- . - ; * - . : * THE- ESSEX COUNTY REPUBLICAN, '.'.vfTEMBBll 25. MU. |MaMMaHaMHMBHMB|BaHaiBlB ^ |ia ^ HIIKflHBaaiHMHM ^^^^^ B|MMa ^^ CIG1D i New Fall Shoes We have now a complete stock of Fall Shoes—which comprises all the new styles of the *ej$on< You will find them very attractive and * ill suit your fancy. This is the only Shoe Sxre in Vermont tiut carries all narrow widths and extreme sizes* I. A. LEWIS SUCCESSOR TO MOSLEY & BIO BLOW BURLINQTON, VERMONT Wilt .BUN*fifl4KSifSU MISS »£RTHA Ct GCMMORS WEDS MR. EDWAftO BEOG3 Important to all Women Roader* of tfe* Pap*. i** t*i t timr t^in >W*i i4 ute i»u*< ti*e itulijvHiofi l»ul it M. Tl.it* h\ MPI i* «JI*O «.t t£*a u^M *MHUMOU emu**** of *ivtt»» ii U i»-iv. ii U."«"V".JJ i!-»« t?.^«-.>w«»ii Mt «»iuv, 'I iioglar.* • ' - f *.ut. in I'wir *•;l.\ :iv, t?*OM»»;n*« 'i U»»*M « * Hi" I !ii'*r*? quo iv.y n I>K>ttj-|-*u;*%*.->^i Pratt/ Autumn Wadding Salamntxcd at Horn* cl Oriaa'a Parents In Witlabora on Seat em bar ?.\ A v*r? pretty weddtnt *«>OH pla««s at «u h »ii^ of A3r. aiu! h>. p. H. K<*flrr, *f Willab *r»», Monday ?\ D^-» »i t ;Jnr -t, *Vti t!»**r daughter vii«s i ,er i »t!ys i\ ^ i.;ui^ra VIM ?uarn*.-i| iu Mr. *U;*Mrg<» Kt* ar*t !W£g*. of Koi »*«*«". Th'M*an»!« upon tV»i ^rwlsi of wo-1 in<-a 1>% V ** ki.ia»v or blatUkr truubU); \Vf»fM«*fi a t*o?uolalmji often pr«»v* to b* xwiltlug el** l• i? Udn* y troubioror) iW f«*uit of *idu*y v?r binder dia- !i •**«• *iJ«!i»»-va tir*. ?i*i; in a h<*a!thy «-««i«diiV>n. ii«* m** c« i*t? tua oibt?r V^m ^jny 4an**r a »r*'^t »U*al with fta^a ^ti i 1 *** l»a- b+artttf n r-at- in«a.rt.-a.1i*'H^» vin«1 !o»a ot ariibition. Why Enrolled ublicans ii Rep Should Vote For SETH 0. HEACOCK FOB LIEUT. 00VIRN0R Because he is the only candidate of his party for this position who has had any experience in the Senate, which wouid fit him to pre* side over that body. Be- came be has fought the Murphy-Barnes combination Iron tee beemumfc TAMMANY MALL AND CONWAY'S DEPLOftASLt MISADVENTURES la omuKUtiiia upon the trouble ot turmtr Lteuteaant ciovrroor Conway I had in **utuf hie name apoa the Dtm : ovTatic primary ballot aa a candidate liar Uekaate at larya to tbe conatiti: jtiooal -.^nveii'iatt the AJWny Joarual e*!itoriallT aa>« j it d^itr+i* ihtre aa the reault of a t^ourt >r*Wr and not by crace of Taxn* macjr Hail or ;ae IHaiocraUc stale coiumutee. ie»l l»l<-»»»i I * ~ l>r Wui^ttW fink ItUe act . ir**tll<*** ' Ue trrrtart ° v *^ h w«4 aim !><wr Hm'fh »*a»m rua ner^oaii. trrl^ on the l»<*«i t ti^ai 4*# it rati ai<] tr<! # |pi^ but \<?r» iiuarvmaUe waa ^-rtoruioj **ole 41H ia*» iK a-eapabd^ni; it ma*- an!t l *e* ri.Ueli.^r!*ue..;: : *at& : U t ^„ ^cioci^ia the aiorntu« the nuf *• * ! * y . ^ *{ - ^ ^ % w „, ml ^ lH - t nervre, K^it» l ar^t. : ei?n-.| j * ^ *• -» a I » rir i 4 . A i^,^ ^.^ ^ l|f :ur irt U of v.ra«a c'al-i that that »uj»f.!| U^> i i , . \ i U » St»«^ *•.«! A:! ^ r l h , a ^t^*M\»»y a dftlfjiiful h. A :«h to the >ww->*» »"»eet tf» ae Sn»t »ijiMof fMiuia,; fieaith u a^ iiii. jWt'd«Sin« breAklaat araa aer«e«I Mr. tl^ r**m^ty a«adad ta oYercotae ftrovwl af'|^f ie ku\ *mn UA* r • ^-t «! PAU | tlieM* u*«ie |.uia ta e\i«it-*!t t!^t«>» *' •*? I UM» «r%>a4»iii. \ott nml ^ a t wtiat Y«*o««t i v doeaW>ttitftrtaa.T*4i and U*at }^u * c i#**w. Uneo and iaon>>. ' ' The happy c*ouple Irit aortJ a •bower of rice for a trip to New York. t'pott thvir return they will rcelde at No. Sti Hancock St.. Rocheatrr. NY Mr a. H*KIC* were the r^tpe'iti of OUL&T beaaiHal a^fta of cat glaaa coaditi^im. A a^H kvdnry tuodtcuu?, potfmaainij real hraUam a ad curative value, nbould he a bleaaiafrto thoaaaada of oervotaa. ov**r-worked women. Mane aend far a aatup'.e battle to aaa what »vaii*p»ttoot, the great KMney 1 tavar and Bladder Remede will \o for tacfu. Evt-ry reader of thie paper, who j ttro?'* and \i^on.u* iitM'-a*! vi intt-*-..# andlivtieaa. Y a are now an ti*» f*>a I l»» Iteaith and care in the U*-1 t* all t.Val aou need. ^ f A T ^ th.y wui W at k _ to w r haa^ot already .JJMJ J ^ - g bookWour.,^ YA«. era dtu* 1^*4* after No^e^bar 1. t*n c ^ f !: *t ^ T r eTJt% i^mpia aiae Ba-I— I Mr. l W « a is aeit knowa ta Rorh ^ ^ , p^lVoat. Yoa can 4?eter whtre he holda ac «Kex.attte cha## tn# rrgolar Hitv-c^nt and JOHN B. EUHNHAM OP ESSEX , p 0# ai^ti A« treaaurea aad aentrm) so tur atae aottlea at aa Jru» store*. OUT rOH STATE COMPTHOttEH imaIiairr <,| vha H^haa aad Ha>tJa % t _ _ _ _ _ . a. la Dr. WUliajna 9 link llUa. Yotintf t^eople aectircd r r r l pvl- tkooa I 5t year by ati«,u4»u«^ tba AtBANV COLLEGE IS* Tha opportmrniry la youra at ft »iliciia, Y<j* cca I > 4 i u J y cn^foyed next year if ycu praparo «Ader our direction. We) Qualify our pep'la tbor* ow«tiiy iO# hnaaaiaa, fCr tacrabauJ work* f^r tba d%il a rv.cr. for trachia>tf ronaanercUl rulj.cta and tratw y^Manc an^tt to becoana auccaaaiut bosieaaa farflaerc. lour ownara and aaajaacaca* Twraoty axpart taaciaara. Spacial atteataoo paid to watfare) off ut af- fowm atudenu. Writa at ooca for addraaa CARNELL A ftao. « HOIT a f i .Paper t'a ^Prca^aaat^a CaeaSaaata for Mk§n