Bi-Weekly XLXV No. 20, Sept. 26, 2012 faith friendship fellowship followership fruitfulness www.firstsayyes.com The definition of “cooperate” is: work together: to work or act together to achieve a common goal Have you ever thought about what it means for us to cooperate with God? You have probably heard it said that, “God answers all prayers with yes, no and wait.” And if that is true (and I believe it is) the reason for the an- swer “wait” may be our unwillingness to cooperate with the Holy Spirit. It is not that God is reluctant to move or act (that would result in a “no”). Rather it is our failure to be at work with God in being the an- swer to the prayer. For example, we may pray for years for a loved one to come to faith in Jesus. God wants this very same thing (He does not desire for anyone to perish). The hang up in the prayer is that our loved one is not open to receiv- ing the love of God found through Jesus Christ. There are times in our lives that we, too, block the work of God be- cause we are not ready to receive it in our lives. When we do coop- erate with the Holy Spirit of God we are moved to do great things and live great lives for the gospel. Imagine what cooper- ating with God would look like in your own life. We would have to abandon thoughts like “it is what it is” and expres- sions such as “that’s just the way I am.” Each limits God work in us and through us because we are unwilling to believe and trust that God can do something new in us. We are satisfied or (at the very least) we resign ourselves to believe that we cannot change and our life will be no better than it is right now. But the Bible clearly shares the truth that God sticks with us and loves it when we finally open our- selves to be shaped by God. And He who begins a good work in us will bring it to completion until the day of Christ Jesus! How awesome is God’s patient waiting. God awaits a first response from us and then floods us with wave upon wave of mercy, grace, blessing, favor and a host of other attributes which increase God’s work in us. So here’s a challenge to each of us. Why not begin with the idea “Today I will co- operate with God.” Let that be our first response not our last resort. I believe we will see powerful things happen! See you at the “cooperating” place! ~jimd. Leading People to aN active faith in Jesus christ C OOPERATING OOPERATING WITH WITH G G OD OD FirsT United Methodist Church of Sedalia T HREE HREE N N EW EW (5 (5 WEEK WEEK ) ) W.O.W. A W.O.W. A DULT DULT C LASSES LASSES START START O CTOBER CTOBER 10 10 TH TH A Disciple’s Path will be taught by Jim Downing. The Book of Philippians will be taught by Randy Healan. The Early First Church will be taught by Kevin Edwards. A full list of children, youth and adult classes can be found on our website at www.firstsayyes.com. Classes are from 6:15-7:15 p.m. on Wednesdays. We have a few “If My People” prayer booklets left at the Welcome Center for folks who missed getting one this weekend. The 40 day devotional is a call to prayer for our nation and the nations of our world. Feel free to take one this weekend! Prayer is our power source. It connects us to God. We listen for God’s voice and learn to follow his leadership when we pray. Have you ever thought you were just one prayer away from a huge answer? Join us for our October message series.

work together: to work or act together to achieve a common

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Page 1: work together: to work or act together to achieve a common

Bi-Weekly XLXV No. 20, Sept. 26, 2012

faith friendship fellowship followership fruitfulness


The definition of “cooperate” is: work together: to work or act together to achieve a common goal

Have you ever thought about what it means for us to cooperate with God? You have probably heard it said that, “God answers all prayers with yes, no and wait.” And if that is true (and I believe it is) the reason for the an-swer “wait” may be our unwillingness to cooperate with the Holy Spirit. It is not that God is reluctant to move or act (that would result in a “no”). Rather it is our failure to be at work with God in being the an-swer to the prayer. For example, we may pray for years for a loved one to come to faith in Jesus. God wants this very same thing (He does not desire for anyone to perish). The hang up in the prayer is that our loved one is not open to receiv-ing the love of God found through Jesus Christ. There are times in our lives that we, too, block the work of God be-cause we are not ready to receive it in our lives. When we do coop-erate with the Holy Spirit of God we are moved to do

