Page 1: ˘ˇˆ˙˝˛ 1 - Marianna Ariizumi.… · 2 ˘ 345# ˇˆ˙˝˛˚6 7˚ ... Daisuke Kumon, Masatomo Doi, Ichirou Maeda, Mieko

� � ����������Vol. 37, pp. 393�396, 2009

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Page 2: ˘ˇˆ˙˝˛ 1 - Marianna Ariizumi.… · 2 ˘ 345# ˇˆ˙˝˛˚6 7˚ ... Daisuke Kumon, Masatomo Doi, Ichirou Maeda, Mieko

����������� ����� �Figure2b�� ������������������������� ������ !"#���$%&'�()*+,��-./����0� �������123�����45�� �6���7*89����:� Mib-1 index �� 1���*;<"=5�� �>%&�?@A" S100BC0DE���F�@AG�� ���������@AG�45�� H���./4�� IJKKL!�M�CAF*NOP�� QRS�T.UV�����:�WSXY�Z"=-�

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CAF� 1953[�Kessbey1��\5]^�] juve-nile aponeurotic fibroma *P]�_G��`a"=-� bc���#d*+,��]e�0� bc4�f[g� h�i�g�Vj�F��-H*4�kl� CAF *mnG�� opqr`a"� s�t!60 bc4� 10u"��_"=-� WHO 6�� Tumours of Soft Tissue and Bone2� �\-*�Vd[�� 0 v�64 vw"�Vj0�_G�� Vd�x[�� 12v� yzo�y3�{�Vj|-*G�-� }~�� 70v�Vd"� �?�������Web �* NCBI � Pub Med " ��������#�w�� �calcifying aponeurotic fibroma�������*P]��P�*H�� ���_����P�-��"�i[���_"=5�� ���13���3�����:� ZV!{����{!

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Figure 1. Plain X-ray image of the right fingers of our

CAF patient.

Swelling of the right forefinger �arrow� is evident, butthe bone is intact.



Figure 2. Microscopic analyses of resected tissue.

a: Low magnification views revealing nodules of fibro-

lastic proliferation with multiple islands of calcifying

formation in the nodule.

b: High magnification views revealing islands of cal-

cification surrounded by fibroblasts. The fibroblasts

with the CAF tumor are irregularly arranged in a

fascicular and palisading pattern. The tumor cells

show neither nuclear atypia nor mitotic figures.

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�'��>?�E|�J}~��eDE5#$vw�xyz{;-�C>?e�;�� K¥8����>?¦'BC'§¨t$8©e� _`a�©"#;GªJ=�G"���8�����efªJ� £%8«¬­¬®F¤¯�J�°� CAF']^�;_`a���T()@'©"#JJ1���/8]^F±t$ CAF ����J�70r8²�'SV�J CAF 8 1&F³l�J�

CAF��KLG" 10s'd<´µe�f$��  ��'SVt$=��f$J1� �¶8·¸ �����'�¹8§¨F����' !$=��º��<�»¼"#J�


1� Keasbey LE. Juvenile aponeurotic fibroma �cal-cifying fibroma�. A distinctive tumor arising inthe palms and soles of young children. Cancer

1953; 6: 338�346.2� McMenamin ME. WHO classification of Tu-mours: Tumours of Soft tissues and Bone.

IARC press, Lyon 2002; 69�70.3� John FF, Markku M. Calcifying aponeuroticfibroma: A clinicopathological study of 22 cases

arising in uncommon sites. HumPathol 1998; 29:

1504�1510.4� Enzinger FM, Weiss SW. Soft tissue tumors. 5th

edition. St Louis: Mosby; 2008; 289-293.

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Calcifying Aponeurotic Fibroma Occurrinng in a Seventy Year Old Female

Yasushi Ariizumi, Akira Endo, Kazuki Kitajima, Daisuke Kumon,

Masatomo Doi, Ichirou Maeda, Mieko Hunatsu, Junki Koike,

Hirotaka Koizumi, and Masayuki Takagi

Calcifying aponeurotic fibroma �CAF� is a rare soft tissue tumor that typically arises in the distalextremities in children and adults. The reported age range for this disease is 0 to 64 years, with a median of

12 years. The histological features of CAF include central foci of calcification and cartilage formations

surrounded by proliferating fibroblasts. We here report a CAF case in a 70-year-old female. The tumor in

this patient was detected in the subcutaneous tissue of the distal finger and histologically showed typical

features of CAF. To our knowledge, this is the oldest diagnosed case of this disease.

Department of Diagnostic Pathology, St Marianna University School of Medicine

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