Whistleblower Talks: Tracing the Origin of SARS-CoV-2 A Special Interview With Dr. Li-Meng Yan By Dr. Joseph Mercola Dr. Mercola: Welcome, everyone. This is Dr. Mercola, helping you take control of your health. We're going to continue in our discussions of the COVID-19 pandemic and its origins, and with a fascinating guest who has really been one of the leaders in exposing the corruption and the fraud with respect to the origins of the virus. But we're going to go into much more and really get an idea of what it's like to be in China and trying to escape from it. So, she's got a fascinating history. This woman is a physician. She's an M.D., and she's a Ph.D., has specific training in coronaviruses, and actually escaped China to come to the United States to warn us of what was happening. She's been on many podcasts. Tucker Carlson's had her, and we're just delighted to connect with her so she can share her story and give us a glimpse of inside, insider information, as to what has been going on. So welcome, and thank you so much for joining us. Dr. Li-Meng Yan: Thank you, Dr. Mercola. I mean, thank you for having me. Nice to meet you. Dr. Mercola: Yeah, yeah. So you have a relatively thick Chinese accent, but that's okay because I'm just delighted you can speak English. It's just an extraordinary achievement to be able to do that, so I really appreciate you joining us. So I think it might be best to start at the beginning and share the details of your training more specifically than I did. So you went to medical school, and then you went into Ph.D. training, so can you tell us about that? I think you wound up working with the WHO, the World Health Organization, too. Dr. Li-Meng Yan: Oh, yes. So I did my M.D. training for seven years, because in China the seven-year clinical medicine program at that time, it is for the top medicine students and you got M.D. and also M.Phil, that degree together when you graduate. You save one year compared to the other medical students. After that, I went to another top medical university, which I took the Ph.D. for the ophthalmology. I was going to be the eye doctor, at that time. Dr. Mercola: You were going to be an ophthalmologist. That's interesting. Dr. Li-Meng Yan: Yeah. The way I choose to be ophthalmologist is because I don't want [to] see people, the patients dead in front of me. So as a medical student, I can choose all the field in this professional field. However, ophthalmology is the only one you don't need to face deaths in your department.

Whistleblower Talks: Tracing the Origin of SARS-CoV-2 A

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Page 1: Whistleblower Talks: Tracing the Origin of SARS-CoV-2 A

Whistleblower Talks: Tracing the Origin of SARS-CoV-2

A Special Interview With Dr. Li-Meng Yan By Dr. Joseph Mercola

Dr. Mercola:

Welcome, everyone. This is Dr. Mercola, helping you take control of your health. We're going to

continue in our discussions of the COVID-19 pandemic and its origins, and with a fascinating

guest who has really been one of the leaders in exposing the corruption and the fraud with

respect to the origins of the virus. But we're going to go into much more and really get an idea of

what it's like to be in China and trying to escape from it. So, she's got a fascinating history. This

woman is a physician. She's an M.D., and she's a Ph.D., has specific training in coronaviruses,

and actually escaped China to come to the United States to warn us of what was happening. She's

been on many podcasts. Tucker Carlson's had her, and we're just delighted to connect with her so

she can share her story and give us a glimpse of inside, insider information, as to what has been

going on. So welcome, and thank you so much for joining us.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Thank you, Dr. Mercola. I mean, thank you for having me. Nice to meet you.

Dr. Mercola:

Yeah, yeah. So you have a relatively thick Chinese accent, but that's okay because I'm just

delighted you can speak English. It's just an extraordinary achievement to be able to do that, so I

really appreciate you joining us. So I think it might be best to start at the beginning and share the

details of your training more specifically than I did. So you went to medical school, and then you

went into Ph.D. training, so can you tell us about that? I think you wound up working with the

WHO, the World Health Organization, too.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Oh, yes. So I did my M.D. training for seven years, because in China the seven-year clinical

medicine program at that time, it is for the top medicine students and you got M.D. and also

M.Phil, that degree together when you graduate. You save one year compared to the other

medical students. After that, I went to another top medical university, which I took the Ph.D. for

the ophthalmology. I was going to be the eye doctor, at that time.

Dr. Mercola:

You were going to be an ophthalmologist. That's interesting.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Yeah. The way I choose to be ophthalmologist is because I don't want [to] see people, the

patients dead in front of me. So as a medical student, I can choose all the field in this

professional field. However, ophthalmology is the only one you don't need to face deaths in your


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Dr. Mercola:

Oh, okay. So then, what happened? What diverted you from ophthalmology?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Okay, so I took my ophthalmology degree from Southern Medical University, different as my

M.D. University. This university was the military medical university before I entered it. So that's

why somehow I can have a unique network based on my alumni and people I know, involve both

civilian and the military research labs, and also the hospitals in China. However, after I finished

my study, I want to pursue more of the research. Because, first is because of the system in China,

in the hospital and CCP style, I really don't like it. The other reason is because I don't want to sit

there and listen to someone give me the guidance. So I want to know, why we do this according

to guidance?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

And then I moved to the University of Hong Kong and spent two years there working in also

ophthalmology lab. I did a lot of research about stem cell information and the drugs, and also

artificial tissue development. After that, because the WHO H5 reference lab in the School of

Public Health at the University of Hong Kong, the boss, Doctor Professor Malik Peiris, he knows

me because my husband worked with him, and his best helper. So Malik wanted me to join their

lab, because he liked my expertise and my skills. So he invited me to join, and I think it's very

challengeable, and it will be very interesting because that is emerging infectious disease. So I can

learn, and I can do a lot of things. That's why I entered it, and then I spent five years from that

time until I leave Hong Kong. I worked on the influenza virus, universal influenza vaccine

development, and then focused on the SARS-CoV-2 after the outbreak.

