SEO Destruction:Improve Your Site Ranking by Doing What Others Don't (SEO Made Simple for Beginners)

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Page 2: SEO Destruction:Improve Your Site Ranking by Doing What Others Don't (SEO Made Simple for Beginners)

SEO DestructionImprove Your Site Ranking by Doing What Others Don't

By Anthony Heaven

Page 3: SEO Destruction:Improve Your Site Ranking by Doing What Others Don't (SEO Made Simple for Beginners)

Table of Contents:


What’s the Purpose or Point of writing this Book?.........................................4

SEO and Preparation for learning it................................................................5

What You Mustn’t Do in SEO........................................................................6

What Google Wants and PR – SERP Misconception.....................................7

Link Building Strategies (Tier 2, Tier 3)........................................................8

Practical On-Site SEO (How I use it).............................................................9

Secret Off-Site SEO (Never Shared Anywhere)...........................................10

Getting Fresh 10,000+ Backlinks Free (No Blackhat)..................................11

Building Tier 2 Sites.....................................................................................12

Tier 3 Sources I use for Practical Link Building...........................................13

How I got 5 DoFollow PR 9 Backlinks for Free...........................................17

How I got PR 10 Backlinks in a Few Hours.................................................18

How to Find High PR Sites for Developing Backlinking Strategy...............19

Creating a PBN out of Paid Sources for Faster Ranking..............................22

Secret SEO Element That No One Talks About...........................................23

Why Domain Authority (DA) Matters..........................................................24

Blackhat SEO – Shortcut or Murder?...........................................................25

Practical Blackhat SEO Tools.......................................................................27

Mastering the Keywords Craft......................................................................30

YouTube SEO Tutorial.................................................................................32


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This book is only written for educational purposes. The author of this book holds no responsibility on how you’ll use the information provided or what you’ll do with them. All information is based on author’s research and as such, any content from this book cannot be copied or sold. You take full responsibility for the actions you do.

Page 5: SEO Destruction:Improve Your Site Ranking by Doing What Others Don't (SEO Made Simple for Beginners)

What’s the Purpose or Point of writing this Book?

Thanks for buying this book and providing me support for research I do online. Before an idea to write any book or eBook, I always think about the single question: “What can I offer to readers about the topic of which they didn’t read already?” Having read many SEO books, mostly from here on Amazon, I discovered some great content but unfortunately, they were mostly repetitive. I never saw a “fresh” element in those books and, while reading them, I had a feeling that the more I read, the less I knew about the subject.

In this book I won’t “reinvent the wheel”, but I will surely give you another perspective on looking on SEO the way “rare” people look and what’s popularly called “outside of box”. I do have a surprise SEO element that many SEO masters neglect and which is vital for ranking. That element – which none of the SEO books I’ve read put an emphasis on – is a “sociology element” on which I’ll talk more in the book.

“What will I learn after I read this book?” and “Will my site be on the number 1 page on Google?” are the logical questions that needs to be answered at the beginning of this book. I don’t want to become a “dust seller” who will promise you “mountains” and give you some small “stones” like marketers usually do. So firstly, you’ll learn what mistakes I made when I made my first website and which FREE methods I used to build backlinks to my site. I will also share my secrets for getting more than 20k backlinks - the fair way. On the second question, I can tell you that it depends on your “will to do with the knowledge I provide here”. For ranking your site high, you need a dedication and motivation to work every day, but in the end it will be worth it – if you follow my exact steps.

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SEO and Preparation for learning it

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a process of optimizing your web page for a search engines in a way that you notify them about your site or the changes you did on it. The Wikipedia definition is more “scholar” and will easily point you to the right direction so I won’t write much about technical stuff, but about the practical stuff I learned while doing SEO for 5 consecutive years.

What most people don’t understand is that SEO is a process and not a finished action. By this I mean that you need to work on your site on an “every day” basis and regularly update the content. “Patience is the key of this sport and only few sportsmen can win this game”. The changes you make for your website - mainly building backlinks (links that point to your site) - can be updated in a matter of days, weeks or a month.

A goal is a must in a SEO industry, so I urge you to have a clear expectation when creating a website or blog in a particular niche. (Niche is a theme or a product on which you’re going to write or base your blog – for example – health, games and internet). The more specific niche is, the less competition you’ll have to outsource it in ranking the site. When I say goal, I mean think about the page spot you want your site to be and the keywords (words from which people find your website) you want to rank for. I suggest that you get a paper and a pencil and write your “site goals” because in this way you’ll know that you’ll need to do it without hesitation.

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What You Mustn’t Do in SEO

I do not know if you heard for a Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird updates from Google. But anyway, I’ll describe them here. Basically, Google SEO experts, such as Matt Cutts, saw that some scam sites which had a lot of backlinks and at the same time irrelevant or duplicated content ranked higher than normal sites.

This ruined the whole “ethical concept” of SEO and opened a door for those who wanted to “churn and burn” their websites. “Churn and burn” means creating a website and using various bots to build thousands and thousand of backlinks so that particular site gets on the number one page on the Google. In a matter of weeks Google will spot this site and ban it, but for creator this is irrelevant because he will make quick cash while site is live.

