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A Simple Method of Estimating the RadiatedEmission From a Cable Attached to a Mobile Device

Hyun Ho Park, Member, IEEE, Hark-Byeong Park, and Haeng Seon Lee

Abstract—When a mobile device is connected to cables for charg-ing power or transmitting data, the radiated emission from theattached cables, which are typically effective electromagnetic in-terference (EMI) antennae at certain frequencies, can cause serioussystem-level EMI problems. The measurement of system-level ra-diation during compliance and precompliance tests is not only atime-consuming task, but also requires expensive facilities such asa semianechoic chamber. This paper proposes a simple methodof predicting far-field radiation from cables attached to mobiledevices at the early stage of the design and development phasewithout using an EMI chamber. The method combines radiationcharacterization of a simple box–source–cable geometry using full-wave simulations with the measurement of the real common-modecurrent flowing through the cable. The proposed method was ap-plied to mobile phones to estimate the far-field radiated emissions,which were compared with the measurement results. The accuracyof the predicted results was evaluated using the feature selectivevalidation technique, indicating good agreement and correlation.

Index Terms—Attached cables, common-mode current, electro-magnetic interference (EMI), feature selective validation (FSV),mobile device, printed circuit board (PCB), radiated emission, ra-diation transfer function (RTF).


R ECENT technical advances in mobile devices, such ashigh-density packaging, high-speed signaling, and multi-

functional operations, have led to electromagnetic interference(EMI) problems that are more serious and complicated thanever before. Once electronic devices have been developed formass production and sales worldwide, they should be subjectedto an EMI regulation test to ensure their compliance with theEMI limits specified in the international electromagnetic com-patibility standards such as CISPR 22 and FCC Part 15. If atest result does not meet the EMI regulation limits, product en-gineers should improve their design until it does. During thisdebugging period, several measurements have to be conductedin an EMI chamber. Validating the revised design of a productby measurement using an EMI chamber is a rather iterative and

Manuscript received April 9, 2012; revised July 24, 2012. accepted August31, 2012.

H. H. Park is with the Department of Electronic Engineering, University ofSuwon, Hwaseong 443-746, Korea (e-mail: [email protected]).

H.-B. Park is with the Global Production Technology Center, SAM-SUNG Electronics Company, Ltd., Suwon 442-600, Korea (e-mail:[email protected]).

H. S. Lee is with the Department of Electronic Engineering, Sogang Univer-sity, Seoul 121-742, Korea (e-mail: [email protected]).

Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available onlineat

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TEMC.2012.2219587

time-consuming task. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly im-portant to clarify EMI issues at the early stage of product designand development. Furthermore, it is particularly useful to beable to estimate electromagnetic radiation from such devices atthe design stage.

To date, many studies focused on anticipating electromag-netic emissions have been presented by examining noise cou-pling mechanisms or EMI modeling methods for electronic de-vices. Hubing and coworkers [1], [2] proposed the fundamen-tal EMI mechanism of common-mode radiation from printedcircuit boards (PCBs) with attached cables in terms of current-driven and voltage-driven mechanisms. Then, they presentedmethods of estimating the maximum radiated emissions froma cable attached to a PCB using a simple board–source–cableantenna model [3], [4]. These studies showed that the electro-magnetic field coupling of noise sources on circuit boards and anattached cable can be effectively modeled by placing an equiv-alent common-mode voltage source between the board and thecable. The amplitude of this equivalent source can be estimatedby using closed-form equations and transverse electromagneticcell measurement. A similar investigation was conducted byKayano and Inoue [5], who also proposed a method of pre-dicting the electromagnetic radiation from a PCB driven by aconnected short feed cable up to gigahertz frequencies, basedon the transmission line theory and current-driven and voltage-driven common-mode generation mechanisms, with considera-tion of antenna impedance. Elsewhere, Wang et al. [6] presenteda method of estimating the common-mode radiation from a ca-ble attached to a conducting enclosure, based on asymmetricaldipole approximation and common-mode current simulation.

Even though these methods are definitely useful in under-standing the EMI mechanisms and in estimating the radiatedemission from a simple structure such as a PCB with only asingle trace and an attached cable, they still have certain limi-tations as far as their application to real products in industry isconcerned. This is because real products have too many EMIsources and possible coupling paths to be able to describe en-tirely their coupling mechanisms in terms of simple closed-formequations. Ultimately, a more realistic approach to analyzingthese kinds of real-world problems should adopt both measure-ment and simulation.

