with the Ministry of Finance, Economy and Development for Tuvalu 24 December 2019 | NDA Strengthening & Country Programming

with the Ministry of Finance, Economy and Development for Tuvalu · 2020-02-17 · Tuvalu is the fourth smallest country in the world, comprising of nine inhabited atoll and coral

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Page 1: with the Ministry of Finance, Economy and Development for Tuvalu · 2020-02-17 · Tuvalu is the fourth smallest country in the world, comprising of nine inhabited atoll and coral

with the Ministry of Finance, Economy and Development

for Tuvalu

24 December 2019 | NDA Strengthening & Country Programming

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Programme title: Institutional Strengthening of Tuvalu’s NDA and Preparation of Country Programme

Country: Tuvalu

National designated authority: Hon. Seve Paeniu. Minister for Finance

Implementing Institution: Ministry of Finance

Date of first submission: 30 September 2018

Date of current submission / version number

13 December, 2019 V.5

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How to complete this document?

- Please visit the Empowering Countries page of the GCF website to download the Readiness Guidebook and learn how to access funding under the GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme.

- This document should be completed by National Designated Authorities (NDA) or focal points with support from their Delivery Partners where relevant. Once completed, this document should be submitted to the GCF by the NDA or focal point to [email protected].

- Please be concise. If you need to include any additional information, please attach it to the proposal. - If the Delivery Partner implementing the Readiness support is not a GCF Accredited Entity for project

Funding Proposals, please complete the Financial Management Capacity Assessment (FMCA) questionnaire and submit it prior to or with this Readiness proposal. The FMCA is available for download at the Library page of the GCF website.

Where to get support?

- If you are not sure how to complete this document, or require support, please send an e-mail to [email protected].

- You can also complete as much of this document as you can and then send it to [email protected], copying both the Readiness Delivery Partner and the relevant GCF Country Dialogue Specialist and Regional Advisor. Please refer to the Country Profiles page of the GCF website to identify the relevant GCF Country Dialogue Specialist and Regional Advisor.

- We will get back to you within five (5) working days to acknowledge receipt of your submission and discuss the way forward.

Please submit the completed form to:

[email protected]

Please use the following naming convention for the file name: “GCF Readiness Proposal-[Country]-[yymmdd]”

Note: Environmental and Social Safeguards and Gender

Throughout this document, when answering questions and providing details, please make sure to pay special attention to environmental, social and gender issues, particularly to the situation of vulnerable populations, including women and men. Please be specific about proposed actions to address these issues. Consult Annex IV of the Readiness Guidebook for more information.

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Country submitting the proposal

Country name: Tuvalu

Name of institution representing NDA or Focal Point: Ministry of Finance. Government of Tuvalu

Name of contact person: Hon. Seve Paeniu

Contact person’s position: Minister of Finance

Telephone number: (+688) 20408

Email: [email protected]

Full office address: Ministry of Finance Government of Tuvalu Government Building Vaiaku, Funafuti Tuvalu

Additional email addresses that need to be copied on correspondences: [email protected]

Date of initial submission 30 September 2018

Last date of resubmission 13 December, 2019 Version number V.5

Which institution will implement the Readiness and Preparatory Support project?

☐ National designated authority

☐ Accredited entity ☒ Delivery partner Please provide contact information if the implementing partner is not the NDA/focal point

Name of institution: Ministry of Finance, Economy and Development

Name of official: Mr. Niuatui Niuatui

Position: Deputy Secretary to Ministry of Finance.

Telephone number: (+688)

Email: [email protected]

Full office address: Government Building Vaiaku, Funafuti Tuvalu

Additional email addresses that need to be copied on correspondences:

Title of the Readiness support proposal

Institutional Strengthening of Tuvalu’s NDA and Preparation of Country Programme

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Type of Readiness support sought

Please select the relevant GCF Readiness activity area below (click on the box): ☒ I. Country capacity for engagement with GCF ☒ II. Country programming process ☐ III. Direct access to climate finance ☐ IV. Climate finance accessed ☐ V. Formulation of national adaptation planning and/or other adaptation planning


Brief summary of the request

Tuvalu is the fourth smallest country in the world, comprising of nine inhabited atoll and coral islands with a total population of 10,640 people (2012 Census). With an average elevation of 1.83 meters above sea level, Tuvalu is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, particularly to sea-level rise, cyclones and storm surges. As a least developing country, Tuvalu has limited economic resources and lack financial, technical and technological capacity to effectively adapt to and manage climate change impacts.

This proposal is for (i) strengthening the institutional capacity of the NDA to fulfil its role and obligations to the Green Climate Fund (‘the Fund’) and (ii) formulating a country programme to further enhance Tuvalu’s strategic engagement with the Fund. For the first component, the NDA will work closely with the delivery partner and national stakeholders to put in place new or improved mechanisms, procedures and processes for accessing, managing and monitoring climate finance. For the second component, the NDA will engage government, civil society organisations, private sector and island communities to develop a strategic framework of climate change investments that are appropriate, transformative, and scalable, and are aligned with Tuvalu’s national sustainable development and climate change priorities.

This readiness proposal will highly support mechanisms on strengthening the NDA’s capacity and building on that capacity to deliver concise and effective measures in addressing climate finance, enhancing engagement with GCF, building on national stakeholders and private sectors, women and vulnerable groups communication whilst engaging them in decision making and voicing their opinions to build a reflective Country Programme and strategic framework.

Total requested amount and currency USD 618,534 Anticipated duration 24 months

Has the country received or is expecting to receive other Readiness and Preparatory Support funding allocations (including adaptation planning) from GCF or other donors?

☒ Yes ☐ No

Tuvalu will be submitting a separate Readiness and Preparatory Support funding proposal for adaptation planning. SPREP is providing technical assistance with the proposal development.

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1. SECTION 2. BACKGROUND Tuvalu has taken progressive steps in addressing the issue of climate change. In May 2015, the government established the Climate Change Policy and Disaster Coordination Unit (now renamed the Climate Change Department). The CCD has a mandate to develop policies on climate change adaptation and mitigation, to mainstream climate change into sectoral policies and programs, and to coordinate national climate change and disaster risk reduction projects. It currently has 6 permanent staff, 3 project staff, and a Climate Change Ambassador.

Tuvalu’s climate change priorities are clearly articulated in Te Kakeega III National Sustainable Development Strategy 2016-2020, national climate change policy, sectoral policies as well as in legislation such as the Tuvalu Climate Change and Disaster Survival Fund Act and Regulations.

The National Advisory Council on Climate Change (NACCC) was set up in 2014 to provide high-level advice on climate change issues in Tuvalu. The NACCC membership comprises of directors of government departments and civil society and private sector organisations. CCD serves as the secretariat for the NACCC.

Tuvalu’s first GCF project, the Tuvalu Coastal Adaptation Project (TCAP) commenced in 2017. The project aims to implement sustainable coastal protection measures in three islands and to build institutional and community-level capacities to prepare for the impact of increasingly intensive wave actions. The project is delivered using the UNDP direct implementation modality.

Tuvalu has taken a step forward in developing their National Adaptation Plan (NAP). The NAP proposal is yet to be submitted and it’s on the last stage of reviewing by CCD to be submitted to GCF. The objective of the NAP is to develop the Government of Tuvalu’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) that with a focus on medium and long term adaptation investment as well as improving the coordination of adaptation response and enhancing national capacity for the integration of climate change adaptation in planning, budgeting processes. The Readiness programme will build on the NAP in terms of an equipped department that will house the implementation of the National Adaptation Plan and to sustain that plan for long term adaptation investments and to have a concrete coordination between GCF and the Government of Tuvalu in project implementations through adaptations measures. The readiness will build capacity within CCD and mold the department to be equipped in the way forward with a Country Program that will sorely address adaptation.

Vulnerability Assessment: Tuvalu has undertaken a vulnerability assessment through the Tuvalu Integrated Vulnerability Assessment (TIVA) in 2018 and looking into compiling and filling in the gaps from this assessment this year, 2019. This assessment covered all the 7 vulnerable sectors including, Water, Health, Energy, Finance, Community, Food and Infrastructure. These vulnerability data will be stored into a database in which all communities and stakeholders can access, and these data will be back up evidence for all policies and plans developed within the countries on adaptation and vulnerability measures. These data will also be used to develop the country programme in ways of addressing these vulnerabilities from these 7 sectors identified.

Tuvalu National Determined Contributions (NDC): Tuvalu commits to a reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases from electricity cooperation by 100% by 2025. These emissions will be reduced from all other key sectors including Agriculture and Waste, conditional upon the necessary technology and finance. This proposal will assist in building capacity of stakeholders and private sectors (vulnerability groups, gender, communities) in GCF processes and help them learn more on the help the government is offering and funding mechanisms available to enhance their contributions on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and achieved the 100% Renewable target by 2025. As the NDC was built on stakeholder and community views and issues, this is another step forward in the readiness program to assess these issues to be addressed in the country Programme.

