Phil- J.. t II L F HOLTZwilqio-.!!" i: r W thout rder IQJ1d " reoognltlon of 'i~ifll(l\lltl Ito overeatlwate the 1m urt~ IPPlnesie:doi1'Kanothertbiogthat the Jir1"l2eya aw. I ~

T.~e .4."..8.m.ooratiljl .PO.I' i~ a i

1a A. er~oanISOV.ei

,knt)' there Oan be no '•..•noe of tb.ese a.rtloles. which are lnak1 oe•.orge OW.ash ngton of Vii 'gintR. Tlt'lYHr: . WB;yne, N.eb. • • ,

bUi~us t~me.ln its imd~Q or to hrk oft' 0 anor to set u J;:ny sort ot a ol, au· ing Olear!n wayB never before attetnpt~ did-sumg f 0, ~laCtl. . " . raJ ,.,....urtth~}l1oti'busot fre'e stiv r th a i1 ot tb rit;y. (I'he •c+neot that order Is re- 'ed the p inolple& which underlie all A Younsto"n. Obl man gvt a divor- Will Pr8(Jtl, inState. Fede ....,..., ,fus~'oniein.. :ii' ' , s,t re~. aIj1d AmrricAn sovereIgnty ~s lorganlzat on, beginning with that ot oe and swoo~&d to:' d~tiRht showing - ' r M·, h t T' .1

".1' ",", ' ',.,--- .C;:-;;;.• f~ ro g?lz'",orkofdevl.ln•• olvlll.BOhm.n"'dailYilre.ndexten~Inguptb.tbos,~pr~.t.dunweddedbJl'" MARKS RINGER & SON, .erc an ; ':. ai,.1\8 W8g~S of,workln ,on tb, 0 g put g vernmen~ wilt reoeive attention. to the gre~test institutions of mo~~rQ N i'b' ed to

the.'. 'ooun..trY '.rise j big;h r., th~lv i06l or.'I' elP.res~~e t~mself. oan n.ot Iiet up a tim.e.. .1 ... ,otb JJ a ever b.e~n. prOd,110B. uck- Gelleral oalamit)' l:iowleraln 's ldwer, Ten- oi il ~nthori y hat will have any per-, ' ~q~Ql or fom are wit~ Tabler8" IIt()'Q;:Gaz~tte.' I ", I I iD1 r;;enoe.1 pe' framing' of b govern-I; * * * eye .Plle Oio ment ,aB a ourath·e and ftrst·oJ888 repairing. :r'he Finest Line of Su~mer,Suiting8'

(' ,l ,i ~ ,~-r -··'I·--~ . ,m I),t which i~ll succeed the" military 'rbe May number of Conkey's Home heahog appl }aUon jf?r pllefl, Ds'sqres,. b e Nebr

"..... ,.~.. ".t..•.... L.... 91\l.i,' p.~op s.~•.,...t ! ~o.'l.di or. d. ' ...r gime Is;' a 1.tU otlon of Congr..•.ss, aud Jou.rnal is as brIght 8.nd •.ttracttve., A.S blind and bt dillg. t'=ftt'rnal or f~tt'r- +II Work; ruaranteed. Wayn I ·l '. .to select {,TOm, ever ~hOW.'n in." Wo:yne. ,e~p8It,~l?n t~at ,I III I. lp~e ~ t ~ng 'w. II d'OUb~.1~8 ~e attended to next win- 'one oould wish for, a.nd from the ha.tld- oal, apd ltoll:mg and bleedlDA: o.~ the ,~~~rly~~"att~~Pt ~'I) ~. J!.o IS Js .ot 't r. Thf ~r~ltorlal form ofgoverD- some oover to th?' last ~ge is.fl~ed reotum. Thlretlet ~s Immedlate an~ ROE & RTNER,'.~.,~1••,~ot O~, ll). '! ' .' ent:wblo It~e .s.rstsry moJtlon. ar wltb m.ny good th'ng" Spao.WIU~Ot onr. ~fsllih e. Prj~e, 50•. Iu bDi u.., m t IRepairing of. all 'Kinds Promptly Done.'IB'rY8:rlj'se~s tol hate .. 'grow wo er- bing fato id by the Presi~_,~t does ,~rmtt calling alb'nUon to all the C'I m- tubes dlo. V ilkins &; Co. _ tUa ne JI!eat arke. , I :' ;

