i r I 1 r I I I AT- Ui fl tG pat qual- WE boWl elh- tu Put I at- S sale IL4J- trioJ AooJ 300 stairs ages Opera aret- eth St PAY TORI- L31S rMaaMliB teaftirf THE SUN WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 18 190 I l 1t 7 A 11 a frWft > ± PRIVATE AVCT1ONS RECORDS jodie l mt A OGorman Dlipntrt of Vest Side Pint Harlem Apnrtmc Home Finds Buyer The Orphan Aiylum a PI Transactions In old law flats and ten pents made up the bulk of the from brokers1 offices yesterday One apartment In Harlem was dli posed of of building sib irere public one of which was bought y or Immediate Improvement Five dea houses were Included In budget most of the dwellings being irsnsltion localities The days bilslnei- rtn similar In character to that which ht prevailed In the recent past Tho nctlvlt old law flats and tenement trts Inconsiderable In these the WBI notably large considering carclty of mortgage money Joseph r Feist has sold for Judge Jam A Ofiorman to Hcrnard Tonjahn N 535 West Fortysixth street a fourstar lot 25x100 Samuel SB Louis Livingston olfl Nos 01 and 93 Hester street old four MarY buildings on a plot 430x75 Hannah Abraham Is tlio buyer of th fivestory at 209 West Slxtysecon street cold week Thomas Shaw A Co have sold No 113th street a and bosemon dwelling 18x00x100 for Louisa J Porter trustee to M Henry sold for Loderer ninrk Toch NV B 19 and 21 West IIWli trcpr a nixstory apartment hoiiHo- n pin 4Srtx 10011 II Mnednnnlu v Co have sole HnlxTt Wnllaco to a client for occii nancy X S2U West 101 t street a bafpinint dwellliiR on lot 20 The Kiiwiev 9toto has mild No 14 Wesl street a fourstory dwell INK in I N Levy has three dwell itiRs at of Madlsor lOit hstreetun plot about 45x100 The Propiity Company rwner of J V Jackson V Lo have sold for Stowarl 4 Stewnrt Xo n Wost Seventeenth street dwelling lot 25x02- Kmanunl Simon sold for Solomon Finer to Hefcw XOB Ill and 113 Eft Seventyfifth street two flats on plot 538x1021 and Improve- ment Ccmpittiy has bought from a Mr Bniim NV 20 Vest 12lRt street n five story tint mi lot 12x10911 and Improvement Company has bought 121 strw a livestory flit on lot 189x10011- Isanc fiooflRtPln owner of record- V D A fo have sold for Fred- erick Haas th plot 75x9911 on the north ido of 14sth street 100 west of Amster- dam avenue Ijoiils Ipso has sold tho plot 100x0011 on the south side of 13Sth street 100 feel west of Ienox avenue to Emanuel Doctor who will erect sixwtory apartments houses Tobias sold for Rownbaum A Welnsman tc A Mayor 109 134th street a five ston front flat on lot 25x9911 Charles has Rold to Isidore and Harry Bloch Xo 37 West 114th street a flat on lot A C Wneterline and Ferdinand Kramei have sold for Ellen Driscoll to Peter P Xo 28 Mulberry joutneast corner of Park street A Hollander has sold No 193 Lewi- gtreet a throestory tenement on lot 19 X7710X195X754 M F hem sold for tho Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum to William C BTKPn ten lots on northeast corner of Monroe avenues nth street Vetitjoclc Jfc Birsher have sold for Eliza beth Crantz Nos 60S and East lOOtr street two three story single frame flats 168x05x100 A M Is the buyer of No 1C3 Avenut B and A Hollander buyer of No B- East 118th Harry J has sold Nos 60 nnd fl East street two fire story flats 01 50x10011 Jacob Rosenbaum has sold for Isaac M Berinstein to Harry Matz the plot lOOj 10011 on the of 116th street 211 feet east of Fifth avenue The seller bough the Iota at auction a few months ago 49800 The Klaw A Erlanger Construction Com obtained a loan 500000 yesterdaj from the United States Realty and Company to build its proposec theatre In and streets west of Seventh avenue The loan Is for one vent at 5 per cent Davis A Robinson have sold for F Reynolds about four acres of land ai Rye N Y This the House which hat fnr the last two been occupied bj Mayor Low The purchaser intends a country To laya Auction Sales BT PARISH FISHER MOONEY CO street No l north side SOO fet of Columbus avenue 11x1008 three stor brtrk end stout dwelling voluntary roadway No SW west side feet north o Franklin street 28x160 to Franklin plat five stor stone front loft bulldlnf- Twcnt lthth itrcrt No 38 south tdr 250 feel mi of Stith nvenuf Z8x 8S nyc story stone fmn tor 4c P II Hart vi V M Hart t A Krllon- A sitomrjs Randolph Hurr referee partition BT rnntr A BUTTII street north side 5SO feel wrs of Centra Park West IOOilon5 rimy ninth No Z2B north side 291 feel Eighth avenue 10x1006 four story stom- Snrnifrnlh strrrt No 40S south side 144 Ire MM nf First avenue JSiW two story frame building Sljifcnthstrfet four brick dwelling Livingston place No 11 side 18S fret north Shtrentli street story brick dwelling Greenwich street No 3tJ west side J40 feet of street 2S8 lWiS53xiOO three stor brick bulldlnr one and two ston brick on rear M F McNulty et al vs A Mitchell e- M n 4 J OGormnn attorneys H M llenrj referee partition Bl UTICHAB RBAITT TBCST COMPAHT street No 1M south side 174 feel of Amsterdam avenue 19x1005 four stor itonf front dwelling H R McKIm vs J n t il II r Miller H J Maxwell referee due on ludtment 8 subject to taxes Ac- BT BRTAK EXVKKUT1- 38th itrpet north side SSO feet east of Lenox- vnijp SiiiJ8xS32iM7 M A Poynton vs Joseph McXamara et al A I Pope attorney A 1 ll ln referee subject to taxes 4c ptrtltlon DT rrrun r METER enlyelshth Street No U4 south side 2454 feet east or Seventh avenue Ole SS10xMOxJ5iMil- five front tenement E P Uartletl vs A I- Nteler attorneys E 0 La Fetra refereeduron judgment subject to taxes Ar Itt mortgages 122000 Convent avenue Xo 71 southeast terrIer 144th WHICH four stor brick building H A C vs J D Puller et al Strong A C attor- ney Musrd Hrowne referee due on Judgment subject to taxes Ac II900W- YMicrdiyd Ann Ion BT JOSEPH P DAT Slate street No S north side Ill feet wiM of Whitehall Mreet 243x2138 to Tearl street 2xlwinslixl041 four And one Mory buildIngs volunlarj sale 1 In at I8SOO- Oth niee No 77 northwest corner Park iixeiiuc JnTVII tlv slori brick tene- ment Oenrce StnllberK vs V A A nrown- al I J irlinn attorney II Vander referee due on ment 1871217- Mit Tt to taxes Ac f3fl755 prior morl Hsoiin tn Lout V Kberl 29U8 vvrnth Mrret No 1S5 north side 48 feet AI oT Amsterdam avenue Itt four story brick dwelling two rttenslnn ew York Insur- anec James Kleman el al- Antrrivllsmilinn S Andrews due on Judcment ll4Ktl44i to taxes Ac to the plain tilt 13000- Mreet x 4ln ami 44S south Mde we t J IMrosanl avenue MSx tt MV t ini front dwel- lJV ubiiritrr vs und V1 K A attorneys 1 c feree on Judgment l to Ac to the ptatntm II zoo r Flatten MOOXKT roi- L i Vn N a8 3SM side un Wrndover avenue 60- xtut side 252 reel of Lcxlnjion avenue 17x10011 four MARKET SALES AND a a R man athola Hell ot trading hOWe the the on a and tnt Scholl Wilt t I Jo for lon bough Inc i a rnur on Inx fetor I Halt for ret hal Weft tor on adjoining the the and st ret for Illd all street place n alI of W I Cole atom L I Ire 1 Sales C t at1 ti feet 10 IWo len cue n eMI or il teflemenq Ilbdrln at 1 70- e THE REAL ESTATE t trac- ts ret uul li t anuc Sos l Henr tenrrnent io3x56 tl 66Si Con- struction a west sale Sixty etcnth trout deliing ltvtngtn No east aide feet northoi ator north North Moore Siitr flfth caRt I0 toil gee inet leii story 5ttotty l t it rAttan a end sets 1 Iwo Ore e fIb stores th sir Nn ¬ < > > > > = < story stone front dwelling TW Cauld Thornall attorney H W Sackett ref duo on Judgment ISsajos subject to taxes Acll272S to Leo 101- BT I i PHILLIPS CO Seventh street No 2So north aide Will feet east of Avenue C I82x078x Irregular three story stone front execu tors to Morris 2li- BT D PIKXXir INQRAHAM CO Third avenue No 4411 nest side J18 feet north of IHlsi street 23x10211 two story frame Knickerbocker Loan Company vs otto Weber et al II II S L 11 Ward referee due on Judgment 218171 sub to taxes Ac to tnortsagi for 17500 to the plaintiff 01- BT BAklUKI OOLDBTICKRR Kith street No 1031 north side east of Prospect av 19x748 thrtestory- ps trustee vs et 11 Olbson A Lltthauer referee due on Judgment I7S6 82 subject to Ac to the 72 Heat Estate Tr n frpB- OWSTOWK South ot Fourteenth si The letters c stand for quit claim deed a for bargain cag for ties 1st av 373 n ws Thomas P Wlckes referee to Iteesslng Attorney st s es 25x100 Derllant- n 68U e 22x s 458xJ5x w 22 Jeannette P- Cioln to Thomas J Sanson and ano Cherry M s Daniel Cunningham to Charles Lane st 102 es 25x80 Uemard OJier kit to llorwltz Realty Co q c mtge 118500 nor Same property llorwllt Co to JIHMOo c and 10 Fulton st 4UJ n w ror si 2D31 SSBx 1x5710l80ll William 1 to Albert U odd and nno mtirc Hamilton st s s 1040 w Market st J7i9 0x- 254x1038 Daniel Cunt Ingham to Charles Lane Iuillmv at IIS17 v s 378xR7fl Helton- Healty Co to Ilenr Paslnsky mtge l8uO3 Monroe st 143 s s Isaac Gross- man to Meyer Margolin K Mulberry st 141 w s 4lixlioi2vixB83 CJIfinil to Antonio Cagllostro- mtg 135WU si n w cor Gold St 804x1x842x125 Annie I Thomson to Fanny F de Trulte trustee el si uo Spring st 201fl n w Sullivan st 45x- WiOx4S M Morrts Fine to Leo Feldmann mine 57Vifl o c and 10 pr petty Leo Feldman to Morris lIne mlye oc and 1C Water ns 207xMIO Hannah Sul livan to Albert liusch and ano ratge 2250 1C- KAirr SIDE tKast of Fifth at rtreen Fourteenth and llCKh itl Lexington avffsROSs 64th st20iflOlosephlne- Schmld lo Idward 110 av n e cor 40lh st IBBxU Sarah- E Slawson el al to Orn K Akeley o c and 100 3d av 638 n e cor 4lsi st 189x85 Charles- S Andrews to Ilernard A Remold all title 45th si 247 K 24x1006 Dezso Tucbs to ISmtlle- Oerth 74th st 133 K 17x1022 Edwin Sternfeia and son eicrs and trustees ta Samuel Schwab 17 Same property Samuel Schwab to Mildred 83d st s s IPO e tat av 25x1022 Wllhelmlne- Spengler widow el al to William Blcbele 03d st 301 K 25x100 Carrie Ulll to liar manlelsmtietlluoo ocand 104lh st s s 200 w 3d av 25x10011 A W Stump referee to Cornelius Callaghan 200 st as 278 w Park av 28i75ll Milton fembleton to Kllen M Cougblln mtge- iioaxi Same property M Coughlln to 15400 106th st ns 100 w 2d av 25x10011 Martin heppler to Paul KaMor arid ano o c and WEST SltlE of Fifth at Mirten Fourteenth and HOtfi ill Amsterdam av 807 e s 17x i Annie V tn J Holier mtga 16000 Columbus a w cor 85th st 1022x30 Ames Fancy to Mary A Ryan et al mtge MOooo nom West End av e s 107 n 75th st 18x100 George J Kbert to George w Elklns mlBo 18000 IMh at 3S W 28x002x258x034 Alexis W Stein ct al to Monmouth Building A Operating Co 10 34th st 443 V 108x080 Michael 1 Quinn to Mars M f hrlmnf mlire nom BOth st 12527 W 3 x9S9 Francis M Schlrtmaycr tn Gorhani Manufacturing Co liloixi nom B2rt W 20x1005 Knullable Ilealty Co Myrs I Foirc mtice nom 63rt st 41618 W 50x1005 Catharine