This paper presents a simple but realistic method of estimat-ing common-mode radiation from a cable attached to a mobiledevice by measuring the common-mode current. The proposedmethod also uses the box–source–cable model for full-wavesimulation. Although this looks slightly similar to the methodpresented by Wang et al. [6], the great difference of our studylies in the fact that the cable is connected with the infinite

0018-9375/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE

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Fig. 1. Setup for EMI regulation measurement.

Fig. 2. Examples of radiated emissions from real mobile phone: (a) with an attached power cable; (b) without an attached power cable.

ground plane. This indicates that the electrically short-circuitcable cannot be modeled by the asymmetrical dipole approxi-mation proposed in [6]. Actually, during EMI regulation testing,the power cable of the mobile device was attached to an electri-cal outlet on the ground plane in a semianechoic EMI chamber.The mobile device itself was modeled by a simple conductingbox. The equivalent source between the conducting box and thepower cable can be determined by measuring the common-modecurrent on the cable, which contains all coupled noises from themobile device body. Full-wave simulations such as CST Mi-crowave Studio (MWS) [7] and method of moment (MoM) [8]were employed to calculate the radiation characteristics of thecable attached to a conducting box while using a normalizedGaussian source as an equivalent source. This radiation char-acteristic of the model is called a radiation transfer function(RTF), which is a function of frequency. A combination of mea-sured common-mode current and the RTF results in a very rapidand simple prediction of the radiation. For validation, we com-pared the predicted radiated emission with one measured in anEMI chamber and analyzed their agreement by using featureselective validation (FSV) [9], [10]. The proposed method willbe very useful in measuring the radiated emission from mo-bile devices without an EMI chamber measurement during theproduct’s design and development period, resulting in makingthe debugging procedure easier and faster. This paper is orga-nized as follows. Section II examines radiated emission from areal mobile device with a power cable. Section III illustrates asimplified box–source–cable antenna model and its experimen-

tal validation in terms of the induced common-mode currentdistribution. In Section IV, an RTF of the simplified model isintroduced and numerically calculated by CST MWS and MoM.In Section V, the predicted radiated emission obtained by com-bining the common-mode current measurement with the RTFof the simplified antenna model is compared with the measure-ment and validated based on the FSV technique. Finally, someconclusions are presented in Section VI.



Fig. 1 illustrates the measurement setup for the EMI regula-tion test. The test object was placed on a wooden table at least80 cm above the ground plane of the semianechoic chamber. Areceiving antenna was placed at 3 or 10 m away from the testobject. The measurement standard requires the test object to bein the worst configuration from an EMI point of view. To dothis, all peripherals such as power cable had to be connectedto the mobile device. In the case of a mobile phone, the powercable had to be fitted to reach the floor with a 30–40 cm foldedregion in middle of the cable, as depicted in Fig. 1. Based onthe EMI regulation, the radiated emission from the test object isgiven in terms of maximum values for both the horizontal andvertical polarizations. Fig. 2 shows the radiated emissions froma mobile phone with and without a power cable according tothe EMI regulation test method shown in Fig. 1. During mea-surement, the mobile phone was working in the camera preview

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Fig. 3. Geometry of problem.

test mode. In that operational mode, the mobile phone processesimage signals with a high data rate and high-frequency clock.First, we measured the radiated emission from a real mobilephone with a power cable attached. As shown in Fig. 2(a), thetest results indicate that vertical polarized emission is dominantat low frequencies below about 300 MHz; on the other hand,horizontal polarized emission is dominant at high frequenciesabove 300 MHz. The primary contributions to the horizontalpolarized emission were due to both the differential-mode andcommon-mode radiations from the mobile phone itself. Thevertical polarized emission was due to the common-mode radi-ation from the attached power cable. This is because the phonebody was horizontally laid on the turntable and the cable wasvertically dropped down to the ground plane. In addition, wetried to measure the radiated emission from the mobile phonewithout attaching a power cable. Comparing the emission pro-files, the radiation behavior changed due to the absence of apower cable. The vertical polarized emission below 300 MHzdisappeared and only the horizontal radiated emission was dom-inant above 300 MHz due to the radiation emitted by the mobilephone itself. Accordingly, as mentioned previously, the radia-tion mechanism of the mobile phone with an attached powercable can be summarized thus: radiated emission below about300 MHz is determined by the power cable’s radiation, whereasradiated emission above 300 MHz is driven by the mobile phoneitself. Therefore, our modeling and prediction method for theradiated emission from the power cable of the mobile phonemay be valid over a frequency range under about 300 MHz.In this paper, all measurements and simulation results will beprovided in the frequency range of 30–500 MHz.


