The Amnion Pulse WINTER 2018 ”For behold, I bring you GOOD NEWS of great joy that will be for all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.GOOD NEWS changes everything Working at Amnion is a blessing and a joy. While at times our hearts are heavy with the weight of client circumstances or our hearts break over another’s pain, we also get to deliver good news to those in desperate need. When all seems dark in an unexpected crisis, Amnion offers a shimmer of light and hope to the hurting. We are vessels used by God to speak life into an unexpected pregnancy, a positive STD test, a need for materials, and the deep hurt of post-abortion pain. This good news that we bring to our clients is from our compassionate God and points to the ultimate Good News of our Savior. The truths that we speak to our clients vary depending on their situation, but always include encouragement that they are worthy, cared for, able to find healing, and so much more. These life-affirming words are ones that our clients often don’t hear outside of our center. When clients hear that they are worthy, loved, understood, and cared for by the staff of Amnion, suddenly their unexpected situation doesn’t feel so overwhelming. They learn that there is hope and opportunity for change, and we pray that their journey with us would lead them to see their ultimate worth, hope, and comfort that can be found in Jesus. Good news changes everything! Just this week a woman came to our center for counsel. She was post-abortive and had been tortured by her decision for six years. She shared that carrying this burden has been exhausting and that she came to Amnion looking for an answer to her pain. I was able to share with her about our Surrendering the Secret program and that there is hope for free- dom and healing for her. I was able to extend the Lord’s compassion and speak life into a situation burdened by death. What she said next reminds me of why the good news we bring to our clients is so important,… her words were, This could change everything for me...Good News is changing and transforming the lives and situations of our clients. At this Christmas season we rejoice in the Good News that was meant for all. We can encourage others to see that with Jesus, ...everything can change! In His Joy, Melanie Parks, Execuve Director Christmas, 2018

WINTER 2018 The Amnion Pulse GOOD NEWS

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The Amnion Pulse WINTER 2018

”For behold, I bring you GOOD NEWS of great joy that will be for all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David

a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

GOOD NEWS changes everything

Working at Amnion is a blessing and a joy. While at times our hearts are heavy with the

weight of client circumstances or our hearts break over another’s pain, we also get to deliver

good news to those in desperate need. When all seems dark in an unexpected crisis,

Amnion offers a shimmer of light and hope to the hurting. We are vessels used by God to

speak life into an unexpected pregnancy, a positive STD test, a need for materials, and the

deep hurt of post-abortion pain. This good news that we bring to our clients is from our

compassionate God and points to the ultimate Good News of our Savior.

The truths that we speak to our clients vary depending on their situation, but always

include encouragement that they are worthy, cared for, able to find healing, and so much

more. These life-affirming words are ones that our clients often don’t hear outside of our

center. When clients hear that they are worthy, loved, understood, and cared for by the staff

of Amnion, suddenly their unexpected situation doesn’t feel so overwhelming. They learn

that there is hope and opportunity for change, and we pray that their journey with us would

lead them to see their ultimate worth, hope, and comfort that can be found in Jesus.

Good news changes everything!

Just this week a woman came to our center for counsel. She was post-abortive and had

been tortured by her decision for six years. She shared that carrying this burden has been

exhausting and that she came to Amnion looking for an answer to her pain. I was able to

share with her about our Surrendering the Secret program and that there is hope for free-

dom and healing for her. I was able to extend the Lord’s compassion and speak life into a

situation burdened by death. What she said next reminds me of why the good news we bring

to our clients is so important,… her words were,

“This could change everything for me...” Good News is changing and transforming the lives and situations of our clients.

At this Christmas season we rejoice in the Good News that was meant for all.

We can encourage others to see that

with Jesus, ...everything can change!

In His Joy, Melanie Parks, Executive Director Christmas, 2018

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GOOD NEWS FROM OUR COUNSELING SERVICES... Options Counseling | Referral Service | Parenting Support (EWYL) | Sexual Healing | Post Abortion Trauma Amnion’s counseling care offers a safe space for our clients to process, set goals, learn and heal. Young women, men,

and families find a place of peace at Amnion where they will be heard, encouraged, and empowered by the good news

that we can provide in resources, referrals and healing care. This good news often changes everything for our clients

including their situation and how they view themselves. We pray for them and counsel them with Biblical truths in the

hope that they will see that they have a Wonderful Counselor in Jesus.

More Good News! We have welcomed Rona Babb, a new part-time client advocate, to the Amnion team! Rona is currently a graduate

student pursuing her Master of Divinity as a Biblical Counseling student at Westminster Theological Seminary. Rona’s

addition to our team allows us to serve more clients and meet our expanded counseling hours.

The Good News of Christmas is reflected in the hope and healing that we offer our community as we provide healing services, care and support.

As the shepherds delivered the precious news that had been given to them, and Mary treasured the words of the angel in her heart and pondered them…

so too our clients treasure the life-affirming truths that we bring to them. ...Good News that changes everything!

