LANGLEY SENIOR RESOURCES SOCIETY Recreation & Resources for 50+ 20605 51B Avenue, Langley, BC V3A 9H1 Phone: 604-530-3020 / Fax: 604-532-1320 Email: [email protected] Website: www.lsrs.ca Catering Website: www.lsrs.ca/catering Winter Program Book January, February, March 2013 We are very proud of the Oil & Acrylic classes offered here at the Centre, and our members certainly produce fine work! Sam (left) and Milly (right) pose with their paintings while Lorraine (center) continues to work on hers. Please turn to page 8 for information about the classes.

Winter Program Book

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Winter Program Book

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LANGLEY SENIOR RESOURCES SOCIETY Recreation & Resources for 50+

20605 51B Avenue, Langley, BC V3A 9H1

Phone: 604-530-3020 / Fax: 604-532-1320

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.lsrs.ca

Catering Website: www.lsrs.ca/catering

Winter Program Book

January, February, March 2013

We are very proud of the Oil & Acrylic classes offered here at the Centre, and our members certainly produce fine work! Sam (left) and Milly (right) pose with their paintings while Lorraine

(center) continues to work on hers. Please turn to page 8 for information about the classes.


Yearly membership fees are $56 (HST is included). Persons 50 years of age and better are eligible for membership. Memberships are for a calendar year. New members, and those who were not members the previous year, are eligible to have their membership prorated if taking out membership later on in the year. Membership is not pro-rated for persons who were members the previous year.

Recreation membership is included in the fees paid by Harrison Landing residents. Lifetime membership is free to persons 90 years of age and older, provided the member paid a full year’s membership the year directly prior. All members are issued a new card each calendar year. All members are asked to please come to the Centre to get their new cards. Thank you to all new and renewing members!

A valid membership is required to take part in most activities at Langley Senior Resources Society. We encourage prospective new members to try the Centre’s activities. However, after three visits, you will be asked to join the Centre to participate in most activities and clubs. The computer lab is available to members only at all times.

Some activities, such as Special Events, Dinners, Van Trips, and Education and Health programs, are open to non -members at a slightly higher cost. There are small annual fees for some activities and clubs (e.g. Choir, Snooker, Carpet Bowling and Table Tennis)

Hours of Operation Monday to Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm Saturdays 9:00am - 2:00pm

Centre Closures Tuesday, January 1 - New Years Day Saturday, February 9 Monday, February 11 - Family Day Friday, March 29 - Good Friday Saturday, March 30 Monday, April 1 - Easter Monday

EDITOR Christine Dembicki, 604-530-3020, ext 303 email: [email protected]

ADVERTISING Marvyn Shore 604-534-1090 email: [email protected]


The Langley Senior

Resources Society thanks

the United Way of the

Lower Mainland

Langley Senior Resources Society is located at 20605 51B Ave., Langley


Our Dining Room is open to the public on weekdays from 9:00am; lunch is served from

11:00am—1:30pm. On Saturdays, the Dining Room is open from 10:00am - 1:00pm. Lunch

entrees, soup, sandwiches, muffins, etc. are served on weekdays. On Saturdays, coffee and

muffins and soup & sandwich lunches are served.

The Centre has a long-standing policy that food is not to be brought in to the Centre from the

outside. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in this matter.

We ask that you show your membership card to the cashier in order to get the membership price

for meals. Please get used to having your card on your tray as you go through the line. It cannot

be left for the cashier to know if you are a current member. Thank you.



Our next registration day is:

Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm

Doors Open at 8:00am

Current Membership Card Required

You may only pick up a number for yourself.

We will not be accepting phone-in registrations on Registration Day.

You may not bring another member’s registration form and register for them.

You may register one other member for the same program, on the same receipt

You can register for programs over the phone using your credit card, after registration day.

This star signifies programs that can

be signed up for when the book comes out. Most starred programs can be signed up for prior to registration day by members only.

Pre-registration: If you cannot make the registration date and you wish to sign up for specific events, please drop off a completed pre-registration form at the Front Desk. We will register you at the end of the day. You will be contacted with your amount due, which must be paid by Tuesday, January 8. So………pick up your registration forms today and have fun planning your activities for the Winter! Payments accepted: Cash/ Cheque / Debit / VISA / MasterCard


At the Centre, we are committed to keeping our fees for programs, events and trips as reasonable as possible. Having consistent, fair ways of handling refund requests is part of what will allow us to keep fees low. We do not like to disappoint by cancelling programs and events, and we strive to offer programs and events that members would sign up for and enjoy. When we do not get enough participants, however, we do have to cancel. The following guidelines will now apply to cancellations and refunds.

Van trips/Programs/Special Events & Dinners All programs, trips and events have a “registration deadline”. On this date the Centre will decide if the event will be cancelled or if it will occur. If the program, trip or event does not have enough participants, we will cancel it the day of the registration deadline and provide a full refund to those who have paid. If the event is a “go” we will continue to accept registrations until the event is sold out. Important: Refunds will be given only if requested before the registration deadline.

Theatre trips In the case of theatre shows, tickets often have to be paid for well in advance of the event. Refunds will be given if the tickets have not yet been paid for by the Centre. After tickets have been paid for, a refund will be given if another person comes forward to buy the ticket of the person unable to attend. In the case of theatre tickets where tickets do not have to be paid for in advance, the guidelines under “Van trips” will apply.

Footcare Clinic/Reflexology appointments Payment may be forfeited unless 24 hours notice is given when cancelling or changing appointment day or time.

When a participant cancels and is entitled to a refund, a $2.00 administrative fee will be deducted. If it is the Centre that cancels, a full refund will be given. Refunds will be given via the same method by which payment was received (cash, cheque, debit, or credit).



Debit / Visa


Cash / Cheque




DID YOU KNOW??? Did you know the Langley Senior Resources Society is a not-for-profit, charitable organization?

If you are wondering what charity to donate to,

consider how much your donation will mean to

our seniors in the community, especially at this

t ime of cut-backs. You will receive a tax

deductible receipt for your donation. You might

also consider our organization in your estate


We thank all of you who consistently support the Senior Centre with f inancial and emotional support.


“TAKE-OUT ENTREES” are available for purchase, Monday

through Friday. A daily entrée spe-

cial is available for

$5.00 which consists of the main course

but without the roll and dessert. The

entire meal is available to take out at

the regular price.


Executive Director’s Corner

What a busy and exciting fall we had. Can you believe the New Year is upon us? Our fall

was kicked off with the Society’s Annual General Meeting, a record crowd in attendance and

a mix of new and former Directors elected to represent the Board. I am very pleased to have

these 8 Board Directors to work with. They have brought some great ideas, experience and

passion for the Society.

Our 2nd

Annual Garage Sale took place in November and it was a huge success raising over

$13,000. Even though it was a very cold and rainy day, the community and our members

came out and shopped, ate and supported the Centre. Once again, we could not have

attempted this event without huge support from our amazing volunteers. Thank you to all

those who helped out sorting, cleaning and pricing all the donations; you worked long hours

and we appreciate all you did!! Those who helped us set up for the day, sell and clean up

after; we could not have done it without you. We had amazing raffle prizes donated to us by

various people and businesses in the community. Finally, a huge thank you to the staff that

organized, stressed and volunteered their time to make sure the day was a huge success.

Thank you to each and every one of you!!! We may have to consider having the 3rd


next year?!?

I would like to welcome a new staff member to the team, Melissa Beedle. Melissa will be

joining us as the Marketing and Development Coordinator. Melissa’s role will be to develop

our fundraising plan for the Society and to market our services in the community. She will be

looking for ways that the Society can attract new members, donors and sponsors. We are

very happy she is joining us.

Once again we will be sending our annual Society donation letter to the membership. We

hope that you will be able to support us again this year. As a charity we rely on donations to

keep the Centre going and to help support our programs and dining room and to keep costs

down. Donations also help fund our Outreach Services and general operations of the

building. We encourage you to let your friends and family know that we are the charity to

donate to this year to make a difference in Langley. With your help we can spread the word

about the Society; donations are graciously accepted all year round. A donation form is

available on our website at www.lsrs.ca or you can ask any staff member.

Barb Stack


Membership Meetings

We have quarterly membership meetings at the Centre. The purpose of these meetings is

to keep members up to date on what’s happening at the Centre and to get

members’ input. All members are welcome to attend. Next meeting:

Wed. February 6 @ 1:15pm

The Langley Senior Resources Society is a charitable not-for-profit organization led by a volunteer Board of Directors:

Shauna Sailer Les Roberson Barb Vincent Woods Penny Hambrook Larry Anderson Marvyn Shore

Chairperson Vice Chairperson Secretary Treasurer Marjorie Vernon Keith MacDonald

Linda Cherniwchan (centre) and Envision staff members Kimberley Houlind and Janice Degagne at the Centre’s United Way Fundraiser in October 2012.




*The class must have a minimum of 8 students. The maximum number is 10. BEGINNERS AND EXPERIENCED painters

are welcome Students receive one-on-one guidance from

instructor Bette Hurd Everyone paints their subject of choice and

Bette has many photos from which to choose Bette is pleased to assist with the purchase of

oil or acrylic paints, brushes, canvas, etc. If you would like to speak with Bette before

signing up, you may get her number from the Front Desk volunteers.

Date: Fridays, January 4 - February 15 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm or 1:00pm - 4:00pm

Cost: $63.00 / 7 classes Registration deadline: Dec 28

Date: Fridays, February 22 - April 12 *no class March 29 (Good Friday) Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm or 1:00pm - 4:00pm

Cost: $63.00 / 7 classes Registration deadline: Feb 15

Agnes (left) poses with her painting of Lion’s Gate Bridge, while Mary (right) stands beside her completed work.

What the students are saying:

LINE DANCING Peggy Thompson is back leading us in line-dancing classes! Please sign up and join this fun group. *Minimum class size is 8 Set 1: Tuesdays, January 15 - March 12 (no class Feb 12) Set 2: Tuesdays, March 19 - May 7 Time: 1:00pm – 2:00pm Cost: $35.00 Members / 8 classes $45.00 Non Members / 8 classes Registration deadlines: Jan 8 & March 12

SILVER BELLES & BEAUX Langley Senior Resources Society Choir Join us on Friday mornings to learn familiar and new songs with a dedicated group of your peers. Even if you do not read music, you are more than welcome to come out for your love of singing! Also, the choir is looking for a second accompanist. If you are interested in this volunteer position, please talk to Mary or Christine.

Date: Fridays – Sharon Birnie Auditorium Time: 9:45am – 12:00noon

JAM SESSIONS & SING-ALONG Monday afternoon is Music Afternoon at the Centre! Join this fun group for an afternoon jam session and sing along! Bring your instruments, your voices, your ears and your enthusiasm! The group would like to change the format of the afternoon a little. It is planned that the first hour will be devoted to jamming and the second hour a sing-along. Everyone who’d like to participate by playing an instrument, singing or just listening is welcome to join in! See you there!