M Flit nen to HOSA Schuermann o c auil 100 Cist M 2MM W 60x1006 Lucas J Done gao to Moses Weltz et al mtge 20 o e and 100 BSth st n a 138 w West Knd av 18x1008 Clara L Folger to Clara J McDonald c and 100- nAntKM Manhattan island north of 110WI it Emerson es ISO n Post av 50x100 William II Sheehy to F Mabony ItH St Nicholas av A w 127Bx311x- 1578x210 Frances J schramme to Pierre pont Healty Co nom 2d av 2164 e s 25x100 Abraham Klelnberg and coo to Leopold Kaufman mtge Jioooo nom 5th av 1414 w s 2011x100 Leopold Yesky to Hebeeca Welgert mtge 28000o c and 10 7th iiv 2153 6 e s 60x75 Nathan L Ottlnger and ano to Costlgnn mItes 40009 nom 112th st 133 August Walter to John J Hofl mIre 4000- 12lh st 130 K 17llilOO1t Addle Kofi to Marie MOuih i part 7000 112th st 52 E Minnie Bishop to Nicholas Alelnlkon mtge 117th st 1416 W 75x10011 Samuel Wacht to Isaac Roscnwclg and ano 57- ooi IOC 117th st 142 W 75xtOOll John Kflmger to tges 57000 119th st s s 4445 e Pleasant av 1710x10011 Francis Clgers to S Weser mtgc 7500 16- 120lhsts s375 n Ksndell to Ilernard KatVowsky mtge 17000 230- I22d st 310 H 25x10011 Caroline nioch to Louis S Ilamard mtges 17500 oc and llSit si s s 255 ir 2d av 25x10011 Leon Sanders and ann to Lous L Goldstein mtges 121000 correction o c and 10- 15l5t st 452 W 2liflOll Caroline Schmltx to Charles M GaiMn mtge 15000 nom BRONX norough ot flrortr- 8d nv 3730 c s JSxIOO Leltner Hlrwhman rolEs 7000 nom av being tot 104 map 272 lots Kemp estate George Fhret to Vincent 500 Forest av w s 1971 n Home st Oscar llentschcl to IJiilse Junger mIre 85000 7750 Forest av 735 ws IS SillS John P to Hannoh McOulre mtge 2200 3575 Franklin av w s 850 n tooth st Vtx- 20C James n Illxon Jr to James J Smith oo and 100 Fulton st e s adjoining lands of Colt Van Wyilc Illcirlns A Skinner 245x 008 2310x914 45th St 2I61H K 60X10O- 5Cliarles I ne to Daniel Ciinnlnghani mtge 4loou Gletio av w s adjoining land James G- Henderson runs w bOx s MX c tOils n 50 Margaret to Krohnr mIre S4000 n r antI 100 Jackson av 1130 e s 20x876 Kdward Goett tn Louise Guru ottEr nom st ss 71 w Maple Joseph Schneider to Louts mtge nom Oak terrace ss 100 w Decuman av trOt Franklin Lynch to Jerome J mtge HIMO nc 100 e n lliinnlde av 238x054x1- RX95 Ilerlha Mrk to David Lalng miCe jsooo nonf West Fnrnis road adjoining land Michael Shea runs s 1871 n w 95x n c 101 to begin- ning Westrhcuer and plot adjoining above runs s w Six n w ne 545- x s 07 Michael nrennan to Kosarln Amelia nom 155th st 548 F 25x100 Gottlieb Wsechter to Amelia Appell mICe S1I700O c and 100 182ilsl ns 45x140 Katharlno M Wllhclm to John A Ileyer mtge Jooo 4800 182r st ns 10211 w 3d av 40x140 John A Beyer to Jacob Graft mtge 3000 nom Lot tOO section 2 St Raymond Punt Fred- eric F naury to Hudson 1 Hoei nom Lot 2112 map A Vyse estate Abigail R to Wahlburcer llrlexrl mtge 4100 Recorded Leases J6tli st 119 E Gustav to Martin Downey from May 1 1100 itS07 W Jacob Scheer to Isldor Miller Mary k Potter Uyiii W- Henr Ilenschel S yrs 2500 Same property same tn same 4 yrs 2500 37th Henry G Williams to Thomas 1 theE 10 1200- 89th st 22ft Sophia Knepper by ally to Henry Slegel 3 yrs 1500 dre to Vincent Valence Jr 3 1600 1900- Sd av John to Richard Krelme SuWvn sti 102 Meyer A Goldstein et al to Hare Colonnese 5 3500 Madison st 407 Grand st 657 William Graeber to Joseph 5 yrs I76O- 2Mh st Out to Frederick and sob i 4800 loith st S0711 B Howard Menu to Michael Corbo 6 yrs 2500- tlerccii av t40 later Gottz tn Frederick 8 812 yrs J4003000- tfimth o Fourteenth H IWhere no Interest stated read 6 rentl 162 Pauline A Plffartl and ano to K McDowell due l ec 1 tee 414 cent 7500- licrry street ss 1718 e Market Slip Charles lane 10 American Mortgage Co I yr 12000- lamllton st s s 1840 w Market at same 10 vmic I yr 1200- 0Forsyth t I8 Alexander Gartner to Kml grant Industrial Savings UanU I yr 4 ir BIIT- OHnunton t 12047 W alv Macdougnl at- B4S alx Sullivan st I5n2 Kleanor M mfM- Illllat to Stewart C Crnl I yr n cent l eonard st n e COt Broadway svi2 M Jones and Life As- surance Society correction prior mIce nm nno 2 v 200000 lienry Paslnsky lo Rex ton Realty Co prior mice ISSOn due Jan 1 1POJ wo J O EV tree a brick acton J las b- and and against 1 Marl 10 IIaldman ml e and 10 nlhune sl to n cot Urenwlch I nor mlle Ink non nom and mIre 0 c non or s i 0e and I oe lnln lon nom i sole 0 c and nom PIn MIChael non U 0 e 12 mIle Ill Hale Mal nOI note mile Samuel nom I r Ltnol av Tit ob t- oO a Jar reo lurk nOn mal Ion n lOx av lAt nw lara Rome And ono 6 St s I U i20 n rs Uortcalpn- ONTOWS f o t Louts L vs al4 a a led 4 all Vi Iuttotne sale contaIning coenan grantor e at runs nor tO2aCUIIzfo5tgto non ono 11305 and I and fore rater i5uOO lot note lot Weal toe and Coo l 11000 Slot Warht It 0x1C4ttt Jennie lot filer t 100 ttv Section yrs Hestet l2t21 Columbus as 1643M Alphonse StrS fIecortleil It tnt ra st its < > ¬ < ° > > > Monroe t 14 Meyer Margolin and ano to yra 8 per rent 4 to Francis I Furnald 3 Same semi to harris Handel baum and ano prior mIte flooo due Jan 16 1901 upcrccnt IOC tKatt of at Fourteenth and hOOt it Lexington av s st Edward F Moldehnke to M 3 yrs 4 per tent 170 av n cor 40th ai Ira B Akeley to Sarah K Slaivson el al 3 yrs 4 per cent Madison av liiM llertha Oppenhelracr 10 Isaac Melnlmnl ct al trustees 3 yrs itt nv 1315 John Kubol and anti to Mary Szabol and son demand 28lh st 227 K Herman Hollander to Julia Jahn prior 20000 due Juno 15 1903 8 per 2C tame pronery same to John Glefers prior I yr 8 10 Sam properly same lo Lawyers Title In- surance 13 yrs 6tierceit 20W- BSth st 20 i RS Mackay to Untied State1 Trust Co Interest and due as bond 440 71st st 240 E Charles Ualawlsla to Title Insurance Co I 4H cent 100- 71th st 133 R Samuel Schwab to Edwin Sternfus and ann exrs and trustees 1 yr 150f 82d st 230 K Frances J J Deralsmer to MoVlcker lleelty and Trust Co guardian 3 yrs 4lj per cent 6f 84th st x 3249 e lit av Charlotte Iluckert- to New York Savings hank due Dec I 1004 4U per cent f- 103d st 85 K Ituusc to Oustav Ialk 3 yrs Mot 105th st ss 276 w Park av Ellen M Cough Hit to Milton Pembleton prior 10000 5 vrs sic 108th at 235 K Paul Kaldor and ano lo Wil l emberg prior miKe 12000 3 yrs 150 Same property same to Martin Keppler yrs 44 per cent 120T st n 3d av Emma Horton widow to lioivery savings 6 yrs per cent 50 SlOE of Fttth or Fourteenth and IMIi its Amsterdam av 711 John J Schwartz to Tllle Guarantee antI Trust Co 3 yrs IIi IS00 Amsterdam av 307 Michael J Holier to Annie 6KX Columbus si 6lfl3 Frank Illllman ct al to Paul Fuller and ano 3 yrs 6100 Columbus av 6m51 s w nor 85th st Agnes O Farley et al to Farmers Ian and Trust Co cent to00 Drive e A 21 s Mill si James Noble and sort lo It prior mIre S42500 demand 70ft 41st si 213219 W also list st n e s 121 w 7lh av aim 42d M s s ItO w 7th av The Klaw A Krlanger Construction Co lo United state Iteolty and Conslrucllun Co building loan due Nov I ItCH 500001 st ss 250 w Kth HV Rosa scheuermann and coo to Catharine M Flnnen 2 3 yrs each 1960C- 81st st 236 34 Wcltz et al to Pau- line Writs prior 28000 Installs 6 per cent JOOl- 88th st n s 1SS w West Knd McDon- ald to American Mortgage Co 1 2nw Path st ss iSO w Columbus av Valentine tu 8 per cent i HARLEM Manhattan Island north of llOlh si Pleasant av w s 342 s 122d st Sarah Crlnps to Josephine Frank 6 yrs 25 St av sw cot 163d st Plerrepont Realty Co to Mutual Mortgage prior 105000 due Dec 151003 6 per- cent gold 100C 859s S3dstsamc to Will lam L Condlt et al trustee 3 yrs tSWX St Nicholas avs w nor 163d st same to Wa- lter Reid Sr et al prior mtges 175ouo secures contract 1500 2d av cs 10011 n tioth st Leopold Kauf mann to Klelnberg 2 yrs 6 per cent 25 5th av 1414 Hebeccn Welgert to Leopold- Yesky prior mtge 28000 4 yrs fl per cent 10- llth av e s 20 n 171st st Mary Doutney to Title Guarantee and Tout 3 yn 3 H2th st ns We Simon Adlcr lo tha II Gllchrlst ansi alto 3 yrs Sow st s s 22 r 7th av Isaac ano to Samuel Wacht prior mtse 18000 4 fl per cent 70C 117th st ss 250 c 7th av same to same prior 21000 4 yrs 6 per cent 400 s s 2oD e 7th av Isaac Rosenzwelg and ano to Samuel Wacht prior mtge 18000 Installs 8 per cent 7oc 118th st n s 140 w 4th av Louts Cohen to New York Mortgage and Security Co prior mice 15000 llulldtng 1 yr 0 per cent Illst st 351 W Hamilton M Weed to Pen nlngton Whltehead 3 11 131st siss lOOc Amsterdam nv Ann OCon nor to John A Conrad et at 3 yrs 17600 SCONE Koroufh ot The Bronx 3d av ws 1355 n I76lh st Frank Proflen to Calhartne Kenslcr correction due Jan 4 1905 o per cent 000 3d av 3780 lllrsrhmnn to Jacob Lcltrier due Oct 31 1BOH 6 per cent 4000 Dclmont av 1705 n Pelhnm av Abner II Van RliKr to Mary A Allison due Dec I 3000- Dremer av lot 104 map 272 lots Komp estate Vincent Martlre to George Khret due Nov 1 1908 44 per cent 4000 Crotona av a w cor st Northern Im- provement Co to Aorta C Stephens 3 yrs 8MO Freeman st n w nor Calsholm st A Lavelle to Kit Relnhardt 3 yrs 10000 Oak Terrace ss 100 w Ueckman av Jerome J Wilson to Franklin Lynch 3 yrs 4750 Pelham av s w cor Crotona av Jeflerson M Levy to Josephine C M Collins 3 yrs 8000- Ryer ws ft William II Uoutney to Citizens Savings and Loan Association Installs 515 per cent 7 Ryer av es 1SI4 n av David tn Itertha Plrk Installs 8 per cent 100- Sptiyten Parkway w s being plots 4 fl 7 slid Son map James R Whittle at- Klngshrldre contains about 16 arIes also Spuyttn nuyvll Parkway w s at K line James K Whiting farm together with land under WilIer opposite lot 3 same map with nparlan rights also The Sisters of of SI Vincent de Paul to Mutual Life Insurance Co due Dec 1 1907 120000 West Farms rd land Michael Shea also adjoining West Chester Rourla Amelia to Frances M OConnor 5 yrs 4000 d st lot 492 map Laconla Park Annie K to Marie I Hausser 3 yrs 2100 16th xt s s lot 6B map Thomas Hurling Monmouth Dtilldlng Operating Co tu Gibson Putrcl demand 0 per cent 39750 20th st ss 712 and 713 map Clement C st n e s and 611 C Moore Charles E Haft to James Itozell leasehold prior mIce 18300 1 yr 6 per cent 3000 17Sth st K s e Webster av Anna M Dahlgren to William C Ilergen Installs B per cent 1000 182d st ns 10211 w 3d av Jacob Grafl to John A mice 3000 4 yrs 1000 Lot 102 map section A estate al burga to Louis Meyer 8 yrs 3sno Mechanics Liens 118th st li17 W John B OLsen vs Leder iI- llock 644 9th Nt 12S V American Parquetry Co v1 Noble McConnell K David llrown vi Horwllz K Fursl vs ano SO- Iyer av 201254 Alfred Mnrslch vs Kath- arine P Hooks II Irondway ne cor 112th si inoiitio phelun- Si Sullivan vs George K Wilson MS- S4th st 16759 W F Weslergre- nvtTen As oclates antI ana 1109 3lh M 432 31 I Mattie Ilgourl vs Hyman- thTvI1427 i vs lieiiry A Slebrieht