Ofhaa Goa af Seat K*ew* Maa «f Affaira tOXIEH MO'TOft CO. CREDITORS ASK COURTS FOR RECEIVER CLMaTOM CO. S. •- WORKERS TO ASSEMBLE »W MOOERS. t in Cattffty. Kit men everywhere ta tha Coa&ty UtewtenaLt Uoveraor roaway had i jJw||tll; €lldarm# tbe wladoaiof the lTo» 4 of triable In fettla* hta name a a : ^^ lfe caf , :eTMC ^ *. Vt m tarn*, tug aa the <aadtdate tor the high ottce .the halloc I At the IVniOvratlc oatereace la aa FifM May Shan tAnaaai Oatnarifif af Aaaaatataaa to ha Ctiyrah, Octawae 1 and Z. Warhaat •y ha Ra aaawaat TI^ fitatoa ^ OQll(T s>nj»dAy S<hoot credttora of the Loiier Motor Com Aaaotianaui will meet ta yearly coav !ol State roa»ptroller. Joha A Buro- i5aratoga aix v>f the aevaa memUra of ^3, u f E#ae&. K*>tacoawJ the cx>aa»itt^ choaen to aeJect caiidi j Mr. BarahaM la a » e o arhoae rep pany of Intrott. Mich., on Knday :ikJ tetiUoa at the M€ ^^^^^ m— datea for dVlecatea at tar«* to the coa JuuiUoa fur iatetTtty ia anaaaailahle . m prtuiuo for a xeceUcrmhip la ihe *harrh. Mooera. oa 1 a ^ T #n ttuational cooveatlcvn were peraocaiiyp. 3rt ^f «acceaafttl empt-rieaxe have Cowrta there. The pet*tu>tkera h a t e Friday. Oet"*a*»r 1 ^ ^^ Schoat Tinted by the irienda of Mr. Cosiwa> aiapiy 4uahAedhun to nil with diatiao unpaid claiaa a4*re«auu« il^^t and theme w^ t he » • F m t + to urge hia choice aa a repreaaniativeltiea anr ofSce la the aift of ihe P#O»'AII**« I»^I*M- V L<# id Johaaan ' StheKacy. ihe aroaraai appoistad Iowa Democrat trom All of the aaemhera _ , . iua ^ , ^uMumimiii *w •»*• -**— ««.*wv uiip^w c a i a i aiajetp re aa a repreaantative| tl<>l | aof 0 Qce la the gift of ifce P#^* a |j^ i# laaolraa-y t Norther* New York. *> •»|V* l «ra# 4a haahmpto ex tea. Mr. ^jmham la a real ftaher [cuatodiaa of the proj>erty Tharaday. Oct 1 at 1 * A. w i — tha- cluatoa that in the choaeo IS m*ttea ignored aortatro and Mr. Conwaj. Net off the ticket hy tha Near York —————•—••—•————> World 1 " becaaae he araa the attonaey MR WiTHERBEE SAYR W. 1 C a M *** teieahoae company. Mr. Coav WILL ButLO LARGE DOCKS. 1 *** *^^« « Jl ^ i lh * attawlloo af ampravafwama ta Lake CHamptaifi Will "^te comaaltte ta the tact that Maaaa Mvr* pmaperrty for Part j **• r°«« 1 »* f « recocalse thej Haniy Polka* Ht Declare*. tha iiigheat regard tar the candidate ruaa* a regaiar angler. Ha ia preatv a u underaiood that auomfya for votiona. Rer E. h GoodelL 13H»harg; it waa regarded aa a foregone con-1 J^at of the hoard at directors of the o * )*t*«r (oaapaay will conteat the worde of weicooae. C. H. i . ^,_ - •- ericaa Gaaa# Pracectlre and Fr+\?pj.tnm*Tix of a revetter. They de^ wooer*; reanoaae, cowaty ^tion Aaaociatioa. Many political rilM i9 ^a^l uu^tiancy. though re mtaatea af laat conaeMvoa Far-aaa»e reaaon or other tha cnmlpoaittona of honor hawa ^^m forced fwalng to gt»* aay atatanient on nuan reporta af tha aacretary. trannurtr and upon hua. Vial condition aaaaad laat December coasty •apertnteadeata. Kaaex county In geneeal aad Ra dt- ^trUig mm9€tm at l4.<K;.,Jil. with Im Kama department. Mra. Snaan Hav Wliea Harvey IX Ferrta w^a loroad : kae-« *« aartkralar. wlah Mr. itaraham htlitam af only lU^wf.^ ^, Ptauaharg "good Sahing'* naat Monday. Tae Losler Motor Company waa re M|M CmM*to* Adgaie. ]orgnniaedT two yaara a#a Tae X>e iitmc m training. Ree. R ^- Voni. gLOOMlNSDALC tro* p^at waa eatnh:iahed In ' ? ^ puu»aaT|; orgaaiard Blaaa claaa. — H. W. Towne. who haa haea Ttatt- p ^ ^ t 0 l a m | ( ^ company a Ktt ^ 1 Baton. Chaaia4a1n. ll.-S— log relatives in Norwood, retamad isaaaUctwring plant waa at Piatis j^ a^a*:* e^ainment and organlaav I ome laat week. hnrg It la understood that the lor %%cm ior ^ffldtnt R. a work, R*v. J U —E. C Waadar. and Prof ^ MERRITT IS A sHiSV MAN HI SPITE OF HIS ILLNESS. Chairman Oahom of the Democratic maaxjT - Inde *** lt t h a t i? mnmt * K * repre»*nta:toa « o , r4 ^ 1 u^«^«*»^». ^doraa' at" Port !h ^ »*?«"«»* Isfreais and had «>j *a\irondniae. aad a rxgular visitor to T€ma , in h ^ for ^ 9( ^ mi h ^ igih or ci0*4 apja Calfra S Huaoa fi»r the j lor nioaotnma for the paat twenty two (lUttr# b*ca*a* of the immense at^ca pa~*. The northeta N e - *<~* .^«f M -«t I *" :4r * ^i** y *^°- <* ** J *** 4 \ Itevrd tbat ih^r^ wiU he a r,*T«wtn; \r. C. Wlthcrht^ uf the \\':tise. ^btr:uan company. VJTX ii<-i*ry «*ya that *he plana of his the building of large Heary. Hiey w;il be modc>J after % : n "bv* La^e Su^»rk>r ore Jis- •trlv t. mh^re It la poaa,bie to ran a train ' Th * northeta New Vorh conttngent *jf trrlirht enrs. whk h are unloaded <»^a«^t *t was f-nny that the d> Into pockets that empty into barrea. m*xi<i* ot the agrtcaltwral int^resta Toe tnu»portation ^a*ratlon ia aa &*«* ni>t ^^ connWfWd wh^o the ori tatenmttonal one." he says, Three' ««al list was axade up. hat In the) -yt-ara ago Canada begaa the aurvey Ei-aatime Mr. Conway a name waaji't Tjr a Urger canal r*tw«*n Montreal « : T: •-« * r ? rearer to the list and t*haah!y, aixty a t k s Joag. that r h*n H^rraaa Hwitl^r a^d Mr. Lock- win cuanect Lake Champiain with the uo>i w.Tbdr-fw iheir na.iiea fmrn the Ae*ier» country, and this will bring ;!