GOOD NEWS FROM OUR REALED (RELATIONSHIP EDUCATION) PROGRAM... Youth Education & Curriculum Support | Decision Making | Healthy Boundaries | Emotions & Intimacy Amnion’s RealEd Program is the outreach component of our ministry. Through the RealEd presentation we can deliver

the good news to students in schools and community groups that their self-worth is not determined by their sexual

resume and that healthy relationships and boundaries are possible. Our RealEd team brings their personal experiences

and knowledge to help students to see their inherent worth and give them examples of healthy relationships.

More Good News! Our RealEd team has recently created new media to accompany the RealEd presentation, including an introductory

video and interactive Prezi presentation. This media was made to better engage students with the material through

mediums that they find relatable. In a proactive effort to build confidence in the community, our RealEd team held a

forum in October, inviting local school administrators to view the entire RealEd presentation.

GOOD NEWS changes everything

GOOD NEWS FROM OUR MEDICAL SERVICES.... Pregnancy Testing | Ultrasound Exams | PreNatal Vitamins | STD Testing & Treatment | Abortion Pill Reversal Each of our services provide an opportunity to bring good news to an unexpected situation and to a person in need of

hope. While these situations may not always be wanted, they present opportunities for God to move in a person’s life and

we are blessed to be the vessels used to bring good news and be agents of change. During His ministry on earth, Jesus

often brought the ultimate Good News and revealed His identity through meeting people’s physical needs. This opened a

door to their deeper spiritual need for a Savior. At Amnion we are given this same opportunity and pray that as we meet

the physical needs of our clients, it will create an opportunity to share the Good News of the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

More Good News! Amnion now offers STD Saturdays opening our doors to the community every second Saturday of the month for walk-in

STD testing and treatment. STD Saturdays have provided us the opportunity to connect with more members of the

community. Through this service we show that Amnion is a safe place where clients can find the care that they need from

people who share grace and compassion.

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...and brings great hope for the future

The average oak tree lives for 200 years, substantial among tree species. Our prayer is that the Oak of Righteousness that God has made Amnion will

continue to write a legacy that lasts and thrives for generations. Many individuals have contributed to this

legacy over the past 35 years and we invite you to

consider your own legacy with Amnion.

We have all been blessed by the Lord, including financial resources and values that we wish to live on in future generations. When we use the resources God

has given us to help others, He blesses our gifts in

extraordinary ways.

Will you prayerfully consider how you and your family

can invest in the future of Amnion Pregnancy Center?

By remembering Amnion in your will and through planned giving, you are able to designate a gift to be

given later or upon death that will ensure that the mission of Amnion is one that continues. With planned

giving we leave a legacy not only for our loved ones,

but also to encourage abundant LIFE for the future.

To set up a legacy gift with Amnion Pregnancy Center, please contact your trusted

attorney or financial advisor.

If you would like more information on legacy gifts, please contact Jennifer Trimble, 610.622.9832 | [email protected].

JOIN US IN WRITING THE LEGACY OF AMNION... Together, we share a mission that is so much greater

than ourselves.


Join in the recognition of Sanctity of Human Life Sunday: January 20th “God created mankind in His own image. In the image of God He created them, male and female…” Genesis 1:27

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday is observed in response to the January 22, 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision by the Supreme

Court legalizing abortion.

Amnion offers speakers for churches on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. Many churches also launch their “Make Change

for Life” or “baby bottle” fundraising campaigns during this time. Contact Amnion at 610.622.9832 to request Baby Bot-

tle campaign materials, a speaker, or Sanctity of Human Life Sunday resources to help recognize this important day.

PARTICIPATE IN THESE IMPORTANT PRO-LIFE EVENTS “You formed my inward parts… I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139:13-14

The National March for LIFE | National Mall, Washington, DC Amnion’s Annual Run/Walk:

Celebrate with our client Georgia... “And God will supply all your needs from His riches in glory because of what Jesus Christ has done for us.” Philippians 4:19

Our client Georgia’s story is one that we cherish. When Georgia chose to have her child, she knew that she would need

support. She was juggling a great deal as a young woman attending college. Georgia decided to go through Amnion’s Earn

While You Learn program to gain essential skills through the parenting classes and to access the materials that we pro-

vide in our Baby Boutique. We are so thrilled that Georgia will be graduating in the spring with a degree in social work and

will be continuing her education so that she can give back to those in similar situations like hers. Georgia shared, “I will

definitely be an advocate for women and men who are put in similar situations and who feel lost after pregnancy.”

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To encourage women, men, and families to choose life when confronted with unintended

pregnancy, to provide hope and healing to those suffering from past abortions, and to

encourage adolescents to form healthy relation-ships and to save sexual intimacy for marriage.

expect good things Amnion Pregnancy Center

2251 Garrett Road | Drexel Hill, PA 19026

610.622.9957 | www.FriendsOfAmnion.org

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"...In all things God works for the GOOD of those who love him..." Romans 8:28


Christmas Gift Wish List Size 6 Diapers

Newborn Diapers

Baby Toiletry Items (baby lotion, body wash, shampoo, & baby oil)

Diaper Bags

Staples Gift Card for Office Supplies

Gift Cards for Volunteer Appreciation (Starbucks, Target, Wawa, etc)

Please deliver the items in person or via mail to:

Amnion Pregnancy Center 2251 Garrett Rd Drexel Hill, PA 19026

If you order something from Amazon, simply have it shipped to our center and be sure to use Amazon Smile as you shop!