f- 5th M Sfl42 W Power Drown mastering Co vs George W Stetson and soc 4949 5th st SK4J W Michael Power vs George W Stelson und ann 1592- Iroadway fl e ror 65lh st 770x1054 Fruit Jar Co vs Nathan B Clark 5S8- th st 3323415 Charles B Ring vs Max Stiller SO- O5th st 3842 W Charles A Drake vs Forty filth Street Co and ano 150 2d st 46 W William Delve vs Carl Flshor Hansen LOSS Satisfied Mechanics Lien st 41 F Washington Wlllcccks vs National Realty Co Xov 5 IWn 410- 34th st s 101 w Willow v 1COXIC8 Chat tai C Koenlg vs Mary A Mcflrldc Nov P 1903 19 AsslBiintrnts of MorlK e8 M Hert g tn Milllam Walnwrtght 1 Anna Roehr 10 Mortgage and Realty Com l Warner w Warner Elevator Manufacturing Company of Cincinnati ulla and ano to Mary L Hard 4000 ion M Powell to John T Wlllels trustee on 607041- nme to Matthias Mcoll and ano trustees on Interest 28750- leorgeH trustee to Tole 10000 to Arthur WSaunders omitted Newman to Stan S i ullus Schweitzer to Flora LeST 2 assign- ments 1 and 11805 redertc tie P lOler to Fifth Trust Compinv 125000 arnh tn Horatio N Flanagan stoo- Isidore Jackson nnd ann to A- tamiyFde Tulle executor to Thomas O Field 1600- 0ll Prndongl- nTlft st HR M Wallach vs Abraham J Rohler test Houston st ru York v J ct 3d av vs Abraham Holtz and ano 3d av 4006 same vs same 3d av 2673 same vs Ann McOulrc and eon Ridge si 88 same vs Klla II Livingston and ann 6 actions violations of tenement house art L Hives atty IorrrloMirci StIlts ackson av loll llrldget I Murphy vs Herman Stelnineyir el at M ally Mill t ns 1V1 e Convent nv aixWll Mary AA Wnodcocl vs Sarah A lsninanet al Thompson 4thKtfVsV59 W Plock Murray Co va Ten A- atclates ct V H Janes llnllrJInK Loan Contracts tat st ns 125 w Slit ov IMxosB and 42d st- s s 1W1 w 7th ax 2SIU18 Inlted States Really and Construction Co loans Klaw- Krlnnger Co 500000 a Isaao mIce 110 I- S 0 pr n at n w Fldmann 0 BAa tu Mil < 30 210 mil 0 tme mlle lam cent lank WET l Thor mIre mile Clara John ns I St ithoin ram Ma- rI mIle Lan 2 0 U l a R J t lot More e 9 Heal Co 215 7 3 leo Paul panr 01 I The Ohio I M Donan yin I Annul I itt elI of John U I alI Dl rrlol prior ror Suiiiuan Leo t3 Anna e cent a S a 4 Ire cent V tlrauu 3 utr ti tim TowliaheAd i tws Yes rs Sis lOud tot 2 on same map with under water Ciuartt uiot Lamb Philip John Rosen 20 William uncle henry i sate Ryileit Kari Grin- S ill cttt ctor t < ¬ ¬ ° hEAL money your moneys gone to same amount monthly on a home and youll soon a solid visible In- vestment on which you can raise money when necessary something you cant do a ton of rent receipts beautiful modern homes purchasable on a rental basis visit Opposite GrnntsTombl- on ol the Pall de Free reproduction- of view of New York wood also tickets Franklin 4Zd or 130th St Ferries and trolleys COIUMniA INV Phone 1847 Mod II E CO 1133 Ifway- ClTV MEAI KSTATK EAST SIDE RESIDENCES EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE AMI RENT J P 503 FIFTH AVE 25 DROAD S- REMODELLING lUTILntSOS 5 when 3500 will make same alteration wlthou FUbconiractors Improved results no strikes ternmenu l 00 Circulate ARCHITECT box 129 Sun office SIXECT APARTMENTS AIlOVi 14TH ST WEST SIDE THE GERALDINE 61 and 63 Wut 106th St Netr Central Park New elevator ready for occupancy 6 and 7 room electric lights telephone in each service most uptodate eleva tor on For further particulars apply to owner on AliOVF 14TH ST EAST SIDE NORTHWEST CORNER- 52D ST LEXINGTON Select modern elevatorapurtment All tight rooms with outside 8 7 ROOMS AND I1ATIII RENTS 1900 TO 11020 APPLY ON PREMISES IlEUb ESTATE OUT OF Tim CITY UESTOIIXTKH COLVTY 8 MM Ol- HENT AUCTION SAIK of particularly desirable Cbeatc Hill retldvncc lot 75il3i Heit Inca tlon elevation highest on the Kill terms catty dewrlpllnn ty mall Saturday Nov 21 nt 3 P M Also annlhrr sain same day a I P M Knur bulUllnjr lou on fully situated fur divclllne or double house mu t be sold circular by melt sale P M UKORtli W IIARII Auctioneer 28 r at Mount Vernon GREATEST HARD A IN EVKK OFFERED In Vestchestcr JH100 f T 84 and lion at f UIMSFORD DRY 5 out on Putnam Dlvulon New York fare HP tItle Insured free no ales small monthly payments trolley crosses he property st or evenings OENTLEMANS COLNTnV RESIDENCE for llnrat corner restricted Chester Kill Mount N V house M and bath alt Im- provements fine stable IIOX 13 MT N T MISfELIANEorS WANTED Namn anti address of any person Irslrtni to own free and clear a summer cottaro In l kn region of New Hampshire beautIful location tine mountain and sceneo altitude excellent fishing gunning boating and bathing That we may Interest parties we are olferlnj them free eirept eipeiuoofr- onveyaticlne Address HUH hot 1X Sun office W SI OSTnANDER fiat Estate and Invest menu North American Hid Philadelphia lKT FtHlMSHKI ATTRACTIVE fully fiimlJhed modern real deuces duslrabl tJO per month FOISOM HROTIIFRS N3S A PRIVATE FAMIIV OCCtPYISO IARGR- IIOUSH DOOKS FROM PLAZA HOTEL HAVn FLKOANT UACIIK10K SPiTE IOII HFN- TsriTAIIli loll TWO OKNTIRMEX S 1- 1iiox wnsrvriTOWNOFncK IMS imoAinVA- VITHMSlllCIl IIOO IH TO LET WHITTIER HALL 1230 Amsterdam Ave A few clinics Single rooms for women ranging In price from 112 to SZO monthly asUrd to mnlic an ot same 44TII ST 212 WEST Fine medium and largo newly furnished room sit conveniences private unItes refined St Raymond av n w cot Green tans x- Hronx K Master loan il rand 3000 d st 3 s 325 e av SHOO nillamshrldee- llrnnx Marie K Mauser loans Annie K- Iamh 2100 118th st n MO w Pant av MxlCOll New York Mortuaco and Security Co loans Louts Cohen 22000 Ilann Flied for nulldlnRd- noROcan or MASHATIAN- th st n ItS e itt av sU story and base- ment factory P rlleir o Anderson 25 nroad st owners Frank II- Oulmby cost 47500 Franklin st 8 one story lavatory Society Giuseppe Marzlnl premises owner J C Nlebel 59 Court st architect cost o tilt st n s 100 w Id nv ws and a half story clubhouse Wnrknitmens Educational Homo Association 2fl8 o srth st owner r A Mlnuth 4th av architect cost 200000 noRovon or TIlE BRONX Washington and 3d AVS Junction three story station City of York owner Charles Idoeth av architect cost 00000 Plans Flied for Alterations UANHATTAK AND TIlE BRONX Items under 1000 omitted 13th st 353 story dwelling Antonio i Leo premises ownrr Fred Musty 012 2d av 1000- IOIIK Island quaIl Poisoned BnooKnAVEN L I Nov 17 To ds- oviry that many quail nro being poisoned in the fields has nrouwd iiKllgnnlion among- ho members of tho Club in his pectlon The poisoning is hx i9Vpl to x done persons fcek revango- cninst tIes for largo trnctB and nnd excluding the Another thsory is thnt tile poisoning is the oven of come poacher been mnlnhe Wheat with strvch tine in sold lo have boon smttored in where the pmil congregate IVoninn Itnbhril In Iho Street EAST ORANOE N J Nov IT Mies- tirota Hutchinnon of 15 North Arlington ventin East Ornngo wan hold up in the treet and rohlwil in broad daylight yepler- lay in East Orongo n had followed her from n trolley Main Btroet The md wrist and n pocketbook contain- ng about Miss uin was badly in the ccuffle and her clothing was orn The man escaped EAT 0 0 0 C Is equivalent to paring rent on Hn son 1 Ia STUART TrI r 4 A o u 0 uu uou 0 apartment I AVE n all lit lot minute rom for En high I nT msT P Unit Emi A sl ew OIE q h C ofto hAP I fingers flll1teoEl t r sale t bra ii ii rlie File Vernon lot ItItOAt WAY Side six West Side atm itt New a 09 NassaU aurchllect SitS I cost b car- t > ¬ > > = = Cm HEAL ESTATE TITLE GUARANTEE COMPAC- ATuVpW5 3800000 Invites applications for Loans on Bond and Mortgage- Best Obtainable Rates 146 Broadway Manhattan 175 Remsen Street Brooklyn Manufre Branch 193 Montague St Bkljr Doubtful Questions of Title Doubtful questions of title are sub mltted to the most careful scrutin and are referred to the Committee o Counsel which Is composed of th best known real estate conveyancer In the city Applicant has selectioi of counsel should he so desire 8000001 The Lawyers Title Insurance Company- of New York 37 Liberty St flanhattan 38 Court St Brooklyn William M Crulluhsnk Edward A Crulksh- acWm Cruikshanks Son REAL ESTATE 51 LIBERTY STREET A w MCLAUGHLIN co IJroUers and Dealers In Mortgajes 128 BROADWAY CARKFUL efficient management of pro satisfaction guaranteed CHAS K West 14th st Rhlnelander ofnce- COLOREn property managed by colored agent Philip A Payton 87 W 13Uh St Telephone OF nnoivx HAIF on nEXT FOR SALE The most desirable Plot in the Borough of the Bronx 72 LOTS B aad d Avenue I66lh Strett Union Xvaua Home Strut Values advancing very rapidly In this locality Apply to HORACE 4 CO t tlbortr St OrB I nROWN8 NUNS 3428Third Ave IIonOLGH OF BROOKIAN SALE O RENT Modem TwoFamily Houses SITUATED ON 8TH ST PROSIKCf PARK Houses have tiled bath nickel plumbtn combination gas and electric futures heater gsa furnace hardwood throughout part contains 7 rooms and bath bath 14 minutes from Manhattan vie Smith st or av cars dally Sun- day and evenings until n oclock WILLIAM 11 premises 6th st and 1rospec lark Vest PRICE Bnoni sloan CASH 410 Chmncej St near Uvvatrd It II station Chaaiicrr it 1 blocks basement brick ar for 2 of Improvements cnn giNs postenloa Immeilliitely or tenant will remain risEn M S1IITII Temple far sstt Court t lets 100 Main XKW Twosvonv iiKKfC initnivos WITH STOnE i till latest liryn verofrts 46tt- aoo CASH bulancu essy terms M51V TWO FAMIIV IIRICK S4KMI ell Im ia terms 1IAtS IKISCIIEIl MM TRAIN VAN UMtN AVfc STA A 14rt IXVESTMENT the best rentIng section of the M ward of Ittforflyn For sale tight and airy studio front doulile ll t 0 One large rooms all ilcrcnieu nnrdtvood trim steam heat supply very best car con- nections Inquire llrookly- nIIOXTFAII one and two family houses on Kstcm Parkway near Ilcdfurd av prior to buy- Ing a home location WIPTM 1ll rent for vi upper raFt c itAVJioNU o rnnnisES A rosrriVE OIFT AT ssoo live liMCinenl cellar brtCK dwellings ItixtSilPO lull section convenient all surface cars and L all Improvements nice order carpets Included leriiis SHALU 19- Wiintaein St llmnlilrn- i COUVKR 100x100 at sacilllce isroom modem rutlnie uaiiltrnou looTS und trim steaui hal silver connection dccoiattd near llcvurly rosd very accessible HIM Uvs than cost lOll Montacuo st llrooklyn NEW 8ROOM HOlSF parquet floor decorated throughout UTile terms easy I V st and Avenue I Flatbiish Write for particulars Tii av llrooklyn WILl SELl you a Modern TwoFamily House at laratoga Heights the rent you p y 25 minutes in N V City Call n petson or write for de- sorlptlon toiiwnrrs on premises 1OTTS APART St Marks and Saratoga Ayes llrooklyn- JflSOONicely furnished and decorated private welling basement brick II rooms complete fur housekeeping 15 minutes Park