Aaron Organ – Director / Principal Ecologist Melbourne, Geelong, Brisbane Ph (03) 9377 0100, Mob. 0425 873 159

Wind and Wildlife Brolga Presentation

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Page 1: Wind and Wildlife Brolga Presentation

Aaron Organ – Director / Principal Ecologist

Melbourne, Geelong, Brisbane

Ph (03) 9377 0100, Mob. 0425 873 159

Page 2: Wind and Wildlife Brolga Presentation

Relevant Research


Case Study - South West Victoria

Key considerations for Industry (Proponents, Ecological Consultants, Government)


Presentation Outline

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1. Caughley 1977 – Considered methods of aerial survey – both practically and statistical efficiency. Transect sampling is preferred

2. Morton et al. 1993 – Distribution and abundance of Brolgas and Black-necked Storks in the Alligator Rivers Region, NT

3. Dolbeer et al. 1997 – Aerial photography techniques to estimate populations of Laughing Gull nests at Jamaica Bay, New York

4. Kingsford 1999 - Aerial survey of waterbirds on wetlands as a measure of river and floodplain health

5. Harding, C. 2002 - The use of remote sensing and geographic information systems to predict suitable breeding habitat for the Brolga in SW Victoria

Relevant Research

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Vulnerable in Victoria, New South Wales and South Australia, listed under relevant State legislation

Listed as ‘migratory’ under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999

Action Statement and Recovery Plans in place

Subject to a range of threatening processes (largely wetland drainage, fox predation)

Brolga Grus rubicunda

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Abundant and widespread occurring across northern and south-eastern Australia

In Victoria, the species occurs in the western part of the state and on the Northern Plains adjacent to Murray River

Australian population estimated to be 20,000 to 100,000

Victorian population ◦ 1980s and 1990s - 600 to 650 individuals

◦ 2007 - 465-576 individuals

Distribution and Population

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Wetland Distribution across Victoria

SW Vic Brolga breeding

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Survey objectives

Spatial distribution of Brolga nests

Extent of available habitat

Importance of study area

Information used to inform turbine and infrastructure layout

Risk and impact under relevant legislation and policy

Measures to avoid, minimise and offset the impacts to Brolga

South West Victoria – Case Study

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Surveys undertaken in accordance with survey guidelines developed by DSE and other experts

Cessna 172, four-seat, high-wing, fixed wing aircraft

Flight height of 500 feet

Flight speed of 60-70 knots

Two observers observing 250 metres to the north and the south of the transects

Observers scanned the landscape and all wetlands, dams, creeks and drainage lines with binoculars

Each observer had an aerial map showing wetlands and numbered transects

Each observer had a GPS and data sheets

Case Study - South West Victoria

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Swan Nests

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Brolga Nest

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Brolga Nests

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Brolga Nests

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The Proponent Reliable survey method accepted by DSE

Cost effective

Major time reductions (important for quicker decisions regarding site layout)

Early determination of the magnitude of constraints across the wind farm site

Information on the relative importance of habitat (avoid, minimise and offset)

Key Considerations

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The Consultant

Ensure survey techniques remain consistent and repeatable for analysis over time

Surveys obviously need to coincide with when the species is nesting

Be prepared (take tablets and a paper bag)

Understand your role during the flight

Bad lighting conditions, turbulence, using naked eye rather than binoculars and motion sickness is likely to reduce detectability of brolgas

Communication is important

Collect data consistently

Augment with other intensive survey methods

Key Considerations

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The Government Further refinement to the survey guidelines and

policies (detection probabilities, turbine buffer distances)

DSE should improve spatial data on important Brolga breeding habitat across the SW and make it publicly available (exclusion areas for development?)

The Government continues to receive data, and our understanding of the species’ distribution and relative importance of areas for breeding

Assists all levels of Government in ensuring accurate and consistent planning decisions

Key Considerations

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A proven survey technique that shouldn’t be used in isolation

Spatial understanding of habitat

High detection rates

Allows areas which have access restrictions to be surveyed

Determine any potential impacts associated with a proposed wind farm facility on the species

Inform avoidance and minimisation strategies

Reduced time and costs

Can determine where wetland restoration actions should be directed


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Video clip - start


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Adelaide - (08) 8372 7829 Brisbane – (07) 3221 3352 / Geelong – (03) 5221 8122 / Melbourne – (03) 9377 0100


Aaron Organ Director / Principal Ecologist

0425 873 159