WASH in Schools Target Challenge Erica Gwynn [email protected] WASH Area of Focus Manager Manager of RI-USAID International H2O Collaboration

WASH in Schools Target Challenge - Microsoft · WASH in Schools Target Challenge Erica Gwynn [email protected] WASH Area of Focus Manager Manager of RI-USAID International H2O

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Page 1: WASH in Schools Target Challenge - Microsoft · WASH in Schools Target Challenge Erica Gwynn erica.gwynn@rotary.org WASH Area of Focus Manager Manager of RI-USAID International H2O

WASH in Schools Target Challenge

Erica [email protected]

WASH Area of Focus ManagerManager of RI-USAID International H2O Collaboration

Page 2: WASH in Schools Target Challenge - Microsoft · WASH in Schools Target Challenge Erica Gwynn erica.gwynn@rotary.org WASH Area of Focus Manager Manager of RI-USAID International H2O


The Challenge: Fragmentation

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Page 4: WASH in Schools Target Challenge - Microsoft · WASH in Schools Target Challenge Erica Gwynn erica.gwynn@rotary.org WASH Area of Focus Manager Manager of RI-USAID International H2O


The Challenge: Technology Centered Projects

Page 5: WASH in Schools Target Challenge - Microsoft · WASH in Schools Target Challenge Erica Gwynn erica.gwynn@rotary.org WASH Area of Focus Manager Manager of RI-USAID International H2O


The purpose of a Target Challenge is to rally Rotarians

around a common of goal in one or more Areas of

Focus to improve our impact

Page 6: WASH in Schools Target Challenge - Microsoft · WASH in Schools Target Challenge Erica Gwynn erica.gwynn@rotary.org WASH Area of Focus Manager Manager of RI-USAID International H2O


To enhance the quality of education through teacher capacity

building and curriculum enhancement while improving on access

to safe water, sanitation facilities and hygiene programming.

Goal of WASH in Schools Target Challenge

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General Strategy

•Focal Countries–India





•Ladder of Milestones

Page 8: WASH in Schools Target Challenge - Microsoft · WASH in Schools Target Challenge Erica Gwynn erica.gwynn@rotary.org WASH Area of Focus Manager Manager of RI-USAID International H2O


• Geder-segregated toilets

• Teacher training in handwashing

Tier 1

WASH in Schools Target Challenge Ladder

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• Geder-segregated toilets

• Teacher training in handwashing

Tier 1

Tier 2

• Gender-segregated toilets

• Teacher training in handwashing

• Defecation free school

• Teacher training in hygiene and menstrual hygiene

WASH in Schools Target Challenge Ladder

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• Geder-segregated toilets

• Teacher training in handwashing

Tier 1

Tier 2

• Gender-segregated toilets

• Teacher training in handwashing

• Defecation free school

• Teacher training in hygiene and menstrual hygiene

Tier 3

• Gender-segregated toilets

• Teacher training in handwashing

• Defecation free school

• Teacher training in hygiene and menstrual hygiene

• WHO standards met

• Curriculum enhancement

WASH in Schools Target Challenge Ladder

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The WASH in Schools Challenge is complementary to

the VTT WASH in Schools Model: In fact – THEY


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One Star

Validation will be done at District level

RESULTS Validation

Suggested Rotarian Participation

An estimated life cycle budget for all services

Cost and revenue resources

are considered and planned


Rotarian submission of

budget where costs and

revenues are accounted for

beyond completion of the


Rotarians train school management committee, school director and/or government officials on doing budgets

School management committee is functional

School has decisions being

made to represent all

populations (students,

parents, teachers and staff for

both genders)

Ownership of activities at

community level

List of meeting dates/times

Meeting notes with sign in


If problems arise, Rotarians can facilitate conversation to reconcile

Meet with SMC on regular basis

Empower SMC to make decisions

Educate SMC on importance of gender segregated toilets to share with larger community

Provision of/availability of

improved, safe and low-

cost water supply

Children have access to safe

drinking water at school

Attendance increases because

of healthier students

Children and school staff have

access to water for drinking,

cooking, cleaning and

sanitation needs

Photos of low-cost point-of-use treatment

Written justification of selected technology

Report submitted showing

water quality standards

have been met for one year

(at least 2 water quality

tests must be done during

this time.)