Brock Douglas Lounge Date: Every Monday Time: 1:00pm – 3:00pm

Bette Hurd is an excellent teacher and artist - always helpful and encouraging. She is patient

with all of her students regardless of their abilities. She has a passion for what she does. All

her students at the Langley Senior Resources Centre are blessed to have her as their teacher.

If you hear a voice within you say ‘You

cannot paint’, then by all means paint,

and that voice will be silenced. Vincent van Gogh




*** NEW DAY & TIME *** Senior Theatre is one of the fastest growing forms of the performing arts, and the most popular form of this is readers’ theatre, or ‘script-in-hand’ performance. Skip the memorization hurdle and hit the stage faster, and with more confidence. Join this group to fulfill your theatrical dreams or, to just have fun! This group is fairly new, having started in April 2012. We’d like to have a few more participants. Come out and give this a try! Date: Thursdays Time: 10:15am - 12:00pm

Readers’ Theatre performed three plays this Fall. Lynn (top right) played Adam and Helen (top left), Eve in Mark Twain’s Adam and Eve, while Rachel stole the show as the serpent! Timmy and Bob were the “Old Folks” in two old favourites from Carol Burnett, while Bob and Helen played the troubled couple in Guy de Maupassant’s “The Diamond Necklace”.

As indicated by the sign Timmy is wearing, the Tuk

Shop supplied some of the costumes for the group’s productions.

Most of our clubs and groups seem to be growing and that’s wonderful! We are doing our best to accommodate everyone with the space we have. Because the Centre needs the revenue we often rent out rooms and this can take away from a group’s regularly-allotted space. Thank you for your understanding when this happens. Also, sometimes the clubs would like to get started before their official start time. Please be aware that Maintenance, because of their tight schedule, is often not able to get your room ready until just before the start time of the activity.


Date: Thursday, January 10

Time: 1:00pm

Location: Brock Douglas Room

Celebrate the New Year by enjoying beautiful

music by gifted musicians. Free event, please

pre-register at the Front Desk. Everyone wel-


performed by ~

Gene Ramsbotton, clarinet

Max Ngai, Luiza Nelapu,


Frances Dodd, viola

Ian Hampton, cello

Thank you to everyone for your patience and understanding when we have to move, or sometimes even cancel your activity. We don’t like to do this but sometimes we have no c h o i c e . T h a n k y o u f o r understanding.

You’re the best!


FOOT CARE CLINIC These very popular services include:

Foot Assessment and care of Athlete’s Foot, Bunions, Callouses, Corns, Dry & Cracked Skin, Diabetic assessment, Fungal nails, Hammer or Claw Toes and Thickened Toe-Nails.

Cutting and filing of nails. Foot massage with essential oils. Client Teaching/Prevention

Our primary focus is to ensure gentle, considerate care with quality, safe service. This treatment is DVA approved. If you are intending to have your nails cut, please do not cut them for six weeks prior to your appointment. Dates:

Time: 9:00am – 4:00pm Cost: $38.00 Member Full Treatment $43.00 Non Member Full Treatment $30.00 Member nails cut and filed $35.00 Non Member nails cut and filed *Please Note: If you are VAC approved, you can get a full foot care treatment for $5.00. Please advise the front desk of your K# when you make an appointment.

H E A L T H & W E L L N E S S REFLEXOLOGY INFO SESSION Helga, a Ref lexologist and Touch for Heal practit ioner, invites you into the world of R e f l e x o l o g y . W h a t i s Reflexology and how does it work? What are the benefits of Reflexology? How could it help you? Helga holds an information

session on the first Wednesday of each month. Please attend a meeting and find the answers to these questions, and more! Date: Wednesdays, Jan 2 / Feb 6 / Mar 6 Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm No cost, please pre-register at the Front Desk


REFLEXOLOGY Reflexology can be used to maintain good health, to build resistance and to prevent illness. There are reflex points in the feet, which correspond to every gland and organ within the body via nerve pathways. Ref lexo logy promotes improved natural function, better blood circulation and digestion, improved sleep and breathing. Reflexology is also associated with releasing stress, reducing muscle tension and the alleviation of pain. Date: Wednesdays, ongoing Time: 12:00pm - 4:00pm Cost: $25.00 / 30 minute session / Members $30.00 / 30 minute session / Non Members











December 10

December 11

December 17

December 18

January 7

January 8

January 21

January 22

February 4

February 5











February 21

February 25

March 4

March 5

March 14

March 15

April 4

April 5

April 15

April 16

Perfume Alert!

Please consider those around you who are sensitive to perfumes and scents and refrain from wearing perfume, cologne and after-shave at the Centre. Those who would not be able to part ic ipate otherwise because of allergies will be most appreciative. Thank you so much for your understanding.


H E A L T H & F I T N E S S

These gentle yoga classes are a great way to increase joint mobility, breathing, balance, strength, body awareness and vitality. Each class will focus on gentle movements with simple stretches and exercises that you can do at home. Come for the health benefits, stay for the fun and laughter, leave feeling great! The classes will take place on a yoga mat on the floor (mats provided). If you prefer you can sit in a chair to do your yoga. As with any physical exercise, please consult with your doctor i f you have any concerns about participating. Wear comfortable clothing and bring your smile!

YOGA SERIES, with Yoga instructor, Amy

Minimum number of participants: 6, max. 15

Set 1: Thursdays, Jan 10 - Feb 14 Registration deadline: Jan 3

Set 2: Thursdays, Feb 21 - Mar 28 Time: 9:00am - 10:00am Registration deadline: Feb 14

Time: 9:00am - 10:00am Cost: $36.00 Members / 6 classes $41.00 Non Members / 6 classes

Your instructor is Amy Holt. A m y i s a c e r t i f i e d yo g a instructor who fell in love with the healing benefits of yoga. She believes that everyone can have a safe and enjoyable experience of yoga—no matter what age, ability or limitations.


OSTEOFIT - Gentle Fitness

This program is designed for persons with osteoporosis or limited mobility. Strength and resistance exercises, together with balance and coordination training, improve the quality of life, functional ability, and reduce the risk of falls and fractures. This is a slower paced exercise class with NO floor or mat exercises, making this suitable for those with joint replacements. *Minimum class size is 6 Date: Mondays & Wednesdays, ongoing * classes re-start Jan. 7 Class 1: 9:15am - 10:15am Class 2: 10:30am - 11:30am Cost: $37.00 Punch Card for 6 classes / Members

$45.00 Punch Card for 6 classes / NM $7.50 drop-in Members $8.50 drop-in Non-Members

TAI CHI FOR HEALTH Members & Non Members Tai Chi with “B” is going to be exciting as we do Tai Chi specializing in health movements for Arthritis. If you have Arthritis or NOT come join us for any part of the series or come learn the complete 3 parts in the Tai Chi for Arthritis and Improved Health series.

10 classes *Min. class size is 7

Part one: Tuesdays, January 22 - March 26

Part two: Tuesdays, April 2 - June 4

Part three: Tuesdays, September 24 - Nov 26 Registration deadlines: Jan 15, March 26, Sept 17

Time: 10:45am – 11:45am Cost: $55.00 Members / 10 sessions

$60.00 Non Members / 10 sessions

Check out the presentations on Osteoporosis and Arthritis this quarter.

Osteoporosis on Saturday, Feb 2 (see p. 34) Arthritis 101 on Wednesday, February 27 (see p. 30)

Our instructor Kathy Wainwright has specialized

training from the BC Women’s Hospital Osteofit program.


H E A L T H & F I T N E S S


Exercises done in the comfort of a chair Class starts with light stretching, 10 minute light cardio-chair

session, weights and/or resistance band, cool down stretch and relaxation

Classes are social and interactive Appropriate footwear required Please feel free to come and watch a class Pre-registration with the instructor is required Date: Tuesdays & Thursdays Time: 10:30am - 11:45am Cost: $40.00 Punch Card for 12 classes / $4.00 drop-in


Warm up, 20 minutes intermediate cardio,

weights and/or resistance band, stability ball and floor mats, cool down stretch and relaxation

Advanced class Appropriate footwear required Please feel free to come and watch a

class Please meet with the instructor at least

10 minutes prior to your first class/physician’s clearance is expected

Date: Tuesdays & Thursdays Time: 9:15am - 10:15am Cost: $40.00 Punch Card for 12 classes / $4.00 drop-in

JUST FOR YOU FIT! Program will consist of warm-up, light & low-

impact cardio, resistance/strength training, flexibility/stretch and relaxation

No Mats! Please meet with the instructor at least 10

minutes prior to your first class / physi-cian’s clearance is expected

Classes are on Tuesdays & Thursdays, from 4:00pm - 5:00pm Cost: $40.00 Members / $45 Non Members / 10 classes Session1: January 8 - February 7 Session 2: February 12 - March 14 Session 3: March 19 - April 18 Registration deadlines: Jan 2, Feb 5 , March 12

FITNESS WITH WENDY Wendy leads 3 different classes at the Centre. Check out which is best for you!

Show your support to

Stop Bullying! Wear a

pink shirt on Wed.

Feb 27

Be good to yourself. If you don't take

care of your body, where will you


― -Kobi Yamada



EDGEWATER CASINO, Vancouver The Edgewater Casino is one of

Vancouver’s most desirable gaming venues for groups arriving by bus. Located in downtown Vancouver on the north shore of False Creek and next to BC Place and Rogers Arena, Edgewater Casino features 500 slots, all your favourite table games including Blackjack, Roulette, Craps and Vancouver’s largest poker room. Your package includes: Players Package / $5 slot play coupon/ small gift. Minimum # of participants: 15 Date: Thursday, January 17 Time: 10:00am - 4:00pm Cost: $17.50 Members $23.50 Non Members Registration deadline: January 10 Accessible

SKAGIT CASINO, Mt Vernon, WA Passport or enhanced drivers license required* Visit the Skagit Valley Casino, with its new expanded gaming area, located about 70 miles from the US/Canada border! At The Skagit, you’ll enjoy all the excitement of a Las Vegas-style casino in a warm, friendly atmosphere. The more than 780 slot machines, all the best table games and a generous Club Card rewards program will make your gaming even more fun. Skagit Casino gift package: $5.00 off the Market Buffet / $20.00 for $25.00 slot ticket buy-in / $5.00 match play for table games Date: Wednesday, February 20 Time: 8:30am - 3:30pm Cost: $19.50 Members $26.50 Non Members

Registration deadline: February 13


SILVER REEF, Ferndale, WA Passport or enhanced drivers license required* At Silver Reef Casino you'll find the hottest gaming action around. We offer over 40 varieties of the most popular video slots. Or, you can get in on the action at one of our Las Vegas style table games including: Blackjack, Craps, Spanish 21, Fortune Pai Gow, Roulette and Three Card Poker, Texas Hold ‘Em and Four Card Poker. Your package includes: Free buffet / 2x points on slots / $5 table match / transportation. Minimum # of participants: 16

Date: Tuesday, March 19 Time: 8:30am - 4:00pm Cost: $19.50 Members $26.50 Non Members Registration deadline: November 6


