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BOARD OF EDUCATION ...................................................................................................... 1 CENTRAL OFFICE ADMINISTRATION ................................................................................... 2 DISTRICT ORGANIZATION .................................................................................................. 3 BUDGET AWARD ............................................................................................................... 4 SUPERINTENDENT’S BUDGET MESSAGE ............................................................................. 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................. 7 DISTRICT VISION, MISSION, AND CORPORATE VALUES .................................................... 7 STRATEGIC PLAN: VISION 2020 .................................................................................... 7 BRIEF OVERVIEW OF SCHOOL FINANCE IN COLORADO .................................................... 8 FINANCIAL BUDGETING AND ACCOUNTING BASIS ........................................................... 8 BUDGET TIMELINE......................................................................................................... 8 SUMMARY OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE CHANGES - ALL FUNDS ................................ 9 GENERAL FUND ............................................................................................................ 9 OTHER FUNDS ............................................................................................................ 13 BUDGET COMPLIANCE STATEMENTS ............................................................................ 14 FINANCIAL SECTION SUMMARY OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES- ALL FUNDS ........................................... 15 GENERAL FUND .......................................................................................................... 16 OTHER FUNDS ............................................................................................................ 27

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Board of Education

Mr. Ryan McCoy School Board President

Mr. Joe Davidek School Board Vice President

Mr. Ken Ciancio School Board Secretary

Mr. Max Math School Board Treasurer

Mr. Larry Dean Valente School Board Director

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Dr. Pamela Swanson Superintendent


Dr. James Duffy, Chief Operating Officer

Dr. Oliver Grenham, Chief Education Officer

Mr. Kirchers Leday, Chief of Staff

Ms. Sandra Nees, Chief Financial Officer

Mr. Steve Saunders, Chief Communications Officer

Central Office Administration

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District Organization

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Meritorious Budget Award

The Association of School Business Officials International (ASBO) presented the district the

Meritorious Budget Award (MBA) for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2017. The MBA program

promotes and recognizes excellence in school budget presentation and enhances school

business officials' skills in developing, analyzing, and presenting a school system budget. The

district has submitted this budget document for award consideration.

Budget Award

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January 22, 2019

Dr. Pamela Swanson and Board of Education Westminster Public Schools 7002 Raleigh Street Westminster, Colorado 80030

Transmittal of the Amended Budget for the Fiscal Year 2018-2019

The Finance Services staff is pleased to submit to you and the Board of Education the Amended Budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2018, to June 30, 2019. The Amended Budget is presented in compliance with applicable Colorado Revised Statutes and the Colorado Department of Education regulations. The Amended Budget is an abbreviated version of the Adopted Budget due to the minimal changes that were needed.

A balanced budget is presented for each of the District’s funds with current resources plus anticipated revenues. The budget presented has been developed to accomplish the policies and goals established by the Board of Education.

Colorado Revised Statute (C.R.S. 22-44-110(5)) grants the Board the authority to revise the Adopted Budget until January 31, 2019. Revisions after that date may only be made to accommodate monies received from sources other than property taxes that become available to the District. Supplemental budgets must also be balanced with revenues equal to expenditures.

This document has been developed to provide you with the changes that have been made since the Adopted Budget 2018-2019 was completed back in June 2018. This document is to serve as a reference for the new appropriations.

The Amended Budget for 2018-2019 is formatted as a communication document that is “reader friendly” for our parents, community, and staff. It is not intended to replace the Adopted Budget as a whole.


Sandra Nees Chief Financial Officer

Brisa Montgomery

Brisa Montgomery Director of Finance

Superintendent’s Budget Message

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AMENDED BUDGET | 2018 – 2019


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Introduction This summary provides an overview of the Amended Budget for the fiscal year 2018-19 for Westminster Public Schools. State law requires the Board of Education to adopt and appropriate a budget for all district funds each year. If needed, the Board of Education can amend the Adopted budget by January 31 of each year. Information in this summary is based upon the 2018-19 Amended Budget to be approved by the Board of Education on January 22, 2019. Supporting data for the information contained in this summary may be found in the detailed information reported in the other sections of this document. The Amended Budget is available for review on the District’s website under the Financial Transparency web page at

District Vision, Mission, and Corporate Values

Strategic Plan: VISION 2020 Since implementing a Competency Based System (CBS) in 2009, the District has shown sustained academic growth and has become a recognized leader in educational innovation. CBS requires students to show proficiency or mastery of a learning topic before moving to the next level. It does away with social promotion, which allows too many students to graduate from high school unprepared for the workforce or a college education. Westminster Public Schools has set a bold five-part vision to achieve in five years:

Preparing future leaders, learners and thinkers for a global community.

WPS will create opportunities to develop competent, agile learners who will contribute to their community and achieve personal success.

Westminster Public Schools’ Identity articulates the Mission, Values and Vision that are shared by the District and community, enabling it to demonstrate outstanding quality that transcends the boundaries of the classroom walls and is personified in our staff and students. Westminster Public Schools is an educational leader whose priority is to seek high academic standards, support innovative instructional programs and practices, increase academic achievement, and develop our students’ learning skills. Westminster Public Schools supports the personal, social, financial literacy, career exploration and development of our students in order to ensure each is professionally prepared. Westminster Public Schools provides functional and safe infrastructure and facilities, which make a significant contribution to a positive student and workplace experience. Westminster Public Schools is an employer of choice committed to fostering an environment of education innovation through a workplace that attracts, sustains, and inspires great people, working for a great purpose, while

promoting diversity, equity, civility, and respect.

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Brief Overview of School Finance in Colorado

In November 2000, Colorado taxpayers approved Amendment 23 to the Colorado Constitution. This amendment guarantees increases in funding to public elementary and secondary schools at a rate of inflation plus 1 percent for a total of 10 years. The increase is guaranteed at the rate of inflation thereafter. The goal of this amendment is to restore public education funding to 1988 levels. In addition to the base funding factor, the Act includes several other factors that are used to determine the District’s total per-pupil funding level before and after at-risk funding. To accommodate for a necessary reduction in state aid, a “budget stabilization factor” was added to the formula starting in 2010-2011. This budget assumes the other factors will remain the same as the prior year. In the event that legislation changes any factors, the effect on total program revenue will be included in the amended budget as presented in January 2019.

Financial Budgeting and Accounting Basis

The District follows Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) established by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) for both accounting and budgeting. The majority of the day-to-day operations of the school district are accounted for in the General Fund. Complete definitions of the funds maintained by the District are presented later in this executive summary. In addition, the Board of Education adopts specific policies by which the District is governed.

Budget Timeline

The District’s annual budget provides the framework for both budgeted expenditures and projected revenues for the year. The budget development process concludes in January of each year with the Amended Budget.

December → The beginning of the budget process for schools and departments

January → Review of key assumptions and Board Priorities

February → Contract discussions with Westminster Education Association begin

→ Review of the first draft of Budget

March → Review any new legislation/Laws

May → End of Legislative session

→ Public Notice of Budget publication

June → Public Hearing on Proposed Budget

→ Adoption of Budget at a Board of Education meeting

July → New Fiscal Year Begins

January → Amended Budget: revision of Adopted Budget

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Summary of Revenue and Expenditure Changes – All Funds

Revenue Summary Comparison of All Funds

Adopted 2019 Amended 2019

10 General Fund 93,568,998 97,389,773

18 Risk Management Fund 1,590,330 1,662,830

19 Colorado Preschool & Kindergarten Fund 4,478,966 5,089,630

21 Nutrition Services 6,006,256 6,006,256

22 Government Designated Purpose Grants Fund 10,854,787 10,854,787

23 Student Athletic & Activity Fund 741,004 751,004

26 Daycare Program 656,000

29 Fee Supported Fund - -

31 Bond Redemption Fund 8,619,344 8,619,344

41 Building Fund - -

43 Capital Reserve 3,389,275 84,195,415

74 School Activity Fund 750,000 750,000

Total $ 129,998,960 $ 215,978,039

The Capital Reserve fund reflects an increase of $80 million to budgeted revenues in the Amended Budget due to the district’s plan to issue Certificates of Participation (COPs). The purpose of COPs is to provide funds for capital equipment or real property acquisitions and improvements to include construction, renovations, equipment, and other projects.

Expenditure Summary of All Funds

Adopted 2019 Amended 2019

10 General Fund 98,981,428 102,433,035

18 Risk Management Fund 1,597,830 1,697,830

19 Colorado Preschool & Kindergarten Fund 4,468,966 5,818,966

21 Nutrition Services 5,593,323 6,515,870

22 Government Designated Purpose Grants Fund 10,854,787 10,854,787

23 Student Athletic & Activity Fund 740,000 765,000

26 Daycare Program 656,000

29 Fee Supported Fund -

31 Bond Redemption Fund 8,574,994 8,574,994

41 Building Fund - -

43 Capital Reserve 3,389,275 5,842,018

74 School Activity Fund 750,000 750,000

Total $ 134,950,603 $ 143,908,500

General Fund District’s Total Program Funding The total program funding is the revenue available to the District under the School Finance Act of 1994 that accounts for approximately 83% of the District’s General Fund revenue. Each year since the passage of the School Finance Act, The Colorado Legislature has modified the funding formula in order to provide funding for public education in Colorado. An inflation factor of 3.2% increase as mandated by Amendment 23, approved by the voters statewide in November 2000, and was added to the base funding factor for the fiscal year 2018-19. In addition to the base funding factor, the School Finance Act includes several other factors that are used to determine the District’s per-pupil funding level before and after at-risk funding. However, as a result of the projected revenue shortfall at the state level, the State modified the School Finance Act for the fiscal years of 2010- 2018. This modification is now called “Budget Stabilization Factor” and sets the statewide funding level for Colorado school districts below the fiscal year 2008-2009 funding, which in 2018-19 results in an 8.71% reduction in revenue compared to the unadjusted School Finance Act funding level.

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The assumptions that were calculated to complete the Adopted Budget for the fiscal year 2018-19 have been updated in this Amended Budget for 2018-19. The Amended Budget reflects a total program funding based on a funded pupil count using the actual pupil count from October 3, the official count day for the 2018-19 school year, the District’s assessed valuation and specific ownership taxes, Read Act dollars, categorical funding were the main changes in this budget. The sum of state aid, property tax collections and specific ownership taxes collected during the fiscal year equal the total program funding. State Equalization The District’s primary revenue component from state equalization payments is created by the School Finance Act. For this budget, we are estimating $56,179,014 in state equalization payments during the fiscal year. State equalization revenue is received in equal monthly installments on the 25th of each month. The District projects necessary monthly cash flows for the ensuing fiscal year based on receiving state payments in twelve equal payments. Assessed Valuation, Mill Levy, and Property Tax Adams County Assessor must notify the District by August 25 of the initial district-wide assessed value with final certification to be completed by the Board of Education by December 15. The General Fund program mill levy is established in accordance with state statutes and constitutional limitations. The simplified calculation is based upon the following restrictions:

Property tax collections may only increase by the total amount of increase in funded pupil count plus the Denver-Boulder CPI for the previous calendar year.

The mill levy (tax rate) cannot be increased without voter approval. An additional amount must be levied annually to recapture tax credits, abatements, and

omissions granted by county or state officials during the preceding tax year. Additional levies for voter-approved override amounts are calculated separately from the finance

act. Based upon the current estimated pupil count, inflation and state statute, the District’s General

Fund finance act mill levy for the fiscal year 2018-19 has been certified to be 27 mills.

Property tax revenue for the District’s fiscal year is collected in two different calendar years. Historical trends show that about 1.5% of annual property tax revenues are collected between September and January with the remaining 98.5% collected between February and August. Property taxes are levied on January 1 and are payable in two methods; 1) first half payment due by February 27 and the second half due by June 15 or, 2) full payments due by April 30.

