: 'w 2 e . l it 4 1 J - g J J IBSSSSWKSi! GIFT DISTRIBUTION. BOOTS. SlJOES.c3 v I HI - DRY GOODS. DRY GOODS. ITCH. tSere "the Wdium W communikatlon- - t ifot one in Pinch vet lor the boots Am-iQumuz- n ii u I h-?r- 4 Ii S - 7 Atii! AfpMi epw . . FRIDAY. .DECEMBER 29 i Strange Story. s Th London correspondent of the fiound Table says :! ' I, r " v ; "0 " London is often filled with rnmors of a fi e- -J rj S S iO fs r 1 " 22 lEf WHOLESALE." "suppressed princess here ana "beg- - gar nobleman" there. - How much troth V there may be in each floating etoriea "Heaven only knows. That the Frincess lodena lately died in: th Marylebone orkhou8e ie certainly true, and it is troe that an Indian prinsess was the snb- -. ject of a letter in the Times lately calling t attention to her distrass. , But lately a very strange paaifIi-wa- i published in Bristol, giving a story of this kind with more than ordinary weracity. It is the autobiography of a blind man named James Davia,; well known in Bristol, where he eoes about playing a concertina MAIN STEEET. t ' ALABOB ASSORTMENT OH HAHB AND almost daily. Tha trade Is respectfully Invited to examine my stock with the awn ranee that they will Sad as rood Goods aad as low price as any boos ia tan Thankful to old customer for past favors, I would respectfully solicit n oontinuano of tan 2P. sxMonia. Xvassvills. July 13. FURS. Ladies Fur Capes. Victo- - rines, Collars, Circular JLTuaTs, Cum, etc., In Mhilc. Sable Fitch, and all kinds of Purs now worn. FASHIOITABLE HOODS, CAPS, ... TUHBASS, MISSES CAPES, MUFFS A CUFFS All sizes and prices. : CS-ent- s 9 Fur Caps. Collars, Gloves. s j .. . ... '..! ei j ',.'....;.' - . r' Fanoy Fur Trimmed Caps. "" ; w TA.0TIEB A ntABOONNIIB'8, dscSdml j . S Main etreet. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. COPARTNERSHIP HEElTOfOBE THB between at. Ooldmaa, L Brg, John V. Wa'eon. and J. A. atoComas. under the .trie of Goldmen, Berg A Co., at 80 Market etreet, Phlladeljthie, and Xvaaaville, ladlua, this day expires by Umiutioa. Tha busiae of tbe KvansTUls Branca wut be settled ay joha f Wateoa, th reeident p rtnr. Bovemner 80, I860. 'j Copartner sMp. 4 r" f Great Distribution. ? : ,n f'i tan. l..s-j- j ;:v EVBBKA GIFT ASSOCIATIO-N- . ' Xstabltshed 1846. ".m-'i- 180 BBOADWATV BKW TORK. :t J BOSSWOOD PIANOS, HILODTOBS, FT SB OIL PAINTINGS, SN0BAYING3, SltVEtt WABS, FWSGOLDArBILYBB WATCHgiJ.s-Dlamoo- d Pins, Diamond Bings, Sold Braseleta, Coral, Florentine, afosaic, Jet,- - Lava and 1 Cameo Ladies' Se s, Gold Pens with Gold . and Silvsr Kxtension Holders, Sleeva ' ' ' Buttons, Sew of Studs. Vest and Neck Chalae, Gold Binge, Ac, ,u ' Valued , it nv. . Bl, 000,000. - t. , SI3TBIBTJTI0K Is made ia tha following manner: GJC&TIFICATK3 namlnc each article and Its value are placed in SEALED XNTELOPBS, which arw well mixed.. On of these envelopes, containing the Certificate or Order for some arti- cle, will be delivered at onr office er sent by mail to any address, without regard to choice, on re- ceipt of 25 cents. '" On receiving the- - eertlfioete- ths purchaser will see what article it draws and its value, and can then send ONB DOLLAB aad receive the article named, or can choose any other one article on onr list of the same value. ' ar Purchasers of our 8BAXF.D XNVBLOFKS may. In this mannsr, obtain an artirls worth fiom Ons to Five Hundred Dollars, .. . . For One? Dollar : . Which they need" not pay antil it Is known what Is ' drawn, and its vain. Xntire hatisfaetioa Guar- anteed in all cases..- .j - r ' . TnE EUR1K1 GIFT ASSOCIlTIOJf Would call attention to the nvct of Its being th Origins! aad Largest Gift Association In tne coun- try. We are therefore enabled to send Finer Goods, and give better chances to obtain th more valuable prises, than any other establ shment of th kind. The bueiaees continues to be conduct ed ia a fair and h norable manner, and a large ana greeny increased trade la proof tnat our pat- - ions appreciate mis method of obtaining rich aua elegant gocd. During tiit past year this Association nas sent a very Urge number of valuable priase to all Dirts of tha tonntrv. These who patronise will receive tbe full valns of their money, as no article on our list Is worth lees than one dollar, retail, and there are ao blanks. Parties dealing with us may depend on bavins prompt returns, and the article drawn will be im mediately sent teeny address, ny return mail or express. ..," Tbe following parties here recently drawn val-nab- ls prises trove, the Eureka Association, and hav kindly allows, thanes of their names. Many other names miht nv published were we per- mitted . : - Andrew Wilson, House, Philadelphia, Pa., Oil Painting, value S100; James Hargraves, 821 Broadway. .New Tors, Oil Feinting,, worth 1100; B. F. Jones, Barret', Marshall county, Kansas, Melodeen worth S200; Patrick J. Byrnes, Waterbnry, Conn.. Gold Watch worth f 126; J. F. Shaw, 24 Aatt 24th- - Street, New York, Piano worth $360; ttr. Ohartea J. Nevis, Blmira, N. T., Piano worth S350; Miss Lacy Janewsy, Kim i. ra, N. T.- - Diamond Cluster Ring worth $200; Mrs. K. Fennoyer. City Hotel, Nashville, Tenn., Melodeoa worth $123; Oscar M. Allen, Co. B, 142d Be. Ind. Tola., Nashville, Tea Watch worth $85; Rowland 8. Patterson,. Co D, 10th Iowa Vet. Vols., Oil Painting worth $100: Mrs. Abbey J. Persons, Springfield. Mess, Melodson worth $160 : Jamee L Dexter. Citv Survevor. 8vra enes, N T, Gold Watch worth $160; Mrs Jas Kir, aii wooeier etreet, corner meeker, X, tin Painting worth $100; Mrs J O Coles, Grand Bap. ids, Michigan, Silver Castor worth $40; ir J B Sinclair, No 4 Main etreet, Utica, N T, Framed ograviog worth $25 ; Boa Luther Detmold, Washington, D O, Oil Painting worth $100. Letters from various nertiee throne-boo- t ths country, acknowledging th receipt of ery valu- able gifte, may b seen on file la onr oitoe. To be Sold for Oaa Dollar Each. ' Without i egerd to value, aad not ta be paid for . on in you xnow wnat you will receive: ' 60 Eleaant Rosewood Piano. ,3 ; worth from .. .$250 00 to 600 00 60 Melodeon. Bow wood oases X26 00 to 226 00 100 Fine Oil Paintings ........ 26 00 to 100 00 lOOGold Hunting es t Watches 76 OS to 16000 ISO Diamond Bings . 60 OOto 200 00 - 260 La4ies' Gold Watches.. 60 00 to 8300 460 Silver Watsbe.. 26 00 la 60 00 ' 200 Fine Steel Xngraf ings, In Fremee .. ,.. 1200 to 28 00 lOOMoeio Boxee....... VI 00 to 46 00 tonsil. Bevolvlnc Pt. Castors 16 00 to 40 00 100 811. Fruit and Oaks Baskets 16-0- t 35 00 600 Set Silver Tea aad Table Spoons ......... 15 00 to 80 00 -- ,500 Vest and Keck Chains .--. SOito .2600! S,600 Ladies' fill. Port Monnie , 8 00 to 15 00 8,000 Silver Batter Knives X... S 00 to T 00 3,000 Pelts Far h tegs, new styles 160 to . 8 00 3,000 Gold Pencils and Tooth Picka....... 3 CO to. 8 00 8,000 Onyx A A methyst Brooches 4 00 to 10 00 3,ftW Lava A Florentine j." i 400 to SOU lOOOMawnic Pins ... 4 00 to 60 9,000 Fine Gold Watch Keys... 850 to 460 6,000 Childrene ArmltU . 2 60 to .800 2.64S) Sets of Bosom btudt. 160 to 6 00 i.&iM) Eaamelled Bieere Buttona t 1 60 to 10 00 10,000 Plain Gold A Chased Bings . 1 00 to 6 00 o.oao atone hot and seat Bings i 260 to 10 00 6,000 Lockets, all sixes 2 00 to 7 00 10,000 Sets of Ladles Jewelry . 8 00 to 2000 m'J watcn unarms .... 