CAMANO COFFEE COMPANY, Washington Passport or enhanced drivers license required*

A drive through the border and down the I-5 will take us to Camano Island, where we will have a tour of the Camano Coffee Company. Learn about the types of coffee and how they are roasted, as well as what to look for when purchasing coffee. Also, a visit to the Coffee and Gift Store is on the agenda. After our visit we will travel down the road to the Diamond Knot Camano Lodge where lunch awaits. The Lodge is located on serene Kristoferson Lake in a calm wooded setting. Luncheon choices include Pizza, Burgers or Stonegrill sandwiches. Coffee/tea is included. Includes transportation, driver, tour guide, tour of coffee plant, lunch and HST. Date: Tuesday, January 29 Time: 8:00am - 4:00pm Cost: $67.00 Members $72.00 Non Members Registration deadline: January 22





VAN TRIPS - cont. Accessible


NEWSROOM We leave early to get downtown to visit a state-of-the-art integrated newsroom, home of CBC News Vancouver and CBC radio. CBC Vancouver has been a vibrant part of the Vancouver community since 1936 and now has a beautiful redeveloped Broadcast Centre and Plaza. Our tour will last approximately one hour. NOTE: A CBC Newsroom employee has significant allergies. Please do not wear perfume or any other scented products. After our tour, it’s off to the Spaghetti Factory in Gastown for our lunch. Your choice will be Spaghetti with Meatballs, Lasagna, Veggie Lasagna, Penne with Chicken, Seafood Linguine or Marinated Breast of Chicken. We will allow some time to roam around Gastown before heading home. Includes Transportation, driver, tour guide, tour of CBC, lunch and HST. Date: Tuesday, February 19 Time: 8:15am - 4:00pm Cost: $53.00 Members $58.00 Non Members Registration deadline: February 12


MARITIME MUSEUM OF BC, Victoria An early start and a beautiful ride through

Active Pass gets us to Swartz Bay. After a drive down the Island, we arrive at the Irish Times Pub in Bastian Square where we will enjoy a nice pub lunch. Your choice will be between sandwiches, burgers and pizza, along with dessert and tea/coffee. After lunch we will visit the Maritime Museum for a guided tour of the three floors of the museum. Note: an elevator is available. The 1st Floor -The Tilikum. Relive the fascinating story of this dugout canoe that circumnavigated the world. 2nd Floor - Discover the roles of the Canadian Pacific, BC Ferries and the Navy in our past, present and future. 3rd Floor - Victoria’s original late 19th Century Supreme Court, which is still in use today, as well as the library which contain a vast number of resources on anything marine related. Then it’s off to the ferry and home. A long and busy day, but well worth the effort. Includes transportation, driver, tour guide, ferry costs, lunch, entrance to the museum, tour of the museum and HST. NOTE: If you do not have a BC Gold Card, there will be an additional charge of $29.70 Date: Wednesday, January 16 Time: 7:15am - 7:30pm Cost: $105.00 Members $110.00 Non Members Registration deadline: January 9

Trips & Outings now indicate accessibil-ity levels as follows:

NOT ACCESSIBLE No walkers/wheelchairs. Active participation re-quired. Could involve walking medium to long distances over uneven surfaces.

PARTIALLY ACCESSIBLE Could involve walking medium distance over po-tentially uneven/surface/stairs. Activities/space may preclude accessibility of walkers/wheelchairs

ACCESSIBLE Light activity with short walking distances over relatively level terrain. Walkers/wheelchairs wel-come. Please let the Front Desk know at time of registering for the excursion if you are bringing a walker or wheelchair.



MUSEUM OF ANTHROPOLOGY UBC Our day begins with a lovely drive to the grounds of the University of British Columbia to the Sage Restaurant. The menu includes a choice of soup or salad. Choose any entrée from the menu (with the exception of the sable fish). Tea or coffee included. After lunch we will proceed to the Museum of Anthropology, world -renowned for i ts collections, research, teaching, public programs and community connections. It is a l s o a cc l a im e d f o r i t s s p e c t a cu la r architecture and unique setting on the cliffs of Point Grey. The exhibit on display is “Pleased to Meet You: Introductions by Gwyn Hanssen Pigott”. Pigott is recognized as one of Australia’s most significant contemporary artists having exhibited extensively in Australia, America, Europe and Asia. Her ceramic works nudge pale-glazed tableware forms into still-life groupings. Includes transportation, driver, tour guide, lunch, admission, guided tour, parking and HST. Date: Thursday, February 21 Time: 10:00am - 5:00pm Cost: $90.00 Members $95.00 Non Members Registration deadline: February 14





CATHEDRAL, Vancouver Get ready for a realll ly g o o d h o m e m a d e Ukrainian Dinner. We will leave the Centre wi th enough time to have a tour of the museum and a talk from the priest. Dinner will include Borsch, 6 pyrogies, 2 cabbage rolls, Sauerkraut or Salad, Ukrainian Sausage and dessert and coffee. All this is made and served by volunteers. This will be our second visit to this particular site (we also went to a Ukrainian dinner in Surrey). So, if you feel like you need your fill of this good food, be sure to sign up early! We may have to do it again!! Includes transportation, driver, tour guide, tour of museum, talk by the priest, dinner, donation to the church and HST. Date: Friday, March 1 Time: 2:00pm - 7:00pm Cost: $50.00 Members $55.00 Non Members Registration deadline: February 22

V A N T R I P S - c o n t .


Due to the limited number of parking spots in the Centre parking lot, we ask that, whenever possible you park across the street at Blacklock School while attending a bus trip. Public parking is available on 207 Street and in the section of Blacklock School parking lot that faces the park.

If you are taking a walker or wheelchair, please let the Front Desk know. You must be able to board and get off the bus. If you will be using a wheelchair during the trip, you are responsible to ensure that you have someone with you to assist you, as required.

*NEW* Introducing the trip waiver - Upon registering for your first trip in which you will be travellng on the Centre’s bus, you will be asked to sign a waiver, which will cover all trips that take place in 2013. The Front Desk has a copy of the waiver if you would like to have a look at it beforehand.


V A N T R I P S - c o n t . Accessible


GLASS STUDIO Our day starts with a drive to the country to feel the heat as you watch Master Glass Blower Robert Gary Parkes create a one-of-a-kind hand blown glass piece We will spend time watching the glassblowing process from start to finish, talk to the artist and browse the hundreds of pieces on display in the gallery. After we have spent all our money, we will proceed to Fort Langley where a wonderful lunch awaits us. The menu includes a choice of soup or salad; entrée with a choice of medallions of beef, cornmeal encrusted breast of chicken, or seared wild salmon. For dessert choose from maple bread pudding and chocolate or passion fruit mousse. Tea & coffee included. There will also be some time t o b r o w s e F o r t L a n g l e y . I n c l u d e s transportation, driver, tour guide, entrance to the studio, lunch and HST. Date: Tuesday, March 12 Time: 8:30am - 3:00pm Cost: $67.00 Members $72.00 Non Members Registration deadline: March 5


CLEARWATER CASINO RESORT, Suquamish, Washington, 3 days, 2 nights Passport or enhanced drivers license required* This beautiful resort is located in the cedars, o n t h e o ce a n b e twe e n P o u l sb o a n d Bainbridge. We drive down the 1 -5 to Edmonds where we catch a 20 minute ferry to Kingston. The hotel/casino has a swimming pool, Jacuzzi and fitness centre. There is a new tribal museum in Suquamish to visit as well. On the second day we will take a trip to Poulso, a Norwegian town featur ing a waterfront park and many shops, bakeries and restaurants. On the way home there will be a stop at the Duty Free. Don’t miss out on this great three-day getaway on the Olympic Peninsula! Includes transportation, driver, tour guide, breakfast at Tulalip, ferry costs, 2 nights a cco mmo d a t i on , 2 b re ak fa s t s an d a complementary “Funbook” which includes match plays and Food and Beverage coupons to be used in the Casino. Date: Tue. Wed. Thu., March 5, 6, 7 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Cost: $260.00 Members, Double Occ. $270.00 N/M, Double Occ. $360.00 Members, Single Occ. $370.00 N/M, Single Occ. Registration deadline: February 26

The Local Lads performed at the United Way Fundraiser Luncheon in October. The Local Lads are members Jim Simpson (left) and Harry Ruck (right).

Thank you Jim and Harry!




Chilliwack We will lunch at Oliver’s Tearoom, known for its unique menu and friendly staff. Today our “Taste of Britain” lunch will include 4 different types of sandwiches, 4 pastries, 2 cakes and tea/coffee. A roam around Dickens Sweets & British Museum will be a trip down memory lane, depicting the golden years of the British way of life as it used to be. They have a good selection of candies, marmalades, jams, sauces, biscuits and more. There is a good selection of sugar-free items as well. If time permits, we will stop in at Minter Gardens on the way home, where they have a good selection of gif ts and plants. Includes transportation, driver, tour guide, lunch and HST. Date: Thursday, March 21 Time: 10:00am - 4:00pm Cost: $45.00 Members $50.00 Non Members Registration deadline: March 14

Join us and enjoy the ambiance and surroundings of a fine dining restaurant. Includes transportation, driver, tour guide and lunch or dinner, HST. Cost for all Fine Dining trips: $67.00 Members $72.00 Non Members



In the heart of Yale Town, this restaurant is part of a fun group of restaurants, with good food and great staff. Our menu today is:

Appetizer: Soup of the Day or Caesar Salad

Entrée: Pan Seared Wild BC Salmon or 6oz Canadian Prime Striploin or Linguine Amalfi (spicy tomato sauce, crispy fried calamari

Dessert: Chef’s creation Coffee and tea included Date: Thursday, January 31 Time: 10:15am - 3:00pm Registration deadline: January 24


THE POOR ITALIAN, Vancouver Enjoy a relaxed afternoon of fine food in a tranquil environment and let the chefs work wonders with local, fresh and sustainable ingred ien ts in s imp le and f lavour fu l combinations. The most wonderful house-baked breads and desserts are created daily. Tony Parsons, the news broadcaster is part owner in this restaurant. The menu is: Appetizer: Minestrone or Squash Puree

Soup or Mista Salad Entrée: Breaded Chicken Cutlet with

Lemon Shallot Sauce or Pappardelle with Lamb Cheeks or Fresh Local Red Snapper with Butter Sauce

Dessert: Tiramisu Coffee and tea included Date: Tuesday, February 26 Time: 10:30am - 2:00pm Registration deadline: February 19


BISTRO 101, Granville Island, Vancouver This restaurant has a wonderful atmosphere. You can watch the chefs through glass windows, while looking over Granville Island on the other side. The menu was not available at the time of printing, but will include an appetizer , entrée, dessert and tea/coffee. We will allow some free time to roam around Granville Island. Date: Tuesday, March 26 Time: 9:00am - 3:00pm Registration deadline: March 19

V A N T R I P S - c o n t .




Every Monday morning this group meets in

the lounge to go for a walk. On occasion we

carpool to local parks. Once a month the

Club uses the Seniors Centre Bus to go

somewhere in the Lower Mainland for our

walk. The monthly walk is usually 1-1.5 hours

with lunch (on your own) following the walk.

People who like to walk up to 2k are also

welcome and will have company. Remember

to dress appropriately and to bring a snack.

