" \BLE. ^ y ’llSOAE TIKE J *'*■''“ 4t:wo'U. ........... :*0 p. m. ' __ I p. m. ....... 5:.V»a. ni. ....... 8:83 p. m. ___ 12:15 p. ifl. __ 1:20 p. in. ___ 2:00 p. m. __ 11:15 a. m. ....... (5:45 a. m. U.iV' ............ 9 :1 5 1>. m. V.ïviiV-^î^n for meals. -t). ?:«?! '• ■ PASS PEAN0ÏÏ. 5AT1ÜJA jj , ,ir ruction Department. f --------- . ---- ------------ TIUTN8 NORTH NO. 4. ; NO. 2. (5:50 p. ir..! 12:20 p in n*.'12:00a m ■;ort p. nv 11:30a m ;.:1 : j» m. PL dam f:20p.:n. 9:.V»am 'hies ., gt-ciasa :ail others eecorxl clues. LOCAL LAYOUT M< trait & Co., have moved 0. vr. ,,, tiicir ih‘' v Ian n. . r r •. *' ’-..»t G ougbnour’B is tb^ place to Ai ip superintendent <>f the •tn,» from Glendive to «8 itheni U«‘m js j;) town. , , i,n<rlMinf *rs at .Ji:n Kane's place, tin- number, Brunswick Sample ... stuff, of the firm of Lawrence ,.jf h down from Gardiner, and p.pij-M to-morrow. . ,.r ...I to Gouglmonr's. I McLuighlin has his coupon ■is a: I aliped, and is ready to sell i for ,i!l points east. : 4.- r: ,ck of lumber just arriving at M. E. Conference has appointed C>oi rp Comfort. ;is pastor of jjjston and the Upper Yellowstone r„,. p.r of Chamber anil Parlor suits just ro rr>iUt F. A. Krciger'fl. (jpoige Harvey arrived from Brain- few days ago and is occupying •;eposition of foreman of the car ril.lJK. i rr-nmlhair always on hand at the Montana |.r,inl<r(’tU'ipttny. Several heavy locomotives for use >n the Oregon California railroad ^ivepassed through town during the id few days. 7fS?r«*tsprinkler is immense. Sois Jim. 5 whisky, at Brunswick Sample rooms. (inand after to-day the Northern 'aeiiic will receive freight hound to or ran any point between Duluth or St. Veil ami the Pacific. r.c,f»ua Lumber I'ompnay Is still booming. The pay car “Livingston*’ went if .yesterday, and will return in a ft days and deal out the dollars iing employes here. "lost canned fruits and sauces at Mrs. Lyons' I'V jrocery. The first regular car to pass over the tyfit where the Northern Pacific ends d track met was flat car No. 2,709; ['hefirst eahou.se to pass over was No. T 'SUiid the first locomotive was No. '« best groesrio? in town, at Mrs. I.vons*, "arkstreet. Judge Ihwllong informed us last '"iiing that he had disposed of seven- ‘uncivil and criminal actions in the ; preceding thirty hours, and it was not 1 V (,ry good time for law business, ■ither, *'T ■! fln.* (piality of t«*n. or good, pure coffee. ^ 1’'1 *Ik‘ S!^r grocery store on Clark street. Airs. •JOWL the N ational P ark P ioneer (reek1 y edition of the E nterprise ) Dppeir to-morrow, full of local, ■utoi iai ami general news. It may M ,|!,tai:ied at this ofileê in wrappers !>:,,|y for mailing if desired. r ('.r "wn, native lumber is nmv coming from : ’ .us im I i«.»f a superior quality. Cali and see us *•«»» buying. ( **!e Cosiness car “ Pioneer** came in ‘"'rn ^,e 'V(*st yesterday and went • "bthe Park branch, returning last- '‘'Tiling. Its occupant was G. W. "hing, superintendent of motive of the Northern Pacific. ni! v * '!^ * * ™ ^ three stores for fresh frnit fancy Trocerias uf>u K‘Iu^t confectionery and ^‘111 who \VaS Iliurstl; *as arrested on l\ evening for discharging his ■j ‘ '"I Main street, came before Judge . / "n~ 'estt-rday morning, pleadguil- the charge mi, i yielded S3 and *Rtsto »well the county assets. * -lunr-iit "«if i' *IHQ - received a heavy con- "r‘ngt*. am.i yY^rrua irrapes, pears, lemon«, « mrkÄS; «<*•* tient^11 Ue ^,1Ve typhoid fever pn- ji,,r the railroad hospital. iiK u f'.n physician in charge inform« cases m ;, h|lS ,1:ul ,u‘lu,y tw enty such n,(*nu„...U. 118 Crtre during tb e sura- however \ v " ,,ie*1 *l:lve *)(Jpn ^Hta^ li^ts hav u.lth0Ut f‘xcePtlon tlie pa- rtj;ul tHI hear th th* Mrs. J. W. Smith arrived yesterday from a month’s visit to Michigan, and went her way to join lier husband at the National Park. Mr. W. D. Knioht accompanied her from Livingston to make a short visit in the Park. i Ä S L ^ .f t S i S ! 