Property taxes must be determined in accordance with the Tax Payers Bill of Rights (TABOR) of the state constitution. Public education funding shifts from local property tax resources to state resources in years when the mill levy must drop to the rate allowed by TABOR. Keeping with the required guidelines of the Gallagher Amendment of 1982, HB17-1349 lowered the Colorado Residential Assessment Rate from 7.96% to 7.2% for 2018-19.

Mill Levy Override Funding State law allows local school districts to ask voters for additional funding, called mill levy. Such funding is capped at 25% of the total program. A separate levy is calculated for the override property tax approved by District voters in November 1988, November 2002, and November 2018, and must be certified annually by the Board of Education. The 2018 Mill Levy request, approved by the voters on November 6, 2018, will raise $9.9 million a year to support the operations, program, construction, and maintenance needs in WPS.

Total Program Funding

Funded Pupil Count

Formula Per-pupil Funding

At-risk Funding

Online & ASCENT Funding

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Mill Levy for General Obligation Bonds District voters have passed a couple of bond elections over the last 20 years. Principal and interest for those bonds are repaid from property tax revenues. A mill levy is set each year to provide revenue for the annual bond payments. The Bond Redemption Mills for this Amended Budget is calculated at 12.676 mills.

Delinquent Taxes and Abatements

Delinquent property taxes are taxes that were due in prior years but collected by the county treasurer in the current year. In some cases, delinquent taxes are deemed uncollectible.

Abatements, on the other hand, are the reversal of taxes paid in a prior year following a successful appeal by a taxpayer. Any abated taxes granted by county or state officials are recaptured in the following fiscal year by the special mill levy.

For the fiscal year, 2018-19 uncollectible taxes are to be offset by abatements, and penalties and interest assessed on late payments, with zero net effect to the overall revenue of the District.

Total District Mill Levies for Current School Year

Category 2017 2018 2019 General Fund Mills School Finance Act 27.000 27.000 27.000

Mill Levy Override 13.677 11.522 26.022

Hold Harmless–School Finance Act .904 0.752 0.761

Abatement 0.269 0.148 0.055

Bond Redemption Mills 15.046 12.533 12.676

Total Mills 56.896 51.807 66.514

Net Assessed Valuation $ 573,590,860 $ 689,735,170 $ 682,441,830

Total Taxes $ 32,635,026 $ 35,732,819 $ 45,392,451

Specific Ownership Taxes A portion of Specific Ownership Taxes (SO Taxes) is used to fund the District’s total program under the School Finance Act. SO Tax is an annual ownership fee charged on vehicle registrations. This revenue is distributed by the county treasurer to the various taxing districts in the county based upon the percentage of the total property taxes levied in the county by each taxing entity. The District currently expects to receive $2 million in specific ownership taxes for the fiscal year 2018-19. Investment Earnings The budgeted investment income for the General Fund is expected to remain flat from the current levels to reflect current market conditions. Other Revenues The levels of other revenues in the General Fund are estimated based upon historical collections for the various revenue sources. Other revenues are not expected to increase significantly above current funding levels, but as of January 2019 are on target to come within the budget. Total General Fund revenues are expected to be $97,389,773 for the fiscal year 2018-19.

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Revenue Summary – General Fund

Summary of General Fund Revenue Amended Budget

Property Taxes $ 18,425,929

State Equalization (before the direct allocation to other funds) 56,179,014

Specific Ownership Taxes 2,000,012

Mill Levy Override Taxes 12,978,064

Other State Revenue 4,598,535

Other Local Revenue 3,133,236

Federal Sources 74,983

Total General Fund Revenue $ 97,389,773

Fund Balance – General Fund Beginning fund balances are projected conservatively and comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). All funds reflect GAAP accounting for salary accruals. The Amended Budget for the fiscal year 2018-19 reflects the use of fund balance in the amount of $5,043,262. The Board of Education and Finance Department monitor these reserves quarterly to ensure they are spent or retained as intended.

Beginning General Fund balance is made up of legal reserves; carry forward of funds, committed, assigned, and unassigned reserves. The Board of Education monitors these reserves quarterly to ensure they are spent or retained as intended.

The beginning fund balance for the General Fund for the Amended Budget has been updated to reflect $22,965,025 per the Comprehensive Audit Financial Report completed in November 2018. The District anticipates that the unassigned fund balance for the fiscal year 2018-19 will be $8,702,112.

Article X, Section 20 of the Colorado Constitution (TABOR) The District must calculate the School Finance mill levy and resulting property taxes in accordance with the Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights (TABOR). District voters approved removing the TABOR revenue and spending



$20,706,027 $20,618,306




Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2019 Amended 2019

Fund Balance Totals

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limitations in November 1998. In addition, TABOR requires that all state and local government set aside three percent (3%) emergency reserve. In general, federal revenues, charitable donations, and voter-approved taxes are outside the reserve requirement. The District has budgeted the entire three percent (3%) reserve amount in the General Fund. The amount set aside for the 2018-19 fiscal year is $2,921,693.

In summary, the District took a conservative approach in revenue estimates and student enrollment projections for the Adopted Budget for the fiscal year 2018-19. If new revenues become available due to any number of factors, the additional funds would be designated to the contingency reserve. Additional proposed expenditures would be brought to the Board of Education for consideration and approval in a supplemental budget appropriation.

Expenditure Summary The expenditures described on the following pages reflect the changes to the Amended Budget for 2018-19. Salaries One of the highest priorities of the Board of Education is to attract and retain the best teachers and staff. Therefore, compensation for the fiscal year 2018-19 is a major component of the resource allocation plan. Benefits The District provides funding for several mandatory and District sponsored employee benefit plans. The mandatory plans include participation in the Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA) of Colorado and the Medicare insurance program.

• PERA The District contribution to PERA is 20.15% for each employee’s qualifying compensation; employee contribution will remain at 8%. The District’s contribution rate represents an increase of .5% for the fiscal year 2018-19.

• Medicare Insurance Tax In accordance with federal law, a Medicare insurance charge of 1.45% is paid by the District salary for individuals hired after March 31, 1988. Employees also have 1.45% deducted from their salary as required by law. • Benefit Plans The District sponsored employee benefit plans for which District funding is provided include medical, dental, optical insurance as well as long term life insurance and disability insurance. The District currently pays 100% of the employee-only coverage for medical, dental, and long-term life and disability insurance plans. The District added $450,000 to the plan to stay consistent paying 100% of the employee-only coverage for medical, dental, vision, and long-term life and disability insurance plans.

• Unemployment Workers compensation and unemployment insurance are provided in accordance with state law.

Other Funds Capital Reserve Fund & Risk Management Sub Fund These funds are no longer required by state law, however, to account for capital and risk management activities the District will continue to use these funds. The Capital Reserve Fund is used to account for certain projects identified in the statutes. Generally, major maintenance or repair, major remodeling, new construction in excess of $2,500, equipment purchases in excess of $1,000 or computer purchases in excess

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of $500 may be paid from the fund. The Board of Education is required to approve all projects to be paid from the fund. For the 2018-2019 Amended Budget, the Capital Reserve Fund will see an increase in the budgeted allocation due to the use of COPs. The budgeted revenues are expected to be $84,198,415. The Risk Management Fund (a General Fund Sub-Fund) is used to account for all insurance related activities for the District with the exception of employee health benefits. A per-pupil allocation is no longer required by the School Finance Act. However, the District recognizes the importance of these two allocations. Normally, the board approves an allocation of $383 per student to be allocated to the Capital Reserve Fund the Risk Management Sub Fund. The Capital Reserve receives $204 per student. The Risk Management will receive $180 per student. Bond Redemption Fund The Bond Redemption Fund is used to collect property tax revenues specifically restricted to payment of general obligation bonds of the District. Interest is paid from the fund in June and December each year. The estimated expenses in this fund are estimated to be $8.6 million for the fiscal year 2018-19. Principal payments are made each year in December. A restricted fund balance at year end is maintained in an amount sufficient to pay the debt services requirements for the following December. Building Fund The Building Fund was reactivated in January 2007 to account for the proceeds of general obligation bonds approved by District voters in November 2006. The election provides a total authorization of $98.6 million. Due to all funds being depleted from the Building Fund, it is no longer active. Other District Funds The other District funds in the Amended Budget 2018-19 reflect changes in amounts transferred from the General Fund from updated pupil counts, changes of beginning fund balances since the Comprehensive Financial Report that was completed in November 2018 and any adjustments in expenditures that were needed.

Budget Compliance Statements In compliance with C.R.S 22-44-105, this budget’s revenues were prepared using information provided by the Colorado Department of Education, the County Assessor, the Federal Government, and other sources using methods recommended in the Colorado Department of Education – Financial Policies and Procedures Handbook (FPP Manual). This budget’s expenditures were prepared based on program needs, enrollment projections, mandated requirements, employee contracts, contracted services and anticipated changes in economic conditions using methods described in the FPP Manual.

In compliance with C.R.S. 22-44-105, this Amended Budget includes the actual audited revenues, expenditures and fund balances for the last completed fiscal year. The figures are contained in the District’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report that is available in the Financial Services Office, the Colorado Department of Education or the State Auditor’s Office and online at our website

In compliance with C.R.S. 22-44-105, the 2018-19 Amended Budget has been prepared in accordance with the revenue, expenditures, tax limitation and reserve requirements of Article X, Section 20 (TABOR) of the Colorado State Constitution.

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AMENDED BUDGET | 2018 – 2019

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Actual Actual Actual Adopted Amended

Revenue Summary of All Funds 2016 2017 2018 2019 2019

10 General Fund 87,719,393$ 89,268,132$ 94,399,274$ 93,568,998 97,389,773 18 Risk Management Fund (271,240) 1,382,157 1,352,500 1,590,330 1,662,830 19 Colorado Preschool & Kindergarten Fund 4,444,608 4,543,650 4,543,650 4,478,966 5,089,630

21 Nutrition Services 5,893,538 5,971,465 5,903,282 6,006,256 6,006,256

22 Government Designated Purpose Grants Fund 9,745,914 9,544,143 10,529,305 10,854,787 10,854,787

23 Student Athletic & Activity Fund 741,641 721,597 721,597 741,004 751,004

26 Daycare Program 656,000

29 Fee Supported Fund 107,149 (272,266) - - -

31 Bond Redemption Fund 8,586,990 8,697,645 8,504,253 8,619,344 8,619,344

41 Building Fund 62 146 - - -

43 Capital Reserve 7,332,891 2,101,819 2,365,000 3,389,275 84,198,415

74 School Activity Fund 664,789 726,376 674,154 750,000 750,000

Total 124,965,735$ 122,684,864$ 128,993,015$ 129,998,960$ 215,978,039$

Actual Actual Actual Adopted Amended

Expenditure Summary of All Funds 2016 2017 2018 2019 2019

10 General Fund 84,063,042 89,355,853 92,052,555 98,981,428 102,433,035

18 Risk Management Fund 767,818 1,618,958 1,618,958 1,597,830 1,697,830

19 Colorado Preschool & Kindergarten Fund 3,509,692 4,209,090 4,209,090 4,468,966 5,818,966

21 Nutrition Services 5,457,360 5,606,958 5,606,958 5,593,323 6,515,870

22 Government Designated Purpose Grants Fund 9,745,914 9,544,143 9,544,143 10,854,787 10,854,787

23 Student Athletic & Activity Fund 660,184 670,812 670,812 740,000 765,000

26 Daycare Program 656,000

29 Fee Supported Fund 26,973 - - - -

31 Bond Redemption Fund 8,360,619 8,329,049 8,329,049 8,574,994 8,574,994

41 Building Fund 881,941 146 146 - -

43 Capital Reserve 3,746,306 4,953,226 4,953,226 3,389,275 5,842,018

74 School Activity Fund 654,022 647,958 647,958 750,000 750,000

Total 117,873,871$ 124,936,193$ 127,632,895$ 134,950,603$ 143,908,500$

Expenditure Graph Includes Transfers to Other Funds

All Funds - Expenditure Summary Per Student 2018-2019

All Funds - Revenue Summary Per Student 2018-2019

Westminster Public Schools

Summary of Revenues and Expenditures- All Funds Fiscal Years 2015-2016 to 2018-2019