row Inspection bargain FRANKLIN 172 Montague llrooklyn- lirHKIMrH ST near Albany av 3story single came Hats flrstclavs condition rent isjfl per year price J3 W expenses very low hance ft A 1061 Fulton st FOR SALt New Sroom oak trimmed cottage tacIt plumbing bath all on Tdge formerly 75th near 3d av only 14500 tlooo caSh O M it 3d av llrooklyn FOR SALB AT IIOMECBESfT Coney Island near Avenue T two 20X100 each price 150 each WIKTHS ESTATE 848 17th it Drooklyn HOMES Tvostory and attlo came Queen Anne plots 40x1047 to 12 rooms nod ath small cash payment balance monthly NO S 7th av Brooklyn FOR SAIE TWO BSTOHV FLATS n thiS Heights price fotu K mortgage M3000- nts per sent bargain KUWA1II E NOW IS YOtR CllANCEastorj dwelling- or Wnoo owner must sell Siiioo cash down F c IAUTKH 6th av and Oth St Brooklyn IF YOU WANT A 110MK OR LOTS visit nor unn lirK 27 minutes from Manhattan tare 5 ents inh M and iih av llrooklyn roil SALrHOfSK A twof mlly brick and m wnstonc In best condition llDtl Degraw- t av llrooklyn- PTTNAM AV Swell residence with tit suitable for physIcian LKHMANN- ijil iirnadwoy immklyn- TIIK STORY IIOUSB on Parlt or liOSKCRANS 511 711 irooklyn MONEY TO LOAN ON HKCOM MORTOAOI- IENRY U HAMIN US Montague St llrooklyn- llHUOlklVN IHUllCRTY soul lor cash quick ulu V J T LVXC1I 5f Court st SOUTHEAST corner Pltkln and Alabama ass lot Wlxinn a bargain RW RoniNSON2 Courtst CAP S I and uuu u lolo gar i alaI faT I I I O o VI TO lowe Jar I I d S lay C- Oo lot SDUR AS IACCILI 3 CoUrt I Droklrn hOle fro IrS Slop r n SALEPrsaie houset OIls Park WeaL vLI8S on prml and 8URPLUS 4V- 2If BOROUGh S eleaatd at tulton 1 and acts TlO hot waler SEE- The rf4TJtusu aLt is 414 Temple liar 44 FOR it near Pros ret JOUR A I < < > > HOTELS CITY HOTELS CITY WOODWARD RESTAURANTN- OW COMPLETELY FURNISHED AND READ FOR OCCUPANCT PERMANENT AND TRAN SIENT FASTIDIOUS IN THEIR i E Colt S8TH ST AND IIROAII1TAT- nOBEHT GIUAAHOTOODWARD Proprietor I u uuuuuuuuuu uuuu nnnn nnn HOTEL OUT INT lIT 1 JhL S ¬ < TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES FINE LIGHT LOFT FIREPROOF nOIInlNG EAST 19TII ST cloie to Broadway- S F JAVNE ft CO JM VET S3D ST TELEPHONE e 0lTH Southwest corner Madison ave and lllth at Store 20x70 large attractive abow windows rood for any mercantile business no rcojonab- loIer CVRILLB CARREAU Grand St near Bowery I1ASKMBNT OFFICES for electrician decorator plumber Iron worker 105 East 17th 15 UHOTIIEKS 834 IIHOADWAT STORES lofts oltlccs exceptlonall One this anti other desirable locations FOLSOM 1IUO11IERS HTS HELP WANTED FES1ALliS A REPRESENTAT1VK wanted In each handle Hand for the Complexion Stealth Vibrator Both sell on ibm intUDOiipiv IORV ATTENTION LADIES Earn 20 per 100 writ short letters from envelopes for particulars Michigan SpecIalty Co Albion DROADVTAY HA1RDRESSINO SCHOOLLadle wanted learn French American haIrdressing manicuring face treatment chiropody electricity dermatology state charter under day evening ladles maids taught positions both sexes Can Broadway 33d it C SUTHERLAND LADIES wanted everywhere copying lettei at home evenings or spare time and return to us no mailing or canvassing 900 weekly earned materials free Enclose envelope for GUARANTEE CO No at Philadelphia Pa LADIES 30 hundred abort letters no deposit no canvassing stamped envelope LADIES Indianapolis Ind Laundress 23 Cook 15 Cook 22 General houseworker 20 and laundress 20 ST HARTIIOLMEWi- HUREAU 211 East 2d at OSTRICH sewers o lIons PATENT FEATHER TRIMMING CO 2SO W 30th si should spend month In our practical training department success and permanent guaranteed MUTUAL t WOMEN to sew at home 0 week materials free steady work sewing only Send envelope for fun particulars W P IL 1U PONT Pa HELP WANTED MALES OLA7IFlt and CUTTER wanted at 4 Lawto- st New Rochelle N y New llochelle Art Glas Works MAN Under 85 fair education to prepare Govt Position Begin wIlls NM 570 Cedar Rapids Iowa PAPEn RULERS NONUNION AT 111 AND t PER WEEK HOintS ONMe ADAMS IIISK ANt I MACIHN OCKS L ANt JOB MACHINKSl flTRAO WORK IN NONUNION SHOP ADORES BOORUM H PEASE CO BRIDGE AM FRONT STH I1ROOKLYN YOUNG MEN everywhere copy helter nomi- evenlnirs lSO week envelop for particulars Manager Dept W 117 box Philadelphia SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALES UPTODATE DRRSSMAKEK Using finest is and drafting own patterns wishes work a homes Mrs 347 West 20th st SITUATIONS WANTED MALES YOUNG ARMENIAN ORIENTAL RUG Buyer or salesman for or retail city ex eight yean best references Address O R box 134 Sun uptown once ISM Broadway DRAUGHTSMAN assistant three years ex best refetencei do tracing o- WlirrniIOUSE 2K Court st llroolily- nIIHStNESS CHANCES TRADEMARKS PATE NTS ggip AND ADVICE FUEU SEND FOR NKW HOOK EDGAR CO UNITED STATES AM FOIIKION PATENTS 214 UltOADWAY NEW VOltS AN OPPORTUNITY A large business house this city established CO years oflrrs a limited amount of stock at 1100 per share guarantee 0 per cent aswts over SOO Particulars at MCDONALD WIGGINS 257 Broadway Laundry Steam doing about 270 weekly located In nearby great bargain MCDONALD si iiroadway Wall Paperpl- ant most up tn elsIe plant In this country ca liOOOooo located to New York city price moderate to quick buyer xPcDONALD WIGGINS 257 Broadway LARGE automobile concern with finest plant In this country requires S5ooo additional plants yearly 1140000 In orders on particu tars at MCDONALD WIGGINS 257 Uroadway SIX P13II CENT preferred Mock fnr sale limited number of shares an established concern doing aimiml business on account of death hiive Incorporated one nf the lest tlon pllercd onehalf the stork already subscribed money amply secured must rigid In Invited to MCDONALD WIGGINS 257 nroadway- LAtXnilY on Mb nv net IM weekly owner desires to leave city and will sellm n barcaln- McDONALII 5t WIGGINS 257 Uroadway STOCK S shares of stock In large realty com- pany for sic at SIOO each jier cent apply to MCDONALD WIGGINS A BARGAIN manufacturing UuMnew of gal- vanized Iron copper cornices metal slate and metal rooting rMablbhed IS years price Including valuable nropprly I4OT easy terms 17 llOmyi WILL secure otietlilrd Interest In old established well known business located down town this city last two nontlis Imslncvs amounted tn IIOiioO InvcMleallun courted par MCDONALD 4 WIGGINS M7 Ilroadtvay- NEWnrtlele for use on dIning table just ran be bought at a baigaln urc fortune Investi- gate Pno5 n t WIGGINS 257 Uroadway SAln ttUOO doing a large busi- ness u libN per week owner retiring for good Call at I X Greenwich M WILL ITKCIlASK TOR CASH LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES In legal rrservr companies Prompt returns W t CO in Wall si Ness York Telephone ISM Cnn roiAUTXrnsnii j OTKIKS- j VV VS AA W- Tno linn of llymnn 4 lliown M Mh v New York City Manufacturers ot Ladles Suits was by ronvnt ilKsnlvril on Oct 2 listS Mrs llrown Rvsimilne nil assets unit liabilities Sirs Drown with Mr Jumcs A Stevenson n corporation known as Stevenson llrown which will continue to carry on the busl nets ot the old address CHINA cut rla s bricabrac riveted repaired promptly SPENCER BOND 344 Mb ave 2 list lIltOAD WAY ti lfl Soc iartlcuiars of JOHN 72c- at N V principal formerly wIth ew York hairdressing Chambermaid a sent tot 51 RICI tent ladles work TATE SOLICITORS OF S VIiiIN4 apply this is Si McIN l INS at nAKlhtv ion I lIsElLASEOIs 4c ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ > > PIANOS AND ORGANS PIANOS To our complete stock of WATERS PIANOS we have added the beautiful new CHESTER PIANO the best lowpriced piano in the world and FULLY WARRANTED FOR SIX YEARS Price 17O Cash or 190 on installments nly 5 PER MONTH Stool cover tuning and delivery free HORACE WATERS CO 134 Fifth Aye near 8th St Harlem Branch Open Evening 254 West J25th St near 8th Ave PIANOS TIlE CHOICE OF TIlE MUSIC LOVING PUBLIC SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS on discontinued styles Used PIanos of other tnkoj 1100 Easy Termi Pianos Rent 113 RAST Uth ST ANDERSON CXI S70 Fulton St BTilrn NEW PIANOS TO RENT pianos sold on cuy monthly pay menu JACOB BOLL n Fifth Av above 14h St N Branch IBB Market St Newark N SEND FOR CATALOGUE THE OPERA PIANO EASY TERMS RENTS PHONE 1045 1569 BROADWAY COlE 47TH ST THE PIANOTIST The Invisible Piano Player Plays any one can play U Cash or Re- citals dally warerooma 1M Mb av near wh Sk STEINWAY Pianos tor sale or to rent WEI3ER cash or lutaUmeot Small CHICKERINO Uprights for small apart VM A POND CO A Oranii Aeolian Organ for aa e bargain WM A 4 IM Fttth ave RELIABLE CONNOR PIANOS For sale and rent on easy terms Exchanging Repairing 4 East 42nd St near Sib UPRIGHT good condition brilliant sear 110ft taken In monthly W1SSNER 14th St GREAT VALUE slightly used br artists 22S upright Mi Fulton St Brooklyn FOR ALE DONT THROW COAL AWAY but run tho ashes through ASHISIFTER if m Fits flour or Iron barrel I for itself times a If not found at hardware stores postal us for Catalog M HILL DRYER CO Worcester Mass ROLL TOP DESKS OFFICE FURNITURE la treat variety ot and price Ill Vulton St New and secondhand of all kinds and makes safes tough It Maiden Lane Tel U2Z Joha Makers of All Kinds ot ladrv Catalog Sent I Her Z2t Water St Telephone Slot John STOVES litlllard and Pool Tables solidly made highgrade goods Ugat fling accurate cushlon- iIlOAllOEllS WANTED WTH ST JS4 VEST Cholcely furnished room icellent board Jewish house Mrs DINKEL JT1KL- ATTRACT1VB SUITES rooms with and rithout hoard Leland Hoard nlrec- ory 2 Wtst sad t LOANS ON RALARIKS LOW RATES loom 1428 lisa nroadway 0 A M to 0I U- Hr L R Vllllnms Kit W min St the worlds reatest ruiilltiurs to xuccevstully cure trlrture Irustntlr Iroubles Illood 1nlsnn- irrviu Varlocelr without operation ind sit Mens Dlrnos lil 10 years of urea Is your guarantee O null Olin today AOriCKRST IIMISIANKNT CtKK In dUeaMJ- nl men Innirtnius cases sollcltd at ones hdte ltslrlng only treatment lioulilcall spfClallst Dr MONSCIIUU Ill West lInt st Hours 0 lo 3 c to u Sundays Hl13- Illl lltvvi l S West 4M si Graduate of Amer ran imd ruropcan colICEis In diseases it women relieves Irregularities Immediately sInless hnrmliss falter private anllarlum iilunnl consultation free MRS OKI ST midwife M7 East 50th st boards stiles conllnemtnts adnpllnn conndfntlsl treat null strictly private no sign Illl ANt MRS SCIIROKIIKR female ireful sklllul conndentlal treatment rlvatc 240 tail lath at Y- w WATERS 1 41 1 KRAKAUER 1 4 i 4n elI Y i aFT I i I 1 a St 2 East 125 DIRT n F r t 4 the t work I J I style T 0 S AFES ezchariged and repaired 0 MOSSIAN I I I 1 fleeltecest lO3EastOttsSI p WejtHde L ij r f tttNS 1 y- WAJ4Wdfl ItllttC NorIE J ceo I ri I lit icodupi g specIalIsts 1 t ¬

