1 Montclair State University Department of Anthropology Anth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World Dr. Richard W. Franke Week 04 Lecture 02 Week 04 Lecture 02 The Native American The Native American Healer Healer Weatherford chapters 10 and 11 Weatherford chapters 10 and 11 Pages 175 – 216 Pages 175 – 216 Second edition pages 224–278 Second edition pages 224–278

Week 04 Lecture 02 The Native American Healer Weatherford chapters 10 and 11 Pages 175 – 216

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Montclair State University Department of Anthropology Anth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World Dr. Richard W. Franke. Week 04 Lecture 02 The Native American Healer Weatherford chapters 10 and 11 Pages 175 – 216 Second edition pages 224–278. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

Week 04 Lecture 02 Week 04 Lecture 02

The Native American The Native American HealerHealer

Weatherford chapters 10 and 11Weatherford chapters 10 and 11

Pages 175 – 216Pages 175 – 216

Second edition pages 224–278Second edition pages 224–278


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

The Native American HealerThe Native American HealerThe learning objectives for week 04 are:The learning objectives for week 04 are:

– to understand the nature of North American Indian agro-forestry to understand the nature of North American Indian agro-forestry – to appreciate how modern science is making use of Native to appreciate how modern science is making use of Native

American farming practices American farming practices – to appreciate how modern science is making use of Native to appreciate how modern science is making use of Native

American land management practices American land management practices – to understand and appreciate some of the most important to understand and appreciate some of the most important

medical contributions of Native Americans to the world (Week 04 medical contributions of Native Americans to the world (Week 04 lecture 02)lecture 02)

– to sample speculations about the current and future potential of to sample speculations about the current and future potential of Native American indigenous knowledge of the medicinal value of Native American indigenous knowledge of the medicinal value of plantsplants

Updated Friday, 22 October 2010Updated Friday, 22 October 2010


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

The Native American HealerThe Native American Healer

Terms you should know for week 04 are:Terms you should know for week 04 are:– back fire back fire – conoco conoco – polyculture polyculture – the three sisters the three sisters – quinine quinine – curare curare – ipecacipecac


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World: Dr. Richard W. Franke

Native American Forestry Management and Native American Forestry Management and Agricultural TechnologyAgricultural Technology

Week 04 Part 02 Sources:

Arvigo, Rosita, and Michael Balick. 1993. Rainforest Remedies: One Hundred Healing Herbs of Belize. Twin Lakes, Wisconsin: Lotus Press. The plants, their names, drawings, and the healing properties as claimed by traditional Maya healers and as being investigated by modern science.

 Densmore, Frances. 1974 [orig. 1928]. How the Indians Use Wild Plants for Food, Medicine and Crafts. New York: Dover Publications.

Duran-Reynals, M. L. 1946. The Fever Bark Tree: The Pageant of Quinine. Garden City, New York: Doubleday and Company, Inc.

Herrick, James W. 1995. Iroquois Medical Botany. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.

Honigsbaum, Mark. 2001. The Fever Trail: In Search of the Cure for Malaria. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.




Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

1. Quinine1. Quinine

• From bark of From bark of cinchona treecinchona tree

• Known in Andes for Known in Andes for many centuriesmany centuries


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

1.1. QuinineQuinine

• Quechua word “quina” means “bark.”

• Known in Andes as “quina quina,” bark of barks”

• Tree became known to Europeans as “fever tree”

• Concoctions later known as “Jesuit powder”


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

1. Quinine1. Quinine

• Make a tea from it or chew it– cures malaria;– lowers fevers; – helps with cramps and chills; and – fixes heart-rhythm disorders


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

1. Quinine also – 1. Quinine also – – Kills germs– Stimulates digestion– Reduces spasms– Relieves pain– Kills fungi– More details on medicinal properties of

quinine at: http://www.rain-tree.com/quinine.htm


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

1.1. QuinineQuinine• Name “cinchona” Name “cinchona”

from a Spanish from a Spanish noblewoman who noblewoman who probably never took probably never took quininequinine

• Jesuits brought to Jesuits brought to Europe – they often Europe – they often took native peoples’ took native peoples’ ideas seriouslyideas seriously

• Knowledge lost for Knowledge lost for 200 years200 years


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

1a. Quinine1a. Quinine

• Originally thought malaria was caused by “bad air.” The word mala aria means “bad air” in Medieval Italian.