«*t arid with each withdrawal. Mr tmm^fiae tretgbt «h.nmfc;a 'bia way • ;. * i v % .r;en<!# urged the conatder- ;nto «he Had&oa a4 Troy aad 'tenc* at .n of the claisaa of northern New to the Atlantic. I h i a mut»: h+ ro.low-' Y<>rk. That waa all the good It did «*d "hy the dfvriopment of buft.neea ih»ia. TH* I>?n>ocTatSc state commit- aloug the upper Hodsoa. .Vestera 1*+ apparently did not know how toj barges bringing freight to *he East *p<Sl * or*way name. It atajr^d off win return loaded with coal. The of the ticket aad kept ata>ing off. I Smrge canal tegmtnala at Tror an J the' Tii€n :yiT K oa* a y s irtenoa SKd a' oceangoing Teasels that laxd on the ^ t!T ion !or hit aomlnauon w.th over npaer HwdXm. together with tfa* stoop* , Hifl Q^,, OT iv Twenty nve hon- aad mi Us that wiiltorate th*re. wiJI Mc^ar tm *+ of the company dtn lined after,, ^^ Para.; oosamaaitF aurrey for ctnuaw of aorth«Ta New York and p a t . l ^ y . *no **** been spending some f0 * d ^ lB <* W . A . Loatt*. &r. the! gM ^ y ^. Uoo| wora . R €T . A. J Mr Coaway oa f * m l l ^^P at Moo# * l ^ u ^ retamad f Maa#r of the Inatitatian. !fianderiand. Chaiy; diacuaaioa and " Mr o»b.*n aa.d t^at the commute* ! ^ ^ * ^ * > Mr w * rVf lm # " " » ^ **^ ! »* 1 ^- h ^ v ^ r '^W.» lir^-winaer and Mr. ua:aara *a.a ai me c mm \^ X79W% ^ . n ^ a great \m*r of the ta#l lh# w%>rk# IQ Piuttaharg will uot ^fitracttcad 23 Rilta and Pr*ae*ta ?^ PaUtiana in tha Hetaaa of Rtpea- aafitativaa at Waahawftwaw Aithongh he haa been 111 moat of the seaaton, iUpreseniatraa fidvta A. Merrttt. Jr. of Potsdam, has had fata worm earned on through his oaVe at Washington, D C He haa introduced S3 htiia, providing, among other tairga. for tha apptx>a>riatioa ai a fund for the erection of a permanent aaemoriai at Plattabnrg In consflaeaaoration of the battle, which was ansaed. a survey of Lake Ckampiala at Ronaca Point, a aurrey of Og^wnaawrg harbor, to pro- vide a Louse far tha Lighthouse keener at Crown PotnL public hnOdings at Potadam and Port Henry and to aaake Xyando a port of immediate trans portation for dutiable merchandiae. He haa preasoted It pettuona. I 12.'.»'.'—dinner .hoar. * Iharadsy Anem^oa— . A ^ nod prayer p^r.oa. a^v. h»( r*w material on hand it U 1^?^^^ rbm:as>! ^ n: 1 4'.. SECRETARY CSTEV PREDICTS IMR. MERRITT 8 REFLECTION W. &. Eatey. secretary to Hon E A. M^rritL Jr.. arrived in Port Henry laat week from Washington. D C. Mr Ketey haa been a reaadent of Port Henry all his life, and waa warmly greeted by hia old mends. When aaaed by the representative of the New*, rrgardtnc Congreaaman aociaj;Merrttta beaith. he stated that Mr. Merrltt returned to his home :a Pots- dam last Tnuraday afternoon and that t .&. praise p H. 8had)hla aplendid appearance was a delight- roil call of , w . #^irien*"T t««ach€r. i.a'*-. visit^i relatives h^re this weik fiua miLn »trt>ng naaacial ha< king aad^ "^^ ^ lf ^ ^ PUttsbarg; Atmoa lit. hnd Mra Carp*nter. of ^ooa lkm , Uw i^apa wuJ be opened shortly * u#r# wd enect*ve ttn.hiag. U^r, u •r^r* m t«w» Tm^liT ^-^ 1 — * — ^ there daring the ^ u ^ llmtr! The tanchera grip on tae weekday life of the poaala. Mrs ^r^t a aapper la the town ban ^ •• , r B i^iagee. Wrat Chax^. announce .r»ae,.|ar evt^ing. w^'WAUaCC C WALLACE IS OUT ' m **i ol rommiiteea; confereace a:»d ^at^ia^-s^wii * I r0fl tMCX C ° - ^ ^ A ^ 1 " 11 -^"^ ^ methods- ll5, ^Vr l)i til at*4 ram;*y. who have Fne*da af Walter tl. W^^ce 4 Tl^ Tharsday BveninkV : 3 t4ik* w^re in town Toeaday. and bwi&H| - ~i be ladle* of the Episcopal church w | a i^ r v •.' * i>a ful »^rprise to his fnends. they bar- ing been led to thieve by rival can- daaatea for €ongr«sa th&t he was re- turning to his Lome at th*» ri»k of his life, aocoaupaaued hy a physician and tratued aarasia. Mr. Merritt aitghted from the train without any aastetance whatever, and I —Mr U N . til atid !*ID;' »b*?en in t<r*n for 'he past year, have can4ero$a at* 1 making the an faergeti, Lright^c a Strohel cottage In caavaaa tor hixn lor the Repab:»a *i' addnso th*' c ^^%^ Jjj.^ jnuminn4,onlaeCoantyTfeoaorer. Mr veara. Rer. I B Keh,. Platt.harg. Mr'Guider ia In camp at tiold ^ u ^ ; neas n.ea ta the coamy. and has had ^ ^ W ^ ^ ^ Mrs H^liwita or Urovklyn. wbc> ^&perte^e u> public affatra He was lo**pa r. t mrs. haa been n«:t;ag her pare us. Mr and bam ia ihe town of Moriah in l^Tl Fridar Mornii*g. Oct, r-^rvoiions (walked the length of the platform tirt , ;Ua< ;!whaktttg handa with a great many peo- « x* ^ \i-^#^%iP*« m »° gathered to welcome tita « W 1^. R ~ i P. HOCK. M * H " k (botteMdco:ctmtoUlt . t^oahUT*- turn to bee t^ T -4--^^ tne : ^^ &tr > *a^ t ^«' r atau^ that, while allace is ore of the b**t k^owa baf>- a »•. music hv chotr; a.i-.. ao^^ ^ ^ Mf>|T:U hmd not bAe|3 abt ^ ^ ^ ^ Wash T.<rton during the present ses- «loc of t'ongress. be had been ab;e to %:<uun through hia friends, larger iaet aad received* his edacation at the R<*T J. JL ikavidson. West ^****?