WASTE MINIMISATION REVIEWappsd.daera-ni.gov.uk/IPRI/docs/P0074-05A Cranswick Waste...strapping E.Hegarty/ S.Smyth Page 10 of 20 Area Type of Waste Corrective Action Responsibility

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Page 1: WASTE MINIMISATION REVIEWappsd.daera-ni.gov.uk/IPRI/docs/P0074-05A Cranswick Waste...strapping E.Hegarty/ S.Smyth Page 10 of 20 Area Type of Waste Corrective Action Responsibility



November 2018


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Contents 1.0 Scope ................................................................................................................................................. 2

2.0 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................. 2

3.0 Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................... 2

Box Store ............................................................................................................................................. 3

Box Store ............................................................................................................................................. 4

Box Store ............................................................................................................................................. 5

Box Store ............................................................................................................................................. 6

Dolavs of product along the lines ....................................................................................................... 7

Bins – end of lines ............................................................................................................................... 8

Jumbo Area ......................................................................................................................................... 9

Pallet Repair Area ............................................................................................................................. 10

Canteens/ Offices .............................................................................................................................. 11

Hazardous wastes ............................................................................................................................. 12

Hazardous waste cont’d .................................................................................................................... 13

Sludge, Animal By products, blood and effluent .............................................................................. 13

5.0 Conclusions and Recommendations ............................................................................................... 14

6.0 Recommendations .......................................................................................................................... 14

7.0 Appendices ...................................................................................................................................... 15

Appendix 1 - Final destination of waste – RecyCo ............................................................................ 16

Appendix 2 – CBA PowerPoint – Waste management area ................................................................. 19

Appendix 3 – Sludge to pig number ration (Financial YTD) .................................................................. 20

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1.0 Scope The waste minimisation audit focuses on the main areas within the site that produce waste – what the waste actually is and what can be done to attempt to minimise it and increase the % of waste recycled.

2.0 Purpose As part of IPPC Permit Requirements waste minimisation is to be reviewed at least every 3 years to show continual commitment in the minimisation of waste on site. It is also part of Cranswick Country Foods (Ballymena) target to maintain 100% of waste diverted from landfill and to divert as much as possible to recycling for further use and extension of the life cycle. The review will assess how waste can be minimised and how it can be diverted from incineration (which has other implications on the environment).

The report will produce findings and recommendations on how to improve on waste management and how to progress and continually improve on waste minimisation.

3.0 Executive Summary The review finds that a number of areas within the factory can improve in the minimisation of waste. Better segregation within the factory using colour coded waste receptacles is recommended. The investigation into the need and use of some plastic shrouding of packaging is also recommended, some of this may be unnecessary. The investigation into using lighter grade plastics for shrouding (where shrouding is deemed necessary) may also minimise waste. Areas within the offices require improvement and provision of more resources to segregate waste and boost awareness. Communications and briefings have also been identified as key in the journey of minimising waste.

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Area Type of Waste Corrective Action


Box Store

Cardboard packaging waste and other types of cardboard waste placed in this large black dolav/waste receptacle. Waste derived from:

• Damaged or non-conforming product packaging “Cranswick” boxes

• Cardboard inner tubes from liner rolls It is recommended that these are placed in specified cardboard container to be baled for further recycling. Some plastic materials can make their way into this receptacle, if placed in the cardboard compactor it is deemed contaminated and processing at final destination compromised, however segregation is satisfactory on most occasions. Currently no rebate is provided by the current waste management company used by CCF Ballymena on recycling this cardboard.

Provide better means of segregation within the factory

E.Hegarty/ A.McCallion

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Area Type of Waste Corrective Action


Box Store

The cardboard boxes are shrouded in heavy clear plastic – the purpose of this plastic is to be investigated. This plastic is high quality and of value if recycled in terms of waste rebate. However, elimination of this plastic would reduce the consumption of raw materials and also reduce waste. Alternatively, if shrouding is unavoidable the use of lighter grade plastic materials should be investigated. This would reduce the bulk weight of the plastic used for shrouding the cardboard packaging.

Ascertain the use of this plastic. If necessary for use – request that lighter grade material is used

K.Lyle S.Smyth

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Area Type of Waste Corrective Action


Box Store

There is also coloured plastic in this area – this is used for lining dolavs; cling wrap is also placed in this bin. The segregation of clear and coloured plastics is recommended. Clear plastics are processed differently from coloured plastics. This could be introduced if new colour coded waste receptacles are purchased and placed around the factory.

Segregate clear and coloured plastics


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Area Type of Waste Corrective Action


Box Store

Plastic shrouding/wrapping is again used in this area to cover blue plastic liners. The liners are used throughout the factory to line dolavs. Again, the purpose of this plastic shrouding/cling wrap is to be assessed, are there any other methods of transporting this product to the factory etc.? It is recommended that the supplier be contacted to investigate what ways they can reduce the packaging around the liners.