8 00 to 660 2.000 Gold Pens. (Ml. Kx. Case. 4 00 to 6 00 6,000 Gents' Braet A Scarf Pins ' 00 to- - 20 00 2,000 ladies', gewntyl Bel Buckle ... . 4 00 to 660 2,000 Chatelaine A Guard Chaina t 00 to 20 00 1,000 Gold ThimMes.... .... 7 0Jto 14 00 2,000 Sets Lsdies' Jet and Gold. 10 00 to 20 00 10,000 Gold Crosses. ........ ....., 1 60 to 600 000 Oval Bfwd Braoelet..... eooto 2000 4,008 Chased Brecelete r 6 00 to 16 oO 2,000 Ball Bar Dropt, all colors 3'-0t- 600 6,060 Fine Gold Pens..... :.. . 2 00 to 860 2,000 New Style Jet and Gold Bar 3 00 to 700 2,500 New tj'ling"oryTaT nar jrop 4 00 to 800 2,000 Gold Pens.. 8 00 to 6 00 mW- -t CHANCE TO OBTAIN ANT OF THB ABOVB ABTIOLKS FOB ONB DOLLAB BY PURCHASING A SEALED BNVBLOPB FOB TWENTY-FIV- B CENTS. sr Five Sea nd Envelope will be sent for 81 1 Eleven for $2: Thirty for 84: Sixty five for 810: One Hnndred for $16. AGENTS WANTED XVEB1WHBBB. . - r Our patrons sre deeired to send united States money when It is convenient. Long letters are aonMMary. .i order for Sealed Envelopes must In svery oas be ICW.MB 1 ...) , , K- - I m.h th U- - U n. l,t thepersun eeudloe. Town, County and State plainly written. Letters should, be addressed to managers, as follows : GOOD WIS, HURT CO ill' Box SJ06, Post Office, New York. i ociu HARDWARE, &0. GEO. S. SOflllTAG &: CO. i ft rtaH ! c. IXPOBTEBS OF. - . M-- t '! - M i j i Hardware and Cutlery it ? ; ' i AND. i?7 r. t t;te. : 1 ' Guns and Pistols. i.'-.-.O i No. 31 No. 31 rA.I2V STREET, ETIKSTIIII, - 1"a- - -- : - . BOOK STORE. n. F. Barter 4 Co. ; t. WS BEG LEATE TO ISTOBM THE CITI ZtSB OP M7ASB7ILLE AND TBS TBADS , i. GSNSMALLT TBAT WS HATS JUST . BOUOBT OUT TBS EH TIBS BTOCX OP BOOKS, STATION-SB- T, ' Ac., etc, AT NO, 6 PJBST 8TMKST, LATE- LY OCCUPIED BY ' '5 i MB. J.BSALT. " i. . r. c .. j THE.STOC'K. ; r Coes isti, ia Fart, of BLASK, LA W. f CBOOL, MED- ICAL, AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. LEGAL, CA P, LETTER, AND COMMERCIAL SOTS PAPER. . ENVELOPES, PSNB, PXSCILB, JNK.PES.B0LDEB3,tc SPLENDID STOCK OP PB0T0-OBAPBI- C ' ALBUMS. ar Merchants frou tlie snrround- -' log country will And U to their in- terest b givsnsa call safer g. , '.. .;.t; clT-S- t7 .a::i, R. P: Barter & Co.." COAL OIL, LAMPS. &0 GIFT3 FOR XH2 HOLIDAYS! iTTE HAVE IN 8TOBK A WELL-8ILI7TF- D f stock of COAL GIL LAMPS some NEW STILES never oflsrad to th pnblio In XracsvlU ceror. icy mas very ale Ckurlatmaa d Saw Tsnr's Gifts. " " Bold cheep at TIOUBT BB08., decZl 121 Main street- - -e-v, Good light FEOM COAL OIL, WITHOUT A CHIMNET be had by u. ng ths ALADDIN BUBN XB the beet Bnrner in use. For alSMWholeaaAe and retail, at , , .. . 4 V10XIBT BB08., dec21 13J Mai a street. 25 Centi! FOB TWINTY-FIV- X CENTS TOTTB OLD can b made to burn without chim- neys. Corns aad Bee the improvement tried be- fore yon bny, at VICKEBT BHO- S- dec21 , . lii Mala etreet. I AHAT 19 fOB APPBOPBIATS FOB A V V nice Christmas Gift than a beautiful GOAL OIL, A, A Sir r Xha place to get tbe n n at VICK.EBT BBOS., dec2t ' ; . , , .132 Main street. ji 91 lamp . Trimmizigi, SUCH AS GLOBES, SINGS, PBTSM8, Wick, nuraera. Cleaner, Bellecters, ouauee. M3 etc a laree supply at VICKSBT BltuS , -- c21 . 132 Main (treat. ' .Coal Oil. y l rnnm veby best abticlx madx is bold 1 lij ,, , V1CAXKT BBOS., ' decZl ' 132 Main street. I CLOTHIIsQ. ,.OSrk.$3 J FIRST GTZISBT, C5U ' amn L- -i cs 5 few ft, a, tt 1 o o:.?:s ta X. ' ' . -- t U W L .... troq o , -- 4 a( "5 0 O 5 SJ. k. .. kew mm. --t fas tut rJos.3 and 5 FIRST STXt.iEIQ'r. PRESENTS. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Tlia Finest Assortment ever Drought to this market. BO0E8 FOB FBXSENTS, JUVXN1XX BOOKS, . CHESS ABD CHXQDEB MBN AND . B0ABD8, CABD CASES, LADIXa' . i: WALXTS, IVOBY TABLETS. ' WhlTiSa DKBK6, - . FriotOR-rap- n. Albusns, P try Alton nan Pnnfoltos, Pntnt Boxes, Alphabet - Blocka, Btblea, Tesitaaaenta, " Prayer - Book.. Duay Bible, C.)ult Prayer sad ntbinr Boo Us. . tsAStavS, and a great variety of other preaenta, nil at tha LOW EST PBICE, st . DOBSLL'S HEW BOOK STOKE, J dec 20 " Ho. 19 Mai. street. SILVER POLISH. TUST BXOXIVXD A NEW STOCK OF BUFB. J rfcir Silver Flat. Polish, Ho mmily ought to be without a hoav WM. BUCK, next Ho. ID AlaU street. COIIMISSION. -- rnrcTzj rrrr , - a. B.,kraroi..r. . isbhaii..iicu iicimioi, HUSTON &.GO.t Forwarding & Commission Merchants, ?i . UJ , T ! a- - ' WH1EFB0AT PEOPEIETOES, 33 v.SLzasv'illej, Indiana f CLOTHING. tJL'X dt 'J. A i m i t- -I t-- m "H tamtam aui M cWft &'4z MAIM STREET, (ADJOIHIKO WASHINQTOH HODS!,) Evo-nsville- , Intl. ! .rr oli. OVERCOATS. OrmotktM of very sluul and nutorfftl TINDE3R -- COATS. Trench Tricot Back or "Walkins Coats.' ;i . i rrencb Besmr tittilM Walking Coat. macs vrm rroem uoau, irom w u sou. a : Vaanliaei Sack and Walking tioat of ertry deecrlpttoa f Ij. si..- - ai.. v...' i '1 Cawimer. Suit of every description and price. : ' - r r ewwl fU'f rioajpANTS. macK JKkMKin, aetkfr rressa Xlbbed. Vaaey OaHlmera, and alt ebade and texture fonnd ia thie market. : m n- -, 1: i. VESTG. YaltsrNinUtn and Sirnred. Black Oioth. Blaak fiilk, fancy Oaetimere, Waterproof!, etc. EURKISHING GbOODS.-ii- Olo-re- Xlttene. Mnffien. Wrietlnee. Collars. CrsTato, T.te. Bntterfliee, Stocks, Linen Pocket Kandkerobleb, Bilk Pocket Handkerohieni, Sha- ker Wool Uoee, British Half iiose, Cottoa Books of every oeecrtption.. ;xrj i f , UJTDEx WEAR. Shaker Knit Shirts and Drawers. Also every description of Euder.Wear for Qsntlemea.. 5 i ! 4 LINsTH.fiUIRTfi. r w b mm m m mm m m mwm Ws are Arnta" for the abova.named fihilrt. the best ever sold in this market. i .' , r, r Perties In want of Boods in oar Mae eainotlail to be pleased if they will call and examine our :fkf. ... i HMTLEY 3& SMITH; Proprietors of tl be Gentlemen's ClotlUng.and. i"ritxa ..i.i.(. 84 MAI1T STEEET, 84 I'l'-fi'--'- ! ii (Adjoining ths Washington Bouse,) t'.;J-- : VI; Ef aiTiUe, tntf 1. declt dtf jri i. Minn I . I ; i .t i ' FOR THE FARM IMPLEMENTS.5 1 ' ' ' " BTSSL PLOWS (all kinds); CAST-IRO- N PL0W3; COTTOS BCBAPEBB; ' WLTIYATQRBi ' - . VOTTIKO BOXES (various kl I na (various kinds); - OOTTOS OISBi WASHING MACHINES; BBAO BA r.t'? . I. . i 3'UCi Fresh, Seeds. BLCZ 3BA$S BgTT' " C: OSCBABD OB A 88 8BXD; A, u CLOVSB 8ESD; jlm,, c j a u o a , i infills suoi u ( - RVNQABIAN BEED; 1 . Together with a full aesortment of Oardea Deeds, either in papers put up In boxes suitable fur re- tailing, or in bulk ell growth of 1865. m or eaie oy i - 9 Kotth Virst etreei, - deed dim ! XvaosTllle, lad. ilEWEIiERY.1 3 1 jOsS. Bmaowr. C0HSTAI9 CSLASO. BITTROLFF IDELANG N6. 48 Main Street, TTAVK BKOKITKD THXIB NEW STOCK, Xi which Is full and complete, comprised of tbe newest and beet styles of J E !W E t cot vv: :a. t" c DIAMOD3, ICE A-I- SOLID " ItlOQS GOLD PENS SPECTACLES SILVERWARE PLATED WARE WORK BOXES CLOCKS '"WATCH MATERIALS hica we offer at the West figures." Call aad examine our stock before pnrchaeing elsewhere, or yon may kwee a bargain, . w e are determined toaeii. ; - - - This Is a good time to boy your Holiday Pres ents. . j "UixrnUAiis- iaiiAB9J n23d2mo s - t- - - - . . . FORWARDING. FOSTER, COPEU5D A CO-1- . Commission Merchants 4 Mcrchan- - U1BC U1VSU9I iiili 19 WATIR BTSEBT.... (Cor. Coentm'a Blip), , n Oonslenmenta solicited. Orders r kinds of merchandise promptly filled. ' FOSTER BROTHERS, ! "WHOLI'SALE GHOCESS, - e -- Wt- Seoojs StrMtw. ... ... -- .. cnrenraACOHio. ' ' FOSTER, OWTS a Ca,, Wholesale Grocers ana tonunissica I Merchants, 30 ..TBOST STBBIT ,....80a pota04as BtaaaplsU. Tama. I fr- cratch! 