4 - ld at the Brewery George Weber was taken before the court yesterday morning charged with murdering John Zutavern. He plead guilty and was committed for trial at the next district court without privil- ege of bail. This makes four in Buze- man jail upon this capital charge be- sides another murderer under sentence and awaiting execution. E ^ ational Park cISar is f°r sale at the Gilt K e\. A\ . E. Archibald will hold ser- vices on Sunday in the morning at 10:30 in the waiting room of the pas- senger depot, and in the evening at 8 o clock in Major Bingham’s building. The subject for the morning*» dis- course will be, “The Love of God,” and in the evening “Saving repent- ance” will be the topic. If you w ant anything in tho hardware lin« it will pay you to go to F. A. Kroigor's. You can buv at your own prices, as he is closing out. tf A pet eagle at M. Wetzstein & Co.'s store started out yesterday morning to exeicise himseif and flew through one of tue large window lights in the front of the building. It is supposed that at first the bird mistook the spotless glass for open daylight though he evidently realized his error when it was too late for repentance. He now languishes in solitary confinement. This ia the season for fruits of all kinds, and fresh vegetables, and Matthiésson is the naiv man in Livingston wao keeps a full stock of them. Go to any of his throe stores. Frank Stone returned to Livingston yesterday, after tin absence of a few weeks, during which time he has vis- ited St. Paul and other Minnesota cities. He says that wdiile in the east he and C. M, Derrick disposed of an interest in their rich Clark’s Fork mine, and that the purchasers will un- doubtedly proceed to make prepara- tions for its development. Farmers, if you want the best make of mowers, rakes, Harvesting machinery and agricultural im- plements of all kiud^., call upon Lawrence Ä Stull, Main etreet. There are now to be seen in the Liv- ingston yards fully a dozen palace cars, either Pullmans or private coaches, besides the baggage cars belonging with them. They are awaiting the re- turn from the Park of four different parties of tourists. Hatch’s party, the Philadelphia excursionists and the party from Massachusetts comprise three of them, while the fourth is not known—the cars having been sent here empty to await their occupants. Lawrence & Stuff have for sale stoves of every description, and will warrant to suit purchasers in both style and price. They have also lull line of «jenerai hardware. The many who delight in inspectng hands,.me photographic work should visit Kopp & Potter’s art gallery where the obliging proprietors will be pleased to display their views. They are pretty constantly engaged in filling orders for portrait work but devote their spare time to taking views of buildings and street scenes in town and of pictureque scenery or objects of interest in the surrounding country. They now have a large series of this class of views and are finding a ready sale for them to visitors and to resi- dents who send them to friends in the east. Both members of the firm are first-class artists and are constantly turning out photographs that would be a credit to any gallery. To those who want pictures of themselves, their friend or their buildings we take pleas- ure in recom mending Kopp & Potter. tank is being erected at the end of the round house, and the oil tanks are being placed in the vaults of the build- ing devoted to that purpose. Upon the other buildings nothing