Dr. Mercola:

Wow. So you had seven years of medical school, what, three years of residency in

ophthalmology in China. That's 10, and then you went for two-year post-doc in ophthalmology

research in Hong Kong, and then five more years. That's almost a 20-year post-doc education.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

I am not young now.

Dr. Mercola:

So you've been committed to the academic facilities, so seven years in Hong Kong studying this,

so that's great. So I guess you left Hong Kong in 2020?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Yes, end of April 2020.

Dr. Mercola:

Okay, so thank you so much for sharing your background, because I think that'll help us

understand your training and your expertise. Can you describe what caused you to leave, what

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catalyzed that event? And because it seems like it came at a great cost to you and your family,

and I'm just really curious as to what motivated you.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Well actually, if you talk about motivate, it's very simple. Because I'm the doctor, and also I'm

the virologist. When I see the things happen, when I have the information and based on my

knowledge and my expertise, I make the judgment and I know if I don't do it, I will be regretful

for my whole life. But the thing is, also this should be something, I mean, everyone wants to do

it. It's the right thing. But because I work in the Chinese Communist Party's country, that's why

it's not allowed, so I have to escape. And the thing I have done is, because at the end of

December 2019, 31st December, I was appointed by my supervisor, the WHO emerging

infectious disease expert Dr. Leo Poon at the University of Hong Kong, to do some confidential

investigation all by myself.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

And at that time, in Wuhan, they noticed that there is a new pneumonia happening, and it is

SARS-like virus. Right after, doctors leaving there in Wuhan’s whistleblower action. So after

that, Hong Kong and also WHO expert wanted to know what happened, because they worried a

SARS-like outbreak will happen again, and China is doing something, hiding it. And then they

also warned me that, "You should keep silent. Don't cross the red man." That means, don't make

China angry. And as I said, I have my unique network based in China. My friends from those top

universities, they're all over China in the hospital institution, including the China cities, they had

called her. So all this kind of information, I collected from them and I fed back to WHO, those

experts, Malik Peiris and Leo Poon. Both of them shows that they want help China to cover it up.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

And also, because I wait until middle January when Leo again turned to me to tell me to search

the raccoon dog. You know raccoon dog? It's like civet cat. So he showed me the email, that

someone employed him to find the raccoon dog as intermediate host in Wuhan, from the seafood


Dr. Mercola:

So this is what, you said a record doc?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Raccoon dog, raccoon dog. It's like-

Dr. Mercola:

Oh, raccoon dog, okay. Sorry.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Yeah, it's like a civet cat.

Dr. Mercola:

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Okay, it's a very specific type of cat, right?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Dr. Mercola:

And this is where the coronavirus, where they were doing research with them?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Because SARS-1 come out from civet cat, and the people who found the civet cat for SARS-1

host, it's the same experts I work with in that lab.

Dr. Mercola:

Okay, okay.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

So this time, you see again the information was delivered to them, asked them to mark the

raccoon dog. However, when they again do the research through my friends in Wuhan, in all the

other people, I realized that these are all the lies. And at that time, from 16th January when I fed

back to Leo Poon he also warned me, "If you don't keep silent, you will be disappeared." So

that's clearly that they won't do anything, and my research, my information and my expertise also

make me found that this virus is not from nature. It is from the Chinese military lab. It is a

product after modification, based on the People's Liberation Army owned, I mean, they

discovered from the mountains, the special bat coronavirus.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

This coronavirus, they name it as CC45, and it has a twin-like string is called 3XE21. They

published it early 2018. After that, they send me the viral sequence to NIH (National Institutes of

Health) GenBank, and then they did also other experiments. If you compare this virus genome

and the SARS-CoV-2 virus genome, you will realize some smoking gun happened in the

genome. And-

Dr. Mercola:

Yeah. Did you publish these findings in Nature?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

No, this finding later I published [inaudible 00:10:57]. Last September I published these three-

year reports.

Dr. Mercola:


Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

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So, because this was I know, no one will let me pass the censorship in academic field. These are

the information I have to deliver as soon as possible at that time.

Dr. Mercola:


Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

So, my Nature paper is about SARS-CoV-2 to use in the hamster as a transmission model. That

is very highly recommended, and that's the first time people found the right transmission model,

which has a lot of meaning.

Dr. Mercola:

And when did you publish that paper?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

That paper was finally accepted May 2020.

Dr. Mercola:

Okay, so this-

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Right after I escaped.

Dr. Mercola:

Right after you left. Yeah, yeah.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Right after, yeah, but it – Hmm?

Dr. Mercola:

Yeah, so for those who may not be aware, Nature is probably one of the most prestigious and

reputable journals in the world, so congratulations on that. That's quite an achievement.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Thank you very much. I know that there are a lot of Nature, and Cell Science and Lancet, they

did a lot of terrible things in the pandemic to spread misinformation.

Dr. Mercola:

Oh, yes the did, yes.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

But yeah, I can tell people, this experiment I handled many important paradigms. [inaudible

00:12:17] and I can guarantee this data is quality.

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Dr. Mercola:

Yeah, Nature was responsible for spreading some lies, but they were at least complicit in their

efforts. Because I mean, they just really contributed to the misinformation out there, so-

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

The mixture, yeah, because this actually controlled by a handful of scientists. So they can use the

journal to deliver misinformation, because they are the experts. So again, back to that time. So I

realized that I have to deliver the message out by myself, in the middle of January 2020. The

only thing I want to do is to find someone reliable. At that time, I finally choose a YouTube

blogger, who [is] based in the U.S., and his YouTube channel named [inaudible 00:13:10]

Media. There are millions of Chinese people listening to his broadcast.

