Wireless Hummer ECE 791 – Oral Project Proposal ECE Faculty Advisor: Dr. Richard A. Messner November 1, 2010 Presented By: Justin Audley, Blake Brown, Christopher Dean, Andrew Russell, and Andrew Saunders

Wireless Hummer ECE 791 – Oral Project Proposal ECE Faculty Advisor: Dr. Richard A. Messner November 1, 2010 Presented By: Justin Audley, Blake Brown,

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Wireless HummerECE 791 – Oral Project Proposal

ECE Faculty Advisor: Dr. Richard A. MessnerNovember 1, 2010

Presented By: Justin Audley, Blake Brown, Christopher Dean, Andrew

Russell, and Andrew Saunders


• What do we want to Accomplish?• Problem Statement• Background• Design Specifications• Goals• Testing/Implementation• Estimated Budget• Project Timeline

What do we want to Accomplish?

• Use Kingsbury as a testing ground• Remote control car into UGV• Control UGV over WIFI• UGV Sense Environment• Video Streaming

Problem Statement

• First Response• Personnel Safety• Rescue attempts• Enter and Exit Strategies


• Remote Controlled Toy Hummer

• UGV – Unmanned Ground Vehicle– Military operations– Gather information about

environment– User can control/observe

situations from a distance– User can analyze the data from

the UGV to create a well planned entry and exit strategy


• Disable RF Connection• Internet is Everywhere• Why WiFi Connection?– More Accessible– Longer Range– Simpler implementation scheme for video


Design Objectives

• Power Management• Transmission and Receiving• Migration Issues • Bandwidth Usage

Ideas to maintain throughout project

Why won’t you connect?!


There are two tiers of goals for this project:• Deliverable Goals• Reach Goals

Goals - Deliverables

• Control with WiFi• Adding on-board sensors for obstacle and

relative motion detection• Implement video streaming capabilities

Goals - Reach

• Autonomous movement• Elevator Accessibility• Audio Streaming• Laptop Power• Storage (Client and On-Device)

Testing/ImplementationImplementation Problems

Control API Onboard PC containing software control interface

(Control API) interfaced to a Microcontroller through RS-232. Microcontroller is interfaced to vehicle motors via an H-Bridge and to steering servo via microcontroller PWM output.

Remote Control Onboard PC supporting WIFI. PC runs server

software allowing client software on remote PCs to connect and access the features of the Control API.

Testing/ImplementationImplementation Problems

Odometry Optical Mouse

Mapping Physical Environment Sonic Rangefinders

Automation Onboard PC server software with added automation

wrapper for the Control API with features accessible to connected client software.


Testing/ImplementationHigh Level Block Diagram

BudgetItem Quantity Price TotalMicrocontroller      PSoC 1 $250.00 DonatedArduino 1 $30.00 $30.00PIC (with Controller) 1 $30.00 $30.00Sensors      Ultra Sonic Range Finders 8 $30.00 $240.00Infrared 1 $10.00 $10.00Optical Mouse 2 $25.00 $50.00Components      Laptop - Netbook 1 $180.00 ProvidedHummer 1 $60.00 ProvidedBattery 1 $40.00 $40.00Laptop Microphone 1 $10.00 $10.00Solenoids 1 $20.00 $20.00Miscellaneous 1 $20.00 $20.00           Total $450.00

Project TimelineSemester 1

Project TimelineSemester 2