has yet been done above the foundations. As It looks now, from the rapidity with which work is being carried forward, the entire system of buildings will be ready for occupancy before winter, or at least by tiie beginning of the new year. As repeated inquiries have been made for copies of the E nterprise containing a statement of the extent and size of the buildings, we publish it again. Round house of fifteen stalls, 70 feet deep, to accommodate the largest engine in use on the road; wrought Iron turn table, diameter 30 feet. Sand and pump house ................. 20x40 Oil house......................................... 20x80 In its basement will be two tanks with a capacity of 130 and 100 barrels re- spectively. On the upper iloor vâil be four smaller tanks. Car shops ......................................... 52x100 Machine shops .............................. 120x204 Engine room .................................. 35 Boiler house .................................. dOx i0 Chimney height ............................ 100 Blacksmith and boiler shops. ... G7x212 Store ami office building ............... 44x100 Two water tanks ......... - ............ ................... T he Church Extension Society of the Methodist church during the seven- teen years of its existence has collected and disbursed:;U,020,752. Freni build- ing one church a week throughout the year, the society has now reached nine a week, and expet ts soon to make tho number two a claw LUMBERlLUMBER! Mon i- th ui one-half of 54,PC0 ehil- dren lr lei y examined i.i German' were f' und to _>e suffering from dei'< *cbva vision. In some schools the ])>u.| t »■ : :o,. of the dior’-sighted was as high as « 0 and SOper cent. Strayed or Stolen. On<* li<rht complexioned dmle with too too pants and tdn«_de da ssin left eve. Anv informât! m that will lead to 111 ■î whereabouts will be thankfully re- ceived at Jim ivane's Brunswick Sample Rooms. $10 Reward. From Livintrston on the nidit of Sundae the lvth inst. on<* brown man* oonv with white face white hind f.rot and seisora brand on leftshoulder A liberal rewar 1 will he paidtor the animais re- t::r:i to J . II. Ei.DRiwn:. Livingdon, Mont. I would respectfully announce that after a successful trade for the past three months, that I am STILL IN THE FIELD, And with my increased facilities am prepared to furnish Lumber at A\ hole- sale or Retail, at prices that cannot be beat in the Yellowstone Valley. I carry as complete a stock of EASTERN LUMBER,hSASH,n MOULDINGS, DOORS, BLINDS, BUILDING PAPER, 4 As can be found in the town of Livingston. I can furnish anything in the Native Lumber line promptly. My motto is: “Live and Let Live.” Be sure and call on me before buying and I will do you good. E. G-OUG-H 0"CT^- D. M .R EESE, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER STORE FITTING A SPECIALTY. Plans and Specifications given for any kind of work. Office at the Brunswick Hotel. i. OrscheS & Bro., Are preparing to remove into their new brick store on Park street, and will continue to sell goods at greatly reduced prices. LVXoniexyaicrTsnm HOBBS & LINK, L iTorv. M and Sals Stalls + t .A.:n.cl Corral. Parties outfitted with paddle horses, buck boards or line carriages on short notice. Tonna reasona- ble. Gardiner. M. T. I ourists Look Here. W H E N Y O U V IS IT The National Park, Stop at the POST-OFFICE STORE, GARDINER, MONTANA, for your Blankets, Groceries, Provisions and Everything you want. PL. .A.. B e l l . NOTICE. Notice ia hereby given to all parties who trive dances at which liquors, wines or cigars are sold that they must pay a license of Ten Dollars. for each dance so riven or they will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Such license