^J^jappropriations than the district erer ^ I), tobeau retamed „^^ fv firrin Tuesday. Sherman Collegiale Institute by work report of committee on county «r*» ;T%cw1f#4 betora. Among these were a —Mrs LneJla & Thompson and tag for his board whfce attet.dit^ isatmn: reawrt of committee on aom^ Lwgkdr ^ ao4 twe a:y-frve thousand dol lWsV|t Hilliard were married at tbe^mbool Mr. Waliare gradoated frwm nations; election of ofT<*era; *J*"*' ^lara for a monument cxkmmeaoratlwg dr*M| ^amea to a certainty were S)^> j Methodist Episcopal aauwonage by the the school ia ls*> ai*4 then taught Tiwion. Ikr. J F ^' 1 * r «- ,^^_ jibe win also lamiah additional buftin anraber were post marked Sept *. boti ^^were wUI he a dance hi the town |0 f the Republican party. ai*d was weigm J™^" » ^j^ti tor the barge canal and de^jKr nudaoo .., n ^ ^ ^ a i atayed oil the ballot. J,^, M m^? weening for the benefit clerk of the vilaape of Tic^mderagn fuf at the price of the ordinary weigor k whfcn thonaanaVtan barges axe in oner-J nnmil? ^^ f osway contingent ob |0 f the banket bail t canal wdl also help paper and pulp "mau af acturera. Tb* 'deeper Hudson and the barge ^.of the banket bail e-1 — liownrd Ward 'Tapeading the past This is ,»ix yenra. Althowgh H had been the aaiaed a r*urt order dlrectix^ the aec-j —liownrd Gardner, who has been^c^stom to appoint an aitan*y to this ^^^ umdx* ch*ap that will outlast jaJiiatioa and of the committee r^tarr of stam to put their champion appending tba past year in Scbewerta-, place, he attended to the affairs of tb> MTk ^ For parucn- Raiea - a i l wMportnnt cosnmittees: name oa the bailot and on the ballot djr . * «ome f or a few weekax jthe rillaar so well he waa oontjpned m+ ** ^ D ^_ W _ |Mr l « e y M confident that the Mr. Merritt la a ranking Republican of tba Committee on Revia JMMi of the Lawa. a member of the n great opportunity to par J committee 00 Unmigraaiati and Xatar on cansi win be the cruising grounds for It goes. Miss Helen Gillespie and brother office. Mr. W«*ta*ae haa a large num addrees Jean t -TVlmt win happen to rt now remana]l^ee GiHesiRe to be aecn. *it:T.rir*H!a of private yacht a,"* nays Mr.| »\ith*-rbte 'The spectacle will be n *ao*t engaging one and wiU bring Newl 'The fa«-t that during bis occupancy York hiate aweineaa.*' {of the liewtenant governor's choir. Mr. B. <V Mntthewa of the Port Henry .Conway was lieutenant ^m ATO* Ore Coanpnny ways the completion' beboredl aa ancb. wttbowt nawing any} of: be barge canal would mean a grant- ndeke aVosn Tammany HnIL may lacreaaea output of ore by has coat-1 sibiy acoonnt for bis left laat week for. ber of friewda in Bas-pv County, waa a Keeaeviile. R. F Franklin. Maaa.. where they wui en- deieaate to the State Republican ' . ter Pean Academy. Jvewticqi and ia a aaeanher of the C-oua —H C. Ricketswn of Plsdtabnrg. was ty Cosnmrttee, Aa tba oftoa of hi town recently. jty Trensnrer In Eaaex county Ulitte and fajntly viavted ways been heed by a to.aiataa a a a . \ f gr lafnnta Run- Mr. Wallace's friends baUavo that a V. B Barnatn. y-S^-Ie-tf Advt ^CASTOR IA I—• fof latnata awai C^Jairr In Us# For Ovt* 3 0 Y of this district will not make the mie- (take ef seatding aa untried man to Congress, aa experience baa proved maiiihi r can accomplish; than a new one. t saunHROoaa EXPERT EATS BAD VARfET/ AMD DIES AT UTiCA Following taw) awtaaff ad what be ncrlnew to aw, tebanuiewn R. ef Twiman. K, T , as wend hi Ttl-ltbe THE AISABLE FORKS High School WILL BEGIN « # Tuesda>, Sept 1st' PRACTICAL AGRICULTURAL AND DOMESTIC SCIENCE COOKING AND SEWING wM be added to die regular courses tins fall and will temstby Exsrrjfsxril Specialists I! SEND THEM HERE]' The W. G. Reynolds Co. CARPETS, FURNITURE, LINENS American-Made Goods for the Entire World The slogan that should open to activity every citizen of this re- public. Within two years this country will be called upon to pro- duce three-fourths of the food - stuffs arid manufactured articles! for the consumption of the popu- lation of the entire world-war is an awful calamity, but every ca- lamity works out to the benefit of some individual, class or country thus will this European war work outthe greatest boom America and Americans have ever experienced. Here Are Some Strictly American- Made Goods that have defied old world compe- tition for years.' We'll be glad to show them to you when you call. BERKEY & GAY FURNITURE WH1TTALL RUGS COLONIAL CRETONNES BEACON BLANKETS GLENWOOD RANGES MACEY BOOKCASES MA1SH COMFORTABLES WHITE SEWING MACHINES WHITNEY BABY CARRIAGES HANDEL ELECTRIC LAMPS COLONIAL CLOCKS TAYLOR CHAIRS HOOSIER KITCHEN CABINETS ARMSTRONG LINOLEUM and many other lines Pianos For Rent We have eight or ten pianos and player pianos, which we will rent for the winter or a shorter period on very reasonable terms. These are all high class instruments and in perfect condition. Let us clean, make over and re- lay your carpets-hair mattresses electrically renovated and remade. If you're moving out of the city or into the city, let us do your work with our big auto truck. * It's safest aud quickest BURLINGTON, VERMONT.


