1 DATE CLAIMERS: From the Principal’s Desk WWW. WoodLinksWednesdayWeekly 21March2018 Only Our Best, Everyone, Everyday STATE SCHOOL WOODLINKS If you can read, you will succeed! Every Mon 2.20pm Parade 27 March Springfield Beginners Strings Workshop 9am– 2.20pm 29 March Easter Bonnet Parade Preps—Yr 2 9am in the hall 30 March—10April School holidays 11, 12, 13, 16th April Student Free Days/NO SCHOOL Tuesday 17th April School recommences 01 May School Photos 04 May Mothers Day High Tea 15, 16, 17 May Naplan Testing 2018 Uniform Shop Hours Mondays 8.15—9am Wednesdays 3.10—3.45pm ANZAC Ceremony Redbank Plains RSL Sub Branch have invited our school to join them for the ANZAC day service on Wednesday 25 April. Students will need to wear their full school uniform including hat and meet at the SES building – 120 Willow Road, Redbank Plains at 9:15am ready to march by 9:20am to the Redbank Plains Cenotaph, Moreton Ave Redbank Plains. This is the first time WoodLinks will be involved in marching on ANZAC day so we would like to have a large contingent at the march. We will be sending a letter home in week one seeking information about your child’s attendance at the march. Parent/Teacher Interviews If you haven’t booked in with your teacher please do so as teachers are getting booked out for the parent teacher meetings on Tuesday 27 March. P&C fundraiser letters sent home this week with lots of information about the fundraiser on Friday 27 April. If you didn’t get one, contact the office. Funds raised go towards the purchase of ipads for classrooms.

WWW. WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly...2018/03/21  · Mothers Day High Tea 15, 16, 17 May Naplan Testing 2018 Uniform Shop Hours Mondays 8.15—9am Wednesdays 3.10—3.45pm ANZAC Ceremony

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Page 1: WWW. WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly...2018/03/21  · Mothers Day High Tea 15, 16, 17 May Naplan Testing 2018 Uniform Shop Hours Mondays 8.15—9am Wednesdays 3.10—3.45pm ANZAC Ceremony


D A T E C L A I M E R S :








If you can read, you will succeed!

Every Mon 2.20pm


27 March

Springfield Beginners Strings

Workshop 9am– 2.20pm

29 March

Easter Bonnet Parade

Preps—Yr 2 9am in the hall

30 March—10April

School holidays

11, 12, 13, 16th April

Student Free Days/NO


Tuesday 17th April

School recommences

01 May

School Photos

04 May

Mothers Day High Tea

15, 16, 17 May

Naplan Testing

2018 Uniform Shop Hours

Mondays 8.15—9am

Wednesdays 3.10—3.45pm

ANZAC Ceremony Redbank Plains RSL Sub Branch have invited our school to join them for the ANZAC day service on Wednesday 25 April. Students will need to wear their full school uniform including hat and meet at the SES building – 120 Willow Road, Redbank Plains at 9:15am ready to march by 9:20am to the Redbank Plains Cenotaph, Moreton Ave Redbank Plains. This is the first time WoodLinks will be involved in marching on ANZAC day so we would like to have a large contingent at the march. We will be sending a letter home in week one seeking information about your child’s attendance at the march. Parent/Teacher Interviews

If you haven’t booked in with your teacher please do so as teachers are getting

booked out for the parent teacher meetings on Tuesday 27 March.

P&C fundraiser letters sent home this week with lots of information about the

fundraiser on Friday 27 April. If you didn’t get one, contact the office. Funds raised

go towards the purchase of ipads for classrooms.

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Vicki Caldow PRINCIPAL

Only Our Best, Everyday, Everyone


If your child was born between 01st July 2013 and 30th June 2014 you will need to enrol them in

Prep for 2019. WoodLinks will begin accepting enrolment applications from Tuesday 17th April

2018. You can call into our office and collect an enrolment pack at any time.

Please remember as the weather turns cooler the school bucket hat is still to be worn when students are playing outside or participating in sport or physical education. (no caps are allowed) Hats are available to purchase from our uniform shop for $15.00

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Reader of the Week

The year 3 strings students will be par�cipa�ng in their first Strings workshop camp next Tuesday the

27th of March. The students will need to make their own way to Springfield Lakes ss hall for

registra�on from 8:30-9:00. The students will need to bring their tutor book (Essen�al ELements

2000), instrument, music stand, lunch, hat and water bo+le to camp. Please wear your school

uniform. Parents are invited to a+end a concert at 2:00 and all children need to be picked up at 2:20.

There will be 72 year three students a+ending this camp from 4 schools in the area. Please ensure you

put a bag tag or ribbon on the handle of your instrument case and label your music stand and book.

There are some great tutors coming to the workshop day and I am sure our concert will be fantas�c!

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P l ayg roup News


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Yr 1’s



Wow it’s week 9 already!

In English this week students will be continuing to practice retelling stories and using the sounds they have learnt in phonics to read and start to write words.

