Why Am I Afraid...Worksheet for Chapter Five

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  • 7/29/2019 Why Am I Afraid...Worksheet for Chapter Five


    Why Am I Afraid to Tell You Who I Am? WORKSHEET Name:________________

    Chapter Five: Human Hiding Places Methods of Ego Defense

    What is the purpose or role of an ego defense mechanism? Why are we unaware of them? Howdo we handle them? Is there any concern in trying to remove them?

    In our own words try to explain what Alfred Adler discovered about ego defense systems andwhat was his contribution to understanding how they work in our lives.

    1. Reaction Formation:

    First explain in your own words what reaction formation is as a defense mechanism.Then offer a good example that clearly shows you understand how it works.

    What is the danger in being overly conscientious about others exaggerated behaviors?

    In general, however, what does exaggerated behavior often indicate?

    2. Displacement: This defense allows one to express a desire or feeling that our conscience

    has censored by expressing it in some indirect manner. In your notes it gives three variations ofhow one can use displacement. In the space below give an example for each of the three ways

    one may use displacement. If you become aware of how you use it in your own life and would

    like to use a personal example that is even better.

  • 7/29/2019 Why Am I Afraid...Worksheet for Chapter Five


    3. Projection:Okay, here is one that even though it is unconscious we all know that we do it. A

    teacher telling his class they are out of control when in fact he has no control over the

    material or the class. Or, a student feeling a teacher is so unfair when in fact it is thestudent who has been unfair in her evaluation of the teacher.

    So, now it is your turn. No baloney! I want at least two good examples of projection,

    and one of them must be about how you projected onto another. Good Luck!

    4. Introjection:Here we go again, another of the defense mechanisms many of us use. Give me two

    one involving someone else (no names, please) and one involving you. Think! Be Honest!

    5. Rationalization: Alright, this is the grand-daddy of all defense mechanisms. First tell me

    how it is possible for people to rationalize (read carefully about choosing evil!):

    Now, the moment of truth. Take a good look at yourself and give me three examples of

    when you have rationalized one with your parents, one with a teacher, and one with yourfriends. (Hint: Ultimately, rationalizing is the fine art of lying without admitting to ourselves

    that we are doing it. So in your examples you really had to believe what you were doing in that

    moment, okay. Again, tempting to rush through this section, but the more honest you can

    be, the more you will learn about yourself!)

    With My Parents:

  • 7/29/2019 Why Am I Afraid...Worksheet for Chapter Five


    With One of My Teachers;

    With One of My Friends:

    Caution: Human Beings

    Again, as always, put into your own words why it is so dangerous to strip someone of an

    ego defense (remember, the individual does not even know he/she is using this defense )?

    So how would YOU go about helping someone realize that he/she is using a defense


    The Greatest Kindness: The Truth

    In your notes it states what I feel it means to exercise such kindness and truth to another.

    It is important that you internalize this for your life, therefore, tell me in your own words howyou will live out your life acting in such a manner.

    Learn this quotation (that does not mean you need to memorize it, but internalize it!)

    It costs so much to be a full human being that there are very few whohave the enlightenment, or the courage, to pay the price One has to abandon

    altogether the search for security, and reach out to the risk of living with botharms. One has to embrace the world like a lover. One has to accept pain as a

    condition of existence. One has to count doubt and darkness as the cost of

    knowing. One needs a will stubborn in conflict, but apt always to totalacceptance of every consequence of living and dying.

    Morris L. West

    In The Shoes of the Fisherman