8 cratch I Scratch J,. ITCE1 ITCH ! ITCH.! ELA2T K'S, ITCH CREETE, Will ran tb Itch In S6 hoor. "Abo ram Sold tTnart AM Aa.u .nil .11 ((la.atM tf th ak f n 1 eoatjuo ao Morenry. . Fries 60 canto per box by Mil, or 00 per dosen. Adilnu Dr. SLAa. m W.f WU. IM., l - Kiii.it a wrrTTBT Jyl4-6m- d a i . Xmurilia, lads' GROCERIES. ,'ti UfcSI "J . . v .1- - Wi2l7:.:jYO'RK ' " :J T Z. - a i ITO: 72 si . rJAItl -- STREET wtsaK i.;i"-cv,l- ) ,fi iJ . ,' .1- - a k j IParsons ) ' "ille. i (Do. IT i .auw.8 i:..-- xi Take great pleasure in an- nouncing to the public tnat they have Just received from New York, a large and choice assortment of Staple jand JFancy GFtOGERIES, 1 "WdSocien & Willow Warc Coal. Qil , Lamps' and &lidtless Ua, dies' 3Ei,etlctxles, Trayeling Baskets of every variety,'" s which they offer 'for snta nt the very lowest cash prices, r, j- - . ' .S - .i;Tf'J .fc .ii ' i ii, i 'A '1 I DRUGS."?- - Ofil. 'AO h;.Ws CLOUD & CO., WHOLESALE DETJGGrlSTS lo." 0, Soutb Water . Street, i' - OOITSTAKTLT ON HAND A IiABOZ KIIP and STOCK in their line, at - .,- - i ; L Lowest Cash Prices. BTJTSBS will do well to call before psrehasing elsewhere. P081T1TKLY HO GOODS AT BITAIIh All orders atteudsd to with promptness and cars. dec 12 asm WATCHES & JEWELRY. Watches Jexvelry IDIjMONIDS! SILVERWARE, " Cloclss, &cl, AT SCwOiJfJs?.. . . . TO TUB UDIZ3. r If yea want a Fins Sold Watch and Chain, 9ia mond, Cb-- na, ruun uom- o- If youSrant a Fine Hecklace, Bracelet, Breast- - nln. Waddlnn Bine or Fins Set or jeweiry, nui ' - p. L GKISiJIiKK, M main Bt. TO THE MESriLUT, fiSSXS, JLKB ' - , ' MECHANIC. ; ' f If vow want a Fine Heavy Gold or Silver Bant. - a v.fah. Mil all ingam.rtcnn,u.- - ",-oSijia- . ia te is' also tha soto agent fcr tha esiebratsd " - TWifvtr Oold Jfen. Which ta wBlMnuli acknowledged ta he tha finest and best wriUnn Den in America. ' ., KSV Personal attention paid to rrpairiBg fine Watches, Clocks and Jswslry. AU work gnaran-tee- d to give entire satisfaction, or the money re- - tunfleu, ny j . rCjr &4 Main St. :. I, r, . 10NK DOOE B.X1.0W 8KCOND 6XBEET.X at' a-- SACKS te sals et Vo. 90, Water itrset. 1000 JK. a. tttiBXVJi w. Septa. WHOIaESALE DRflOOBS French, Our I Stock is now Com- plete in all Styles of For- eign and Domestic .. Dry-Goods- , which we offer EX- CLUSIVELY: AT WHOLE-SAlJS- e r "'- - In Style, Quality or Price we defy all competition either in Evansville or any other market. - i CO CAB.P.E- - DEPARTOEMT.H Ol. the second floor of our whole ale home, and attached to it, ia a room expressly devoted to Hoase jmraiiainf uooas in general, viz VELVET CARPETS, - Brussels Carpets, X, , AUIED A IJf WWJICMt Supeinne carpets, Medium Carpets," ca Ingrain Carpers, " : t Cottage Carpets, Listirg Carpets, J Q ' ' i Rag Carpets, o Hemp Carpets, ; Manilla Matting, Cocoa matting ,i Straw Matting, ,4 Velvet RugSs t, Brussels Rugs, r Pa Oil Cloth Rugs, Velvet Matts, ; ! ; Cocoa MattS- f- - 1 ! Adelaid Matts; i u Ruher Matts. 1 ' -- Window C Shades, o Window Fixtures, French Purnit a re Prints. SILK DAMASK, 50c per yard -- 1 - XV ciieaper i.'-a- ,u me., retail price in NewYork or Cin- cinnati. ' , '.' . " Wool Damask, ' , ' Worsted Damast, Piano Covers, ; u-r- t i Table Covers, , . - ;, Bed Blankets.s? i j . Picture cords. n? h j..-s'- Picture Tassels,- - ; . .. t.t t Seal ckm Lap Robes, Stair Rods and fixtures,-- - ' iitair iiinen and Ou Cloth, -- Gilt Cornices,' ui&.ct;i v.- - arpet Tacks, j Lace Curtains, 7-- ) "fTri -- car Table Linens, &c "&c.- - . Floor Oil f, cloths, from 18 inches to 18 feet wide- - 't Mo.liO First St.i ' J AQUESS, FBEITCH & CO , t HOM030PATHIO. HUMPHKKTI' i - HOMCEOFA I II1C SPKCIFICM " HAVK PBOTKD, FSOM THK MOST AMPLB an entire sncoeee: Simple-Pro- mpt ifflolent aad Btlisble. They are the oaiy mndlcinee pertectiy adapted to popster nae, so simple tha t mistskee cannot be made la nalng them i. so harmless as to be free from danger, and se efficient as to be always reliable. They hsvs raised tbe highest eommeodatioB front alt, and will always render satisfaction. . . . Cures ' Cents. No. 1 " Fevers, Congestion, Inflammations 25 So. " Worms, Worm Fsver, Worm Colic 29 Bo. S Crying Chtolle, or teething of in-- - tnte............. S5 No. " lftrrl, of childrea or adults . ii No. He. a h ? llTn:rl7 'P"- - Colio , 2 Bo. 7 " Csagas, told, BvonchrfTst,. o. 8 " Nomrnlarln, toothache, Faceache 2a No. S " Hisdsehe, Sick ileadacbe. Vertino 25 Ko. 10" lyepefelK, Bilroae Btomech 29 Ke. 11 " Snppreeaett or Pelnfol Periods. No. 12 " tV bites, too proftue Period. . S Ko. 18 e crenp, 6oogh, difficult breathings. 25 No. 14 aveat M.bcataB,Krysipelas,Iraptioos 25 No. 15 " Itneamatiaui, iihenmatio Pains 26 Ka. 16 "Fewer and A ana. Chill feves, - A rune . 60 Bo. IT Plies, bi nd or hleedtDgw.,..... SO Bo. 20" Whooping Conglt, aad vtoleot con lis go No. l"'Cntnrrli,BcEte or chronic, Inflnenss 60 no. ie - upinsimy and eere ar weak eyes 60 Ho. 21 " Asthran,oppreeeed BreethlD?.. 60 Mo. '"Kar AJteobargea, Impaired Hear. Ho. 23 Scrorwj'aV'inierl!"G"lirn ll logs.. ...w......... 60 No. 21 " Gen.ral UcbUlir, and Physical , Weakness,.J..,.., 50 Bo. 25 N Dropsy aad scanty secretions. 60 No. 2S " Sen aiehmesa,sicknese from riding 60 No. 27 " KldUnop- - Dlaensn, Oravel 60 No. 2S " Bervsu Oeblllty,bemlnel Xmls- - sioa.. Involuntary Discharges. IPO Bo. 29 Sore Month, Cenker . 60 No. SO Urtnnry 1 meant I nenee, Wet-tin- s; bed- - 60 Ho. 31 " Patrnfat Perinda, avem wrttAt - f twimi ... ...... 60 No. .12 Snttertng-s- , change af lift). .. 100 Bo. S3 Kpllep.ey, Spesms, and fit. Tins' Dance.............. .... 00 No. 34 " Diptberla, Ulcerated Sore Throat 60 PAMIL.IT CASES. . S5 vials, morocco- case, and boos. 110 00 20 large viaht, ia morocco, and book,. 8 00 20 do plain caee, and book fi 60 IS boxes (Nee. 1 to 16), and book .. SOT VcfiTKlt.191 M.X SfSlitJI ACS. Hshogsny aieee, 10 vials....w......410 Bingle vtels, with directions......... 1 00 Thess Bemedies. by the case or sinxls box. are sent to any part of the country, by mail or express, free of charge, on receipt of the price. Aaaress HTTMPHBIT'S SPEOIFIO'fi " h " ; HOEOPATBIOHgDIOINB COMPANT. Office sod Depot, No. 662 Broadway, New York". Da. HtmrHsiTS la consulted dslly at bis omos. personally or by letter, as above, for all forms of ' '' ' ' ' FKBBI8, 8PAKK9 M OO., 2S Wholesale Asente, Bvaasvilie, lad. BOOTS & SHOES. NEW HOUSE,'. No. . r...io" STREET. Wholesale dealer In ' Q.O:T and. HO and. Kb mmnmnmmmnm atanataiam vyyajjsr and' ijmOu j iLa lam bow receiving a large stock of thabert qualities of Boot., Shoes, Hats and Gaps aver ottered to the trade, which have been pnrohaeed Kr cash, and will be sold at a very small advanos above cost. Gall and examine my stock aad prove the abere assertion. P. 8. I hare secured the services of Mr. B. S. Tenney, late with P. Semonin, who! .- - hi Old friends to eal 1 aad examine my stock. - No trouble to chow goods. BvensvHte.Dse. 12,064. TOYS.