Who is Happy??? A Crow was absolutely satisfied in life. But one day he saw a swan... This swan is so white and I am so black...crow thought. This swan must be the happiest bird in the world. He expressed his thoughts to the swan. "Actually," the swan replied, "I was feeling that I was the happiest bird around until I saw a parrot, which has two colors. I now think the parrot is the happiest bird in creation." The crow then approached the parrot. The parrot explained, "I lived a very happy life until I saw a peacock. I have only two colors, but the peacock has multiple colors." The crow then visited a peacock in the zoo and saw that hundreds of people had gathered to see him. After the people had left, The crow approached the Peacock.. Dear Peacock, You are so beautiful. Every day thousands of people come to see you. When people see me, they immediately shoo me away. I think you are the happiest bird on the planet. The peacock replied, I always thought that I was the most beautiful and happy bird on the planet. But because of my beauty, I am entrapped in this zoo. I have examined the zoo very carefully, and I have realized that the crow is the only bird not kept in a cage. So for past few days I have been thinking that if I were a crow, I could happily roam everywhere. That's our problem too. We make unnecessary comparison with others and become sad. We don't value what God has given us. This all leads to the vicious cycle of unhappiness. Value the things god has given us. Learn the secret of being happy and discard the comparison which leads only to unhappiness... Sooooo beautiful....

Who is Happy

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Who is Happy

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  • Who is Happy???

    A Crow was absolutely satisfied in life.

    But one day he saw a swan... This swan is so white and I am so black...crow thought.

    This swan must be the happiest bird in the world.

    He expressed his thoughts to the swan. "Actually," the swan replied,

    "I was feeling that I was the happiest bird around until I saw a parrot, which has two

    colors. I now think the parrot is the happiest bird in creation."

    The crow then approached the parrot. The parrot explained, "I lived a very happy life until

    I saw a peacock. I have only two colors, but the peacock has multiple colors."

    The crow then visited a peacock in the zoo and saw that hundreds of people had

    gathered to see him.

    After the people had left, The crow approached the Peacock..

    Dear Peacock, You are so beautiful. Every day thousands of people come to see you.

    When people see me, they immediately shoo me away. I think you are the happiest bird

    on the planet.

    The peacock replied, I always thought that I was the most beautiful and happy bird on the

    planet. But because of my beauty, I am entrapped in this zoo.

    I have examined the zoo very carefully, and I have realized that the crow is the only bird

    not kept in a cage.

    So for past few days I have been thinking that if I were a crow, I could happily roam


    That's our problem too.

    We make unnecessary comparison with others and become sad.

    We don't value what God has given us. This all leads to the vicious cycle of unhappiness.

    Value the things god has given us.

    Learn the secret of being happy and discard the comparison which leads only to

    unhappiness... Sooooo beautiful....

  • Inspirational Life story - The Gift of Life

    On the very first day, God created the cow. He said to the cow, "Today I have created you!

    As a cow, you must go to the field with the farmer all day long. You will work all day

    under the sun! I will give you a life span of 50 years."

    The cow objected, "What? This kind of a tough life you want me to live for 50 years? Let

    me have 20 years, and the 30 years I'll give back to you." So God agreed.

    On the second day, God created the dog. God said to the dog, "You are supposed to do is

    to sit all day by the door of your house. Any people that come in, you will have to bark at

    them! I'll give a life span of 20 years."

    The dog objected, "What? All day long to sit by the door? No way! I give you back my

    other 10 years of life!" So God agreed.

    On the third day, God created the monkey. He said to the monkey, "Monkeys have to

    entertain people. You've got to make them laugh and do monkey tricks. I'll give you 20

    years life span."

    The monkey objected. "What? Make them laugh? Do monkey faces and tricks? Ten years

    will do, and the other 10 years I'll give you back." So God agreed.

    On the fourth day, God created man and said to him, "Your job is to sleep, eat, and play.

    You will enjoy very much in your life. All you need to do is to enjoy and do nothing. This

    kind of life, I'll give you a 20 year life span."

    The man objected. "What? Such a good life! Eat, play, sleep, do nothing? Enjoy the best

    and you expect me to live only for 20 years? No way, man!....Why don't we make a deal?

    Since the cow gave you back 30 years, and the dog gave you back 10 years and the

    monkey gave you back 10 years, I will take them from you! That makes my life span 70

    years, right?" So God agreed.

    AND THAT'S WHY.... In our first 20 years, we eat, sleep, play, enjoy the best and do

    nothing much. For the next 30 years, we work all day long, suffer and get to support the

    family. For the next 10 years, we entertain our grandchildren by making monkey faces and

    monkey tricks. And for the last 10 years, we stay at home, sit by the front door and bark at


  • Weight of the Glass - Stress Management

    Once upon a time a psychology professor walked around on a stage while teaching stress

    management principles to an auditorium filled with students. As she raised a glass of

    water, everyone expected theyd be asked the typical glass half empty or glass half full

    question. Instead, with a smile on her face, the professor asked, How heavy is this glass

    of water Im holding?

    Students shouted out answers ranging from eight ounces to a couple pounds.

    She replied, From my perspective, the absolute weight of this glass doesnt matter. It all

    depends on how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute or two, its fairly light. If I hold it for

    an hour straight, its weight might make my arm ache a little. If I hold it for a day straight,

    my arm will likely cramp up and feel completely numb and paralyzed, forcing me to drop

    the glass to the floor. In each case, the weight of the glass doesnt change, but the longer

    I hold it, the heavier it feels to me.

    As the class shook their heads in agreement, she continued, Your stresses and worries in

    life are very much like this glass of water. Think about them for a while and nothing

    happens. Think about them a bit longer and you begin to ache a little. Think about them

    all day long, and you will feel completely numb and paralyzed incapable of doing

    anything else until you drop them.

    The moral: Its important to remember to let go of your stresses and worries. No matter what happens during the day, as early in the evening as you can, put all your burdens

    down. Dont carry them through the night and into the next day with you. If you still feel

    the weight of yesterdays stress, its a strong sign that its time to put the glass down.

  • Everyone must know

    Two friends, Jim and Stew, had joined a big sales company together just after graduation.

    Both of them worked really hard.

    Three years have passed and the companys director promoted one of them, Stew

    became sales executive, while Jim did not get any promotion and remained at sales


    Jim decided that it is unfair, so he came to his boss and told him, that he didnt value hard

    working staff. The boss knew that Jim works hard, and in order to show difference

    between him and Stew, he asked: Go and find anyone selling water melons in the market.

    When Jim returned, the boss asked: How much per kg? . Jim went back to the market

    and then returned to say the price - $12 per kg.

    Then the boss asked Stew the same thing. Stew went to the market, and when he

    returned he told: at the moment there is one person selling water melons, $12 per kg,

    $100 for 10 kg, now he has 340 water melons in stock. On the table there are 48 water

    melons, each of them weighs about 15 kg. Water melons are bought from the South two

    days ago, they are fresh and good quality.

    Jim was impressed by the difference between him and Stew; he realized that he needs to

    learn a lot from his friend.

    As you can see from this story, successful people are more observant; they think and see

    several years ahead, while most of people see only tomorrow.