$10,498 $179

$549 $647

$1,170 $81 $-$-

$9,076 $81

10 General Fund

18 Risk Management Fund

19 Colorado Preschool & Kindergarten Fund

21 Nutrition Services

22 Government Designated Purpose Grants Fund

23 Student Athletic & Activity Fund

29 Fee Supported Fund

41 Building Fund

43 Capital Reserve

74 School Activity Fund

$- $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000 $10,000 $12,000

$11,042 $183

$627 $702

$1,170 $82 $-$-

$630 $81

10 General Fund

18 Risk Management Fund

19 Colorado Preschool & Kindergarten Fund

21 Nutrition Services

22 Government Designated Purpose Grants Fund

23 Student Athletic & Activity Fund

29 Fee Supported Fund

41 Building Fund

43 Capital Reserve

74 School Activity Fund

$- $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000 $10,000 $12,000

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Actual Actual Actual Adopted Amended

Sources of Revenues 2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 %

1000-1999 Local Sources 27,881,999$ 28,835,924$ 33,780,601$ 30,827,001 36,537,241 37.52%

3000-3999 State Sources 59,776,868 60,369,473 60,544,782 62,683,310 60,777,549 62.41%

4000-4999 Federal Sources 60,526 62,735 73,891 58,687 74,983 0.08%

5000-5999 Other Sources - - - - - -

Revenues Before Transfer Allocations 87,719,393 89,268,132 94,399,274 93,568,998 97,389,773 100.00%

Transfer Allocations & Expenditures 84,063,042 89,355,853 92,052,556 98,231,428 102,433,035 100.00%

Prior Year Obligations - - - 750,000 - 0.00%

Total Transfer Allocations & Expenditures 84,063,042 89,355,853 92,052,556 98,981,428 102,433,035

Total Excess Revenues Over (Under) 3,656,351 (87,721) 2,346,719 (5,412,430) (5,043,262)

Fund Balance Ending (Before Reserves) 20,706,027$ 20,618,306$ 22,965,025$ 15,205,876$ 17,921,763$


Reserves & Fund Balance 2019


Inventories 105,110$


TABOR 2,921,693


Performance Incentive 500,000


Other Purposes 823,360

Purchases on Order -

Contingency Reserve 4,869,489

Unassigned Fund Balance 8,702,112

Total 17,921,763$


Reserves & Fund Balance 2019


Inventories 0.11%




Performance Incentive 0.53%


Other Purposes 0.88%

Contingency Reserve 5%

Unassigned Fund Balance 9%

Total 19.15%

Westminster Public Schools

Fiscal Years 2015-2016 to 2018-201910- General Fund - Summary of Revenues, Expenditures & Fund Balance

General Fund - Estimated Fund Balance 2018-2019

Inventories 0.11%


Performance Incentive


Other Purposes


Contingency Reserve


Unassigned Fund Balance


% of Budgeted Revenues


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Actual Actual Actual Actual Adopted Amended

Revenue Sources 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2019

1000-1999 Local Sources

1110 Property Taxes 15,141,903$ 16,146,148$ 16,203,575$ 19,091,389$ 18,600,000$ 18,425,929$

1111 Prop Tax Mill Levy Over 7,897,386 7,828,293 7,865,902 7,800,853 7,844,000 12,978,064

1120 Specific Ownership Taxes 1,756,209 1,905,083 1,998,667 2,305,234 1,805,999 2,000,012

1121 So Tax Bond - - - - - -

1122 So Tax Mill Levy Override 857,669 848,277 857,418 903,475 830,000 875,000

1140 Delinq Tax/Penalty/Intere 63,601 24,998 21,080 13,731 25,000 36,000

1141 Abatements (119,267) (83,844) (24,403) (17,322) (95,000) (70,071)

1310 Tuition From Individuals 14,935 24,201 5,850 5,651 - 4,000

1320 Tuition From Other School Districts - - 16,454 2,325 - -

1500 Interest Earnings 9,963 84,815 225,239 384,650 152,500 550,000

1740 Fees - - 1,250 250 - -

1900 Oth Revenue/Local Sources 36,865 433 4,044 52,144 63,500 42,365

1905 Transcripts - 6,874 8,678 7,843 10,000 5,500

1910 Building Rental 2,178 - 113,394 200,720 121,200 175,000

1920 Other Local Revenue Sources 7,048 (12,732) 10,276 8,251 - -

1930 Sale Of Assets 7,006 913 186 23,474 7,500 5,000

1940 Instructional Materials Fees 185,711 381,097 546,118 841,420 781,860 395,000

1954 Charter School Revenue 111,412 - - - - -

1971 Overhead Cost Revenue - 339,947 374,400 623,813 254,547 254,547

1972 Indirect Cost Revenue 328,841 362,549 565,075 439,690 425,895 425,895

1990 Other Revenue 30,516 24,947 42,721 1,093,009 - 435,000

Total Local Sources 26,331,976 27,881,999 28,835,924 33,780,601 30,827,001 36,537,241

3000-3009 State Sources

3000 State Grants Received From Cde 5,158,530 5,138,929 4,892,006 4,776,247 4,303,535 4,462,535

3010 State Grants Received From Other Agencies - 55,747 17,340 173,800 - -

3110 State Equalization 56,806,349 54,582,192 55,495,306 55,446,683 58,379,775 56,179,014

3111 Hold Harmless Kindergarten - - 115,855 112,844 - 136,000

3200 Catagorical Adjustment - - 6,697 126,588 - -

3210 Equalization Adjustment - - (157,731) (91,381) - -

SubTotal State Sources 61,964,879 59,776,868 60,369,473 60,544,782 62,683,310 60,777,549

4000-4999 Federal Sources

4020-4899 Federal Revenue from the Federal Govt 54,215 60,526 62,735 73,891 58,687 74,983

Subtotal Federal Sources 54,215 60,526 62,735 73,891 58,687 74,983

Total Revenue Allocation Before Transfer Allocations 88,351,070$ 87,719,393$ 89,268,132$ 94,399,274$ 93,568,998$ 97,389,773$

Westminster Public Schools

10- General Fund - Local, State & Federal Revenue Sources

Fiscal Years 2015-2016 to 2018-2019

Page 24: | 7002 Raleigh Street ... · The MBA program promotes and recognizes excellence in school budget presentation and enhances school business officials' skills in developing, analyzing,

Actual Actual Actual Adopted Amended %

Sources of Revenue 2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 Change

1000-1999 Local Sources

1100-1199 Taxes 26,668,956$ 26,922,237$ 30,097,360$ 29,009,999$ 34,244,934$ 18.05%

1300-1399 Tuition 24,201 22,304 7,976 - 4,000

1500-1599 Earnings on Investments 84,815 225,239 384,650 152,500 550,000 260.66%

1700-1799 Pupil Activities - 1,250 250 - -

1900-1999 Other Revenue from Local Sources 1,104,028 1,664,894 3,290,365 1,664,502 1,738,307 4.43%

Subtotal Local 27,882,000 28,835,924 33,780,601 30,827,001 36,537,241 -12.52%

3000-3009 State Sources

3000-3009 State Sources 5,138,929 4,892,006 4,776,247 4,303,535 4,462,535 3.69%

3010-3019 State Revenue from Other State Agencies 55,747 17,340 173,800 - -

3110-3199 State Share Equalization 54,582,192 55,611,160 55,559,527 58,379,775 56,315,014 -3.54%3200-3209 Adjustments to Categorical Revenues - 6,698 126,588 - -

3210-3299 Equalization Adjustment - (157,731) (91,381) - -

Subtotal State Sources 59,776,868 60,369,473 60,544,782 62,683,310 60,777,549 97.19%

4000-4999 Federal Sources

4020-4899 Federal Revenue from the Federal Govt 60,526 62,735 73,891 58,687 74,983 27.77%

Subtotal Federal Sources 60,526 62,735 73,891 58,687 74,983 100.00%

Total Revenue Allocation Before Transfer Allocations 87,719,394 89,268,132 94,399,274 93,568,998 97,389,773 -1.95%


0100-0199 Salaries 49,792,581 51,389,534 53,079,324 59,992,156 56,400,275 -5.99%

0200-0299 Employee Benefits 15,730,944 16,645,367 17,362,695 17,104,290 17,640,948 3.14%

0300-0399 Purchased Services 3,448,230 5,748,654 5,357,157 4,216,897 5,804,904 37.66%

0400-0499 Purchased Property Services 1,266,114 847,658 1,113,536 983,527 982,157 -0.14%

0500-0599 Other Purchased Services 757,214 657,081 707,891 1,158,419 1,236,549 6.74%

0600-0699 Supplies 3,756,198 4,102,221 3,176,669 3,482,728 3,769,470 8.23%

0700-0799 Property 1,217,019 1,332,544 1,985,466 237,098 1,119,263 372.07%

0800-0899 Other Objects 42,815 122,476 60,341 950,242 1,447,243 52.30%

0900-0999 Other Uses of Funds 354,139 348,634 355,433 - 738,700 100.00%

Total Expenditures 76,365,254 81,194,169 83,198,512 88,125,357 89,139,510 0.10%

5000-5999 Other Sources/Transfer Allocations

5223 Transfer To Athl/Activity 650,000 650,000 680,000 650,000 660,000 1.54%

5626 Transfer to Daycare Program 356,000 100.00%

5243 Transfer To Capital Reserve 2,603,179 1,783,572 1,757,052 3,389,275 5,498,415 62.23%

5618 Transfer To Insur Reserve - 1,321,842 1,600,000 1,587,830 1,689,480 6.40%

5619 Transfer To Colorado Preschool Program 4,444,608 4,633,646 4,816,992 4,478,966 5,089,630 13.63%

5229 Transfer To Fee Supported - (272,266) - - -

5221 Transfer To General Fund - 44,888 - - -

Total Transfer Allocations 7,697,787 8,161,682 8,854,044 10,106,071 13,293,525 31.54%

Prior Year Obligations - - - 750,000 - -100.00%

Total Transfer Allocations, Expenditures & Prior

Year Obligations84,063,041 89,355,851 92,052,555 98,981,428 102,433,035 3.49%

Net Change in Fund Balance 3,656,353 (87,719) 2,346,719 (5,412,430) (5,043,262) -6.82%

Beginning Fund Balance (Deficit) 17,049,677 20,706,027 20,618,306 20,618,306 22,965,025 11.38%

Ending Fund Balance 20,706,027 20,618,306 22,965,025 15,205,876 17,921,763 17.86%

Reserves - -

Nonspendable: - -

Inventories 66,506 85,016 103,648 86,000 105,110 22.22%

Restricted: 510,342 113,585 1,000 70,651 16,000 3580.20%

TABOR 2,628,704 2,760,649 2,889,504 2,807,070 2,921,693 4.08%

Committed: 2,380,837 973,739 7,000 25,000 8,300 -34.29%

Performance Incentive - 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 500,000 -70.59%

