Talent Acquisition Dream Why Team Fit Matters More Than Anything

Why Team Fit Matters More Than Anything - Good&Co · 2018-09-04 · 3 Talent Acquisition Dream: Why Team Fit Matters More Than Anything 87% of organizations cite culture and engagement

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Page 1: Why Team Fit Matters More Than Anything - Good&Co · 2018-09-04 · 3 Talent Acquisition Dream: Why Team Fit Matters More Than Anything 87% of organizations cite culture and engagement

Talent Acquisition Dream Why Team Fit Matters More Than Anything

Page 2: Why Team Fit Matters More Than Anything - Good&Co · 2018-09-04 · 3 Talent Acquisition Dream: Why Team Fit Matters More Than Anything 87% of organizations cite culture and engagement


Talent Acquisition Dream: Why Team Fit Matters More Than Anything

INTRODUCTION Whether you’re a recruiter, hiring manager,

or candidate, the key to performance has

as much to do with fit as with competency

(culture fit trumps competency — but more

on that later!). Fit with the job, team, and

work culture represents the difference

between a bad hiring decision and an

outstanding career.

Employee alignment with culture

impacts everything from satisfaction to

engagement and retention. Culture and engagement have become business issues because highly

engaged companies hire more easily, experience the lowest employee churn

rates, and are more profitable in the long run.

1 https://good.co/blog/cultural-fit-in-the-workplace-what-it-is-and-why-its-important/


Have greater job satisfaction

Identify more with their company

Are more likely to remain with their organization

Are more committed

Show superior job performance1

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Talent Acquisition Dream: Why Team Fit Matters More Than Anything





CULTURE: IMPORTANT TO YOUR SUCCESS AND THEIR HAPPINESSAccording to a recent survey of C-level executives,2 attracting, retaining, and engaging

employees is a primary goal for companies of all sizes this year, so conversations

on culture and strategy are front and center. Leading companies know that culture

affects the value of their organization as a whole, and is a competitive differentiator.

Despite the importance of company culture, very

few organizations “do it well” — understand and

define it, establish it properly, build and nurture it,

communicate or disseminate it to employees and

candidates, and hire for it!

“In an era of heightened corporate transparency, greater workforce mobility, and severe skills shortages, culture, engagement, and retention have emerged as top issues for business leaders. These issues are not simply an HR problem.”3








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Talent Acquisition Dream: Why Team Fit Matters More Than Anything

Only 12 percent believe their organizations are excellent at effectively driving the desired culture.






“Today, more than twice as many employees are motivated by work passion than career ambition (12 percent vs. 5 percent), indicating a need for leadership to focus on making the work environment compelling and enjoyable for everyone.”9


“[Employees today] work on demanding cross-functional teams that often bring new people together at a rapid rate. Flexibility, empowerment, development, and mobility all now play a big role in defining a company’s culture.”8

Culture efforts continue to fail. What’s going wrong? Too many leaders have

been focused on culture shift (i.e., changing behaviors) rather than focusing on

understanding and defining existing work culture and working with it. To change

your culture, to enhance your culture, to benefit from your culture, you need to see

and understand your existing culture,7 your people, and your teams.

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Talent Acquisition Dream: Why Team Fit Matters More Than AnythingTalent Acquisition Dream: Why T

What creates “work passion” and drives engagement? What’s the key

to workplace happiness? How can leaders make the work environment

more compelling and enjoyable?

It’s about the people you work with, and how well you work together. In

other words, culture fit.

In this e-book, we will show you why fit is the key to better hiring

decisions, and how recruiters do this at scale.

Hint: It’s not about the perks. It’s not even just about the compensation, training, and opportunities to grow (although that helps).

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Talent Acquisition Dream: Why Team Fit Matters More Than Anything

CULTURE FIT: THE GLUE THAT HOLDS ORGANIZATIONS TOGETHERWhatisculturefitatwork?AccordingtoorganizationalpsychologistAdrianFurnham:

“A fit is where there is congruence between the norms and values of the organization and those of the person.”

In other words, it’s the “likelihood that someone will reflect and/or be

able to adapt to the core beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that make up

your organization.”10

An understanding of individual personalities and how they fit together in teams and in the workplace can have a major impact on maximizing happiness and productivity. A good fit will mean increased participation, engagement, and performance; lower turnover; greater productivity — and greater overall performance of an organization. While a mismatch can produce the exact opposite — for example, the costs of turnover can amount to 50 to 60 percent of the person’s annual salary, according to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).11

In other words, if you care about your bottom line, you care about culture and team fit.



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Talent Acquisition Dream: Why Team Fit Matters More Than Anything

RECRUITING FOR TEAM FITRecruiting for team fit doesn’t mean hiring the same kind of people into your teams; it means hiring the

right kind of people. Those who fit the organization, fit the role they are hired for, and have the ability to

work well within a team. That applies to internal hires as much as new hires!

“It’s important to understand that hiring for culture fit doesn’t mean hiring people who are all the same. The values and attributes that make up an organizational culture can and should be reflected in a richly diverse workforce.”12

When hiring, forget looking for “critical qualities” or screening for culture fit during the interview process

by asking “the right questions” — it’s inaccurate and not a scalable way to hire. (And costs you time and

money!) Team culture isn’t static — it’s in constant flux with people coming and going, teams growing or

shrinking, functions changing, and roles being reorganized or reimagined. Hiring for team fit requires

an understanding of existing and changing dynamics — in other words, understanding the impact of a

personality on the team before they even start.


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Talent Acquisition Dream: Why Team Fit Matters More Than Anything

“If you assess culture fit throughout the recruiting process, you will hire professionals who will flourish in their new roles, drive long-term growth and success for your organization, and ultimately save you time and money.”13


No doubt every organization wants to hire employees who flourish in their roles and drive long-term growth — so hiring right is imperative. But when it comes to hiring according to culture fit, at scale, things become trickier.

To understand what impact a hire would have on a team before they start, the ideal solution would need to be based on deep psychometric data. It would analyze

team dynamics and show you the sweet spot in the interaction between an individual’s natural disposition and the sophisticated dynamics of the group.

It would pre-screen applicants for fit, so you could understand the potential impact of that hire before they are even on board. It would be so fun and intuitive that your employees might already be using it. And it would enable you to replicate processes.

IDEAL APP FUNCTIONALITIES: Compatibility scoring

Culture fit profiles to match an ideal candidate

Approachable assessments

Psychometric data with actionable insights for recruiters

Team dynamics profiling


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Talent Acquisition Dream: Why Team Fit Matters More Than Anything

STOP IMAGINING. THIS IS WHERE GOOD&CO COMES IN.Good&Co is the talent assessment app that

helps you determine team culture fit from

the bottom up. It offers an unbiased way to

determine team culture fit for new or internal

hires, and to be able to quantify that and

replicate it.

What’s more, the app keeps a constant pulse

on what’s going on in your teams, so you can

use that actionable insight to help people work

better together — and you can respond to dips

in engagement and productivity.

WITH GOOD&CO TEAMWORK PRO, YOU CAN:Pre-screen applicants for team culture fit

Generate in-depth reports you can act on

Understand a hire’s potential impact on team dynamics

Replicate the process

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Start hiring smarter for teams and engaging people in more authentic ways. You’ll create a happier, more productive workplace in the process.