"f(illy qtll'et lately ~~~'aps ~'~ sc b- n t neoe~s rut· mean a government tendable featnreF, but it R.ny of J:ur J,l'lihUl'¥ fl, b EVBD~ 18 i.lot reolevlDa' First-ct meats lllways on hand. First Door West ot State BFk. I iMd',~tth~ 'b'rush! ~or: Iii heW i s~. lis Ii e that:w ,io Oklahoma, New Mexi~o r adere are interested they (lan se'lure the pubIJo at entton that he used to, I ,8nn.-:ElXa."flon ylewl se~ fotol h ~ 'bad a Q d ArIZ~n\\·.'h/, It is more like.l)' ~o Q\~oPY on r,eqoest to the PnbItBhers'bW, but tbat.wBii hen he kept Letter 0\ Im- Also deal~ra in hide!!'1 tura and pelts, ~r,)~~i!',~,ool'apse.'I ..1 I I ,I ' ,',I b '" reglrP 6~ the AlaBka.: qrderatnrlt, ~r Conkey Compa.ny, Chlc[LR'o, IUln ~~ pany tb'Qu (JI G Cleveland. I ---- r_ 'I ~; ~ - ~j __-'I

'; I ' 't 1" nllterrt Ilprl.,Uetes'mBy.come n v~ebave.!l.speoiallI.rI'Rll/oiementvt-1 Man101C1.BldlerNnowfeeltlteeffel,ts 1=====;""'=========;,==i'===F'=j==i;=='-rh_e_~,nn~oat ~a5.~~ PfO'l d a to 12 t me bntli Is not likely ~o be adopt d ,t~e publishers R.od will acoept .sub. of the b'~rd IJEIfv1oeth;ey endured' dud og ---,--, ,

~~t:o~'I\'fa~e.r fj, d:10

,:,f~1t n len tb, a o~oe. III thedesire t the Ame i· !soriptloDsfor Oonkers HomeJou~nal tb~ .Wlll-. G~o,,~, AnderAon of Rj:JtIS- THE BES'T 5TO'V'!E'8r~lved'iat 8t I ou~a ,~?,u s~ Y rod (. nlpsople to Rive tbe PU plooB all t e ~In oombinatlon witl) fliE H~n,~w, b'ot.h vl~l(l. York oOpllly, l~enri., who Haw!t;:Je ...' .,' ,:, ' .. , !".,.'"th~uElan.,~~.of p OPfp,. u>1~e ~,e 1l.. O,.t. h. n1•. rU'le blob t.hey. nBe with IPa.pers one year for only SIl,,~O, Sub- h'l:lirde'JtkiodffSerVJCe'Rt thefroo.~, ie

Its,hatlflr~~ the til' to stJo ,10

t,b Yfar ,yith 'a t~y tf, ir own ~nd 'IAmerioan in- 'sorl

Iptions should be Bent to ~ur oflloe, n~w trequent y trotibl6d witb rhe~m a_ , '- I

panil I '" '" r I, !'" '': ' "t t r6st~, 0 increaae tijelr priviie¥es I * ~ ti n\J U! had R ,eevere attaok lat 1,.."~:~t',Oail'rneg1e 1


lYJ W nt,d tm~ do the _t~eY, a use them ~rofitably, ,If Ipalllil L'b}'ord'thtbed. htiet rttj." ,lind h~ "~f1, llall/J prooul'pdll\ botti, fIt aA.¥G~.;J'IKh.t. t..•.. ID. g...he '.. '0. '.114..... ,en. .. eu .W•.. t e. li'i1i~.'i 0., 'he..~ k.nQ.wn \t.,be actual in. ~ove st, as gA ere . ..0 e., le~' rnm CB.'"Ulh~rmllij:. pail.'. Bft.lm. It difl f; 0 Ipaper lUen 0' tli Npr ,he~s ebrlt.8ka t n ions 0 he administrBtionin w4sh. :r~usb~ou~c~S':n~u~:~fteo~s~;1~~r'~,~ muoh Hood U "to 1 would like to kno\" IPreBs Assoolati n ~ ~lraft fOlr 6 few Ii g on a he;deBire of ~he Amerioao he M:y L~d~e~' HomelJour al as "The what yon wm lrl. charKe m~ for a d1zenthousa~d eaoh, T~e I b9:Y 10u1d be eop~et~ :w-ould have been no rEibel- neodotalSlde ot WAshin ton," ..j\1l bQtHes." Mr. And~rson wanted it i?othdead~,stuok on ph'ia th50 y, Of. this, ~ 00,' A.I. e, reokless, 1~8ders fuqollg ~.:he stories are oapltaIiy t"O~d, and to- tor, '!lis UWItr8 BD,d to supply it t~ 'hleeort. " I I I ' e FiliRt Band a oorporal's gU~~d of ;;tt~e:;:::t xe~:~~ ':~~no~ar:~;t~~~1~~ fde-nds anrl tgh~ors, ~B every fatDUy