Assigned: 2,380,837 973,739 7,000 25,000 8,300 -34.29%

Other Purposes 395,964 203,250 205,050 423,360 823,360 94.48%

Purchases on Order - 1,207,798 75,515 - -

Contingency Reserve 4,335,295 4,451,069 4,678,450 4,678,450 4,869,489 4.08%

Subsequent Year Expenditures 7,822,826 2,253,860 5,674,430 - -

Total Expenditures with Reserves 104,584,352 104,078,556 107,394,152 108,796,959 111,685,287 2.65%

Fund Balance Ending (Unassigned) 5,456,732$ 7,956,664$ 7,638,428$ 5,510,996$ 8,702,112$ 57.90%

Fiscal Years 2015-2016 to 2021-2022

10- General Fund - Revenues by Source, Expenditures by Object & Fund Balance

Westminster Public Schools

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Projected Projected Projected

2020 2021 2022 Sources of Revenue

1000-1999 Local Sources

44,729,833$ 45,624,429$ 46,536,918$ 1100-1199 Taxes

- - - 1300-1399 Tuition

561,000 572,220 583,664 1500-1599 Earnings on Investments

- - - 1700-1799 Pupil Activities

738,307 738,307 738,307 1900-1999 Other Revenue from Local Sources

46,029,140 46,934,956 47,858,889 Subtotal Local

3000-3009 State Sources

4,657,228 4,750,372 4,845,380 3000-3009 State Sources

- - - 3010-3019 State Revenue from Other State Agencies

56,641,314 57,374,141 58,521,623 3110-3199 State Share Equalization

- - - 3200-3209 Adjustments to Categorical Revenues

- - - 3210-3299 Equalization Adjustment

61,298,542 62,124,513 63,367,003 Subtotal State Sources

4000-4999 Federal Sources

76,483 78,012 79,573 4020-4899 Federal Revenue from the Federal Govt

76,483 78,012 79,573 Subtotal Federal Sources

107,404,164 109,137,481 111,305,465 Total Revenue Allocation Before Transfer Allocations


59,528,280 60,718,846 61,933,223 0100-0199 Salaries

17,993,767 18,353,643 18,720,715 0200-0299 Employee Benefits

5,921,002 6,039,422 6,160,211 0300-0399 Purchased Services

1,001,800 1,021,836 1,042,273 0400-0499 Purchased Property Services

1,261,280 1,286,506 1,312,236 0500-0599 Other Purchased Services

3,844,859 3,921,757 4,000,192 0600-0699 Supplies

1,141,649 1,164,482 1,187,771 0700-0799 Property

1,476,188 1,505,712 1,535,826 0800-0899 Other Objects

753,474 768,543 783,914 0900-0999 Other Uses of Funds

92,922,300 94,780,746 96,676,361 Total Expenditures

5000-5999 Other Sources/Transfer Allocations

673,200 686,664 700,397 5223 Transfer To Athl/Activity

363,120 370,382 370,382 5626 Transfer to Daycare Program

5,608,383 5,720,551 5,834,962 5243 Transfer To Capital Reserve

1,723,270 1,757,735 1,792,890 5618 Transfer To Insur Reserve

5,191,423 5,295,251 5,401,156 5619 Transfer To Colorado Preschool Program

- - - 5229 Transfer To Fee Supported

- - - 5221 Transfer To General Fund

13,559,396 13,830,583 14,099,787 Total Transfer Allocations

- - - Prior Year Obligations

106,481,695 108,611,329 110,776,148 Total Transfer Allocations, Expenditures & Prior

Year Obligations

922,469 526,152 529,317 Net Change in Fund Balance

17,921,763 18,844,232 19,370,385 Beginning Fund Balance (Deficit)

18,844,232 19,370,385 19,899,701 Ending Fund Balance

- - - Reserves

- 1,231,801 - Nonspendable:

87,720 89,474 91,264 Inventories

37,538 38,289 39,055 Restricted:

2,861,818 2,919,054 2,977,435 TABOR

4,692 4,786 4,882 Committed:

- - - Performance Incentive

4,692 4,786 4,882 Assigned:

431,767 440,403 449,211 Other Purposes

- - - Purchases on Order

4,769,697 4,865,091 4,962,392 Contingency Reserve

- - - Subsequent Year Expenditures

114,679,619 118,205,013 119,305,268 Total Expenditures with Reserves

10,693,231$ 11,056,363$ 11,419,399$ Fund Balance Ending (Unassigned)

Westminster Public Schools

Fiscal Years 2015-2016 to 2021-2022

10- General Fund - Revenues by Source, Expenditures by Object & Fund Balance

Page 26: | 7002 Raleigh Street ... · The MBA program promotes and recognizes excellence in school budget presentation and enhances school business officials' skills in developing, analyzing,

Actual Actual Actual Adopted Amended

Expenditures by Program Summary 2016 2017 2018 2019 2019

0010-2099 Instructional 44,318,465$ 43,737,995$ 43,991,701$ 51,071,207$ 48,654,779$

2100-2999 Support Services 31,439,547 34,448,748 36,445,361 36,082,500 38,380,605

3000-3999 Non-Instructional Services 230,608 353,077 971,643 971,650 825,426

4000-4999 Facilities Acquisition and Construction Services - 2,277,717 1,413,173 - -

5000-8999 Other Uses 376,634 376,634 376,634 - 738,700

Total Expenditures by Program 76,365,254 81,194,169 83,198,512 88,125,357 88,599,510

Transfers 7,697,787 8,161,682 8,854,044 10,106,071 13,293,525

Total Expenditures 84,063,041$ 89,355,851$ 92,052,555$ 98,231,428$ 101,893,035$

Per Pupil does not include transfer expenses to other funds

Westminster Public Schools

10- General Fund - Summary of Expenditures by Program Fiscal Years 2015-2016 to 2018-2019

General Fund - Summary of Revenues for Fiscal Year 2018-2019

General Fund - Summary of Expenditures by Program Per Student for Fiscal Year 2018-2019

Instructional Services54.92%

Support Services43.32%

Non-Instructional Services0.93%

Other Uses0.83%











0010-2099 Instructional 2100-2999 Support Services 3000-3999 Non-Instructional Services

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Actual Actual Actual Adopted Amended

Expenditures by Object 2016 2017 2018 2019 2019

0100-0199 Salaries 49,792,581$ 51,389,534$ 53,079,324$ 59,992,156$ 56,400,275$

0200-0299 Employee Benefits 15,730,944 16,645,367 17,362,695 17,104,290 17,640,948

0300-0399 Purchased Services 3,448,230 5,748,654 5,357,157 4,216,897 5,804,904

0400-0499 Purchased Property Services 1,266,114 847,658 1,113,536 983,527 982,157

0500-0599 Other Purchased Services 757,214 657,081 707,891 1,158,419 1,236,549

0600-0699 Supplies 3,756,198 4,102,221 3,176,669 3,482,728 3,769,470

0700-0799 Property 1,217,019 1,332,544 1,985,466 237,098 1,119,263

0800-0899 Other Objects 42,815 122,476 60,341 950,242 1,447,243

0900-0999 Other Uses of Funds 354,139 348,634 355,433 - 738,700

Total Expenditures by Object 76,365,254 81,194,169 83,198,512 88,125,357 89,139,510

Transfers 7,697,787 8,161,682 8,854,044 10,106,071 13,293,525

Total Expenditures 84,063,041$ 89,355,851$ 92,052,555$ 98,231,428$ 102,433,035$




Westminster Public Schools

10- General Fund - Expenditures by Object Fiscal Years 2015-2016 to 2018-2019

General Fund - Expenditures by Object for Fiscal Year 2018-2019


Employee Benefits19.79%

Purchase Services6.51%

Property Services1.10%

Other Purchase Services1.39% Supplies



Other Objects1.62%

Total Salaries & Benefits - 83.06%

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Actual Actual Actual Adopted Amended

2016 2017 2018 2019 2019Salaries

Administrators 4,907,041$ 5,404,585$ 6,097,197$ 5,697,781$ 5,646,311$

Certified 31,519,830 31,340,198 32,535,182 39,848,835 36,675,441

Professional/Technical 1,085,493 1,359,016 1,442,616 1,317,670 1,196,473

Paraprofessionals 3,394,048 4,854,522 3,684,525 3,672,781 3,370,343

Office Support 3,597,695 3,281,718 3,633,466 3,534,376 3,661,008

Crafts, Trade Services 5,288,474 5,149,495 5,686,338 5,920,713 5,818,803

Total Salaries 49,792,581 51,389,534 53,079,324 59,992,156 56,368,379


PERA & Medicare 10,709,737 11,521,687 10,875,937 11,112,756 11,414,544

Insurance & Other Benefits 5,021,207 5,123,680 6,486,757 5,991,534 6,226,404

Total Benefits 15,730,944 16,645,367 17,362,695 17,104,290 17,640,948

Operating Budgets 10,841,729 13,159,268 12,756,493 11,028,911 14,590,183

Total Expenditures 76,365,254$ 81,194,169$ 83,198,512$ 88,125,357$ 88,599,510$

Fiscal Years 2015-2016 to 2021-2022

Summary of Job Classifications by Object

Westminster Public Schools

Comparison of Salary, Benefits & Operating Budgets of Total Expenditures 2018-2019





Office Support4.13%

Crafts, Trade Services6.57%

PERA & Medicare12.88%

Insurance & Other Benefits7.03%

Operating Budgets16.47%

Total Salaries63.62%

Total Benefits19.91%

Operating Budgets16.47%

Total Salaries & Benefits - 92.24%

Page 29: | 7002 Raleigh Street ... · The MBA program promotes and recognizes excellence in school budget presentation and enhances school business officials' skills in developing, analyzing,

Projected Projected

2021 2022Salaries

5,590,044$ 5,701,845$ Administrators

36,310,598 37,036,810 Certified

1,433,957 1,462,636 Professional/Technical

4,402,699 4,490,753 Paraprofessionals

3,418,741 3,487,115 Office Support

5,930,072 6,048,674 Crafts, Trade Services

57,086,112 58,227,834 Total Salaries


11,228,653 11,453,226 PERA & Medicare

7,124,990 7,267,490 Insurance & Other Benefits

18,353,643 18,720,715 Total Benefits

15,708,258 16,022,423 Operating Budgets

91,148,012$ 92,970,972$ Total Expenditures

Fiscal Years 2015-2016 to 2021-2022

Summary of Job Classifications by Object

Westminster Public Schools

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0100-0199 0200-0299 0400-0699School/Department Category Salaries Employee Benefits Supplies & Materials