• It was known as “Roman fever” in the ancient world.


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

1b. Quinine1b. Quinine

• Europeans only began to understand by 1820.

• Only in 19th Century, Europeans learned it also prevents malaria.

• Only in late 19th Century, cause of malaria discovered.


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

Malaria: A Major World DiseaseMalaria: A Major World Disease


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

Malaria: A Major World DiseaseMalaria: A Major World Disease

• Nearly 3 million people die from malaria Nearly 3 million people die from malaria each year; about one each 30 secondseach year; about one each 30 seconds

• 75% of deaths are African children75% of deaths are African children

• Malaria 4th major cause of death in Malaria 4th major cause of death in developing countriesdeveloping countries


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

Malaria: A Major World Disease: Malaria: A Major World Disease: 2012 Update2012 Update

US Center for Disease Control (CDC) saysUS Center for Disease Control (CDC) says• In 2009 3.3 billion people (half the world’s

population) live in areas at risk of malaria transmission in 109 countries and territories;

• Caused between 708,000 and 1 million deaths



Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

Malaria: A Major World DiseaseMalaria: A Major World Disease

• In addition to death, malaria causesIn addition to death, malaria causes– Loss of energyLoss of energy– Inability to work due to frequent fever Inability to work due to frequent fever

attacksattacks– Almost total infertility in womenAlmost total infertility in women


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

Malaria: A Major World DiseaseMalaria: A Major World Disease

• African slaves were sought partly African slaves were sought partly because many Africans have genetic because many Africans have genetic immunity to malariaimmunity to malaria

• This related to sickle cellThis related to sickle cell

• Learn more about malaria, sickle cell Learn more about malaria, sickle cell and African-based medicines for malaria and African-based medicines for malaria in the lecture 02 for week 09.in the lecture 02 for week 09.


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

Malaria: A Major World DiseaseMalaria: A Major World Disease

• 1882 mosquito transmission hypothesis 1882 mosquito transmission hypothesis first advancedfirst advanced

• 1897 mosquito theory proven1897 mosquito theory proven

• 1934 Germans developed synthetic 1934 Germans developed synthetic quinine now called “chloroquine.”quinine now called “chloroquine.”


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

Malaria: A Major World DiseaseMalaria: A Major World Disease

• In recent years malaria taking resistant In recent years malaria taking resistant forms to quinineforms to quinine

• New drugs – eg Fansidar – not very New drugs – eg Fansidar – not very reliable and have many side effectsreliable and have many side effects

• Search is on for additional compoundsSearch is on for additional compounds


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

Malaria: A Major World DiseaseMalaria: A Major World Disease

• Two promising findings:Two promising findings:– Artemisia annuaArtemisia annua from China – see later in from China – see later in

the course in week 15the course in week 15– Various root crop compounds from Various root crop compounds from

traditional medicine of Nigeria – see later in traditional medicine of Nigeria – see later in the course in week 09the course in week 09


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

2. Sassafras and Sasparilla2. Sassafras and Sasparilla

• First used as teas by Indians.

• Mixed with sugar, they became root beer.

• First sold as medicines, later as soft drinks.


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

3. Ipecac: 3. Ipecac: 2012 Update2012 Update

• Amazonian Indians made from a tree root.

• Causes patient to vomit.

• Still used by poison clinics throughout the world.

• Kills amoeba that cause amoebic dysentery.

[Weatherford pages 175–182; second edition pages 224–233]


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

4. Vitamin C4. Vitamin C

• Early European explorers thought scurvy was infectious.

• Indians knew it was not.


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

4. Vitamin C4. Vitamin C

• Scurvy causes bleeding gums, skin splotches, a wretched stink, and leads to death.

• Huron Indians used evergreen bark and needles, probably hemlock or pine.


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

4. Vitamin C4. Vitamin C

• Became a legend among sailors as a cure for syphilis – but not true

• James Lind (1716-1794) read about Huron cure for scurvy

• British Navy supplied limes to prevent scurvy -- origin of word "limey" for sailor in British English


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

5. Iodine5. Iodine

• Incas prevented goiter with kelp – a kind of seaweed rich in iodine.

