1 Director's Treatment Zoran Petrovski Director's treatment: Zoran Petrovski / production: Studio Lime LTD http://vimeo.com/zoki / http://studio-lime.com

Zoran Petrovski / production: Studio Lime LTD · PDF file2 Director's Treatment Zoran Petrovski Dear all, Thank you for the opportunity to pitch for such a great project. We totally

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Page 1: Zoran Petrovski / production: Studio Lime LTD · PDF file2 Director's Treatment Zoran Petrovski Dear all, Thank you for the opportunity to pitch for such a great project. We totally

� 1Director's Treatment Zoran Petrovski

Director's treatment: Zoran Petrovski / production: Studio Lime LTD http://vimeo.com/zoki / http://studio-lime.com

Page 2: Zoran Petrovski / production: Studio Lime LTD · PDF file2 Director's Treatment Zoran Petrovski Dear all, Thank you for the opportunity to pitch for such a great project. We totally

� 2Director's Treatment Zoran Petrovski

Dear all,

Thank you for the opportunity to pitch for such a great project. We totally understand the idea and the way you want this film to look and feel like. This project went a little bit beyond our imagination. My first thought when I started working on this project was that we need to make something more then an ordinary film with a simple branch tree and boring ending. The easiest way was to make one person do several different things but no matter what actions he take to succeed in the end like in the Pepsi commercial. To be honest I have watched the Pepsi video several times and I couldn't find any interesting interaction there... The things just happened even if I didn't choose a path. I wanted to make something personal, something that will be so interactive that every user that will watch the video will have a different ending. I wanted my project to have more interaction and real life changing results. I thought about many things that could happen but one idea stuck in my head - Personality type check powered by Lenovo. In carefully designed algorithm users have options to interact with the Lenovo video and depending on the answer combination in the end the viewer will receive his own personality type results. In the few minutes playing and watching the film the viewers will find out what kind of personality type are they. According to the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator there are 16 psychological personality types. There is many info on that topic on the web.

*Source Wikipedia


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� 3Director's Treatment Zoran Petrovski

For example when completing the steps in the video the viewer gets his results and his type turns out to be "ENFJ". Titles will prompt with the most interesting facts about this personality type. For instance If they are "ENFJ" we are going to extract the key definitions for this type: that they are natural born leaders, that they are so unique that only 2% of the human population have the same personality type. We will point out some celebrities that have the same personality type. For the "ENFJ" that would be Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, and Nelson Mandela. We will be able to tell the viewers the strong sides of their personality as well as their weaknesses. They can play for themselves or for close friend or family member. I believe this film can turn into a viral video. Everybody will want to share it to a friend so they can compare results or see if their personality types match. The best of all is that all different personalities will use our Lenovo YOGA 3 Pro and Lenovo Yoga Tablet 2. We are going to show that no matter what personality type you are Lenovo can suit your needs.

Our branch tree sounds like it will be something super complex and hard to make but we've mastered the Interlude treehouse and we have already made a very clear and correct algorithm. The questions in the test have been adapted from psychological surveys into real life situations. We gave a beta version to some friends and so far it's WORKING great! The viewers will make decisions on their own. There will be decisions you make that will affect your personality type and other questions that will be there just for fun and interaction. This is our first attempt to make treehouse video. http://in.fm/v/VBGvYM password:zoki For now it is just generating correct results. This video is just with pop-up questions in order to test the algorithm. The real video will be with stylish visual design that I will explain in the next chapter. For the pilot video we will make the main paths and the other "just for fun" decisions paths. If we get to the finals we will visualize differently each personality type. For example if you are an enthusiastic adventurer we will dress the actor in the video with clothes and backpack for mountain hiking. If you are an artist or entertainer we will dress the actor in a more artistic way.