Even if you don’t wish to walk, you can join

this group and browse the areas.

Date: Monday, January 28 Time: 9:30am - 3:30pm Cost: $17.50 Members $22.50 Non Members Where: 4th Avenue Beach Walk Registration deadline: January 21 Date: Monday, March 25 Time: 9:30am - 3:30pm Cost: $17.50 Members $22.50 Non Members Where: Lonsdale Quay, North Vancouver Registration deadline: March 18



Our Tuk Shop is open Monday to Saturday 10:00am - 2:00pm

Come in for the BEST BUYS IN TOWN! THANK YOU to everyone who continues to supply us with used clothing and unique merchandise.

To the volunteers who run the TUK SHOP….


Looking for something? We have many items in our Lost & Found at the Front Desk. Come have a look a n d s e e i f a n y t h i n g belongs to you.

INCOME TAX CLINIC Registration begins February 1

Income tax time is almost here! Once again we will have our annual tax clinic. If you are a senior and your annual income is $30,000 or less, stop by the Front Desk or phone to book an appointment AFTER FEBRUARY 1.

This valuable service is free of charge for all seniors. We are also looking for volunteers to help provide this service. If you have experience in preparing tax returns, and would like to volunteer your time, please speak to Christine or Mary.

Donations for this service, all of which go toward the Centre, are gratefully accepted.


All theatre trips include transportation,

driver, tour guide and theatre ticket.

The following Tea & Trumpets concerts

are waitlist only. Please see the Front

Desk if you would like your name added

to the wait-list. Single price ticket prices are $52.00

(Members) and $62.00 (Non Members).


Date: February 7, 2013 CLASSICS OF BALLET

Date: March 14, 2013


Date: April 25, 2013 MUSICAL FAIRY TALES

Date: May 30, 2013


Theatre, Vancouver Canada’s Royal Winnipeg Ballet delights audiences with this uniquely Canadian take on the sparkling Christmas tradition Nutcracker. Long ago on a cold Christmas Eve in Germany, Dr. and Mrs. Stahlbaum were decorating their Christmas tree and preparing to host a holiday party...Thus begins one of the most beloved stories of chi ldhood and Christmas, the Nutcracker Story. Includes transportation, driver, tour guide, theatre ticket and HST. Date: Sunday, December 16 Time: 12:00noon - 5:30pm Cost: $132.00 Members $137.00 Non Members


Reminder: The “Registration deadline” for theatre trips is

the date by which the tickets must be paid to the venue by

the Centre. Dates when payment is due varies. There can

be no refunds without replacement once the venue has

been paid.


Concord Pacific Place, Vancouver

This concert is wait-list only

Please see the Front Desk if you would like details about this concert.

Date: Friday, January 18, 2013 Time: 2:00pm - 7:30pm Cost: $100.00 Members $110.00 Non Members Accessible


Abbotsford O n t h e n i g h t b e f o r e h e r wedding, Mary dreams of love, war, what was and what could

be. Her thoughts focus on her first love, Charlie, who she met by chance in a barn while seeking shelter from a prairie thunderstorm. An innocent romance develops, only to be thwarted by the turbulent times of 1914. Separated by war, Charlie sends letters from the front, and a story of love, loss and healing emerges in a poetic theatre experience written by one of Canada's leading playwrights, Stephen Massicotte.

Date: Saturday, February 2 Time: 12:45 - 5:00pm Cost: $41.00 Members $46.00 Non Members



HILARIOUS!, Surrey Arts Club A seductive mystery woman, an accusation of murder, a missing finger, and a mad dash to foil foreign spies! Four gifted actors play over 150 zany characters in this Monty Python-flavoured Hitchcock spoof that just might give you vertigo! Date: Saturday, March 2 Time: 1:00pm - 5:00pm Cost: $65.00 Members $70.00 Non Members

We have a plan to handle future Tea & Trumpet trips a little differently. If you think y o u m i g h t b e interested in attending part of all of the T&T 2 0 1 3 / 1 4 s e r i e s , p l e a s e a s k f o r a information sheet at the Front Desk.



Partially Accessible

2 Pianos 4 Hands, Stanley Alliance

Theatre, Vancouver An unforgettable duet in the key of laughter This is the laugh-out-loud autobiographical story that has become one of Canada’s most successful theatrical productions. In this farewell run, the creators/stars Ted and Richard propel you through comically poignant vignettes of their childhood piano lessons—complete with virtuoso displays of technique—and share the triumphs and tortures of being extraordinarily good failed musicians. Not just for music nerds, 2 Pianos 4 Hands is for anyone who has ever strived to achieve a goal. Th is venue has been ra ted ‘par t ia l l y accessible’ as the Stanley Alliance is an older building that has no elevator. It is necessary to climb a regular staircase to get to the seating area. Date: Saturday, March 23 Time: 12:30pm - 6:00pm Cost: $84.00 Members $89.00 Non Members


OKLAHOMA!, Royal City Musical Theatre,

New Westminster Rodgers & Hammerstein’s first collaboration remains, in many ways, their most innovative, having set the standards and established the rules of musical theatre still being followed today. Set in a Western Indian territory just after the turn of the century, the high-spirited rivalry between the local farmers and cowboys provides the colourful background against which Curly, a handsome cowboy, and Laurey, a winsome farm girl, play out their love story. Full of classic tunes such as “Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin’,” and “People will Say We’re in Love,” Oklahoma! will thrill audiences of all ages!

Date: Saturday, April 20 Time: 12:30pm - 6:00pm Cost $55.00 Members $60.00 Non Members




a Twist!, VSO This critically-acclaimed Dancing with the Stars production created and choreographed by Louis van Amstel of DWTS fame, is a once-in-a-lifetime, ground-breaking show featuring the Dancing with the Stars celebrity pros Edyta Sliwinska and Season One Champion Alec Mazo. These two extraordinary professionals are two the world’s top dancers, and veterans of multiple seasons of Dancing with the Stars. This exciting show also features Randi Lynn Strong from So You Think You Can Dance, and multiple past finalists from American Idol, in a celebration of music and dance. Cha Cha, Foxtrot, Waltz, Lindy, Samba, Quick-Step - it’s all here, and with music played live on stage by the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra!

Date: Wednesday, May 8 Time: 6:00pm - 11:30pm Cost: $110.00 Members $120.00 Non Members

Partially Accessible


Tent at Bard on the Beach Over twenty years of shenanigans on the Bard Stage means that Chor Leoni has amassed a plethora of site-specific material for their Summer Solstice shows. Triumphal March from Aida? Done it. Age of Aquarius? Check. Mafioso music? Yes. Often it has meant that selections appear in only one concert before being filed away in the library - till now! Best of Bard will revisit many of these trademark numbers in a show full of memories, laughter, costumes, fun - and trademark choreography. Laugh along with the Best of Bard. You are sure to go home smiling! Date: Monda y, J une 2 4 (Pre v iew Matinee Performance) Time: 12:00pm - 6:00pm Cost: $54.00 Members $59.00 Non Members


The Langley Adult Day Program provides specialized care and recreation for adults with physical and/or mental limitations who live alone or with family caregivers within the Langley area. Mon - Fri, 8:00am - 4:00pm

This program is funded primarily by the South Fraser Health Region. The Day Centre welcomes privately funded clients; those who may need immediate service, those who do not qualify for Continuing Care funding, or those individuals who are funded through third party agencies such as: ICBC, WCB and VAC.

For more information on our services and programs, please contact Kelly Brown 778-328-2302 , ext. 1 or Sylvia Cardin 778-328-2302, ext. 2


HYDROSOUND BATHING PROGRAM Do you need assistance with Bathing? If you would like a therapeutic hydrosound bath in a Century Tub, our bathing program is for you!! W h at i s H Y D R O S O U N D ? S i mp l y s ta ted , hydrosound uses ultrasonic energy in water to create millions of microscopic bubbles, which vibrate and cause a massaging action called “microstreaming”. This advanced technology is more effective than whirlpool action for improving blood circulation, relaxing muscles and rejuvenating the skin - without the noise of a hot tub!

Services include: Health Care (general health monitoring

and liaison with, or referral to, other health care professionals as needed).

Meals and dietary counselling Bowling Program Transportation to and from the Centre Painting Class & Craft Program Group & Individual activities (for

recreation & socialization) Music Program Caregiver Support & Counselling

Adult Day Program participants

gathering for a discussion

Mirarie, bathing program,

at the Adult Day Program




FOOD SKILLS FOR SENIORS PROGRAM Food Skills is a six session healthy cooking program that aims to teach and encourage healthy eating in a fun relaxed atmosphere. The program strives to strengthen cooking confidence and skills with a focus on improving food knowledge necessary to make sound meal, snack and beverage choices, and increasing fruit and vegetable consumption. Participants will: learn how to choose healthy foods and increase food knowledge; deepen their knowledge of the Canadian food system; be conscious of Sugar Sweetened Beverages; understand food safety; learn to read food labels; increase their cooking confidence; modify recipes for health and budgets; attend a shopping tour; meal plan; and become mindful eaters. The Food Skills for Families initiative is coordinated by the Canadian Diabetes Association. A certified Food Skills for Families Community Facilitator will be your instructor. Max: 12 participants Date: Saturdays, April 6, 13, 20, 27 & May 4, 11. Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm

No cost, please pre-register at the Front Desk.

Education / Health



call 8-1-1 toll-free in B.C.

You can speak to a health service representative who can connect you with one of our registered dietitians,

who are available:

Monday to Thursday: 8am - 8pm Friday: 8am - 5pm

(Or leave a message after hours)

You can also ask to be connected to a registered nurse any time, every day of the year or a Pharmacist from 5pm to 9am every day.

Translation services are available in more than 130 languages.


Learn more about what arthritis is and how to self-manage the disease. Included will be information on pain management, exercise, medication and complimentary therapies such as those available from the Arthritis Society. Date: Wednesday, February 27 Time: 1:00pm No cost, please pre-register at the Front Desk.


L i v in g a Hea l t h y L i f e w i th Ch ron i c Conditions" is a licensed program developed and researched at Stanford University. It follows a standardized format that is proven to help people with chronic health conditions and their caregivers to learn to better manage symptoms and activities of daily life. The course is led by volunteer facilitators who have rece ived specia l t ra in ing. Participants receive the "Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions" companion book. Participants should attend all six sessions to get the maximum benefit. Date: 6 Saturdays, Feb 16 - March 23 Time: 9:30am - 12:00noon No cost, please pre-register at the Front Desk.


Coming in the Spring…..

Craft Fair at the Centre

As well as renting tables to crafters, we will be selling plants, used books and more!

See Dorothy at the Front Desk if you have any houseplants you’d like to donate! Please save books for the sale ! Do you have jewelry you no longer want? We’d love to have it

for our jewelry table! Does your group or club want to donate a prize for our raffle table?

For information or to find out how you can help please see the Front Desk

We have now have shirts and vests available for ordering. Golf shirts are available in Royal Blue with white print or White with blue print. Our logo, “Langley Senior Resources Society” can be placed on either the left chest or on the arm of the shirt. Vests are available in Royal blue with white print only, with the logo going on the left chest.