must be paid in advance, before tie* dance commences, to tae undersigned at his office in Livingston, M. T. G EORGE W METCALF, Deputy Treasurer and Collector for Gallatin county, M. T. WEBSTER’S UNABRIDGED. Latest Edition has 1 1 8 , 0 0 0 Words, (3ÜÜÜmore than any other American Diet’y,) 3 0 0 0 Engravings, (nearly 3 times the number in anyother Dict’y.) also contains a Biographical Dictionary giving brief important facts concerning 9700 Noted Persona. The following, from page 11G4, shows tho value ol \!2 , k 2 j,‘! “ase a‘isM from *..U* n Orders at the rail. ,n" *10u$e scross the track The Doctor thinks buds. *n»tue r*t(*i. neglect to ' suits properly disin- The Railroad Shops, Remarkable progress is being made in the work on the Northern Pacific shops. Since tire round-house passed from the hands of the bricklayers the whole force has been concentrated upon work at the shops. It was the contractor’s intention to complete the machine shop, the largest building ot the group, before beginning work on j tire others. But this plan was slightly j disai ranged from a temporary scarcity j of dressed stone to be used in the j walls. The walls of the car shoo were j therefore begun, and the two buildings have been carried along togethei, and both are well advanced toward comple- tion. The main building of the ma- chine shops is being roofed, while at its western end the boilers aie in posi- tion for tbe walls will be built around th,m . mid next bey.,ml about fifteen S Of the total 100 feet of the stack are j ,J™ ng ?™ld 1)0 f ircd are tho already laid. . The Ur and gravel roofing of tbe round house is almost completed; the turn table is in position, though not ret ready for use; the sand drying and Illustrated Definitions* 1, flying jib; S.jib; », foretop-mast-stay sail; 4, fore-course ; 5, foretop sail ; 6, foretop-galiant sail ; 7, fore-royal ; 8, foro sky sail ; 9, fore-royal studding sail ; 10, foretop-gallftht studding sail; 11, foretop-riiast studding-sail ; l'-i, main-course; 13» maintop sail; 14, maintop-gallant sail ; 15, main-roval ; 1Ö, main sky sail ; 17, main royal studding sail ; 1 H, main top-gal !ant studding sail ; 19, main top-mast studding sail ; 20, mir.zen-course ; _ 81» mizzen-top sail ; 22, mir.zen-rop-gallftntsail 23, mizsen-royal ; ' w £ 5 ,mizzen-spanker. luiv that could be fifed are tlx following: B®ef, éoiler, Castle, Column, Eye, Horse. Moldings. Phrenology, Kavelin, ships, q>p. 11G4 and 1219) Steam Engine and Timbers. These 13 pictures define 343 words and terms. THE STANDARD. Webster is the Standard of th°U. S. Supreme j Balke Bit hard and i‘«x»l 1 aides Court and in the U. S. Gov’t Printing Office. Recommended by State Snp’ts of Schools in 36 States. Side 20 times that of any other series. sosTorr oot & Shoe Store ! £ A Good Calf Boot for $2.50. Ladies’ Shoes from $1 Upw’ds. We have also in stock, a select line of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. Firs Arms, Aiamnitioa. Fisîüag Mis, aid Sgorting (Ms, Boots and Shoes Made to order. Repairing Neatly Done. O a.ll a n d seeus. C- 33. ToTxrers âz> Go. Mail! St.. Opposite tils Beal, ________ Livingston, Montana. FOR FIRST-CLASS JOB PRINTING CALL AT THIS OFFICE. Schreiner & Sons WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS! Carry a heavier and mort» carefully »elected stock of Wines, Liquors and Cigars than any firm in ’Eastern Mon ‘ana, consisting of Domes^e aad Imported W' Brandies, Jamaica Hum, Holland Gin, every description of Bitters, j waukoe. St. Louis and Chicago lîeor. Ines. Whiskies and Ale and Porter. Mil- They are also agents tor the J M Brunswick and pump hoUStt U Hashed; tile supply C.à C.MERR1AM L C0.»IWr* Springfield,^. Main Sîroet, Livingston, Montana.