, .T.b.e.T... b.Ir~ N"b.r~s a. r'e.i·l.en.t has r,la.tant. 1'e ~g",.deB aod falsifiers 19'. the, sting and impress1ve manner. I should bave bott.. IO. of It In the~rh~omo~ddedllobother Hl.ur~l to r e atrlotio,' nitedSt leshavetdelud,edtben~ires, I -I nqt unly fo~ rh,u~Qtlsm, but ame A L"r~a.tli',I'of thatl!stJte by t d rlllg ,Its' ,ttheis~ ~sinto the belief tbB~ this to. baok. "praln~, ~,wi':ellIuglll.cutfl,bru,ses, •.servioes' to tbe·pll'estd bt' tor +e '11.1 the, ~ountryll fjended to P.llt t.b.em baQk :io. and tlUt'n~, fOil' whloh it i" 1l0eQua~.lsd.Pl:j.11ipplnes a 'II!' eded' Tho tlfefW~'H110 a sl8\'e ylike that tram whtoh we h9Q l!'or Hal., by 11. 1'" Ortb, drnr,ntlst. I

nqt "a.o6~Pted. b it f. e~.rl.M:lkill.. 11.1. get a Ii lHt.reB~.. ~. t.hem., AgU~.n•... ldO, .I,n. the C.aUlled 1'0l~Bt. b., •.•..1' wOlllrl be QU.I~.e sbig credit Dla1'k (01" It.l,~UB~ ith SD. e.- bll~ppln B, Qnd Bryan. ,Hoar, ~au~h- IQxury in AI'18lw" whoro tbll uativeaeatSioux <fIt)' 'Jou l1a~, i: I-I 1 , I D, f\tk~ aoo and a tew.. ,~ther. o~p~er- ta'llow Caltfn~H fried in wulrus oJI,

-- .~~r------.,- J eads 8~ ~egeneratlons10 thiS (Jount· MaASl\ollll'31\tt~ds Jtln opposed to 'SI'O.Admiral !Jew 1y Iwll 1"e u,llo t, the y r ponslble {or a.ll theblo~dsbed tl '1 ' . I "tt d'j , r ' t

Unlted States btlt,l~ II relqllire ~b~~t bloh h taken plac,e in the ;P~iiiP' M:~:a~s~~~~l~o~a~RJ'l:~I:lP~~k::.or p ..four months tol m~k theltr~p. a don lnes, b ,which despite tbe en4eavors _ .._",, "1_,_ .._, .. ." .. ,__the ~aY. will tou1h ~t , ~ur p~8n jf t~ea~ ersonages, Is n~w ap~8reQtly No kight 'To Ughnellll,por~, He has b,ee~ blig1d ~o d cline eal' ihl nd,-Globe Demoorat.. Tb~ womll.p who iA lovely in taoe,many IDvit~ti098 to' ~lS~ t~e I gest: ..'. forJ;1l' K'UeI t,empe'r will always ..bave(Jities o,f the oountr 'I 0 in~ to!:oor , A ,rou~ ng patriotio .mass meetmg was frleQdfl but bne Whll would' he attraot_

he.alth.' ..'CQU.'.~ .bY.. lhI 11l~' g ~on.t u.ed .. el.~ Inj.]M. I~.n1

e8poliB J. ast SUUdjt..y Wh.. IOb ive m.u~t keep .:'1;l.e.r It Sbe. Ieservioe in the P ilipp I~esj " eartil~ ,endorsed the government tn weak, sickIY'll.~d all rUII down, tlhe ,will

. I ---·,-------,T----·----' -11 J i'te ataQ.~ reiative to expansJou ~od be nervous ~nd 1nitabh.. If Bhe<baeIt u,ow 8p~ell ~ ': I,h ~ ,0'1' eery !he pro~,e~whioh now oonfront jthe constipatloniot kidney t,rouble, her Im-

Miller 6, apPolDt~ent Ja~,! o~ly, t at,ot aUlon, I I'rli aUdie/:e was wILd with pure 'blood .Jill·oause pIPlpl~~' Wayne, ot three special c, mIPislBiOo1,S Il.p- '~ • . I I ' , ., ,;, " '

ltd b th G \ .. t<. ~.' t itb' nthusl m and the! eUDg. O.l nat skin e.rUPti0t.~and a wretohedoomplex_ Fit ,t..OiMs Meats k.ePt'a1.wayson hand.~~: eoo:mit~ee~ve:r]tJ:I~:re t:tes ride -r eVlde~oed n many ways, and Ion. EI(>otr o:Bltters'ia the beBt m~di. _ -LIn re 'd t 'i' II tb a it Vfill be ail over this glorious land olne in the orld to reRulate stomaoh, Ht rORIO'CONNELL'SG' If ~~r tI 0 sellur n, f~ lal