100 Elem - Distwide 100-199 Elementary Schools - 5,000 12,000 105 Early Childhood Center 563,142 175,976 17,550 110 Fairview Elementary 1,453,552 508,857 90,059 120 FM Day Elementary 1,719,278 564,612 91,895 125 Harris Park Elementary 1,288,927 461,619 109,808 130 Hodgkins Elementary 3,111,141 1,205,086 162,652 135 Mesa Elementary 1,440,184 539,667 110,662 140 Metz Elementary 1,352,000 478,084 125,552 145 Sherrelwood Elementary 1,071,870 425,448 88,155 150 Skyline Vista Elementary 2,136,326 608,619 95,846 155 Sunset Ridge Elementary 1,739,424 568,742 89,268 160 Tennyson Knolls Elementary 1,576,349 601,161 121,558 190 Orchard Court - - - 200 Middle School - Distwide 200-299 Middle Schools 7,500 1,688 - 205 Ranum Middle School 3,356,532 941,644 283,415 210 Scott Carpenter Middle School 2,720,389 794,656 188,126 215 Shaw Heights Middle School 2,682,194 835,670 228,955 300 High School - Distwide 300-399 Senior High Schools 800 180 300 305 Westminster High School 9,846,773 3,182,924 1,343,218 465 Westminster Virtual School 461-469 On-Line Activity - - - 505 Hidden Lake Alternative High 500-599 Combination Schools 1,711,649 543,888 248,626 510 Gifted/Talented 28,750 3,320 7,430 515 ISC 618,408 157,615 46,595 520 Summer School 10,000 - 400 525 Colorado Stem Academy 1,875,106 653,698 141,855 530 WAIS 1,432,997 496,074 110,795 535 John E Flynn Marzanno Academy 1,215,569 428,285 70,534 600 Admin Building 600-699 Centralized Services - - - 605 Board Of Education 61,076 16,165 23,200 610 Superintendent 454,901 126,393 27,622 615 Community Relations 350,515 101,999 81,415 625 Learning Services 1,652,068 671,298 88,875 630 Special Education 452,916 161,305 248,750 640 Co-Curricular - - - 645 Human Resources 781,776 484,391 59,420 650 Financial Services 549,512 167,242 27,786 655 Operations Office 462,562 171,308 8,500 710 Operation & Maintenance 700-799 Service Centers 1,967,004 583,149 444,364 715 Purchasing & Warehouse 512,311 177,080 152,073 720 Technology 667,803 206,864 9,700 725 Transportation 1,617,422 591,241 -

805 Districtwide 800-899 District-Wide Costs 2,986,655 1,254,878 669,073Total Expenditures 55,475,382$ 18,895,826$ 5,626,030$

Westminster Public Schools

Fiscal Year 2018-201910- General Fund - Expenditures by School/Department

Page 31: | 7002 Raleigh Street ... · The MBA program promotes and recognizes excellence in school budget presentation and enhances school business officials' skills in developing, analyzing,

0700-0999 0900-0999Capital Outlay Other Use of Funds Total Category School/Department

211,150 - 228,150 100-199 Elementary Schools 100 Elem - Distwide- - 756,668 105 Early Childhood Center

2,025 - 2,067,843 110 Fairview Elementary17,820 - 2,393,725 120 FM Day Elementary

1,108 - 1,892,762 125 Harris Park Elementary3,625 - 4,501,204 130 Hodgkins Elementary1,000 - 2,091,513 135 Mesa Elementary2,875 - 1,971,888 140 Metz Elementary1,875 - 1,600,813 145 Sherrelwood Elementary8,875 - 2,863,216 150 Skyline Vista Elementary4,325 - 2,440,109 155 Sunset Ridge Elementary5,175 - 2,342,593 160 Tennyson Knolls Elementary

- - - 190 Orchard Court138,450 - 147,638 200-299 Middle Schools 200 Middle School - Distwide

17,550 - 4,601,441 205 Ranum Middle School7,200 - 3,727,421 210 Scott Carpenter Middle School

14,530 - 3,761,349 215 Shaw Heights Middle School201,800 - 203,080 300-399 Senior High Schools 300 High School - Distwide303,500 - 14,741,415 305 Westminster High School

- - - 461-469 On-Line Activity 465 Westminster Virtual School51,550 - 2,780,713 500-599 Combination Schools 505 Hidden Lake Alternative High

3,500 - 55,000 510 Gifted/Talented4,790 - 828,408 515 ISC

- - 10,400 520 Summer School291,937 - 2,963,196 525 Colorado Stem Academy171,531 - 2,212,297 530 WAIS178,718 - 1,893,107 535 John E Flynn Marzanno Academy

- - 233,600 600-699 Centralized Services 600 Admin Building5,650 - 582,957 605 Board Of Education

16,500 - 625,816 610 Superintendent20,700 - 634,629 615 Community Relations

521,000 - 4,171,633 625 Learning Services49,200 - 1,343,671 630 Special Education

- - 25,000 640 Co-Curricular10,100 - 1,410,503 645 Human Resources

6,000 - 1,004,040 650 Financial Services2,336 - 684,206 655 Operations Office

169,216 - 3,574,789 700-799 Service Centers 710 Operation & Maintenance63,265 - 1,034,689 715 Purchasing & Warehouse

9,000 - 893,367 720 Technology- - 2,262,331 725 Transportation

32,162 738,700 7,582,332 800-899 District-Wide Costs 805 Districtwide2,550,039$ 738,700$ 89,139,510$

10- General Fund - Expenditures by School/Department Fiscal Year 2018-2019

Westminster Public Schools

Page 32: | 7002 Raleigh Street ... · The MBA program promotes and recognizes excellence in school budget presentation and enhances school business officials' skills in developing, analyzing,

School/Department Student FTE* Total Budget Per Student Cost

100-199 Elementary Schools 100 Elem - Distwide 3,247.0 228,150$ 70$

105 Early Childhood Center 66.0 756,668 11,465

110 Fairview Elementary 264.0 2,067,843 7,833

120 FM Day Elementary 295.5 2,393,725 8,101

125 Harris Park Elementary 280.0 1,892,762 6,760

130 Hodgkin's Elementary 489.5 4,501,204 9,196

135 Mesa Elementary 294.5 2,091,513 7,102

140 Metz Elementary 293.0 1,971,888 6,730

145 Sherrelwood Elementary 258.0 1,600,813 6,205

150 Skyline Vista Elementary 343.0 2,863,216 8,348

155 Sunset Ridge Elementary 326.0 2,440,109 7,485

160 Tennyson Knolls Elementary 337.5 2,342,593 6,941

190 Orchard Court 8,548.0 0 -

Total Elementary 3,247.0 25,150,483 7,746

200-299 Middle Schools 200 Middle School - Distwide 1,714.5 147,638 86

205 Ranum Middle School 681.5 4,601,441 6,752

210 Scott Carpenter Middle School 472.0 3,727,421 7,897

215 Shaw Heights Middle School 561.0 3,761,349 6,705

Total Middle School 1,714.5 12,237,849 7,138

300-399 High School 300 High School - Distwide 2,410.5 203,080 84

305 Westminster High School 2,385.5 14,741,415 6,180

461-469 On-Line Activity 465 Westminster Virtual School 25.0 225,000 9,000

Total Elementary 2,410.5 15,169,495 6,293

500-599 Combination Schools 505 Hidden Lake Alternative High 339.0 2,555,713 7,539

510 Gifted/Talented 340.0 55,000 162

515 ISC 32.0 828,408 25,888

520 Summer School 150.0 10,400 69

525 Colorado Stem Academy 378.5 2,963,196 7,829

530 Westminster Academy For International Studies 267.5 2,963,196 11,077

535 John E Flynn a Marzano Academy 242.5 1,893,107

Total Combination Schools 1,749.5 11,269,020 6,441

Total School/Other Programs Per Pupil Cost 9,121.5 63,826,847 6,997

600-699 Centralized Services 600 Admin Building 9,121.5 233,600 26

605 Board Of Education 9,121.5 582,957 64

610 Superintendent 9,121.5 625,816 69

615 Community Relations 9,121.5 634,629 70

625 Learning Services 9,121.5 4,171,633 457

630 Special Education 9,121.5 1,343,671 147

645 Human Resources 9,121.5 1,410,503 155

650 Financial Services 9,121.5 1,004,040 110

655 Operations Office 9,121.5 684,206 75

700-799 Service Centers 710 Operation & Maintenance 9,121.5 3,574,789 392

715 Purchasing & Warehouse 9,121.5 1,034,689 113

720 It Network Enterprise Services 9,121.5 2,262,331 248

725 Transportation 9,121.5 2,262,331 248

800-899 District-Wide Costs 805 Districtwide 9,121.5 7,582,332 831

Total Departments Cost 9,121.5 7,582,332 831

Grand Total School/Department Cost 9,121.5 71,409,178$ 7,829$

State Funding State Funding 8,326$ *Is funded pupil count not enrollment count Does not include pre-school students

10- General Fund - Per Pupil Spending Fiscal Year 2018-2019

Westminster Public Schools


Page 33: | 7002 Raleigh Street ... · The MBA program promotes and recognizes excellence in school budget presentation and enhances school business officials' skills in developing, analyzing,


RISK MANAGEMENT FUND ............................................................................................... 28 COLORADO PRESCHOOL PROGRAM FUND ....................................................................... 30 NUTRITION SERVICES FUND ............................................................................................. 32 GOVERNMENTAL DESIGNATED PURPOSE GRANTS FUND ................................................... 34 STUDENT ATHLETICS & ACTIVITY FUND ........................................................................... 36 DAY CARE FUND ............................................................................................................. 38 BOND REDEMPTION FUND ............................................................................................... 40 CAPITAL RESERVE FUND................................................................................................. 42 SCHOOL ACTIVITY FUND ................................................................................................. 44 FEE SUPPORTED FUND ................................................................................................... 46 BUILDING FUND .............................................................................................................. 47

Anticipated Projects and Contracts Over $50,000..................................................... 48

Page 34: | 7002 Raleigh Street ... · The MBA program promotes and recognizes excellence in school budget presentation and enhances school business officials' skills in developing, analyzing,

Actual Actual Actual Adopted Amended

2016 2017 2018 2019 2019

Sources of Revenue by Object

1000-1999 Local Sources (271,240)$ 31,927$ 93,143$ 2,500$ 705$

3000-3999 State Sources - - - - -

4000-4999 Federal Sources - - - - -

5000-5999 Other Sources - 1,350,230 1,600,000 1,587,830 1,662,830

Total Revenue Allocation (271,240) 1,382,157 1,693,143 1,590,330 1,663,535

Expenditures by Object

0100-0199 Salaries - - - - -

0200-0299 Employee Benefits - - - - -

0300-0399 Purchased Services - - - - -

0400-0499 Purchased Property Services - - - - -

0500-0599 Other Purchased Services 731,791 1,580,910 1,423,207 1,502,830 1,502,830

0600-0699 Supplies - - - - -

0700-0799 Property - - - - -

0800-0899 Other Objects 36,027 38,047 - 95,000 195,000

Total Expenditures 767,818 1,618,957 1,423,207 1,597,830 1,697,830

Total Excess over (under) Expenditures (1,039,058) (236,800) 269,936 (7,500) 419,974

Fund Balance Beginning 1,425,897 386,839 150,039 9,256 1,756

Fund Balance Ending 386,839 150,039 419,974 1,756 421,730

Restricted for Insurance Pool 386,839$ 150,039$ 419,974$ 1,756$ 421,730$

Risk Management Summary of Expenditures 2018-2019

Fiscal Years 2015-2016 to 2021-2022

18- Risk Management

Westminster Public Schools

Purchase Services88.51%

Other Objects11.49%

Salaries & Benefits - 0%

Page 35: | 7002 Raleigh Street ... · The MBA program promotes and recognizes excellence in school budget presentation and enhances school business officials' skills in developing, analyzing,

Projected Projected Projected

2020 2021 2022

Sources of Revenue by Object

719$ 733$ 748$ 1000-1999 Local Sources

- - - 3000-3999 State Sources

- - - 4000-4999 Federal Sources

1,683,830 1,734,345 1,769,032 5000-5999 Other Sources

1,684,549 1,735,078 1,769,780 Total Revenue Allocation

Expenditures by Object

- - - 0100-0199 Salaries

- - - 0200-0299 Employee Benefits

- - - 0300-0399 Purchased Services

- - - 0400-0499 Purchased Property Services

1,645,765 1,695,138 1,745,992 0500-0599 Other Purchased Services

- - - 0600-0699 Supplies

- - - 0700-0799 Property

100,000 102,000 104,040 0800-0899 Other Objects

1,745,765 1,797,138 1,850,032 Total Expenditures

(61,216) (62,059) (80,252) Total Excess over (under) Expenditures

9,256 (51,960) (114,019) Fund Balance Beginning

(51,960) (114,019) (194,271) Fund Balance Ending

(51,960)$ (114,019)$ (194,271)$ Restricted for Insurance Pool

Fiscal Years 2015-2016 to 2021-2022

18- Risk Management

Westminster Public Schools

Page 36: | 7002 Raleigh Street ... · The MBA program promotes and recognizes excellence in school budget presentation and enhances school business officials' skills in developing, analyzing,