Ministry of Finance: The Ministry of Finance plays an important role being the Delivery partner and the main body responsible for the Readiness Implementation in monitoring and reporting. The main sector within the Ministry of Finance responsible for this is through the PBACD (Planning, Budget, Aid and Co-ordination Department). Overall co-ordination and oversight of ODA is centrally administrated by the Planning, Budget and Aid Co-ordination Department (PBACD) based within the Ministry of Finance. The Ministry of Finance (MoF) currently holds an Aid Information System database in which all projects under the Government of Tuvalu are listed for all financial matters. This database is updated every quarter to make sure every in line and current to

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completed projects are captured. This also captures financial details of every project and audit reports to every closing date of each project.

The Tuvalu Aid Policy broadly sets out the institutional arrangements for planning and managing all ODA activities within Tuvalu. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade, Tourism, Environment and Labor (MFATTEL) is the diplomatic window for Development Partners and the MoF - and is responsible for officially communicating requests from the Government to Development Partners as well as receiving replies from Development Partners.

Also, each line Ministry is responsible for undertaking key aspects of planning and managing ODA - particularly relating to preparing ODA proposals and implementing ODA within their sectoral purview.

The Tuvalu Aid Policy further sets out a number of key guiding principles. These include:

• administration of ODA is to be underpinned by a robust and streamlined process; • this ODA process is to integrate and align with Tuvalu's national strategic planning and budgetary

processes; and • Implementation of this process is to be conducted in a way which further develops the capacity of GoT

officials to manage its development efforts.

Tuvalu National Communication (TNC) – (Third National Communication): TNC was set up to offer Tuvalu the opportunity to contribute with technical sound studies and information that will be used for designing adaptation and mitigation measures and project proposals that will assist in building concrete proposals to increase resilience to the impacts of climate change. This involves the integration of climate considerations into relevant social, economic and environmental policies and actions. The TNC for Tuvalu will build the integration of cross sectors that are exposed to climate effects into the Country Programme to identify relevant proposed activities to include in the concept notes that will be proposed for further funding and implementation for further adaptation and mitigation measures.

Gaps in Concept note and proposal development. Through the assistance provided in this Readiness, it is envisaged to boost the capacity of every staff for the NDA and Finance in Concept notes and proposal development to project management within the Department. This will build on GCF existing mechanisms and processes to enhance their understanding on processes, planning to implementations of projects.

Communication barriers and inclusion of gender, private sector and vulnerability group’s views: This will also strengthen communication between the NDA and stakeholders, gender, civil societies, private sectors to vulnerable groups and build their views into the Country Programme in addressing all sectors in the planning and implementation phase of the Country program. The Readiness Programme will build on these issues and provide technical assistance through consultative assistance to developing tools that’s will be used in years by every staff and prevent staff turnovers within the department.

Despite the ongoing efforts, there is a need for clear and well-integrated institutional processes and mechanisms for strategizing, managing and communicating investments and financing for climate change. Accordingly, technical support is required in the areas of NDA strengthening, country programming, feasibility and cost-benefit analysis and gender programming The proposed support will build on existing mechanisms and processes to enhance NDA’s functions and engagement with the Fund, and enhance its relationship with key stakeholders, particularly those that currently have limited involvement in climate change planning: the private sector, communities and vulnerable groups such as women, youth and people with disabilities.

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Outcomes Baseline1 Targets

Activities2 (brief

description and

deliverables) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Outcome 1: Institutional capacity and coordination mechanisms in place to govern and coordinate climate action and finance

Sub- Outcome 1.1: NDA inter-institutional coordination mechanism established.

0 1 2

0 1 2

Activity 1.1.1: Undertake a capacity assessment of CCD to identify gaps based on the assessment initiate a review and updating exercise of CCD’s current systems and procedures.


Deliverable A capacity assessment report prepared by NDA Strengthening Specialist and NDA Support Specialist and submitted to NACCC by month 6 by the NDA Support Specialist.


Deliverable CCD systems and procedures improved in line with the findings of the capacity assessment by month 15 by Tuvalu desk officer


1 For baselines rated at 1 or 2, please shortly elaborate on current baselines on which the proposed activities can be built on, processes that are in place that the current Readiness proposal can strengthen, or any gaps that the proposed activities would fill in. If more space is needed, please elaborate this in Section 2. 2 Please include tangible and specific deliverables for each activity proposed, and the timeframe (month number) in which it will be delivered to GCF. Please note that during implementation all deliverables should be included within the implementation reports for GCF consideration.

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Activity 1.1.2: Establish a GCF desk within NDA. Procure office equipment to support NDA in establishing a dedicated position and space for the Tuvalu desk officer and consultants: laptops (x5), printer (x1), projector (x1), chairs (x5), file cabinets (x3), desks (x5), and laminating machine (x1). The above office equipment’s will support the implementation of the Readiness Support Program.


Deliverable Tuvalu Desk established and all fully functional by month 4.


Activity 1.1.3: Training modules on the following topics designed and delivered to build capacity of CCD staff

• Readiness

• Concept note development (including SAP, EDA etc)

• Concept note/funding proposal


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• Monitoring and Evaluation

Deliverable Report on the outcomes of the 3-day training workshop (-30 people) prepared by the NDA strengthening Specialist and submitted to the NDA and GCF by month 7


Activity 1.1.4: One exchange visit to another country in the Pacific region who have benefitted from GCF Readiness Program to extract lessons learns and experiences to assist with institutional strengthening and effective coordination of the NDA by month 7.


Deliverable Report of lessons learned on institutional procedures in other countries (i.e No-Objection procedures, monitoring and evaluation, concept/project screening etc) by month 9.


Activity 1.1.5: With the DP, identify fiduciary and project management gaps and subsequently


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develop a tool and # (i.e. 2) trainings that will strengthen the DP’s fiduciary and project management from month 11.

Deliverable Tools for both project and fiduciary management developed within the DP and implemented by month 11 onwards.


Deliverable Training report demonstrating increased capacity of DP staff in fiduciary and project management by month 23


Sub Outcome 1.2: NDA ‘No Objection’ procedure for funding proposals and PPF applications developed.

0 1 2

0 1 2

Activity 1.2.1: Establish Assessment Guidelines and procedures for assessing project concepts and full proposals submitted to the NDA by NDA Support Specialist starting month 15.


Deliverable Assessment guidelines and procedures manual developed and applied by the NDA by month 18.


Activity 1.2.2: Design procedures on no objection for project proposals and programs by NDA Support Specialist and formalize these starting month 13.


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Deliverable No-Objection Procedure finalized and put to cabinet for formal endorsement by Tuvalu Desk Officer by month 15.


Activity 1.2.3: Deliver training on Assessment Guidelines and Procedures for the ‘No Objection’, for the 30 participants from NDA and DP starting month 19. .


Deliverable Training report developed to demonstrate practical knowledge gained by 30 participants from NDA and DP staff. Report developed by Tuvalu desk officer by month 21.


Sub Outcome 1.3: Bilateral agreements on privileges and immunities drafted and signed.

0 1 2

0 1 2

Activity 1.3.1: Review national laws and policies relevant to establishing bilateral agreement on privileges and immunities with GCF by Tuvalu Desk Officer from month 4.


Deliverable Report on recommendations resulting from review submitted to the NDA by month 6.


Activity 1.3.2: Initiate negotiations with GCF on the recommendations from the above


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review, and agree on privileges and immunities for GCF operations and assets in Tuvalu by month 4.

Deliverable Bilateral agreement on privileges and immunities based on Tuvalu’s existing laws and regulations and signed by month 6.


Sub Outcome 1.4: Monitoring and verification systems for climate finance flows developed.

0 1 2

0 1 2

Activity 1.4.1: Establish a monitoring and verification system to monitor, oversee and streamline climate finance by Tuvalu Desk Officer and Climate Finance Consultant to build on and integrate the existing Aid Information Management System (managed by the DP) and Project Database (Managed by NDA) from month 16.


Deliverable An effective and clear system established within the NDA through utilization of available information resources in the FP and DP by month 18 delivered by Tuvalu desk officer and Climate Finance Consultant.


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Deliverable Quarterly reports prepared by DP and submitted to the NDA as part of a formalized and routine process for managing and reporting on climate finance by month 21 and month 24.


Activity 1.4.2: Asses GCF AE’s to assist the NDA in identifying suitable AE for Tuvalu's future GCF proposals by month 7.


Deliverable Report on suitability of GCF AEs to serve Tuvalu by month 9 and updated by Tuvalu Desk Officer as needed.