Page 4: Zoran Petrovski / production: Studio Lime LTD · PDF file2 Director's Treatment Zoran Petrovski Dear all, Thank you for the opportunity to pitch for such a great project. We totally

� 4Director's Treatment Zoran Petrovski

So the idea is clear. I want to make first ever made "Video personality test": interactive video that shows the viewers what kind of personality type they are. Next that we need to do is to shoot it in a very stylish way. I want to go even further with visualization. Everything that the player does will look like a video game -first person shooter. You wake up in a room (subjective camera), you don't know who you are and where you are. With every step you will discover different things about you: are you male or female, will you dance on a party or stay in the corner, will you make the first step with a person or you will wait for the other person to make it. It is going to be a first person video like Prodigy's "Smack my bitch up" but in Lenovo guidelines. The best of all is how I'm going to shoot everything. I will work in a big warehouse and I will create an imaginary neighborhood. Rooms will be with no walls, the park will be with paper trees, the streets will be painted on the floor etc. The scenography will be influenced by Lars von Trier's film "Dogville". It will look simple, yet outstanding. The difference from Dogville is that it will not look retro and it will be more comforting to the eye. We want to create a


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modern looking environment. We will make all the scenes that are in different locations to look uniform, visually equal. We will use mostly monochrome colors but with clear red contrast on some objects. It will look stylish and up to date. All scenes will look as they are designed on Photoshop. The viewers will recognize the style that we are trying to accomplish and I think they will love it. There will be nothing to eccentric or neon. Clean, warm colors with recognizable red in the decors or props.


Page 6: Zoran Petrovski / production: Studio Lime LTD · PDF file2 Director's Treatment Zoran Petrovski Dear all, Thank you for the opportunity to pitch for such a great project. We totally

� 6Director's Treatment Zoran Petrovski

This is what the preliminary script looks like:

WHO are you? Your character opens his eyes and looks around – he has just waken up in his room. It is cozy and tidy, there are books on the shelves and a Lenovo YOGA 3 Pro(tent) on the table. The video suggests two options: get up or snooze. If you choose to get up your character heads to the bathroom for his morning routine. If you choose to snooze your character closes his eyes and has a dream. Somewhere in the middle of it he wakes up and then heads to the bathroom. With the following question we are going to determine the player’s gender. The player has to choose :

A) Shave beard

B) Put make up on

Below we are going to describe how the quest goes on if the player is a male. After he shaves, he walks out of the bathroom and notices a piece of paper under his entrance door. He picks it up. It’s a note that says “We’re having a party. Join us. The new neighbors.” There is music coming from the opposite apartment. He puts a t-shirt and jeans on, he grabs Lenovo YOGA tablet 2 (hang) and goes to check out the party. He rings the doorbell and a friendly guy opens the door. The character enters and looks around but he doesn’t know anyone there. The player has to choose:

A) Go talk to someone

B) Act cool

If you choose option A) your character approaches a good-looking girl and her friends and introduces himself. If you choose option B) your character stays for a while and then a girl goes to him and invites him to her crowd.

Series of jump cuts: Your character and the girl are having fun – they take pictures with his YOGA tablet(hold,stand-selfie), laugh and dance. There is a DJ playing music on a Lenovo YOGA 3 Pro(laptop,tablet). The character goes there and asks him to play a tune. In this interaction you can choose between A) Play some electronica and B) Play something acoustic. The music in the party alters according to that. The character is having fun with the girl.

He and the girl have decided to ditch the party and have a walk in the park. They pass by two street musicians playing the guitar and listen. They see a man dresses in a rabbit costume. He has taken off the rabbit head mask and he is having a sandwich. The girl points at it and laughs. There is another interaction here: A) Steal the rabbit head mask and B) Buy the rabbit head from the guy. The character ends up wearing the rabbit mask. He and the girl go to get hot-dogs from a small pavilion when an attractive man shows up. The girl obviously knows the man. They start to laugh about something and ignore you. You:

A) Let them talk

B) Interrupt them


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If you choose option A) your character walks away. The girl sees that and runs after him handing him a little piece of paper with her number on it. The character writes his number on her arm. In option B) the player interrupts the girl’s talk and gives her his card. He makes a “Call me” expression and leaves.

You decide to have a little walk. You see the street musician who you have passed by earlier. The other one is gone but he has left his guitar. The first musician is playing the guitar really good. He looks at you and waves, inviting you to join. You:

A) Play along with him

B) Tip him

By choosing option A) the character jams with the street musician. A few passers-by stop and look at him and the musician. The player is looking at the lyrics from his YOGA tablet(hang). You can choose between A) Play some more and B) Done playing. There will be a variation of tracks the player can perform. When he is done playing the character hi-fives the musician and continues his journey. In option B) the character tips the musician, the musician thanks him. The character takes video of the street performer with a YOGA tablet(hold) and he continues his walk.