&C A.. lO. Filiee rilAKES PLBASCBB IB SATING TO HIS JL old frisnts aad customers that he is new re- ceiving an entire new stock of Fancy Goods, Tankee Notioss, Jewelry, Ladiee' Baskete, Belt Buckles, Poctet Books, Work Boxes, Combs, Beads, Gamee, Toy Tea Set., Dolle, Balls, star, biee. Whistles, Jewe Harps, Tin and Bellows Toye In great v riety.ifor the cemrag holidays, many of whieh will he sold at oh) time prices, at " " J.0.2S LOCUST STEEET, (TWO SO0BS ABOVX BHXBWOOO HOCSE). nl-S- m JL45--- 1. HAVK JC8T BITTJBSKD B0M HI V7 I, York. Boston and Philadelphia, with ths most select stock of .,. v, k DRY GOODS AND FANCY 'T.r'!'. ' "ARTICLES - Ivor offered In this market, boueht with cash out af the last iatnortatios from France, German, and England, and I wilt be able to sell them at retail at wholesale prices, and will makes lib- eral discount below that to tbe county merchants or city trade. .i - . j. . r, 3. J. KABLXTT A SON, . nS Sm Ui Haia Street, cor. Main and Canal. WOOLEN MILLS. VANDERBURGH WOOLEN MILLS GCHZFER, RIL1ROTH A' col ii. " til ... , PEOFBIETOBS OP THE ; VAllDERBURGHT; WOOLEN MILLS, ' EATX KCW OPKNKD THIIE XI. ZUJ- On Third Street, bet Main 3c Sycamore. l V v .;. :!."; w ,.' Where they keep a full assortment of all article manutactured at their Factory, sues as Jeans, - Flannels, . ! atinetts Cassiraeres, ! ' Ulrxnltetss OtOOlClTi ST 1Tk3XX. I J Merchants wanting a gocd article la onr line, r are rssoeotfully invited to examine onr etock. aw We will sell our Gooda mm cheap as goods ol tbe same sUjr an be sold anywhere, er West. ,. p27;,. MEDICAL. " r The Young Man'a Friend.1 " xah bi ni oww doctor. LnmsT name of n Box af K liciuee pre- pared by an eminent Phyeiciaa in Cincinnati, U contains a preventative and cure for all private diseases, with directions how to treat each caee, therefore, with the Toang Man's Friend In your possession, you have ths full directions and medU cine for the treatment of yourself and friends. It Is tor sale by Druggists everywhere. Ask for ths Tonng if en's Yrteud. ' . ' - WbolesaU and Retail by Jyl KILLEB A WHI- T- DENTIST. Hi .'fMBBtlQM.iV-.- . I I Sli: .KILlSa DLilT THANKFUL FOB TH1 A. liberal patt unage raosived during the past fear ears, and being permanent resident of this city, desires all person (whether they need his profes ional services or art) to visit his rooms aad see ths Vnrlnms Styl etnerk 9Innw.mctw.redi Improvements and Invent l 'U Are being maOe, and everything that will sv' enrvs U IntenaU o( his patleaU is seenrad by hint. HI lata.llihmeat and lacllltl 4.V. ' ' Assaqnaltoany In BAIf BBS O IT I m tf He has Several A&aathetiea Allawtatlna; Pnlnt wham ttraUa Ubseks that are snnkea can be restored to nearly oeir orl ginal oontoor. AU desirable styles of - ARTIFICIAL TEETH, suds anywhere la the United States, are made by hi a. Irregnlaritfee of Children's Teeth snncess uy correct. Tliose having ' . . DliCATKD TKXTU ;.) , Bhonld either 've them Cxtraetod or Filled, (the latter If possible.) The health of. ths parties and the remaining Teeth demand It. SCCEALOiO AFFLICTIONS TREATED. AUK) CLEFT FAIiATB Wfllae nm VMrct It litr Psit () A CARD. J. B.'r;TlESICER4 ' ' MANFTACTUBIE "OF '" il . ,V.',' Copper, Tin and Sheet-Iro- n . "W mt. H.-3E- I , - ' . .. and ,' : Wholesale and Eetail Dealer in Btitania Japan Ware, Cooking and Heating JOB-WOR- K ASATLT KXKCDTKD. Northwest Side Sycamore, between Second and Xnird Btreeta - Je27,d6ms. , ' EXPRESS. t :; the ..:) ;"'v: Adams Express .i. COMPANY Bava established I ISW ROUTE - betwieh :" Cairo, 1? ashy ill e and Points South. VIA 'J Johnionville, Tenn. Arrancements having been completed, this old and reliable Company are now prepared to receipt for freights to CHATTANOOGA,' KNOXVILLE, ATLANTA, ROME, MACON, Aad all accessible points Booth, by tha abovs popaiar and expositions rente. Ths attention of kterchanta and Shippers, and tha business public generally, is directed to ths Superior Inducements Offered by this Old and Beliable Line. In point o dispatch and great redaction in the rates o freight. BHh. r tall particulars snqmrs as aa siaams huna Onioa. So. IS. Ghaadler'a Block. Brans vilte. ali-t- f i GUNS AND PIST01.S. GUNS . " Jf i r And PISTOLS, AT , Greatly Kednced Prices! C . KELLER - i 95, Main Street, TraTiorter and Manufacturer of ?:alikinda of v !ii V-- GUNS, PISTOLS, and RIFLES, '"" ! Aim DKAIiIB IS -- r " POWDXB, lit AD, OA P8, 6 HOT, CAB TSITH1XB, - BAOfim 1aro.oorttmtmt, FIXE POCKET , KSirK AND MA SOBB, WALKING ' ' aANM3,ALI8OBT8OO0NB,- - .1 ASDPIMTOLB, - - i AUtaT KwarythiiBZ TJsmnlly Found In van eierss n - ; l. - aP Amii mmAm, to order. , - ' ' aWParticalar attention given to repairing gnns and pistols. jyiu,an. CARD. Drs.. Ehrman' & Herr,J' nOEOPATHIC , PHYSICIAUS AND BXSISXNCB HO. 10 STOBTH 01Second strast, between autta ana oyoamorn. reason that the I'ostmastet Ginral ssyt we'er rebels and must be punished. But Shi AM a hate I care. I'll send this to tuj hvi the -- Southern -- Express who have aginU everywhere except the place the Buree consigned me io. Well, I was at the theater the other n!ghi to see ft.isiignty"pirty dramy called the " Workin tain ofiNewYark'; There insik.tion and'adivU iv ft lot UT drinkin and an omadhaun purtendin he wm an Irishman-CU- t capers like a clown in a, oirensftnd I thiughe iarlouslf or irma on the sta?e ana . Drininu lueoon within rach nv his nose. Its rally tan- talizing Falim, inda4, It JJ think nv our wakennesses and fallins bein tuk off in thai sort uv way by a little " short-boy- ," from Ne Yark or a plotf vglf ' I from Philadelphia on "ft ;blood itubi ftoni Bltimore . I took every word he said pursonal, especially whence d look at ma. .iBad luck to tne poltroon; it makes me mad to thinK ut nis capers, and he pretendin to be an Irish gintle- - ' " ' ' " man, too. I ezr---- - You axed me if I was promoted in the army. Di vil promOt. 1 1 wroMnW it wid flnnegan the Quartermasther, and Gineral Bragg (God rest his soul aodfeiye him paoe) ayde'jl .1ve q stay there bekase we always managed to get the stuff reddy for the inimy, who had a diviL pf an ,appetite,. and; took everything in sight and a lot that.was nt. Yon' know we have" an Irish Boord here. The Americans are played out They tried the Dutch in St Louis and found thim O. K. (all correct), ftnd now they're tryin' u The Boord is bully all . over, and for" the drink bate the world they're all Fenians, and that1 s bullier. Talkin about the Fanians, do ye know we have Circle here iv the brightest boys Onld Ireland ver turned out, and the head-cint- er is a gintleman nv parts and as brave as ould Bonnie Julius Caasar, , He was ft Colpnei in the rebel sarvice at the time I was there j wud Finnegan puten up pork for the inimy. I had ft nice time. Ahl I wish was goin on yitXI T i J CI F ; T HH ...But I'm gitten into politics, Falim, and I'll stop fur fare nv the Buree. De ye ever sin? M, Warm- - v the Green'1 now. , Yoooldn't do it in Baltimore iy Ginral Loa Wallace "wa there?-1- - 'Ha den I aW low1 anvthin' that sounds rebellious. J Mfvor-Park- s is well and indsbis compe. we say ia pome society " X ours in r enianism, " Oolioh MgDbboh. To Falim O'Shauihnesiy, Ireland. 