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Page 1: Wilt .BUN*fifl4KSifS MISS »£RTHU A Ct GCMMORS …THE- ESSEX COUNTY REPUBLICAN, '.'.vfTEMBBll 25. MU. |MaMMaHaMHMBHMB|BaHaiBlB^|ia^HIIKflHBaaiHMHM^^^^^B|MMa^^ CIG1D i New Fall Shoes

- . • - ; * • - . • • : • • *



New Fall Shoes We have now a complete stock of Fall Shoes—which

comprises all the new styles of the *ej$on< You will find them very attractive and * ill suit your fancy. This is the only Shoe Sxre in Vermont tiut carries all narrow widths and extreme sizes*



Wilt .BUN*fifl4KSifSU MISS » £ R T H A Ct GCMMORS

WEDS MR. EDWAftO BEOG3 Important to all Women

Roader* of tfe* Pap*.

i** t*i t timr t^in >W*i i4 ute i»u*< ti*e itulijvHiofi l»ul it M.

Tl.it* h\ MPI i* «JI*O «.t t£*a u^M *MHUMOU emu**** of *ivtt»» ii U i»-iv. ii U."«"V".JJ i!-»« t?. «-.>w«»ii Mt «»iuv, 'I iioglar.* • ' - f *.ut.

in I'wir *•;l.\ :iv, t?*OM»»;n*« 'i U»»*M « * Hi" I

!ii'*r*? quo iv.y n I>K> ttj-|-*u;*% *.->^i

Pratt/ Autumn Wadding Salamntxcd at Horn* cl Oriaa'a Parents In

Witlabora on Seat em bar ?.\ A v*r? pretty weddtnt *«>OH pla««s

at «u h »ii^ of A3r. aiu! h>. p. H. K<*flrr, *f Willab *r»», Monday ?\ D ^ - »

» i t;Jnr -t , *Vt i t!»**r daughter vii«s i,er i »t!ys i \ ^ i.;ui^ra VIM ?uarn*.-i| iu Mr. *U;*Mrg<» Kt* ar*t !W£g*. of Koi »*«*«".

Th'M*an»!« upon tV»i rwlsi of wo-1 in<-a 1>%V** ki.ia»v or blatUkr truubU);

\Vf»fM«*fi a t*o?uolalmji often pr«»v* to b* xwiltlug el** l• i? Udn* y troubioror) iW f«*uit of *idu*y v?r binder dia-

!i •**«• *iJ«!i»»-va tir*. ?i*i; in a h<*a!thy «-««i«diiV>n. ii«* m** c« i*t? tua oibt?r

V m ^jny 4an**r a »r*' t »U*al with fta^a ^ti i1*** l»a- b+artttf n r-at-in«a. rt.-a.1i*' H» vin«1 !o»a ot ariibition.

Why Enrolled



Rep Should Vote For



Because he is the only candidate of his party for this position who has had any experience in the Senate, which wouid fit him to pre* side over that body. Be­came be has fought the Murphy-Barnes combination Iron tee beemumfc


la omuKUtiiia upon the trouble ot turmtr Lteuteaant ciovrroor Conway

I had in **utuf hie name apoa the Dtm:

ovTatic primary ballot aa a candidate liar Uekaate at larya to tbe conatiti: jtiooal -.^nveii'iatt the AJWny Joarual e*!itoriallT aa>«

j it d^itr+i* ihtre aa the reault of a t ourt >r*Wr and not by crace of Taxn* macjr Hail or ;ae IHaiocraUc stale coiumutee.

ie»l l»l<-»»»i I * ~ l>r Wui^ttW fink ItUe act . ir**tll<*** ' U e t r r r t a r t ° v * ^ h w«4 aim !><wr Hm'fh »*a»m rua ner^oaii. trrl

on the l»<*«it ti^ai 4*# it rati ai<] tr<!# |pi^ but \<?r» iiuarvmaUe waa ^-rtoruioj **ole 41H ia*» iK a-eapabd^ni; it ma*-an!t l*e* r i .Uel i .^r!*ue . . ; : : * a t & : U t ^ „ ^cioci^ia the aiorntu« the nuf *• *!*y. ^ *{ - ^ ^% w „,m l^ l H - t

nervre, K^it»lar^t.:ei?n-.| j * *• -» a I » riri4.A i ^ , ^ ^ . ^ ^ l | f :ur irt U of v.ra«a c'al-i that that »uj»f.!| U > i i , . \ i U » St»«^ *•.«! A : ! ^ r l h , a ^t^*M\»»y a dftlfjiiful h.A:«h to the >ww->*» »"»eet tf» ae Sn»t »ijiMof fMiuia,; fieaith u a^ iiii. jWt'd«Sin« breAklaat araa aer«e«I Mr. t l^ r**m ty a«adad ta oYercotae ftrovwl af'|^f ie ku\ *mn UA* r • -t «! PAU| tlieM* u*«ie |.uia ta e\i«it-*!t t! t«>» *' •*? I UM» «r%>a4»iii. \ott nml ^ a t wtiat Y«*o««t i

vdoeaW>ttitftrtaa.T*4i and U*at }^u * c i#**w. Uneo and iaon>>. ' ' The happy c*ouple Irit aortJ a

•bower of rice for a trip to New York. t'pott thvir return they will rcelde at No. Sti Hancock St.. Rocheatrr. N Y

Mr a. H*KIC* were the r^tpe' i t i of OUL&T beaaiHal a fta of cat glaaa

coaditi^im. A a^H kvdnry tuodtcuu?, potfmaainij

real hraUam a ad curative value, nbould he a bleaaiafrto thoaaaada of oervotaa. ov**r-worked women.

Mane aend far a aatup'.e battle to aaa what »vaii*p»ttoot, the great KMney 1 tavar and Bladder Remede will \o for tacfu. Evt-ry reader of thie paper, who

j ttro?'* and \i^on.u* iitM'-a*! vi intt-*-..# andlivtieaa. Y a are now an ti*» f*>a I l»» Iteaith and care in the U*-1 t* all t.Val aou need.

^ f A T ^ th.y wui W at k _ to w r haa^ot already . J J M J J ^ - g b o o k W o u r . , ^ Y A « . e r a dtu* 1^*4* after No^e^bar 1. t*n c ^ f ! : * t ^ T reTJt% i^mpia aiae

B a - I — I Mr. lW«a is aeit knowa ta Rorh ^ ^ , p ^ l V o a t . Yoa can 4?eter whtre he holda ac «Kex.attte c h a # # t n # rrgolar Hitv-c^nt and

JOHN B. EUHNHAM OP ESSEX ,p0#ai^ti A« treaaurea aad aentrm) s o t u r atae aottlea at aa Jru» store*. OUT rOH STATE C O M P T H O t t E H i m a I i a i r r <,| vha H^haa aad Ha>tJa%t _ _ _ _ _ — . —

a. la Dr. WUliajna9 l ink llUa.