Outcome 2: Country Program Processes developed and institutionalized

Sub Outcome 2.1: Country Programme for climate finance developed across the climate finance landscape

0 1 2

0 1 2

Activity 2.1.1: Country programming specialist and NDA support specialist to work with the NDA and DP to develop a country Programme that cohesively captures the investment priorities for climate change adaptation and mitigation that are aligned with the national sustainable development strategy, climate change and related sectoral policies and plans, and island strategic


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plans. The consultants, together with the NDA will also facilitate and coordinate ministerial and induction consultation on GCF from month 4.

Deliverable Draft country Programme presented to NDA and NACCC for review and comments by Country programming specialist, NDA Support specialist & Tuvalu desk officer by month 12.


Activity 2.1.2: Facilitate workshops by Country programming specialist to validate priorities with line Ministries, gender and vulnerable groups (up to 30 people) and to incorporate the prioritization and feasibility of appropriate technology solutions into the country programme (Sub-outcomes 2.5 and 2.6) starting month 13.


Deliverable Consultation report submitted by Tuvalu desk officer and Country Programming


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Specialist to NDA by month 18.

Activity 2.1.3: identifying needs of stakeholders including women and vulnerable groups, private sector and CSO’s, by conducting robust consultations in Tuvalu’s 9 islands and incorporating that input into the draft country programme by month 15.


Deliverable Final Island consultation report to be used in development of the country programme by month 17. (Activity


Deliverable Final Country Programme submitted by Country Programming Specialist to NDA and cabinet for validation before submitting to GCF by month 21.


Activity 2.1.4: Development of an implementation plan by Country program specialist to track progress and key milestone of the country programme by month 19.


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Deliverable Final Implementation plan used to track progress and key milestones in the Country Program by month 21.


Sub Outcome 2.2: Stakeholder engagement consultative processes

0 1 2

0 1 2

Activity 2.2.1: Develop a communication strategy by Tuvalu desk officer and NDA support specialist for better information sharing and stakeholder engagement concerning GCF country programme and project development by month 4.


Deliverable Communication strategy for stakeholder engagement and information sharing developed in month 5.


Deliverable Information pamphlets designed, translated into Tuvaluan and disseminated to the stakeholders by Tuvalu Desk Officer and local consultant by month 11.


Deliverable Quarterly newsletters developed and distributed online and offline by Tuvalu desk officer from month 12, month 15, month


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18, month 21 and month 24.

Sub Outcome 2.3: Gender issues considered in climate finance programming

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0 1 2

Activity 2.3.1: Design a gender programming strategy and associated gender analysis together with a local consultant/gender specialist to ensure equal and meaningful involvement of women and girls in the GCF process.


Deliverable Gender programming strategy developed by Local Consultant (Gender Specialist) in line with GCF Gender Policy and Action Plan by month 8 to identify entry points for enhancing women’s and girl’s participation in the GCF process.


Activity 2.3.2: Deliver training for line Ministries and NACCC in testing and implementing the gender analysis tools by local consultant (gender specialist) by month 10.


Deliverable Report describing increased capacity of CCD staff on gender programming and use of gender analysis tools from month 9 to month 11.


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Sub Outcome 2.4: Appropriate climate technology solutions identified and prioritized in accordance with national strategies and plans for climate adaptation and mitigation

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Activity 2.4.1: Identify appropriate technology solutions for adaptation and mitigation based on relevant policy, legislation and Tuvalu-specific context from month 15, and a Climate Technology Consultant from month 15 to month 23.


Deliverable Identified technology solutions in alignment with national plans and strategies that will inform the pipeline projects included in the GCF country programme by month 18.


Deliverable Nominal group identification and prioritization of technology solutions completed using analysis against multi-criteria such as alignment with national climate change policy, energy policy, climate change and disaster legislation, building regulations, environmental and social impacts and


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demographic and socio-economic context of Tuvalu islands by month 20.

Deliverable Final report on the multi criteria analysis submitted to the NDA and NACCC for feedback and endorsement by Climate Technology Consultant by month 16.


Sub Outcome 2.5: Feasibility of climate technologies for selected mitigation and adaptation assessed and incorporated into planning processes

0 1 2

0 1 2

Activity 2.5.1: Conduct cost-benefit analysis and feasibility analysis of prioritized technology solutions and support concept notes and PPF applications through adaptation and mitigation measures, and provide support on other elements of the program through strengthening of future Readiness by Climate Technology Consultant by month 18.


Deliverable Cost-benefit analysis and feasibility analysis reports submitted to NDA by Climate Technology Consultant by month 23.


Activity 2.5.2: Development of 2 concept notes from identified


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technology solutions (Adaptation/Mitigation) from month 20

Deliverable 2 Concept notes fully developed and submitted to GCF by month 24.


Activity 2.5.3: Organize a 1 week study visit for 1 NDA, 2 CCD and 2 staff to the GCF headquarters to enhance their understanding and knowledge of GCF procedures, processes and mechanisms and to present the concept for a project to be developed to GCF during the visit by month 19.


Deliverables At least 2 concept notes enhanced and learning report demonstrating increased knowledge of staff by month 22.


Project management and implementation

Preparation of TORs and recruitment of staff/consultations


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Terms of Reference for Consultants

1.Local consultant, NDA Support Specialist (240 working days over 12 months)

Reports to the Director, CCD

Specific tasks:

• Capacity assessment for CCD to identify gaps and update system and procedures together with the International Consultant (NDA Strengthening Specialist) for Activity 1.1.1

• Implement the findings and recommendations from the capacity assessment to strengthen the NACCC for Activity 1.1.1 • Establish Assessment Guidelines and procedures for assessing project concepts and full proposals for Activity 1.2.1 • Develop a Country Programme that cohesively captures the investment priorities for climate change adaptation and mitigation that are aligned with the

national sustainable development strategy, climate change and related sectoral policies and plans, and island strategic plans for Activity 2.1.1 by working together with the Country Programming Specialist (International Consultant)

• Together with the Country Programming Specialist and the NDA, facilitate and coordinate ministerial and induction consultation on GCF for Activity 2.1.1 • Develop a communication strategy for Activity 2.2.1


• Capacity assessment report to NACCC (Deliverable • • Terms of Reference for Tuvalu desk officer (Deliverable • Assessment guidelines and procedures manual and Tuvalu desk officer trained in the manual for Activity 1.2.1 • Country Programme for Activity 2.1.1 • Communication Strategy for Activity 2.2.1

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2. 2. International consultant, NDA Strengthening Specialist (80 working days over 4 months)

Reports to the Director, CCD

Specific tasks:

• Identify gaps within NACCC mechanism in leveraging financing from multi and bi-lateral, private sector and philanthropic sources to fund adaptation and mitigation initiatives for Activity 1.1.1 by working together with the NDA Support Specialist.

• Design and deliver training modules for building the capacity of the NDA staff on GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support, Simplified Approval Process, proposal writing and appraisal, Monitoring & Evaluation for Activity 1.1.3.


• Capacity assessment report to NACCC (Deliverable • Training modules developed and strengthening of Concept note delivered to NDA (Deliverable • Report on training outcomes (Deliverable

3. International Consultant – Finance Technical Assistance (20 working days for over 3 months)

Reports to Director of Finance

Specific Task:

• Identify fiduciary and project management gaps and develop a tool and trainings to strengthen the Delivery Partner for Activity 1.1.5


• Tool developed on project management for Delivery Partner for Activity 1.1.5 • Increased capacity of Delivery Partner on Project management and fiduciary processes demonstrated in the report for Activity 1.1.5 • Deliver 2 weeks training for the Delivery Partner (Ministry of Finance) for Deliverable

4. International Consultant – Climate Finance Specialist (20 days for over 1 month)

Reports to CCD Director

Specific tasks

• Establish a Monitoring and Verification System to monitor, oversee and streamline Climate finance for Activity 1.4.1

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• Monitoring and Verification system to assist with improving the Aid Information Management System under Delivery Partner and Project Database under CCD for Activity 1.4.1

Deliverables/ Outputs

• Effective Monitoring and Verification system established within NDA • Improved management/updated Aid Information Management System and Project Database

5. Local consultant, Tuvalu desk officer (400 working days for over 20 months)

Report to Director, CCD

Specific Tasks:

• Provide full time support to NDA in implementing the GCF readiness and support program • Develop a comprehensive work plan for the program • Provide assistance in setting up the Tuvalu desk within the NDA for Activity 1.1.2 • Provide support to the NDA Strengthening Specialist (International Consultant) in designing and delivering training for NDA capacity building in the areas of

