OONOS AND STOCKS. We smi 1awai s abs Wates ce ste new Teok unobasgs. w TYoem. Ocst. 7.-~toec todar pw. smoaud a smasmr .'nst ad saoeks . b e mr ius es e smp, m~wy m.d_ - mush rues ~ocmptwn-o p-s Ihmar the p-a two weeks. A ehinl fr the eeB. Is the mamofiaMmtottatiatm •-e• the mat ipoter t tem r a a trhis " •"- ameo . The etemanst of sreesa was the isa- tmres al oear thdise, mad haser tuhre was time g.lve te abe complete eosatrol o the mrke After this wras over however, the enuke underwenst a meked ha•ab for tbe hbear and had rmllo were hlder al over tah lir The upward move- enas eatinlad thsrouglta tihe aterneoo and the lomr was quiet and stroa at or me. be highefst prices of the day. The fiaml clanges are momewhat irregular but the advances are in the mnajority, ard whie the Canada Pacific aild San Fran- clmre preferred lost 1I, Manitoba rose b. The cloming quotations were: U. t. 4's reigst.red 1t Mimmrt iParwta.. TI-72 I. r. 4'. r.m.lp•.. 1. Northern rlmai... a3 U. It. 4'm4eA sI...n. N. P. referred. .. ,T . iT. . 4',* r '... . .% N"nthweaternl..... Ili U. 1. 4A'.* -. . Irefrrf .......... 40 U. . 4at's. •plma. isI•t~ N. (entra l .... I04I CT. M. 4 I's . . lm. * li loregon lSl usa.. W. PaCu e'. sulls .agXmem Navgb. tlm C•tral4ue G . l4 'Urk Nuvnl... .loo arluPnto. . T. "M. PullM ... ... 7,I1 arckawana.. 44'. Texna I'P I.... . 191 Deaver& IK. (. M s;4I'nian I'a'lf . ... w-, rte .... .. r.f.errdl .. .. .. Kanamns Tex"s I l 'nllel 4rtatem Kx.. It3' Lake Hmrr...... Io! . i V Kxesrm ... 4. Louis. * Nash. ... -''Wet rn 1'ni•m I1\4' Michliga '4eatra •l .Ani'n ('citolm (I . 42% MosaHy on call -*asy 4• M. Closed. offered at 4; primie uaermaitihle lMtIpr 5 r34w?; aterlilig exchltaige quiet and ay i; sixtydlay hills, 4.UW2t, denmand Miniln quottattiMos an. follows: AIn4iver il4k.1116. I 25 aetaad ble6cer ... H ly ke ... . ...... Caldtkala, t. H. 2 :a, f. W. E. & Millt .r Cbla"Lr. ..... . Mutn Tuuan ..... Crown m'l.at ... an slmthtln .... Cashier ...... ... flexian Cokwaulud ( ... Mmtlaul . .. I 41 Coa. al. aad Va. . Mt. athlo. . Ca' ada Par.... . I tarit ..... Deaver Ct1ty <M ..... phir . . . ........... t ostooie .... .. .'i.llrdental Coa omanewelth .... lynoulth . . 30 dwoud Ter . . .~ ......... Rreka I aC.... . 4 M•i, err Nevada. louad and Curry ... .. I HnU almR. .... .... Hale and Norerom. s Mi• UnLas (ti.... 3 EU llH ealtke..... 75 1 A 'ml ar ... .... Hor ver ........ .... Yelow Jalket... Boston tockm am follows: Ath. Tpk. lat T' 7l en.('4'mn . .n' .. 114!, l" d ngrat " 4 I " •ml rip . " ralruad .... li4t "u It Mir. Rds. Im' IurlingtoU .. . . Mn IMelg ..... . I. m' Governlenents duhll and steady. Petrole- ut opened steady at Mt, halt after frst a lea becatme weak and delilned to 91. Sharp recovery then met in on which the market closmd firm at 91%. Stock Rxchalu er-O4peninf at 9Icr.., biet ftc., lowest 916c., closing at Consolldatetd Exchange - Olening at Se.. hliglhaIt 99•, lowst 9s1t. closing at 98M. Total uatle, 442,000 Imrrtelm. (Coper noaniillal; Lake, ktolewr. WIO.7. Iead, quiet ilchanllnaged; lk*Iulletic, 5.U6 Tin dull, irrmgular; utraits rU2.70. THREE PASSENGERS LOST. Trhe CIty of Pwa. Caerateo Terrue. wMm em Uer Way to ICaslad. Ionxoox. Oct. 9.--Te steanship City of Paris arrived at Qauenrown this evening making the trip fromn New York in 1 daym and 28 hours. She eslountered terrifli asm. On Monday a wonman and child were blown overboard and drownedl. An- other womanm Jumped overbtrd andl was lost. Ten of OtI p4aumenls6er were dashed against the huliwarks and neverely injuntl. Te water was in the ualoon and there was great excitemrent amuong all on board. Pseks Ordered to Oklabeusa. 