The structure whose radiated emission was to be analyzedand measured was simplified to a greater extent than the con-figuration of the EMI regulation test, as shown in Fig. 3. Thepower cable was modeled as a cable bent at 90◦. The bent cablewas worse geometry than the folded cable used in the EMI com-pliance test in terms of radiated emission because the magneticfields due to the common-mode currents flowing in the foldedregion of the cable can cancel each other out. The overall lengthof the cable was 145 cm, i.e., 65 cm in horizontal length and80 cm in vertical length. For simulation, the cable was modeledas a flat perfect electric conductor ribbon instead of a round

Fig. 4. Modeling the geometry of a mobile phone: (a) model A; (b) model B.

cable. The width of the cable was 1.7 mm. As mentioned in[11], this substitution would decrease the simulation time with-out sacrificing accuracy. To model the phone body itself, weused a rectangular cubic conducting box that was similar inshape to a real mobile phone. The common-mode current onthe cable could be modeled as an impressed voltage or currentsource, which is provided by measurement. This kind of mod-eling approximation originated from previous studies [2], [3],[5], [6], which show that the noise coupling of ICs, traces, orother components on a PCB and an attached cable can be effec-tively modeled by placing equivalent voltage or current sourcebetween the board and the cable.

In order to examine how this approximation is appropriatefor modeling a real mobile device with an attached cable, weconsidered two simple structures as shown in Fig. 4. Model Adepicted in Fig. 4(a) presents a simple circuit board structurewith a signal trace routed over a slotted ground plane within aconducting box equipped with an aperture for cabling. One endof the cable was connected to the ground plane of the slottedboard and the other end was connected to the ground plane floor.The microstrip trace was driven by a voltage source at one endand terminated at the other end. Model B depicted in Fig. 4(b)shows a simplified structure consisting only of a conducting boxand a cable. The voltage source was excited at the connectionpoint between the box and the cable as a Gaussian pulse. A3-D full-wave simulation using CST MWS was conducted toanalyze how the common-mode current induced by the noisefrom the PCB within the conducting box was distributed on thecable.

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Fig. 5. Distributions of common-mode current and magnetic field along the cable: (a) at 200 MHz; (b) at 300 MHz.

Fig. 5 shows the distribution of the common-mode currentalong the cable at frequencies of 200 and 300 MHz. It can beseen that the current distributions between model A and model Bwere of the same shape, although the amplitudes differed. Eventhough the box–source–cable model was approximated and sim-plified, the distribution of the common-mode current along thecable corresponded well with that of the more realistic structurein Fig. 4(a). As can be seen in Fig. 5, the current distributions onthe cable have a sinusoidal function. The common-mode currentcan be approximated with a cosine function as follows:

ICM(f, x) = I0(f) cos[2π(x + β)


]+ α (1)

where the common-mode current exhibits the maximum mag-nitude at the ground due to the short-circuit current. I0(f) is anamplitude of the common-mode current at the ground position.α and β indicate dc offset and phase shift, respectively.

In order to validate the simulated common-mode current dis-tribution in the cable, we measured the common-mode currentof the power cable attached to a real mobile phone (phone A).The setup for measuring the common-mode current is shownin Fig. 6. The common-mode current flowing in the cable caneasily be measured using a high-frequency clamp-on currentprobe (Fischer Custom Communications Model F-2000) and aspectrum analyzer (Agilent E4440A). The common-mode noisecurrent was amplified by a low noise amplifier with 42-dB gain.To extract the common-mode current from the measured volt-age of the spectrum analyzer, the probe factor and amplifiergain were also taken into account. Fig. 7 shows the compar-isons between the measured common-mode current and the onecalculated by (1). Due to the fact that the measured currentwas only a magnitude value, the calculated current also had anabsolute value of (1). At 196.38 MHz, where its wavelength(λ=152.7 cm) is close to the cable length, the current distribu-tion obtained from the measurement was almost identical to thecalculated result of (1) when its offset parameters are α=4 andβ=10. Good agreement was also shown at 285.68 MHz belowthe measurement point of 19. The calculated result of (1) wasobtained by setting its offset parameters as α=3 and β=18.There is some discrepancy above the measurement point of 19.This is due to the discrepancy in the positions of measurement