1 1 SPECIAL NOTIC t- , i -- - I'M". ? Kostettefs Celebrated Stomach i ecr n. . iv 4 SXAD BIT. W. B. ItVi LXTTKB. - E ( ifrooctya, a. x., nay zsin, isoo. - 3Hssa.HotrTisa8Mrtir: dmOtmrn I have used your Bitters daring the last six wcstir'aBd feel II dne to yoto and th publio to ekpreis my hearty approTal of their effect, opon sie. I neef errote - pnS " for any one and I abhor everything thatsaTors of qnaek. But your Bitters r eatimly rwaoved from the leyel ot the nur nottruia of the day, being patent alike to all, and exactly what they profess be. They are sot advertised t core every I think, but tbey are reoommended to assist natnrs I the alleviation and nUlnutlaiheaUug or many She most common Inflrmltiee of the body, and this they 111 acoom jll.h. 1 had been nnwtll for near two month., as is nsnal with we daring the spring.- - I was Vnlotis had enffering from' indi- - gestion, and a general dijqwe of. tt; maotme membrane, and though compelled to keep at work f he discbarge of my professional dnties, wee very weak, Of a yellow complexion, no appetite, and much of the time co'sflneorto toy bed. Whea had been taking' yons BH(tai a week, my vigor returned ; the sallow complexion was all gone, I relished soy food.'and bow I 'enjoy th dnties of the mental application which so recently were so verylrkeome and burdensome to me. When I nud vnnr Bittora. I ,fM a cheate rorr day. These are facii." Air inference 'moat be made hy acaindlTidnalfoi'himsStftl t" - t tii Tnrs,rspBtlullyVlH:ii i i I . .. W. B. til. ii. Pastor of Greene Freslyterlan Church. ' dec2l dlw I . . - - - A Congh, pold, . Tltio.Sj,,, BSCIQUKS laHKOIATS .ttbktios, ffov, S CHKCKED. IV ALLOWKD TO COHTMUS, Irritation of th. Lnsfi, a Permanent: Vtiroat AfEeUeav. sua In. , .arabl. sVang DiHsse ' :.! tij'fi' ilflf; IS OFTElf THE BBSCLI. BKOWK'I BROSCHIAI. 'IROOHB8 HAVlKe A VIBEOT INIXDIKCSTOTUX riSTS.OIVX , IMMSIiIiTS BEUXr. For Bronchitis, iithns, Catarrb, Consnnipttve and Throat Diseases, nouses ass no with alwats exxn; vcass. SIN0EB3 AHD PC3LI0 SfXASLABS will find Trochm nsetul In olearlng the voice when taken before Sloglol rlSpeukiDtf, and relieving the'throat after an unnsnal exertion of the vocal organs, th Trwshu are recommended and pre- scribed by Ffcyslcians, and have had testimonials from eminent men throughout ths conotry. Be Ing an artiols of true merle, and, having proved their efficacy by a test of many years, each year flads them in new localities in- - various parts of the world,' and the. Tnchet are universally pro- - noaneed better than the srtlclea, , ; t ( . yf Osrani'oaly "Beowji's Esokohiai. Taocass," and do not take any of the' Por41ile ImUatimu thatmaybeoBered. '"" "li Bold everywhere In thS JJuMad States, and In A CROW Of OLORii -- ; Every Hen, Woman and Child who has used sr.fritner's Amorosia Is wUling to reeomuMij lt years of Tap. idly increasing sale. ,hav autda th . Amhrosla la. mous kll over the world. ! i . IT 13 WABBANTID TO FLIA31!. T It cures Itching of the Head. It makes Hew Hair grow on Bald Beads. It prevents the Hair from falling Out. It renders the Hair Boa and Glossy. Cleanses the Bcalp, Cools tbe Heated Brow, DendrnfT, Cures Nervous Herdache, Cures Baldness, Insures Luxuriant Locks, Inclines Hair to Curl, Supercedes Wigs, Kills Hair-Kater- euj.ft Minuwil ttalsV . f Wi vaHivm - - - ---. 5 i t . sTO THE LADIESWE SAT ,j The Ambrosia will suit yqn to ,.;T-- Bfegantly put np. Dellcatery ' rWrttmeii.' PatroAUed "tJr Opens fiingera and Actresses. Bold in splendid bones of oartons, containing two large bottles No. a r morning, No. 1 for evening. r r 1HEE1I8 SO MISTiKE ABOUT IT. BTEBLINQ'S AMBB03IA Is the best, most asreeable and effecttv toilet In the world. . To prove this, try a carton. IIlO J' l '. Bold by Druggists. - Bterling'8 Ambrosia Manufactorln 315 VCLTOB Street, SEW YORK. , i ... ,.,:,. - nv Haifa Vcatetnol. dlctllan Hatr R. m.wer has proved Itself to be. the most periect nreoaratlon lor tne nair ever ouerea w tne puouc. . it Is a vegetable compound, and contains no in Jurious properties whatever.. IT WlUAl SKB1VS1 UUI DAia IV 119 OBIGISAL COLQB. , ' - ' ' i t . It will keen the bair from falllni out. It cleanses the scalp, and makes the hair soft. lustrous ana siikbu. It is a solendld hair d retainer. Nooersoo. eld or vouns:. should fail to use it. ' IT IS RECOMMENDED AND TJ8KD BI THS FIBST UKDIOAL ATJTHOBITT. MT Ask for HaU's TegeUble Siclllaa Hair Bo- - newer, and take no other. B. P. HALL CO., ., i Nassau, N. H.. Proorletora. for sals by KILLEB WHITE, and Drug gists generally. 1 1 ' ' oc2S-6i- n COLGATE'S JlOlfET 80AP. This celebrated Toilet Soap, in such snivtr. sal demand, is made from the cnoleest materi als, is mild and emollient in its nature, ra greatly scented, and extremely beneflelsl in its action upon the skin; ' For tale by Drug- - I gists and Fancy Coodl Dealers. au24-l- y A Card to Invalids. A Clergyman, while residing la South America as a missionary, discovered a eafe and simple remedy for .the cure of Hervons Weakness, larly Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Or gans, and the whole train or disorders oroognt on hw baneful and violous habits. Great numbers have Ibeen already cured by this noble remedy Prompted by n desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortmateI will send the recipe for preparing and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs It, Fntaf Okorg. Fieaae enclose a post-pai- d envelope, addressed to yourself.' Address, : I . ..jroaiJPH Jy27,m. ' Station D, Bible House, W. T. City. HAIE DYE I HAia DYE ! .'. Bntcb.lor'a Hni Dye is ths beet In the known world. The- - only tone and perfect Dye Harmless Instantaneous - and Beliable pro- duces a splendid Black or Haturat Brown reme dies tha ill efiects of bad Dyes, and frequently restores the original color. Sold by all Druggists. Ths genuine is signed, JT. A. Batchelor, 81 Bar-- -. .tmt. Ww Tork. aoR-u- i BRA1T.: GOOD ABTIOLX IX til I . trmmtn bv J. O. B90CHI 00, .1 Water St. dec28. ii the streets and receives such half I ?nce as may be cba, to him. There has tie1 for 800,0 time a whl8P,r tbat he waa e illegitimate son of the Duke of Glou- cester, and the pamphlet goes to prow that he is so. His mother was the danjhter of a Cardiganshire farmer, and tf father f having been- - reduced to traightened circumstances, she went! ot into the world as a Jady s.maid, ana rentuaIIy""got a situation as nnder-ouaekeep- in the Duke's residence in ondon. After being there some time ae returned 'Mi her ..father's, pregnant, tatiu? that she was married, and that er lausband would shortly appear to lWber. No husband, however, appear-d- , and thyoang woman died three neks aftef her eonfiaement. The ad -- Jntures of the boy, the subject of this Uobiograpby, After, this were nu met- is and Taried." He went to the Gram-a- r School in Hartford, which he left 1 his grandfather's death, and was then or wanderer for a" considerable time on ft streets of the town. Eventually be t an asylum with an old servant, there,:, while ' ransacking- - an it 1 desk of his grandfather's, he discbver-- . some papers, whichj on being exauain- - so are said to nave disclosed the secret his birth, and that he owed his par- take on ode side to no' less a person-"- n the Puke of Gloucester. A of his enclosed the papers to his . Highness, and shortly afterwards as ember of the Duke's household was ' VvjoraVwho brought the lad to 'VA'and he was received and well I in the royal res.idence. for spate-Afte- r this he was sent to an in-.i- for teaching the blind, he hav-lo- st his eyesight during his previous '"erings. sing annoyed and tanated he name of the yonng Dnka in the .lam, he left U and - returned to the Hie of his Royal Highness, n here- - he tmei to have been well cared tor until , Duke's death, on which event occur- - he was cast npon me woria, ana, vr numerous adventurers and travel- - throughout the country, he at length tially settled down at Bristol, wbere iay still be seen playing his. concer- - nil led by a dog with a small tin 'its moutb, intended to receive the to of the' -- charitable. The whole is s 'range, bat a highly respectable In .leman who helped Davis to compile of autobiography,- - says he has every ton to believe that the particulars in are quite true.