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ANC data for Rahovec Municipality

Case study

Idriz SHALA [email protected]

GIS - Expert

Afrim [email protected]

Soil - Expert

Sylë [email protected]

Meteorological - Expert

2nd Interim Meeting of REAWG ANC SEE Project ,Kolasin Montenegro 13-15 September,2016

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.


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Area (276 km² )Population (58 208 )Number of Cadastral zone 34Number of Settlements 36

Facts about Rahovec Municipality

Land use characteristics

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Status of Geographical Information System (GIS) data

Below are basic information about Digital terrain model dataset for Rahovec Municipality – Kosovo*

Data Format: Shape format;

Resolution: 20 mAttribute Data: Y, X, HCoordinate system: UTM WGS 84

20 m

< 400 m - 42%

400 m - 600m - 37%

600 m - 800m - 15%

> 800m – 6 %

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Status of Geographical Information System (GIS) data

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Status of Geographical Information System (GIS) data

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ANC Area in Rahovec Municipality

According slope criteria’s

1465 hectares with agricultural land are ANC

5207 hectares are ANC or 19 % territory of Rahovec municipality

Agricultural Area inside ANC Area for

Rahovec Municipality

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The land cover map for the Rahovec Municipality (preferably in CORINE methodology)

Total in Rahovec are 13 classes

Data Format: Shape format

Coordinate system: UTM WGS 84

Softwer which are used:

- ArcGIS 10.0

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The land cover map for the Rahovec Municipality (preferably in CORINE methodology)

- Owner for these data is Ministry of environment and spatial

planning/Kosovo* Environmental protection Agency.

Code Name_Lebel 1 Name_Lebel 2 Name_Lebel 3 Area km² %

112Artificial surfaces Urban fabric Discontinuous urban fabric 11.2 4.0

211Agricultural areas Arable land Non-irrigated arable land 42.9 15.6

221Agricultural areas Permanent crops Vineyards 11.2 4.1

222Agricultural areas Permanent crops Fruit trees and berry plantations 0.6 0.2

231Agricultural areas Pastures Pastures 1.1 0.4

242Agricultural areas Heterogeneous agricultural areas Complex cultivation patterns 81.2 29.5

243Agricultural areas Heterogeneous agricultural areas Land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation 37.2 13.5

311Forest and semi natural areas Forests Broad-leaved forest 40.0 14.5

312Forest and semi natural areas Forests Coniferous forest 0.3 0.1

321Forest and semi natural

areasScrub and/or herbaceous vegetation associations

Natural grasslands10.1 3.7

324Forest and semi natural

areasScrub and/or herbaceous vegetation associations

Transitional woodland-shrub21.1 7.7

333Forest and semi natural areas

Open spaces with little or no vegetation Sparsely vegetated areas 14.9 5.4

411Wetlands Inland wetlands Inland marshes 3.8 1.4

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Code Name Area km² %27 Alluvial-deluvial loamy soil 8.1 3.0

150 Bare rock 1.6 0.6

45 Brownized rendzina on compact limestone 17.4 6.4

42 Brownized rendzina on mellow limestone 1.27 0.5

52 Brownized rendzina on serpentine 10.8 4.0

72 Brownized smonitsa 50.2 18.6

71 Brownized smonitsa in the process of brownization 5.54 2.1

138 Clayey pseudogley 0.67 0.2

101 Clayish brown soil on lacustrine clays 11.46 4.2

77 Eroded smonitsa 26.93 10.0

10 Lithosol on compact limestone 0.41 0.2

6 Lithosol on ultrabasic rocks (serpentine) 0.43 0.2

17 Loamy alluvium 17.4 6.4

100 Loamy brown soil on lacustrine clays 2.8 1.0

23 Loamy deluvium 14.9 5.5

33 Mineral-marsh loamy gley soil 0.31 0.1

118 Moderately deep brown soil on ultrabasic rocks 3.1 1.1

87 Moderately deep red soil on compact limestone 1.3 0.5

29 Noncalcareous smonitsa 43.9 16.3

134 Podzol-pseudogley 1.8 0.7

94 Reddish-brown leached soil on reddish sediments 1.33 0.5

90 Reddish-brown sandy-loamy soil on reddish sediment 3.3 1.2

15 Sandy alluvium 5.5 2.0

86 Shallow red soil on compact limestone 1.4 0.5

74 Smonitsa leached with pseudogley 7.7 2.9

59 Typical ranker on neutral rocks (andesite etc.) 0.59 0.2

44 Typical rendzina on compact limestone 15.17 5.6

51 Typical rendzina on serpentine 14.25 5.3

Soil map for Rahovec

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Soil data - profiles

22 profiles in Rahovec Municipality

Attribute data from profiles

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Meteorology station

Average temperature from 1973-1999

70 km

Average air temperature by months for Rahovec municipality 1974-1998


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Meteorological data for station Prishtina, Prizren, Pejë

Years 1973 - 1999

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Rainfall data for station Prishtina, Prizren, Pejë

Years 1960 - 1998

Annual values of ripples on monthly and yearly basis

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