8soux FALLo, l)ak., Oct. 8.-Coagreut. nama-elect Plekles p•ssed mouth today, having been ordered to tthe Oklahoum eountr by the interior departrenet. Con- saa Pickle i a peal aglnt of thf d deprtaIent ad hIe d rden lookt a n i trouable I brewing. Pickles' reslgnation was forwarded some weeks ag ut not Faomd. rOklkahoena he will proceed to Washington e Mlad Aet.a. Deeld. Naw Bnoroanu, lMa., Oct. M.-Mad•mne Mlbsertie, the blind actrem, died yester day after a liyterina illness. lSe had a cheekered career. For a number of years she had a company of her own on the Pa- cifS coa. She was made blind b colon- ial fever in Australia and was brought back to Americ in the steaner Swatara, of the United States nary, in 187i. Now ailr.ad WNrth Carltima. BALTonE, (Oet. 8.---Postmanter Frank Brow, Thra. ('. Bau• er, George B. Morton, J. Wilson Brown and several other Balti- more capitallts have obtained a charter from the state da North Carolina to wuild a railroad from Wilmington to Southport, a distance of 9 mileks. The object is to nmake Southport the distributintg depot of tlme state. Toptax, Kas., Oct. 8.-At the semaon of the state rand lodge of odd fellowto day the representative to the national rsand odge were instructed to vote or a change i the coamstitution, making the swet a~d-gamm ebightee. Tb rmud - e.- rretar' repors show that the orde. Is la .a emnlse U nanmaial ondition. W ag the VmsavtuAs. , etwD mn.Psn Oct. 8.-An oleial test o the gums of the dynamale eruiser Vesu- vius takes place to oreow on Deleware river. Oreat ateest fis L t bwbth naval asthduthme throught the world. Wooden esimilar In weigsh to wegular ear and shells Aled with sand, will be " An the tests. ", . .w.e t.. Inr! uu14'. inuin UI w. If is. 0It"1. K.-WiSa all but 12 't "M'1.- ^"I f.'cm.it r. tin'Y91 frnom juebsm .1u" r a fbtb .I U4.1a1631 Inu..stng f :it!.?. 'I '1 ":-r.dutiuelSA Q ." .g)111"o'in lta.*" -. 'it Z:i .. e'. thatnits, I )(.".tm . .V..I.MN tan Ac.t. (Itr. " . ' .' I. -( or.M r1u ti.'i 4 'l n."e1 Ilui. t(tin - '.. in i t'3.i.y tIni ha.. firr.- .- -~: ' .jj)ltswU te er 1u .a. :."M /;,Apt.. - 1 "" 1.r i 1tu is." no itll t , I.,,t _r " ' l tin 4.k." *a.' .ill .of *.~ in EItitin14. Tiw . *I,'k .. f *t .- *'*.t bud ri"ftu,.. i.. * ,t .T t!r.ir u.1.. 17!.1 \it r ... Lta.1gt.bt m. x ta : K. :. 4 .e . . In.pe"al e our t.a.k v Iunv.. , I*. . in . 'y 3xnv(4) to (; *u -'H. t" t. f . e weddlamg .ti L,*inp, ,L q- ,":: a .. in in ". knw. L.'1;.tI . 5 4. *. " *.- . .:.. .. ua .riti..li &sra.a.. SCORED BY FATHER CRONIN. ao1% 0 111, eke Twiu anmia di.oteh teth. (uramw Ti1 MartIo like frndt d t Dr. Croani &A CIi oane Im May Iass. trinal of Nr . Dr. Patrick Cronin of thik cLkW who. a .dltm of the Cehsev-Umds hum bums parUos- urlgy nvero in kin demomdcatioa of the .am tre have known$bu th b warna e mra. In thi, week's h r orw ~a atharCrouai edistelraiyamm eum p hamkp bie.. in inweW oftuatam -etes son amwmulsur edsfors tbhub laased 6Not far puabisa "We hav. mlt beea rmere In he voaradly at- fhoepbear of Iriats erst-savctyt mnumnmef7. asmd so we fast saeeustoiad to tremble at th threats of the 131b mck-a-mucksche o'fm ud, twn a Vr over a eravere of yeat r s ind i rnt we he ule d 'th eawvMks bhaner of Irioluad. ]LAWS may mlacrable ansturr uf a murolonuus enmasr- ImLturgi that we. win filan mow or Abair $ee the ruin of humw-runait tritoumplluLnt gtat !? "There are indlivatiou tha the aetwtwk of muraderemee ingmuity whiptnestanled Dr. ('rental has films watUIEnd its perendytiaW taitus a a time r b-t- akimrtrml of Clakagis. 