Actual Actual Actual Adopted Amended

2016 2017 2018 2019 2019

Sources of Revenue by Object

1000-1999 Local Sources -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

3000-3999 State Sources - - - - -

4000-4999 Federal Sources - - - - -

5000-5999 Other Sources 4,444,608 4,543,650 4,816,991 4,478,966 5,089,630

Total Revenue Allocation 4,444,608 4,543,650 4,816,991 4,478,966 5,089,630

Expenditures by Object

0100-0199 Salaries 2,148,209 2,524,176 4,052,599 3,435,006 4,052,454

0200-0299 Employee Benefits 735,443 889,851 1,423,098 940,860 1,562,360

0300-0399 Purchased Services 4,599 9,905 16,259 2,800 16,259

0400-0499 Purchased Property Services 14,317 19,573 29,185 37,000 29,185

0500-0599 Other Purchased Services 560,781 497,907 1,441 4,000 1,441

0600-0699 Supplies 44,886 96,013 89,400 28,900 89,400

0700-0799 Property - 164,800 56,825 8,800 56,825

0800-0899 Other Objects 1,457 6,866 11,043 11,600 11,043

Total Expenditures 3,509,692 4,209,091 5,679,848 4,468,966 5,818,966

Total Excess over (under) Expenditures 934,916 334,559 (862,857) 10,000 (729,336)

Fund Balance Beginning 861,762 1,796,678 2,131,238 925,641 1,268,382

Fund Balance Ending 1,796,678 2,131,238 1,268,382 935,641 539,046

Restricted for Colorado Preschool Program 1,796,678$ 2,131,238$ 1,268,382$ 935,641$ 539,046$

Colorado Preschool Program Summary of Expenditures 2018-2019

Fiscal Years 2015-2016 to 2021-2022

19- Colorado Preschool Program

Westminster Public Schools


Employee Benefits26.85%

Purchase Services…


Other Purchase Services0.02%



Other Objects0.19%

Salaries & Benefits- 96.49%

Page 37: | 7002 Raleigh Street ... · The MBA program promotes and recognizes excellence in school budget presentation and enhances school business officials' skills in developing, analyzing,

Projected Projected Projected

2020 2021 2022

Sources of Revenue by Object

-$ -$ -$ 1000-1999 Local Sources

- - - 3000-3999 State Sources

- - - 4000-4999 Federal Sources

4,605,614 4,743,783 4,886,096 5000-5999 Other Sources

4,605,614 4,743,783 4,886,096 Total Revenue Allocation

Expenditures by Object

3,055,305 3,029,476 3,332,423 0100-0199 Salaries

733,871 867,473 954,220 0200-0299 Employee Benefits

2,184 2,582 2,840 0300-0399 Purchased Services

28,860 34,114 37,525 0400-0499 Purchased Property Services

627,120 741,288 815,417 0500-0599 Other Purchased Services

22,542 26,646 29,310 0600-0699 Supplies

6,864 8,114 8,925 0700-0799 Property

14,152 10,185 11,203 0800-0899 Other Objects

4,490,897 4,719,876 5,191,864 Total Expenditures

114,717 23,907 (305,768) Total Excess over (under) Expenditures

935,642 1,050,359 1,074,265 Fund Balance Beginning

1,050,359 1,074,265 768,498 Fund Balance Ending

1,050,359$ 1,074,265$ 768,498$ Restricted for Colorado Preschool Program

Fiscal Years 2015-2016 to 2021-2022

19- Colorado Preschool Program

Westminster Public Schools

Page 38: | 7002 Raleigh Street ... · The MBA program promotes and recognizes excellence in school budget presentation and enhances school business officials' skills in developing, analyzing,

Actual Actual Actual Adopted Amended

2016 2017 2018 2019 2019

Sources of Revenue by Object

1000-1999 Local Sources 390,581$ 362,926$ 349,287$ 416,447$ 416,447$

3000-3999 State Sources 103,212 103,842 99,856 - -

4000-4999 Federal Sources 5,399,745 5,459,809 5,208,320 5,589,809 5,589,809

5000-5999 Other Sources - 44,888 - - -

Total Revenue Allocation 5,893,538 5,971,465 5,657,463 6,006,256 6,006,256

Expenditures by Object

0100-0199 Salaries 995,782 900,945 717,204 54,000 750,000

0200-0299 Employee Benefits 420,950 388,243 317,412 30,000 246,547

0300-0399 Purchased Services 1,074,945 1,234,306 1,328,121 2,274,944 2,234,944

0400-0499 Purchased Property Services 60,261 70,643 78,600 - -

0500-0599 Other Purchased Services 319,117 329,829 331,546 400,000 400,000

0600-0699 Supplies 2,167,733 2,255,452 2,044,427 2,134,379 2,134,379

0700-0799 Property 78,624 109,141 685,322 700,000 750,000

0800-0899 Other Objects 339,947 318,399 576,899 - -

Total Expenditures 5,457,359 5,606,958 6,079,530 5,593,323 6,515,870

Total Excess over (under) Expenditures 436,179 364,507 (422,067) 412,933 (509,614)

Fund Balance Beginning 704,221 1,140,398 1,504,906 1,593,009 1,082,839

Fund Balance Ending 1,140,398$ 1,504,906$ 1,082,839$ 2,005,942$ 573,225$

Restricted for Nutrition Services Fund 1,140,398$ 1,504,906$ 1,082,839$ 2,005,942$ 573,225$

Nutrition Services Summary of Expenditures 2018-2019

Fiscal Years 2015-2016 to 2021-2022

21- Nutrition Services

Westminster Public Schools


Employee Benefits3.78%

Purchased Services34.30%

Other Purchased Services6.14%



District Only- Salaries & Benefits- 15.29%

Page 39: | 7002 Raleigh Street ... · The MBA program promotes and recognizes excellence in school budget presentation and enhances school business officials' skills in developing, analyzing,

Projected Projected Projected

2020 2021 2022

Sources of Revenue by Object

408,118$ 399,956$ 391,957$ 1000-1999 Local Sources

- - - 3000-3999 State Sources

5,605,943 5,493,824 5,383,948 4000-4999 Federal Sources

- - - 5000-5999 Other Sources

6,014,061 5,893,780 5,775,904 Total Revenue Allocation

Expenditures by Object

54,540 55,631 57,300 0100-0199 Salaries

30,300 30,906 31,833 0200-0299 Employee Benefits

2,297,693 2,343,647 2,413,957 0300-0399 Purchased Services

- - - 0400-0499 Purchased Property Services

404,000 412,080 424,442 0500-0599 Other Purchased Services

2,155,723 2,198,837 2,264,802 0600-0699 Supplies

707,000 721,140 742,774 0700-0799 Property

- - - 0800-0899 Other Objects

5,649,256 5,762,241 5,935,109 Total Expenditures

364,805 131,538 (159,204) Total Excess over (under) Expenditures

2,005,942 2,370,747 2,502,285 Fund Balance Beginning

2,370,747$ 2,502,285$ 2,343,081$ Fund Balance Ending

2,370,747$ 2,502,285$ 2,343,081$ Restricted for Nutrition Services Fund

Fiscal Years 2015-2016 to 2021-2022

21- Nutrition Services

Westminster Public Schools

Page 40: | 7002 Raleigh Street ... · The MBA program promotes and recognizes excellence in school budget presentation and enhances school business officials' skills in developing, analyzing,

Actual Actual Actual Adopted Amended

2016 2017 2018 2019 2019

Sources of Revenue by Object

1000-1999 Local Sources 641,909$ 946,313$ 455,769$ 1,000,000$ 1,000,000$

3000-3999 State Sources 1,925,077 1,545,180 1,500,978 2,000,000 2,000,000

4000-4999 Federal Sources 7,178,929 7,052,651 7,367,916 7,854,787 7,854,787

5000-5999 Other Sources - - - - -

Total Revenue Allocation 9,745,913 9,544,144 9,324,663 10,854,787 10,854,787

Expenditures by Object

0100-0199 Salaries 5,259,609 5,123,322 5,001,934 5,574,547 5,574,547

0200-0299 Employee Benefits 1,626,561 1,631,971 1,616,315 2,447,408 2,447,408

0300-0399 Purchased Services 1,334,061 962,392 1,361,242 1,678,454 1,678,454

0400-0499 Purchased Property Services 45 1,207 1,766 - -

0500-0599 Other Purchased Services 327,623 581,594 398,142 - -

0600-0699 Supplies 492,370 541,037 371,509 854,378 854,378

0700-0799 Property 330,413 44,297 66,660 - -

0800-0899 Other Objects 375,232 658,322 507,095 300,000 300,000

Total Expenditures 9,745,913 9,544,144 9,324,663 10,854,787 10,854,787

Total Excess over (under) Expenditures - - - - -

Fund Balance Beginning - - - - -

Fund Balance Ending -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Governmental Designated Purpose Grants Summary of Expenditures 2018-2019

Fiscal Years 2015-2016 to 2021-2022

22- Governmental Designated Purpose Grants

Westminster Public Schools


Employee Benefits22.55%

Purchase Services15.46%


Other Objects2.76%

Salaries & Benefits- 73.91%

Page 41: | 7002 Raleigh Street ... · The MBA program promotes and recognizes excellence in school budget presentation and enhances school business officials' skills in developing, analyzing,

Projected Projected Projected

2020 2021 2022

Sources of Revenue by Object

1,018,712$ 1,039,086$ 1,059,868$ 1000-1999 Local Sources

1,960,825 1,921,608 1,883,176 3000-3999 State Sources

7,702,088 7,548,046 7,397,085 4000-4999 Federal Sources

- - - 5000-5999 Other Sources

10,681,624 10,508,740 10,340,129 Total Revenue Allocation

Expenditures by Object

5,407,311 5,337,335 5,269,524 0100-0199 Salaries

2,373,986 2,326,506 2,279,976 0200-0299 Employee Benefits

1,706,508 1,672,378 1,638,930 0300-0399 Purchased Services

- - - 0400-0499 Purchased Property Services

10,993 10,773 10,558 0500-0599 Other Purchased Services

868,715 851,341 834,314 0600-0699 Supplies

2,411 2,363 2,316 0700-0799 Property

311,700 314,390 317,026 0800-0899 Other Objects

10,681,624 10,508,740 10,340,129 Total Expenditures

- - - Total Excess over (under) Expenditures

- - - Fund Balance Beginning

-$ -$ -$ Fund Balance Ending

Fiscal Years 2015-2016 to 2021-2022

22- Governmental Designated Purpose Grants

Westminster Public Schools

Page 42: | 7002 Raleigh Street ... · The MBA program promotes and recognizes excellence in school budget presentation and enhances school business officials' skills in developing, analyzing,