Yotintf t^eople aectircd r r r l p v l -tkooa I 5t year by ati«,u4»u«^ tba



Tha opportmrniry la youra at ft »iliciia, Y<j* cca I > 4 i u J y

cn^foyed next year if y c u praparo «Ader our direction.

We) Qualify our pep'la tbor* ow«tiiy iO# hnaaaiaa, fCr tacrabauJ work* f^r tba d%il a rv.cr. for trachia>tf ronaanercUl rulj.cta and tratw y Manc an^tt t o b e c o a n a auccaaaiut bosieaaa farflaerc.

l our ownara and aaajaacaca* Twraoty axpart taaciaara. Spacial atteataoo paid to watfare) off ut af-fowm atudenu. Writa at ooca for


CARNELL A ftao. «

HOIT a f

i .Paper t 'a

^Prca^aaat^a CaeaSaaata for Mk§n Ofhaa Goa af Seat K*ew* Maa «f Affaira tOXIEH MO'TOft CO. CREDITORS



t in Cattffty. Kit men everywhere ta tha Coa&ty

UtewtenaLt Uoveraor roaway had i j J w | | t l l ; € l l d a r m # tbewladoaiof the lTo» 4 of triable In fettla* hta name a a : ^ ^ l f e c a f , : e T M C ^ *. V t k » m tarn*,

tug aa the <aadtdate tor the high ottce .the halloc I At the IVniOvratlc oatereace la

aa FifM May Shan

tAnaaai Oatnarifif af Aaaaatataaa to ha

Ctiyrah, Octawae 1 and Z. Warhaat •y ha Ra aaawaat T I ^ fitatoa ^O Q l l ( T s>nj»dAy S<hoot

credttora of the Loiier Motor Com Aaaotianaui will meet ta yearly coav !ol State roa»ptroller. Joha A Buro-

i5aratoga aix v>f the aevaa memUra of ^ 3 , uf E#ae&. K*>tacoawJ the cx>aa»itt^ choaen to aeJect caiidi j Mr. BarahaM la a » e o arhoae rep pany of Intrott. Mich., on Knday :ikJ tetiUoa at the M € ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ m —

datea for dVlecatea at tar«* to the coa JuuiUoa fur iatetTtty ia anaaaailahle.m prtuiuo for a xeceUcrmhip la ihe *harrh. Mooera. oa 1 a ^ T # n ttuational cooveatlcvn were p e r a o c a i i y p . 3 r t f «acceaafttl empt-rieaxe have Cowrta there. The pet*tu>tkera hate Friday. Oet"*a*»r 1 ^ ^ ^ Schoat Tinted by the irienda of Mr. Cosiwa> aiapiy 4uahAedhun to nil with diatiao unpaid claiaa a4*re«auu« i l^^t and ^ « theme w t he » • F m t+ to urge hia choice aa a repreaaniativeltiea anr ofSce la the aift of ihe P#O»'AII**« I » ^ I * M - V L<# id Johaaan ' StheKacy. ihe aroaraai

appoistad Iowa Democrat trom All of the aaemhera

_ , . i u a ^ , ^uMumimiii *w •»*• -**— ««.*wv uiip^w c a i a i aiajetp re aa a repreaantative|tl<>l| a o f 0 Qce la the gift of ifce P # ^ * a | j ^ i # laaolraa-y t Norther* New York. * > • •»|V* l«ra# 4 a haahmpto

ex tea. Mr. ^jmham la a real ftaher [cuatodiaa of the proj>erty Tharaday. Oct 1 at 1 * A. w i — tha-

cluatoa that in the choaeo IS

m*ttea ignored aortatro and Mr. Conwaj.


off the ticket hy tha Near York — — — — — • — • • — • — — — — > World1" becaaae he araa the attonaey MR WiTHERBEE SAYR W. 1 C a M *** teieahoae company. Mr. Coav

WILL ButLO LARGE DOCKS.1 *** • * ^ ^ « « J l ^ i l h * attawlloo af

ampravafwama ta Lake CHamptaifi Will "^te comaaltte ta the tact that Maaaa Mvr* pmaperrty for Part j * * • • r°«« 1 » * f« recocalse thej

Haniy Polka* Ht Declare*.

tha iiigheat regard tar the candidate ruaa* a regaiar angler. Ha ia preatv a u underaiood that auomfya for votiona. Rer E. h GoodelL 13H»harg; it waa regarded aa a foregone con-1 J^at of the hoard at directors of the o * )*t*«r (oaapaay will conteat the worde of weicooae. C. H. i

. ,_ - • - ericaa Gaaa# Pracectlre and Fr+\?pj.tnm*Tix of a revetter. They de wooer*; reanoaae, cowaty ^tion Aaaociatioa. Many political r i l M i9 ^ a ^ l uu^tiancy. though re mtaatea af laat conaeMvoa

Far-aaa»e reaaon or other tha cnmlpoaittona of honor hawa ^^m forced fwalng to gt»* aay atatanient on nuan reporta af tha aacretary. trannurtr and upon hua. Vial condition aaaaad laat December coasty •apertnteadeata.

Kaaex county In geneeal aad Ra dt- ^trUig mm9€tm at l4.<K;.,Jil. with Im Kama department. Mra. Snaan Hav Wliea Harvey IX Ferrta w^a loroad:kae-« *« aartkralar. wlah Mr. itaraham htlitam af only l U ^ w f . ^ ^ , Ptauaharg

"good Sahing'* naat Monday. Tae Losler Motor Company waa re M | M CmM*to* Adgaie. — ]orgnniaedT two yaara a#a Tae X>e iitmcm training. Ree. R ^- Voni .

gLOOMlNSDALC tro* p^at waa eatnh:iahed In ' ? ^ puu»aaT|; orgaaiard Blaaa claaa. — H. W. Towne. who haa haea Ttatt- p ^ ^ t 0 l a m | ( ^ U « company a Ktt ^ 1 Baton. Chaaia4a1n. l l .-S—

log relatives in Norwood, retamad isaaaUctwring plant waa at Piatis j ^ a ^ a * : * e^ainment and organlaav I ome laat week. hnrg It la understood that the lor %%cm i o r ^ffldtnt R. a work, R*v. J U

—E. C Waadar. and Prof ^


Chairman Oahom of the Democratic

maaxjT - Inde ***lt t h a t i? mnmt * K * repre»*nta:toa « o , r 4 ^ 1 u^«^«*»^». ^doraa' at" Port ! h ^ » * ? « " « » * Isfreais and had «>j *a\irondniae. aad a rxgular visitor to T€ma,in h^ f o r ^ 9(^mi h^igih o r

ci0*4 apja Calfra S Huaoa fi»r the j l o r nioaotnma for the paat twenty two ( l U t t r # b*ca*a* of the immense at^ca pa~*.