W. LUMBERlLUMBER! - Library of Congress...PL. .A.. Bell. NOTICE. Notice ia hereby given to all parties who trive dances at which liquors, wines or cigars are sold that they must pay

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Page 1: W. LUMBERlLUMBER! - Library of Congress...PL. .A.. Bell. NOTICE. Notice ia hereby given to all parties who trive dances at which liquors, wines or cigars are sold that they must pay

" \B LE.^ y ’llSOAE TIKE xüJ* '* ■''“ 4t:wo'U. ........... :*0 p. m.

' __ I p. m........ 5:.V»a. ni........ 8:83 p. m.

___ 12:15 p. ifl.’__ 1:20 p. in.___ 2:00 p. m.__ 11:15 a. m.

....... (5:45 a. m.U.iV' ............ 9:151>. m.

V.ïviiV- î n for meals.


?:«?! '• ■

PASS PEAN0ÏÏ.5AT1ÜJA jj, ,ir ruction D ep artm en t.

f --------- .---- ------------TIUTN8 NORTH

NO. 4. ; NO. 2.

(5:50 p. ir..! 12:20 p in n*.'12:00a m

■;ort p. nv 11:30a m ;.: 1 : j» m. PL dam f:20p.:n. 9:.V»am

'hies., gt-ciasa :ail others eecorxl clues.


M< trait & Co., have moved0. vr.,,, tiicir ih‘'v Ian n .

. r r •. *' ’-..»t Gougbnour’B is tb^ place to

Ai ip superintendent <>f the •tn,» from Glendive to


itheni U«‘m • js j;) town.

, , i,n<rlMinf *rs at .Ji:n K ane's place, tin- number, Brunswick Sample

... stuff, of the firm of Lawrence ,.jf h down from Gardiner, and p.pij-M to-morrow.

. ,.r ...I to Gouglmonr's.

I McLuighlin has his coupon ■is a: I aliped, and is ready to selli for ,i!l points east.: 4.- r: ,ck of lumber just arriving at

M. E. Conference has appointed C>oi rp Comfort. ;is pastor of

jjjston and the Upper Yellowstoner „,. p.r of Chamber anil Parlor suits ju s t ro

rr>iUt F. A. Krciger'fl.

(jpoige Harvey arrived from Brain- few days ago and is occupying

•;e position of foreman of the carril.lJK.

i rr-nmlhair always on hand at the Montana|.r,inl<r(’tU'ipttny.

Several heavy locomotives for use >n the Oregon California railroad ivepassed through town during th e id few days.7fS?r«*tsprinkler is im m ense. S o is J im .

5 whisky, at Brunswick Sample rooms.

(in and after to-day the N orthern 'aeiiic will receive freight hound to or ran any point between D uluth or St.

Veil ami the Pacific.r.c,f»ua Lumber I'ompnay Is still booming.

The pay car “ Livingston*’ went if.yesterday, and will re tu rn in a ft days and deal out the dollars iing employes here."lost canned fruits and sauces at Mrs. Lyons'

I 'V jrocery.

The first regular car to pass over the tyfit where the N orthern Pacific ends d track met was flat car No. 2,709;

['hefirst eahou.se to pass over was No. T'SUiid the first locomotive was No.

'« best groesrio? in town, at Mrs. I.vons*,"ark street.

Judge Ihwllong informed us last '"iiing that he had disposed of seven-

‘uncivil and criminal actions in the ; preceding thirty hours, and it was not 1 V(,ry good time for law business, ■ither,

*'T ■! fln.* (piality of t«*n. or good, pure coffee. 1’'1 *Ik‘ S!^r grocery store on C lark street. Airs.•JOWL

the N a t io n a l P a r k P io n e e r

(reek 1 y edition of the E n t er pr ise) Dppeir to-morrow, full of local,

■utoi iai ami general news. I t may M,|!,tai:ied at this ofileê in wrappers

!>:,,|y for mailing if desired.r ('.r "wn, native lumber is nmv coming from : ’ .us im I i«.»f a superior quality. Cali and see us*•«»» buying.

( **!e Cosiness car “ Pioneer** came in ‘"'rn ^ ,e 'V(*st yesterday and went• "bthe Park branch, returning last- '‘'Tiling. Its occupant was G. W .

"hing, superintendent of motive of the Northern Pacific.