GCF readiness support, Monitoring and Evaluation, approval processes and developing a Concept note for Activity 1.1.3 • Organize 2-week study visit to GCF headquarters and one exchange visit to the Pacific Island for Activity 1.1.4 and 2.5.3 • Assist the NDA Support Specialist (Local Consultant) in establishing the Assessment Guidelines and procedures for assessing project concepts and full

proposals for Activity 1.2.1 • Design Procedures on “No Objection for project proposals” and deliver training for NDA and DP for Activity 1.2.2 • Facilitate discussions between NDA and GCF on the recommendations from the legislative review, and agree on privileges and immunities for GCF

operations and assets for Activity 1.3.2 • Establish effective system on climate finance and integrate with Information Management System for Activity 1.4.1 • Prepare report on GCF Accredited Entities in the Pacific region and details of their project portfolio to assist the NDA in identifying suitable AE for Tuvalu's

future GCF proposals and a component in development of the country programme for Activity 1.4.2 • Provide assistance to the Country Programming Specialist (International Consultant), facilitate workshops to validate priorities with line Ministries and to

incorporate the prioritization and feasibility of appropriate technology solutions into the country programme for Activity 2.1.2 • Assist Country Programme Specialist in developing country programme and record minutes for Activity 2.1.3 • Assist with stakeholder consultation on the 9 islands for Activity 2.1.3Assist the NDA Support Specialist (Local Consultant) in developing a communication

strategy for Activity 2.2.1 • Design and develop information pamphlets and quarterly newsletters for Activity 2.2.1 • Procure and manage consultant for the translation of information pamphlets for Activity 2.2.1


• A comprehensive work plan developed • Training modules developed and strengthening of Concept note delivered to NDA (Deliverable • 1 x two-week study tour to GCF headquarters organized for 4 CCD and PBACD staff (Deliverable

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• 1 x week-long exchange visit organised for 4 CCD and PBCAD staff (Deliverable • Training delivered on the “No Objection” procedure • Discussions held with GCF on privileges and immunities for Activity 1.3.2 • An effective system to monitor, oversee and streamline climate finance established for Activity 1.4.1 • GCF Accredited Entities Report prepared for Activity 1.4.2 • Validation workshops implemented and consultation report for Activity 2.1.2 • Final country programme for Activity 2.1.2 • Quarterly reviews for Activity 2.1.3 • 9 islands stakeholder consultation for deliverable pamphlets designed and translate into Tuvaluan for Activity 2.2.1 • Quarterly newsletters distributed online and offline for Activity 2.2.1

6. International consultant, Country Programming Specialist (60 days over 3 months)

Report to Director, CCD

Specific Tasks:

• Develop a country Programme that cohesively captures the investment priorities for climate change adaptation and mitigation that are aligned with the national sustainable development strategy, climate change and related sectoral policies and plans, and island strategic plans for Activity 2.1.1

• Together with the NDA Support Specialist (Local Consultant) and the Tuvalu Desk Officer facilitate and coordinate ministerial and induction consultation on GCF with the NDA for Activity 2.1.1

• Facilitate workshops to validate priorities with line Ministries and stakeholders and to incorporate the prioritization and feasibility of appropriate technology solutions into the country programme for Activity 2.1.2 and 2.1.3

• Develop an implementation plan to track progress and milestones for Activity 2.1.4


• Draft country programme for Activity 2.1.1 • Validation workshops implemented and consultation report for Activity 2.1.2 • Final country programme for Activity 2.1.2 • Final consultation report and country programme for Activity 2.1.3 • Implementation Plan developed to track progress and milestones for Activity 2.1.4

7. Gender Specialist – Local consultant (40 days over 2 months)

Report to Director, CCD

Specific Tasks:

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• Design a Gender programming strategy and associated gender analysis tools to ensure equal and meaningful involvement of women and girls in the GCF process for Activity 2.3.1

• Deliver training for line Ministries and NACCC in testing and implementing the gender analysis tools for Activity 2.3.2


• Gender programming strategy for Activity 2.3.1 • Training on gender analysis tools for Activity 2.3.2

8. International Consultant, Climate Technology (60 days over 3 months)

Report to Director, CCD

Specific Tasks:

• Identify appropriate technology solutions for adaptation and mitigation based on relevant policy, legislation and Tuvalu-specific context for Activity 2.4.1 • Conduct cost-benefit analysis and feasibility analysis of prioritized technology solutions and support concept notes and PPF applications through adaptation

and mitigation measures, and provide support on other elements of the program through strengthening of future Readiness Programs for Activity 2.5.1 • Development of 2 concept notes from the identified technology aspects from Activity 2.5.1


• Technology solutions for adaptation and mitigation for Activity 2.4.1 • Cost-benefit feasibility assessment for Activity 2.5.1 • 2 concept notes developed for Activity 2.6.1

9. Local Consultant – Translator (10 days)

Report to Director, CCD

Specific Tasks

• Translating information pamphlets into Tuvaluan and disseminate to Stakeholders • Assist Tuvalu Desk Officer with translation


• Translating Information pamphlets into Tuvaluan and Disseminate for Activity 2.3.1

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10. Administrative Assistant (480 days over 24 months)

Report to Director, CCD

Specific Tasks:

• Provide full support to the NDA in implementing the GCF Readiness Program. • Assist the Tuvalu Desk Officer and Consultants in carrying out all the consultations through arranging venue hires and caterings for Activity 1.1.4, 1.2.3,

Deliverable, Activity 2.1.2, 2.3.1. • Assist in preparing audio visual and printing for Activity 2.2.1 and Deliverable and all internet payments for the GCF Readiness Program. • Organise a filing system for important and confidential documents of the GCF Readiness Program • Assist in arranging travel and accommodation for travelling officers for the GCF Readiness Program • Prepare regular financial documents and reports on expenses and other administrative reports for the Program.

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5.1 Budget plan Please complete the Budget Plan in Excel using the template available in the Library page of the GCF website. 5.2 Procurement plan Please complete the Procurement Plan in Excel using the template available in the Library page of the GCF website. For goods, services, and consultancies to be procured, please list the items, descriptions in relation to the activities in section 2, estimated cost, procurement method, relevant threshold, and the estimated dates. Please include the procurement plan for at least the first tranche of disbursement requested below and provide a full procurement plan for the entire duration of the implementation period if available at this stage. 5.3 Disbursement schedule Please specify the proposed schedule for requesting disbursements from the GCF. For periodicity, specify whether it’s quarterly, bi-annually or annually only.

☒ Readiness Proposal that requires a bilateral Grant Agreement to be signed with the GCF (please add more disbursement as needed)

• The first disbursement amounting USD 154,650 will be transferred upon approval of the readiness request and effectiveness of the Grant Agreement including PMC cost and Delivery Partner Fee.

• The second disbursement amounting USD 204,100 will be transferred upon submission of an interim progress report [and audited financial report]3, in form and substance acceptable to the Fund, [including an audited expenditure statement]; and Contingency.

• The third disbursement amounting USD 216,490 will be made upon submission of an interim progress report, in form and substance acceptable to the Fund; and

• Final disbursement amounting USD 43,294 will be made upon submission of a completion report and financial report, in form and substance acceptable to the Fund, including an audited expenditure statement.

Please include an indicative disbursement table showing the expected amounts to be requested and keep to multiples of USD 5,000.

3 For second disbursement, audited financial report and audited expenditure statement are only required for readiness and preparatory support proposals expected to last over 12 months.

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SECTION 6. IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS AND OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Implementation map Please describe how funds will be managed by the NDA and/or the Readiness Delivery Partner.

The implementation arrangements for the readiness support are as follows: • NDA: The readiness program will be implemented by the NDA through the CCD. The CCD will conduct project

monitoring and provide monthly updates to the NDA and MFED on the implementation progress. • Delivery Partner: The funds will be managed by the Delivery Partner, the Ministry of Finance. The MoF will be

responsible for fiduciary management, financial monitoring, progress reporting, project completion and evaluation in accordance with the requirements of the Fund.

• Central Procurement Unit (CPU): The CPU will follow government procurement regulations and procure all goods and services for this Readiness proposal. There will be no pass-down of funds to any other organisations. This Unit is situated under the Ministry of Finance.

• NACCC: Strategic guidance on the implementation of readiness activities will be provided by NACCC. As a multi-agency, NACCC members will provide valuable insights and views on cross-cutting issues such as gender, environmental safeguards and inclusive participation of communities, non-governmental groups and the private sector. The CCD will provide updates on the implementation progress at NACCC’s monthly meetings.

• All Ministries and Departments: All departments will be the candidates in collaboration of this readiness activity. Departments will be engaging directly with the NDA on developing the country program with appropriate technology solutions proposed from their field of work that will contribute into the Country program development and to ensure climate finance flows coherently with national laws and policies.