Prices: Shirt - $28.00

Vest - $33.60 *tax is included in the above prices

See the Front Desk today to order!

Not exactly as illustrated


HOUSING WORKSHOPS 1. Property Tax Assessment The property tax assessment process will be demystified, and you will learn how to submit an appeal if you disagree with your assessment. Date: Wednesday, January 16 Time: 1:30pm - 3:30pm 2. Co-Housing Mar i lyn F ischer Senior L i fe Choices C o n s u l t i n g , a n d A l a n C a r p e n t e r , d e v e l o p m e n t p a r t n e r W i n d s o n g Multigenerational Cohousing, will present an information session about Senior Cohousing. Date: Wednesday, February 13 Time: 1:30pm - 3:30pm 3. Downsizing to a smaller living space. Come and learn some useful tips for preparing for, organizing and simplifying your move. Date: Wednesday, March 13 Time: 1:30pm - 3:30pm 4. Supportive/Assisted Living Attend to better understand just what is offered in each of these types of housing and how they differ from one another. Date: Wednesday, April 10 Time: 1:30pm - 3:30pm


We are very appreciative that Allen Mac-

Callum, for the past few months, has been pro-

viding FREE, no obligation half-hour consulta-

tions to members. Allen continues to offer this

valuable service on the first Thursday of every

month, expect January which will be the 17th.

To make your appointment, call 604-530-3020

or come to the Front Desk.




CARP (Canadian Association for Retired Persons), is a not-for-profit, non-partisan association focussed on promoting and protecting the interests, rights and quality of life of Canadians as we age…

Advocating for social change for financial security, equitable and timely health care and freedom from discrimination;

Ensuring that the marketplace serves members’ needs, providing value-added benefits, products and services, and

Building a sense of community and shared values among our members.

Please join us to find out more about CARP and how its South Fraser Chapter is serving Langley & Abbotsford.

Date: Friday, January 25 Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm

No cost, please pre-register at the Front Desk.

MATURE DRIVERS Lyle Phillips, a volunteer from BCAA Road Safety Foundation, Mature Drivers program will present an information workshop to help seniors continue to driver safely. You will assess your driving skills and habits and learn some strategies for dealing with the ever-increasing safety concerns. Some topics discussed will be: Adapting to changes in vision, hearing,

mobility, and thinking Pedestrian safety Safety features in today’s cars Preparing for the time when you must

stop driving Join Lyle for this practical and informative workshop. Participants: 6 Min, 20 Max.

Date: Monday, March 11 Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm

No cost, please pre-register at the Front Desk.




Fraser Health Home Health is offering a two hour ‘Successful Aging’ information session. This session will focus on various topics to help seniors and their families and care providers learn what they can do to maintain their health and what resources are available in the community to support people living at home. This will be a dynamic interactive session so bring all your questions! Date: Wed. Feb 20 Time: 1:00pm - 3:00pm No cost, please pre-register at the Front Desk



Physiotherapist Steve Occleshaw, with 15 years of experience in private practice and home health will discuss Osteoporosis. In adults over the age of 50, 1 in 2 females and 1 in 4 males will have a fracture related to weak bones. Some fractures occur even with good bone density. Bone quality will be discussed as a more important factor. Other topics will include risk factors for fractures, the importance of exercise and what types of exercises are important. Vitamin D and Calcium and how they relate to bone health will also be discussed. Find out some recommendations for healthy bones and what you can do to lower your risk of a fracture.

Date: Saturday, February 2 Time: 10:30am - 11:30am

No cost, please pre-register at the Front Desk

Did you know?

ConnectPhysio is located right here in the Centre. To schedule an appointment with Steve, please call 604-614-7150



Come for a free hearing test, hearing aid maintenance and personal talk with a hear-ing professional.

Date: Wednesdays, Jan 9, Feb 13, March 13

Time: 9:20am – 12:00pm

Cost: No cost, please pre-register at the Front Desk.


Make no bones about it, bone health is vitally important. Come to this presentation and learn about bone healthy foods and about vitamins and supplements that help keep bones strong and healthy. Join Pricesmart’s Shefali Raja (Nutritionist) and Satbir Saini (Pharmacist) for an informative, fun and interactive session. Date: Friday, March 8 Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm No cost, please pre-register at the Front Desk




Service! Access to Information! Awareness!

Come out and find out what ‘Library and on Tour’ is all about! This presentation, which is not just about library materials, will shatter preconceptions about l ibraries, l ibrary services and librarians! Learn about the various ways in which the library delivers services to those in the community to who do not know about the library or may have some obstacle to visiting it. And more!


Date: Thursday, Jan . 31 Time: 1:00pm

No cost, please pre-register at the Front Desk



Do you enjoy discussing ethics...the environ-ment...government...human nature? Join Janice to share your thoughts on current, knotty, or just for fun topics.

Date: Thursdays, January 9, February 7, & March 21 Time: 6:30pm - 7:30pm This café follows the Thursday Night Dinner. Sign-up for the dinner and stay. Or, just come for the discussion. No cost, please pre-register at the Front Desk.

EXPLORATIONS AND DISCOVERIES Join us for thought-provoking presentations followed by discussion. Share your thoughts and wisdom as we explore topics relating to the human spirit in our relationship to each other:

Resilience of the human spirit What do you think are the keys to success-

ful living? How do you think we can achieve true joy

in our lives? We will also share music and inspirational readings and prayers from the World’s great religions. Bring your ideas, insights and above all yourself. Date: Fridays, Jan. 18 / Feb. 15 / Mar. 15 Time 10:00am – 11:00am No cost, please pre-register at the Front Desk


Join Janice from Outreach for a 4 week

series on understanding your loneliness. In

the workshop you will earn some strategies

to alleviate loneliness and maybe even let it


Participants: Min. 4: Max. 8

Date: Wednesdays, January 9, 16, 23, & 29 Time: 10:00am - 11:30am No cost, please pre-register at the Front Desk or call Janice at 604-530-3020, ext 302


MANDARIN FOR BEGINNERS Why learn Mandarin? Knowledge of Chinese Mandarin will enhance your understanding of Chinese culture. And, if you plan to visit China, an understanding of the language will add to your travel experience. Besides, language learning is great exercise for your brain! Join in and learn Mandarin in a fun and encouraging atmosphere. This course is designed for those who have no previous knowledge of Chinese Mandarin. You will receive instruction in the tones of the language and you’ll learn basic phrases. Your instructor, Helen Chen, taught at the university level in China and is eager to share her love of teaching and learning with you! Dates: Mondays, Jan 28, Feb 4, 18, 25, Mar 4 & 11. Time: 10:00am - 11:00am Cost: $15.00 for 6-week session Registration deadline: Jan 21

Have you noticed the Mah Jong players at the Centre who play on Thursday mornings? Have you wondered what the characters and symbols on the tiles represent? Join Helen as she speaks about the special meanings and history of these exquisite game pieces. Date: Wednesday, January 16 Time 11:00am - 12:00pm Cost: No cost, please pre-register at the Front Desk.



We will be offering a 6-week course in the Mandarin language starting Jan 28. At this information session you will find out what to expect from the classes. Come and meet the instructor, Helen, and get your questions answered. Date: Monday, January 14 Time: 10:00am - 10:45am Cost: No cost, please pre-register at the Front Desk.

Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere… Chinese proverb


CHINESE COOKING, with Helen Chen

Why take out Chinese Food when you can learn how to prepare d e l i c io u s Ch ine se dishes right here at the Centre? Join Helen as she takes you through the steps in preparing delicious Egg Rolls and PIneapple Chicken. There will be yummy samples for everyone to taste! So, even if you don’t want to learn how to prepare these dishes yourself it would still be fun to attend! Date: Friday, February 8 Time: 9:00am - 10:30am Cost: No cost, please pre-register at the Front Desk

Chinese New Year is February 10!

Happy New Year!


COMPUTER CLASSES - members only

We are very pleased to be able to offer computer classes to our members, with instructors Colin Brett and Joe Girouard Take the frustration out of using your computer. Target exactly when YOU want to learn. Understand where all those pesky files went and how to find them again. Send and receive emails with confidence. Relax and have FUN while you learn. We offer private lessons. These ONE-ON-ONE classes will mean that the lessons will target what you want to learn, at the pace that works for you. INTERNET: Surf the web with confidence. Saving Favourites / Searching and

Cautions EMAIL friends and relatives. Send, Receive, Save, Manage Attachments & Photos &

Email Addresses SKPE: Seeing and talking to friends and family from around the world FREE! ORGANIZE your files and photos so that you can find them easily Microsoft Office applications Or, talk to us about your specific needs!


In this five week series the focus is on

keeping the mind active while having fun

doing it! Connections with others and to your

own curious mind are encouraged through

logic/trivia exercises, word play, discussion

topics, puzzles and more.

Maximum of 15 participants.

Date: Fridays, Feb 1, 8, 15, 22, Mar 1

Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm

No cost, please pre-register at the Front



Sudoku is the logic-based number placement puzzle that first became an international hit about a decade ago. Colin invites you to join him in a two sessions devoted to this phenomenally popular game.

Date: Tuesdays, Jan 8

& Jan 15

Time: 10:30 - 12:00noon

No cost, please preregister

at the Front Desk

Sudoku is considered highly addictive; however, as there are no known harmful side effects, go right ahead and get addicted!

Saturday & Wednesday, with Colin instructing Saturdays, 9:30am - 12:30pm Wednesdays, 12:pm - 3:00pm Cost: $10.00 - 1 hour private lesson

Monday & Friday, with Joe instructing Mondays, 9:30am -11:30am Fridays, 9:30am - 11:30am

Cost: $10.00 - 1 hour private lesson



Learn how to enhance your photos with powerful, easy-to-use editing options! Photoshop Elements is a popular photo-editing program you can use to modify, optimize, and organize

digital images. You can use the programs’ Editor to make imperfect snapshots clearer and more colourful and/or retouch and restore older photos. You can also add decoration to your photos, create collages of your photos and much more. This course has been designed for those will no experience, or very little experience, in using Photoshop elements. You will receive one-on-one instruction, consisting of three 50 minute classes over three weeks. You will need to bring a computer loaded with the latest version of Adobe Photoshop Elements Software (Version 11). If you do not wish to purchase the latest edition, you may install the free 30-day trial version of the software before arriving at the first class (available at: http://www. adobe.com/products/catalog.html) Please contact Christine or Mary with any questions.