11w derelesonots f 9the trial ar summi us Us make* ease wtuder hetiher this Is Amerieal tirew niftleath 4nu- teary. Men alrr 4ntooustsnctl So edtieat in a amcret eemwwpoave of irresinmnsasim used thie. ltak wuurmdrel~, And I time gawarstent of lite Igreatleve re-pumiollt ta hisitry to aimle-1 itiser SP, lornot4e file victims nor to avenge their alauhter. .. Are tir Imeple of America dream tg, or Is this in India1 a gisutuly ram-heatl-aami-btis ly. Imles reaUdy? Ike lise .p4birowrs to thetr sy6niatl istixers. alefes.rs. Eeralaes, Unitsol. or relatIve. Itnearge Sheet any alevent jernalmt %-III he tSijotanslie imm dteaeling with isuchl infernaliislfl? '%e lasteiaw ni~otwhat twt ir ptwrua team), ala,, l..t fate tsar purl. in seasone asIsI eult of smiemms, we. wiU raieeotar vojto in deell( mmrue thast tile teariing vit Waasif whot wn~hk~m Croanin v6 fated aasposmimeeati~ma shlul Ie Immitata tilf tIle faa.t- of the carth, on whimit they are rarrtma anti a Imeautimii. Al1 f'r thiet. Whap 4eee4tliamo tm rlltontimidate us %e' lhave tamly galle~l 4t-4e bi~elel -5lot. Thlis in *emer relply taotiSt. Slireatenaliiguantl instilling It-tter wlsivla Me leave jusst reveeivCal. Io St explivit enuidt? If noet. we will halve uamlmmlt-tlmCli tat Wif matlt abore lmilltett in ansuwer tao foIottir e lisesutas. Puer lSse lrasattlerly. Mrs. Hodsuon Burnett's mos, Lionel, spent some time at Atlantic City this mum- mer. Vivian was with his mother doing Europe and Dr. Burnett was not expected bonme for several months. Lionel was staing with friends in one of the cottages and appeared to enaqj the absence of the The heir to the Burwnett estates is 18 yews old. He is like other bo1s of his age oab, ther. is n be n of him. He is abort but thlekly mes with a laod re head and festuree. lke Kyrie w s ean outdo in cusaemness any Ave bars in the neish- borbond. The reporter had a long talk with the brother of the original Lord Fauntlerom who, as everybody kows ls Vivian, and appended are some of u remark he made on himelf on his manother, on Viv- anthe little o, and on his. mother's "Vv," be saild, "was as much of a boy and a nuisance as I am pntil ma had 'Pauntleayr' published. We both had or- der to appear in our velvet suits and to behave like lords. Viv is 18 and immedi- ately sminmered down and posed accord- ing to orders. I rebelled, woukln't wear my curls or my velvet sult, and decamped, leaving the whole field to Viv. I'm an Anerkian. a republican, and I'll hIt you a box of clgars the world's fair will be hbold in KWash lugton. "I never took much stock in books. ex- cept diler nvttels. There'. 'Lose Jlack the True Hand of the Rocky Mountains. It's a ldanly. No stuff and notasense about that. L•ot of blood and thunder and a fine detective in it. Oh, ryou shoukl see Viv writing a let- ter? Doelsa't look nlach like the little lord. He sits down at the table, stretches himself and his klegs. a•d thetl scribbles. VIv is a pretty fellow. He doesn't like anyloduly to say so, and he once attesmspted to lick a fellow for saying so. "Ma's books have ruinled Viv. Before they r were published le was a flirst-rate fellow aldl liked a good big spree as much as I do now." Phseoasapb wit•t a W Crpye. FrYm the Man Vra racio t'hIroalc . An affecting rene was pwrented in a local undertaker's parlorl to-day. In