• ni! v * '!^ * * ™ three stores for fresh frnit fancy Trocerias uf>u K‘Iu t confectionery and

^‘111 who \VaSIliurstl;

*as arrested on l\ evening fo r discharging his

■j ‘ '"I Main s tre e t, cam e before Judge . / "n~ 'estt-rday morning, pleadguil-

u» the charge mi,i y ie ld ed S3 and *Rtsto »well th e coun ty assets.

* -lunr-iit "«if i' *IHQ- received a heavy con- "r‘ngt*. am.i yY^rrua irrapes, pears, lemon«,

«m rk Ä S ; «<*•*

tient^11 Ue ^ ,1Ve typhoid fever pn- j i , , r the railroad hospital. iiK u f '.n physician in charge inform«

cases m ;, h|lS ,1:ul ,u‘lu,y tw enty such n,(*nu„...U. 118 Crtre during tbe sura-

however \ v " ,,ie*1 *l:lve *)(Jpn ^Hta li ts hav u.lth0Ut f‘xcePtlon tlie pa- rtj;ul tHI

hear th th*

Mrs. J . W. Smith arrived yesterday from a m onth’s visit to Michigan, and went her way to join lier husband at the National Park . Mr. W. D. K nioht accompanied her from Livingston

to make a short visit in the Park.

i Ä S L ^ . f t S i S ! 4 - ld a t the Brewery

George W eber was taken before the court yesterday morning charged with m urdering John Zutavern. He plead guilty and was committed for trial at the next d istrict court w ithout privil­ege of bail. This makes four in Buze- man jail upon th is capital charge be­sides another m urderer under sentence and aw aiting execution.

E ^ ational P ark cISar is f° r sale a t the G ilt

K e \. A\ . E . A rchibald will hold ser­vices on Sunday in the morning at 10:30 in the w aiting room of the pas­senger depot, and in the evening at 8 o clock in Major Bingham ’s building. The subject for the morning*» dis­course will be, “ The Love of God,” and in the evening “ Saving repent­ance” will be the topic.

If you w ant anything in tho hardware lin« it will pay you to go to F. A. Kroigor's. You can buv at your own prices, as he is closing out. tf

A pet eagle at M. W etzstein & Co.'s store started out yesterday morning to exeicise him seif and flew through one of tue large window lights in the front of the building. I t is supposed tha t a t first the bird mistook the spotless glass for open daylight though he evidently realized his error when it was too late for repentance. He now languishes in solitary confinement.

This ia the season for fru its of all kinds, and fresh vegetables, and M atthiésson is the naiv man in Livingston wao keeps a full stock of them. Go to any of his throe stores.

Frank Stone returned to Livingston yesterday, after tin absence of a few weeks, during which tim e he has v is­ited St. Paul and other Minnesota cities. H e says th a t wdiile in the east he and C. M, Derrick disposed of an in terest in th e ir rich Clark’s Fork mine, and th a t the purchasers will un­doubtedly proceed to make prepara­tions for its development.

Farm ers, if you want the best make of m ow ers, rakes, Harvesting machinery and agricultural im ­plem ents of all kiud^., call upon Lawrence Ä Stull, Main etreet.

There are now to be seen in the L iv ­ingston yards fully a dozen palace cars, e ither Pullmans or private coaches, besides the baggage cars belonging with them . They are aw aiting the re ­turn from the Park of four different parties of tourists. H a tch ’s party, the Philadelphia excursionists and the party from M assachusetts comprise three of them , while the fourth is not known—the cars having been sent here empty to aw ait th e ir occupants.

Lawrence & Stuff have for sale stoves of every description, and will w arrant to suit purchasers in both style and price. They have also lu ll line of «jenerai hardware.