Dates: Fridays, Jan 11, Jan 18 & Jan 25 Time: 1:00pm, 2:00pm, 3:00pm or 4:00pm Cost: $75.00 ( for three 50-minute private sessions) Program registration deadline: Jan 4, 2013


Partially Accessible

John Gordon taught a photography class at the Centre in the Fall and we are thrilled that he is returning! John is a professional award-winning photographer, photo-journalist, author and speaker. You many already be familiar with his work from the Langley Times where John worked for many years. In this class, the focus is on nature photography. For one of the sessions students will car-pool to a nature preserve or park for practice in nature photography. Instruction will focus on artistic exploration and technical know-how. Bring your digital camera and take this wonderful opportunity to improve your photography skills! Students will be asked to practice between classes and to bring their shots in for constructive critique from this celebrated and passionate photographer! As the field trip will involve walking over terrain unsuitable for those using walkers. Min/Max participants: 10

Date: Mondays, March 4, 11, 18, 25 Time: 1:30pm - 3:30pm Cost: $60.00 / 4 classes Program registration deadline: Feb 25, 2013


Easter Island,


Bedord Channel

Wood Ducks

All photographs by John Gordon. More of John’s photographs

can be viewed at www.johngordonphotography.com


C l u b s a n d G r o u p s Regular Activities - Non-registered programs


BRIDGE - Wed. (1:00-3:30) & Fri., (1:00-4:00)

Join the Friday group for light-hearted

Seniors Social Bridge Players. All seniors

who enjoy playing Bridge are welcome to


CANASTA, HAND & FOOT - Tue., 12:30pm-


This game is a lot of fun and the group is looking for others to join them.

CARPET BOWLING - Tue. & Thu., 1:30pm-


Join us for an afternoon of bowling. Not too strenuous but a lot of fun! Hope to see you there! Yearly fee $10.00

CHOIR : SING! SING! SING!, with the

SILVER BELLES & BEAUX CHORUS Led by our director/vocalist Judy Lott for over 10 years, we are a dedicated, fun-loving group of men and women who meet every Friday morning to enjoy singing together with piano and somet imes gu i ta r accompan iment . Our repertoire includes the unforgettable “oldies” songs f rom mus ica ls and popu la r and inspirational songs. Ability to read music is not required. Come and join if you like to sing. Performing in the community and at Seniors Care Homes, as we do, is very rewarding. Anyone is welcome to come and listen to our rehearsals.

Date: Fridays, September - June Time: 9:45am - 12:00pm 10:30am - 12:00pm on Friday performance days

CRAFT GROUP, - Thursday, 9:00 - 11:30 Our craft group meets to work on their projects brought from home. Group members knit, crochet, embroider and more! Group members use both their own and donated supplies. Come and join the group for ideas, conversation and friendship.

CRIBBAGE - Tue., 1:00pm - 3:00pm We usually have about 7 tables of happy Cribbage players. Spend an enjoyable Tuesday afternoon with this fun group. Everyone is welcome.

CYCLING Sign up at the Front Desk if you’d like to join this group. Equipment needed for rides includes: bike in good mechanical condition, approved bicycle helmet, water bottle. Rides will resume some time in March. Please talk to Mary or Christine if you’d like more information.


9:00am Every weekday a small but enthusiastic group meets in the lobby for a short walk in the area. This is a great way to start your way back to an exercise program.

DINERS’ CIRCLE A new leader has come forward and so the Diners’ Circle can now return! Thank you to Pat Lillie for taking on this responsibility. This is a good chance to try a new local restaurant every month. Come alone or bring a friend! Please join us on the last Wednesday of every month. We meet at the restaurant at 5:30pm. You must register by the week previous so that the coordinator, Pat, can reserve a table. Call 604-530-3020 if you have questions or to sign up, Date: Wednesdays, January 30 - Kostas Greek Restaurant,

20080 Fraser Highway February 27 - My Thai, 20542 Fraser

Highway March 27 - Andreas, 20227 56 Avenue.


Our choir is still in need of a second accompanist. If you are interested in this volunteer position, please contact Christine or Mary at the front desk.



FLYING SOLO - Tue., 10:00am - 11:30am We are a group of mixed singles who meet to form friendships with other singles. During weekly meetings we chat, tell stories or jokes, and play a game or do a quiz. We sometimes plan other activities , such as lunch dates, potlucks, theatre trips, etc.

GARDENING CIRCLE This group helps keep the plants and flowers at the Centre looking great. The landscapers and the maintenance staff and maintenance volunteers do the heavy work. The gardening circle volunteers themselves decide how much time and amount of work they want to do. There are no formal meetings, just occasional discussions. Date: TBD

CENTRE’S LIBRARY - Happy Reading! Escape into the world of a great story. The Library invites you to pick up a book or two any time. Please remember to return them when you’re finished so someone else can enjoy them as well. We thank you for your donations of books; however, we do not accept magazines or hard cover books (except for large print).

MAH JONG - Thu., 9:30am Barbara Moffett is teaching and leading Mah Jong - “the Langley Way”. This is an ancient Chinese game played with beautiful tiles.


Mon., 1:00pm - 3:00pm The members in this group bring their own projects from home and scrapbook together. Join them for conversation, ideas and more.

MEXICAN DOMINOES - Wed., 1:00pm -

3:00pm & Fri., 12:30pm-3:00pm Come and join us for a friendly afternoon with very friendly folks, no skill required. Beginners are welcome. The game can be played with 2-5 players to a table.

POKER - Tue., Thu.,11:00am - 3:00pm;

Sat. 11:00am - 2:00pm Come and join us for a game of relief poker with a $5.00 buy- in. We are always interested in new players, gents and ladies.

QUILTI N G GR OU P - TH U . , 9:00 -

11:30AM Join the group and create beautiful stitched handiwork together. Group members use both their own and donated supplies. The group has been making beautiful pieces, some of which are available for purchase.

C L U B S - c o n t .

Please bring all your water jugs, dishes & trays back to the cafeteria after your activities. Thank you.


Are you ...

new in the area?

newly retired?

looking for friendship with

a group of active and

fun-loving people?

Join this developing new group in Langley to

connect with others / develop friendships /

find direction / support each other /

get busy with your life


The group meets the first Wednesday of the month at 11:00am to plan activities for the month. Newcomers welcome


RED HAT SOCIETY, “KRIMSON KATES” Plan to join this fun group of women at our next Wednesday meeting. Dates: Wednesdays, Jan. 9, March 13, April 10 (Note: no meeting in February) Time: 10:00am - 11:30am

SCRABBLE - People who had indicated an

interest in playing Scrabble were called to see what day/time would work the best for the Scrabble club to meet. Saturdays, at 12:00pm was agreed upon. However, we are not getting any players out for this. As we do not want anyone to be disappointed by coming at this time and having no one to play with, we are again putting an “interest –only” sheet out to see if another day would work better.

SHANGHAI RUMMY, Wed., 1:00am - 3:30pm

Shanghai Rummy is an easy game to learn, fun to play, and provides hours of entertainment. It is based on standard Rummy rules with a few twists. This brand new group already has a day/time to play What else do we need? A few more participants, to make it even more fun! There are copies of a “how-to-play” sheet on the Free Table. For more information, talk to Mary or Christine.

SNOOKER - Every Day Come and play a friendly game of snooker with old friends and make a few new ones. Women are welcome! Yearly fee $15.00 (2013).

SPICE & MALICE - Sat., 12:00pm - 2:00pm Come and join this group to play a game called Spite & Malice. It is a card game which is very easy to learn.

TABLE TENNIS - Mon., Wed., & Sat. (subject to room availability); 10:00am - 12:00noon Beginners and experienced players are welcome to join us. A small ANNUAL fee is charged. You may drop in and play a game or two or stay and

“play with our Fun Club, the “Mellow Yellows”. It is excellent light exercise which develops good hand-eye coordination. Please lend your support and KEEP FIT. Note: Players are required to wear runners or light-coloured rubber-soled nonslip shoes, as the Cen t re and i t s membe rs canno t be responsible or liable for any injury in play. Playing is at the player’s own risk, absolutely.

WHIST - Thu., 1:00 - 3:00pm If you enjoy Whist, please come out and play. Our group has increased over the last while and the more the merrier! Newcomers are always welcome.

WALKING CLUB, Moderate Every Monday morning this group meets in the lounge to go for a walk. On occasion we carpool to local parks. Once a month the Club uses the Sen io rs Cen t re Bus to go somewhere in the Lower Mainland for our walk. The monthly walk is usually 1-1.5 hours with lunch (on your own) following the walk. People who like to walk up to 2k are also welcome and will have company. Remember to dress appropriately and to bring a snack. Even if you don’t wish to walk you can join this group and browse the areas. Please see page 23 for walking club trips.

C L U B S - c o n t .



We would like to find members interested in playing Bid Euchre. Bid Euchre is an exciting alternative to traditional Euchre. Beginners and all others welcome. Instructions on how to play are available from the volunteers at the Front Desk. Once enough players are found, a day and time for games will be chosen. If you are interested in playing or just want more information, please talk to Mary or Christine.




We have planned a special l u n c h e o n i n h o n o u r o f Scotland’s favourite son, R o b b i e B u r n s . J o e MacDonald will be on hand to pipe in the haggis and lead the festivities. The ‘Bill O Fare’, featuring Roast Beef and, of course, haggis, is accompanied by heeps and tatties (more commonly known as turnips and potatoes). Scottish trifle rounds off this traditional Scottish meal. As there will be toasts to the lads and lassies, there will be a bar! This celebration of tradition, poetry, pipes, food and friendship is especially for the Scottish and for the Scottish-at-heart! Members do not have to wait for Registration Day for tickets - sign up today! Date: Wednesday, January 23 Time: 12:15pm - 3:00pm Cost; $25.00 Members $30.00 Non Members Registration deadline: January 21


Let’s welcome 2013 together with great food, fun and entertainment. At the stroke of 2pm (the time Greece will be ringing in the New Year!), we’ll have a toast. Mike Higgins and his band, as in the last couple of years, will be on hand to entertain. This is always an popular event and it gets bigger every year! We hope you will join us! There will be a small plate of appetizers on each table. Lunch will be salad, crab cakes & dessert.

Date: Monday, December 31 Time: 12:30 - 3:00pm Cost: $25.00 Members $30.00 Non Members

Registration deadline: December 28

* If you don’t care for crab, we will gladly substitute chicken. Please let us know your preference when you sign up.


We’re bringing out our best china and planning an afternoon that will replenish the spirit with tea and traditions. Join us for a delicious afternoon tea complete with scones and clotted crème served on our best English chinaware. Hats welcomed and encouraged. There will be an activity or a bit of a show - the exact nature of which has not yet been determined. Looking forward to a fun afternoon with all of you.

Date: Monday, February 25 Time: 2:00 - 3:15pm Cost: $5.00 Members / $7.00 Non Members

Registration deadline: February 23

Our Special Events would not be special

if not for the volunteers who work so

hard to make each one a success.

Volunteers set the tables, decorate, tend

the bar, serve and clear tables, and

provide security by monitoring the

parking lot during the events and more.

Thank you to all of the volunteers. Your

hard work is appreciated!!