Dr. Mercola:


Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

And I also listened to that. I believe he's a real anti-CCP person, who dared to reveal the

darkness. So I managed to contact him through Twitter, and luckily he returned to me. I spent

two days, because he's a layman, I explained him the evidence and the importance. And also, he

used his knowledge to make the judgment. Finally, on 19th January 2020, I mean he delivered

the message for me to the world. My only idea at that time is using this, to give the international

pressure back to China government, force them to stop this outbreak. And the five main

messages is, I deliver out at that time all verified.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

So beside what I mentioned, the PLA lab's backbone virus and the other thing including that

China and WHO are covering up, and that there was human-to-human transmission exists. Also,

there would be a lot of emerging variant if they don't control, and there will be pandemic. And

also that there is no wild animal as intermediate host, and seafood market is not the origin of the

virus. So China actually did a very quick response against this broadcast. Just after four hours

where I delivered the message out, China government has to announce that triple time of the

cases in Wuhan, from 62 jumped to 198. It was midnight in China.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

And then the next morning, they had to admit that out of Wuhan, other cities in China, there

were cases. And within 24 hours, they admit the first time in the world, they admit human-to-

human transmission. And also, the Chairman Xi Jinping update the SARS-CoV-2 disease level

and the infectious disease level to the same level as SARS-1, which is a top-level infectious

disease. And I kept deliver the message and evidence out, and all the things, these things in light.

So after that, three days later China locked down Wuhan.

Dr. Mercola:


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Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

So all this forced them to change their plans.

Dr. Mercola:

So do you think this was all related to your podcast?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Yes, yes. Because this is not first time Chairman Xi and the China government listened to that

broadcast and do the response.

Dr. Mercola:


Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

And my information before that clearly shows they're still going to hide human-to-human

transmission, and the cases and all this, they postponed diagnosis. They kept doing it. Nothing

shows they are going to change it. So yeah, after that I keep helping Mr. [inaudible 00:16:23]. So

during my work, for example you know the famous Lancet, that 27 scientists letter?

Dr. Mercola:

Oh, sure.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

My supervisor, Dr. Leo Poon was signing it. And then Malik Peiris refused to sign it, although

he got the letter, because he want to keep low profile. He's very important as international bridge

in the whole field. Why I know this? Because my husband is also the expert working with them,

the most close expert working with these two supervisors. So I have more information from them

than other people, and I reveal it through [inaudible 00:17:07] Media, too. I said, "They're lying.

Peter Daszak did this email, and then all these things is organized." And also later on, there are

many things I keep revealing. In [inaudible 00:17:20] Media also back from the end of January,

already there are other hosts thought about that hydroxychloroquine were found can be useful to

treat the COVID-19, because they also had the medical background. I endorse it after my

research. So, we help people to know that there were treatment, and China is lying. All these

things together finally make China very angry, so they don't want to allow it to continue. So at

the end of April, I got a warning from-

Dr. Mercola:

You were in the United States at that time.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

No, no. I was in Hong Kong. I could stay in Hong Kong. I do my research. I published one paper

on Nature, as I told you, and also I publish another paper in March on The Lancet, infectious

disease, which is actually quite influential because it's the first time to talk about viral load can

predict severity of the cases.

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Dr. Mercola:

Mm-hmm (affirmative), sure.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Yeah, so I helped. I was working, but as-

Dr. Mercola:

When di-

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:


Dr. Mercola:

When did you transition to the U.S.? When did you escape Hong Kong?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Yeah, so at the end of April-

Dr. Mercola:

At the end of April, okay.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Yeah, Mr. [inaudible 00:18:41] called me and warned me that his intelligence show him that I

will be disappeared soon. So he asked me whether I want to go to U.S., and also tell people in

English about all the things. Because his media is in Chinese, and I cannot show out his media at

that time. So, I decided to come to America.

Dr. Mercola:

Did he help you to get here?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

He helped me. He helped me, and I already had visa, so it's lucky. I had visa at that time.

Dr. Mercola:

Oh, okay. Because they wouldn't have given you one, most likely.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

It was lockdown time, kind of lockdown, so if I don't have visa at that time, especially under the

surveillance from China government, it's very difficult that I can even enter the American


Dr. Mercola:

Sure, sure.

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Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Because there are a lot of their people implemented all around the American embassy in Hong

Kong. They will make me even disappear at that time.

Dr. Mercola:

Sure. So was it easier to escape from Hong Kong than it would have been if you were in China?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

I don't think at that time, if I was in Mainland China, I can successfully come to America. Very

difficult. I don't think I can.

Dr. Mercola:

Yeah, so your research saved you.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Yes, in this case it is, so many things, very lucky.

Dr. Mercola:

Yeah, yeah. But it wasn't all flowers and roses, and wow, you're in the United States. Because

we've got our own problems, which are pretty significant, and I definitely want to dive deep into

those. But I'm wondering if you could share, I mean, you talked about your husband a few times,

but I understand that he was opposed to you leaving, and actually was violently opposed. Can

you discuss that?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Oh, yeah. So actually, I didn't know it would happen like that. So from actually January to April,

I didn't tell him what I have done. I tried to protect him because at that time in Hong Kong, there

are a lot of people fighting against government for the democracy and freedom. During that time,

they can get disappeared easily. If their family really don't know what they have done, it kind of

safe for the family. But that's why I try to protect him. But when I heard that I need leave, I tried

to bring him away with me. He's not Chinese. He's from Sri Lanka, so the terrible thing is, when

I told him that, he's super-outraged. It is really not like his behavior. He warned me that, he

threatened me that – he said, "We can go nowhere. They are everywhere. Can do nothing. And if

you go to America, I will kill people [inaudible 00:21:54] there."