Find out if this product can be transported without being wrapped in plastic


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Area Type of Waste Corrective Action


Dolavs of product along the lines

It is inevitable that there will be soiled liners during production which carry product. The liners will be soiled with some small levels of blood and fluids from the product – the above picture was filled with heads. Theses waste liners can only be disposed of as mixed waste for incineration. Only if these liners could be cleaned could they be baled and recycled. An assessment into the efficiency and labour expended into cleaning these liners to an acceptable level to be recycled should be completed to reduce waste sent for incineration. If the liners cannot be cleaned sufficiently the waste created from this area cannot be minimised.

Assess how to clean liners and if the benefits outweigh the costs recycle with clean coloured plastics

E.Hegarty/ A.McCallion

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Area Type of Waste Corrective Action


Bins – end of lines

There are a large number of nitrile gloves used on site (used to prevent contamination of product) these cannot be processed or recycled efficiently due to the combination of elastic and nitrile rubber). These must be disposed of after each break. There are other types of waste in these receptacles that can be disposed of separately, some clean coloured liners. Providing a specific receptacle for nitrile gloves and similar waste may be advantageous. This waste is sent for incineration to be repurposed as fuel for energy generation.

Assess the need for a separate bin for nitrile gloves and other mixed wastes that cannot be segregated for further processing and recycling


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Area Type of Waste Corrective Action


Jumbo Area

More plastic shrouding in this area – does this come packaged in this way – what is the purpose of the plastic shrouding. Reducing the number of raw materials entering the factory will reduce the levels of waste generated.

Ascertain the reasons for shrouding this strapping

E.Hegarty/ S.Smyth

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Area Type of Waste Corrective Action


Pallet Repair Area

Pallets are delivered on site (approx. 600 per week) – these are currently proposed to be repaired. Derryadd pallets have also been contacted to repurpose the pallets as a recyclable product. The receipt of a waste management licence should be sought if using this area to specifically repair pallets.

Fully investigate the use of a licenced contractor to remove and recycle pallets on behalf of CCF Ballymena Seek Waste Management Licence

M.McConkey A.McCallion

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Area Type of Waste Corrective Action


Canteens/ Offices

Currently mixed recyclable bins are provided in canteens throughout the site – their use is not monitored and visible evidence that they are not being fully utilised is clear to see. General waste bins contain a large number of recyclable products e.g. plastic cartons, tins etc. Better utilisation of the waste receptacles provided is required, better communication of the need to recycle is also recommended. Paper usage is high within the offices, currently the use of inks and toners can be monitored to prevent wastage of inks and toners. However, specific paper waste bins are not provided and on many occasions paper is disposed of as mixed waste and not recycled to further the life cycle of the product. Provision of paper waste receptacles is to be investigated.

Improve the use of mixed recyclable waste receptacles on site Communicate the use of these and monitor their use Provide specific waste receptacles for paper waste

A.McCallion A.McCallion

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Area Type of Waste Corrective Action


Hazardous wastes


Fluorescent bulbs and waste paints

Grease cartridges, aerosols and household batteries

Oil absorbent drums

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Area Type of Waste Corrective Action


Hazardous waste cont’d

Hazardous waste is generated mainly through maintenance activities and remediation of minor spillages (oil absorbents etc.). The geration of fluorescent bulbs as waste is reducing significantly a large proprtion of the lighting throughout the site is now LED bulbs, however some fluorescent bulbs remain until they reach their end of life. All hazardous waste is disposed of responsibly by fully licecened waste contractor. Current waste segregation in this area is to be monitored and maintained at current levels.


Sludge, Animal By products, blood and effluent

Sludge is related to production and will increase as the kill number increases. Sludge is not classified as waste as it is continued as a product for Anaerobic Digestion – full traceability can be provided for sludge. Some improvements are required to improve the sludge to water ratio transported and disposed of. Animal by-products are sorted into category 2 and category 3 waste streams – revenue is sought from cat 2 waste stream and will not minimise as it is also related to the number of animals killed. Effluent (waste water) is treated at the onsite Effluent Treatment Plant where parameters are tested according to the sites IPPC Permit requirements. Water usage is monitored and waste water/contaminated water sought to be reduced to as low as possible, again water and effluent will increase as production numbers increase.


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5.0 Conclusions and Recommendations In conclusion, to improve waste minimisation on site the following steps will need to be taken:

• The products disposed of as waste could be better utilised by providing adequate resources to segregate waste.

• Provide new waste management initiatives – use of balers to bale plastics and cardboard. • A regime of training and instruction would be beneficial to involve operatives and assure

success in the intended outcomes of waste segregation. • Work closely with Biffa to outsource and facilitate the adoption of better waste processing

techniques will allow waste derived from the site to be recycled and put to further use, therefore minimising “waste” that cannot or does not have another purpose after Cranswick Country Foods Ballymena have used it for its intended purpose.

