

WAQFE NAU CLASS FEB. 09, 2013 (Week 14 of 2nd six monthly syllabus Age Group 10-14)

Age Group 10-11

Qur’an e Majeed – Memorization of verse 257 of Sura Al Baqra (Duration two weeks)

Asmaul Husna (Divine Attribute of Allah Ta’la)

Al Sala’m Peace, Security, Submission, Immunity or Freedom from faults, defects, blemishes الَّساَل اَل ُم

ي الَّساَل اَل ُم َمْل ُم َّسُم وُم ي ا اَل ِذ ُم ي ُم اَلي اَمْل ي ِذ َّساَل اَل اَل ي ِذا َّساَل ِذ ي اَل ُمي ا ,He is Allah, and there is no God beside Him ُم اَلي اَّساَل

the Sovereign, the Holy One, the Source of Peace (Al Hashr 59:24) Etiquette Of The Pathways Do not group together in the streets and sidewalks.

Do not litter. If you see any litter or obstruction, it should be removed.

Be the first to greet others on the street with Assalamo ‘Alaikum. The one who is riding a vehicle, a

bicycle for example, should try to greet the pedestrian first; similarly, a pedestrian should greet one who

is seated and a smaller group should greet a larger group of people.

Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar rta narrates that a person came to Rasoolullah saw and asked ―which act in

Islam is preferable one‖ The Holy Prophet saw replied ―to feed a person and say Salaam to any one you

meet whether you know him or not‖.

If someone asks for directions, try to help out. Be helpful to one in need of assistance.

Try to avoid eating while walking. Abstain from relieving yourself near a pathway, under a shady tree or

any such place frequented by people.

Try not to carry an object that may harm or otherwise inconvenience others.

Do not point at others.

If you are going up a slope, recite Allahu Akbar; while going down recite Subhan’Allah.

Hazrat Abu Hurairah

rta narrates that a person came to Rasoolullah

saw and stated that O Prophet of Allah I

intend to go on journey so please help me with a good advise; Rasoolullah saw

said ―adopt righteousness for

the sake of Allah and while climbing on a height say Allah o Akbar.‖ When he went out, Hazur saw


that O Allah wind up his distances (i.e. he may travel swiftly), and make his journey easy for him.

Refrain from walking barefoot.

Do not drag your feet.

Wear a hat.

Do not walk too close to walls, as it is possible that dirty water from open drains may spoil your clothes.

Properly button-up your shirt and do not put your arms around your friend’s shoulder while walking.

Age Group 11-12 Hadith e Nabwi saw to memorize

Sayyidul qaumi khadi muhum - The chief of the people is one who serves them.

Age Group 12-13: Qura’n e Majeed Learn the Ruku 12 of Surah Al Baqrah [98-100] with translation.

[2:98] Say: ‘Whoever is an enemy to Gabriel — for he it is who has caused it to descend on thy heart by the

command of Allah, which fulfils that which precedes it, and is a guidance and glad tidings to the believers.

و ہہک دے ہک وج یھب ربجالیئ اک دنمش ےہ وت [ 2:98ُ

وک ریتے دل رپ اُاترا ےہ وج اُس یک دصتقی ( الکم)ےن اہلل ےک اِذن ےس اِس ( ینعی ربجالیئ)انیقی ایس ( وہ اجن ےل ہک)ت

رکراہ ےہ وج اس ےک اسےنم وموجد ےہ اور ومونمں ےک ےئل دہاتی اور وخش ربخی ےک وطر رپ ےہ۔

[2:99] ‘Whoever is an enemy to Allah, and His angels, and His Messengers, and Gabriel, and Michael, then surely,

Allah is an enemy to such disbelievers.

سپ وج یھب اہلل اک اور اس ےک رفوتشں اک اور اس ےک روسولں اک اور ربجالیئ اک اور اکیملیئ اک دنمش وہ وت انیقی اہلل اکرفوں اک دنمش ےہ۔ [2:99

[2:100] And surely, We have sent down to thee manifest Signs, and no one disbelieves in them but the disobedient.