Actual Actual Actual Adopted Amended

2016 2017 2018 2019 2019

Sources of Revenue by Object

1000-1999 Local Sources 91,641$ 71,597$ 86,471$ 91,004$ 91,004$

3000-3999 State Sources - - - - -

4000-4999 Federal Sources - - - - -

5000-5999 Other Sources 650,000 650,000 680,000 650,000 660,000

Total Revenue Allocation 741,641 721,597 766,471 741,004 751,004

Expenditures by Object

0100-0199 Salaries 363,526 364,841 379,334 423,000 423,000

0200-0299 Employee Benefits 74,239 79,907 83,844 18,100 18,100

0300-0399 Purchased Services 51,746 60,540 48,936 15,000 15,000

0400-0499 Purchased Property Services 390 - - - -

0500-0599 Other Purchased Services 420 360 3,045 - -

0600-0699 Supplies 126,397 96,736 70,067 141,700 141,700

0700-0799 Property - 16,235 - 22,000 22,000

0800-0899 Other Objects 43,466 52,192 51,159 120,200 145,200

Total Expenditures 660,184 670,812 636,385 740,000 765,000

Total Excess over (under) Expenditures 81,457 50,785 130,086 1,004 (13,996)

Fund Balance Beginning 6,374 87,831 138,121 88,835 268,207

Fund Balance Ending 87,831 138,616 268,207 89,839 254,211

Student Athletics & Activity Summary of Expenditures 2018-2019

Fiscal Years 2015-2016 to 2021-2022

23-Student Athletics & Activity

Westminster Public Schools


Employee Benefits2.37%

Purchase Services1.96%



Other Objects18.98%

Salaries & Benefits- 59.61%

Page 43: | 7002 Raleigh Street ... · The MBA program promotes and recognizes excellence in school budget presentation and enhances school business officials' skills in developing, analyzing,

Projected Projected Projected

2020 2021 2022

Sources of Revenue by Object

91,914$ 92,833$ 93,762$ 1000-1999 Local Sources

- - - 3000-3999 State Sources

- - - 4000-4999 Federal Sources

683,400 697,068 711,009 5000-5999 Other Sources

775,314 789,901 804,771 Total Revenue Allocation

Expenditures by Object

478,788 488,364 498,131 0100-0199 Salaries

16,932 17,271 17,616 0200-0299 Employee Benefits

18,360 18,727 19,102 0300-0399 Purchased Services

- - - 0400-0499 Purchased Property Services

30,600 31,212 31,836 0500-0599 Other Purchased Services

105,060 107,161 109,304 0600-0699 Supplies

24,480 24,970 25,469 0700-0799 Property

80,580 82,192 83,835 0800-0899 Other Objects

754,800 769,896 785,294 Total Expenditures

20,514 20,005 19,477 Total Excess over (under) Expenditures

159,620 180,134 180,134 Fund Balance Beginning

180,134 200,139 199,611 Fund Balance Ending

Fiscal Years 2015-2016 to 2021-2022

23-Student Athletics & Activity

Westminster Public Schools

Page 44: | 7002 Raleigh Street ... · The MBA program promotes and recognizes excellence in school budget presentation and enhances school business officials' skills in developing, analyzing,

Actual Actual Actual Adopted Amended

2016 2017 2018 2019 2019

Sources of Revenue by Object

1000-1999 Local Sources -$ -$ -$ -$ 300,000$

3000-3999 State Sources - - - - -

4000-4999 Federal Sources - - - - -

5000-5999 Other Sources - - - - 356,000

Total Revenue Allocation - - - - 656,000

Expenditures by Object

0100-0199 Salaries - - - - 595,393

0200-0299 Employee Benefits - - - - 48,907

0300-0399 Purchased Services - - - - -

0400-0499 Purchased Property Services - - - - -

0500-0599 Other Purchased Services - - - - -

0600-0699 Supplies - - - - 11,700

0700-0799 Property - - - - -

0800-0899 Other Objects - - - - -

Total Expenditures - - - - 656,000

Total Excess over (under) Expenditures - - - - -

Fund Balance Beginning - - - - -

Fund Balance Ending - - - - -

Restricted for Colorado Preschool Program -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Daycare Program Summary of Expenditures 2018-2019

Fiscal Years 2015-2016 to 2021-2022

26- Day Care Fund

Westminster Public Schools


Employee Benefits7.46%


Salaries & Benefits- 98.22%

Page 45: | 7002 Raleigh Street ... · The MBA program promotes and recognizes excellence in school budget presentation and enhances school business officials' skills in developing, analyzing,

Projected Projected Projected

2020 2021 2022

Sources of Revenue by Object

309,000 318,270 327,818 1000-1999 Local Sources

- - - 3000-3999 State Sources

- - - 4000-4999 Federal Sources

366,680 377,680 389,011 5000-5999 Other Sources

675,680 695,950 716,829 Total Revenue Allocation

Expenditures by Object

464,407 473,695 521,064 0100-0199 Salaries

38,147 38,910 42,801 0200-0299 Employee Benefits

- - - 0300-0399 Purchased Services

- - - 0400-0499 Purchased Property Services

- - - 0500-0599 Other Purchased Services

9,126 9,309 10,239 0600-0699 Supplies

- - - 0700-0799 Property

- - - 0800-0899 Other Objects

511,680 521,914 574,105 Total Expenditures

164,000 174,037 142,724 Total Excess over (under) Expenditures

- 164,000 338,037 Fund Balance Beginning

164,000 338,037 480,761 Fund Balance Ending

164,000$ 338,037$ 480,761$ Restricted for Colorado Preschool Program

Westminster Public Schools

26- Day Care Fund

Fiscal Years 2015-2016 to 2021-2022

Page 46: | 7002 Raleigh Street ... · The MBA program promotes and recognizes excellence in school budget presentation and enhances school business officials' skills in developing, analyzing,

Actual Actual Actual Adopted Amended

2016 2017 2018 2019 2019

Sources of Revenue by Object

1000-1999 Local Sources 8,586,989$ 8,697,645$ 8,686,238$ 8,619,344$ 8,619,344$

3000-3999 State Sources - - - - -

4000-4999 Federal Sources - - - - -

5000-5999 Other Sources - - - - -

Total Revenue Allocation 8,586,989 8,697,645 8,686,238 8,619,344 8,619,344

Expenditures by Object

0100-0199 Salaries - - - - -

0200-0299 Employee Benefits - - - - -

0300-0399 Purchased Services - - - - -

0400-0499 Purchased Property Services 650 568 500 5,650 5,650

0500-0599 Other Purchased Services - - - - -

0600-0699 Supplies - - - - -

0700-0799 Property - - - - -

0800-0899 Other Objects 2,924,969 2,668,481 2,465,581 2,494,344 2,494,344

0900-0999 Other Uses of Funds 5,435,000 5,660,000 5,915,000 6,075,000 6,075,000

Total Expenditures 8,360,619 8,329,049 8,381,081 8,574,994 8,574,994

Total Excess over (under) Expenditures 226,370 368,596 305,157 44,350 44,350

Fund Balance Beginning 8,336,762 8,563,132 8,931,728 8,983,512 9,236,886

Fund Balance Ending 8,563,132 8,931,728 9,236,886 9,027,862 9,281,236

Restricted for Bond Fund 8,563,132$ 8,931,728$ 9,236,886$ 9,027,862$ 9,281,236$

Bond Redemption Summary of Expenditures 2018-2019

Fiscal Years 2015-2016 to 2021-2022

31- Bond Redemption

Westminster Public Schools

Property 0.07%

Other Objects29.09%

Other Uses 70.85%

Salaries & Benefits- 0.00%

Page 47: | 7002 Raleigh Street ... · The MBA program promotes and recognizes excellence in school budget presentation and enhances school business officials' skills in developing, analyzing,

Projected Projected Projected

2020 2021 2022

Sources of Revenue by Object

8,741,731$ 8,741,731$ 8,796,565$ 1000-1999 Local Sources

- - - 3000-3999 State Sources

- - - 4000-4999 Federal Sources

- - - 5000-5999 Other Sources

8,741,731 8,741,731 8,796,565 Total Revenue Allocation

Expenditures by Object

- - - 0100-0199 Salaries

- - - 0200-0299 Employee Benefits

- - - 0300-0399 Purchased Services

5,707 5,764 5,821 0400-0499 Purchased Property Services

- - - 0500-0599 Other Purchased Services

- - - 0600-0699 Supplies

- - - 0700-0799 Property

2,394,344 2,195,944 1,985,963 0800-0899 Other Objects

6,280,000 6,485,000 6,755,000 0900-0999 Other Uses of Funds

8,680,051 8,686,708 8,746,784 Total Expenditures

61,680 55,023 49,781 Total Excess over (under) Expenditures

9,027,862 9,089,542 9,144,566 Fund Balance Beginning

9,089,542 9,144,566 9,194,347 Fund Balance Ending

9,089,542$ 9,144,566$ 9,194,347$ Restricted for Bond Fund

Fiscal Years 2015-2016 to 2021-2022

31- Bond Redemption

Westminster Public Schools

Page 48: | 7002 Raleigh Street ... · The MBA program promotes and recognizes excellence in school budget presentation and enhances school business officials' skills in developing, analyzing,

Actual Actual Actual Adopted Amended

2016 2017 2018 2019 2019

Sources of Revenue by Object

1000-1999 Local Sources 2,939,712$ 256,639$ 793,924$ -$ -$

3000-3999 State Sources - - - - -

4000-4999 Federal Sources - - - - -

5000-5999 Other Sources 4,393,179 1,845,180 1,757,053 3,389,275 84,198,415

Total Revenue Allocation 7,332,891 2,101,819 2,550,977 3,389,275 84,198,415

Expenditures by Object

0100-0199 Salaries - - - - -

0200-0299 Employee Benefits - - - - -

0300-0399 Purchased Services 996,451 1,575,144 174,665 250,000 301,520

0400-0499 Purchased Property Services 2,552,996 2,335,184 1,119,714 1,055,000 2,236,187

0500-0599 Other Purchase Services - - - - -

0600-0699 Supplies 3,172 30,736 281 - -

0700-0799 Property 234,328 1,012,162 522,265 452,000 3,304,310

0800-0899 Other Objects (40,641) - - - -

Total Expenditures 3,746,306 4,953,226 1,816,926 1,757,000 5,842,018

Total Excess over (under) Expenditures 3,586,585 (2,851,407) 734,051 1,632,275 78,356,397

Fund Balance Beginning 2,170,533 5,757,118 2,905,710 800,000 3,639,761

Fund Balance Ending 5,757,118 2,905,710 3,639,761 747,828 80,311,712

Restricted for Grant Match -$ -$ -$ 1,684,447$ 1,684,447$

Restricted for Capital Reserve Projects 5,757,118$ 2,905,710$ 3,639,761$ 747,828$ 80,311,712$

Capital Reserve Summary of Expenditures 2018-2019

Fiscal Years 2015-2016 to 2021-2022

43-Capital Reserve

Westminster Public Schools

Purchase Services19.16%


Salaries & Benefits- 0.00%Salaries & Benefits- 0.00%

Page 49: | 7002 Raleigh Street ... · The MBA program promotes and recognizes excellence in school budget presentation and enhances school business officials' skills in developing, analyzing,

Projected Projected Projected

2020 2021 2022

Sources of Revenue by Object

-$ -$ -$ 1000-1999 Local Sources

- - - 3000-3999 State Sources

- - - 4000-4999 Federal Sources

1,792,193 1,828,037 1,864,598 5000-5999 Other Sources

1,792,193 1,828,037 1,864,598 Total Revenue Allocation

Expenditures by Object

- - - 0100-0199 Salaries

- - - 0200-0299 Employee Benefits

155,000 143,000 144,430 0300-0399 Purchased Services

1,254,100 1,266,641 1,279,307 0400-0499 Purchased Property Services

- - - 0500-0599 Other Purchase Services

- - - 0600-0699 Supplies

480,240 336,168 339,530 0700-0799 Property

- - - 0800-0899 Other Objects

1,889,340 1,745,809 1,763,267 Total Expenditures

(97,147) 82,228 101,331 Total Excess over (under) Expenditures

747,828 650,681 732,909 Fund Balance Beginning

650,681 732,909 834,239 Fund Balance Ending

1,684,447$ 1,684,447$ 1,684,447$ Restricted for Grant Match

650,681$ 732,909$ 834,239$ Restricted for Capital Reserve Projects

Fiscal Years 2015-2016 to 2021-2022

43-Capital Reserve

Westminster Public Schools

Page 50: | 7002 Raleigh Street ... · The MBA program promotes and recognizes excellence in school budget presentation and enhances school business officials' skills in developing, analyzing,