• NGO’s. Local Communities, Kaupule’s and Vulnerable Groups: These groups will be highly recommended their participation through readiness activities on decision making from their NACCC representatives and also from their won aspects. Their views will help build the country program and to incorporates communities and gender aspects into climate finance.

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Implementation Plan for Readiness Program – NDA Staff

• Local Consultant, NDA Support Specialist: The NDA Support Specialist is responsible in carrying out a range of activities including identifying capacity gaps and carry out assessments guidelines, develop a country programme and communication strategy mainly to address adaptation and mitigation measures and carry out consultation work for the country programme and will report to CCD Director and Delivery Partner (MoF).

• International Consultant, NDA Strengthening Specialist: identifying of gaps within the NACCC in leveraging financing and designing to delivering of trainings for capacity building of the NDA staff on GCF processes and mechanisms. This Activity will be handled by both the NDA Strengthening Specialist and the NDA Support Specialist and will be reported back to CCD Director.

• International Consultant, Finance Technical Assistance: He/She will be responsible to identify fiduciary and project management gaps and develop a tool and trainings to strengthen the Delivery Partner to increase their capacity on project management and familiarize themselves with these fiduciary roles. A report should be submitted to Finance Director demonstrating increased capacity of Finance staff.

• International Consultant, Climate Finance Specialist: He/She will be responsible for setting up a monitoring and verification system to build on to the Aid Information Management System under the Delivery Partner and project database under the CCD. He/She will report to CCD director and the Delivery Partner.

• Local Consultant, Tuvalu Desk Officer: The Tuvalu Desk officer will be responsible for a variety of tasks and providing support to all the consultants and Administration officer to deliver the right implementations of the Readiness support programme. This will include developing a work plan for the program and setting up the GCF desk within the NDA, facilitate discussions, prepare reports, organizing travel arrangements conducting annual participatory reviews. He/She will report back to NDA Local consultant and CCD director.

• International Consultant, Country Programming Specialist: The Country Programming Specialist will work with the Tuvalu Desk Officer on the Country Programme through drafting, validation and a review process and reports back to CCD director.

• Gender Specialist, National: The Gender Specialist is responsible in carrying out a Gender Program through designing a gender programming strategy and deliver trainings and reports back to CCD director.

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• International Consultant, Climate Technology Consultant: He/She will be responsible in conducting cost-benefit analysis and feasibility analysis of prioritized technology solutions and support concept notes and PPF applications through adaptation and mitigation measures, development of 2 concept noted from identified technology aspects and provide support on other elements of the program through strengthening of future Readiness and should report back to CCD director.

• Local Consultant, Translator: He/She will be responsible in translating information pamphlets into Tuvaluan, assist Tuvalu Desk Officer in translating and disseminate to stakeholders. He/She should report back to CCD Director and CCD Admin Officer.

• Administrative Assistant: He/She will be responsible in assisting the Tuvalu Desk Officer and consultants in implementing the GCF Readiness Program through venue and caterings arrangements, audio and visual printing, organizing a filing system for confidential reports, organizing travel arrangements for NDA Officers and preparing financial documents and reports. Reports back to CCD, Director.

6.2 Risks, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), and other relevant information

The possible risks and mitigation measures identified include:

Risk Likelihood of Occurrence (rate them as High, Medium, Low)

Impact on the Project (rate them as High, Medium, Low)

Mitigation Measure

Heavy workload of CCD staff



CCD is responsible for achieving numerous milestones under Goal 1 Climate Change of Te Kakeega III which are subsequently translated into activities in CCD’s annual work plan. On top of this workload, CCD staff is currently managing 7 externally funded projects of varying size (three will be completed by the end of 2018). The contract for the CCD technical adviser will also end in November 2018. To ensure the readiness support is implemented properly and on time, a dedicated position of the Tuvalu Desk Officer will be established using the readiness funds. This full-time officer will be based at the CCD office and report to the Director of CCD.

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Limited technical capacity of MoF to provide monitoring oversight for the readiness support



Whilst MoF has expertise in monitoring of public accounts, it does not have experience in project monitoring. For this reason, CCD will monitor the implementation of readiness support at an operational level and provide relevant information and support to MoF in preparing the interim progress reports. This arrangement will support MoF in gaining hands-on experience in monitoring a GCF-funded project and in turn develop a greater understanding of GCF procedures and requirements.

Poor participation and involvement of private sector, communities, women, youth and people with disabilities

Medium Medium This will be mitigated by developing a communication strategy from the outset to identify appropriate methods for engaging with specific stakeholders, and their engagement through consultations and inputs into the country programme.

Delays in TA recruitment and procurement

High High The CCD will use the government’s recruitment and procurement procedures. However, to avoid any potential delay, restricted tender or pre-qualified suppliers will be chosen where possible. CCD will prepare all contract documents, including draft consultancy and supplier contract agreements, prior to the commencement of the recruitment/procurement process

Circumstances beyond the project control, such as natural disasters

High High The CCD is responsible for disaster risk management and should there be a major emergency, such as a cyclone, there will be an immediate shift in national and internal priorities to plan for

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and/or respond to the situation. This risk is mitigated through having a dedicated Tuvalu Desk Officer whose sole responsibility will be to implement the readiness support. The other risk mitigation measure is to avoid the scheduling of outer island consultations during the peak cyclone season (December-February).

The DCCD will conduct monitoring of implementation of readiness support and inform the MoF and NDA of any discrepancies or delays and suggest rectification measures. A separate bank account with joint signatories within the Tuvalu Development Fund will be established for the readiness funds and monitored by MoF using the existing financial management system. Additionally, quarterly financial reporting will be provided to GCF and/or its partner UNOPS during the first year of implementation. With satisfactory reporting, this reporting frequency may be reduced during the second year of implementation. The logical framework and budget plan contained in this proposal will be used by the CCD and MoF to monitor and report on the implementation progress. Specifically, identified risks as well as the implementation of activities in accordance with the specified timeframe and budget will be monitored on a quarterly basis. With inputs from the CCD, MoF will prepare interim progress reports for the NDA. The NDA will submit the progress reports to the Fund on an agreed schedule. The CCD and MoF have an established relationship and are currently working together on the application for the National Implementing Entity accreditation to the Adaptation Fund. From April 2017, the CCD has managed the Climate Change Finance Readiness for the Pacific (CFRP) funded by the governments of Germany and Australia which is implemented across five countries by the Pacific Island Forum Secretariat. The objective of the CFRP is to strengthen the capacity of Pacific Island countries to access climate finance. The CCD has managed to secure technical assistance from the CFRP for internal audit and public accounting, with MoF being the primary beneficiary. To this date, the Climate Change Department sits under the Ministry of Finance, leading to more concise cooperation between the two departments for a smooth flow for the Readiness Program. Monitoring and Reporting Under the CCD office, a Monitoring and reporting plan will be developed to monitor, oversee and streamline activities delivered by the Office, the project and the Delivery partner together. This plan will be implemented by the CCD and Finance Department with the assistance from the Readiness Program project. The Ministry of Finance with the Senior Aid officer together with CCD director is responsible for this role in monitoring and reporting of the activities to the DP and GCF. Start Date The start date for project implementation will be the date of the effectiveness of the relevant grant agreement with the GCF or an agent of the GCF such as UNOPS. Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Tuvalu is currently strengthening its anti-money laundering system. Tuvalu has established a Transaction Tracking Unit (TTU), within the Tuvalu Police Force and it functions to search premises of financial institutions or cash declares and to inspect records and reporting suspicious transactions.

Legal and institutional framework of Tuvalu against Corruption and Money Laundering

Tuvalu is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy. The Head of State is Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, who is represented by the Governor-General. The Head of Government is the Prime Minister. The Cabinet is appointed by the Governor-General on the recommendation of the Prime Minister and is collectively

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responsible to Parliament for the performance of the Executive functions of the state. The judiciary comprises of the Sovereign in Council, the Court of Appeal, the High Court, and such other courts and tribunals as are provided for under Acts of Parliament.

A number of institutions are responsible for the fight against corruption, including the Attorney-General, Police Force, Ombudsman, Auditor-General, Public Service Commission and Central Procurement Unit. Tuvalu’s three financial institutions are National Bank of Tuvalu, Tuvalu National Provident Fund and Development Bank of Tuvalu. Tuvalu became an observer to the Asia-Pacific Group on Money Laundering in 2014. Full membership would be beneficial to enhance the country’s implementation of the Convention.

Tuvalu has a Banking Commission Act including Money Laundering – Prevention of Money Laundering, and this is subject to the requirements of the Proceeds of Crime Act, where various actions are taken when money laundering are taken at a disadvantage stage and suitable arrangements and procedures in place for customer services duties in the bank. Policies and follow up procedures on any suspicious activities with retained records of every funds and customer transactions in and out of Tuvalu are also in place to prevent Anti-Money laundering.