Fig. 6. Setup for common-mode current measurement.

and calculation. The increase of position error when we measurethe common-mode current along the vertical part of the cablemay result in this discrepancy. As a consequence of Figs. 5 and7, we can assert that the box–source–cable model, as shown inFig. 4(b), has the same current distribution along the cable as areal mobile device (see Fig. 6) as well as a more realistic model[see Fig. 4(a)]. It means that this simplified model is quite a re-alistic simulation model for predicting radiated emission from acable attached to a mobile device. In the next section, this modelis used to calculate the RTF, which is dependent on the currentdistribution along the cable. Several additional experiments, notpresented here, were performed to verify the strong correlationbetween the common-mode current measurement and the radi-ated emission measurement in the EMI chamber. Consequently,as long as the common-mode current on the cable induced bythe mobile phone can be extracted exactly, a prediction of thecable radiation can also be obtained accurately by using thebox–source–cable model.

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Fig. 7. Comparison of measured and calculated common-mode current distributions along the power cable: (a) at 196.38 MHz; (b) at 285.68 MHz.

Fig. 8. Measured common-mode currents from the power cables attached to two real mobile phones: (a) phone A; (b) phone B.

In Fig. 8, the common-mode currents from two real mobilephones (phone A and phone B) were measured to predict theradiated emission in Section V. The current probe was locatedat the point where the cable was attached to the mobile phone. Inthe case of phone A, the common-mode current showed higheremission peaks at every odd harmonic frequency of 35.7 MHz,which was exactly identical to the pixel clock frequency of thecamera module in the phone. As mentioned earlier, all mea-surements were conducted in the camera preview test mode ofthe mobile phone. While the camera module is working, theswitching noise due to its clock is generated in the phone bodyand then induced on the power cable. In the case of phone B,the common-mode current peaks did not show a definite oddharmonic period, but anyhow the current showed peak values atodd or even harmonics of its pixel clock frequency (34.6 MHz).Comparing the phones A and B, the peak value of the common-mode current of phone A was greater than that of phone B. Theradiation from the cable is expected to be directly proportionalto the common-mode current along that cable.


The far-field radiated emission from the cable attached tothe mobile device was significantly affected, not only by thecommon-mode current flowing on the cable but also by the ra-diation characteristic of the box–source–cable antenna model.The radiation characteristic was directly dependent on geomet-rical parameters such as the length and shape of the cable, thesize and shape of the mobile device, and their placement. Here,this radiation characteristic or efficiency of the antenna modelwas defined as an RTF, which is the ratio of the radiated electric

field at the far-field region to the common-mode current at thejunction of the cable and the mobile phone body

RTFp [dBΩ/m] =Ep


= Epsim (ro) (2)

where p is h or v, which signifies horizontal or vertical polar-ization, respectively; Ep

mea(ro) is the measured radiated electricfield at a specific position (ro ) in the far-field region; ICM(rs)is the measured common-mode current at the junction position(rs) of the cable and mobile device body; Ep

sim (ro) is the sim-ulated radiated electric field at a specific position (ro ) when anormalized Gaussian current source is excited at the junctionposition (rs). A simulation model for calculating the radiationcharacteristic of the box–source–cable antenna model is de-picted in Fig. 9. The geometry of this model corresponds withthe setup for measuring radiated emission, as previously shownin Fig. 3. The box is modeled so as to have the same size as areal mobile phone. To calculate the RTF, the vertical and hori-zontal polarized electric fields were obtained by measurementand simulation at an observation point described in Fig. 9.

Fig. 10 shows the simulated and measured RTFs. Accordingto (2), the measured RTFs of phones A and B were obtained fromthe ratio of the measured radiated electric field at the observationpoint to the measured common-mode current at the connector ofthe power cable. The measured RTFs of phones A and B agreewell with each other in both the horizontal and vertical polariza-tions at frequencies up to 500 MHz. The simulated RTFs wereobtained by using both the CST MWS and MoM. In particu-lar, the MoM is a highly efficient numerical technique whensimulating metallic structures composed of wires and surfaces,

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Fig. 9. Simulation model for calculating RTF.