Google did their best to ban those sites but, as you know, collateral damage is a must, and so many fair websites got slapped by those updates. Panda was an update in 2011 and it banned sites which had duplicated content. Next year, in 2012, a Penguin update was announced which slammed the sites with “suspicious” link building and in 2013 the Hummingbird update changed some semantic syntaxes on a websites which put an emphasis on a context and not on content. In a 2014 we wait for another update.

To summarize: do not duplicate content and do not put too many keywords on your site. While building backlinks, you need to build them from authoritative sources and not “fishy ones” – we’ll talk about this later – and of course, write for humans and not for search engines because you can get slapped by the upcoming updates.

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What Google Wants and PR – SERP Misconception

Google wants sites that are qualitative, informative and user-friendly in a manner that they’re readable to users. Google allows backlinks as a way for marketers and webmasters to “make money via their site” on their engine, but they want to do it on a fair basis. That’s why I encourage you to write a good content and learn ethical link building strategies.

Once you make a website and write content about some niche you’ve been interested in, the next step is clearly promotion of the website and promotion of your post/page. Now we come to the question of the difference between PR which stands for Page Rank and SERP which stands for Search Engine Result Page.

Page Rank is an overall rank of your webpage in a search results page that varies from 0-10 (for example wikipedia.com) and it gives value to the authority of your site. The SERP position is your site position in a search engine for a particular keyword you targeted. (for example “Online Encyclopedia” in a case of Wikipedia).

The important thing about these two is that “PR rank of your site doesn’t influence SERP ranking, but the PR of the sites/pages you get backlinks does”. This means that PR is important if you point backlinks to some other sites from your main site, but in the terms of keyword ranking, it doesn’t have value. SERP, on other hand, is influenced by backlinks that site gets for a particular keyword and via that information ranks a site on the search result page.

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Link Building Strategies (Tier 2, Tier 3)

Before I show you the practical use of the tools and ways on how I create backlinks, I want to explain some technical terms that you need to know if you’re serious about SEO marketing. Link building is self-explanatory and it stands for building links that will improve your PR and SERP ranking. Now I’m not sure if you’ve heard for Tier 2 or Tier 3 but basically those stand for sites that give backlinks to your main site. Tier 2 is, for example, a free blog on which you wrote an article and put your link to create backlink for your site. Tier 3 is a site on which you put backlink to your Tier 2 site and it ensures the good PR rank of the Tier 2 site. So logically, the more these Tier sites you create the more authoritative site network you have. Check the picture below for better comprehension.

Source: seo-agent.com

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Practical On-Site SEO (How I use it)

On-Site SEO stands for an optimization of your website through its content and the styles in terms of HTML, Meta Data and Keyword Density. Before writing an article these “On-Site SEO Rules” you must obey to ease the process of Google bots to rank your site. Note. This is what I use and so far all sites have been ranked pretty well.

800 - 1,000 words = I know that this is “pain in the ass to achieve”, but the latest studies shown that this range of words is the best for an optimization. If you have less or more than what I wrote above, then your site will be qualified with either “low content and poor site” or “site stuffed with content without real meaning”. So my practical advice is: Keep it simple and within these limits.

Alt Tags = Once you upload a picture, give it a proper alt tag which is like a keyword you want to rank for – it will increase your density.

Keyword Density (10-12) = Mention you keyword and its variations approx. 10-12 times, because it will show Google that you want to rank for it on the engines. If you have more than 13 keyword variations, your content can be qualified as “stuffed”. (My personal experience)

Meta Tags (5): If you’re using Wordpress, there are tools which you can use to input your Meta tags, but for a regular website there is a simple HTML code which you can search on Google. The point here is that you must use MAXIMUM of 5 Meta tags.

Use Styles = you need to have at least 2 headings and 5-6 links that point to various authoritative sites from your post or page.

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Secret Off-Site SEO (Never Shared Anywhere)

As I stated in the title, information I wrote here I never wrote anywhere else. Here I’ll show you how I ranked my sites on the Google’s first page for any keyword I wanted. Before the practical stuff I just want to tell you that Off - Site Optimization stands for building backlinks from various sources for a goal of giving your site an authoritative PR status. Remember, in the backlinking world, after those updates from Google, the maxim is Quality > Quantity. Quality is higher and has more value than Quantity, so this means that if you can get ONE link from a site with PR 8-10, it is more valued than 10 links from PR 1 – Keep this in mind.

Now, for the practical part, firstly we need to get our site or post indexed on Google and other search engines. I can usually get any post indexed within 10-20 minutes and this is what I do.

Pinging – I use some sites, that I’m not affiliate nor endorsed by, in quickly grabbing attention from Google: Pingler, PingMyUrl and of course GooglePing. Pingler will share your site among its directory sources, PingMyUrl will submit your site to over 1,500+ places from which half of them will count as a backlink and GooglePing will share your site among its subsidiary search engines in the whole world. Submitting your site/post will take you 2 to 3 minutes, but it will be worth it.

Submit Express is a service I used when I started my SEO journey 5 years ago, and so far it never failed me. It’s a great company which offers site submission to the search engines and various places in the world for free. It also has a Site Analyzer which you can use to check your site SEO and errors you might fix. All in all great tool I recommend.

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Getting Fresh 10,000+ Backlinks Free (No Blackhat)

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