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The following considerations are important when completing the budget:

1. Before preparing the Readiness and PPF budget, please read the full guidance on our website

2. You can select the appropriate budget categories from the dropdown list in the budget plan:

3. To insert additional rows, right click on the row number below where you wish to insert the new row and choose INSERT.

4. Additional budget categories may be added by manually typing them on the Budget Category sheet. :

Project Management Cost: Project management costs (PMC) are the direct administrative costs incurred to execute a project. They should cover only incremental costs incurred due to the GCF contribution. In most cases, these costs are directly related to the support of a dedicated project management unit (PMU) which managesthe day to day execution related activities of the project.

General Principles for PMC costs: 1. The percentage of PMC financed by GCF should not be more than the percentage share of the overall budget financed by GCF 2. PMC budget thresholds: Up to 7.5 per cent of total activity budget. > PMC exceeding 7.5 per cent for the readiness (including NAPs) proposals, and PPF proposals, up to $ 3 million will require detailed documentation and justification supporting the entire PMC budget. > The PMC should be shown as a separate component in the project budget. A detailed breakdown of PMC should be provided by budget category. > Indicative list of eligible project management costs:

> Project staffing and consultants: Project manager, Project Assistant, Procurement personnel, Finance personnel & Support/admin. Personnel> Other direct costs: Office equipment, Mission related travel cost of the PMU, Project management systems and information technology, Office supplies, Audit cost

Contingency :1. Select the appropriate % of Contingency Budget from the dropdown list :

2. Contingency budget for unforeseen costs arising during the project implementation should not be included in the outcome budget separately.3. Contingency budget must be used for any unforeseen programme (output level) cost that is unrelated to implementation/service fee.4. Any use of contingency must be reported to and agreed by the GCF Secretariat in writing in advance provided with justifications that are acceptable to the GCF5. If you get to the end of the project and you haven’t spent Contingency, you can’t increase the scope of the project or buy some more equipment to use it up.

6. The Budget Notes sheet should be used to record explanations, further details or cost breakdowns for individual lines


If you are unsure about how to complete the budget template, please send your query to: [email protected]

Readiness Grant Budget Preparation Guidelines

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5.1 Budget Plan

Please add rows for Outcomes, Outputs and Cost Categories as required. Additional budget categories may be added by manually typing them on the Budget Category sheet.

Consultant - Individual - International Days 80 600.00 48,000.00 243,350.00 48,000.00

Consultant - Individual - Local Days 80 200.00 16,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00

Travel - International Return economy airfare 2 2,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 Per Diem Days (IC Funafuti) 80 150.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 Per Diem Days (IC Transit) 4 200.00 800.00 800.00 Office Supplies Laptops 5 1,800.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 Office Supplies Printer 1 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 Office Supplies Projector 1 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 Office Supplies Chairs 5 50.00 250.00 250.00 Office Supplies Filing cabinets 3 200.00 600.00 600.00 Office Supplies Desks 5 300.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 Office Supplies Laminating machiene 1 200.00 200.00 200.00 Catering Trays 18 50.00 900.00 900.00 Venue Hire Days 3 100.00 300.00 300.00

Travel - International Return economy fare for 5 persons 5 2,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00

Per Diem Days for 5 persons 50 200.00 10,000.00 10,000.00

Consultant - Individual - International Days 60 600.00 36,000.00 36,000.00

Travel - International Return economy airfare 2 2,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00

Per Diem Days (IC Funafuti) 60 150.00 9,000.00 9,000.00

Per Diem Days (IC Transit) 4 200.00 800.00 800.00

Catering Trays 30 50.00 1,500.00 1,500.00

Venue Hire Days 10 100.00 1,000.00 1,000.00


36mTotal Budget(per budget category)

Unit Unit Cost# of Unit

Total Budget(per outcome) 12m 30m

Disbursement PlanDetailed Budget (in US$)Budget Categories

choose from the drop-down list

24m6mTotal Budget

(per sub-outcome)


Outcome 1: Institutional capacity and coordination mechanisms in place to govern and coordinate climate action and finance

Sub- Outcome 1.1: NDA inter-

institutional coordination mechanism established.

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Telecommunications Monthly internet 24 500.00 12,000.00 12,000.00

Consultant - Individual - Local Days 60 200.00 12,000.00 12,000.00

Consultant - Individual - Local Days 40 200.00 8,000.00 8,000.00

Catering Trays 6 50.00 300.00 300.00 Venue Hire Days 1 100.00 100.00 100.00

Professional Services – Companies/Firm Lumpsum 1 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00

Telecommunications International Calls 5 100.00 500.00 500.00 Consultant - Individual - Local Months 1 800.00 800.00 800.00

Consultant - Individual - Local Months 4 800.00 3,200.00 3,200.00

Consultant - Individual - International Days 20 600.00 12,000.00 12,000.00

Per Diem Days (IC Funafuti) 20 150.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 Per Diem Days (IC Transit) 2 200.00 400.00 400.00 Travel - International Return economy airfare 2 2,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00

Outcome 2: Country Programming process

Consultant - Individual - International Days 20 600.00 12,000.00 262,980.00 12,000.00

Consultant - Individual - Local Days 40 200.00 8,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00

Travel - International Return economy airfare 2 2,000.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00

Per Diem Days (IC Funafuti) 60 150.00 9,000.00 9,000.00

Per Diem Days (IC Transit) 4 200.00 800.00 800.00

Catering Trays 12 50.00 600.00 600.00

Venue Hire Days 2 100.00 200.00 200.00

Consultant - Individual - Local Months 5 800.00 4,000.00 4,000.00

Catering Trays 6 50.00 300.00 300.00



Sub Outcome 1.3: Bilateral agreements on privileges and immunities



Sub Outcome 1.4: Monitoring and

verification systems for

climate finance flows

Sub Outcome 2.1: Stakeholder engagement consultative processes

Sub Outcome 1.2: NDA ‘No Objection’ procedure for funding proposals and PPF

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Venue Hire Days 1 100.00 100.00 100.00

Workshop/Training Facilitator (GCF Desk Offic 1Catering Trays for 9 islands 90 50.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 Venue Hire Days for 9 islands 9 100.00 900.00 900.00 Per Diem Days for 5 persons 160 80.00 12,800.00 12,800.00 Office Supplies Paper, markers, etc 1 100.00 100.00 100.00 Telecommunications Phone charge for 9 islands 9 20.00 180.00 180.00 Vessel Hire Charter for 9 islands 9 10,000.00 90,000.00 90,000.00 Audio Visual & Printing Printing of annual report 500 5.00 2,500.00 2,500.00

Consultant - Individual - International Days 40 600.00 24,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00

Consultant - Individual - Local Months 5 800.00 4,000.00 4,000.00

Consultant - Individual - Local Days 20 200.00 4,000.00 4,000.00

Consultant - Individual - Local Days 10 200.00 2,000.00 2,000.00

Audio Visual & Printing Copies of infomation pamp 500 5.00 2,500.00 2,500.00

Consultant - Individual - Local Days 30 200.00 6,000.00 6,000.00

Consultant - Individual - Local Days 5 200.00 1,000.00 1,000.00

Consultant - Individual - Local Days 5 200.00 1,000.00 1,000.00

Catering Trays 18 50.00 900.00 900.00 Venue Hire Days 3 100.00 300.00 300.00 Telecommunications International Calls 5 100.00 500.00 500.00

Consultant - Individual - International Days 20 600.00 12,000.00 12,000.00

Travel - International Return economy airfare 2 2,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 Per Diem IC Funafuti 60 150.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 Per Diem IC Transit 4 200.00 800.00 800.00

Consultant - Individual - International Days 40 600.00 24,000.00 24,000.00

Travel - International Return economy airfare for 5 persons 5 2,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00

Per Diem 7 Days for 5 persons 35 200.00 7,000.00 7,000.00





Sub Outcome 2.2: Stakeholder engagement consultative processes

Sub Outcome 2.4: Appropriate

climate technology solutions

identified and prioritized in

accordance with Sub Outcome 2.5: Feasibility of

climate technologies for

selected mitigation and

adaptation assessed and

incorporated into planning


Sub Outcome 2.3: Gender issues considered in

climate finance programming

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506,330.00 125,250.00 166,900.00 177,200.00 36,980.00 - -

Admin Support Annual contract 2 8,000.00 16,000.00 Consultant - Individual - Local Months 5 800.00 4,000.00 Consultant - Individual - Local Months 20 200.00 4,000.00

Audit Fee Lumpsum 2 4,000.00 8,000.00

Office Supplies Lumpsum 2 500.00 1,000.00

Telecommunications Monthly internet 24 150.00 3,600.00

Total (per budget category)





15,000.00 Project Management Cost (PMC) % requested

- Contingency requested













Breakdown (per budget category)



Venue Hire

IT Equipment

Office Supplies

Travel - International

Travel – Local

Admin Support

Vessel Hire

Consultant - Individual - International

Consultant - Individual - Local

Professional Services – Companies/Firm

Per Diem


Total Outcome Budget + PMC

Total Outcome Budget

Audio Visual & Printing

Delivery Partner Fee (DP) - Up to 8.5% of the Sub-Total





Sub-Total (Total Outcome Budget + Contingency + PMC)


Total Project Budget (Total Activity Budget + Contingency + PMC + DP)



Audit Fee

Project Management Cost (PMC)Up to 7.5% of Total Activity Budget



Total Outcome Budget


Page 40: with the Ministry of Finance, Economy and Development for Tuvalu · 2020-02-17 · Tuvalu is the fourth smallest country in the world, comprising of nine inhabited atoll and coral

Detailed Description

Example - One national consultant (climate change sepcialist) for 30 working days @ $500 per day for activity 1.1.1, 1.1.2Sub - Outcomes

AOne international consultant (NDA strengthening specialist) for 80 days @$600 per day for Activity 1.1.1 and 1.1.4. The $600 per day is to meet the standard of high qualified experts/consultants outside the region to carry out the Readiness Program.