Fig. 10. Simulated and measured RTFs: (a) horizontal polarization; (b) verticalpolarization.

such as the box–source–cable antenna model. Their shapes overfrequencies are very similar to each other, but their levels areslightly different. The CST results were lower than those of theMoM at a certain frequency range. The difference was within5 dB in the most part of frequency range. It seems to be dueto computational errors according to CST simulation conditionssuch as the dimension of computation boundary. The measuredresults corresponded to the MoM results rather slightly betterthan they did to the CST results. The RTF showed periodic peakswhose frequencies correspond to (2n − 1)λ/4 (n : integer) ofthe cable length. In the case of horizontal polarization, the sim-ulated results at the peak frequencies were sharper than the

measured results. In the case of vertical polarization, the resultsat the peak frequencies agreed well when below 300 MHz. How-ever, the simulation results started to deviate above 300 MHz.The difference between the simulated and measured RTFs willhave a direct influence on the accuracy of radiated emissionprediction in the next section.


The EMI prediction methodology proposed in this paper issimple and intuitive. It is based on the fundamental mechanismof the EMI problem: the radiated EMI from a system can becharacterized by its noise source and EMI antenna. The pro-cedure of EMI prediction is illustrated in Fig. 11. First, thecommon-mode current flowing along the cable is measured byusing a current probe, which represents all coupled noises fromthe mobile device to the attached cable. Second, the RTF of amobile phone with a power cable can be obtained by simulatingthe simplified modeling structure, as mentioned in the previ-ous section. Finally, the radiated emission can be calculated byadding these two results on a decibel scale. Using this method-ology, the radiated emission from the cables of mobile devicescan be simply estimated by measuring the common-mode cur-rent flowing along the cable without far-field measurement inthe semianechoic chamber.

Figs. 12 and 13 show the predicted and measured radiatedemissions from the cables attached to mobile phones A and B,respectively. The predicted results were calculated by using thesimulated RTF from MoM, as shown in Fig. 10. The measure-ment results were obtained at 3 m away from the cables usinga semianechoic EMI chamber. Fig. 12 shows the peak profilesof radiated emission in both the horizontal and vertical polar-izations. The correspondence of the predicted result with themeasured one was found to be better in the vertical polariza-tion than in the horizontal one. This is because cable radiation isdominant to vertical polarized radiated emission. The differencein the vertical polarization at the pixel clock harmonic frequen-cies lay within a few decibel up to 500 MHz, except at around200 and 400 MHz, where the difference between the simulatedand measured RTFs took place. In the case of horizontal polar-ization, the deviation lay within 10 dB up to 300 MHz, exceptaround 30, 155, and 200 MHz. The significant difference atthese frequencies also results from the difference between thesimulated and measured RTFs.

The agreement between the predicted and measured data isquantified in Table I by using the FSV technique, which wassuggested as a standard to allow the objective and quantitativecomparison of data for the validation of computational electro-magnetics [9], [10]. The application of the FSV method permitsus to examine the degree of agreement between the predictedresults and the real measurement results. Table I listed the FSVresults of mobile phone A using data with a frequency range ofup to 500 MHz and also up to 300 MHz, respectively. As canbe seen, the FSV results deeply depend on the frequency rangeof the data used in the validation. As mentioned previously, theagreement between the predicted and measured results is betterusing the data up to 300 MHz than using the data up to 500 MHz.In addition, the agreement is better for vertical polarized radiated

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Fig. 11. Methodology for predicting radiated emission from a cable attached to a mobile device.

Fig. 12. Predicted and measured radiated emissions from the cable attached to mobile phone A: (a) horizontal polarization; (b) vertical polarization.

Fig. 13. Predicted and measured radiated emissions from the cable attached to mobile phone B: (a) horizontal polarization; (b) vertical polarization.



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emission than for horizontal polarized radiated emission. In thecase of phone A, it can be seen that the prediction does ingeneral show very good agreement and correlation with themeasurement. Fig. 13 and Table II show the comparison andFSV results in the case of phone B. It can clearly be seen thatthe agreement between the predicted and measured results ofphone B is generally in “Good” glade of FSV, which is worsethan in the case of phone A, but acceptable in the engineeringsense, except at several frequency points. As a consequence ofthe aforementioned results and our experiences, the accuracy ofthe prediction mainly depends on two points: the repeatabilityof the common-mode current measurement and the correlationof the simulated RTF with real measurement. The measurementrepeatability of the common-mode current can be easily ob-tained by using a fixture to fix the arrangement of the attachedcable and the current probe. Thus, as long as a simulated RTFthat corresponds to the real measurement can be accurately ob-tained, it is possible to achieve an accurate EMI prediction fromthe cables attached to mobile devices at the earlier design stage.


