War War By Amanda Murphy


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This story is about a fight I had with my cousins.

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By  Amanda  Murphy  

As me and my cousins Madelyn Sinclare and of course my brother Ryan celebrated something that was amazing … our fort. This fort was the first fort I had built so I thought it was amazing. Madelyn and I carried on with our celebration with the fort we chattered away talking about our little ideas of patrolling the fort. So no one else would see our fort. Someone would see our fort. The joyous moment carried on with cheese slices crackers and bread my cousins and I shared jokes and told stories in the fort that was a swamp. Excitement died down as the girls and the boys went back to the lounges that were specially made for them. Those moments would be lost soon. A day passed by and as cousins/friends we returned to the fort once again. Madelyn and I had nick names that we called each other in the fort. I called Madelyn….. Rainpetal, because her hair looked like it had a tornado run over it. Madelyn, called me Willowpool for unknown reasons. As the day passed by the boys Ryan and Sinclare had their own random nicknames as well Ryan’s, was Lionblaze. Sinclare’s, was Tigerstripe. Things were going well. Our fort had a name for its group that played amongst its paths. We called ourselves SUNLIGHT. Sunlight had decided to crawl on their hands and knees searching for trouble as a group Trouble would be found. Two days after our celebration of the fort, we had returned to the fortress for another day of fun. On this very day I was teaching Rainpetal some more battle moves in the girls’ lounge. I immediately told Madelyn to stay in the fort while I searched for the patrol once I thought that it was to long overdue to wait. Rainpetal had no argument with me telling her to stay in the fort. As I searched for the boys patrol I found one boy Lionblaze out of the fort. Lionlaze was Ryan now because he was out of the fort. Ryan was loony he was letting strangers in our fort. I hurried back into the girls lounge through the tunnel that was the entrance. At the end of the tunnel Tigerstripe and Rainpetal were waiting for me just for me. “Ryan is letting strangers in the fort,FIVE STRANGERS! All of the strangers have evil glints in their eyes.” I announced the situation to Rainpetal and Tigerstripe. It felt like a cold icey finger crawled up my spine the freezing tempature was there and I was afraid. I soon described what I saw of these strangers. The strangers had sandy blond hair,sports jerseys, greenish eyes and their group had a range of age from 5 to 10.

“We must get these strangers out of the fort. They sound like they will do damage,”Rainpetal suggested. “NO! There are five of them that’s to many. Ryan will defend these strangers so it will be six against three. We will also get hurt and lose our fort,”I exclaim against Rainpetal’s suggestion. A battle started brewing as I pushed away Rainpetal suggestion. Rainpetals eyes narrowed and her mouth had just flown open so she could retrieve her words of her belief of the whole standing up against these people. “WE will lose the fort either way guys, but we won’t get hurt either way…. who knows what power these strangers have,”Tigerstripe stood up against Rainpetal and my argument I guess Rainpetal needed a bit more lessons on saving the group. Our argument was hushed by our curiosity as Lionblaze lead the strangers past the girls lounge entrance (they didn’t see the entrance because it was covered so the boys couldn’t disrupt the girls teaching each other tricks of all sorts,). Rainpetal and Tigerstripe let their curiosity out as they scurried to a corner of the lounge to watch the strangers.I followed the two to keep an eye on them but before I knew it those scurried along the secret paths that were made for the patrols.NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO this is very hard to keep these kids in order now and its going to be harder later. I followed along choosing a path that led to our dam…I had a peak of these strangers and named each one with horrible names. there was one with a green jersey that I named bone, the one with a purple jersey I named broken, the one that wore flip flops I named claw, the one that wore a pair of shorts I named horror, and the one that seamed to order the rest I named Scourge overall I called them wreck manes. I looked around I saw terrible things happening they were destroying the fort. Their trampled on shrubs they pulled branches off bushes it was terrible how they treated what we built. These strangers had destroyed the dam now it was terrible in about two minutes after they entered our fort they flooded it destroyed its rooms destroyed our plant furniture and found me. I was innocently hoping Rainpetal and Tigerstripe covered the paths and hid when they took me to their mother …… for biting them when I didn’t do it. I argued with their mother over me biting them then a conclusion sunlight had to share the fort with them. “Night why don’t you rebuild with the rest,”the wreckmane I called Scourge advised to me with a sly smirk. “Fine,”I Reply to the ten year old wreckmane Scourge, as I grit my teeth AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I hate you wreckmane why do you force me to do work saying that your group members do it also when they don’t?

It was like that for a couple of days because I didn’t want to argue with him. Finally the wreckmanes were bored of the fort one day and didn’t come to the fort VICTORY! It was amazing being able to walk freely in the fort again but those boys Lionblaze and Tigerstripe thought the fort should be to them selves. SELFISH A civil war had begun with in the fort boys against girls it was terrible we slapped each other with our hands scratched each other with our nails we weaved through bushes. I didn’t want to do this but I had to defend myself by doing these terrible things I missed the moments when our battle was nothing and we played in the warm sunlight told each other stories and enjoyed each other. We didn’t enjoy each other right now, I wish we could. Eventually we became sluggish and didn’t move from our hiding places we were tired of the battle. “Sorry for the battle, Willowpool,” Tigerstripe apologized, looking a bit bored and messed up. “Its fine, Tigerstripe. Don’t we all make mistakes? This is a big mistake though, you should be a bit more careful,“ I replied, welcoming the apology and trying to make it sound like I really wanted to accept this instead of just being polite. A day had passed and it was night time we were at a campfire next to the fort melting marsh mallows. “Madelyn?” I ask, as we sit next to each other on a log. “Yeah,” Madelyn replies, turning to me waiting for my reply. “Rainpetal … is going to have to say goodbye,” I say so quietly that only Madelyn could hear. “Willowpool is going to say good bye also,” she replies, blankly talking about me like I was someone else. Quickly we dash into the fort to say goodbye. We dash into a small clearing between two bushes just big enough for the two of us. I dip my fingers into a small dish with water in it that we found in the lake. This was our way of saying goodbye. As the freezing water in the dish reflects the full moons image. bye salt spring we will miss you, and our games and our pretend selves, that we leave on the island bye. As the night passed the day came me and Madelyn both had a secret that we had said goodbye to salts spring already. Ryan and Sinclare were in the car with us having a great time leaving we know now that we should have had that fight because we missed a day of fun because of it