a cofin was the hbod of ayoug Norweiilan Woeman 2 y•ears of age. The-toot of the cofn reted on the floor and the other end on a chair. By the skle of the caske which contained the renlans of his dead love, stood a ouny Norweglan. A po- tograper was taking their pictur to- etber. The crpe of the young woman was dreamed in white and the profusion of flowers indicated that loving hanlds had cared for her. Her name was Helene Elinuen. She arrived in Tacoma from Norway Just sin weeks ago and was to have become the bride of him whose pho- tograph was taken with herr. The young nrasn' namue Is Olaf Aune. An Aet•r DhS Isa Hi Draessing ream. Naw Yoagc, Oct. 6.-While Charles B. Bishop, who assumed one of the charac- tes of "Lord ('humuley" at the Lyceum theater, was changing him costane to- night he warn sukklly takenl ill and died almost illllm diately. His wife, who was with hin at the time in the dressing rioun was prostrated. Mr. Sotbrru disauiue•d the audience. The Amstral•a• M yste Im Teames. I . ('HArrTANO(0A, Tenn., Oct. 8.-Tle first election in this state under the Australian systeu of voting occurred here today in a municipal election. It was the quietest election ever known in the city. There was less illegal votinr than in any pe- ious election. John A. Hart, republian, was elected mayor and 10 republicans out of 18 eouncibnn. laebrems IspbU.aas al CO.ventia. HAaertos, Ne.., Oct. 5.-The republl- an convetion of the state of Nebraska was called to order her at 9 o'clock this evening. J. W. BlDler of North Platte was made temporary chairman. The mainatn sp.eecbes did not begin till nearlymr mdnight. Hao. T. L. Rowel was o-,inated for ;upre udge on the fiBrs --- J _aA A in.waumaesemm sumese. -s urs. Nuw OmuLa.r, Oct. .- Tbhe withdrawa et General Chalmers and Judgse Prsee, repulea candidates for govern and .morraev f d M-imiippi, Is con- ivnmC i nrl ChaInsn , has written a Ileter charging In eRet that if be nebelsta l s an •tve neav the hilling ol[ lroes woe Cows Wreek a Trasn. PoasrtsnA Ore., Oct 8.-Tb, south bound Calilfonla prepes. train was wreeked lw striking tw cows on the track las• s•a ws ear OHi eon. The fir- roan was int-y fdled and the enai. necr aeerkiub nIAe None of the pa. nr werea beopnd being I'AIS .Oct. 5.-M. Eiffel meyu it I. pe- f--t- I teuasib to ePntruct a tower 3.000 ALU Sb. Crow Lm 1 4 u tr. Oct. L-Tbs brlgprtlnr L.I1L1- .f I:. i faist. was wr.ekcd o als.liant lan .. i" .i , y Ctodmy. TIM cew wei dsIwwrd. AIPAANO MISSWON. ew the eu i_ A e omen a. aims. Vweiume am Ser .LKuppm - who has Chesm tof A•mphee mis'ep the um•mrv Uesa s hrnesuS osmr, ase b Ch•b nse •he l sThe Au si e ahetN" bhe .w d vitem . wu he S• h ibee. Thi ae - head saed stenesse. h s-e ie ther e lhares Is tlre I ever tw soe of ts Iodies under the meussee. of U. The dibsoett tetweese mltary and ivg autheart Is t peserverrd in the rihe hrut less IOearesewe I attached to fnh war ebd-h sad his sonees, sad hoe llliles tes bnag uees o rd. Sther wose is sil th waar f and Ul- te imthe gem ' n e I ead of the civil authority *T hme av i bees allotted farms and Dseho law bouses for temsnelves. It leek odd to e the red man do lues t hnn e hhaetilnta f cvlWllasthlas, k heplan loe and raIsing Ilodea truhk, bAr als whtl the visitor to the mmimeo will behld. The Indlaiss visit the fars of the set- t •es aid watch their white brothers at work. They also get l from the aission warers. With the hint thusl obta•leed, they till their aitte farna mand are qui te .uressfuL the