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Detective Stories

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Full Circle

Wasps’ Nest Trifles

Taos Robbery

Perfect Murder

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Full Circle 100

The narrator’s immediate reaction to Caroline’s car accident is one of

a. Wild panic

b. Unemotional calm

c. Efficient excitement

d. Stunned bewilderment


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Full Circle 200Mrs. Spurrier wants the narrator to investigate her

daughter’s death because she

a. Thinks the police are involved in a cover-up

b. Thinks the narrator knows something important

c. Doesn’t trust the police to investigate thoroughly

d. Blames the police for not protecting her daughter


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Full Circle 300

Mrs. Spurrier’s reason for thinking that Caroline was killed by someone who knew her is that

a. Caroline had many enemies

b. Someone had been bothering Caroline

c. The shot fired through the passenger-side window

d. A random shooting would not have occurred on a highway


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Full Circle 400

The main reason Lt. Dolan gives the narrator the witness list is because

a. He thinks she might help solve the case

b. He usually cooperates with her investigations

c. He doesn’t want to use the police time on the case

d. Caroline’s mother has pressured him to cooperate


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Full Circle 500

The narrator cracks the case with information from

a. Judy

b. Terry

c. Mrs. Spurier

d. The photographer


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Wasps’ Nest 100

Giving hints to an upcoming event is a literary device called ______________


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Wasps’ Nest 200

Why did Claude Langton purchase cyanide of potassium?

a. He wanted to kill Harrison

b. He planned to kill himself

c. Harrison asked him to buy it

d. He planned to use it in his garden


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Wasps’ Nest 300

From this story, what can you infer about washing soda?

a. It looks like cyanide of potassium

b. Is has a distinctive flavor

c. Poirot had to sign the poison book to buy it

d. People use it to kill wasps


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Wasps’ Nest 400

What was Harrison’s primary feeling toward Langton?

a. Friendship

b. Admiration

c. Fear

d. Jealousy


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Wasps’ Nest 500

What did Harrison think would happen by nine o’clock, when Poirot returned?

a. The wasps would be dead

b. Langton would be dead

c. He himself would be dead

d. Both he and Langton would be dead


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At the farmhouse, the County Attorney is looking mainly for clues about

a. The murder weapon

b. A motive for the crime

c. Evidence of an intruder

d. How the crime could have been committed


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Trifles 200

Mrs. Hale suggests that the cheerless atmosphere in the Wrights’ home is due mainly to

a. Poverty

b. Bad housekeeping

c. Mr. Wright’s personality

d. Mrs. Wright’s personality


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Trifles 300

The play suggests that Mrs. Hale restitches Mrs. Wright’s sewing on the quilt piece in order to

a. Show that she can do it better

b. Help Mrs. Wright get the quilt completed

c. Protect Mrs. Wright from critical comments

d. Destroy evidence that Mrs. Wright was emotionally upset


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Trifles 400

What do Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale come to believe is particularly meaningful about Mr. Wright’s death?

a. The method used to kill him

b. The place where he was killed

c. The time of day at which he was killed

d. The coldness of the house after his death


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Trifles 500

Why does Mrs. Peters try to hide the box the women have found?

a. It upsets her

b. She wants to protect Mrs. Wright

c. She doesn’t want the men to laugh at her

d. She is afraid it will give the men the wrong idea


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Taos Robbery 100

Which of the following people is first to know that the bank is going to be robbed?

a. An elderly lady

b. A police officer

c. A bank president

d. A newspaper editor


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Taos Robbery 200

The writer suggests that, during the search for suspects, some residents fail to help the police because the residents

a. Dislike the police

b. Have no community spirit

c. Are afraid of the suspects

d. Do not take the situation very seriously


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Taos Robbery 300

What did the Great Flood of 1935 lack that most floods have?

a. Water damage

b. Huge amounts of water

c. A declaration of emergency

d. A need to evacuate residents


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Taos Robbery 400

The writer’s main purpose in writing this selection was most probably to

a. Inform

b. Entertain

c. Persuade

d. Express an opinion


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Taos Robbery 500

True or False- The bank robbers stole millions of dollars from the Taos Bank.


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Perfect Murder 100

How many years have passed since the narrator has seen Ralph?

a. 36

b. 48

c. 12

d. 5


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Perfect Murder 200

What is the worst offense the narrator endures?

a. Indifference

b. Beatings

c. Unfair trade

d. Name calling


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Perfect Murder 300

What does Doug do before leaving Ralph’s home?

a. He whispers “bang” six times

b. Shoots Doug six times

c. He confesses why he is there

d. He sits and watches TV


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Perfect Murder 400

How does the narrator get across the country?

a. Plane

b. Train

c. Car

d. Boat


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Perfect Murder 500

The narrator trades the catcher’s mitt for ___?

a. A Tarzan figure

b. Twenty-five cents

c. Two dollars

d. Five dollars


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Double Jeopardy

Explain the difference between situational irony

and dramatic irony

(Give definitions or examples as needed)