great things and live great lives for the gospel. Imagine what cooper-ating with God would look like in your own life. We would have to abandon thoughts like “it is what it is” and expres-sions such as “that’s just the way I am.” Each limits God work in us and through us because we are unwilling to believe and trust that God can do something new in us. We are satisfied or (at the very least) we resign ourselves to believe that we cannot change and our life will be no better than it is right now. But the Bible clearly shares the truth that God sticks with us and loves it when we finally open our-selves to be shaped by God. And He who begins a good work in us will bring it to completion until the day of Christ Jesus! How awesome is God’s patient waiting. God awaits a first response from us and then floods us with wave upon wave of mercy, grace, blessing, favor and a host of other attributes which increase God’s work in us. So here’s a challenge to each of us. Why not begin with the idea “Today I will co-operate with God.” Let that be our first response not our last resort. I believe we will see powerful things happen! See you at the “cooperating” place! ~jimd.

Leading People to aN active faith in Jesus christ



sT United M

ethodist Church of Sedalia


(5 (5 WEEKWEEK) )



OOCTOBERCTOBER 10 10THTH A Disciple’s Path will be taught by Jim Downing. The Book of Philippians will be taught by Randy Healan. The Early First Church will be taught by Kevin Edwards. A full list of children, youth and adult classes can be found on our website at www.firstsayyes.com. Classes are from 6:15-7:15 p.m. on Wednesdays.

We have a few “If My People” prayer booklets left at the Welcome Center for folks who missed getting one this weekend. The 40 day devotional is a call to prayer for our nation and the nations of our world. Feel free to take one this weekend!

Prayer is our power

source. It connects us to God. We listen for God’s voice and learn to follow his leadership when we pray. Have you ever thought you were just one prayer away from a huge answer? Join us for our October message series.

Page 2: work together: to work or act together to achieve a common

Promiseland Children’s Ministry is hosting a Trunk or Treat for chil-dren of all ages on Wednesday, October 31st from 5:30-7:00 pm (come and go) in the Celebration Center Parking lot. We are look-ing for at least 20 people to decorate the trunks of their ve-hicles and pass out candy to children. Decorating your trunk can be as simple or elaborate as you would like, but please keep all decorations family friendly since there will be small children pre-sent. Last year we were blessed to have around 500 people come through—so many that we ran out of candy and had to go buy more halfway through the event. So, if you can donate candy for this event that would be GREAT! Do-nations will start next week in the church lobby. If you would like to decorate your trunk or can help direct traffic, please sign up on the blue card (weekend Bulletin in-sert). We’re excited to serve the children of our church and com-munity as we celebrate the fall season and the abundant life that Jesus has given us! We hope to see you there!


Saturday 4:30-7:30 p.m. Sunday 8-10 a.m.

Wednesday 5:15—6:15 p.m.

*Note—Common Grounds Cof-fee House is open from 5:15-6:15 on Wednesday evenings (before WOW). A Blue Plate Special will be featured each week for $3.


Festival of Sharing Monday Classes Trunk or Treat

Festival of Sharing is an ecumeni-cal state-wide ingathering event. It is a cooperative response to world hunger, poverty and injustice and seeks to address the root causes with solutions. To find out how you can be involved, visit the Office of Creative Ministries/Festival of Shar-ing website at www.umocm.com. The event is held at the Missouri State Fairgrounds on Friday, Oct. 19, 6-8 p.m. and Saturday, Oct. 20, 7:15 a.m.-4 p.m. ~On October 13-14 weekend, we will collect a special offering for Festival of Sharing during all ser-vices. ~Bring your Best Choice Bar Codes and Eyeglasses for the Festival of Sharing. Collection con-tainers are out at both Welcome Centers. (DT & CC)

W.O.W. W.O.W. Wonderful on Wednesdays is held every Wednesday (in recess October 31st) through November 14th at the Celebration Center. Classes are from 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. (*A light meal at Common grounds Café is available from 5:15 to 6:15 p.m.) We have classes for all ages! A List of classes is avail-able at the Welcome Centers. (Please note—the James Bible Study is from 6:15 to 7:45 p.m.) Our kid’s (K-4th, Pre-K, & Nursery) theme is Super Heroes. They are learning about the superpowers of confidence, forgiveness, courage, self-control and compassion. Every week a TRUE HERO from the Bible will be revealed! We hope to see you next Wednesday!