The character sits on a bench in the park. He takes off the rabbit mask and puts it aside. He takes out his YOGA tablet. He has to choose between A) Browse pictures from the party and B) Watch video of you playing the guitar or how street musician plays. While doing this he gets a message from the girl that says “Hey, let’s meet up!”. You:

A) Improvise your date when you meet

B) Make a plan what are you going to do

He takes the rabbit mask and leaves.

If you choose option A) on this one the character is in the park with the girl and they are eating sandwiches on the grass. The rabbit mask is also there. In option B) the character and the girl are having dinner in an elegant restaurant. They have nearly finished their dishes. The waiter pours some water. The rabbit mask left on a chair between them.

Suddenly the girl has an idea, grabs the player’s hand and drags him in some direction. He is following her in the streets. They stop in front of a tattoo studio. The girl seems to know the tattoo artist. They get inside and he shows stylish matching tattoos in a lookbook on a Lenovo laptop(stand, tablet). She looks very excited about it.

Will you get the tattoo:

A) Yes

B) No

If you choose option A) the tattoo artist draws it on your character’s skin (on the arm or chest). The player goes to the mirror to check it out. At this point your personality test results show up as your character sees himself in the mirror for the first time – he is with the rabbit mask on.

If you answer B) No on this question the girl gets the tattoo anyway and the character stays with her watching. When it is done she stands in the mirror and drags the character next to her. He sees himself in the mirror with the rabbit mask on. He takes a marker and draws the same tattoo on his arm. The girl smiles. At this point your personality test results show up.


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� 8Director's Treatment Zoran Petrovski

This is an example of what the results will look like:

Hey! Your personality type is ENTP also known as the Visionary type!

You share the same personality type with Leonardo da Vinci. You could have painted Mona Lisa but unfortunately he was first. You are an inspired innovator, motivated to find new solutions to every problem you meet. You are curious and smart and you always try to comprehend the people, systems, and principles that surround you. You are open-minded and unconventional just like Walt Disney but you weren’t very good at animating talking mice, were you? You want to analyze, understand and influence others. You tend to be independent, analytical and impersonal in your relations.

You enjoy playing with ideas and especially like to banter with others. You were born a natural leader, often cheerfully poking fun at others’ habits and eccentricities. While you enjoy challenging people, in the end you are usually happy to live and let live. You are rarely judgmental, but you have little patience for people who can't keep up. By the way you share your personality type with only 3% of the general population! Just imagine what you can do now!


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� 9Director's Treatment Zoran Petrovski

Particularly for this film, I would be involved as a director and producer, in cooperation with my production company named "Studio Lime" Ltd.

We have more than 10 years of experience working in advertising. Till now we have executed many great commercials on Tongal.

We have won two First places and one second in the past few months. With AXE - Kiss For Peace campaign we have received the largest ever single prize awarded on Tongal.

I am a Tongaler of the mount for Oct. 2014.

Some of our videos like the one for "Olay" have been watched more than 2.5 million times on Youtube.

I work for a production house called Camera LTD - http://camera.bg, they have created successfully literally thousands of commercials and many featured films. Working there I was involved with the creation of the top 3 TV series on the Balkans. I've been working with them for the past 5 years.

We were positioned in top 3 Crime TV series on IMDB with " UNDERCOVER " series, together with Breaking Bad, Sherlock Holmes, The Sopranos and Dexter. In our work we constantly strive to deliver the highest quality films as it should be for a project such as this.


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Let me finish by thanking you for considering me for this project. I am certain that we have the technical know-how and a great script to bring this idea into realization.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or clarifications. This film will be quite a challenge, which of course is why it is so much fun to make.

Please note that these are only my initial thoughts based on your project brief. I will be happy to develop them much further.

I hope you see the potential in our proposal and I believe we can create one successful and unforgettable film.

Thank you for your time

Zoran Petrovski