Actual Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Amended

2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019

Sources of Revenue by Object

1000-1999 Local Sources 664,789$ 726,376$ 663,619$ 700,000$ 750,000$ 800,000$

3000-3999 State Sources - - - - - -

4000-4999 Federal Sources - - - - - -

5000-5999 Other Sources - - - - - -

Total Revenue Allocation 664,787 726,376 663,619 700,000 750,000 800,000

Expenditures by Object

0100-0199 Salaries 14,219 15,468 9,301 17,000 35,000 35,000

0200-0299 Employee Benefits 2,855 3,210 1,965 3,000 5,000 5,000

0300-0399 Purchased Services 871 15,326 9,417 10,000 25,000 25,000

0400-0499 Purchased Property Services 24 343 - - - -

0500-0599 Other Purchased Services 518,324 438,056 1,656 443,354 485,000 510,000

0600-0699 Supplies 117,725 175,554 466,445 200,800 200,000 225,000

0700-0799 Property - - 6,760 - - -

0800-0899 Other Objects - - 137,862 - - -

Total Expenditures 654,018 647,958 633,406 674,154 750,000 800,000

Total Excess over (under) Expenditures 10,769 78,418 30,213 25,846 - -

Fund Balance Beginning 616,865 627,632 706,049 706,049 719,734 719,734

Fund Balance Ending 627,632$ 706,049$ 736,262$ 731,895$ 719,734$ 719,734$

Restricted for School Activity Fund 627,632$ 706,049$ 736,262$ 731,895$ 719,734$ 719,734$

School Activity Fund Summary of Expenditures 2018-2019

Fiscal Years 2015-2016 to 2021-2022

74- School Activity

Westminster Public Schools


Empoyee Benefits0.63%

Purchase Services3.13%

Other Purchase Services63.75%


Salaries & Benefits- 5.01%

Page 51: | 7002 Raleigh Street ... · The MBA program promotes and recognizes excellence in school budget presentation and enhances school business officials' skills in developing, analyzing,

Projected Projected Projected

2020 2021 2022

Sources of Revenue by Object

765,000$ 826,200$ 892,296$ 1000-1999 Local Sources

- - - 3000-3999 State Sources

- - - 4000-4999 Federal Sources

- - - 5000-5999 Other Sources

765,000 826,200 892,296 Total Revenue Allocation

Expenditures by Object

35,350 35,704 36,061 0100-0199 Salaries

5,050 5,101 5,152 0200-0299 Employee Benefits

25,250 25,503 25,758 0300-0399 Purchased Services

- - - 0400-0499 Purchased Property Services

509,250 549,990 604,989 0500-0599 Other Purchased Services

190,100 209,904 220,338 0600-0699 Supplies

- - - 0700-0799 Property

- - - 0800-0899 Other Objects

765,000 826,200 892,296 Total Expenditures

- - -- Total Excess over (under) Expenditures

719,734 719,734 719,734 Fund Balance Beginning

719,734$ 719,734$ 719,734$ Fund Balance Ending

719,734$ 719,734$ 719,734$ Restricted for School Activity Fund

Fiscal Years 2015-2016 to 2021-2022

74- School Activity

Westminster Public Schools

Page 52: | 7002 Raleigh Street ... · The MBA program promotes and recognizes excellence in school budget presentation and enhances school business officials' skills in developing, analyzing,

Actual Actual

2016 2017

Sources of Revenue by Object

1000-1999 Local Sources 107,149$ -$

3000-3999 State Sources - -

4000-4999 Federal Sources - -

5000-5999 Other Sources - (272,266)

Total Revenue Allocation 107,149 (272,266)

Expenditures by Object

0100-0199 Salaries 19,595 -

0200-0299 Employee Benefits 3,954 -

0300-0399 Purchased Services (3,156) -

0400-0499 Purchased Property Services - -

0500-0599 Other Purchased Services - -

0600-0699 Supplies 6,580 -

0700-0799 Property - -

0800-0899 Other Objects - -

Total Expenditures 26,973 -

Total Excess over (under) Expenditures 80,176 (272,266)

Fund Balance Beginning 192,090 272,266

Fund Balance Ending 272,266$ -$

29- Fee Supported

Fiscal Years 2015-2016 to 2016-2017

Westminster Public Schools

Page 53: | 7002 Raleigh Street ... · The MBA program promotes and recognizes excellence in school budget presentation and enhances school business officials' skills in developing, analyzing,

Actual Actual

2016 2017

Sources of Revenue by Object

1000-1999 Local Sources -$ 62$

3000-3999 State Sources

4000-4999 Federal Sources

5000-5999 Other Sources

Total Revenue Allocation - 62

Expenditures by Object

0100-0199 Salaries - -

0200-0299 Employee Benefits - -

0300-0399 Purchased Services 176,133 12,780

0400-0499 Purchased Property Services 704,746 (12,634)

0600-0699 Supplies 1,062 -

0700-0799 Property - -

0800-0899 Other Objects - -

Total Expenditures 881,941 146

Total Excess over (under) Expenditures (881,941) (84)

Fund Balance Beginning 881,879 (62)

Fund Balance Ending (62) (146)

Restricted for Building Fund (62)$ (146)$

41- Building Fund

Fiscal Years 2015-2016 to 2016-2017

Westminster Public Schools

Page 54: | 7002 Raleigh Street ... · The MBA program promotes and recognizes excellence in school budget presentation and enhances school business officials' skills in developing, analyzing,

Westminster Public Schools

Anticipated Projects and Contracts Over $50,000

Amended Budget FY 2018-19


Vendor Anticipated Amount Purpose / Additional Information / Description

Capital Reserve

Apple Valley/Vendor Unknown 200,000 District wide painting/drywall

Setpoint 300,000 Remaining schools

Duenon 75,000 Carpet and tile

Hallmark 50,000 Districtwide concrete

McCandless 700,000 White Fleet, Bus an Outsourcing of Services

Hill Petroleum 200,000 Fuel

Total $ 1,525,000

Nutrition Services

Vendor Unknown 150,000 Steam ovens

Vendor Unknown 80,000 Steam wells

Vendor Unknown 70,000 Plumbing/ electrical upgrades

Vendor Unknown 100,000 Dish machine replacement

Vendor Unknown 75,000 Design fees for kitchen upgrades

Vendor Unknown 100,000 Walk-in cooler upgrades

Turn Key General Contractors 600,000 General Contractor

Grady's Food Service Equipment & 400,000 Kitchen Equipment

Chartwells 3,300,000 Operating expense

Total $ 4,875,000

Board of Education

Strategies 360 150,000 Community engagement consultants

Edie & Baily 75,000 Auditor

Semple, Farrington 250,000 Attorney Fees

Total $ 475,000


Blackboard Inc 75,000 Website Management

Strategies 360 Inc 50,000 Community Engagement

Gregory & Denby Associates 150,000 Community Engagement

Endpoint Direct 50,000 Advertising

Total $ 325,000

Learning Services

IB 100,000 IB Testing Fees

Amplify 100,000 Kagan 300,000 Kagan Training

History Alive 64,000 Middle School Level - History Alive

Alpine 250,000 Assessment Data Warehouse

Empower 72,500 Assessment Reporting & Recording

Scantron 194,000 Assessment tool

FRCC, EGTC, RRCC, MSU, CCD 100,000 Concurrent Enrollment Tuition


IXL PK-12 83,200 Math/Science/ELL Core Contents

Springboard 220,000 Afterschool Tutoring Program

Marzano 250,000 District Partner/Title 1

Ingenuity 50,000 Credit Recovery

McGraw Hill 1,300,000 Wonders

Total $ 3,183,700

If any of the projects listed go over the budged amount they will need to go to the board to get the overage approved by the Board of Education

Board Policy DJ- Excluding insurance premiums, the Board of Education must approve all purchases, financial commitments and contracts for services, that are not

included in the District’s Adopted Budget and that involve the expenditure of District funds of $50,000 or more per fiscal year. Exceptions may be made by the

Superintendent of Schools in cases of emergencies, which shall be reported to the Board no later than its next regular meeting.

Board Policy DJ-A- The Superintendent or his/her designee shall have the responsibility and authority to issue purchase orders for those items and services

authorized in the District’s adopted budget and purchased in conformity with the District’s purchasing procedures. If the purchase of items or services is $50,000 or

more and is not included in the District’s Approved Budget, the purchase must be approved by the Board of Education. The Director of Finance shall provide a

quarterly report to the Board of Education listing all purchases of $100,000 or more.

Board Policy DJ-R- Any payments to the same vendor above $50,000 not included in the budget must go to the Board of Education for approval.

Page 55: | 7002 Raleigh Street ... · The MBA program promotes and recognizes excellence in school budget presentation and enhances school business officials' skills in developing, analyzing,

Westminster Public Schools

Anticipated Projects and Contracts Over $50,000

Amended Budget FY 2018-19


Vendor Anticipated Amount Purpose / Additional Information / Description

Special Services

Kids First Health Care 500,000 School Nurse

Laradon Hall 250,000 Student tuition cost

Adams Co. School District #12 300,000 Placement of identified deaf/hard of hearing (DHH) children Total $ 1,050,000


Time clock Plus 55,000 Integrated Time clock & Sub System with Visions

Tyler Technologies 105,000 iVisions: Accounting, HR, Payroll, Purchasing, Warehouse

Frontline Technologies 60,000 Attendance, AESOP, Frontline

Total $ 220,000


Xcel Energy 1,300,000 Districtwide Electrical & Gas

City of Westminster 340,000 Districtwide Water & Sewer

CenterPoint Energy 250,000 Districtwide Gas

Crestview Water 150,000 Districtwide Water & Sewer

City of Thornton 67,000 Districtwide Water & Sewer

Lakeshore Learning Materials 90,000 Districtwide Classroom Supplies

Colo Dept of Labor 300,000 Unemployment InsuranceNeopost Inc 70,000 Districtwide postageCommerce Bancshares Inc. 800,000 Districtwide purchasing card programApple Inc. 186,000 Districtwide school & department purchases Unknown Vendor 300,000 Music Instruments

Total $ 3,853,000

Maintenance & Operations

Landgraf 50,000 Backflow installs

Unknown Vendor 800,000 Design Work COP

Unknown Vendor 250,000 General Contractor COP

McCandless Truck Center 50,000 Truck or front loader

Total $ 1,150,000 Materials Management

Waste Management of Denver 75,000 Districtwide trash collection

Lewan 150,000 Copying Services

Bailey's 120,000 Moving and Storage

Post Office 80,000 District Mailings Cost

Virco 600,000 Furniture replacement cycle

Total $ 1,025,000


Raceway 100,000 School network cabling upgrades

One Neck 250,000 Core network switch upgrades & Smart Net renewal

HP Inc 550,000 Districtwide computer purchasesCDWG 990,000 Computer replacement cycle & Microsoft Enrollment Education

Symmetric 600,000 Blanket for Helpdesk Services

Peak Resources 300,000 Computer

Computer Information Concepts 150,000 Infinite Campus renewal

Total $ 2,940,000

Total for all Budgets/Departments $ 20,621,700