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

And I asked him, I said, "What do you mean, you will kill me?" And he didn't deny it. I said,

"What will you do? Suicide bomb?” And he said he can think about it a second and he said, "We

have enough people there. We have thousands of way to do it." So after that, actually it was a

very dangerous period for me until I get a ticket. During that almost 10 days, almost two weeks,

yeah, 10 days like that, so I was under his strict surveillance. And also, I had some very bad

physical situation related to my heart. I suddenly get heart problem, and I'm so weak. The day

before I left, I went to check my heart in the hospital. The doctors were shocked, because my

heart rate at rest is over 130.

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Dr. Mercola:

Whoa, sinus tachycardia.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Exactly, but I was healthy, so that's why they [inaudible 00:23:12] and they want me to do more

examination after that, and they left as a record there. So I know something wrong happened,

because in China everything the government wants to do, they want make it look like natural-

occurring, like this virus.

Dr. Mercola:


Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Very natural-occurring, and a heart attack is a common way they use. I see the abnormal

behavior from my husband, so altogether I know, I mean, he is on the other side helping them try

to disappear me.

Dr. Mercola:

Yeah. So do you think he gave you something that caused your heart rate to increase?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Yeah, there were for example once I, one day, I had two fried eggs as breakfast. He cooked for

me. I just finished one, and I feel very sleepy and uncomfortable. But he keep asking me to finish

both, and I refused. "I have to sleep," but he always tried to persuade me to go out with him to

the seaside. He said there is a new seaside I've never been to. And then I asked where it is. He

said, "Oh, I just discovered it recently. You will enjoy it. It's remote." He knows my interests,

and he knows how to get me attracted. However, I refused and I found out I didn't eat the other

egg. That is still almost a whole day I sleep, and his behavior is very also weird. It's like he keep

asking me to eat eggs, keep asking me to go to seaside. Finally he's like disappointed, all this


Dr. Mercola:

Mm-hmm (affirmative), so you think that was his strategy to disappear you.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Yes, and before he gave me the eggs, he receive a phone call from Malik Peiris. They talk in Sri

Lankan language, but I heard my name, and very short phone call.

Dr. Mercola:

So shortly after that, thereafter you flew to the United States.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:


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Dr. Mercola:

So have there been efforts to attack you or disappear you in the United States, to the best of your

knowledge? Have you needed to take any extraordinary security precautions?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

You know that because I successfully escaped, and when I enter Los Angeles Airport, at that

time I met the FBI and Homeland Security people. When they talked to me, spend hours. They

verified my words, and they think I'm credible, so let me went to New York. That's why after

that, China start to launch numerous kind of attacks to me and from-

Dr. Mercola:

Just discrediting attacks?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

A lot of discredit and threats. So from the government media in China, you see it in The New

York Times, they can control and all this media spread rumors about me. Because I have the

hamster model in my Nature paper, so they claim I'm just a liar who only know how to keep

hamster in the lab. They call me hamster keeper, and they claim I came to New York just want

the green card. But I'm the Hong Kong residency. I don't need to come to New York to get green

card in that way. And also, they tell a lot of rumors to ruin my reputation, and also for example

they also created thousands of thousands of the fake accounts on social media, using at least

seven languages, to spread [inaudible 00:27:22] and also the attacks that they made to discredit


Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

This was later verified by the FireEye report company. They wrote the report because they work

also for CIA and I think Homeland, or the State Department. They work for some intelligence

agency, and then they wrote this report to confirm it that me and also my three year-end reports

about the origin of the virus totally get these kind of attacks from China. And also my parents,

my family members and even my friends, my alumni, they are under the strict surveillance by

China government. I cannot contact my family, and also they bring my mom and my father into

the station, Ministry of the State Security, those kind of places, again and again to torture them.


Dr. Mercola:

They're still in Mainland China, right?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Yes, yes, and they also try to use my husband to hunt me in America. So now, my husband is in

New York. I got intelligence shows that he came here this time just to make the emotional killing

to me.

Dr. Mercola:

Wow, so you've gone through quite a bit.

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Dr. Li-Meng Yan:


Dr. Mercola:

How do you – I mean, you were one of the first ones to come out and expose the false narrative

that the virus was originated in a lab, and you had pretty strong evidence to support it. Now

subsequently, it took about over a year, a bit over a year before that bit of information was

actually embraced by the mainstream narrative and they said, "Oh yeah, it probably did come

from the lab," and they admitted it. So, do you feel somewhat vindicated, and has the intensity of

the efforts to discredit you and eliminate you diminished at all?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Actually, I think that things happened, yeah, took over one year. The last year July, when I was

first on the Fox News, so I told them the WHO and the CCP corrupted, and they cover up

together. At that time, it is a bombshell from Fox News. After that, it is within one year now,

most of people realize it's not from nature. That is a very good turning, and I keep helping other

people to realize [the] evidence. I explain to them how to understand the CCP style, and their

evidence. So now I see that even some mainstream media start to talk about the possibility of

bioweapon. So that is, I think it is very encouraging. And because people need to realize that also

China is using this virus together with their misinformation campaign propaganda, all the things

to attack, all over the world.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

But the truth is the truth, so we finally realized what happened. Somehow, I just want to push it

happen as soon as I can, and once we all go together, I mean these things get revealed and China

cannot hide. So that's all the things I feel now, and I still think yeah, although I want it to be

faster, but the progress until now is also good.

Dr. Mercola:

Or it's encouraging, for sure.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:


Dr. Mercola:

So, congratulations on facilitating and having the bravery and the courage to come out. Because

at the time, any message like this was censored on social media. We were censored on Twitter

for announcing this. So now, it's not censored but they don't take back the old ones. So I'm

wondering, I'd like to divert into an interesting conversation about your perspective on what

China's doing, and its potential collusion, or are they the Lone Rangers on this? Because there's

so many unanswered questions, and it's really kind of up to wide speculation as to what's going

on. But I'm wondering what your views are as to, I mean clearly, China's behind creating the lab

origins, but it was funded by the United States. I mean, Fauci funded this through EcoHealth

Alliance and Peter-.

