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7/25/2019 X SC

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Statutory Claim of:Haru Aker Ab:in accord with IRS MANUAL 2!"!#!#!2!2!2!$2%

"&" Ce'tui (ue )ie *ru't Act

I, Phillippe Danielle Glaze now known as : Haru Aker Ab, (See Statutory Declaration attached), Indienous, Autochthonous

!lesh and "lood #elaninite "lack$oot %reek %hoctaw Descent , %lai& in Accord with the

'nited ations Declaration on the ihts o$ Indienous Peoples

(http:**www+un+or*Docs*ournal*asp-&.A*/S*00*123 4htpp:**www+un+or*esa*socdey*unp$ii*docu&ents*DIPS5en+pd$  )4 Presidential Procla&ation 67884 H9 12 ;

htpp:**www+po+o<*$dsys*pk*"I==S;118hres12eh*pd$*"I==S;118sconres12eh+pd$   4 S+ %on es+ ;

htpp:**www+po+o<*$dsys*pk*"I==S;111sconres30r$h*"I==S;111sconres30r$h+pd$   4H9;>4 167 Inter;A&erican

Declaration on the ihts o$ Indienous peoples4 3 Stat+ 17>, ?itle @ 'S% @60, IS #ission State&ent:htpp:**www+irs+o<*pub*irs;news*ir;@;7+pd$ , I now clai& the $ollowin: that I a& not a decedent (IS #anual

31+6+1>+>+3+3), I a& ali<e and not dead (1728 %estui ue Bie ?rust Act, 1000 %estui ue Bie ?rust Act, 1686

%estui ue Bie ?rust Act, htpp:**www+leislation+o<+uk*apb*Ann*0*63 )+

I want the record (I#! $ile* "! $ile) held in your co&puter database which &ay list &e as decea'ed to be chaned to

ali<e*li<in+ Accordin to IS #anual 31+6+1>+>+3+3 : An in$ant is the decedent o$ an estate or rantor, owner, trusor o$ 

a trust, uardianship, recei<ership or custodianship that has yet to recei<e an SS:

htpp:**www+irs+o<*ir&*part31*ir& 31 ;886;81>r+ht&l Declaration o$ assu&ption death is a $iction: +!R! No!,&2-.Re/ublic of the 0hilli//ine' 11! +lorai ermude34Lorino:htpp:****ca+udiciary+o< +ph*indeC+php-action&nactual

contentsEap.68188Ep.y+ I ha<e a SS, there$ore in accordance with the IS #anual 31+6+1>+>+3+3 , I a& not a

decedent: ("lackFs =aw dictionary, p++ 2>7 decedent n+ A dead person, esp+ one who has recently died)+ I a& noloner liable $or: a) #ariti&e =iens bein en$orced aainst &e, b) securities bein taken out o$ the estate+ All &ariti&e

=iens currently bein en$orced aainst &e I hereby clai& in<alid , null E <oid, ab anitio pro tune+ See =ieber code

Art+>, >1 , >>, >@ htpp:**a<alon+law+yale+edu*1th  century*lieber+asp and Art 27, 20 E 77 o$ the Haue %on<ention5IB

ct 1@, 186 htpp:**www+icre+or*ihl+ns$*!'==*17

I a& the in$ant who does ha<e a SS which &ake &e the bene$iciary o$ this trust+ ?he SS and the a&e <ests within

&e: an Indienous Autochthonous =i<in #an+ "ein that the IS works in Ad&irality, the IS accordin to its own code,can no loner en$orce any &ariti&e =iens aainst &ysel$, as I now clai&: I a& not lost at sea, nor a& I a decedent*<essel

in co&&erce (%estui ue Bie ?rust Act, '+) ; SS


'nited ations Declaration on the ihts o$ Indienous Peoples

(htpp:**www+un+or*esa*socdey*unp$ii*docu&ents*DIPS5en+pd$) ' Declaration on the ihts o$ Indienous Peoples,

' %on<ention on /cono&ic, Social E %ultural ihts, 'nited ations %harter: Articles 77 E 70, PresidentialProcla&ation 6788, H+9++12, S+ %on+ es 30, S+ 1388, H9;>

A$$ir&ed to and subscribed be$ore &e this date o$ 5555555555555, 3817, "y : 55555555555555555555555555555 