In maths students will continue counting, representing numbers till ten and learning how to view a pattern in their environment as well starting to create them.

Don’t forget this will be the last week for borrowing from the Library and students will need to return all library books next week.

Just a reminder that as the weather is getting cooler, as part of the uniform policy, jumpers must be a navy blue jumper (don’t forget to NAME).

Also check in with you child and ask them if they have enough lunch or like all the foods in their lunch box.

Kind regards

Ms Nan

Prep C Teacher

Dear Year 1 Parents and Carers, The Year 1 teachers are so incredibly proud of the achievements our students have made so far this year! We have seen some tremendous growth in reading and have observed students setting their own high expectations to achieve star of the day for their reading groups. We are currently completing the English assessment for Term 1 in which students are writing a retell of the story Alexander’s Outing and making meaningful connections to their prior knowledge. In Maths, we are about to complete the final assessment for the term which will investigate the chance of events happening. We have introduced this concept using the words ‘will happen’, ‘might happen’ and ‘won’t happen’. Next week Parent Teacher Interviews are being held in the hall. Please check in with your classroom teacher if you are yet to schedule a time. This is a great opportunity to discuss how your child is doing, their growth over the term and the next steps for their learning journey. Have a wonderful week!

Ms Mathiesen

1D Teacher

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Yr 2’s Yr 3’s

Welcome to Week 9 of Term 1. In English, the students have been continuing to write persuasive texts in preparation for their assessment this week. It is vital that your child attends school every day so they do not miss out on completing their English assessment this week. Students have been working very hard in Reading Groups, using the WoodLinks Decoding and Comprehension Strategies and trying hard to reach their reading goals. We would like to thank the parents/guardians who have been reading with their child each night. In Maths this week, students will be exploring problem solving using measurement. This week will be the last week for library borrowing. Students will need to return their library books next week. Parent/Teacher interviews are on Tuesday of week 10. If you have not yet requested a time to meet with your child’s teacher, please do so ASAP.

The year three teachers would like to thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to your

child’s education.

Mrs Murphy

3D Teacher

English Our book of the week is Lucy Goosey by Margaret Wild. It extends on the theme of loneliness, which we have explored in the other narratives we have studied by the same author. Lucy Goosey is the story of a young goose who doesn’t want to leave her home. Our assessment this week will involve using Lucy in a new story of our own. Please help us to remember to use our best handwriting, correct spelling, punctuation and the structure of a narrative — our story must have a beginning, middle and end (orientation, complication and resolution). We also need to describe the characters within our writing using an article, three adjectives and a noun (expanded noun group); for example, the quietly, wonderful, hard-working year twos! To achieve an A we must use a mix of simple and compound sentences (compound sentences need a coordinating conjunction which join or ‘glue’ ideas — and; but; so; because); for example, Year Two will use their ‘Bump it Up!’ wall so that they can reflect and improve their work. Finally, we need evaluative language to describe how our characters might be feeling or behaving — again we use adjectives and saying verbs to achieve this.

Reminders Please be mindful of your parent teacher interview time for next Tuesday as appointments will start promptly at the time allocated to you. Well done to all students but especially those in Ruby House for your collective efforts at the cross country event on Thursday last week.

Ms Van Schaemelhout

2C Teacher

Ajok in 2C using her Red Thinking Hat during Guided Reading)

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Yr 4’s

Welcome to Week 9! How quickly the term is flying! We are almost at the end of the first term and what a fantastic term it has been! In English this week, Year 4 students are nearing the end of their second unit on poetry. Students have so far learnt about and analysed the structure of poems, various language features and poetic devices and different types of poems such as ballads and limericks. At the end of this week (Thursday & Friday), students in Year 4 will sit their poetry assessment. In HASS this week, students are also again nearing the end of their unit looking at Australia before, during and after European settlement. Students have so far examined the significance of European exploration, James Cook’s early journeys around the world, why the British settled in Australia and what life was like on the First Fleet. This week, Year 4 students will be assessed on what they have learnt this term. The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Program (cooking and gardening), continues this week and by all accounts, Year 4 children are having a wonderful time. A big thank you must go to Mrs Farrell for providing positive learning experiences for children in the kitchen around basic skills and healthy eating practices and to parents/carers for taking the time to help in the kitchen. Each class needs 3 parent/carer volunteers each lesson to ensure a safe learning environment, so if you’re free, please let your child’s teacher or Mrs Farrell know. A quick reminder that next week (Tuesday 27th March), from 3:30pm-4:30pm, are Parent-Teacher Oral Interviews. Students should have received notes to take home for parents to fill out what time you would like to meet with your child’s teacher. If you have not received a note or were not aware of this, please contact your child’s teacher to arrange a time.

Students should be continuing to read each evening

to improve their literacy skills. Remember– ‘if you

can read, you will succeed!