اور ےب کش مہ ےن ریتی رطف یلھک یلھک آایت اُاتری ںیہ۔ اور افوقسں ےک وسا وکیئ ان اک ااکنر ںیہن رکات [2:100]

اَل ِذ ُم .Al Khabir All Aware : One who Knows everything perfectly well اَمْل

اَل ِذ ُم ي اَمْل اَل ِذ يُم اَل اِذ ِذيۚ ي اَل ُم اَلي اَمْل ي ِذ ي اَل َمْل اَل َمْل اَل ِذ ُم (Surah Al Ana’m 6:verse 19) اَل ُم اَلي ا

[6:19] And He is Supreme over His servants; and He is the Wise, the All-Aware.

ہشیمہ ابربخ ےہ (اور)اور وہ اےنپ دنبوں رپ الجیل اشن ےک اسھت اغبل ےہ اور وہ اصِبح تمکح [6:19

Age Group 13-14



When the Prophetsa was over thirty years of age, love of God and love of His worship began

to possess him more and more. Revolting against the mischiefs, misdeeds and the many vices of

the people of Mecca, he chose a spot two or three miles away for his meditations.

This was on top of a hill, a sort of cave shaped out of stone. His wife Khadijara would prepare

food enough for several days, and with this he would repair to the cave Hira. In the cave he

would worship God day and night. When he was forty years of age, he saw a vision. It was in

this very cave. He saw some one commanding him to recite.

The Prophetsa said in reply he did not know what or how to recite. The figure insisted and at last

made the Prophetsa recite the following verses:

Recite thou in the name of thy Lord Who created,

created man from a clot of blood. Recite! And thy

Lord is the Most Beneficent, Who taught man by the

pen, taught man what he knew not (96:2-6).

These verses, the first ever revealed to theProphetsa, became part of the Qur’an as did

other verses which were revealed later. They have tremendous meaning.

They command the Prophetsa to stand up and be ready to proclaim the name of the One God, the

One Creator—of the Prophetsa and of all others—Who has made man and sowed the seed of His

own love and that of fellow-men in his nature. The Prophetsa was commanded to proclaim the

Message of this God, and was promised help, and protection by Him in the proclamation of this

Message. The verses foretold a time when the world would be taught all manner of knowledge

through the instrumentality of the pen, and would be taught things never heard of before. The

verses constitute an epitome of the Qur’an. Whatever the Prophetsa was to be taught in later

revelations is contained in embryo in these verses. The foundation was laid in them of a great

and heretofore unknown advance in the spiritual progress of man. The meaning and explanation

of these verses will be found in their place in this Commentary. We refer to them here because

their revelation constitutes a great occasion in the life of the Prophetsa. When the Prophetsa

received this revelation, he was full of fear of the responsibility which God had decided to place

on his shoulders. Any other person in his place would have been filled with pride—he would

have felt that he had become great. The Prophetsa was different. He could achieve great things

but could take no pride in his achievement. After this great experience he reached home greatly

agitated, his face drawn.

On Khadija'sra enquiry, he narrated the whole experience to her and summed up his fears,

saying, "Weak man that I am, how can I carry the responsibility which God proposes to put

on my shoulders." Khadijara replied at once: God is witness, He has not sent you this Word that you should fail and prove unworthy, that He should then give you up. How can God do such a thing,

while you are kind and considerate to your relations, help the poor and the forlorn and bear their

burdens? You are restoring the virtues which had disappeared from our country. You treat guests with

honour and help those who are in distress. Can you be subjected by God to any trial? (Bukhari).

Having said this, Khadijara took the Prophetsa to her cousin, Waraqa bin Naufal, a Christian.

When he heard the account Waraqa said: "The angel who descended on Mosesas, I am sure, has descended on you" (Bukhari).