--: ' -- ' w ) The Legend of Santa Clans, f ia x)pular name of the Saint who ts' over Christmas and the toy gifts at welcome season, is derived from I H Nicholas. . The legend of bis first earance is an Italian one. Accord- - to this, shoemaker named Giraldi, lived in i errari, was so miserably -- .that bis labor Jrom day to day ij Kept nis ismuy irora starvation; he was onabli to give even a small ry,to his pretty daughters. It 'was I thought proper to marry ' without a ry; and thus the yonng girl, though had an, admirer, were compelled to ain single. Their father, however, t every morning to the shrine to pray is patron saint, tit Nicholas, that he ii i f i t ia wora a miraois to relieve mm irom iistress. ne of his nearest Deishbors, a rich chant, who chanced to hear his sim- - tietition. ridiculed the idea of his rating the. saint to take care of his liters, and recommended him to te a patron saint who would be able something for him.' "Mine," he " is tb'v Jew Bnonajuto; he lends t iy at '.wo per cent a month, and if snovr how to manage you may make vith it He is not so deaf as at ilas." -7 j poor man was shocked at this b, and assured the merchant lis religious faith could never be a. He went every day to church, ?:hstandinif the other's mockery. iras now Christmas day, when the ; ant and the Jew settled pp their I accounts : Bnonajuto fonnd he his friend three1 hundred ducats, ishing to give him an agreeable se. he ordered one bi the ducks be ttened to ba killed and roasted, en with hu own hand introduced mndred eolden pieces into the in md sewed them up, then sent the o the merchant as ft Christmas merchant's wife, who shared the in prejudices .against the- - Jewsj eq be would hot touch the dock; he rich man resolved to sell it ' Giralde passed on his way from ). his neighbor, as usual bantered n his devotion, showing him., the aas gift his patron saint had 'sent rid taunted him with the stolidity Nicholas, who conld not even Bend piece of bread. " Finally he offer- - ell the dnck for a dollar, and to r the D&vment. as he knew Giraldi atrictlv honest The shoemaker I the duck home, and when he ! it for his Chrisvmas dinner, and ree hundred ducats fell out, his . itclamation was "Praise to St, nen he recovered from hia surprise, ottld have taken the money back, bis wife persuaded him that,' as he rht the duco, it was rightly nis own therefore divided the sum between suitors for his two eldest daughters, he merchant after some days discoV' I his loss of the three hnndred du- - I and went to the shoemaker to de-- d tne money, wnicn was , raiuseu. i cause came before the magistrate, j was ft pious man, and heard with gnation how eruellyUhe poorman i been ridiculed about his religion. f sentence was that Giraldi should p the money, and that the merchant tne Jew snouia oesiaes pay nno, their usurious dealines ci one hnn- - 1 dncats. to be eiven as a dowry for shoemaker a youngest daugbter. he meaning of this legend is, that a encent Providence watches over and it care of the poor, who are honest, lions and truthfuL . The tradition s that since that time St Nicholas a visit everv Christmas eva to all ,m he thinks worthy of his favors, is known altogether by the name ta Clans. Intercepted letter. Pinch, ik ths Blvtt City, ) Pacember lOtb, 1865. ; J )na Falm: All covered over wid ry, I'm at home ia Pinch, the place : wntnra and ooi-riot- After four Jt Of bloody war in bum-pro- itU-- I ta in n OnartermaBter'a office. I'm 1 e ia the house of MeGiilicady widont ii a scar to hand down to posterity. been at home nearly six months, i what betune doin nothin, and the it in and tha aleeoin. am as rusty as auld sale in a pa nip tucker. Diril ?ht there's in tne, and I can't get my-int- o a condition of fnry when they Fanian at me. . I m sum e wed. I m id iv the Buree the Freedman s ie. I wint up there the other day axed for'tbi&op (that's what they ' the SuperintendeDt for short) and 'how are Te;;bosr ;,Sir, says hat did Jar want?" Says I, "ra- - " "We don t feed the world, says 'Indeed," says L "But don't yon ''late, bread and drink to freed-sa- ys I. r We do," says he. "I'm iman," saya I, and a Fanian, too," r not evnayger," says he. "Glory God, no 1 says I. "Ihen go to "Thank you," says I: and I i been back since, and I ax my ym en to do the same. Bat that's rshun. ( osa ia a great thing, Falim-- - if - V FNDEBSIGXID HATE THIS DAT THX a awpartnersblo, under tha atyla af - WATSON ft EEEG, for the trausactlon cf a Wholesale Clotting Business, "' on BACX 8TBXET, between Third-aa- Fonrth, ! Olmetatmntl, Omla, wbsrs thsr hbDS to a th friaad of ths old heuss. I JOHN V. WATSON, " - . , . JOS. L. BEBa, deel dim Late of Ooldman, Berg A Oo. LUMBER. You will find an abnnd- - :;It:i. ant supply. of Tongued iit l !. and ' Grooved : Tennessee Yellow Pine Flooring at mm F. GLOVER'S, Liiiiaber Yard, Cor. MAIN and 7th Sts., - SVANSVILLE, IND., STOVE WORKS. DOUTllHlirJ .; Stdjire Woriis BfllfJKf.lEYER i CO., mannzaotnrer i Cookie? Start,' for Wood and Goal; Heating 8 tore, for Wood ' and Coal: Country S'tillets and lids; Country Ovens and Lids ; Eiieuit OTena and Lids ; Odd Lids; Sugar Kettles; . - Dog Irons; ... . , Jamb Orates: Fancy Grata fronts; " Air urates; .rv.c'.- - Cellar Orates ; - Window Weights; . i Muffin Molds; t Watfie Irons; " Ham Boilers; 8tora Hoilowara, ft a., ft . ALSO KEEP FOB SALB TIN 3E .7Z3d Sheet Iron. Copper, nv A17D JAFAMS'li'lsl) WAHi; aw Sale Konna Main Street, wypn-- . tan Cert Homanv Vnsusdjrjr a.ar aaontti Fig earn Creek. anaOrders Ssatcltnel. fcb STOVES AND TINWARE. II. E. BLEAMIiER HAS KSMOTED FBOM HIS OLD BTABD htain street to hu nsw Loo, IXo. H Second Street, between Hala aad Sycamore, and received a largo addition to hi. etoek of ware, as that now hs ha th largiwt aad best selected stock in ths oity of Plain and Fancy Tinware, C00KIMS AND H BATIKS STOVES, MAHTLXS, MABTLB FBOHTS, Tha very hast ENAMELED GBATXS, fla and common, SKILLETS AND LIDS, - . OYiad AND LlDS, 6C0AB EETTLX9, ' ! 8MOOTHIN3-- I BOUTS, fancy and eommcn, COAL HODS An FASES, ; BaiTAKNIA WARE, IRON, TINS ED, AMD SHAHXLKD VABX, and every th I n gjowonei. ted with ths bnrlneee ; In fact, a geasral assortment f i ; ; HtasCfualiMni Goods, ari good assortment of Tinners Stock. AU JobDlng, neb as GGTIEhUSfl, BOOFIH3. ate, dona at short notice. All wsrranted as represented. Offers to eelt cheap, at whohwala and retail. - . v. w. nww. II DISSOLUTION1 NOTICE. THB COPARTNERSHIP THAT EXISTED F. 0. Hammond, K. B. French, and O. A. Hammond, under tbe style of fiammsnd. French A Co., of Memphis, 1'ata., was, oa ths lit Inst., dissolved by tnutuil coosent. Either of th above-nam- partnere are suthorlaed to aattin all business connected with said firm. P. O. HAKMOWB. H. B. FBAHCM. CM. 12, MM dSW O. A. &AMM(,. A

chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86059181/1865-12-29/ed-1/seq-3.pdf: 'w 2 e. l it 4 1 J- g J J IBSSSSWKSi! HI - ITCH. DRY GOODS. DRY GOODS. GIFT DISTRIBUTION

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: 'w 2 e. l it 4 1 J


GIFT DISTRIBUTION. BOOTS. SlJOES.c3 v IHI - DRY GOODS.DRY GOODS.ITCH.tSere "the Wdium W communikatlon- -

t ifot one in Pinch vet lor the

boots Am-iQumuz- n ii u Ih-?r- 4 Ii S -

7 Atii! AfpMi epw. .


i Strange Story. s

Th London correspondent of thefiound Table says :! ' I, r " v

; "0

" London is often filled with rnmors of

a fi e- -J rj S S

iO fs r1 " 22 lEfWHOLESALE."

"suppressed princess here ana "beg- -

gar nobleman" there. - How much trothV there may be in each floating etoriea

"Heaven only knows. That the Frincesslodena lately died in: th Maryleboneorkhou8e ie certainly true, and it is

troe that an Indian prinsess was the snb- -.

ject of a letter in the Times lately callingt attention to her distrass. , But lately a

very strange paaifIi-wa- i published inBristol, giving a story of this kind withmore than ordinary weracity. It is theautobiography of a blind man namedJames Davia,; well known in Bristol,where he eoes about playing a concertina


t '


Tha trade Is respectfully Invited to examine mystock with the awn ranee that they will Sad asrood Goods aad as low price as any boos ia tan

Thankful to old customer for past favors, Iwould respectfully solicit n oontinuano of tan

2P. sxMonia.Xvassvills. July 13.


Ladies Fur Capes. Victo--rines, Collars, Circular

JLTuaTs, Cum, etc.,

In Mhilc. Sable Fitch, and allkinds of Purs now worn.


MISSES CAPES, MUFFS A CUFFSAll sizes and prices. :

CS-ent- s 9 Fur Caps.Collars, Gloves.

s j .. . ...'..! ei j ',.'....;.' -

. r'

Fanoy Fur Trimmed Caps."" ; w TA.0TIEB A ntABOONNIIB'8,

dscSdml j . S Main etreet.


V. Wa'eon. and J. A. atoComas. under the .trieof Goldmen, Berg A Co., at 80 Market etreet,Phlladeljthie, and Xvaaaville, ladlua, this dayexpires by Umiutioa. Tha busiae of tbeKvansTUls Branca wut be settled ay joha fWateoa, th reeident p rtnr.

Bovemner 80, I860.'j Copartner sMp. 4 r"

f Great Distribution. ? :

,n f'i tan. l..s-j- j ;:vEVBBKA GIFT ASSOCIATIO-N- .



Pins, Diamond Bings, Sold Braseleta,Coral, Florentine, afosaic, Jet,- - Lava and 1

Cameo Ladies' Se s, Gold Pens with Gold .

and Silvsr Kxtension Holders, Sleeva ''' Buttons, Sew of Studs. Vest and

Neck Chalae, Gold Binge, Ac,,u ' Valued , itnv. . Bl, 000,000. - t. ,

SI3TBIBTJTI0K Is made ia tha followingmanner:

GJC&TIFICATK3 namlnc each article and Itsvalue are placed in SEALED XNTELOPBS,which arw well mixed.. On of these envelopes,containing the Certificate or Order for some arti-cle, will be delivered at onr office er sent by mailto any address, without regard to choice, on re-

ceipt of 25 cents. '"On receiving the- - eertlfioete- ths purchaser will

see what article it draws and its value, and canthen send ONB DOLLAB aad receive the articlenamed, or can choose any other one article on onrlist of the same value. 'ar Purchasers of our 8BAXF.D XNVBLOFKSmay. In this mannsr, obtain an artirls worthfiom Ons to Five Hundred Dollars, .. . .

