Why Cite? Give credit where it’s due Show you have researched and looked at what specialists have to say in a particular subject Reader, teacher or examiner may wish to check sources Sources cited should reflect the work done as a whole and are an important element of the whole essay/project process

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Why Cite?. Give credit where it’s due Show you have researched and looked at what specialists have to say in a particular subject Reader, teacher or examiner may wish to check sources - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Why Cite?

Why Cite?• Give credit where it’s due• Show you have researched and looked at

what specialists have to say in a particular subject

• Reader, teacher or examiner may wish to check sources

• Sources cited should reflect the work done as a whole and are an important element of the whole essay/project process

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Reference list, or Works cited

• At the end of your essay you should have a page titled “reference list” (use this rather than bibliography)

• Begin the list on a new page. • Entries in a works-cited list are arranged in

alphabetical order (whatever the format)

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Referencing styles

• There are several styles. The most common are:

• MLA (Modern Language Association)• APA (American Psychological Association)• Chicago/Turabian• Harvard (author-date)

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Which one should I use?

• There is no prescribed style for presenting your list of resources consulted, but what is imperative is CONSISTENCY within your work.

• So choose one format and stick to it!

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In The Harvard (author-date) system,

• Your references link with your in-text citations, so the reader can confirm the full publication details of the work cited in your text and be able to locate it.

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In-text citationIn a recently published survey (Hill, Smith

and Reid, 2010, p.93) the authors argue that…Reference list

Hill, P., Smith, R. and Reid, L. (2010) Education in the 21st century. London: Educational Research Press

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What sort of citation do you need?

Is it for….

• Non Periodical print such as a book• Periodical print• Web publication • Other (interview, e-mail, television

broadcast, film, speech etc.)

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How to reference a book:

Anstice, M. (2004). First contact: a 21st century discovery of cannibals. (1st edition) London: Eye Books.

Structure: Surname, Initial of author(s) or editor(s). (Year published). Title. (Edition if shown) City where published: Publisher.

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How to reference a journal article:

Halvaksz, J.(2006). Cannibalistic Imaginaries: Mining the Natural and Social Body in Papua New Guinea.The Contemporary Pacific, Volume 18, Number 2. p 335-359.

If found online add:Available at Project MUSE:http://muse.jhu.edu [Accessed

21 May 2012]

Structure: Surname, Initial of author(s) or editor(s). (Year published). Full title of the article. Title of the journal. Volume and issue where given. Pages

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How to reference an internet source

Raffaele, P.(2006) Sleeping with Cannibals: our intrepid reporter gets up close and personal with New Guinea natives who say they still eat their fellow tribesmen. Smithsonian magazine. Available at: http:www.smithsonianmag.com/travel/cannibals.html

[Accessed 27 June 2012]

Structure:The author(s) of the website (organisation or person). (Year published). Full title

of the webpage or site. Full internet address (URL) of the webpage or site. [Date on which you accessed the webpage or site].

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An online map or photograph

UNEP, (2011), Lake Victoria basin [Online]. Available at: http://gridnairobi.unep.org/chm/waterbasins/Lake_Victoria_Basin-11-03-08.jpg [Accessed 27 June 12].

Structure: Author, Year, Title of work [type of medium] Available at: include web site address/URL) [Accessed date].

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Cannibals and Crampons (First Contact) (2004) Directed by M. Anstice and B. Parry. [DVD] : [England] Ginger Productions.

Structure: Title of film. (Year) Directed by. [DVD] Place of distribution: distribution company

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Where can I find help?

in your library:http://libraries.ecolint.ch/chasec

WebsiteCatalogueOnline databasesLibrarians

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Should I use referencing software?

• The majority work for MLA or APA referencing, but there is one for Harvard

• Harvard Generator: http://www.harvardgenerator.com/

• Bib me: http://www.bibme.org/

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Such a reference list will lose you points…