Mr Gordon

4B Teacher

Yr 5 ’s

Welcome to the week 9 edition of the Year 5 Newsletter entry. English This week students in year 5 are wrapping up their English unit as they complete their assessments. Students have been writing the first chapter of a fantasy text that includes a cliff hanger ending. We have been absolutely blown away by the dedication from all students to their writing as they use the move it up wall to ensure they are successful. We will be publishing one student’s story in next weeks newsletter to share with you their amazing work. Bullying, NO WAY! Last Friday students and staff around the school wore orange to take a stand against bullying. Students in year 5 completed a ‘patchwork quilt’ showing how we are all individuals that ‘fit in together’. This will be on display in the office foyer over the next week for your viewing. HASS—Commonwealth Games Next Thursday 29th march Year 5 students will be participating in a mini Commonwealth Games day wrap up their HASS unit. Throughout the term students have been investigating Commonwealth Countries and how their geographical location can impact and influence on particular sports played by locals. Further information will be sent home about this later in the week.

Ms Wilson 5B Teacher

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Yr 6’s


WORLD DOWN SYNDROME Day! An opportunity to remember that everyone is important and valued in our school community.

Well done to all the Year 6s for participating in the Cross Country last Thursday. It was great to see so many students running, having fun and participating to their best ability. Great role models for the rest of the school! Well done to all of the Sport House Captains for their organisation of their teams and war cries – such awesome effort demonstrated! Last Friday we participated in the “National Action Day against Bullying & Violence”. Year 6s watched short videos about this topic and made paper hands to write on to show a pledge against bullying or what they can do to prevent or stop it from occurring. The Year 6s also joined with their Year One buddy in the afternoon to work on what ‘superpowers’ we all can have to help against bullying.

Today’s the day we set off for camp. I’m sure there will be lots of stories to tell when we get back! See you all on Friday!

Miss Stephanie Hall

6B Teacher

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It looks like being a beautiful weekend, so our SAKG garden working bee is a go! Please RSVP if you intend to help out. Firstly so I can cater for your lunch, secondly I can send you an SMS if we have to postpone. Please leave a message with our admin team. There are many jobs on the day for a range of physical abilities so do come along. And please be sun-safe! Bring a hat, wear sunscreen, appropriate shoes and clothing etc…..


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At WoodLinks SS we believe that attendance matters! By attending school everyday students have the very best opportunity to achieve success. Each week we monitor individual and class student attendance. We celebrate attendance every Monday at Assembly with the announcement of the previous weeks winners. In Prep-Year 2, classes are involved in a weekly horse race and in Years 3-6, students are involved in a superhero race (located outside the library). The WoodLinks Attendance Policy can be found on our website.

‘Every day counts’ is a state wide initiative that aims to assist in improving student attendance at school through a shared commitment by students, parents, caregivers, schools and the community. To do this, Every day counts promotes four key messages:

• all children should be enrolled at school and attend on every school day

• schools should monitor, communicate and implement strategies to improve regular school attendance

• truanting can place a student in unsafe situations and impact on their future employability and life choices

• attendance at school is the responsibility of everyone in the community.

Attendance target is 95% Recent WoodLinks data shows that the days with the lowest attendance rate are

Mondays and Fridays.

At WoodLinks we believe that ‘Every Day Counts’.

Our Attendance Target of


Prep A- 100% Prep B- 100% Prep C- 100% Prep E- 100% 2C- 100% 1B- 95.83% 1D- 95.65% 2B- 95.65% 2E- 95.65% 2A- 95.45% 2D- 95.24% Prep D- 92% 1C- 92%

1A- 86%

4C- 100% 3A- 100%

3D- 100%

5C- 97.83% 6A- 96.3% 6C- 96.3% 6B- 96.3% 3C- 95.83% 3B- 95.83% 5B- 95.65% 4/5 -95.24%

5A- 94.74%

4A- 91.67%

4B- 91.3%

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Abs en ce L i n e

Remember if your child is going to be away please call the

Absence Line: 3381 4688

and leave a message stating child's name / class / and brief reason. (ie—sick/doctors appointment etc)

a reason MUST be left or the absence will be recorded as UNEXPLAINED


Un i f o rm Shop


Reminder that all Student Resource Scheme fees must be paid by end of this term.

Payments for SRS and excursions can be paid the following ways:

Online via BPoint , In person via Eftpos or cash

Admin News

SMS Notification If your child is away from school for an unexplained reason, you will receive an SMS notifying you. Please ensure you reply back (before 3pm) to the message with a reason for the students absence do not include any emoji's or pictures as these cannot be read. Do not reply to the SMS after 3pm, you will be required to contact the school the next day or send in a note about the absence. If you can’t return the SMS you must phone the school with a valid reason. Remember that if your child is not in class by 9am when the rolls are marked, they are required to obtain a late slip from the office. Without this they will be marked as absent and you will receive an SMS.

Please only reply to sms that are sent to you. DO NOT use this number for any other messages or to put in

future absences.

Monday 8.15 - 9.00am and Wednesday 3.10 - 3.30pm

Please remember that there are NO EFTPOS facilities in the Uniform shop.

CASH ONLY Can you help out in the uniform shop? If so, please see Melissa in the uniform shop.


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