Pastor Jared will be teaching a Monday evening class from 6:15—7:15 p.m. in the Celebra-tion Center Gathering Place. Plan to attend the following dates: Jesus & Money - Oct. 1st

Jesus & Family - Nov. 5th

Save the date – The Annual Care Ministry Bazaar will be November 17th at the Celebra-tion Center. Now is the time to be thinking about what you would like to donate or contrib-ute. For questions call Jeani Gregory 660-826-2529. Come to our new 9:45 West Service on Sundays at the Cele-bration Center (Friendship Hall). It starts with preaching followed by praise. If you are dealing with a con-flict right now in your lives, let one of our trained Stephen Min-isters help provide emotional and spiritual care. Call Don Brandes, 827-6455, or the church office, 827-2993. Please donate your old Cell Phones for Soldiers. Drop them off at the church office. Be sure to label them for soldiers. United Methodist Women will meet Oct. 9 at 1:15 pm at the Celebration Center. (First Family Room). All women are welcome. Call Patsy Harrison, 827-0193, if childcare is needed.

YEstoday today today today Bookstore Bookstore Bookstore Bookstore Hours: Hours: Hours: Hours: Sat. 4-7 pm Sun. 8-11am

Page 3: work together: to work or act together to achieve a common

Sept. 30 Dr. Thomas Howe, Patsy Harrison, Tammy Miller, Alice Stucker, Piper Kemerling Oct. 1 Kerri Henness, Bill Shrout, Jonathan Goodwin, Cliff Smith, Carolyn Birk, Ansleigh McBride, Joe Gilgour Oct. 2 Troy McDonough, Bette Hayden, Sally McConnell, Randi Sparks, Harrison Zink, Amelia McCullough, Gene Page, Jorie Jackson Oct. 3 Virginia Davis, John Bronson, Alan Prather, Maxine King, Holly Frazee, Alice Hall Oct. 4 Bruce Bryant, Susie Goldsmith, Daniel Tallman, Jim Wallenburn, Helen Peace Oct. 5 Lynn Reid, Jill Green Oct. 6 Aleigh McKelvey, Brandy Shive, Larry Ward, Braydon Bray Oct. 7 Brett Claxton, Susan Howe, Leonard Peck, Sean Balke, Skye McKelvey Oct. 8 Matt Green, Freda Marcum, John Snelling, Donna Swearengin, Susan Daniels, Maddox Lentz Oct. 9 Lori Broyles, Gary Crites, Bill Beck, Amanda Jack-son, Tiffany Brownlee Oct. 10 D’Rae Marcum, Amy Younce, Joseph Steele, Gary Farr Oct. 11 Ted Cecil, Nancy Finley, Glenda Horne, Pat Perkins Oct. 12 Hannah Ingram, Steven Faubion, Demitria Mateja, Fran-ces Oswald, Eric Dillon, Cassidy Ferolito Oct. 13 Jennifer Fairfax, Dan McNeely, Jean Ingram, Wayne Williams, Rich Kendrick, Ronnie Barker, Craig Silvey

Leading people to an active faith in Jesus Christ.


September 15-16, 2012 Sunday School 139 Worship 913 Amt. Rec’d for Ministry $ 11057.64 Building 774.50 Special 1066.78

September 22-23, 2012 Sunday School 129 Worship 907 Amt. Rec’d for Ministry $ 9980.16 Building 2131.00 Special 402.23

If you would like additional

information about the church

attendance or finances, please call

the church office (827-2993).