  A$$iantPersonally nown 55555555555555555555 

Produced Identi$ication55555555555555555555 

?ype and J o$ ID: 5555555555555555555555555555555555 

 55555555555555555555555555555555 5555555555555555555555555555555555 

  otary; Public #y %o&&ission /Cpires

Statutory Claim of: A Ankh *ut:in accord with IRS MANUAL 2!"!#!#!2!2!2!$2%

Page 2: X  SC

7/25/2019 X SC

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/x-sc 2/2

"&" Ce'tui (ue )ie *ru't Act

I, Derrick =aua& Glaze now known as : "a Ankh ?ut, (See Statutory Declaration attached), Indienous, Autochthonous

!lesh and "lood #elaninite "lack$oot %reek %hoctaw Descent , %lai& in Accord with the'nited ations Declaration on the ihts o$ Indienous Peoples

(http:**www+un+or*Docs*ournal*asp-&.A*/S*00*123 4

htpp:**www+un+or*esa*socdey*unp$ii*docu&ents*DIPS5en+pd$  )4 Presidential Procla&ation 67884 H9 12 ;htpp:**www+po+o<*$dsys*pk*"I==S;118hres12eh*pd$*"I==S;118sconres12eh+pd$   4 S+ %on es+ ;

htpp:**www+po+o<*$dsys*pk*"I==S;111sconres30r$h*"I==S;111sconres30r$h+pd$   4H9;>4 167 Inter;A&erican

Declaration on the ihts o$ Indienous peoples4 3 Stat+ 17>, ?itle @ 'S% @60, IS #ission State&ent:

htpp:**www+irs+o<*pub*irs;news*ir;@;7+pd$ , I now clai& the $ollowin: that I a& not a decedent (IS #anual31+6+1>+>+3+3), I a& ali<e and not dead (1728 %estui ue Bie ?rust Act, 1000 %estui ue Bie ?rust Act, 1686

%estui ue Bie ?rust Act, htpp:**www+leislation+o<+uk*apb*Ann*0*63 )+

I want the record (I#! $ile* "! $ile) held in your co&puter database which &ay list &e as decea'ed to be chaned to

ali<e*li<in+ Accordin to IS #anual 31+6+1>+>+3+3 : An in$ant is the decedent o$ an estate or rantor, owner, trusor o$ 

a trust, uardianship, recei<ership or custodianship that has yet to recei<e an SS:

htpp:**www+irs+o<*ir&*part31*ir& 31 ;886;81>r+ht&l Declaration o$ assu&ption death is a $iction: +!R! No!,&2-.

Re/ublic of the 0hilli//ine' 11! +lorai ermude34Lorino:htpp:****ca+udiciary+o< +ph*indeC+php-action&nactual

contentsEap.68188Ep.y+ I ha<e a SS, there$ore in accordance with the IS #anual 31+6+1>+>+3+3 , I a& not a

decedent: ("lackFs =aw dictionary, p++ 2>7 decedent n+ A dead person, esp+ one who has recently died)+ I a& no

loner liable $or: a) #ariti&e =iens bein en$orced aainst &e, b) securities bein taken out o$ the estate+ All &ariti&e=iens currently bein en$orced aainst &e I hereby clai& in<alid , null E <oid, ab anitio pro tune+ See =ieber code

Art+>, >1 , >>, >@ htpp:**a<alon+law+yale+edu*1th  century*lieber+asp and Art 27, 20 E 77 o$ the Haue %on<ention5IB

ct 1@, 186 htpp:**www+icre+or*ihl+ns$*!'==*17

I a& the in$ant who does ha<e a SS which &ake &e the bene$iciary o$ this trust+ ?he SS and the a&e <ests within

&e: an Indienous Autochthonous =i<in #an+ "ein that the IS works in Ad&irality, the IS accordin to its own code,

can no loner en$orce any &ariti&e =iens aainst &ysel$, as I now clai&: I a& not lost at sea, nor a& I a decedent*<esselin co&&erce (%estui ue Bie ?rust Act, '+) ; SS


'nited ations Declaration on the ihts o$ Indienous Peoples

(htpp:**www+un+or*esa*socdey*unp$ii*docu&ents*DIPS5en+pd$) ' Declaration on the ihts o$ Indienous Peoples,

' %on<ention on /cono&ic, Social E %ultural ihts, 'nited ations %harter: Articles 77 E 70, Presidential

Procla&ation 6788, H+9++12, S+ %on+ es 30, S+ 1388, H9;>

A$$ir&ed to and subscribed be$ore &e this date o$ 5555555555555, 3817, "y : 55555555555555555555555555555 


Personally nown 55555555555555555555 

Produced Identi$ication55555555555555555555 

?ype and J o$ ID: 5555555555555555555555555555555555 

 55555555555555555555555555555555 5555555555555555555555555555555555 

  otary; Public #y %o&&ission /Cpires