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Dr. Li-Meng Yan:


Dr. Mercola:

Daszak, yeah. So that's well-documented. The evidence and the paper trail is just enormous, so

it's somewhat confusing. It's clearly confusing certainly to me, as to what is the sequence of

events? I mean, is the U.S. behind this, and are there people on top of that, the globalist agenda?

I mean, what's your take on the sequence of things, and who's running the show?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Okay. Thank you, Doctor, so this is a very good question. I know that when people say that, "Oh,

Fauci's lying. NIH grant went to China. EcoHealth is facilitating the same functions here." So

people turn to think America is dominant and unrestricted bioweapon. But let me tell you that

there’s enough evidence, and also based on all my understanding in this field, it's been in China,

I can tell that with all the American, Fauci or NIH funding or Peter Daszak, China would still

manage to do it.

Dr. Mercola:

Oh, okay.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Because, let me describe how to say it? Chinese Communist Party, or these Communism people,

they are a giant octopus and they have their tentacles. So the brain is like CCP, those scientists,

especially the military scientists. And also, like the coronavirus expert, especially my previous

supervisor, Professor Malik Peiris, they are the one had the real evil ideas. They enjoy it, and

they want to command this knowledge. Remember, no other scientist in America has so much

rich experience in coronavirus compared to them, because that's why more all happened. That's

what happened in China and more, those samples shipped to my lab, handled by my husband and

Malik and do all this kind of research. So they're really top, and also they have-

Dr. Mercola:

Well, you've got Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina, was doing it.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Yeah, but he also need to work – remember, his gain-of-function paper with Dr. Shi Zhengli, the

bat woman. In that paper, he got the virus from China.

Dr. Mercola:


Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Yeah, remember?

Dr. Mercola:

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Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

So that is, they have the good technique. That is what China want. So that's what I want to tell,

even China cannot use their tentacles, I mean the infiltration. If they cannot use this to get your

money, still they will manage to get your technology and do it in China.

Dr. Mercola:


Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

That's the key point, and it's the money from American taxpayers, looks a lot. Yes, there are

millions. However, compared to the money donated by China government, this is just very little


Dr. Mercola:

Oh, okay. That-

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

And to make up-

Dr. Mercola:

That's amazing, because that information is not widely known, so thanks, but continue.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Yes, because you know the propaganda, the culture difference, the language difference, make

American lack of the way to understand this. That's why I come to America to provide this,

analyze evidence and help them to understand what happened.

Dr. Mercola:

Okay, good.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

So yeah, so China actually always want to blame America for this. They even will use

propaganda. Now remember, once they always telling that this has come out from Fort Detrick,

that this had origins from America.

Dr. Mercola:

Right, right.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

And they said, "Because we get America's money, we are pushed to do this." No, not like that.

That's only the cunning way in Chinese Communist Party's strategies.

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Dr. Mercola:

Okay, so that-

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

They use – yeah. Please, yeah?

Dr. Mercola:

So that is really, really helpful, I mean to have a firm grip and understanding from really an

insider like you, to understand that this really was a Chinese bioweapon developed primarily by

the Chinese, partially facilitated by the U.S., but primarily the Chinese. So that kind of takes the

whole different perspective. So another deep question I have for you, because it's always

shocked me, is so many people were infected with this infection across the world, and yet the

reports coming from China is like, I mean, it's just hundreds. It should be tens or hundreds of

millions that were infected. So, are they lying and not reporting it, or what do you think's going

on there?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

You mean the real case numbers in China, right?

Dr. Mercola:

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, what are the real case numbers?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

So let me tell you first, how could you know the real number? You have to base it on – so

Doctor, if you want to know the number from China, who would you think to ask?

Dr. Mercola:

Good question, yeah.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

So you-

Dr. Mercola:

They're not going to tell you the truth.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Yeah, so you can't ask China government. You know what they will tell you, right?

Dr. Mercola:

Yeah, yeah.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

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For their face, they say in the culture is the most important thing. And then also, they develop

this virus and other things in their unrestricted bioweapon program. It's because they want to

destroy Americans' economic and also social order, and then destroy your civilization and turn-

Dr. Mercola:

Do you think it's just targeted to the United States, or is it worldwide?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Worldwide, however they always list America as a primary enemy, and the biggest problem.

Dr. Mercola:


Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

If they took over America, it's easy for them to solve the other countries. That's a truth they listed

in the documents, in government, and also the army. So for this purpose, you see, when they

show you this kind of propaganda, also through like TikTok and also other social media tell you,

"Oh, in China we control the outcome and it's good, and we love our government." American

people will feel, "Yeah, maybe we should give up our democracy and turn to try the

Communism party." That's all they want to do, and the way they control the real information, it's

very cruel. That's how they make people disappear. That's how they arrested those journalists,

and they changed the big pharmacy in China. They changed their senior managers, or even they

will watch them using surveillance system. We have very developed digital surveillance system

in China. All of this – well, Chinese people all know, "Don't trust any data come out from our

government." They don't need to do statistics. They just sit there. Whatever data they want, they

write it down. That's how they show you the data.

Dr. Mercola:

So I mean obviously, you have your parents and family still live there, and you have many

friends and colleagues and associates that are there. So from your experience, I mean obviously

it's not in the media but is the feedback you're getting that the infection is quite prevalent there

and people are dying? And if so, what strategies are they using to address it?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Oh, so yeah. In China actually, Wuhan, when they locked down Wuhan they used very inhumane

way. And so that was because the government knows this is a kind of bioweapon, right?