Our Family Our Prayers for: Betty Rose Thompson, Norma Tullis, Steve Emory, Elmer & Louise Lentz, Rosalee Burgess, Darlene & Virgil Burgess, Sue Coleman, Frances Goldsmith, Jacob Gerken, Clifford Smith, Charles & Jennie Cheffey, Mac McBride, Brayden Glea-son, Brittany Blake (Carolyn Montgomery’s granddaugh-ter), Judy Anderson, Kathy Gardner, Eric Harvey; Strong Tower Haiti Orphanage, and Our Military Families.

Our hearts go out in Christian love and sympathy to Dennis VanBaale and family in the death of his father, Darrell VanBaale, on Sept. 23, 2012.

Congratulations to . . . ~Allison & Tyler Utz on the birth of a daughter, Brook-lynn-Renee Utz, on Septem-ber 18, 2012. Renee & Paul Pripusich are the paternal grandparents, and to ~Andrew & Bailey (O’Reilly) McCollester. They were united in marriage on Sep-tember 22nd, 2012.


T THANKHANK Y YOUOU:: (On display at Welcome Center Bulletin Boards)

We received a note of thanks from: Ernest Arnold


Join moms of all ages for fun and encouragement on the second Saturday evening of every month from 6:45—8:30 p.m. at the Celebration Center (Gathering Place). Our next event is October 13th. Whether your kids are 2 or 42 - you are welcome! There will be snacks and door prizes! Childcare is provided for children up to age 5.



M MISSIONISSION T TRIPRIP TOTO M MOZAMBIQUEOZAMBIQUE A VIM team will be leaving for Mozambique, Africa on October 14, 2012. There will be an informational meeting on September 30 at 9:45 and 10:45 a.m. in the Gathering Place at the Celebration Center. If you would like more details and how to specifically pray for this team, please join us. If you have any questions, contact Karen Miesner, 827-0372.

FFUNDRAISERUNDRAISER B BREAKFASTREAKFAST Everyone is invited to a Flapjack Fundraiser Breakfast to support Brittany Blake (Carolyn Montgomery’s granddaughter) on Saturday, Oct. 13th from 8 to 10 a.m. at Applebee’s. Tickets are $10.00



If your birthday is not listed, please let us know so it can be added!

Brian Martin 604 S. Moniteau Sedalia, MO 65301 660-826-5266

Page 4: work together: to work or act together to achieve a common

Downtown, 4th & Osage

//Worship Sunday 10:50am

Celebration Center, 1701 W. 32nd St

// Worship Saturday 5:30pm // Sunday 8:35

9:45am East & West & 12:30 pm

Listen on the Radio at 1490AM Sundays 10:30am

or on Website at www.firstsayyes.com

First United Methodist Church

Office: 1701 West 32nd Street

Sedalia, MO 65301

Non-Profit Organization US POSTAGE PAID SEDALIA, MO 65301

Permit #208

FirsT United Methodist Church of Sedalia



ALL are invited to come and enjoy a night of sharing and fellowship as the Haiti VBS team shows pictures and describes their experi-ence. Also, we’ll have the latest information on Strong Tower Orphan-age!! We hope to see you :

Sunday, October 7 at 6:00 p.m. in the Friendship Hall!

Bring a dish to share and we’ll see you there!!


Our Annual Charge Conference will be held on Sunday, September 30th at 4 p.m. at the Celebration Center. Everyone is invited to attend to learn more about summaries and updates on our Church Ministry. (In lieu of our regularly scheduled Ad Council and Finance Monday, September 10th Meeting, Committee Members are encouraged to attend this Charge Conference.) ‘

SSTAINEDTAINED G GLASSLASS C CLASSLASS All adults are invited to participate in a Stained Glass Class on Sunday, October 14 at 2 p.m. at the Celebration Center (Friendship Hall). The cost for supplies is $15 to make a Stained Glass Hummingbird. Sign up this weekend (blue card bulletin insert). If you have any questions, please call Sherrill Brock, 826-9082.