Photos of all water supplies

Water quality testing

Involvement of installation and selection of technology selected

Ensure training is provided for technicians or maintenance staff


Contract work


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improved sanitation that is

functional and clean

Females are given a physical

private space for their

sanitation and menstrual

hygiene management needs

Fecal-oral transmission of

disease is reduced

Photos of gender

segregated improved

sanitation facilities

Rotarians reporting

through interview with

children and teachers


Contract work

Discussing importance of gender-segregated toilets

All teachers are trained

and able to teach and

demonstrate hand washing

Teachers are able to go

beyond rote memorization

practices and are able to teach

using interactive methods

Teachers will ensure

handwashing is done regularly

and critical times

Fill out chart for training

Pre-test and post-test for

teacher training

Rotarians can train teachers or work with other organization to do so

Follow-up with teachers to see if training was successful

Teachers begin taking daily


Teachers form the habit of

keeping track of students

regular attendance

Photos/copies of attendance records

Rotarians can discuss importance of record keeping and can provide examples of record keeping from their own practices (home records, work records) as example

Daily supervised group

hand washing with

soap/ash, normally before

the school meal and at

group bathroom times

Hand washing with soap/ash

becomes a habit

The need to wash hands with

soap/ash before eating is


Group hand-washing sessions

provide a time to deliver

hygiene messages

Photo or video of

supervised group

handwashing session

Spot monitoring

Daily supervised cleaning

of toilets, and provision of

soap and water

Toilets are used because they

are clean

Water and soap are available

in in toilets

Open defecation in or near

the school is eliminated

Children learn the importance

of sanitation through active

Photos submitted by

Rotarians of clean toilets

Provision of report by

Rotarians (or cooperating

org) that soap and water

were present at time of

spot checks

Spot monitoring

Work with parent groups and schools to make soap if not available

Identify and secure affordable supply chains for consumables

Reinforce importance of line items for consumables in annual school budgets with principal and SMC

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Two Stars

Validation done at RI level

RESULTS Validation

Suggested Rotarian Participation

WASH facilities meet national


Higher quality facilities for school


National standards submitted alongside total number of facilities as a report

Continuous promotion of national standards

Education of SMC around national standards and when, why, how they were created

Public promotion of achievement

Celebratory event with the school

Facilities used by all children ( Healthier school environment

Positive behavior change

Report from Rotarians

or coop org containing

testimonials from

children and teachers

Interview students and teachers

Menstrual Hygiene

Management plan

implemented via

infrastructure and supportive


Girls feel more comfortable and

welcomed at school

Safe & healthy environment for

girls to attend school

Addresses taboos around


Photos of infrastructure and materials made available for girls

Educate SMC on how to provide social support for the students

Work with SMC to create an advocacy plan to continue dialogue with government to include MHM in national standards

Mentor small business owners to create business plans to make and distribute sanitary napkins that are reusable

Meet with parents to discuss importance of girls’ attendance during menstrual cycle

Teachers are trained in

hygiene and menstrual

hygiene management


Teachers are able to freely

reference hygiene and menstrual

hygiene management lessons

and can incorporate them into

life skills class (if applicable)

Teachers are able to comfortably

teach lessons to boys and girls

through reinforced classroom

management lessons

MHM teacher training curriculum submitted

Pretest/posttest results submitted

If Rotarians are in education field-create teacher training curriculum or do the training

Seek out cooperating organizations to facilitate training


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Improved attendance and

follow-up with students who

are not coming to school


Increases attendance

Students feel more valued and are encouraged to make up homework when absent

Attendance records & plans

from teachers on how to

deal with reoccurring


Facilitate a workshop with teachers on how to manage absenteeism

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Three Stars

Validation done at RI level

RESULTS Validation

Suggested Rotarian Participation

Facilities meet minimum WHO


Facilities equipped to meet demands of student/staff population

Submission of WHO standards alongside facility specifications

Advocate with district and national officials the importance of raising national standards and providing financial support to meet them

Regular maintenance of the

installed systems and facilities is

ensured and users are involved

where possible

Facilities work properly consistently

Positive hygiene behaviors are enforced and stakeholders take greater ownership

Example of maintenance log

Ensure trainings are ongoing

School management committee

monitors and evaluates if schools

are meeting national standards

and reports it to the government

SMC is confident in knowledge of

national standards and takes

ownership of the school's ability

to maintain set standards

Monitoring data reported

to Ministry of Education

or similar entity


Provide a copy of

submitted data

Meet with SMC as needed if communication breakdown with gov’t occurs—mediates if necessary

WASH lessons integrated into

classroom curriculum and

complementary teacher training


Teachers are more confident in

curriculum comprehension and

execution in the classroom and

now know how to adapt to

different contexts

Adapted curriculum

example shared

Rotarians arrange teacher training through local government office or cooperating organization

Transference of behavior change

and outreach to the community

surrounding the school

Students are viewed as hygiene

and sanitation leaders in their


Healthier behavior in


Schools are viewed as models of

the community

Community messages


Survey of community


Organizing campaigns, publications centered around healthy practices


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Recognition for Schools, Clubs and Districts

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• Process and DGE responsibilities

– 1 Star: District level recognition

– 2 Star: RI and UNICEF level recognition

– 3 Star: RI and UNICEF level recognition

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The Challenge

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