Dr. Mercola:

Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Not traditional, but it knows it is a bioweapon. And so they don't want it hurt themselves, those

officers, so that's why they do this kind of campaign-like restriction. And also to people outside,

they don't show you the real data. They have thousands of ways. They delay the diagnosis. So

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even when the people died, before his death, you didn't know his diagnosis result, so he's not

COVID-19 case.

Dr. Mercola:

Yeah, it's the opposite of the United States. I mean, you could die from a motorcycle accident

and be diagnosed with COVID-19, and so they're trying to inflate the numbers. And in China,

they're trying to make the numbers disappear or [crosstalk 00:41:08].

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Yes, totally opposite. In China also, for example in America, once a person has diagnosed as

COVID, even later he died of some other problem, they still will be treated as COVID case. But

in China, they can use ventilator to keep the patients survive until the test is negative from the


Dr. Mercola:

I don't even know why they'd go to the bother with that, because they can just change the

statistics. They control all the data sources.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Yeah, yeah, so they have different way to handle, thousands of ways to handle. And also, very

important thing is they gave treatment, early treatment, and also they gave hydroxychloroquine

and other drugs.

Dr. Mercola:

China did.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:


Dr. Mercola:

So China was giving hydroxychloroquine early on. When they people came to the local doctor

they didn't say, "Go home until you're ready to die, and come to the hospital." They said, "No,

we're going to give you hydroxychloroquine today, right now."

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

No, more than hydroxychloroquine. They gave different type of antiviral drug and other things.

But if you're sick, they won't just let you go home. They will still give you drug.

Dr. Mercola:


Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

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And also, remember I said from end of January, and [inaudible 00:42:28] Media and I endorsed

the hydroxychloroquine?

Dr. Mercola:

Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

And after that, within one week, the military scientists in China filed a patent in China to use

hydroxychloroquine for a new purpose, to treat COVID-19. That make them earn the top award

by Chairman Xi for anti-COVID last year.

Dr. Mercola:


Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

See, this is the difference. Hydroxychloroquine is OTC (over-the-counter) in China.

Dr. Mercola:

Oh, interesting. Did not know that.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Yeah, so that is so many misinformation, and also so many propaganda here and the censorship

here. That's why America's death toll and also the case numbers increased like crazy. And one

more thing, very important. Remember, China locked down Wuhan and then locked down other

cities while they let flights all over the world, from Wuhan and other cities.

Dr. Mercola:

Yeah, so that was intentional, to spread the infection, yeah.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:


Dr. Mercola:

Seed it.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:


Dr. Mercola:

Oh yeah, because I think the first cases in the U.S. were reported in Washington, which were

probably flights from China.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

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Yes, yes. I remember, it is.

Dr. Mercola:

Yeah, so wow. So, here's another confusing aspect and I'm wondering if you can tie up these

loose ends. Because clearly, the consensus of people who are informed, or it might be more

accurate, not misinformed by the conventional media, is that the primary reason for suppressing

and censoring all the information on these alternative therapies to treat it, is to push people

towards this COVID injection, the COVID jab. Which is given to so many tens of, probably over

100 million people in the United States. So, and the intention appears to be – many people

believe it's a kill shot, and that people will die prematurely from this. So, how do you connect the

COVID shot with the, I mean, it seems to be separate, and it seems to be generated by greed

from pharmaceutical companies in the United States, to develop a therapy that they can get

amazingly reimbursed for, but really doesn't do anything to address the illness, and probably kills

people prematurely. So, is there a connection between the COVID injections and the Chinese


Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

So definitely, there is clear connection with evidence between the vaccine and the problem, and

also Chinese Communist Party's strategies. However, it's not an easy answer that I know, some

people [inaudible 00:45:17] and they try to explain that vaccine will kill people, and so it is

another bioweapon. This is not accurate reason.

Dr. Mercola:


Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

And I want to let people know, first, China released the virus they developed in the military labs.

This virus doesn't have the high death rate, and their way is to make someone, I mean, that's why

I called it unrestricted bioweapon. The way they make it is because such unrestricted bioweapon,

it looks like natural-occurring. That's the key point. Another key point is, once you realize

something wrong, they use misinformation and denial to confuse you. So now I say, when China

release it and China controls the scientific community to spread misinformation, and censored to

let people believe it's come from nature, what will people do?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Two ways. One is, they will think about drugs, the drugs they already have. The other way is

vaccine because people are educated to accept vaccine can end a pandemic. And in this case, the

useful drug like the hydroxychloroquine and later ivermectin, are so cheap. How could they use

this to earn huge profits? That's why when the people like Chinese Communist Party also had a

lot of the stock shares from Pfizer, from Moderna, from other big pharmacies, so-

Dr. Mercola:

So they were heavily invested in those companies?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

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Oh, yeah. Check the money they put in. I mean, they are the big bosses behind, too.

Dr. Mercola:

I did not know that. I know Gates was for sure, and I believe Fauci was, so-

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Oh, Gates. Yeah, Gates put a lot of money to develop vaccine. At that time when I was in Hong

Kong, end of January last year, basically let me tell you that is like I was told, whatever proposal

I wrote and I can get such money from Gates and the Hong Kong government to develop the

vaccine. So they don't care about what you really can develop. They just want people, all folks in

this area.

Dr. Mercola:

And this is where you were when you were working on the influenza vaccine?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

I have influenza vaccine patent pending, but my boss told me, "Just use the idea to do the

COVID-19 virus." I refused. I checked. I did my research and I told him, "There are so many

problems we never solved in SARS-1, and now SARS-2 is a big version of SARS-1. I don't think

I can overcome this problem and have a safe and effective vaccine candidate. That's why I

cannot apply it," right? But he doesn't mind. He said, "Just do it." I didn't, so that's why you say

[inaudible 00:48:28] those people from scientists. This kind of chance for scientists, you know

how valuable, right? Money thrown to you.