The cables attached to mobile devices, such as power or datacables, are typically effective EMI antennae; therefore, they canhave significant impact on radiated emission from mobile de-vices. In this paper, a methodology for predicting the radiatedemission from the cable attached to mobile devices was providedby combining radiation characteristic simulation with common-mode current measurement. The real structure of a mobile phonewith a power cable was simplified using the box–source–cableantenna model, which has the same common-mode current dis-tribution along the cable as the measured one. Once the RTFof this simplified model was obtained by full-wave simulationssuch as CST MWS and MoM, the radiated emission could bepredicted and estimated by adding the measured common-modecurrent in the decibel scale. The FSV method was used to vali-date the predicted results by comparing them with the measuredresults obtained for real mobile phones. The comparisons gen-erally show a good agreement at the radiation peaks. Thus, it hasbeen amply demonstrated that the methodology is applicable tothe pre-EMI compliance test in the early design and develop-ment stage, and dispenses with the need to use an expensiveEMI chamber.


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[3] S. Deng, T. Hubing, and D. Beetner, “Estimating maximum radiated emis-sions from printed circuit boards with an attached cable,” IEEE Trans.Electromagn. Compat., vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 215–218, Feb. 2008.

[4] S. Deng, T. Hubing, and D. Beetner, “Using TEM cell measurementsto estimate the maximum radiation from PCBs with cables due to

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[5] Y. Kayano and H. Inoue, “Prediction of EM radiation from a PCB drivenby a connected feed cable,” IEICE Trans. Commun., vol. E92-B, no. 6,pp. 1920–1928, Jun. 2009.

[6] J. Wang, K. Sasabe, and O. Fujiwara, “A simple method for predictingcommon-mode radiation from a cable attached to a conducting enclosure,”IEICE Trans. Commun., vol. E85-B, no. 7, pp. 1360–1367, Jul. 2002.

[7] Microwave Studio. ver. 2011. (Dec. 2011). CST Corporation, Darmstadt,Germany [Online]. Available:

[8] W. C. Gibson, The Method of Moments in Electromagnetics. New York:Chapman & Hall, 2008.

[9] A. P. Duffy, A. J. M. Martin, A. Orlandi, G. Antonini, T. M. Benson, andM. S. Wolfson, “Feature selective validation of computational electron-ics (CEM)—I: The FSV method,” IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat.,vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 449–459, Aug. 2006.

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Hyun Ho Park (M’06) received the B.S. degree inelectronic engineering from Pusan National Univer-sity, Pusan, Korea, in 1994, and the M.S. and Ph.D.degrees in electrical engineering from the Korea Ad-vanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon,Korea, in 1996 and 1999, respectively.

From 1999 to 2003, he was a Senior Memberof Research Staff at Electronics and Telecommunica-tions Research Institute, Daejeon. From 2004 to 2005,he was a Consulting Engineer developing the system-level electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) analysis

simulator. From 2006 to 2012, he was a Principal Engineer at SAMSUNGElectronics Company, Ltd., Suwon, Korea. In September 2012, he joined theUniversity of Suwon, Hwaseong, Korea, where he is currently an Assistant Pro-fessor. His current research interests include computational electromagnetics,system-level electromagnetic interference (EMI) design, signal and power in-tegrity in high-speed digital system design, and IC/module-level EMI evaluationand measurement techniques.

Prof. Park received the Best Paper Award at EMC Compo 2009.

Hark-Byeong Park received the B.S. degree in nu-clear engineering and the M.S. degree electrical en-gineering from Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, in1990 and 1992, respectively.

From 1992 to 2000, he was an Engineer withLG Electronics, where he was involved in electro-magnetic compatibility (EMC) research on electronicpackaging. In 2001, he joined SAMSUNG Electron-ics Company, Ltd., Suwon, Korea, as an EMC En-gineer. His current research interests include EMCdesign and analysis in chip, printed circuit board, and

system-level electronic packaging.

Haeng Seon Lee received the B.S. degree in elec-tronic engineering from Seoul National University,Seoul, Korea, in 1995, and the M.S. and Ph.D. de-grees in electrical engineering from the Korea Ad-vanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon,Korea, in 1997 and 2000, respectively.

From 2000 to 2004, he was with Digital Me-dia Laboratory, LG Electronics. He then joined theDepartment of Electronic Engineering, Sogang Uni-versity, Seoul, where he is currently an AssociateProfessor. His main research interests include elec-

tromagnetic scattering, electromagnetic wave theory, and wave propagations.