B One local consultant (NDA Support Specialist) for 80 working days (20 days x 4 months) @ $200 per day for Activity 1.1.1

CTravel international, return economy airfare from Australia/New Zealand to Tuvalu, maximum of 2 trips @ $2,000 per trip for Activity 1.1.1 & 1.1.4

DPer diem for one international consultant (NDA Strengthening specialist) for 80 working days @ $150 per day in Funafuti for Activity 1.1.1 & 1.1.4

EPer diem for one international consultant transitting in Fiji for 2 days for each return trip to Tuvalu (total 2 trips) @ $200 per day in Fiji for Activity 1.1.1 & 1.1.4


Office supplies: laptops (x5), printer (x1), projector (x1), chairs (x5), file cabinets (x3), desks (x5) and laminating machine (x1)for Activity 1.1.3.

Catering for local workshop/training for 30 people over 3 days, 6 trays per day @$50 per tray for Activity 1.1.4

Venue hire for local workshop/training for 30 people over 3 days @ $100 per day for Activity 1.1.4

Travel international, return economy airfare to Tuvalu, maximum 2 trips @2,000 per trip for Activity 1.1.5

One International consultant (Finance technical assistant) for 60 working days @600 per day for Activity 1.1.5

Per diem for one international consultant transitting in Fiji for 2 days @200 per day in Fiji for Activity 1.1.5Per diem for one international consultant - Finance technical assistance for 60 working days @150 per day in Funafuti for Activity 1.1.5

Travel international, return economy airfare from Tuvalu to one Pacific Island for 5 people @ $2,000 per person for Activity 1.1.6Internet payment montly for up to 24 months duration @500 per month for all Activities Catering for workshop/training for Delivery Partner to develop tool on project management and capacity building on GCF processes for Activity 1.1.5. Cater for 15 people, including DP and NDA for over 10 working days (2 weeks) training 3 trays per day @50 per tray. Venue hire for local workshop/training for 15 people over 10 days @ $100 per day for Activity 1.1.5

One local consultant (NDA Support Specialist) for 60 working days @ $200 per day for Activity 1.2.1 and 40 working days @ $200 per day for Activity 1.2.2

Catering for local workshop/training for 30 people over 1 day, 6 trays per day @$50 per tray for Activity 1.2.3

Venue hire for local workshop/training for 30 people over 1 day @ $100 per day for Activity 1.2.3

One local consultant (Tuvalu Desk Officer) for 1 month for Activity 1.3.2 at Level 5 of Tuvalu Government Salary equivalent @ $1,000 per month for Activity 1.1.2. to 1.3.1. 80% time spent on technical activities ($800 per month) and 20% time spent on project management cost ($200 per month), refer to PMC . Professional legal services to assist with the national laws and policies. Lumpsum fee $15,000 inclusive of all costs for Activity 1.3.1Telecommunication international calls 5 calls @ $100 per call for Activity 1.3.1. International calls are more reliable than skype calls due to internet connection breakdown in the Islands. The rate for callings in the island is 0.95c a minute. This $100 call

Budget Note

Example - "A"

Sub- Outcome 1.1: NDA inter-institutional

coordination mechanism established.

Sub Outcome 1.2: NDA ‘No Objection’ procedure

for funding proposals and PPF applications


Sub Outcome 1.3: Bilateral agreements on

privileges and immunities drafted and


Page 41: with the Ministry of Finance, Economy and Development for Tuvalu · 2020-02-17 · Tuvalu is the fourth smallest country in the world, comprising of nine inhabited atoll and coral

One international consultant - Climate Finance Specialist for 20 days @600 per day for Activity 1.4.1

Travel international , return economy airfare to Tuvalu maximum 2 trips @2,000 per trip for Activity 1.4.1Per Diem for one international consultant - Climate Finance Specialist for 20 working days @150 per day in Funafuti for Activity 1.4.1

Per Diem for one international consultant - Climate Finance Specialist for 2 transit days @200 per day for Activity 1.4.1

One international consultant (Country programming specialist) for 60 days @$600 per day for Activity 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3 & 2.1.4One local consultant NDA Support Specialist for 40 days @$200 per day for Activity 2.1.1. Travel international, return economy airfare from Australia/New Zealand to Tuvalu, maximum of 2 trips @ $2,000 per trip for Activity 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3 & 2.1.4Per diem for one international consultant Country Programming Specialist for 60 working days @ $150 per day in Funafuti for Activity 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3 & 2.1.4Per diem for one international consultant transitting in Fiji for 2 days for each return trip to Tuvalu (total 2 trips) @ $200 per day in Fiji for Activity 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3 & 2.1.4Venue hire for validation workshop for 30 people over 2 days @ $100 per day for Activity 1.1.1Catering for workshop/training for 30 people over 2 days, 6 trays per day @ $50 per tray for Activity 1.1.1

Catering for validation workshop with line ministries (up to 30 people), 6 trays @ $50 per tray for Activity 2.1.2Catering for annual participatory review for 60 people on each island, 10 trays @ $50 per tray x 9 islands for Activity 2.2.1Venue hire for annual participatory review on each island (9 islands) @ $100 per day for each island for Activity 2.1.3Office supplies for annual participatory review including butchers paper, markers, post-it notes, note pads, etc @ $100 for Activity 2.1.3Telecommunication local phone charge for 9 outer islands @ $20 per island for Activity 2.1.3Vessel hire/charter for conducting annual participatory review on 9 outer islands @ $10,000 fuel and steaming charges per island for Activity 2.1.3. (For a vessel charter to all 9 islands for the MV Talamoana (which is the only charter boat available) cost around 10,000 for fuel and steaming charges). Per Diem for 5 people @ $80 per person for 160 days (32 days per person) for Activity 2.1.3Audio Visual and Printing for 500 copies @ $5 per copy for Activity 2.1.3

One local consultant (NDA Support Specialist) for 20 working days (20 days x 1 month) @ $200 per day for Activity 2.2.1One local gender facilitator for 30 working days @ $200 per day for Activity 2.2.1One local consultant to translate pamphlets into Tuvaluan language, fixed fee $200 per day for 10 days for Activity 2.2.1Printing of annual report @ $5.00 per colour copy for Activity 2.2.1

Sub Outcome 2.1: Country Programme for

climate finance developed across the

climate finance landscape

Sub Outcome 1.4: Monitoring and

verification systems for climate finance flows

One local consultant (Tuvalu Desk Officer) for 5 months for Activity 2.1.2 to Activity 2.2.2 at Level 5 of Tuvalu Government Salary equivalent @ $1,000 per month for Activity 1.1.2. to 1.3.1. 80% time spent on technical activities ($800 per month) and 20% time spent on project management cost ($200 per month), refer to PMC .

One local consultant (Tuvalu Desk Officer) for 5 months for Activity 2.3.1 to Activity 2.6.1 at Level 5 of Tuvalu Government Salary equivalent @ $1,000 per month for Activity 1.1.2. to 1.3.1. 80% time spent on technical activities ($800 per month) and

Sub Outcome 2.2: Stakeholder engagement

consultative processes

One local consultant (Tuvalu Desk Officer) for 2 months for Activity 1.4.1 and another 2 months for Activity 1.4.2 at Level 5 of Tuvalu Government Salary equivalent @ $1,000 per month for Activity 1.1.2. to 1.3.1. 80% time spent on technical activities ($800 per month) and 20% time spent on project management cost ($200 per month), refer to PMC .

