Workshop on Why Some Companies Sustain & Others Don't Part 1

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  • 8/9/2019 Workshop on Why Some Companies Sustain & Others Don't Part 1


    Workshop on Why someCompanies sustain & others


    Prepared by Extra Mile.

  • 8/9/2019 Workshop on Why Some Companies Sustain & Others Don't Part 1


    Company Introduction

    Extra Mile is a trainin consultancy

    Interested in helpin entities

    Pro!ide strateic direction "chie!e absolute success throuh


  • 8/9/2019 Workshop on Why Some Companies Sustain & Others Don't Part 1


    Presenter Introduction

    Mohammad #aroo$ue "li


    %eachermoti!ator at "CCE'' (arachi)iE"*+

    Mariam ,ureshi%E'- Certi/ed %rainer

    Content 'pecialist at EM

  • 8/9/2019 Workshop on Why Some Companies Sustain & Others Don't Part 1



    -1 the 2.3 million enterprises inpakistan) 456 are 'MEs

    #e7 'MEs ro7 to become medium #e7er become lare

    'ustainability is !ery lo7

    Purpose o1 the 7orkshop is toeducate about reasons 1or 1ailure andsolution to succeed

  • 8/9/2019 Workshop on Why Some Companies Sustain & Others Don't Part 1


    *easons 1or the 1ailure o1 small


  • 8/9/2019 Workshop on Why Some Companies Sustain & Others Don't Part 1


    -n the societal le!el8

    +o interactionlinks bet7een businessschools and business community

    Irrele!ant curriculum doesnt 1ocus on

    entrepreneurial mindset Inappropriate incubation leads to

    indienous business models & outdatedkno7lede

    +eed to create truly entrepreneurialinstitute 7ith sub!ention o1 businesscommunity

  • 8/9/2019 Workshop on Why Some Companies Sustain & Others Don't Part 1


    "nd on the indi!idual le!el

    'tart the business 1or the 7ronreasons

    %o make money as the sole reason

    %o be autonomous & independent

    'pend more time 7ith the 1amily

    9na!ailability o1 :obs

    +o !ision 1or the 1uture

    +o aim o1 i!in a 7orthy product

  • 8/9/2019 Workshop on Why Some Companies Sustain & Others Don't Part 1


  • 8/9/2019 Workshop on Why Some Companies Sustain & Others Don't Part 1


    *easons 7hy Companies#ail

    ack o1 Experience

    =ys1unctional Manaement >lack o11ocus) plannin) standards

    Incorrect business model

    #ailure to communicate !aluepropositions

    Poor decision makin +o kno7lede o1 /nancial manaement)

    employee relations etc

  • 8/9/2019 Workshop on Why Some Companies Sustain & Others Don't Part 1


    -7ners act as destructors

    ihly o!er con/dent

    %oo much risk a!erse

    +arro7 1ocus

    Con@ict disinclined


    ose the bi picture

  • 8/9/2019 Workshop on Why Some Companies Sustain & Others Don't Part 1


    ack o1 'uccession Plan

    -ne man sho7

    +epotism A pre1erential treatment

    Po7er strules

    +o systemspolicies

  • 8/9/2019 Workshop on Why Some Companies Sustain & Others Don't Part 1


    9nexpected) 9ncontrollable ro7th

    Mo!in into unpro/table markets

    0orro7in too much to 1acilitate thero7th

    oss o1 oriinal ultimate !ision

  • 8/9/2019 Workshop on Why Some Companies Sustain & Others Don't Part 1


    0usiness doesnt kno7 consumers

    Customer is the kin

    +o touchpoint 7ith customers

    =ialoue is the key A markets arecon!ersations

    =ont kno7 7hat the customers 7ant

    'lo7 in respondin to customerinteractions

  • 8/9/2019 Workshop on Why Some Companies Sustain & Others Don't Part 1



  • 8/9/2019 Workshop on Why Some Companies Sustain & Others Don't Part 1


    %hese *easons are mainly

    because o1 unde/nedultimate !ision o1 the 1uture

  • 8/9/2019 Workshop on Why Some Companies Sustain & Others Don't Part 1


    -ther *easons

    Poor ocation

    Poor in!entory manaement

    Poor credit arranementmanaement

    Poor "ccountin

    Personal use o1 business 1unds

  • 8/9/2019 Workshop on Why Some Companies Sustain & Others Don't Part 1


    +o7 7e turn to the'olution8 but be1ore that8

    7e 7ill be buildin conceptsused in the 7orkshop

  • 8/9/2019 Workshop on Why Some Companies Sustain & Others Don't Part 1


    %itles o1 Concepts

    ;ision " clear picture o1 7hat youdesire to seeachie!e in the 1uture

    Mission "n oraniDations purposeand primary ob:ecti!e to reach itsdesired 1uture 7ith a de/nedmethodoloy

    'trateyPlan 'tratey is a ameplan to achie!e oalsaimsob:ecti!es

  • 8/9/2019 Workshop on Why Some Companies Sustain & Others Don't Part 1


    Foal"ims-b:ecti!es 'peci/ctaretsmilestones

    Plannin the act or process o1makin or carryin out plans )speci/cally) the establishment o1oals) policies) and procedures 1or a


  • 8/9/2019 Workshop on Why Some Companies Sustain & Others Don't Part 1


    =iGerence 0et7een ;ision &Mission


    =esin oriented Execution oriented

    on term 1ocus Present #ocus

    Picture o1 ideal 1uture >7hat 7e

    7ant to beH

    Core purpose >7hy do 7e existH

    Mission is an action statement 1or brinin about 7hat isen!isioned

    Mission is 7hat it takes to make that !ision come true

    ;ision dictates mission

  • 8/9/2019 Workshop on Why Some Companies Sustain & Others Don't Part 1


    "cti!ities to clari1y the concepto1 ;ision

  • 8/9/2019 Workshop on Why Some Companies Sustain & Others Don't Part 1


    ;isionary Companies 1ocuson buildin the bestinstitution that can lead

    them to achie!e theirdesired 1uture

  • 8/9/2019 Workshop on Why Some Companies Sustain & Others Don't Part 1


    Clock 0uilder8+ot timeteller

    I ha!e concentrated all alon on buildinthe /nest retailin company that 7epossibly could. Period. Creatin a huepersonal 1ortune 7as ne!er particularly aoal o1 mine.J

    'am Walton) Walmart #ounder

    a!in a reat idea or bein a charismatic

    !isionary leader is time tellin 0uildin a company that can succeed is

    clock buildin

  • 8/9/2019 Workshop on Why Some Companies Sustain & Others Don't Part 1


    0uilders o1 !isionary companiesconcentrate primarily on buildin anoraniDation

    %hey dont

    it a market :ust riht 7ith a !isionaryproduct idea

    *ide the ro7th cur!e o1 an attracti!eproduct li1e cycle

  • 8/9/2019 Workshop on Why Some Companies Sustain & Others Don't Part 1



    ;C builders take an architecturalapproach

    Concentrate on buildinoraniDational traits o1 !isionarycompanies

    Freatest creation is the companyitselfand 7hat it stands 1or

  • 8/9/2019 Workshop on Why Some Companies Sustain & Others Don't Part 1


    %ime tellin means that the 7atch hasbeen the aim riht since the beinnin.

    o7e!er) ;Cs ne!er think o1 the

    1abulous 7atch. %hey think o1 the hand behind the

    buildin o1 that 7atch.

    %he institution i.e. an oraniDation is theonly 1ocus o1 ;Cs.

    %hey al7ays aim to be the block builderrather than time teller.