aid of 5,C0W aprprriated 1 the governunot a Irrlatlg canal has bees trted, which wilW e ten feet at the bottom and eight mulks th a eapacity to irrigate aews of the srnest lad u Wynmelnn. Ahout ae.ouo will he iuired to fnnlish the dibtch. When this is done the Arapahoes will he Ina fablr way to support themselves. Pather Kuppens says that they will need large horses and argrkal- tural aimplements. Two hundred children have been ekaned, clothed and put to school. Father Kuopprs declares they are Lntelectually as briljht as white children. In six mnonths time they learn to read in a see- ond reader, and ter write their names. Morally, the Aranpahoes have a hard repu- tation, but thir, Father IKuppenss ays, is unsdeerved. We regret our does not ermit us to give other 'ular. re- gdinAg thiae work of the mission, which is deserving of more extensive mention. lselk Drilling C(Otest. Srom the Ifrver lepubtes. The rock-drilling contest, which came o of yesterday afternoon at Broadway ath- 1I l •e park, between H. H. Mlsbey of the Joe Reynolds, and Theodore Spiel. of the Two Sisters mines, was not a bowling sures traom a financal point of view, the attendance being small, but the contest was very good. The stone used was from Gunnison. the same as used in the new state capitol buildlang. Only Shandftul of miners gathered around the contestants when tinme was called. Both men set to work with a vim and the dust began to fly. Mishey was the first to get his hole started and It was thought by many that he had Splels heaten before the first five minutes had passed. Spiels, however, was the steadier of the two, and at the end of tea minutes the referee called time. Both men were slightly winded. An exact measureuent of the two holes proved that Spiel.u had gone four annd threein lhth inches, an eighth of an inach dkeegPr thaun Mishey, who had gonle fouratad a vuarter inches. This was tihe down hIole conttet. The second attempt was on ala tp;er hole, with only live ininutes rest. Mis.hey got the best of the start, and wlaclt tilme was called was lnearly threef-ourths of an inch srdegwpr than Spiel.. Mithey's hole being 3 9-16 inches deep and the onte drilled hby Sliel. 2 ilches dileep. Aggeting the eth othe holes drilled by each mattn left MLshety ahead on the two events by nearly aln inch sand he was declared the wintner. The third contest was a double-bankdl, down hole between William C unningham, with Npiels as turner, andl 1M. McDonald, with Mishey as turner. Bothi edntestants rained sledge-hammer blows upon the drills held their assistants. Nearly eight Inches of hard rock was gone tlhrough in as many minutes. ('unning- ham's drill going through first. A mo- mnctat later the drill held by Mishey went through. Both drillers at once started a hole. Mishey and McDonald gained one-half over the others in the thlckness of the stone, but Cunninghamn and SNpels succeoded in getting their hole the deeper. A messuretnent was taken. Mc- Donald and Mishey had gone 109 and Cunningham and Spiot 114 inches. The referees, William Jon a'd Fred Leach, annoanceed the latter t•amt the victors. The drills of Mishey were considered the better tempered of the two by the miners whe examined them. A numhwr of Lead- vile experts were n attendance and so moon as the coattest was over issued a cllelage to the winners. Tihe naes of the contestants will re annotunced later. Me Wes. ae. w83 1.2 M.e.. From the l'hluadellphJa Reconl. America's champion "Big Foot John" has been unearthed