The northeta N e - *<~* . ^ « f M - « t I *" :4r* ^i** y*^°- <* **J***4\ Itevrd tbat ih^r^ wiU he a r,*T«wtn;

\r. C. Wlthcrht^ uf the \\':tise. ^btr:uan company. VJTX ii<-i*ry «*ya that *he plana of his the building of large Heary. Hiey w;il be modc>J after

% :n "bv* La^e Su^»rk>r ore Jis-•trlv t. mh^re It la poaa,bie to ran a train ' T h * northeta New Vorh conttngent *jf trrlirht enrs. whk h are unloaded <»^a«^t *t was f-nny that the d> Into pockets that empty into barrea. m*xi<i* ot the agrtcaltwral int^resta

Toe tnu»portation ^a*ratlon ia aa &*«* n i>t ^ ^ connWfWd wh^o the ori tatenmttonal one." he says, • Three' ««a l list was axade up. hat In the) -yt-ara ago Canada begaa the aurvey Ei-aatime Mr. Conway a name waaji't Tjr a Urger canal r*tw«*n Montreal «: T:•-« * r ? rearer to the list and t*haah!y, aixty a t k s Joag. that rh*n H^rraaa Hwitl r a^d Mr. Lock-win cuanect Lake Champiain with the uo>i w.Tbdr-fw iheir na.iiea fmrn the Ae*ier» country, and this will bring ;!«*t arid with each withdrawal. Mr tmm^fiae tretgbt «h.nmfc;a 'bia way • ;. *iv % .r;en<!# urged the conatder-;nto «he Had&oa a4 Troy aad 'tenc* at .n of the claisaa of northern New t o the Atlantic. Ihia mut»: h+ ro.low-' Y<>rk. That waa all the good It did «*d "hy the dfvriopment of buft.neea ih»ia. TH* I>?n>ocTatSc state commit-aloug the upper Hodsoa. .Vestera 1*+ apparently did not know how toj barges bringing freight to *he East *p<Sl * or*way • name. It atajr^d off win return loaded with coal. The of the ticket aad kept ata>ing off. I Smrge canal tegmtnala at Tror a n J the' T i i € n :yiT K oa*ay s irtenoa SKd a' oceangoing Teasels that laxd on the ^ t ! T ion !or hit aomlnauon w.th over npaer HwdXm. together with tfa* stoop* , Hifl Q ^ , , OT iv Twenty nve hon-aad mi Us that wiil tor ate th*re. wiJI

Mc^ar tm*+ of the company dtn lined after,, ^ ^ Para.; oosamaaitF aurrey for ctnuaw of aorth«Ta New York and p a t . l ^ y . *no **** been spending some f 0 * d ^ l B <* W. A . Loatt*. &r. t h e ! g M ^ y ^ . U o o | w o r a . R € T . A. J Mr Coaway oa f *m l l ^ ^ P a t M o o # * l^u^ retamad fMaa#r of the Inatitatian. !fianderiand. Chaiy; diacuaaioa and " Mr o»b.*n aa.d t^at the commute*! ^ ^ * ^ * > M r w * r V f lm

# " " » ^ * * ^ ! »* 1 ^- h ^ v ^ r ' ^ W . » l i r^-winaer and Mr. ua:aara *a.a ai me c mm \^X79W% ^ . n ^ a great \m*r of the t a # l l h # w%>rk# IQ Piuttaharg will uot

^fitracttcad 23 Rilta and Pr*ae*ta ?^ PaUtiana in tha Hetaaa of Rtpea-

aafitativaa at Waahawftwaw Aithongh he haa been 111 moat of

the seaaton, iUpreseniatraa fidvta A. Merrttt. Jr. of Potsdam, has had fata worm earned on through his oaVe at Washington, D C He haa introduced S3 htiia, providing, among other tairga. for tha apptx>a>riatioa ai a fund for the erection of a permanent aaemoriai at Plattabnrg In consflaeaaoration of the battle, which was ansaed. a survey of Lake Ckampiala at Ronaca Point, a aurrey of Og^wnaawrg harbor, to pro­vide a Louse far tha Lighthouse keener at Crown PotnL public hnOdings at Potadam and Port Henry and to aaake Xyando a port of immediate trans portation for dutiable merchandiae. He haa preasoted I t pettuona.


12.'.»'.'—dinner .hoar. * Iharadsy Anem^oa—

. A ^ nod prayer p^r.oa. a^v. h»( r*w material on hand it U 1^?^^^ r b m : a s > ! ^ n : 1 4'..


W. &. Eatey. secretary to Hon E A. M^rritL Jr.. arrived in Port Henry laat week from Washington. D C. Mr Ketey haa been a reaadent of Port Henry all his life, and waa warmly greeted by hia old mends.

When aaaed by the representative of the New*, rrgardtnc Congreaaman

aociaj;Merrttta beaith. he stated that Mr. Merrltt returned to his home :a Pots­dam last Tnuraday afternoon and that t .&. praise

p H. 8had)hla aplendid appearance was a delight-roil call of

,w. # irien*"T t««ach€r. i.a'*-. visit^i relatives h^re this weik f i u a m i L n »trt>ng naaacial ha< king aad^ "^ lf ^ ^ PUttsbarg; Atmoa

lit. hnd Mra Carp*nter. of ^ooa l k m , U w i^apa wuJ be opened shortly * u # r # w d enect*ve ttn.hiag. U^r, u •r^r* m t«w» Tm^liT ^-^ 1 — * — ^ there daring the u ^ l l m t r ! The tanchera grip on

tae weekday life of the poaala. Mrs ^r^t a aapper la the town ban ^ •• , r B i^iagee. Wrat Chax^. announce .r»ae,. |ar evt^ing. w ^ ' W A U a C C C WALLACE IS OUT ' m**i ol rommiiteea; confereace a:»d

^ a t ^ i a ^ - s ^ w i i * I r 0 f l t M C X C ° - ^ ^ A ^ 1 " 1 1 - ^ " ^ ^ methods-l l 5 , ^ V r l ) i til at*4 ram;*y. who have Fne*da af Walter tl. W^^ce 4 Tl Tharsday BveninkV : 3

t4ik* w^re in town Toeaday. a n d b w i & H |

- ~i be ladle* of the Episcopal church w | a i ^ r

v •.' *


ful »^rprise to his fnends. they bar­ing been led to th i eve by rival can-daaatea for €ongr«sa th&t he was re­turning to his Lome at th*» ri»k of his life, aocoaupaaued hy a physician and tratued aarasia.