The many who delight in inspectng hands,.me photographic work should visit Kopp & P o tter’s a rt gallery where the obliging proprietors will be pleased to display the ir views. They are pretty constantly engaged in filling orders for portrait work but devote the ir spare time to taking views of buildings and street scenes in town and of pictureque scenery or objects of in terest in the surrounding country. T h ey now have a large series of this class of views and are finding a ready sale for them to visitors and to resi­dents who send them to friends in the east. Both members of the firm are first-class artists and are constantly turning out photographs tha t would be a credit to any gallery. To those who want pictures of themselves, their friend or their buildings we take pleas­ure in recom mending Kopp & Potter.

tank is being erected at the end of the round house, and the oil tanks are being placed in the vaults of the build­ing devoted to tha t purpose. Upon the other buildings nothing has yet been done above the foundations. As It looks now, from the rapidity with which work is being carried forward, the entire system of buildings will be ready for occupancy before winter, or a t least by tiie beginning of the new year. As repeated inquiries have been made for copies of the Enterprise containing a statem ent of the extent and size of the buildings, we publish it again.

Round house of fifteen stalls, 70 feet deep, to accommodate the largest engine in use on the road; wrought Iron turn table, diameter 30 feet.Sand and pump house................. 20x40Oil house......................................... 20x80

In its basement will be two tanks with a capacity of 130 and 100 barrels re­spectively. On the upper iloor vâil be

four smaller tanks.Car shops......................................... 52x100Machine shops..............................120x204Engine room.................................. 35Boiler house .................................. dOx i 0

Chimney h e ig h t............................ 100Blacksmith and boiler shops. . . . G7x212Store ami office building............... 44x100Two water tanks.........- ............ ...................

T he Church Extension Society of the M ethodist church during the seven­teen years of its existence has collected and disbursed:;U,020,752. Freni build­ing one church a week throughout the year, the society has now reached nine a week, and expet ts soon to make tho num ber two a claw


Mon i- th ui one-half of 54,PC0 ehil-dren lr le i y examined i.i German' weref' u n d to _>e suffering from dei'<*cbvavision. In some schools the ])>u.| t»■ : :o ,.of the dior ’-sighted was as high as « 0and SO per cent.

S tra y e d o r S to len .

On<* li<rht complexioned dmle with too too pantsand tdn«_de d a ssin left eve. Anv informât! m thatwill lead to 111 ■î whereabouts will be thankfully re-ceived at Jim ivane's Brunswick Sample Rooms.

$1 0 R e w a rd .From Livintrston on the n id it of Sundae the lvth

inst. on<* brow n man* oonv with white face whitehind f.rot and seisora brand on leftshoulder Aliberal rewar 1 will he paidtor the anim ais re-t::r:i to J . II. Ei.DRiwn:. Livingdon, Mont.

I would respectfully announce th a t after a successful trade for the past threemonths, th a t I am

STILL IN THE FIELD,And w ith my increased facilities am prepared to furnish Lum ber a t A\ hole-

sale or Retail, a t prices th a t cannot be beat in the Yellowstone Valley. I carry as complete a stock of



As can be found in the town of Livingston.

I can furnish anything in the N ative Lum ber line promptly. My motto is: “ Live and L et L ive.” Be sure and call on me before buying and

I will do you good.

E . G - O U G - H 0"C T^-


STORE FITTIN G A SPECIALTY.Plans and Specifications given for any kind

of work.Office at the Brunswick Hotel.

i. OrscheS & Bro.,

Are preparing to remove into

their new brick store on Park

street, and w ill continue to sell

goods at greatly reduced prices.


HOBBS & LINK,LiTorv. M and Sals Stalls+ t

.A.:n.cl Corral.

Parties outfitted with paddle horses, buck boards or line carriages on short notice. Tonna reasona­ble. Gardiner. M. T.

I ourists Look Here.W H E N Y O U V I S I T

The National Park,Stop a t the POST-OFFICE STORE, G A RD IN ER, M ONTANA, for your

Blankets, Groceries, Provisions and Everything you want.

PL. .A.. B e l l .

NOTICE.Notice ia hereby given to all parties who trive

dances at which liquors, wines or cigars are sold that they must pay a license of

Ten Dollars.for each dance so riven or they will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Such license m ust be paid in advance, before tie* dance commences, to tae undersigned at his office in Livingston, M. T.