WATERS 0lTH PIANOS - Chronicling AmericaA sitomrjs Randolph Hurr referee partition BT rnntr A BUTTII street north side 5SO feel wrs of Centra Park West IOOilon5 rimy ninth No Z2B north

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Page 1: WATERS 0lTH PIANOS - Chronicling AmericaA sitomrjs Randolph Hurr referee partition BT rnntr A BUTTII street north side 5SO feel wrs of Centra Park West IOOilon5 rimy ninth No Z2B north









AT-Ui fl








I at-S sale






aret-eth St



rMaaMliB teaftirf


A 11a frWft>



jodie l mt A OGorman Dlipntrt ofVest Side Pint Harlem ApnrtmcHome Finds Buyer The

Orphan Aiylum a PI

Transactions In old law flats and tenpents made up the bulk of the

from brokers1 offices yesterdayOne apartment In Harlem was dliposed of of building sibirere public one of which was bought

y or Immediate Improvement Five deahouses were Included In

budget most of the dwellings beingirsnsltion localities The days bilslnei-

rtn similar In character to that which htprevailed In the recent past Tho nctlvlt

old law flats and tenementtrts Inconsiderable In these the

WBI notably large consideringcarclty of mortgage moneyJoseph r Feist has sold for Judge Jam

A Ofiorman to Hcrnard Tonjahn N535 West Fortysixth street a fourstar

lot 25x100Samuel SB Louis Livingston

olfl Nos 01 and 93 Hester street old fourMarY buildings on a plot 430x75

Hannah Abraham Is tlio buyer of thfivestory at 209 West Slxtyseconstreet cold week Thomas

Shaw A Co have sold No113th street a and bosemondwelling 18x00x100 for Louisa J Portertrustee to M

Henry sold for Lodererninrk Toch NV B 19 and 21 WestIIWli trcpr a nixstory apartment hoiiHo-

n pin 4Srtx 10011II Mnednnnlu v Co have sole

HnlxTt Wnllaco to a client for occiinancy X S2U West 101 t street a

bafpinint dwellliiR on lot 20

The Kiiwiev 9toto has mild No 14 Weslstreet a fourstory dwell

INK inI N Levy has three dwell

itiRs at of MadlsorlOit hstreetun plot about 45x100

The Propiity Companyrwner ofJ V Jackson V Lo have sold for Stowarl

4 Stewnrt Xo n Wost Seventeenth streetdwelling lot 25x02-

Kmanunl Simon sold for SolomonFiner to Hefcw XOB Ill and 113 EftSeventyfifth street two flatson plot 538x1021

and Improve-ment Ccmpittiy has bought from a MrBniim NV 20 Vest 12lRt street n fivestory tint mi lot 12x10911

and ImprovementCompany has bought 121

strw a livestory flit on lot 189x10011-Isanc fiooflRtPln owner of record-

V D A fo have sold for Fred-erick Haas th plot 75x9911 on the northido of 14sth street 100 west of Amster-

dam avenueIjoiils Ipso has sold tho plot 100x0011

on the south side of 13Sth street 100 feelwest of Ienox avenue to Emanuel Doctorwho will erect sixwtory apartments houses

Tobiassold for Rownbaum A Welnsman tc

A Mayor 109 134th street a fiveston front flat on lot 25x9911

Charles has Rold to Isidore andHarry Bloch Xo 37 West 114th streeta flat on lot

A C Wneterline and Ferdinand Krameihave sold for Ellen Driscoll to Peter P

Xo 28 Mulberry

joutneast corner of Park streetA Hollander has sold No 193 Lewi-

gtreet a throestory tenement on lot 19X7710X195X754

M F hem sold for tho RomanCatholic Orphan Asylum to William CBTKPn ten lots onnortheast corner of Monroe avenuesnth street

Vetitjoclc Jfc Birsher have sold for Elizabeth Crantz Nos 60S and East lOOtrstreet two three story single frame flats168x05x100

A M Is the buyer of No 1C3 AvenutB and A Hollander buyer of No B-

East 118thHarry J has sold Nos 60 nnd fl

East street two fire story flats 01

50x10011Jacob Rosenbaum has sold for Isaac M

Berinstein to Harry Matz the plot lOOj

10011 on the of 116th street 211

feet east of Fifth avenue The seller boughthe Iota at auction a few months ago

49800The Klaw A Erlanger Construction Com

obtained a loan 500000 yesterdajfrom the United States Realty and

Company to build its proposectheatre In andstreets west of Seventh avenue The loanIs for one vent at 5 per cent

Davis A Robinson have sold forF Reynolds about four acres of land ai

Rye N Y Thisthe House which hat

fnr the last two been occupied bjMayor Low The purchaser intends

a country


street No l north side SOO fetof Columbus avenue 11x1008 three stor

brtrk end stout dwelling voluntaryroadway No SW west side feet north o

Franklin street 28x160 to Franklin plat five storstone front loft bulldlnf-

Twcnt lthth itrcrt No 38 south tdr 250 feel

mi of Stith nvenuf Z8x 8S nyc story stone fmntor 4c P II Hart vi V M Hart t


Krllon-A sitomrjs Randolph Hurr referee partition

BT rnntr A BUTTIIstreet north side 5SO feel wrs

of Centra Park West IOOilon5rimy ninth No Z2B north side 291 feel

Eighth avenue 10x1006 four story stom-

Snrnifrnlh strrrt No 40S south side 144 IreMM nf First avenue JSiW two story frame building

Sljifcnthstrfet four brick dwellingLivingston place No 11 side 18S fret north

Shtrentli street story brick dwellingGreenwich street No 3tJ west side J40 feet

of street 2S8 lWiS53xiOO three storbrick bulldlnr one and two ston brickon rear M F McNulty et al vs A Mitchell e-

M n 4 J OGormnn attorneys H M llenrjreferee partition


street No 1M south side 174 feelof Amsterdam avenue 19x1005 four stor

itonf front dwelling H R McKIm vs J nt il II r Miller H J Maxwell referee

due on ludtment 8 subject to taxes Ac-


38th itrpet north side SSO feet east of Lenox-vnijp SiiiJ8xS32iM7 M A Poynton vs

Joseph McXamara et al A I Pope attorney A 1

l l ln referee subject to taxes 4cptrtltlon

DT rrrun r METER

enlyelshth Street No U4 south side 2454feet east or Seventh avenueOle

SS10xMOxJ5iMil-five front tenement E P Uartletl vs A I-

Nteler attorneys E 0 La Fetrarefereeduron judgment subject to taxesAr Itt mortgages 122000

Convent avenue Xo 71 southeast terrIer 144thWHICH four stor brick building H A Cvs J D Puller et al Strong A C attor-

ney Musrd Hrowne referee due on Judgmentsubject to taxes Ac II900W-

YMicrdiyd Ann Ion

BT JOSEPH P DATSlate street No S north side Ill feet

wiM of Whitehall Mreet 243x2138 toTearl street 2xlwinslixl041 fourAnd one Mory buildIngs volunlarj sale

1 In at I8SOO-Oth niee No 77 northwest corner Parkiixeiiuc JnTVII tlv slori brick tene-ment Oenrce StnllberK vs V A A nrown-

al I J irlinn attorney II Vanderreferee due on ment 1871217-

Mit Tt to taxes Ac f3fl755 prior morlHsoiin tn Lout V Kberl 29U8

vvrnth Mrret No 1S5 north side48 feet AI oT Amsterdam avenue Itt

four story brick dwelling tworttenslnn ew York Insur-

anec James Kleman el al-Antrrivllsmilinn S Andrews

due on Judcment ll4Ktl44ito taxes Ac to the plain

tilt 13000-Mreet x 4ln ami 44S south Mde

we t J IMrosanl avenue MSxtt MV t ini front dwel-

lJV ubiiritrr vs undV1 K A attorneys

1c feree on Judgment

l to Acto the ptatntm II zoor Flatten MOOXKT roi-

L i Vn N a8 3SM sideun Wrndover avenue 60-

xtut side 252 reelof Lcxlnjion avenue 17x10011 four




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story stone front dwelling TW Cauld

Thornall attorney H W Sackett refduo on Judgment ISsajos subject

to taxes Acll272S to Leo 101-

BT I i PHILLIPS COSeventh street No 2So north aide Will

feet east of Avenue C I82x078x Irregularthree story stone front executors to Morris 2li-

BT D PIKXXir INQRAHAM COThird avenue No 4411 nest side J18 feet

north of IHlsi street 23x10211 two storyframe Knickerbocker

Loan Company vs otto Weber et alII II S L 11 Wardreferee due on Judgment 218171 sub

to taxes Ac totnortsagi for 17500 to the plaintiff 01-

BT BAklUKI OOLDBTICKRRKith street No 1031 north side

east of Prospect av 19x748 thrtestory-ps trustee vs et 11

Olbson A Lltthauer refereedue on Judgment I7S6 82 subject toAc to the 72

Heat Estate Tr n frpB-

OWSTOWKSouth ot Fourteenth si

The letters c stand for quit claim deeda for bargain c a g for ties

1st av 373 n w s Thomas P Wlckes refereeto Iteesslng

Attorney st s e s 25x100 Derllant-

n 68U e 22x s 458xJ5x w 22 Jeannette P-

Cioln to Thomas J Sanson and anoCherry M s

Daniel Cunningham to Charles Lanest 102 e s 25x80 Uemard OJier

kit to llorwltz Realty Co q c mtge118500 nor

Same property llorwllt Co toJIHMOo c and 10

Fulton st 4UJ n w ror si 2D31 SSBx1x5710l80ll William 1 to AlbertU odd and nno mtirc