in the wilds of North Carolina, tand he has his shoes made in this (ity. He is a divine and a gl p•eman of color, being properly known as the Rev. John W. Farnhamu pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church at Charlotte. The sine of his hoot is M3, which necessi- tate. a mole of 0 inches in length and seven inches broad. Rev. Farnuha stands 6 feet 10 inches in his siaable stockings sand weiMs 410 pounds when stripped of his inppsdhnents. When be'strkles up the sanctuary aisle the the foundations rumble as it under the influence of an earthquake shoekand the stranger within the gates erks roumand ex- nto see Gabriel and the last dar d in hand. The enforced itinesrar o Methodistic cleramen has caused Broth- er Farnham no lttle wannance, for no sooner does he afnd in one town a eobbler who can at his feet than he is bestled oN to another far distant. Re- cently. however, the problem has found a solution. The domin has had a quan-u tity of manmoth lasts and uppers, sou iclent to last till dooaml, anufa tured and sent to a shoe house o gb street, In this city. Thus provIded he cn rise superior to his ooted at by halandg th nishisg aueb dded wlhe- ever thee is seed. The privilege . ihalf- soling the reverend's oots is rotated a rsa one. rmusby a mam -- r.me. From use Ameriea. Nmith-I ualestanud that you have po- titioned the teia'ture to change yeor nause trm erown to Pat O'Tooe ? Brown-Tes, air. amith-Ma yI ask your object ? Brown--WdU I don't mind trlmn you. I expect torn Uramlerfsman in ay wad next l.e atio m. Wramthbe Teran laliuse I Botmon, In the " rm y Nighlt's DreIsn," aysna "Good bay, sweet har, bath no fellow." How absout the gm widow t Irn't she swet h? And she has a fellow If .be wants one. ms" is was. nmern. Sr. PAu., Ot. L---J. J Goller. a travel- liu ageint ais West Deais, M . was h•nad dead b his room at the Hoeld wtt todwv. VOTERS' ATI' ITIOI EXTRA I DRS. LIEBIG & CO. Paramatly lobted Lt BUTTE CITY At Moutshea Caorer t Main and Broadway. Private Etraee at a Bradway. LIEBIO WORLD DISPENSARY AND INTERNATIONAL Medloal and Surgical Institute. Kansas ;-t- Mo C-an Fr-aeNo Calt Dr. lebig Co. are r graduates la med- tMe and surmy and rs al pratluaers aa- _ll'ei by Ute stte of ] Caliufor (d~L h A ~ A 1fA, to treatall C'hrmolrerru a rad ale diseases, (wtber caused by Im .aramae, K bees, Wr Vna (oa y. H In Weaiuris (aa~sams), exuaml Debility, (Lou. at sexual Nrvs Iety, t so, serve (e i of the bimtd, (#cdrll4 (lomorr- bm aleer and ULrtaCtw) Cured. CUhe ease Luatwl t iLd wi )mbsro p. Chsaus low. rllmamd aess eured. AI [miedicines are a- preparebdSr avchiua casta. at No time losat romee bale atme at di- tanee treated by letter adexpe. M.r e seat eve•whelre froma mu or bmkaw. tNervmm pesm t o wi urive IKMaeyo s. errar.- Y-. New es~m a ve Trrmnt ae munkletions ooandeatiai. MRdit-ans or lastru- mut a uw, or mend history oL•r rase. ane we will aUnd in plain wrlapper ourtok Free explainlng wiry tiouammnds tsumt be .uwels of hrivaLe, Nvoial sd Nervous Diseases, aeminai Weak- esas. pratnrrsa. lmputa-ry. ivyphiUs. tine- arrhea. tile-i. larkJ. . rte. s. -sc. tL. Lkebi & Co. are the ony (iuajfleal Wor re- 5ew medint labw.I ifl-. hPoise froemov o and to 9 p. h.; or byw |lllmintfliet nin solmurs an4l urrtf-ht *agsu. (ON2ImL" ,TATI(IN FitEr. J WNewto ra la os. bare als"to folr k ale of Dr.In i peig's Invigorator in tutter City. Motll an a. Iebig's Invigorator in Butt.