Dr. Mercola:

Sure, sure.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

And then big pharmacies, they all say, "Okay, now we can use this chance to make money." I'm

sure Dr. Fauci, I mean, unless he's stupid, he understands what will happen if he support this

kind of vaccine development, so-

Dr. Mercola:

Mm-hmm (affirmative). No, he knows. He knows quite well. He's been in the U.S. government

for 50 years, five decades.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Yeah, so you don't think he's stupid, right?

Dr. Mercola:

No, no. He's very clever and very sophisticated, but he's also a sociopath and malevolent, for

sure. So yeah, I'm not a big fan of that man.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

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Exactly, so that's why they also use censorship, and they also use the chance, Fauci and Daszak.

They are not the people China really trusts. But China know how to manipulate them, and China

know once they are manipulated, once they see the opportunities, they will run to their benefits.

That's how – yeah?

Dr. Mercola:

So at the higher level, you think the Chinese Communist Party had some influence on Fauci and

Gates to move in that direction?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Yeah. For example, they asked them to tell that it's from nature, right?

Dr. Mercola:

Yeah, yeah.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

And then they will let them realize, going through WHO like my boss, all these people [inaudible

00:49:59] and deliver, Fauci, he'd never studied a coronavirus by himself. So he's also-

Dr. Mercola:

Well, he's a politician. He's not a researcher or scientist, yeah. Yeah, he's a politician.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Yes, so Doctor, you know when this person sits there, they deliver message to public. They

actually get the knowledge from other people behind them.

Dr. Mercola:

Right, right, right.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Right, so who delivers a message to him? People like my boss, Malik Peiris. So also, the same

message will be delivered to WHO, to The Lancet, to Nature, Science, Cell, all these journals.

And often you see everyone, every scientist who stayed there will tell you, "Oh, it's come from

nature. We need to use vaccine." And these scientists, they know something wrong, but they

don't want touch it. They see the money and other benefit in front of them. Somehow, China

knows the vaccine will have problem. Why? Again, back to people like my boss. Malik Peiris.

What Malik knows is if you check – he's M.D./Ph.D., and he's a very tight hand in the emerging

infectious disease, especially coronavirus. He's the one who studied and discovered cytokine


Dr. Mercola:

Mm-hmm (affirmative). Oh, he is?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

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And later in SARS-1, he found the antibody-dependent enhancement. And also these people,

they know how difficult to have a safe and effective vaccine against the coronavirus. So they

know from the beginning, especially plus those functions, they add into the coronavirus to target

human. They know how difficult to make a vaccine safe to people. However [they] let it go, they

make money behind you, and they can say America goes into chaos, right? Because they make

politicians think, push the policy to get vaccine, even mandate, will help to solve the pandemic.

They teach some students, they train people to believe vaccine can help them. And after that,

America is divided.

Dr. Mercola:

Sure, sure.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

People are pro-vaccine or against the vaccine. And the “against,” they will be divided because

someone says they are the worst effects. They realize they are cheated. They will be angry to the


Dr. Mercola:

Mm-hmm (affirmative). Yeah, for sure. They're domestic terrorists. So is the Chinese

government, are they making the COVID injections available over there, or they're not? They

don't offer that at all?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Oh, they also – I mean, they gave also mandate vaccine, although they claim-

Dr. Mercola:

Oh, they are mandating vaccines.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Yeah, the way they mandate is not like the American people believe. The way they mandate is

because they know this virus is so dangerous, and there are a lot of potential, I mean, how to say,

risky during the pandemic. So to protect themselves, they don't mind to give our people the bad

quality of vaccines. They even use inactive vaccines. That is very insecure, especially in

coronavirus case. But they give it, and then they also gave the treatment isolation. You see the

news yesterday come out from The Epoch Times? They said China is enlarging the building of

the kind of campaign things, to hold the corona patients, the COVID patients in the future.

Dr. Mercola:

In isolation, right, yeah.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Yeah, so China actually is not for your good purpose. It's for their own purpose. Those people try

to protect themselves, no matter drugs, vaccine or isolation. I do all the things I can do, just try to

get away from this virus.

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Dr. Mercola:

Okay, all right. So one of the ulterior motivations that many believe for this is resulting in global

tyranny. One of the I guess most classic illustrations of that would be the social credit systems

that's used in China. Do you feel, and obviously you're familiar with that, and probably have

some direct experience. Do you feel that we're moving that way in the United States, and that

that may be one of the strategies that the Chinese are using to get us to implement that social

credit system?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

You mean, like using a digital social credit system like that, right?

Dr. Mercola:

Yeah, yeah.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

In China, they have applied since COVID outbreak. For example in China, you need to use your

phone to upload, to install an app. Even you take the pass or you go to the restaurant, you have to

scan the code. The code can trace whether you are even like a close contact to other strangers. If

you appeared in the cinema or the train station, then they will automatically trace you, and then

your code will change the color and you will be sent immediately to the isolation place. That's

the way, and China has done different levels of such digital surveillance system to Chinese

people. They link everything together.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

For example, if the parents and grandparents didn't get vaccine, the kids cannot go to school

[inaudible 00:55:41]. So unlike this, and in America I do say, I mean sadly, there are people,

they're pro mandate. They clearly didn't realize, once the population are separated into this, in

this case, into vaccinated and unvaccinated, then you have to have the system to let other people

identify whether you are vaccinated or unvaccinated. And this system has to be available not

only in a local place, right? So then one step by step later, you have to establish the system to

surveillance the people. And usually what happens, they know that vaccine cannot stop

pandemic. China knows, and your scientists like Fauci, they also know. So that's why they call

for the booster. But once you support mandate for two doses, then you have to support for the

booster, and then support for 60, 199 times, it all goes on. That is endless-

Dr. Mercola:


Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

And you are tied into this credit system you built.

