Year 1 Learning from Home Week 9

Year 1 Learning from Home Week 9

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Year 1 Learning

from Home Week 9

Stage One Home Learning Matrix

Information for parents: This matrix covers the Key Learning Areas taught each afternoon in stage one. Please choose ONE activity a day to complete (plus a wellbeing activity if desired).

Physical Education Physical Development/ Health

Creative Arts Geography Science and Technology


Exercise Circuit: Using

equipment from home, create a mini exercise

circuit to complete.

What we already know:

Brainstorm with your students what they

already know about

”being healthy”. What does it mean and why

is it important?

Art Hub For Kids:

How To Draw A Shark Folding Surprise Puppet



Outside my house:

Explore the outside of your house and make

observations of

features such as driveways, vegetation


Draw a map of your house including these


Brekky Science: Look

closely at a slice of bread and a slice of

toast. Make a list of all

the things that are the same between them

and the things that are

different. Can we change toast back into

bread? Why or why


Singing: Sing some

songs from The Learning Station on You


PE with Joe: Watch and

join in with an online

workout with ‘PE with Joe’.



There are many

workouts to choose


Healthy Food Video:

Watch this You Tube

video about healthy food.



Nature Collage:

Go outside and collect

a variety of twigs, leaves, pebbles etc.

Arrange them into a picture, design or

patter. You can also

add designs with pencils and textas.

Take a photo of your

creation. Ask an adult if they will upload it to

Google Classroom to

share with your classmates.

Inside my house: Draw

a map of the inside of

your house and the people who live there.


Melting: What do you

think will happen if

chocolate is heated up? Place pieces of

chocolate in a zip lock bag and sit it in the sun.

Write a sentence about

how the chocolate changes over time.

5 Senses: Sit outside in

the sunshine. Think of:

5 things you can see 4 things you can hear

3 things you can smell 2 things you can feel

1 thing you can taste

IMoves Samba: Watch

and join in on the

‘iMoves Samba’ lesson. https://www.youtube.c



You may also want to

download the free iMoves app for more

ideas and activities.

Healthy Lifestyle

Collage: Using old

magazines, catalogues,

newspapers etc, find pictures that represent

healthy living. Use these

to create a ‘Healthy Lifestyle’ collage.

Art Hub For Kids:

How to Draw a Clown

Fish https://youtu.be/p-


Draw three things that you can see outside

your house and write a description about what

you have drawn.

Melting Moments: Using

2 types of chocolate

(white, dark or milk), predict what one will

melt the fastest. Place

the chocolate in separate zip lock bags

and sit them in the sun.

Write a sentence about how the chocolate has

changed and what

type melted the fastest.

Glitter Jar: Find an old

jar or plastic bottle. Fill

¾ of the way with water. Next, add clear

glue, glitter and food

colouring. Seal the lid and shake. Watch the

glitter swirl and take

deep breaths during times of anxiety or


Nature Walk: With your

family (make sure you

have an adult with

you) go for a nature walk. Draw a picture of

what you see in your

local community.

Balanced Lifestyle


Brainstorm a list of

words associated with physical activity, rest,

relaxation and sleep. Use these words to

design an acrostic

poem using the words ACTIVE and PASSIVE. All children love to move

Climbing stairs, running in pairs

Turn off the TV and come and groove

I skip, run, hang and creep

Very hot, done the lot

Energy is used and I need a sleep

Laundry Art:

Look around the house

and gather some socks,

scarves, t-shirts etc. See if you can arrange the

clothing to make a

picture or self-portrait.

Favourite Place: Draw a

picture of your

favourite place in your

house. Starting at the

front door, write the

directions of how to get

to your favourite spot.

E.g. Walk 5 steps down

the hall, turn left a the

third door etc.

Spaghetti Towers: Make

a tower using spaghetti

and marshmallows.

Write a sentence to describe your tower

and the uncooked

spaghetti. https://www.youtube.c



Cosmic Kids Zen Den:

Watch and join in on a

‘Cosmic Kids Zen Den’

mindfulness session.



Cosmic Kids Yoga:

Watch and complete a

‘Cosmic Kids Yoga’




Skip to 6:16 to start the yoga video.

Healthy Cooking: With

an adult, cook a healthy recipe or make

a healthy snack. Take

photos and upload it to Google classroom.

Art Hub For Kids:

How to draw a coral reef



World Map: Have a

look at an atlas or the world map online.

Discuss with an adult

the features of the map.

Can you make an Egg


Follow the link to the

experiment and see if you can make an egg





Rainbow Walk: Use your

5 senses to find the colors of the rainbow.

With no sound, walk

and find something that is red, orange,

yellow, green, blue,

indigo and violet (purple).

Write what you find by each colour.

Stage One P.E Activities to do in Stage One P.E Activities to do in Lockdown (Mr. Rowe)

Games with a Friend Fitness activities Outdoor Fun Get Creative Games with a Friend Fitness activities Outdoor Fun Get Creative

This or That – Space Jam Workout

Each round you have two choices. Pick the thing you like

the best then you must complete

the fitness activity that replaces it.

Tooty Ta Dance!

Follow the link and complete the

Tooty Ta Dance.

Follow the moves carefully! Film

yourself and post

on the social stream

Super Smash Bros Fitness

Try and keep up with your favourite Character. Who can complete the full

fitness session!

Treasure Hunt!