Thank you




Musical Evening of

Love and Romance

Tenor Tony Caruso and pianist Glen Stevenson return to present a special Valentine Show ~ “A Musical Evening of Love and Romance”. Tony Caruso has studied voice in Canada and Italy and is presented a soloist with the UBC Opera Ensemble. Currently a Doctoral student at UBC with the Opera division, he is an active performer in and around the Vancouver area. He was recently a soloist with both the Vancou ve r and O kanagan S ympho ny Orchestras. This past summer he toured the Czech Republic performing Ferrando in Mozart’s Cosi fan tutte with the European Music Academy. Glen Stevenson has had an exciting and adventurous career performing internationally in hotels, clubs, and on the high seas! He currently lives in Vancouver where he performs as a soloist as well as with numerous other performers. After a wonderful meal of Cornish Game Hen, join this wonderful and exciting duo and they transport you to “days gone by” while they perform a wide variety of familiar love songs from a repertoire which includes Classics, Standards, Broadway, and Neapolitan Songs. Date: Wed. February 13 Time: 4:30pm Social Hour 5:30pm Dinner 7:00pm The Performance Cost: $30.00 Members $40.00 Non Members Registration deadline: February 11


For the occasion of St. Patrick’s Day we have planned a splendid party indeed! We are thrilled that the wonderfully entertaining Mad Celts will return. The lads, Joe, Mike and Craig, produce their unique ‘Mad Celt’ sound with t radi t ional instruments such as bagpipes, drums, fiddles and guitar. Add humour, sing-alongs, a jig or two and you have a fine evening of entertainment! Plus!!! your Irish buffet will include Irish orange chicken, cabbage rolls, and carved porkloin with peppercorn sauce. With a fabulous meal and friends, ‘tis sure to be a grand evening! Date: Wednesday, March 13 Time: 4:30pm Social Hour 5:30pm Dinner 7:00pm Mad Celts entertain! Cost: $30.00 Members $35.00 Non Members Registration deadline: March 11


The Silver Belles & Beaux Chorus, led by Judy Lott,

performing at the Remembrance Day Luncheon on

Nov 9


THE VAUDEVILLIANS HIT BROADWAY Relive, or experience for the first time, the wonderful age of vaudeville! We are so pleased to welcome the Vaudevillians, British Columbia’s #1 Seniors entertainment troupe, to the Centre! As indicated by the show’s title, they’ll be bringing a little Broadway along with them! There will be hit songs such as The Lullaby of Broadway, I ’ve Got Rhythm, and Give My Regards to Broadway, along with colourful costumes, dancing and plenty of humour. Come and enjoy a delicious Chicken & Ribs dinner and then sit back and enjoy this rollicking variety show! Date: Wed. April 17 Time: 4:30pm Social Hour 5:30pm Dinner 7:00pm The Vaudevillians

Cost: $25.00 Members $30.00 Non Members Registration deadline: April 15

We will be having a Fashion Show in early May, with fashions from Country Life Clothing Ladies Wear, a brand-new store on the Fraser Highway in Langley. There will be more details in the Spring Program Book. For now, however, we’d like to get some models lined up for the event! If you’re interested in taking part, please talk to Christine or Mary


Susan Ford of Country

Life Ladies Wear, 20573

Fraser Highway, Langley

Farmer Nick has lost his chicks And doesn’t know where to find them….

Help Farmer Nick & enter to win a prize!

There are 5 farm animals lost on the pages

of the online Program Book (www.lsrs.ca)

Find them and come to the Front Desk and

tell us 1) what animals you located and, 2)

on what page. Your name will be entered in

a draw to win a $10 certificate that can be

put towards any Recreation program or

event at the Centre. If you don’t know how

to access the online book please ask Mary

or Christine or another staff member. The

online book will be on the website by

December 15. Draw date: February 1, 2013.

Have you entered your email address to receive our quarterly e-newsletter? You can do this by visiting our website at www.lsrs.ca In the bottom right-hand corner there is a spot to enter your email address. This automatically enters you in a c o n t e s t t o r e c e i v e y o u r 2 0 1 3 Membership free. The draw will be on February 1, 2013. If you have already purchased your membership by this date, you will be reimbursed. Any questions, please talk to any of us at the Front Desk. Thank you!


This is a great time to meet old friends and make new ones. The meals are delicious and the company is great. The bar opens at 4:00pm. En-joy a spirit or a non-alcoholic beverage before or during dinner. Our menu for the upcoming months is

listed below. Choose which nights you would like to come and please purchase your tickets in advance.

**Note: If you have a group and would like to sit together, please plan to be here early as there is no reserved seating.

Time: 4:00pm Happy Hour 5:00pm Dinner

Cost: $15.00 Members $17.00 Non Members Buffet $17.00 Members $19.00 Non Members

* Registration deadlines are:

Dec 18, Jan 15, Feb 5, March 5, March 19




Come and join our Bi-monthly Birthday Parties and be treated to some excellent entertainment. It doesn’t have to be your birthday but if it is, you will be especially honoured. Cake and coffee are the fare of the day. You are welcome to come to every birthday party! Drop-ins are welcome; however, it is very helpful to us if you can let us know prior to the party day that you plan to attend as we can then have a better idea of how many pieces of cake and chairs we need! To pre-register, please come to the Front Desk or call 604-530-3020. You can pay at the door, or at time of registering. Thank you in advance for your support - it is much appreciated!

Cost: $4.00 Members $6.00 Non Members

JANUARY / FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS Date: Wednesday, January 30 Time: 2:00 – 3:30pm Entertainment: Gail Hawksworth. Gail has performed here many times, most recently as half of Duo, Twice Shy, in November. This is sure to be a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon.

MARCH / APRIL BIRTHDAYS Date: Wednesday, March 27 Time: 2:00 - 3:30pm Entertainment: Swell Guys The Swell Guys are always popular and entertaining. Come and find out what they’ve added to their repertoire.


Please note: Chicken can be substituted for the entrée for Thursday Night Dinners. Please let us know when you sign up if you want this option.

Dec 20 Jan 17 Feb 7 Mar 7 Mar 21

Baked Ham Prime Rib Chinese Buffet Sockeye Salmon Veal Cutlet

Janice’s Questioners’ Café will follow the Thursday Night

Dinner on the following dates:

January 17, February 7, and March 21

Stay and see what this is about! Please turn to page 39 for

details about this new program.


Sunshine Lady Annabelle Cornett, our Sunshine Lady, has been faithfully sending out cards for birthday, illness and sympathy cards. Please let us know at the Front Desk, if there is someone you know who needs a card. Thank you, Annabelle! IN THE COMMUNITY: The Kiwanis Club of Langley 100, A service club designed for active men and women over the age of 18 years, meets regularly at Choo Choo’s Restaurant on Fraser Highway in Langley. There is a social gathering at 6:00pm and the meeting starts at 6:30pm.

SUPPORT GROUPS AT THE CENTRE Care-givers Support Group Thursdays 1:15pm - 2:30pm

This support group is for anyone, men and women, caring for an adult family member or friend who suffers from chronic disability (physical or mental). The demands and responsibilities of care-giving can be overwhelming and very stressful. A support group helps to reduce these pressures and helps the care-giver cope. Remember that “A joy shared is a joy doubled. A trouble shared is a trouble halved”. For more information please contact the nurse at the Day Centre: 778-328-2302. Coffee & Connecting Tuesdays, 10:00am A group for seniors who are beginning again after experiencing a change or loss. Chronic Condition Support Group For any people who have participated in the Chronic Disease / Pain / Diabetes workshops. Last Tuesday of the month @ 10:30am Next meetings: Jan 29, Feb 26, & Mar 26

Osteoporosis Support Group Come and meet once a month for information about and support for this disease. Dates: 2nd Monday of each month Dec 10, Jan 14, Feb 18, Mar 11 Time: 1:00pm - 2:00pm

ATTENTION ALL YOU KNITTERS OUT THERE! Here is your chance to do some good work for a good cause. If you like to knit touques, mittens and slippers for children aged infant to 12 years of age, please contact me. These items will then be given to children from Douglas Park School. Drop them off at the front desk or call Carol Donovan 604-888-7648


Table Tennis




Reflexoloy W/S

Computer Class

Changing Gears

Shanghai Rummy

Mah Jong Quilting/Crafts Poker/Whist Carpet Bowling Caregiver Support Sharing & Caring

Painting Silver Belles/Beaux



Computer Class

Table Tennis

Spite & Malice



Computer Class

Registration Day


Table Tennis

Computer Class

Memory Makers/


Jam Session


Healthy Living Bag Fit & Fabulous Chair Fit & Fun Suduko W/S Coffee/Connect Flying Solo Canasta Carpet Bowling Poker / Crib Footcare Just for You Fit

Osteofit Connect Hearing Table Tennis Dominoes Red Hats Bridge Loneliness W/S Reflexology Computer Class Shanghai Rummy

Yoga Fit & Fabulous Chair Fit & Fun Mah Jong Readers’ Theatre Quilting/Crafts Poker/Whist Carpet Bowling Caregiver Support Sharing & Caring Clarinet Quintet Just For You Fit


Computer Class Silver Belles/Beaux



Photoshop Class

Table Tennis

Spite & Malice



Computer Class


Table Tennis

Computer Class

Memory Makers/


Jam Session

Osteo Support

Mandarin Info

Fit & Fabulous Chair Fit & Fun Coffee/Connect Flying Solo Canasta Carpet Bowling Poker / Crib Line Dance Suduko W/S Just For You Fit

Osteofit Table Tennis Dominoes Bridge Housing W/S Mah Jong Talk Reflexology Loneliness W/S Computer Class Maritime Museum Shanghai Rummy

Yoga Fit & Fabulous Chair Fit & Fun Mah Jong Legal Consult Quilting/Crafts Poker/Whist Readers’ Theatre Carpet Bowling Caregiver Support Sharing & Caring Edgewater Casino Thurs Night Dinner Questioners’ Café Just For You Fit


Computer Class Silver Belles/Beaux





Cirque du Soleil

Table Tennis

Spite & Malice



Computer Class


Table Tennis

Computer Class

Memory Makers/


Jam Session


Fit & Fabulous Chair Fit & Fun Tai Chi Coffee/Connect Flying Solo Canasta Carpet Bowling Poker / Crib Line Dance Footcare Just For You Fit


Table Tennis




Loneliness W/S

Computer Class

Robbie Burns

Yoga Fit & Fabulous Chair Fit & Fun Mah Jong Readers’ Theatre Quilting/Crafts Poker/Whist Carpet Bowling Caregiver Support Sharing & Caring Just For You Fit


Computer Class Silver Belles/Beaux



Photoshop Class


Table Tennis

Spite & Malice



Computer Class


Computer Class

Table Tennis

Memory Makers/


Jam Session

Mandarin Class

Walking Club

Fit & Fabulous Chair Fit & Fun Tai Chi Chronic Support Coffee/Connect Flying Solo Canasta Carpet Bowling Poker / Crib Camano Coffee Line Dance Just For You Fit

Osteofit Table Tennis Dominoes Bridge Loneliness W/S Reflexology Shanghai Rummy Computer Class Diner’s Circle

Yoga Fit & Fabulous Chair Fit & Fun Mah Jong Readers’ Theatre Quilting/Crafts Poker/Whist Carpet Bowling Caregiver Support Library Talk Fine Dining Just For You Fit



Holy Doodle

Computer Class Silver Belles/Beaux



Table Tennis

Spite & Malice



Computer Class Osteo Workshop

Mary’s Wedding

Footcare Computer Class Osteofit Mandarin Class Table Tennis Memory Makers/Scrapbooking Jam Session