Hamilton st s s 1040 w Market st J7i9 0x-

254x1038 Daniel Cunt Ingham to CharlesLane

Iuillmv at IIS17 v s 378xR7fl Helton-Healty Co to Ilenr Paslnsky mtge

l8uO3Monroe st 143 s s Isaac Gross-

man to Meyer MargolinK

Mulberry st 141 w s 4lixlioi2vixB83CJIfinil to Antonio Cagllostro-

mtg 135WUsi n w cor Gold St 804x1x842x125

Annie I Thomson to Fanny F de Trultetrustee el si uo

Spring st 201fl n w Sullivan st 45x-WiOx4S M Morrts Fine to Leo Feldmannmine 57Vifl o c and 10

pr petty Leo Feldman to MorrislIne mlye oc and 1C

Water n s 207xMIO Hannah Sullivan to Albert liusch and ano ratge2250 1C-

KAirr SIDEtKast of Fifth at rtreen Fourteenth and llCKh itlLexington avffsROSs 64th st20iflOlosephlne-

Schmld lo Idward 110av n e cor 40lh st IBBxU Sarah-

E Slawson el al to Orn K Akeley o c and 1003d av 638 n e cor 4lsi st 189x85 Charles-

S Andrews to Ilernard A Remold alltitle

45th si 247 K 24x1006 Dezso Tucbs to ISmtlle-Oerth

74th st 133 K 17x1022 Edwin Sternfeiaand son eicrs and trustees ta SamuelSchwab 17

Same property Samuel Schwab to Mildred

83d st s s IPO e tat av 25x1022 Wllhelmlne-Spengler widow el al to William Blcbele

03d st 301 K 25x100 Carrie Ulll to liarmanlelsmtietlluoo ocand

104lh st s s 200 w 3d av 25x10011 A WStump referee to Cornelius Callaghan 200

st as 278 w Park av 28i75ll Miltonfembleton to Kllen M Cougblln mtge-iioaxi

Same property M Coughlln to15400

106th st n s 100 w 2d av 25x10011 Martinheppler to Paul KaMor arid ano o c and

WEST SltlEof Fifth at Mirten Fourteenth and HOtfi ill

Amsterdam av 807 e s 17x i Annie Vtn J Holier mtga 16000

Columbus a w cor 85th st 1022x30Ames Fancy to Mary A Ryan et al mtgeMOooo nom

West End av e s 107 n 75th st 18x100 GeorgeJ Kbert to George w Elklns mlBo 18000

IMh at 3S W 28x002x258x034 Alexis WStein ct al to Monmouth Building AOperating Co 10

34th st 443 V 108x080 Michael 1 Quinnto Mars M f hrlmnf mlire nom

BOth st 12527 W 3 x9S9 Francis MSchlrtmaycr tn Gorhani ManufacturingCo liloixi nom

B2rt W 20x1005 Knullable IlealtyCo Myrs I Foirc mtice nom

63rt st 41618 W 50x1005 Catharine M Flitnen to HOSA Schuermann o c auil 100

Cist M 2MM W 60x1006 Lucas J Donegao to Moses Weltz et al mtge 20

o e and 100BSth st n a 138 w West Knd av 18x1008

Clara L Folger to Clara J McDonald c and 100-

nAntKMManhattan island north of 110WI it

Emerson e s ISO n Post av 50x100William II Sheehy to F Mabony ItH

St Nicholas av A w 127Bx311x-1578x210 Frances J schramme to Pierrepont Healty Co nom

2d av 2164 e s 25x100 Abraham Klelnbergand coo to Leopold Kaufman mtgeJioooo nom

5th av 1414 w s 2011x100 Leopold Yeskyto Hebeeca Welgert mtge 28000o c and 10

7th iiv 2153 6 e s 60x75 Nathan L Ottlngerand ano to Costlgnn mItes 40009 nom

112th st 133 August Walterto John J Hofl mIre 4000-

12lh st 130 K 17llilOO1t Addle Kofi toMarie MOuih i part 7000

112th st 52 E Minnie Bishop toNicholas Alelnlkon mtge

117th st 1416 W 75x10011 Samuel Wachtto Isaac Roscnwclg and ano 57-

ooi IOC

117th st 142 W 75xtOOll John Kflmger totges 57000

119th st s s 4445 e Pleasant av 1710x10011Francis Clgers to S Wesermtgc 7500 16-

120lhsts s375n Ksndell to Ilernard KatVowsky mtge17000 230-

I22d st 310 H 25x10011 Caroline nioch toLouis S Ilamard mtges 17500 o c and

llSit si s s 255 ir 2d av 25x10011 LeonSanders and ann to Lous L Goldsteinmtges 121000 correction o c and 10-

15l5t st 452 W 2liflOll Caroline Schmltxto Charles M GaiMn mtge 15000 nom

BRONXnorough ot flrortr-

8d nv 3730 c s JSxIOO LeltnerHlrwhman rolEs 7000 nomav being tot 104 map 272 lots Kemp

estate George Fhret to Vincent 500

Forest av w s 1971 n Home stOscar llentschcl to IJiilse Junger mIre85000 7750

Forest av 735 w s IS SillS John Pto Hannoh McOulre mtge 2200 3575

Franklin av w s 850 n tooth st Vtx-

20C James n Illxon Jr to James JSmith o o and 100

Fulton st e s adjoining lands of ColtVan Wyilc Illcirlns A Skinner 245x008 2310x914 45th St 2I61H K 60X10O-5Cliarles I ne to Daniel Ciinnlnghanimtge 4loou

Gletio av w s adjoining land James G-

Henderson runs w bOx s MX c tOils n 50Margaret to KrohnrmIre S4000 n r antI 100

Jackson av 1130 e s 20x876 Kdward Goetttn Louise Guru ottEr nom

st s s 71 w Maple JosephSchneider to Louts mtge nom

Oak terrace s s 100 w Decuman avtrOt Franklin Lynch to Jerome Jmtge HIMO n c 100

e n lliinnlde av 238x054x1-RX95 Ilerlha Mrk to David Lalng miCejsooo nonf

West Fnrnis road adjoining land MichaelShea runs s 1871 n w 95x n c 101 to begin-ning Westrhcuer and plot adjoiningabove runs s w Six n w n e 545-x s 07 Michael nrennan to Kosarln Amelia nom

155th st 548 F 25x100 Gottlieb Wsechterto Amelia Appell mICe S1I700O c and 100

182ilsl ns 45x140 KatharlnoM Wllhclm to John A Ileyer mtge Jooo 4800

182r st n s 10211 w 3d av 40x140 John ABeyer to Jacob Graft mtge 3000 nom

Lot tOO section 2 St Raymond Punt Fred-eric F naury to Hudson 1 Hoei nom

Lot 2112 map A Vyse estate AbigailR to Wahlburcer llrlexrl mtge


Recorded LeasesJ6tli st 119 E Gustav to Martin

Downey from May 1 1100itS07 W Jacob Scheer to Isldor Miller

Mary k Potter UyiiiW-

Henr Ilenschel S yrs 2500Same property same tn same 4 yrs 250037th Henry G Williams to Thomas

1 theE 10 1200-

89th st 22ft Sophia Knepper by ally toHenry Slegel 3 yrs 1500

dre toVincent Valence Jr 3 1600 1900-

Sd av John to Richard Krelme

SuWvn sti 102 Meyer A Goldstein et al toHare Colonnese 5 3500

Madison st 407 Grand st 657 WilliamGraeber to Joseph 5 yrs I76O-

2Mh st Out to Frederickand sob i 4800

loith st S0711 B Howard Menu to MichaelCorbo 6 yrs 2500-

tlerccii av t40 later Gottz tn Frederick8 812 yrs J4003000-

tfimth o Fourteenth H

IWhere no Interest stated read 6 rentl162 Pauline A Plffartl and ano

to K McDowell due l ec 1 tee414 cent 7500-

licrry street s s 1718 e Market Slip Charleslane 10 American Mortgage Co I yr 12000-

lamllton st s s 1840 w Market at same10 vmic I yr 1200-

0Forsyth t I8 Alexander Gartner to Kmlgrant Industrial Savings UanU I yr 4

ir BIIT-OHnunton t 12047 W alv Macdougnl at-

B4S alx Sullivan st I5n2 Kleanor MmfM-

Illllat to Stewart C Crnl I yr n centl eonard st n e COt Broadway svi2

M Jones and Life As-

surance Society correction prior mIcenm nno 2 v 200000

lienry Paslnsky lo Rexton Realty Co prior mice ISSOn due Jan1 1POJ


J O EVtree


brick acton J


b-and and


1Marl10 IIaldman ml e and 10nlhune sl to n cot Urenwlch



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Monroe t 14 Meyer Margolin and ano to

yra 8 per rent 4

to Francis I Furnald 3Same semi to harris Handel

baum and ano prior mIte flooo dueJan 16 1901 upcrccnt IOC

tKatt of at Fourteenth and hOOt itLexington av s st Edward F

Moldehnke to M 3 yrs 4per tent 170

av n cor 40th ai Ira B Akeleyto Sarah K Slaivson el al 3 yrs 4 per cent

Madison av liiM llertha Oppenhelracr 10Isaac Melnlmnl ct al trustees 3 yrs

itt nv 1315 John Kubol and anti to MarySzabol and son demand

28lh st 227 K Herman Hollander to JuliaJahn prior 20000 due Juno 151903 8 per 2C

tame pronery same to John Glefers priorI yr 8 10

Sam properly same lo Lawyers Title In-

surance 13 yrs 6tierceit 20W-BSth st 20 i R S Mackay to Untied

State1 Trust Co Interest and due asbond 440

71st st 240 E Charles Ualawlsla to TitleInsurance Co I 4H cent 100-

71th st 133 R Samuel Schwab to EdwinSternfus and ann exrs and trustees1 yr 150f

82d st 230 K Frances J J Deralsmer toMoVlcker lleelty and Trust Co guardian3 yrs 4lj per cent 6f

84th st x 3249 e lit av Charlotte Iluckert-to New York Savings hank dueDec I 1004 4U per cent f-

103d st 85 K Ituusc to OustavIalk 3 yrs Mot

105th st s s 276 w Park av Ellen M CoughHit to Milton Pembleton prior10000 5 vrs sic

108th at 235 K Paul Kaldor and ano lo Will emberg prior miKe 12000 3 yrs

150Same property same to Martin Keppler

yrs 44 per cent 120Tst n 3d av Emma Horton

widow to lioivery savings 6 yrsper cent 50

SlOEof Fttth or Fourteenth and IMIi its

Amsterdam av 711 John J Schwartz toTllle Guarantee antI Trust Co 3 yrs IIi

IS00Amsterdam av 307 Michael J Holier to

Annie 6KXColumbus si 6lfl3 Frank Illllman ct al to

Paul Fuller and ano 3 yrs 6100Columbus av 6m51 s w nor 85th st Agnes

O Farley et al to Farmers Ian and TrustCo cent to00

Drive e A 21 s Mill si JamesNoble and sort lo It priormIre S42500 demand 70ft

41st si 213219 W also list st n e s 121 w7lh av aim 42d M s s ItO w 7th av TheKlaw A Krlanger Construction Co loUnited state Iteolty and Conslrucllun Cobuilding loan due Nov I ItCH 500001

st s s 250 w Kth HV Rosa scheuermannand coo to Catharine M Flnnen 23 yrs each 1960C-

81st st 236 34 Wcltz et al to Pau-line Writs prior 28000 Installs 6per cent JOOl-

88th st n s 1SS w West Knd McDon-ald to American Mortgage Co 1 2nw

Path st s s iSO w Columbus av Valentinetu 8 per cent i

HARLEMManhattan Island north of llOlh si

Pleasant av w s 342 s 122d st Sarah Crlnpsto Josephine Frank 6 yrs 25

St av s w cot 163d st PlerrepontRealty Co to Mutual Mortgageprior 105000 due Dec 151003 6 per-cent gold 100C

859s S3dstsamc to Willlam L Condlt et al trustee 3 yrs tSWX

St Nicholas avs w nor 163d st same to Wa-lter Reid Sr et al prior mtges 175ouosecures contract 1500

2d av c s 10011 n tioth st Leopold Kaufmann to Klelnberg 2 yrs 6 percent 25

5th av 1414 Hebeccn Welgert to Leopold-Yesky prior mtge 28000 4 yrs fl per cent 10-

llth av e s 20 n 171st st Mary Doutney toTitle Guarantee and Tout 3 yn 3

H2th st n s We Simon Adlcr lotha II Gllchrlst ansi alto 3 yrs Sow

st s s 22 r 7th av Isaacano to Samuel Wacht prior mtse

18000 4 fl per cent 70C117th st s s 250 c 7th av same to same prior

21000 4 yrs 6 per cent 400s s 2oD e 7th av Isaac Rosenzwelg

and ano to Samuel Wacht prior mtge18000 Installs 8 per cent 7oc

118th st n s 140 w 4th av Louts Cohen toNew York Mortgage and Security Coprior mice 15000 llulldtng 1 yr 0per cent