l WlloY 0 the hen I~l people have aD o~portunity liver and k_~dneys !lnd to purity 1-heer~ ou~~et l~,l't~t~)~:s~er Vt::. o~.rh~ 0 expre '8 tbemselve~. ' bloo~. It ",~~eH "trong Ilene~, bright I , ~po&itio~ iOi filore on~T of I' h!n~r h~n 8 I' I' H' i·U~Sd' i eyeHl8moot~J ve,lvet,y 8kh:~, rU,lh (wm· Fool and JUliai'd l1all.luorative' Ine. ' ' "I I; I C ,a8 ave:. 1 'fllex on. It ~ill make", Rood- lookIIl~' I

, j--' - ,.'" ~., _. ' Mr J. " Hly, a promine,ntoltlz1not ohQrp'ing W ,'PlaD ot a ruo-down IO\'IJ,UI\

'stowed', upon' udge"N r is ,Don the ell er ~ romQtr~ghttQldeatb.i In , , " I-__~~_-'~-c-'-_I"Third ti:ebrask Co~~r~ si nal st~lot IIIJ R,ot it e says: I was :ta~en 'rlth: Su n~ndent'8 Notipc, T-- 8# wi, tNSOR,b" Assistaut- eoreta.~,.•.i ar eikl· wold F er' that roo into!.nellTon -, I ill be J, the offioe l'4oudays ll.Jld . U. I

' , e t. ~'" Saturdays, !+}xaminatlons the tblJ'd \ amIjohn is app eoiated!: b early every a.! M lUll 8 beoame barde ~rl. WflS: SQt~rday 0 eacb month Bod FrlCiay ~Il~el2lD 'lf~.oIti~en, of,' orthea~' e rask_ ,The 0 Iea I co In't even sit up in bed. preoedinR'. CHARLOTTE M. WHITE ",Judlle.baa een appo ot~ ttor e~ ,tor O/hi ,R' bel edDle. IIexp,ected tOI~oon:, I I S~ t. ot Publlo In.struotiop. Wayne, ,Neb., , I'thpUnl'ted tateao to~ ouse 1~ the ie oflcon~mPtlon"Wben ~ heard ot, • te n I, ,': "

::~l~tJ~~te':lail?d~~:~~ o~m:r.~fh:i~~ r,Kfg'eewDlsoovery. De bottle, IISCnp 10':, !Tbebe~~8:i:~::;·w~~;';·tor Cflt8 &lDR



y.GU.aranteed. l't t'"l.oks N'..l·oer .d.....d Wi,·,.. , .. S'. Bett·er.,. th..,,,,.

once. "Judge orrl~ ,i~ r gard dl as a. ~a~ K oat r Uef, I oorttnue~ to use Ih, ~ ,I b*u188s. sortr,. uloera, saIt rheulJl.~ '''1''&; U u,l,U. QIM

olean,hpo,est n by ~ mem ~ra of I·n. n w.mlweU.nd.tron•• lo,n:te.y: ... ~•• ohil~~t.!n,.ohappod~au~"t~"'''' ~ 11;, 'J.._ ., M k t

~~1:1~~EI~1~~11E~~:::~;;;,!il~~ ~~~'~~Jh~~r:~~~~~,:~o~'!·- l~t\r~iJ¥~~i~lill




I'\""1/ ',jI ,~


IJIa 1M o..~ ....GlUt., ~c. 01 ....". eu.ada IUd ........t_a••~""cur.w .appU_U. ....~oI.J--"()tta-. a:a.Ia. ...

rtholollll'Jw. 80e 5th SU9l, Dtl.llm-. r-.-,

'~'I", "lii,.

! .



fiWi;&~l! ' I Wayne !

=-TH!E. Druggists,

II.. .Ci~lTr the ft•. ,,,,.,1 ~:::~,mO't <,on,.lllet... Ilh'-oduH.'ut o.rhl the II "~,.~ '~'"p ,.","

.IW.~.:o~ov.t"'~~~~:.~.,,, !II oholo. lin. of

, I III Statio~erY and Perfumes,

'I Prices low. Co e and /:;/:le us 'before you buy. ~rompti and oarefnlat·t nUon gi"\"en tOlfllIing presoriptions.

i1~ ~~:=:1



Miell!> I 7.00 811it'fol' 0.7u.

Me,s I "Mens 5.00 Suit' for :1.75.

Moi,s I., .. I

All Goods art~ Markedl in 'Plain Figures,

I ON~ PRICEto ;ALL. .I _~__ .(...._I~ .... _~_~_·


:thisFnI I

ork Elrst Clnss,
