Water and Sanitation District : Kanker

Water and Sanitation District : Kanker. Water and Sanitation Water & sanitation have a direct effects on the health & thus in quality of life

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Water and Sanitation

District : Kanker

Water and Sanitation

Water & sanitation have a direct effects on the health & thus in quality of life.

Basic Statistics (Kanker)

Particular Coverage Source

Water  Total inhabited villages 1068Census 2001

Total villages with safe drinking water 1007

Household with access to safe drinking water (%) 57

Using piped drinking water - Rural (%) 2.6DLHS 07-08

Sanitation (Household with) Access to toilet – Total (%) 15.6DLHS 07-08

Access to toilet - Rural (%) 13.2

Household with toilet against base line (%) 33.5PHE, Kanker

Present study Covers

The issues covered :

1- Goals of the national programmes2- Status of the district in terms of coverage 3- Utilisation under flagship programme4- Key Concerns

Findings based on information from PHE, Kanker

1- Drinking Water

National Goal:

“National Rural Drinking Water Programme NRDWP”

To provide every rural person with adequate water for drinking, cooking and other domestic basic needs on a sustainable basis.

New shift: fully covered habitation means - every house hold in the habitation has been fully covered with potable water in sufficient quantity.

Standard Norms

Rural Water Supply Schemes, potable drinking water

Norms:- 40 litres per capita per day (lpcd) for humans to meet the following:

Purpose Quantity (LPCD)

Drinking 3Cooking 5Bathing 15Washing utensils & house 7Ablution 10

Source: ddws.nic.in

In addition, provision should be allowed at 30 lpcd for animals In case of hand pump or stand post is estimated for every 250 persons

Prevailing schemes:

Scheme Particulars For Total schemes/ coverage

NalJal Scheme (PWSS)-

Piped Water Supply Scheme

>2000 population of scheme


ARWSP Tube well (hand pump)

For a population of 250

8500 hand pumps

Spot Source Scheme-

Tube well based – spot water supply

Population > 1000


Coverage 2003

Source: Habitation survey from , ddws.nic.in

Koilibeda, Antagarh and Durgkondal had max. PC (Partially Covered), NC (Not Covered) habitations

PC- Partially coveredNC- Not CoveredFC - Fully Covered

Trend- habitation coverage

Source: PHE Dept., Kanker

Good Coverage - all habitation under FC as on March, 2009 Need of strengthening habitation coverage updating mechanism

Primary Source of drinking water- Rural

Villages (in nos.)Block Hand pump Piped Water Total

VillagesKanker 172 5 177Narharpur 106 8 114Charama 93 4 97Bhanupratappur 140 4 144Durg Kondal 100 1 101Antagarh 294 5 299Koilibeda 112 7 119  1017 34 1051

In 97 % of villages main source of drinking water is hand pump Need of functional, low maintenance soak pit near hand pump

Coverage – Hand pump’s status

Block Villages Covered



Non- functional/ repairs required

Hand pump


Kanker 172 1107 1102 5 9Narharpur 106 1339 1330 9 11Charama 93 1144 1139 5 11Bhanupratappur 140 964 957 7 8Durg Kondal 100 890 884 6 6Antagarh 294 1041 1030 11 5Koilibeda 112 2015 2007 8 20  1017 8500 8449 51 70

A total of 965 new hand pumps are to be installed in 2009-10.

Coverage – Mechanism

Review for slip back

Coverage by tube

well/ hand pump

Coverage by tube

well/ hand pump

Till now the focus had been on coverage of PC & NC

Water - Quality

Iron affected habitations spread is across all the blocks. Need of study for limited success of Iron Removal Plant Possibility of alternative of roof top water harvesting


Consumption of water with excess iron causes constipation accompanied by other physiological disorders.

Control measures include providing:Alternate sources free from iron oror treating iron contaminated water

Permissible Limit: < 1 ppm

Source: ddws.nic.in

Organogram (PHE Department), Kanker

Executive EngineerKanker

Sub division

A En- Bahnu.(Bhanup.,


A En- Antagarh(Antagarh, Koilibeda)

Hand pump mechanic for each 100-120 hand pump


A En- Kanker(Kanker, Narharpur,


Japad Panchayat/ Panchayat

At the sub div. – post of AEn, Kanker & Sub Engineer (3), Antagarh is vacant

Institutions covered under water supply

Need of updating school coverage (with education dept.) Need to update coverage of panchayat bhawan, religious places

Urban water supply

SN Name Existing system 1 Kanker

Source: underground water

Piped water supply , through Elevated Service Reservoir

Managed by: Urban local body

2 Charama3 Bhanupratappur4 Antagarh5 Pakhanjor

Utilization under ARWSP

Utilisation - ARWSP

Missed an opportunity to utilize available 192 lakhs in last 3 years

Key Concerns

1. Ensuring adequate water for each household on sustainable basis Source sustainability in consultation with other department

2. Quality affected habitation gets an alternative water supply system (1- Iron Removal Plant, / 2- Spot source/ PWSS/ 3-Gravel tube well) Document & use of previous learning in dealing with excess iron affected regions Piloting water harvesting as an alternative

3. Grater community involvement in plan, implementation & O&M Documentation of the beast practices/ failures (if any) Facilitation to the Panchayat/ community in O & M (tariff collection, soak pits etc.) Mechanism of community feedback/ response on adequacy of water Panchayat’s involvement in effective quality test/ action

4. Updated coverage of institutions for water supply (schools, Panchayat, religious place, local haats etc.)

2- Sanitation


Proportion of population with access to improved sanitation

2- Schemes for sanitation :

1. Total Sanitation Camaign2. Support for the APL from the PR & RD3. SSHE – School, Aaganwadi

District has received 7 Nirmal Gram Panchayat Awards so far

What TSC aims at

Improved sanitation behaviours and quality of life

Access and use of toilets to all by 2012.

Coverage of schools by March 2008

Coverage of Anganwadis by March 2009

Community managed environmental sanitation


Household Coverage - District

A gap of 74,132 household toilet is to be covered by 2012. Need of a rapid study for the toilet use rate Strong IEC initiatives to generate demands

Each school is to covered with the toilet facility Latest update of the school coverage is required.

School Coverage - District

Aaganwadi Toilet Coverage - District

Each AWC is to be covered with the toilet facility Latest update of the AWC is still required.

Fund Utilization

Huge variation in utilization pattern (over the years). Opportunity of utilizing 2.9 crores misses in 2008-09

Component wise – Expenditure pattern

Issues of concerns (Recap)

1-Strong IEC to generate demand (even after subsidy demand is low)

2- Study of the use pattern of the existing toilets

3- Strengthening the supply chain mechanism

4- Ensuring trained mason’s availability

5- Status update of toilet coverage in:

Schools(PS, UPS, HS, Higher Sec.)/ anganwadi

Panchayat/village-wise, household coverage

Public place (Panchayat Bhawan’s etc)

6- Motivation for bathroom (personal hygiene of women)

7- Identifying issues of coordiantion with other dept.