Footcare Fit & Fabulous Chair Fit & Fun Tai Chi Coffee/Connect Flying Solo Line Dance Canasta Carpet Bowling Poker / Crib Healthy Liv. Bag Just For You Fit


Table Tennis



Changing Gears

Computer Class Membership Meeting


Reflexology W/S

Yoga / Fit & Fabulous Chair Fit & Fun Mah Jong Quilting/Crafts Poker/Whist Readers’ Theatre Carpet Bowling Caregiver Support Sharing & Caring Legal Consult Thu. Night Dinner just For You Fit Tea & Trumpets Questioners’Cate


Holy Doodle

Computer Class

Chinese Cooking Silver Belles/Beaux




Fit & Fabulous Chair Fit & Fun Tai Chi Canasta Coffee/Connect Flying Solo Carpet Bowling Poker / Crib Just For You Fit

Osteofit Connect Hearing Table Tennis Dominoes Bridge Reflexology Housing W/S Shanghai Rummy Computer Class Caruso Sings

Yoga Fit & Fabulous Chair Fit & Fun Mah Jong Readers’ Theatre Quilting/Crafts Poker/Whist Carpet Bowling Caregiver Support Sharing & Caring Just For You Fit


Holy Doodle

Computer Class

Explore/Discover Silver Belles/Beaux



Table Tennis

Spite & Malice



Computer Class

Chronic Disease



Computer Class

Table Tennis

Memory Makers/


Jam Session

Osteo Support

Mandarin Class

Fit & Fabulous Chair Fit & Fun Tai Chi Coffee/Connect Flying Solo Line Dance Canasta Carpet Bowling Poker / Crib CBC Broadcast Just For You Fit


Table Tennis




Shanghai Rummy

Successful Aging

Computer Class

Skagit Casino

Yoga Footcare Fit & Fabulous Chair Fit & Fun Mah Jong Readers’ Theatre Quilting/Crafts Poker/Whist Carpet Bowling Caregiver Support Sharing & Caring Museum @ UBC Just For You Fit


Holy Doodle

Computer Class Silver Belles/Beaux



Table Tennis

Spite & Malice



Computer Class

Chronic Disease



Computer Class


Table Tennis

Memory Makers/


Jam Session

Time For Tea?

Mandarin Class

Fit & Fabulous Chair Fit & Fun Tai Chi Coffee/Connect Flying Solo Chronic Support Line Dance Canasta Carpet Bowling Poker / Crib Poor Italian Just For You Fit


Table Tennis




Shanghai Rummy

Computer Class

Arthritis 101

Diner’s Circle

Yoga Fit & Fabulous Chair Fit & Fun Mah Jong Readers’ Theatre Quilting/Crafts Poker/Whist Carpet Bowling Caregiver Support Sharing & Caring Just For You Fit

Guess who!?


Yoga Fit & Fabulous Chair Fit & Fun Mah Jong Quilting/Crafts Readers’ Theatre Poker/Whist Carpet Bowling Caregiver Support Sharing & Caring Legal Consult Clearwater Casino Thu Night Dinner Just For You Fit

Footcare Yoga Fit & Fabulous Chair Fit & Fun Mah Jong Readers’ Theatre Quilting/Crafts Poker/Whist Carpet Bowling Caregiver Support Sharing & Caring Tea & Trumpets Just For You Fit

Yoga Fit & Fabulous Chair Fit & Fun Mah Jong Readers’ Theatre Quilting/Crafts Poker/Whist Carpet Bowling Caregiver Support Sharing & Caring Dickens Sweets Thu Night Dinner Questioners’ Café Just For You Fit

Yoga Fit & Fabulous Chair Fit & Fun Mah Jong Readers’ Theatre Quilting/Crafts Poker/Whist Carpet Bowling Just For You Fit Caregiver Support


Computer Class

Holy Doodle Silver Belles/Beaux



Ukrainian Dinner

Painting Silver Belles/Beaux



Computer Class

Nutrition W/S


Computer Class

Painting Silver Belles/Beaux


Explore & Discover



Computer Class Silver Belles/Beaux



Table Tennis

Spite & Malice



Computer Class

39 Steps

Table Tennis

Spite & Malice



Computer Class

Chronic Disease


Table Tennis

Spite & Malice



Computer Class

Chronic Disease


Table Tennis

Spite & Malice



Computer Class

Chronic Disease


2 Pianos 4 Hands





Computer Class

Table Tennis

Memory Makers/


Jam Session Nature Photography

Osteofit Computer Class Table Tennis Memory Makers/Scrapbooking Jam Session Nature Photography Osteo Support Mandarin Class Mature Drivers


Computer Class

Table Tennis

Memory Makers/


Jam Session Nature Photography


Table Tennis

Computer Class

Memory Makers/


Jam Session Nature Photography

Walking Club

Healthy Liv. Bag Footcare Fit & Fabulous Chair Fit & Fun Tai Chi Coffee/Connect Flying Solo Line Dance Canasta Carpet Bowling Poker / Crib Clearwater Casino Just For You Fit

Fit & Fabulous Chair Fit & Fun Tai Chi Coffee/Connect Flying Solo Canasta Carpet Bowling Poker / Crib Just For You Fit-The Loafing Shed

Fit & Fabulous Chair Fit & Fun Tai Chi Coffee/Connect Flying Solo Line Dancing Canasta Carpet Bowling Poker / Crib Silver Reef Just For You Fit

Fit & Fabulous Chair Fit & Fun Tai Chi Chronic Support Coffee/Connect Flying Solo Line Dancing Canasta Carpet Bowling Poker / Crib Bistro 101 Just For You Fit

Osteofit Table Tennis Dominoes Bridge Reflexology Reflexology W/S Shanghai Rummy Computer Class Changing Gears Clearwater Casino

Osteofit Connect Hearing Table Tennis Dominoes Bridge Red Hats Shanghai Rummy Reflexology Housing W/S Computer Class St. Pat’s Day


Table Tennis



Shanghai Rummy


Computer Class


Table Tennis



Shanghai Rummy


Diners’ Circle

Computer Class

Birthday Party


Snake in the Readers’ Theatre play Book a legal appointment with him 1st Thursday of the month Call her if you want a ride Three-day get-away with Karen in March Play to see in April (hint: Oh what a beautiful mornin’) She leads the diners’ club, Pat ____ He’ll teach you Sudoku and computers Awesome painting instructor New game, Wednesday at 1pm, _______ Rummy

Director of Adult Day Centre Sponsors the shuttle to the grocery store Substitute this if you don’t want the entrée He will teach you ways to be safe on the road, March 11 Singer of love and romance, in February Their name when there’s just two. _____ Lads. Learn this language in 2013 Sunshine Lady Newest staff member If you’re moving, go to this workshop (March) Take this course from John Gordon Board member & advertising guru Physiotherapist with an office in the Centre

3. 8. 12. 13. 15. 16. 17. 18. 20.

1. 2. 4. . 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 14 19. 20.

Across: Down:

Centre Crossword Corner


THANK YOU for your GENEROUS DONATIONS! The following supporters made donations to the Seniors Centre

from September 1, to November 30, 2012 Please let us know if we had made any mistakes in this list - there is al-ways the chance of someone being overlooked or that a name is mis-

In Memoriam

If you wish to honour the memory of

someone who was very dear to you, a

memoriam gift in their name can be

made to the Langley Senior Resources

Society. (Cards are available from the

Front Desk.) Please print the name of

the deceased or the person to be

honoured, your name (for the tax

receipt) and, on a separate paper, the

name and address of next of kin, in

order for us to mail the card.


Tea & Trumpets, with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, has a long history with the

Centre. For those of you who are not familiar with Tea & Trumpets, this is a series of

themed classical concerts, hosted by Vancouver icon Christopher Gaze and

conducted by VSO Assistant Conductor Pierre Simard. Attending Tea & Trumpets

makes for a lovely afternoon – there is even complimentary tea and cookies served in

the lobby before each concert!

In 2012 we experienced some new challenges. Specifically, we were scarcely able to

reach the minimum number of participants needed by the time we had to purchase the

tickets. Then, after making payment to the VSO, we had a number of enquiries for

tickets. By that time, tickets that were available were apart from the group. At times it

was not even possible to get two seats together.

The Tea & Trumpets season runs from October to May the following year. The

Vancouver Symphony requires payment from us in April at the latest. This seems like,

and is, a long way in advance (e.g. paying in April 2013 for a concert in May 2014).

For the 2013/2014 season we are making a small change in how we handle this


We ask that anyone interested in purchasing tickets for the 2013/2014 season

(either for the series or single tickets) come to the Front Desk to have your

name entered on the “Tea & Trumpets call list”. We do not know if the

VSO will be increasing their prices. The member price for the 2012/2013

series of six concerts was $262, with single tickets selling for $52. Putting

your name on the wait list does not obligate you in any way to purchase


We’ll call everyone with the details as soon as we know them (i.e. descriptions

of the concerts, prices). The VSO will probably give us this information in

January 2013.

The sooner we book, the better seats we are able to get. We realize that

paying for tickets, especially so far in advance. may seem a little risky. We

cannot give refunds once the Centre pays the venue for tickets unless we can

sell your ticket to someone else. We do try to maintain a wait list and if it turns

out that you cannot make the concert(s) we do contact the persons on the


Tea & Trumpets, with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra


TRIPS & OUTINGS Due to the limited number of parking spots in the Centre parking lot, we ask that, whenever possible, you park across the street at Blacklock School while attending a bus trip. Public parking is available on 207 Street and in the section in Blacklock School parking lot that faces the park.

Prior to departure, you may park in the Centre lot to secure your spot on the bus, based on the order of registration. At the time of departure, you can then move your car to the overflow parking lot at Blacklock school, where our driver will pick you up.

Please note, parking is at your own risk. The Centre is not responsible for cars left on or off site while participating in activities at the Centre.

We are unable to pick up or drop off participants at alternate destinations. If you do not have a ride home from the Centre following a van trip, a taxi can be called for you at your expense.

If you are taking a walker or wheelchair, please let the Front Desk know. You must be able to board and get off the bus. If you will be using a wheelchair during the trip, you are responsible to ensure that you have someone with you to assist you, as required.

*NEW* Introducing the trip waiver – Upon registering for your first trip in which you will be travelling on the Centre’s bus, you will be asked to sign a waiver, which will cover trips for the current calendar year. The Front Desk has a copy of the waiver if you would like to have a look at it beforehand.

Trips & outings now indicate accessibility levels as follows: NOT ACCESSIBLE No walkers/wheelchairs. Active participation required. Could involve walking medium to long distances over uneven surfaces/stairs. PARTIALLY ACCESSIBLE Could involve walking medium distances over potentially uneven surfaces/stairs. Activities/space restrictions may preclude accessibility of walkers/wheelchairs. ACCESSIBLE Light activity with short walking distances over relatively level terrain. Walkers/wheelchairs welcome. Please let the Front Desk know at time of registering for the excursion if you are bringing a walker or wheelchair.

If you have have questions or concerns regarding accessibility of trips or about any of the above, please contact Christine, Karen or Mary.