Page 42: with the Ministry of Finance, Economy and Development for Tuvalu · 2020-02-17 · Tuvalu is the fourth smallest country in the world, comprising of nine inhabited atoll and coral

One local gender facilitator for 5 working days @ $200 per day for Activity 2.3.1One local gender facilitator for 5 working days @ $200 per day for Activity 2.3.2Venue hire for training for 30 people over 3 days @ $100 per day for Activity 2.3.2Catering for training for 30 people over 3 days, 6 tray per day for Activity 2.3.2

Telecommunication international calls 5 calls @ $100 per call for Activity 2.4.1. International calls are more reliable than skype calls due to internet connection breakdown in the Islands. The rate for callings in the island is 0.95c a minute. This $100 call covers the duration call for up to 2 hrs per day. One international consultant (Climate Technology) for 20 working days @600 per day for Activity 2.4.1. The $600 per day is to meet the standard of high qualified experts/consultants outside the region to carry out the Readiness Program. Travel international, return economy airfare from Australia/New Zealand to Tuvalu, maximum of 2 trips @ $2,000 per trip for Activity 2.4.1Per diem for one international consultant (climate technology) for 20 working days @ $150 per day in Funafuti for Activity 2.4.1 and 2.5.1Per diem for one international consultant (climate technology) transitting in Fiji for 2 days for each return trip to Tuvalu (total 2 trips) @ $200 per day in Fiji for Activity 2.4.1

One international consultant (Climate Technology) for 40 working days (working remotely) @$600 per day for Activity 2.5.1.

Travel international, return economy airfare from Tuvalu to Korea for 5 people @ $2,000 per person for Activity 2.5.3Per diem for 5 persons (1 NDA, 2 CCD, 2 PBACD) undertaking exchange visits to Korea (7 days per person) for Activity 2.5.3. 1 NDA will be a representative from the NDA office (Secretary to Government) 2 DCCD staff (Project Development Officer & Adaptation Officer) 2 PBACD staff (Senior Aid Adviser & Aid Adviser). The Tuvalu Desk Officer will represent Tuvalu NDA Office together with the Project Development Officer and Adaptation officer from Department of Climate Change, as they deal with writing proposals and identifying relative adaptation issues from engaging with the public and stakeholders. The 2 Aid officers from PBACD are the focal point of assesing aid funds, review proposals, budgets and coordinates aids from multi laterals organisations within the Ministry of Finance. These 5 representatives will travel first to one pacific island country who has benefited from GCF readiness programs, have bilaterals and put together a report that will summarise the outcomes from the exchange visit to identify challnges/gaps and a way forward to stregthen readiness activities in the Pacific. This will be incorperated into the country program and the 2 concept notes that will be presented on the second trip to GCF headquarters in Korea in which the same team will present and work on the concept notes from the team from GCF headquarters for new Readiness activities to be implemented. This team is the back bone of each department, from Climate change and Finance in handling Aid fundings, coordinate and review budgets and proposals, initiate adaptation activties and write concrete proposals to reflect the issues addressed from the public and stakeholders. Travel international, return economy airfare from Tuvalu to Korea for 5 people @ $2,000 per person for Activity 2.5.3Per diem for 5 persons (1 NDA, 2 CCD, 2 PBACD) undertaking exchange visits to Korea (7 days per person) + other PI (10 days per person) @ $200 per day for Activity 1.1.6 & 2.5.3


One administration clerk for GCF readiness project at Tuvalu Government Level 8 @ $8,000 per annum for Project Management Cost. arranging venue hires and caterings for Activities . Assist in preparing audio visual and printing and all internet payments Venue hires and caterings. Prepare all internet payments. .- International Audit firms are not present in Tuvalu's current Audit general's office so International auditors travel to Tuvalu from other locations

Sub Outcome 2.4: Appropriate climate technology solutions

identified and prioritized in accordance with

national strategies and plans for climate adaptation and


Sub Outcome 2.3: Gender issues

considered in climate finance programming

20% time spent on project management cost ($200 per month), refer to PMC .

Sub Outcome 2.5: Feasibility of climate

technologies for selected mitigation and

adaptation assessed and incorporated into planning processes

Page 43: with the Ministry of Finance, Economy and Development for Tuvalu · 2020-02-17 · Tuvalu is the fourth smallest country in the world, comprising of nine inhabited atoll and coral

Budget CategoriesAudio Visual & PrintingAudit FeeConsultant - Individual - InternationalConsultant - Individual - LocalProfessional Services – Companies/FirmIT EquipmentOffice SuppliesTravel - InternationalTravel – LocalWorkshop/Training CateringVenue HirePer DiemTelecommunicationsVessel HireAdmin Support

Indicate additional budget categories

Page 44: with the Ministry of Finance, Economy and Development for Tuvalu · 2020-02-17 · Tuvalu is the fourth smallest country in the world, comprising of nine inhabited atoll and coral

5.2 Procurement Plan

Item Estimated Cost (US$)

Office Equipment $ 9,000.00

Office Equipment $ 5,000.00

Office Equipment $ 1,200.00 Office Equipment $ 250.00 Office Equipment $ 600.00 Office Equipment $ 1,500.00

Office Equipment $ 200.00

Catering $ 6,700.00

Travel - International $ 2,000.00

Venue Hire $ 2,200.00

Vessel Hire $ 90,000.00

Professional Services $ 15,000.00

Audio-Visual Printing $ 6,500.00

$ 118,650.00

Consultant - International $ 48,000.00

Consultant - International $ 36,000.00

Consultant - Local $ 48,000.00

Consultant - Local $ 20,000.00

Consultant - Local $ 2,000.00

Consultant - Local $ 8,000.00

Consultant - International 36,000.00$

Consultant - International $ 36,000.00

Consultant - International $ 12,000.00

$ 246,000.00

For goods, services, and consultancies to be procured, please list the items, descriptions in relation to the activities in Section 3, estimated cost, procurement method, relevant threshold, and the estimated dates. Please include the procurement plan for at least the first tranche of disbursement requested below and provide a full procurement plan for the entire duration of the implementation period if available at this stage.

1 Climate Finance consultant, 20 days @$600 p/day Request for proposals $50,000-$100,000 1-Apr-2019

1 NDA Support Specialist, 240 days @ $200 p/day Request for proposals $50,000-$100,000 1-Mar-2019

1 Tuvalu Desk Officer, 20 months @ $1,000 p/month Consultant Qualification <$50,000 30-Mar-2019

Projector x 1 @ $1200 each Limited tender $500-25,000 1-Apr-2019 1-Apr-2019

9 outer islands @ $10,000 per island. Only one supplier provide vessel hire as no suitable alternative is available

Direct tender

1 Gender Specialist 40 days @ $200 per day Consultant Qualification <$50,000 1-Sep-2019

Professional printing of publication materials @ $5.00 per printing item Limited tender $500-25,000 1-May-2019

1 Country Programming Specialist, 60 days @ $600 p/day Request for proposals $50,000-$100,000 1-Mar-2019

Direct tender $5,000 - $15,000 1-Apr-2020

Sub-Total (US$)

1 Climate Technology consultant, 60 days @$600 p/day Request for proposals $50,000-$100,000 1-May-2020

1 Finance Technical Assistance, 60 days @$600 p/day Request for proposals $50,000-$100,000 1-Nov-2019

Laminating machine x 1 @ $200 each Direct tender $1-$500 1-Apr-2019 1-Apr-2019

Goods and Non-Consulting Services

Item Description Procurement MethodThresholds

(Min-Max monetary value for which indicated procurement method must be used)

Estimated Start Date Projected Contracting Date

Printer x 1 @ $5,000 each Limited tender $500-25,000 1-Apr-2019 1-Apr-2019

Laptops x 5 @ $1,800 each Limited tender $5,000 - $10,000 1-Apr-2019 1-Apr-2019

Filing cabinets x 3 @ $200 each Limited tender $500-25,000 1-Apr-2019 1-Apr-2019Chairs x 5 @ 50 each Direct tender $1-$500 1-Apr-2019 1-Apr-2019

1 Translator for communication materials @200 per day for 10 days Consultant Qualification <$50,000 1-Sep-2019

Desks x 5 @ $300 each Limited tender $500-25,000 1-Apr-2019 1-Apr-2019

Sub-Total (US$)

Day hire @ $100 per day Estimated cost if combined venue hire total Limited tender $500-25,000 1-May-2019

Trays @ $50 each Estimated cost is combined catering total Limited tender $500-25,000 1-May-2019

Professional legal services including researches, assessments to assist with national laws and policies. Lumpsum fee @$15,000

Consultancy Services

1 NDA Strengthening Specialist, 80 days @ $600 p/day Request for proposals $50,000-$100,000 1-Mar-2019


Return economy airfare per person Limited tender $500-25,000

$5,000 - $10,000