Mr. Merritt aitghted from the train without any aastetance whatever, and

I —Mr UN. til atid !*ID;'

»b*?en in t<r*n for 'he past year, have can4ero$a at*1 making the

an faergeti,

Lright^c a

Strohel cottage In caavaaa tor hixn lor the Repab:»a * i ' addnso th*' c ^ ^ % ^ J j j . ^ jnuminn4,onlaeCoantyTfeoaorer. Mr veara. Rer. I B Keh, . Platt.harg.

Mr'Guider ia In camp at tiold ^ u ^ ;neas n.ea ta the coamy. and has had ^ ^ W ^ ^ ^

• Mrs H^liwita o r Urovklyn. wbc> ^&perte^e u> public affatra He was lo**pa r. t mrs. haa been n«:t;ag her pare us. Mr and bam ia ihe town of Moriah in l^Tl Fridar Mornii*g. Oct, r -^rvoi ions

(walked the length of the platform tirt,;Ua<;!whaktttg handa with a great many peo-

« x* ^ \i-^#^%iP*« m » ° gathered to welcome tita « W 1 ^ . R ~ i P. HOCK. M * H " k

( b o t t e M d c o : c t m t o U l t . t ^ o a h U T * -

turn to bee t^ T - 4 - - ^ ^ tne : ^^ & t r > *a^t^«'r atau^ that, while allace is ore of the b**t k^owa baf>- a »•. music hv chotr; a.i-.. a o ^ ^ ^ ^ M f > | T : U h m d n o t b A e | 3 a b t ^ ^ ^ ^

Wash T.<rton during the present ses-«loc of t'ongress. be had been ab;e to %:<uun through hia friends, larger

iaet aad received* his edacation at the R<*T J. JL ikavidson. West ^****?^J^jappropriations than the district erer ^ I), tobeau retamed „ ^ ^ f v f i r r i n

Tuesday. Sherman Collegiale Institute by work report of committee on county «r*» ; T % c w 1 f # 4 betora. Among these were a —Mrs LneJla & Thompson and tag for his board whfce attet.dit^ isatmn: reawrt of committee on aom^ Lwgkdr^ a o 4 twea:y-frve thousand dol

l W s V | t Hilliard were married at tbe^mbool Mr. Waliare gradoated frwm nations; election of ofT<*era; *J*"*' ^ lara for a monument cxkmmeaoratlwg dr*M| ^amea to a certainty were S)^> j Methodist Episcopal aauwonage by the the school ia ls*> ai*4 then taught Tiwion. Ikr. J F ^'1*r«- , ^ ^ _ jibe

win also lamiah additional buftin anraber were post marked Sept *. boti ^^were wUI he a dance hi the town | 0 f the Republican party. ai*d was weigm J™^" » ^ j ^ t i tor the barge canal and de^jKr nudaoo . . , n ^ ^ ^ a i atayed oil the ballot. J , ^ , M m^? weening for the benefit clerk of the vilaape of Tic^mderagn fuf at the price of the ordinary weigor k whfcn thonaanaVtan barges axe in oner-J n n m i l ? ^ ^ f osway contingent ob | 0 f the banket bail t

canal wdl also help paper and pulp "mau af acturera.

Tb* 'deeper Hudson and the barge

^.of the banket bail e-1 — liownrd Ward 'Tapeading the past

This is ,»ix yenra. Althowgh H had been the aaiaed a r*urt order dlrectix^ the aec-j —liownrd Gardner, who has been^c^stom to appoint an a i tan*y to this ^^^ umdx* ch*ap that will outlast jaJiiatioa and of the committee r^tarr of stam to put their champion appending tba past year in Scbewerta-, place, he attended to the affairs of t b > MTk^ For parucn- Raiea - a i l wMportnnt cosnmittees: name oa the bailot and on the ballot djr. * «ome for a few weekax jthe rillaar so well he waa oontjpned m+ ** ^ D ^ _ W _ |Mr l « e y M confident that the

Mr. Merritt la a ranking Republican of tba Committee on Revia

JMMi of the Lawa. a member of the n great opportunity to par J committee 00 Unmigraaiati and Xatar


cansi win be the cruising grounds for It goes. Miss Helen Gillespie and brother office. Mr. W«*ta*ae haa a large num addrees Jean t -TVlmt win happen to rt now remana]l^ee GiHesiRe to be aecn.

*it:T.rir*H!a of private yacht a,"* nays Mr.| »\ith*-rbte 'The spectacle will be n

*ao*t engaging one and wiU bring Newl 'The fa«-t that during bis occupancy York hiate aweineaa.*' {of the liewtenant governor's choir. Mr.

B. <V Mntthewa of the Port Henry .Conway was lieutenant ^m ATO* Ore Coanpnny ways the completion'beboredl aa ancb. wttbowt nawing any} o f : be barge canal would mean a grant- ndeke aVosn Tammany HnIL may

lacreaaea output of ore by has coat-1 sibiy acoonnt for bis

left laat week for. ber of friewda in Bas-pv County, waa a Keeaeviile. R. F Franklin. Maaa.. where they wui en- deieaate to the State Republican — ' . ter Pean Academy. Jvewticqi and ia a aaeanher of the C-oua

—H C. Ricketswn of Plsdtabnrg. was ty Cosnmrttee, Aa tba oftoa of hi town recently. jty Trensnrer In Eaaex county

Ulitte and fajntly viavted ways been heed by a to.aiataa a a a . \ f gr lafnnta Run- Mr. Wallace's friends baUavo that a

V. B Barnatn.

y-S^-Ie-tf Advt

^ C A S T O R IA I—• fof latnata awai C Jairr

In Us# For Ovt* 3 0 Y

of this district will not make the mie-(take ef seatding aa untried man to Congress, aa experience baa proved

maiiihi r can accomplish; than a new one. t


Following taw) awtaaff ad what be ncrlnew to aw,

tebanuiewn R.

ef Twiman. K, T , as wend hi Ttl-ltbe


High School WILL BEGIN

« #Tuesda>, Sept 1s t '



wM be added to die regular courses tins fall and will


Exsrrjfsxril Specialists



American-Made Goods for the

Entire World The slogan that should open to activity every citizen of this re­public. Within two years this country will be called upon to pro­duce three-fourths of the food -stuffs arid manufactured articles! for the consumption of the popu­lation of the entire world-war is an awful calamity, but every ca­lamity works out to the benefit of some individual, class or country thus will this European war work outthe greatest boom America and Americans have ever experienced.

Here Are Some Strictly American-

Made Goods that have defied old world compe­tition for years.' We'll be glad to show them to you when you call.







and many other lines

Pianos For Rent We have eight or ten pianos and

player pianos, which we will rent for the winter or a shorter period on very reasonable terms. These are all high class instruments and in perfect condition.

Let us clean, make over and re­lay your carpets-hair mattresses electrically renovated and remade.

If you're moving out of the city or into the city, let us do your work with our big auto truck. * It's safest aud quickest