• Incas brought it from the coast into the high Andes


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

6. Laxatives6. Laxatives

• Shrub bark used by Oregon and California Indians.

• Helps constipation in mild and general way.


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

6. Laxatives6. Laxatives

• Still not synthesized.

• Still the world's main laxative.


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

7. Curare7. Curare

• Amazonian Indians make it from a woody vine, cooked into a gum.

• Blocks nerve transmission to muscles, leading to paralysis and death through asphyxiation.


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

7. Curare7. Curare• The death is painless and used in Holland since The death is painless and used in Holland since

1980s for euthanasia.1980s for euthanasia.• In small doses can be a muscle relaxant – used In small doses can be a muscle relaxant – used

for tetanus and for abdominal surgery.for tetanus and for abdominal surgery.• Used for urinary tract infectionsUsed for urinary tract infections• Used for acute arthritisUsed for acute arthritis


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

7. Curare7. Curare

• Now has been synthesized into several muscle relaxing drugs.


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

8. Other Medicines8. Other Medicines

• Northeastern US Indians pinkroot against fever

• various emetics

• astringents


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

9. Indian Aspirin9. Indian Aspirin

• North American Indians poplar and willow bark

• Used as a pain killer

• Now known to be chemically similar to aspirin


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

10. Medicines for Women10. Medicines for Women

• Oak tree root used as antispasmodic to induce menstruation.

• Bitter root to ease pain of childbirth -- pioneers called it “birthroot.”


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

11. Balsams11. Balsams

• Wide variety to heal flesh wounds.

• Used also today for ointments and toilet articles [perfumes].


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

12. Astringents12. Astringents

• Dried flowers used to make a tincture to relieve swelling.

• Wintergreen, now used for candies and medicines.


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

13. Moisturizers13. Moisturizers

• Indian petroleum is now called “jelly.”

• One of first uses for petroleum, it protects wounds, keeps skin moist.

• Indians also used it to lubricate tools.


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

14. Surgery14. Surgery

• Inca trephining, a form of brain surgery to relieve swelling, especially useful for concussions.


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

• Aztecs the most sophisticated New World surgeons. They had – – Skin specialists.– Surgeons.– Midwives.– Bloodletters.


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

Aztec MedicineAztec Medicine

– Herbal pharmacists.– Drug dispensers.– Today, only lasers cut more precisely than

Aztec obsidian scalpels.


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

• Other Indian surgeons sewed lacerations with bone needles threaded with human hair.

• Amazonian Indians made syringes with rubber.


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

• North American Indians made them with animal bladders.– European doctors still use the rubber hose and


• Lanced boils.

• Amputated limbs.


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

• Made articial limbs.

• Removed teeth.

• Castrated men and animals.

• Knew how to suck out snake venom.


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

• Used tourniquets and cauterization.

• Aztecs also had deodorants, toothpaste, breath fresheners.


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

15. Anatomy15. Anatomy

• Aztecs probably had most sophisticated anatomy of 16th century.

• Derived in part from the grisly human sacrifices.


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

Aztec PhysiciansAztec Physicians

• Understood role of heart and nature of blood circulation long before William Harvey (1578-1657).

• Nahuatl (Aztec) doctors identified and named virtually all of the body organs recognized today.


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

• Aztecs used frequent bathing and medicinal baths.

• Used for exhaustion, aching muscles, and childbirth recovery.


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

• Aztecs had steam baths.

• Other Indians had sweat lodges and cold baths.

Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

2010 Update

Scientists today are searching for new chemically active drugs by inter-viewing traditional healers among Native Americans and others.

Friday, 22 October 201048

Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western WorldDr. Richard W. Franke

One study found a success rate seven times greater for identifying plants of medicinal value when using the knowledge of local healers rather than just randomly testing plants in the rainforest.

Source: Michio Kaku. 1997. Visions: How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Century. New York: Anchor Books. Page 194 citing a study by Paul Cox published in Scientific American June 1994, p. 84.

Friday, 22 October 2010 49


Montclair State University Department of AnthropologyAnth 140: Non Western Contributions to the Western World

Dr. Richard W. Franke

Week 04Lecture 02

Native American Contributions to World Medicine

End of Slides