Illst st 351 W Hamilton M Weed to Pennlngton Whltehead 3 11

131st siss lOOc Amsterdam nv Ann OConnor to John A Conrad et at 3 yrs 17600

SCONEKoroufh ot The Bronx

3d av w s 1355 n I76lh st Frank Proflento Calhartne Kenslcr correction dueJan 4 1905 o per cent 000

3d av 3780 lllrsrhmnn to JacobLcltrier due Oct 31 1BOH 6 per cent 4000

Dclmont av 1705 n Pelhnm av AbnerII Van RliKr to Mary A Allison dueDec I 3000-

Dremer av lot 104 map 272 lots Kompestate Vincent Martlre to George Khretdue Nov 1 1908 44 per cent 4000

Crotona av a w cor st Northern Im-provement Co to Aorta C Stephens 3 yrs 8MO

Freeman st n w nor Calsholm st ALavelle to Kit Relnhardt 3 yrs 10000

Oak Terrace s s 100 w Ueckman av JeromeJ Wilson to Franklin Lynch 3 yrs 4750

Pelham av s w cor Crotona av JeflersonM Levy to Josephine C M Collins 3 yrs 8000-

Ryer w s ft William IIUoutney to Citizens Savings and LoanAssociation Installs 515 per cent 7

Ryer av e s 1SI4 n av Davidtn Itertha Plrk Installs 8 per cent 100-

Sptiyten Parkway w s being plots4 fl 7 slid Son map James R Whittle at-Klngshrldre contains about 16 arIesalso Spuyttn nuyvll Parkway w s atK line James K Whiting farm togetherwith land under WilIer opposite lot 3same map with nparlan rights also

The Sisters of of SI Vincent dePaul to Mutual Life Insurance Co dueDec 1 1907 120000

West Farms rd land MichaelShea also adjoining West ChesterRourla Amelia to Frances M OConnor5 yrs 4000

d st lot 492 map Laconla Park AnnieK to Marie I Hausser 3 yrs 2100

16th xt s s lot 6B map Thomas HurlingMonmouth Dtilldlng Operating Co tuGibson Putrcl demand 0 per cent 39750

20th st s s 712 and 713 map Clement Cst n e s and 611

C Moore Charles E Haft toJames Itozell leasehold prior mIce

18300 1 yr 6 per cent 300017Sth st K s e Webster av Anna M

Dahlgren to William C Ilergen InstallsB per cent 1000

182d st n s 10211 w 3d av Jacob Grafl toJohn A mice 3000 4 yrs 1000

Lot 102 map section A estate alburga to Louis Meyer 8 yrs 3sno

Mechanics Liens118th st li17 W John B OLsen vs Leder iI-

llock 644

9th Nt 12S V American Parquetry Co v1Noble McConnell

K David llrown vi Horwllz

K Fursl vsano SO-

Iyer av 201254 Alfred Mnrslch vs Kath-arine P Hooks II

Irondway ne cor 112th si inoiitio phelun-Si Sullivan vs George K Wilson MS-

S4th st 16759 W F Weslergre-nvtTen As oclates antI ana 1109

3lh M 432 31 I Mattie Ilgourl vs Hyman-

thTvI1427 i vs lieiiryA Slebrieht f-

5th M Sfl42 W Power Drown masteringCo vs George W Stetson and soc 4949

5th st SK4J W Michael Power vs GeorgeW Stelson und ann 1592-

Iroadway fl e ror 65lh st 770x1054Fruit Jar Co vs Nathan B Clark 5S8-

th st 3323415 Charles B Ring vs Max Stiller SO-

O5th st 3842 W Charles A Drake vs Fortyfilth Street Co and ano 150

2d st 46 W William Delve vs Carl FlshorHansen LOSS

Satisfied Mechanics Lienst 41 F Washington Wlllcccks vs

National Realty Co Xov 5 IWn 410-

34th st s 101 w Willow v 1COXIC8 Chat taiC Koenlg vs Mary A Mcflrldc Nov P

1903 19

AsslBiintrnts of MorlK e8

M Hert g tn Milllam Walnwrtght 1

Anna Roehr 10 Mortgage and Realty Com

l Warner w Warner ElevatorManufacturing Company of Cincinnati

ulla and ano to Mary L Hard4000

ion M Powell to John T Wlllels trusteeon 607041-

nme to Matthias Mcoll and ano trusteeson Interest 28750-

leorgeH trustee to Tole 10000to Arthur WSaunders omitted

Newman to Stan S iullus Schweitzer to Flora LeST 2 assign-

ments 1 and 11805redertc tie P lOler to Fifth TrustCompinv 125000

arnh tn Horatio N Flanagan stoo-Isidore Jackson nnd ann to A-

tamiyFde Tulle executor to Thomas OField 1600-

0ll Prndongl-

nTlft st HR M Wallach vs AbrahamJ Rohler

test Houston st ru York v Jct 3d av vs Abraham Holtz

and ano 3d av 4006 same vs same 3d av 2673

same vs Ann McOulrc and eon Ridge si 88

same vs Klla II Livingston and ann 6 actionsviolations of tenement house art L Hivesatty

IorrrloMirci StIlts

ackson av loll llrldget I Murphy vs HermanStelnineyir el at M allyMill t n s 1V1 e Convent nv aixWll Mary A AWnodcocl vs Sarah A lsninanet al Thompson

4thKtfVsV59 W Plock Murray Co va Ten A-

atclates ct V H Janes

llnllrJInK Loan Contractstat st n s 125 w Slit ov IMxosB and 42d st-

s s 1W1 w 7th ax 2SIU18 Inlted StatesReally and Construction Co loans Klaw-Krlnnger Co 500000

aIsaao mIce 110 I-

S 0pr n at n w Fldmann 0BAa

tu Mil

< 30210





lam cent






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9Heal Co 215




panr 01 IThe

Ohio I

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itt elI of John






ror Suiiiuan Leot3









V tlrauu

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ti tim TowliaheAd i





tot 2 on same map with under waterCiuartt



Philip John Rosen

20 William uncle




Kari Grin-

S ill cttt








money your

moneys goneto sameamount monthly on a home andyoull soon a solid visible In-

vestment on which you can raisemoney when necessary somethingyou cant do a ton of rentreceipts

beautiful modern homespurchasable on a rental basis visit

Opposite GrnntsTombl-on ol the Pall de

Free reproduction-of view of New Yorkwood also tickets Franklin 4Zdor 130th St Ferries and trolleys

COIUMniA INVPhone 1847 Mod

II E CO1133 Ifway-





REMODELLING lUTILntSOS 5when 3500 will make same alteration wlthouFUbconiractors Improved results no strikesternmenu l 00 Circulate

ARCHITECT box 129 Sun office



THE GERALDINE61 and 63 Wut 106th St

Netr Central ParkNew elevator

ready for occupancy6 and 7 room

electric lights telephone in each

service most uptodate elevator onFor further particulars apply toowner on



Select modern elevatorapurtmentAll tight rooms with outside




HENTAUCTION SAIK of particularly desirable Cbeatc

Hill retldvncc lot 75il3i Heit Incatlon elevation highest on the Kill terms catty

dewrlpllnn ty mall SaturdayNov 21 nt 3 P M Also annlhrr sain same day aI P M Knur bulUllnjr lou onfully situated fur divclllne or double housemu t be sold circular by melt sale P M

UKORtli W IIARII Auctioneer28 r at Mount Vernon


84 and lion at fUIMSFORD DRY5 out on Putnam Dlvulon New York

fare HP tItle Insured free noales small monthly payments trolley crosseshe property st

or evenings

OENTLEMANS COLNTnV RESIDENCE forllnrat corner restricted Chester Kill Mount

N V house M and bath alt Im-

provements fine stableIIOX 13 MT N T

MISfELIANEorSWANTED Namn anti address of any person

Irslrtni to own free and clear a summer cottaroIn l kn region of New Hampshire

beautIful location tine mountain and sceneoaltitude excellent fishing gunning boating

and bathing That we may Interestparties we are olferlnj them free eirept eipeiuoofr-onveyaticlne Address HUH hot 1X Sun office

W SI OSTnANDER fiat Estate and Investmenu North American Hid Philadelphia


ATTRACTIVE fully fiimlJhed modern realdeuces duslrabl tJO per month




WHITTIER HALL1230 Amsterdam Ave

A few clinics Single rooms for women ranging Inprice from 112 to SZO monthly

asUrd to mnlic an ot same

44TII ST 212 WEST Fine medium and largonewly furnished room sit conveniences privateunItes refined

St Raymond av n w cot Green tans x-

Hronx K Master loan ilrand 3000

d st 3 s 325 e av SHOO nillamshrldee-llrnnx Marie K Mauser loans Annie K-

Iamh 2100118th st n MO w Pant av MxlCOll New

York Mortuaco and Security Co loansLouts Cohen 22000

Ilann Flied for nulldlnRd-noROcan or MASHATIAN-

th st n ItS e itt av sU story and base-ment factory P rlleir oAnderson 25 nroad st owners Frank II-

Oulmby cost 47500Franklin st 8 one story lavatory Society

Giuseppe Marzlnl premisesowner J C Nlebel 59 Court starchitect cost o

tilt st n s 100 w Id nv ws and a half storyclubhouse Wnrknitmens

Educational Homo Association 2fl8 o

srth st owner r A Mlnuth 4th avarchitect cost 200000

noRovon or TIlE BRONX

Washington and 3d AVS Junction threestory station City of Yorkowner Charles Idoeth av architectcost 00000

Plans Flied for AlterationsUANHATTAK AND TIlE BRONX

Items under 1000 omitted13th st 353 story dwelling Antonioi Leo premises ownrr Fred Musty 012 2dav 1000-

IOIIK Island quaIl Poisoned

BnooKnAVEN L I Nov 17 To ds-oviry that many quail nro being poisoned

in the fields has nrouwd iiKllgnnlion among-ho members of tho Club inhis pectlon The poisoning is hx i9Vpl tox done persons fcek revango-cninst tIes for largo trnctBand nnd excluding theAnother thsory is thnt tile poisoning is theoven of come poacher beenmnlnhe Wheat with strvch

tine in sold lo have boon smttored inwhere the pmil congregate

IVoninn Itnbhril In Iho StreetEAST ORANOE N J Nov IT Mies-

tirota Hutchinnon of 15 North Arlingtonventin East Ornngo wan hold up in thetreet and rohlwil in broad daylight yepler-

lay in East Orongo nhad followed her from n trolley

Main Btroet Themd wrist and n pocketbook contain-ng about Miss uin was badly

in the ccuffle and her clothing wasorn The man escaped

EAT0 0 0

CIs equivalent to


on Hn son




r 4A

o u 0 uu uou 0








rom forEn


I nT msTP

















t bra ii ii







West Side





09 NassaU aurchllect













ATuVpW5 3800000Invites applications

for Loans onBond and Mortgage-

Best Obtainable Rates

146 Broadway Manhattan

175 Remsen Street Brooklyn

Manufre Branch 193 Montague St Bkljr

Doubtful Questionsof Title

Doubtful questions of title are submltted to the most careful scrutinand are referred to the Committee o

Counsel which Is composed of thbest known real estate conveyancerIn the city Applicant has selectioiof counsel should he so desire

8000001The Lawyers TitleInsurance Company-

of New York37 Liberty St flanhattan

38 Court St Brooklyn

William M Crulluhsnk Edward A Crulksh-

acWm Cruikshanks SonREAL ESTATE


A w MCLAUGHLIN coIJroUers and

Dealers In Mortgajes128 BROADWAY

CARKFUL efficient management of prosatisfaction guaranteed CHAS KWest 14th st Rhlnelander ofnce-