• Ensure that pallets are either repaired or recycled by licenced waste management company • Communicate and train operatives in waste segregation and monitor continuously.

6.0 Recommendations The below step by step model is derived from Invest NI’s Guide for business on waste minimisation. It is recommended that each step is followed to continually improve and minimise waste derived from site as well as improving site compliance and increase the percentage of waste recycled from site.

Step What it will involve Step 1 – Gaining Commitment and Engaging People

Continuous communication with everyone in the factory, possible incentives for success

Step 2 – Quantifying Business Waste and Costs Cost of removal of waste and reduction thereafter by introducing a new system of waste management on site – part of review

Step 3 – Process Mapping To walk through the processes from receipt, use, disposal and final destination and processing – RecyCo have provided this

Step 4 - Understanding the Root-cause of Waste

Ascertaining what we are wasting and why

Step 5 – Monitoring and Targeting Set SMART Objectives and monitor them Step 6 – Waste Minimisation Action Plan To be developed in conjunction with Biffa and

other Waste Management companies Step 7 – Review of Performance Audit at specified intervals after the

confirmation and implementation of proposals made by Biffa

Step 8 – Communication Poster campaigns and briefings to those identified as involved with waste disposal and segregation

Step 9 – Continual Improvement Continuous monitoring and KPI setting to achieve targets set

Table 1. Step-by-Step Model

The following appendices display evidence of review and the current situation on waste minimisation throughout the site as well as proposed initiatives to minimise waste.

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7.0 Appendices

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Appendix 1 - Final destination of waste – RecyCo

Downstream Waste Management Register - End Destinations

Waste Carried

Name Registration Number/Licence Number (UK)/Permit Number (ROI)

Expiry Date Company Name Name of Contact Address and Contact no.

Cardboard Mark Lyndon

ROC UT 2828 14/10/2019 Mark Lyndon Paper Enterprises (UK) Limited

Mr Albert Tung Choi Chiu NG2 Business Park NG2 1AE Tel: 011 5877 0719 Mixed


Plastics Indaver W0167-01 - Initial Licence

Licensed Indaver Ireland Limited (Duleek)

N/A Carranstown, Duleek, Meath, Co. Meath.

Steel N/A CBDU65076 07/09/2018 Tandom Metallurgical, Cheshire N/A Radnor Park Industrial Estate Congleton Cheshire CW12 4XE UK Tel: +44 (0) 1260 271122 Fax: +44 (0) 1260 271324


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Waste Carried

Name Registration Number/Licence Number (UK)/Permit Number (ROI)

Expiry Date Company Name Name of Contact Address and Contact no.

Residual Waste

Eastwood Ltd S Eastwood

WML 01/03 LN/11/06/T

Licence Existing

Eastwood Enviro-Waste Facility - Non-Hazardous Treatment & Transfer MRF

N/A Eastwood Enviro-Waste Facility, Crosshill Quarry, Crosshill Road, Crumlin, Co Antrim, BT29 4BQ Tel: 028 90812221

Waste Carried

Name Registration Number/Licence Number (UK)/Permit Number (ROI)

Expiry Date Company Name Name of Contact Address and Contact no.

Glass Glassco NWCPO-08-01150-02

04/06/2019 Rehab Glassco Ltd. [email protected] Unit 4 Osberstown Industrial Park Carragh Road, Naas Co. Kildare. Tel: 016854400 Fax: 014430621

Textiles N/A WEEE N/A Inerts N/A

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Waste Carried

Name Registration Number/Licence Number (UK)/Permit Number (ROI)

Expiry Date Company Name Name of Contact Address and Contact no.

Timber Tyrone Energy

N/A N/A Tyrone Energy Limited - Energy from wood plant

N/A Tyrone Energy 3 Art Road, Artigarvan, Co Tyrone BT82 OHA Tel: 02871 883671 Fax: 02871 882376 http://www.tyroneenergy.com/

MDR RecyCo various end destinations

Carriers Licence - ROC UT 2313

12/12/2020 Recyco Ltd Martin McGirr - [email protected]

Recyco Ltd, 102 Barony Road, Mountfield, Omagh, Co Tyrone, BT79 7QG Tel: 028 8077 1000

WML - WML 25/33 LN/11/15

Licence Existing

RDF Indaver W0167-01 - Initial Licence

Licensed Indaver Ireland Limited (Duleek)

N/A Carranstown, Duleek, Meath, Co. Meath.

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Appendix 2 – CBA PowerPoint – Waste management area

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Appendix 3 – Sludge to pig number ration (Financial YTD)















































Sludge Tracker

Total Pig Number Sludge T Linear (Total Pig Number) Linear (Sludge T)