('ity. Montana. Anaconda Livery Stable D. G. BROWNEIA Paorsatroe. Buggies, Saddles and Horses for Hire. Also proprietor of Pssenger , a ad Ex- all trains. OMe and StabLe First street. Anasonda, Moat. NOTICE OI ELIMCTION. There will be an election held the ct of Anaeonda en Thursday the lOth day of October, A. 1). a, at which there will be submitted to the electors of maid it the question as o whether the sum of iMO te bonds of the city of Anaconda shall issued upon the credit of said city, to run for the term of te s ym, and to draw 7 per cent. per annum on forteret ot the of constructing swers n sd city. The vut places Ln the several wards will be the same as designated by the county emmis- sioners for the general eluicto , to be held Tues- day. te frt day of (ktober, A. I1. tme. The udges and clerk of said eetkion will be the same persons designated by the board of rotnty commissioners to art as such at the gene- ral election to be held Tuesday. the irst day of lOtower A. I). I~e, within the city of Anaconda. By order of the City Council of the city of J. R. BOAIMSAN, City Clerk. WANTED. A flrat-clam hblknmith wannt'd ins georaI kblbing sod srw work. No thrsm need alply. St. N grran. Front street. upiousita the .eput, Anaconda. NOTICE TO VOTERS. At tae elecUti to be he Thur.ia t October ethn. im, upoa t queso as too t.sr bod to the a out uo shall be lImned upon the credit of t •e CH of A da for sewerage pur- pome the baMlots w~ilread: Fur the Fouds. Aganst mthe ••da. The voter wll erus out tererm parts of the ballot suIn anner that the remldg part shall express h ve s maksed . OM MONTANA LUMBER AND PRODICE GO., -DELALERS INW Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Windows and• uldongs. 3i0HOL.,eL. De[@.e 1SN Im LO.ftI. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Hay, Grain, Feed, and Hard amd Soft Coal. Agents Continental Oil Company. We carry in Stock a Full Line of BuIN & TMrITCHELL WAGOINS o QU oARTZ GEs as to us SPRING WAGONS. .A CL.An, PaRsR, rSTOD5AKl l an STlWDXRD BUGGIBS XND CXRRIXGoS. sad a tr ' 1 mo 0 AD CARTS of bes gub .. CC .ad OY CUmid Pbr.... oA[e Pe.s..r....* a r.a ., e.m PEls..caa... S* .Blc a" ..- . ._... It I. . ans .•a . u ... 4 aid .e 4 a DON'T MISS.. IT It's a matter of interest to eve ,i In, Woman and Child in the •unt TOO : SAVE: MONEY! t And by not spending a DOLLAR until you have examined our IMMENSE STOCK of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes and Furnishing Goods. YOU CAN DO IT. Here goes $2 for $I in a sample lot of Men's Un- derwear. Again we offer you a 50c Ladies' Heavy-Knit Jer- sey Under-Vest for 25c. Our lines of Plnsu, Silks, ArmUres Cashueres d Fl an s r Are marked WAY DOWN.. Our Ladies', Misses and Children's Cloaks are immense. 'Tis a fact we will save you money on anything you may buy of us. Call and see. LOSEE & MAXWELL. One door South of Postoffice, Anaconda. C. M. SAWYER. CHAS. HOUCK. C. D. BAKEZR. SAWYER, HOUCK & CO., Wboiale a Setail dealer. in Wagons. Carriages, Buggies, Road Carts. Har- ness, Robes, Whips, Etc. Also wholele ZwOmmslOm Imalers Ia BUTTER, FLOUR, EGGS, C*HEESE, FRUIT, &c. TburstAd' Black, First Street, Between Cherry and Cedar. ANACONDA, - - - MONTANA. CHARLES T. IWn. CRESS. [Graduat. il Ph'arapsc Dealer in Pure Drugs, Medicines, . Chemicals, Paints and Oils, wlidow Glass, Fancy ad Toilet Articles, Statieery, Cigars aad Tobae. Pro- ecriptisas accuratly compomaded ms ard saIgt. First Street, - Anaconda, Montana. D. B. -BIRR rN. FIRST SBTRET, - - . ANACONDA, MONTAMA. Carriage Builder, Blacksmith and Wagon Shop.

