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Here are 12 helpful tips for networking at events and conferences:

Don’t be nervous – get networking!

As you push open the door and walk in, you wonder if you’ve made a big mistake.

You’ve just arrived and you’re on your own. You scan the crowd of people hoping you’ll see a familiar face, but all you see is a group of strangers, all happily engaged in conversation.

Relax, this is how many of us feel when we go to a networking event. It’s natural to feel nervous, but don’t let that stop you.

Even the most extrovert among us can feel shy about approaching new people!

Read on for some top tips...

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1. Be yourself

Networking events are designed to connect people and build business relationships.

Don’t try to be the person that you think other people would like to meet.

To make genuine connections you need to be yourself, although that’s not to say you shouldn’t show your most charming side!

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People naturally congregate around the bar or refreshment counter, so if you’re alone this is a good place to start.

Once you’ve got your drink stand a few steps from the bar and try to look approachable.

2. Grab a drink

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Stand up straight – good posture will help make you look more confident.

And don’t forget to smile; if you look friendly people will be more inclined to strike up a conversation.

3. Stand tall, and smile

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Don’t spend the whole event talking to people you already know, although of course say hello and have a quick catch-up.

Try and spend the majority of the event talking to new contacts.

4. Talk to new people

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In the same way you wouldn’t go up to a friend, interrupt them and then talk loudly about yourself, don’t behave that way with new contacts.

Behave the same way you would with a good friend or a work colleague.

5. Be polite

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The best way to get to know someone is to ask questions; try to make sure they talk more than you do.

Try and ask a mix of questions, so it’s not all about business.

6. Ask questions

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If you see someone on their own, invite them to join in.

Don’t leave people out in the cold, draw them into the conversation. Nobody likes being left out, so be kind.

7. Include others

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People can tell if you’re not sincere, so don’t try to meet as many as people as possible.

If you rush around handing out business cards, you’ll just alienate yourself. A few, meaningful conversations and new connections are far more valuable.

8. Don’t work the room

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Be engaged; people will soon spot that your eyes are wandering.

Maintain eye contact and concentrate on what’s being said. Nod your head when appropriate and smile.

9. Concentrate on conversations

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Be generous with your time, knowledge and connections.

If you’re willing to share, you’ll find others will be the same with you.

10. Share

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If there’s a natural break in a conversation, don’t be afraid to join in.

Most people will welcome the chance to meet someone new. If you feel you’ve intruded just politely excuse yourself and move on.

11. Join in

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After the event don’t forget to use LinkedIn to connect with those new connections that you made at the event.

Many people use LinkedIn now, instead of handing out business cards. Now that you’re connected you can start to build the relationship further. 

12. LinkedIn

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