COLOREn property managed by colored agentPhilip A Payton 87 W 13Uh St Telephone

OF nnoivx HAIF on nEXT

FOR SALEThe most desirable Plot in the

Borough of the Bronx72 LOTS

B aad d Avenue I66lh StrettUnion Xvaua Home Strut

Values advancing very rapidly Inthis locality

Apply toHORACE 4 CO t tlbortr St

OrB I nROWN8 NUNS 3428Third Ave



Modem TwoFamily HousesSITUATED ON 8TH ST

PROSIKCf PARKHouses have tiled bath nickel plumbtn

combination gas and electric futuresheater gsa furnace hardwood throughout

part contains 7 rooms and bathbath 14 minutes from Manhattan vie

Smith st or av cars dally Sun-day and evenings until n oclock WILLIAM 11

premises 6th st and 1rospeclark Vest

PRICE Bnoni sloan CASH410 Chmncej St near Uvvatrd It II station

Chaaiicrr it 1 blocks

basement brick arfor 2 of Improvements

cnn giNs postenloa Immeilliitely or tenantwill remain

risEn M S1IITIITemple far sstt Court t lets 100 Main

XKW Twosvonv iiKKfC initnivosWITH STOnE i till latest liryn verofrts 46tt-aoo CASH bulancu essy terms M51V TWO



A 14rt IXVESTMENT the best rentIngsection of the M ward of Ittforflyn For saletight and airy studio front doulile ll t 0 One largerooms all ilcrcnieu nnrdtvood trimsteam heat supply very best car con-

nections Inquire llrookly-

nIIOXTFAIIone and two family houses on

Kstcm Parkway near Ilcdfurd av prior to buy-Ing a home location WIPTM 1ll rent

for vi upper raFt citAVJioNU o rnnnisES

A rosrriVE OIFT AT ssoolive liMCinenl cellar brtCK dwellingsItixtSilPO lull section convenient all surface carsand L all Improvements nice ordercarpets Included leriiis SHALU 19-Wiintaein St llmnlilrn-

i COUVKR 100x100at sacilllce isroom modem rutlnie uaiiltrnoulooTS und trim steaui hal silver connectiondccoiattd near llcvurly rosd very accessibleHIM Uvs than cost lOll Montacuo stllrooklyn

NEW 8ROOM HOlSF parquet floor decoratedthroughout UTileterms easy I V st andAvenue I Flatbiish Write for particulars Tii

av llrooklyn

WILl SELl you a Modern TwoFamily House atlaratoga Heights the rent you p y 25 minutes

in N V City Call n petson or write for de-sorlptlon toiiwnrrs on premises 1OTTS APART

St Marks and Saratoga Ayes llrooklyn-

JflSOONicely furnished and decorated privatewelling basement brick II rooms

complete fur housekeeping 15 minutesPark row Inspection bargainFRANKLIN 172 Montague llrooklyn-

lirHKIMrH ST near Albany av 3story singlecame Hats flrstclavs condition rentisjfl per year price J3 W expenses very lowhance ft A

1061 Fulton st

FOR SALt New Sroom oak trimmed cottagetacIt plumbing bath all onTdge formerly 75th near 3d av

only 14500 tlooo caSh O M it3d av llrooklyn

FOR SALB AT IIOMECBESfT Coney Islandnear Avenue T two 20X100 each price

150 each WIKTHS ESTATE 848 17thit Drooklyn

HOMES Tvostory and attlocame Queen Anne plots 40x1047 to 12 rooms nodath small cash payment balance monthlyNO S 7th av Brooklyn

FOR SAIE TWO BSTOHV FLATSn thiS Heights price fotu K mortgage M3000-nts per sent bargain KUWA1II E

NOW IS YOtR CllANCEastorj dwelling-or Wnoo owner must sell Siiioo cash down F cIAUTKH 6th av and Oth St Brooklyn

IF YOU WANT A 110MK OR LOTS visit norunn lirK 27 minutes from Manhattan tare 5

ents inh M and iih av llrooklyn

roil SALrHOfSK A twof mlly brick andm wnstonc In best condition llDtl Degraw-t av llrooklyn-

PTTNAM AV Swell residence withtit suitable for physIcian LKHMANN-

ijil iirnadwoy immklyn-




llHUOlklVN IHUllCRTY soul lor cash quickulu V J T LVXC1I 5f Court st

SOUTHEAST corner Pltkln and Alabama asslot Wlxinn a bargain RW RoniNSON2 Courtst





uuu u


gar i alaI



I O o VI


lowe Jar


d S






3CoUrt I Droklrn


IrS Slop

r n

SALEPrsaie houset OIlsPark WeaL vLI8S on prml






eleaatd at tulton 1 and



hot waler





414 Temple liar 44

FOR it near Prosret JOUR A












Iu uuuuuuuuuu uuuu nnnn nnn









EAST 19TII STcloie to Broadway-



Southwest corner Madison ave and lllth atStore 20x70 large attractive abow windowsrood for any mercantile business no rcojonab-loIer

CVRILLB CARREAU Grand St near Bowery

I1ASKMBNT OFFICES for electrician decoratorplumber Iron worker 105 East 17th 15


STORES lofts oltlccs exceptlonallOne this anti other desirable locations



A REPRESENTAT1VK wanted In eachhandle Hand for the ComplexionStealth Vibrator Both sell onibm intUDOiipiv IORV

ATTENTION LADIES Earn 20 per 100 writshort letters from

envelopes for particulars Michigan SpecIaltyCo Albion

DROADVTAY HA1RDRESSINO SCHOOLLadlewanted learn French American haIrdressingmanicuring face treatmentchiropody electricity dermatology state charter

under day eveningladles maids taught positions both sexes Can

Broadway 33d it C SUTHERLAND

LADIES wanted everywhere copying letteiat home evenings or spare time and return to usno mailing or canvassing 900 weekly earnedmaterials free Enclose envelopefor GUARANTEE CO No

at Philadelphia Pa

LADIES 30 hundred abort lettersno deposit no canvassing stamped envelope

LADIESIndianapolis Ind

Laundress 23 Cook 15 Cook22 General houseworker 20

and laundress 20 ST HARTIIOLMEWi-HUREAU 211 East 2d at


should spendmonth In our practical training department

success and permanentguaranteed MUTUAL t

WOMEN to sew at home 0 week materialsfree steady work sewing

only Send envelope for fun particularsW P IL 1U PONT Pa


OLA7IFlt and CUTTER wanted at 4 Lawto-st New Rochelle N y New llochelle Art GlasWorks

MAN Under 85 fair education to prepareGovt Position Begin wIlls NM 570

Cedar Rapids Iowa



YOUNG MEN everywhere copy helter nomi-

evenlnirs lSO week envelopfor particulars Manager Dept W 117 boxPhiladelphia


UPTODATE DRRSSMAKEK Using finest isand drafting own patterns wishes work ahomes Mrs 347 West 20th st



ORIENTAL RUGBuyer or salesman for or retail city ex

eight yean best references AddressO R box 134 Sun uptown once ISM Broadway

DRAUGHTSMAN assistant three years exbest refetencei do tracing o-

WlirrniIOUSE 2K Court st llroolily-





AN OPPORTUNITYA large business house this city established

CO years oflrrs a limited amount of stock at 1100per share guarantee 0 per cent aswts over SOO

Particulars atMCDONALD WIGGINS 257 Broadway

LaundrySteam doing about 270 weekly located In nearby

great bargainMCDONALD si iiroadway

Wall Paperpl-ant most up tn elsIe plant In this country ca

liOOOooo located toNew York city price moderate to quick buyer

xPcDONALD WIGGINS 257 Broadway

LARGE automobile concern with finestplant In this country requires S5ooo additional

plants yearly 1140000In orders on particutars at MCDONALD WIGGINS 257 Uroadway

SIX P13II CENT preferred Mock fnr sale limitednumber of shares an established concerndoing aimiml business on account of deathhiive Incorporated one nf the lesttlon pllercd onehalf the stork alreadysubscribed money amply secured must rigid In

Invited toMCDONALD WIGGINS 257 nroadway-

LAtXnilY on Mb nv net IM weeklyowner desires to leave city and will sellm n barcaln-

McDONALII 5t WIGGINS 257 Uroadway

STOCK S shares of stock In large realty com-pany for sic at SIOO each jier cent applyto MCDONALD WIGGINS

A BARGAIN manufacturing UuMnew of gal-

vanized Iron copper cornices metalslate and metal rooting rMablbhed IS years priceIncluding valuable nropprly I4OT easy terms


llOmyi WILL secure otietlilrd Interest In oldestablished well known business located downtown this city last two nontlis Imslncvs amountedtn IIOiioO InvcMleallun courted par


NEWnrtlele for use on dIning table justran be bought at a baigaln urc fortune Investi-gate Pno5 n t WIGGINS 257 Uroadway

SAln ttUOO doing a large busi-ness u libN per week owner retiring for goodCall at I X Greenwich M


LIFE INSURANCE POLICIESIn legal rrservr companies Prompt returns


t CO in Wall si Ness York Telephone ISM Cnn



Tno linn of llymnn 4 lliown M Mh v NewYork City Manufacturers ot Ladles Suitswas by ronvnt ilKsnlvril on Oct 2 listSMrs llrown Rvsimilne nil assets unit liabilities

Sirs Drown with Mr Jumcs A

Stevenson n corporation known as Stevensonllrown which will continue to carry on the buslnets ot the old address

CHINA cut rla s bricabrac riveted repairedpromptly SPENCER BOND 344 Mb ave


listlIltOAD WAY

tilfl Soc

iartlcuiars of JOHN 72c-

at N V

principal formerly wIth ew York hairdressing












this is




nAKlhtv ion







> >


PIANOSTo our complete stock of WATERS

PIANOS we have added the beautifulnew CHESTER PIANO the bestlowpriced piano in the world andFULLY WARRANTED FOR SIX


17OCash or 190 on installments nly

5 PER MONTHStool cover tuning and delivery free

HORACE WATERS CO134 Fifth Aye near 8th St

Harlem Branch Open Evening254 West J25th St near 8th Ave



Used PIanos of other tnkoj 1100Easy Termi Pianos Rent

113 RAST Uth STANDERSON CXI S70 Fulton St BTilrn

NEW PIANOS TO RENTpianos sold on cuy monthly pay menu

JACOB BOLLn Fifth Av above 14h St NBranch IBB Market St Newark N




THE PIANOTISTThe Invisible Piano Player Plays any

one can play U Cash or Re-citals dally warerooma 1M Mb av near wh Sk

STEINWAY Pianos tor sale or to rentWEI3ER cash or lutaUmeot SmallCHICKERINO Uprights for small apartVM A POND CO A OraniiAeolian Organ for aa e bargain

WM A 4 IM Fttth ave

RELIABLE CONNOR PIANOSFor sale and rent on easy terms ExchangingRepairing 4 East 42nd St near Sib

UPRIGHT good condition brilliant sear 110fttaken In monthly W1SSNER14th St

GREAT VALUE slightly used brartists 22S upright MiFulton St Brooklyn


DONT THROW COAL AWAYbut run thoashes through




Fits flour or

Iron barrel I

for itself times a Ifnot found at hardware stores postal usfor Catalog M



la treat variety otand price

Ill Vulton StNew and secondhand of all

kinds and makes safes tough

It Maiden Lane Tel U2Z Joha

Makers of All Kinds otladrv Catalog SentI Her

Z2t Water StTelephone Slot John

STOVESlitlllard and Pool Tables solidlymade highgrade goods Ugatfling accurate cushlon-


WTH ST JS4 VEST Cholcely furnished roomicellent board Jewish house Mrs DINKEL


ATTRACT1VB SUITES rooms with andrithout hoard Leland Hoard nlrec-ory 2 Wtst sad t

LOANS ON RALARIKS LOW RATESloom 1428 lisa nroadway 0 A M to 0 I U-

Hr L R Vllllnms Kit W min St the worldsreatest ruiilltiurs to xuccevstully cure

trlrture Irustntlr Iroubles Illood 1nlsnn-irrviu Varlocelr without operationind sit Mens Dlrnos lil 10 years ofurea Is your guarantee O null Olin today

AOriCKRST IIMISIANKNT CtKK In dUeaMJ-nl men Innirtnius cases sollcltd at oneshdte ltslrlng only treatmentlioulilcall spfClallst Dr MONSCIIUU

Ill West lInt st Hours 0 lo 3 c to u Sundays Hl13-

Illl lltvvi l S West 4M si Graduate of Amerran imd ruropcan colICEis In diseasesit women relieves Irregularities ImmediatelysInless hnrmliss falter private

anllarlum iilunnl consultation free

MRS OKI ST midwife M7 East 50th st boardsstiles conllnemtnts adnpllnn conndfntlsl treatnull strictly private no sign

Illl ANt MRS SCIIROKIIKR femaleireful sklllul conndentlal treatmentrlvatc 240 tail lath at














iI 1 a


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n F rt4 the


work I




T 0

S AFES ezchariged and repaired0 MOSSIAN I I



fleeltecest lO3EastOttsSI p

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