G EORGE W M E T C A L F ,Deputy T reasurer and Collector fo r G alla tin county, M. T.

W E B S T E R ’SU N A B R ID G E D .

Latest Edition has 1 1 8 , 0 0 0 Words,(3ÜÜÜ more than any other American Diet’y,)

3 0 0 0 Engravings,(nearly 3 times the number in anyother Dict’y.) also contains a B iographical D ictionary

giving brief important facts concerning9 7 0 0 Noted Persona.

The following, from page 11G4, shows tho value ol

\!2 ,

k 2 j , ‘! “ase a ‘ isM from

*..U* n O rd e rs a t th e rail. ,n" *10u$e scross the track

The Doctor th inksbuds.


neglect to' suits properly disin-

T h e R a ilroad Shops,

R e m a rk a b le p ro g re ss is b e in g m ad e

in t h e w o rk on th e N o r th e r n P ac ific

sh o p s . S in ce tire ro u n d -h o u se p assed

f ro m th e h a n d s o f th e b r ic k la y e rs

th e w h o le fo rc e h a s b e e n c o n c e n tra te d

u p o n w o rk a t th e s h o p s . I t w a s th e

c o n t r a c to r ’s in te n t io n to c o m p le te th e

m a c h in e s h o p , th e la rg e s t b u ild in g o t

th e g ro u p , b e fo re b e g in n in g w ork on j tire o th e r s . B u t th i s p la n w as s lig h tly j

d isa i ra n g e d f ro m a te m p o ra ry s c a rc i ty j

o f d re s s e d s to n e to be u sed in th e j

w a lls . T h e w a lls o f th e c a r sh o o w ere j th e r e f o r e b e g u n , an d th e tw o b u ild in g s

h a v e b e e n c a r r ie d a lo n g to g e th e i , an d

b o th a r e w e ll a d v a n c e d to w a rd c o m p le ­

t io n . T h e m a in b u i ld in g o f th e m a ­

c h in e sh o p s is b e in g ro o fe d , w h ile a t

i t s w e s te rn e n d th e b o ile rs a i e in p o s i­

t io n f o r tb e w a lls w ill b e b u i l t a ro u n d

t h , m . m id n e x t b ey .,m l a b o u t fifteen S

Of th e to ta l 100 f e e t o f th e s ta c k a r e j , J ™ n g ?™ld 1)0 f ircd are tho

a lre a d y la id . .T h e U r a n d g ra v e l ro o fin g o f tb e

ro u n d h o u s e is a lm o s t c o m p le te d ; th e

t u r n ta b le is in p o s it io n , th o u g h n o t

r e t re a d y fo r u se ; th e sa n d d ry in g an d

Illustrated Definitions*1, flying jib; S.jib;», foretop-mast-stay sail; 4 , fore-course ;5, foretop sail ; 6, foretop-galiant sail ;7, fore-royal ; 8 , foro sky sail ;9, fore-royal studding sail ;

10, foretop-gallftht studding sail;11, foretop-riiast studding-sail ;l'-i, main-course; 13» maintop sail;14, maintop-gallant sail ; 15, main-roval ;1Ö, main sky sail ; 17, main royal studding sail ;1H, main top-gal !ant studding sail ;19, main top-mast studding sail ;20, mir.zen-course ; _ 81» mizzen-top sail ;22, mir.zen-rop-gallftntsail 23, mizsen-royal ;

' w £ 5 ,mizzen-spanker.luiv that could be fifed are tlx

following: B®ef, éoiler, Castle, Column, Eye,Horse. Moldings. Phrenology, Kavelin, ships, q>p. 11G4 and 1219) Steam Engine and Timbers.These 13 pictures define 343 words and terms.

TH E ST A N D A R D .Webster is the Standard of th°U. S. Supreme j Balke Bit hard and i‘«x»l 1 aides

C ourt and in the U. S. Gov’t P rin tin g Office.Recommended by S tate Snp’ts o f Schools in 36 States. Side 2 0 times that of any other series.

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