Set up your own treasure hunt for someone else in your family. Gather

some items together (toy cars,

teddies, or lollies). Hide them around the room or

backyard and

challenge a family member to find


Mini Soccer Game

Have a one-on-

one mini soccer game with a

family member. Remember to

dribble and shoot!

Red light green light

One person stands with their back to

the others, who line up at one end of

the driveway. The person at the bottom of the driveway calls out

“green light” and everyone must

move towards them. When she says “red

light” she will turn

around and everyone must freeze. If you’re

caught moving, you

must go back to the start.

Create your own Obstacle Course

Gather items from around the house

and create your own obstacle course.

Challenge a family member to

complete it!

This or That Summer!

Each round

you have two

choices. Pick the summer

activity you

enjoy the best and then

complete the

fitness activity that replaces


Disco Yoga!

Join in the disco dance yoga

and learn the Washing Machine



Set up an outdoor car

wash. Wash your bike or

scooter. You could even ask mum or dad if you

could help to wash the


Put on some music, film it

and post on the social stream!

Ninja Now Workout

Follow the link: Join our ninja as he

journeys to different places to destroy

the virus. Skill work includes - balancing, kicking, chopping,

jumping, dodging,

running, and sprinting in place.

Walk Your Pet-

Take your pet for a walk or teach it a

new trick! Post the video on the Social


Good Luck!

Games with a Friend Fitness activities Outdoor Fun Get Creative

Turkey Chase work out! Run and dodge the objects to escape the angry farmer!

Clap IT Out Follow the link and sing, dance, and clap out all the syllables in this catchy song.

Funny Fitness! Try not to laugh as you complete the this or that fitness challenge

Treasure Hunt! Set up your own treasure hunt for someone else in your family. Gather some items together (toy cars, teddies, or lollies). Hide them around the room or backyard and challenge a family member to find them.

Mini Soccer Game Have a one-on-one mini soccer game with a family member. Remember to dribble and shoot!

Obstacle Course for your Pet! Watch this video and set up an obstacle course for your Pet! Film it and post it on google classrooms.

Create your own Obstacle Course Gather items from around the house and create your own obstacle course. Challenge a family member to complete it!

Space Adventure Workout Get off the couch and this space adventure. Make it through 4 fitness levels to win!

Lava Leap Pretend the floor is lava and complete the floor is lava challenge!

Fairy House or Bug Hotel Make a fair House or bug hotel in your garden. Take a photo of it and post it on google classrooms.

Balloon Pop 2– Challenge Increase your reaction time with this workout! Featuring a new green balloon for crossing the midline. See if you can make it through all five levels.

Make a racetrack Using your bike or scooter. Set up a racetrack in your backyard and complete it on your bike. Challenge a family member to complete it as well!

6.9.21 Monday

Log into Google Classrooms each day at 9:05am and complete the attendance question in Google Classroom. This is where you will access all videos and any additional information. Tick the box next to each activity as you have completed the task. Literacy Complete the attendance question in Google Classroom Join in with your teacher’s video on Google Classrooms to complete your daily drills. Complete the spelling activity Complete the handwriting task in your booklet. Complete today’s writing prompt Maths Watch the TENs video and play the game with an adult or sibling for 10-15 minutes. Watch today’s maths instructional video on fractions Complete the fractions activity in your booklet KLA’s Complete the PDH activity from Mr Rowe Take some time to finish off any incomplete work OR choose an activity from the KLA grid you haven’t done yet

©2020 The Literacy Collective

Goal: I am learning the sound spellings

o aSpel l ing Level 2

Your spellings words...

Spelling (o/a) p1 Level 2 Module 1

1. Read and say your words.2. Highlight the sound in your words.3. Phoneme map your words using magnets/cards and word work maps.4. Record your letter mapping below.5. Choose 3 words and write a sentence in your spelling book.

f l o p

f r o g

Common Words Personal Words

1 2 3 4

s t o p h a d

s t o p

wa s

wa s h

wha t

ha d

h ow

wa s h ow

1 2 3

1 2 3 4

f l o p wa s h

1 2 3

1 2 3

f r o g wha t

1 2 3 4

1 2 3

1 2 3

©2020 The Literacy Collective

o a Spelling Level 2

Spelling (o/a) p2 Level 2 Module 1

Cut out your spelling word list, with the words. Now do a speed sort and record

your time here: seconds. Then glue down your words.

o a

Other words (Common Words and Personal Words)

Choose a multisensory spelling activity. Tick the circle of the one you have done. If you do a different one write it in the blank rectangle.



Painting Words

Rainbow Sounds

Paint Bags

Sand or Flour Tray

Your choice

Your choice

m m m m m m m mM M M M M M M M

Mum s tar t s w i th an

Mou s e m i lk Mou s e m i lk Mou s e

Mou s e and m i lk s tar t w i th an m .

Writing Week 9


‘Path Adventure’

How are the two sides of the picture different?

Why do you think they are different?

Choose a path: 1. Dark and gloomy or 2. Sunny and vibrant.

Write an imaginative piece of writing on the adventure you went on.

Colour and Label Fractions

Colour and label correctly:The first has been done for you.






Who influences my eating habits?

Students please design an

advertisement for a healthy food or a

focus on the need to eat a balanced

diet. The advertisement could be in

the form of a poster, jingle, radio

announcement, TV commercial or

newsletter/newspaper insert.

Send to my email when finished or

post on google classrooms

[email protected]