Dr. Mercola:

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Yeah, so do you think that the United States is moving towards these isolation camps? I mean,

some people believe they're building these FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)

camps, and eventually we'll herd the unjabbed into the camps. Do you have any views on that?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

I'd just say that very clearly, that people like the propaganda and mainstream media controlled by

those people, and like the Faucis, these kind of people, they try to blame all this into

unvaccinated people. And then later, if it goes on, if the censorship keeps going on like they

don't allow you to talk about early treatment even you treated, you cured thousands of people,

they don't allow you to talk about it. They threaten the doctors, right? And then they even

withdraw doctors' license. So if these things keep pushing on, then I mean inevitably the end will

be the same as what happened in China.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

However, I mean now still I think there is, I still believe there is opportunities because in

America, not like in China, you still have the separation of powers. You still have rules, and your

people brave and because your government didn't control you as strictly as CCP did to us, so you

have the chance against all these things, and with evidence, right?

Dr. Mercola:


Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

And the way you all get together to do this, stand out with your challenge to fight against all

these things.

Dr. Mercola:

Okay, so those are really great words of wisdom from an insider who's seen and experienced the

Chinese system. So what would your message be to those watching this in the United States?

Understanding that almost everyone watching this is not brainwashed. They understand the truth.

They know the details of what this propaganda campaign is. So, what is your message to those

individuals and the 60 million people in the United States who have yet to be jabbed?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

I want [to] tell the audience that China actually spent decades to develop such unrestricted


Dr. Mercola:


Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

And their goal is to achieve the world dominance by 2035.

Dr. Mercola:

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Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

And now because of the COVID, they celebrated the trophy, and also they are talking in the

evidence, in the document, that they want to make it even earlier. So it's very urgent for all of us,

China is there. They want to use all this [inaudible 00:59:46] to overcome the world, and

America is their primary enemy. So we have to stand out for the future, for our next generations.

We cannot stay there, keep silent. This will be the last chance we have to fight against such

Communism evil plans, and to save all of us. I'm here not only [as] a whistleblower. I came

working to study this evidence and check the documents, and also work with doctor and

scientists to help to solve this pandemic. And most importantly, we have to all work together to

stop the next time such pandemics or such attacks come out from China.

Dr. Mercola:

Okay, I couldn't agree more and I have two follow-up questions. One is the specifics on what

you would recommend, and what do you envision as being the best strategy? But before that, I

think it's important to frame that answer with, what do you think the United States looks like

once China wins and they're successful? What is it going to be like to live in the United States?

Can you give a projection?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Oh, you can just see what’s happening in Hong Kong now. China spend like two years, from

mid-2019 until now, and they destroyed this kind of law system and democracy and freedom in

Hong Kong. They also conducted the national security laws. Basically, they own your privacy.

They own your freedom, and you are forced to listen to them. There is no reason they can't do

whatever things to you. Basically, you are a slave living in the modern society. No doubt, once

China overcomes America this will be the same here, and maybe can be worse because they have

other technology at that time.

Dr. Mercola:

Yeah, yeah. That's a good point, because technology, I embrace and am passionate about

technology, but it's two sides, a good and evil side, and it can be used either way so I couldn't

agree more. So I guess the final question is, the specific recommendations, I mean, you've

provided a powerful, powerful setting to encourage and motivate people to action. But

specifically, what actions do you think we need to take? How do we resist? How do we prevent

this inevitability, what appears to be inevitability of China taking over the United States?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Wait, Doctor. So I want Americans to know that first, adults as us should realize the evilness of

the Communism, Maoism, Marxism, no matter what names it changed, no matter-

Dr. Mercola:

Socialism, objectivism.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

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Of course, all this. All this.

Dr. Mercola:

Not objectivism, sorry, collectivism. Collectivism, yes.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Basically, I mean the nature of that is no limitation of the bottom line and no consideration of the

humanity, and no face. That's why they do everything to achieve their goals. And once we realize

this, tell it out. Especially when you know the truths of virus, you can understand it better. And

then last case, let the people around you know that, because they are doing propaganda to

brainwash people, to brainwash the kids. And also, you must let your policymakers, legislators,

know this. Because I'm the foreigner, but you are an American citizen. You can vote, so you

must let them understand the importance and push them to do something.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

You should know, don't believe Chinese government and don't give any mercy to the Chinese

Communist Party. And also, you have to update your own system, because they study decades to

study the weakness in your whole system, to divide America, to get avoid punished like the

Mafia. So once you do all these things, hold them accountable and don't let them do more. That's

the end of the pandemic.

Dr. Mercola:

Yes. Well, brilliant. I knew I would deeply appreciate connecting with you and dialoguing about

this important topic, and I deeply appreciate the opportunity to do that and especially want to

thank you for your courage and your bravery, and putting yourself at personal risk of being

disappeared by the Chinese government. I hope that no harm ever comes to you, I really do. But,

and for coming to this country and being a harbinger, a warner, a herald of what could come if

we don't pay attention, I mean it's a terrible future that is possible unless we wake up, you know?

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:


Dr. Mercola:

So, we have to do that, and I thank you for reinforcing that warning, at great cost to your

personal safety.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

Thank you. Thank you, Doctor, and it's my pleasure to talk with you. I hope our audience will

understand what happened, and let other people know that.

Dr. Mercola:

All right. Well, thanks again. I appreciate your work.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan:

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Thank you.