Woman SAVE: MONEY! tOONOS AND STOCKS. We smi 1awai s abs Wates ce ste new Teok unobasgs. w TYoem. Ocst. 7.-~toec todar pw. smoaud a smasmr .'nst ad saoeks . b e mr ius es e smp, m~wy

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  • OONOS AND STOCKS.We smi 1awai s abs Wates ce ste

    new Teok unobasgs.w TYoem. Ocst. 7.-~toec todar pw.

    smoaud a smasmr .'nst ad saoeks .b e mr ius es e smp, m~wy m.d_- mush rues ~ocmptwn-o p-s

    Ihmar the p-a two weeks. A ehinl frthe eeB. Is the mamofiaMmtottatiatm •-e•the mat ipoter t tem r a a trhis " •"-ameo . The etemanst of sreesa was the isa-tmres al oear thdise, mad haser tuhre was

    time g.lve te abe complete eosatrol othe mrke After this wras over however,the enuke underwenst a meked ha•abfor tbe hbear and had rmllo were

    hlder al over tah lir The upward move-enas eatinlad thsrouglta tihe aterneoo

    and the lomr was quiet and stroa at orme. be highefst prices of the day. Thefiaml clanges are momewhat irregular butthe advances are in the mnajority, ardwhie the Canada Pacific aild San Fran-clmre preferred lost 1I, Manitoba rose b.

    The cloming quotations were:U. t. 4's reigst.red 1t Mimmrt iParwta.. TI-72I. r. 4'. r.m.lp•.. 1. Northern rlmai... a3

    U. It. 4'm4eA sI...n. N. P. referred. .. ,T .iT. . 4',* r '... . .% N"nthweaternl..... IliU. 1. 4A'.* -. . Irefrrf .......... 40U. . 4at's. •plma. isI•t~ N. (entra

    l .... I04ICT. M. 4 I's .. lm. * li loregon lSl usa.. W.PaCu e'. sulls .agXmem Navgb. tlm

    C•tral4ue G .l4 'Urk Nuvnl... .looarluPnto. . T. "M. PullM ... ... 7,I1

    arckawana.. 44'. Texna I'P I.... . 191Deaver& IK. (. Ms;4I'nian I'a'lf . ... w-,rte .... .. r.f.errdl .. .. ..Kanamns Tex"s I l 'nllel 4rtatem Kx.. It3'Lake Hmrr...... Io! . i V Kxesrm ... 4.Louis. * Nash. ... -''Wet rn 1'ni•m I1\4'Michliga '4eatra •l .Ani'n ('citolm (I . 42%

    MosaHy on call -*asy 4• M. Closed.offered at 4; primie uaermaitihle lMtIpr5 r34w?; aterlilig exchltaige quiet and

    ay i; sixtydlay hills, 4.UW2t, denmand

    Miniln quottattiMos an. follows:

    AIn4iver il4k.1116. I 25aetaad ble6cer ... H ly ke ... . ......

    Caldtkala, t. H. 2 :a, f. W. E. & Millt .rCbla"Lr. ..... . Mutn Tuuan .....Crown m'l.at ... an slmthtln ....Cashier ...... ... flexianCokwaulud ( ... Mmtlaul . . . I 41Coa. al. aad Va. . Mt. athlo. .Ca' ada Par.... . I tarit .....Deaver Ct1ty