For One? Dollar :.

Which they need" not pay antil it Is known what Is' drawn, and its vain. Xntire hatisfaetioa Guar-anteed in all cases..- .j - r ' .

TnE EUR1K1 GIFT ASSOCIlTIOJfWould call attention to the nvct of Its being thOrigins! aad Largest Gift Association In tne coun-try. We are therefore enabled to send FinerGoods, and give better chances to obtain th morevaluable prises, than any other establ shment ofth kind. The bueiaees continues to be conducted ia a fair and h norable manner, and a largeana greeny increased trade la proof tnat our pat- -ions appreciate mis method of obtaining rich auaelegant gocd.

During tiit past year this Association nas senta very Urge number of valuable priase to allDirts of tha tonntrv. These who patronisewill receive tbe full valns of their money, as noarticle on our list Is worth lees than one dollar,retail, and there are ao blanks.

Parties dealing with us may depend on bavinsprompt returns, and the article drawn will be immediately sent teeny address, ny return mail orexpress. ..,"

Tbe following parties here recently drawn val-nab- ls

prises trove, the Eureka Association, andhav kindly allows, thanes of their names. Manyother names miht nv published were we per-mitted .: -

Andrew Wilson, House, Philadelphia,Pa., Oil Painting, value S100; James Hargraves,821 Broadway. .New Tors, Oil Feinting,, worth1100; B. F. Jones, Barret', Marshall county,Kansas, Melodeen worth S200; Patrick J. Byrnes,Waterbnry, Conn.. Gold Watch worth f 126; J. F.Shaw, 24 Aatt 24th- - Street, New York, Pianoworth $360; ttr. Ohartea J. Nevis, Blmira, N.T., Piano worth S350; Miss Lacy Janewsy, Kim i.ra, N. T.- - Diamond Cluster Ring worth $200;Mrs. K. Fennoyer. City Hotel, Nashville, Tenn.,Melodeoa worth $123; Oscar M. Allen, Co. B,142d Be. Ind. Tola., Nashville, Tea Watchworth $85; Rowland 8. Patterson,. Co D, 10thIowa Vet. Vols., Oil Painting worth $100: Mrs.Abbey J. Persons, Springfield. Mess, Melodsonworth $160 : Jamee L Dexter. Citv Survevor. 8vraenes, N T, Gold Watch worth $160; Mrs Jas Kir,aii wooeier etreet, corner meeker, X, tinPainting worth $100; Mrs J O Coles, Grand Bap.ids, Michigan, Silver Castor worth $40; ir J BSinclair, No 4 Main etreet, Utica, N T, Framed

ograviog worth $25 ; Boa Luther Detmold,Washington, D O, Oil Painting worth $100.

Letters from various nertiee throne-boo- t thscountry, acknowledging th receipt of ery valu-able gifte, may b seen on file la onr oitoe.

To be Sold for Oaa Dollar Each.'

Without i egerd to value, aad not ta be paid for. on in you xnow wnat you will receive:' 60 Eleaant Rosewood Piano.

,3 ; worth from .. .$250 00 to 600 0060 Melodeon. Bow wood oases X26 00 to 226 00

100 Fine Oil Paintings ........ 26 00 to 100 00lOOGold Hunting es t Watches 76 OS to 16000ISO Diamond Bings . 60 OOto 200 00

- 260 La4ies' Gold Watches.. 60 00 to 8300460 Silver Watsbe.. 26 00 la 60 00' 200 Fine Steel Xngraf ings, In

Fremee .. ,.. 1200 to 28 00lOOMoeio Boxee....... VI 00 to 46 00tonsil. Bevolvlnc Pt. Castors 16 00 to 40 00100 811. Fruit and Oaks Baskets 16-0- t 35 00600 Set Silver Tea aad Table

Spoons ......... 15 00 to 80 00-- ,500 Vest and Keck Chains .--. SOito .2600!S,600 Ladies' fill. Port Monnie , 8 00 to 15 008,000 Silver Batter Knives X... S 00 to T 003,000 Pelts Far h tegs, new styles 160 to . 8 003,000 Gold Pencils and ToothPicka....... 3 CO to. 8 008,000 Onyx A A methyst Brooches 4 00 to 10 003,ftW Lava A Florentine j." i 400 to SOUlOOOMawnic Pins ... 4 00 to 609,000 Fine Gold Watch Keys... 850 to 4606,000 Childrene ArmltU . 2 60 to .8002.64S) Sets of Bosom btudt. 160 to 6 00i.&iM) Eaamelled Bieere Buttona t 1 60 to 10 00

10,000 Plain Gold A Chased Bings . 1 00 to 6 00o.oao atone hot and seat Bings i 260 to 10 006,000 Lockets, all sixes 2 00 to 7 00

10,000 Sets of Ladles Jewelry . 8 00 to 2000m'J watcn unarms .... 8 00 to 6602.000 Gold Pens. (Ml. Kx. Case. 4 00 to 6 006,000 Gents' Braet A Scarf Pins ' 00 to-- 20 002,000 ladies', gewntyl Bel

Buckle ... . 4 00 to 6602,000 Chatelaine A Guard Chaina t 00 to 20 001,000 Gold ThimMes.... .... 7 0Jto 14 002,000 Sets Lsdies' Jet and Gold. 10 00 to 20 00

10,000 Gold Crosses. ............., 1 60 to 600000 Oval Bfwd Braoelet..... eooto 2000

4,008 Chased Brecelete r 6 00 to 16 oO2,000 Ball Bar Dropt, all colors 3'-0t- 6006,060 Fine Gold Pens..... :.. . 2 00 to 8602,000 New Style Jet and Gold Bar

3 00 to 7002,500 New tj'ling"oryTaT

nar jrop 4 00 to 8002,000 Gold Pens.. 8 00 to 6 00


Eleven for $2: Thirty for 84: Sixty five for 810:One Hnndred for $16. AGENTS WANTEDXVEB1WHBBB. . - r

Our patrons sre deeired to send united Statesmoney when It is convenient. Long letters areaonMMary. .i

order for Sealed Envelopes must In svery oasbe ICW.MB 1 ...) , , K- - I m.h th U- - U n. l,tthepersun eeudloe. Town, County and Stateplainly written. Letters should, be addressed tomanagers, as follows :

GOOD WIS, HURT COill' Box SJ06, Post Office, New York.

i ociu


GEO. S. SOflllTAG &: CO.

i ft rtaH !


. M-- t '! - M

i j i

Hardware and Cutlery

it ? ; ' i AND.i?7 r. t t;te.

: 1

'Guns and Pistols.

i.'-.-.O i

No. 31 No. 31


ETIKSTIIII, - 1"a- - -- :


n. F. Barter 4 Co.; t.




'Ac., etc, AT NO, 6


i MB. J.BSALT. "

i. . r. c .. j

THE.STOC'K. ; rCoes isti, ia Fart, of







arMerchants frou tlie snrround- -'

log country will And U to their in-

terest b givsnsa call safer g.

, '.. .;.t; clT-S-


R. P: Barter & Co.."



f stock of COAL GIL LAMPS some NEWSTILES never oflsrad to th pnblio In XracsvlUceror. icy mas very ale

Ckurlatmaa d Saw Tsnr's Gifts." "Bold cheep at TIOUBT BB08.,decZl 121 Main street- -



be had by u. ng ths ALADDIN BUBNXB the beet Bnrner in use. ForalSMWholeaaAe and retail, at

, , .. . 4 V10XIBT BB08.,dec21 13J Mai a street.


can b made to burn without chim-neys. Corns aad Bee the improvement tried be-fore yon bny, at VICKEBT BHO- S-dec21 , . lii Mala etreet.

I AHAT 19 fOB APPBOPBIATS FOB AV V nice Christmas Gift than a beautiful GOAL

OIL, A,A Sir r Xha place to get tbe n n atVICK.EBT BBOS.,

dec2t '; . , , .132 Main street.

ji 91 lamp . Trimmizigi,

SUCH AS GLOBES, SINGS, PBTSM8,Wick, nuraera. Cleaner, Bellecters,ouauee. M3 etc a laree supply at

VICKSBT BltuS ,-- c21 . 132 Main (treat.

' .Coal Oil. y l

rnnm veby best abticlx madx is bold1 lij ,, , V1CAXKT BBOS., 'decZl ' 132 Main street.





' amn


-i cs

5 few ft, a,tt 1 oo:.?:s

ta X. ' ' .

--t UW


.... troq o, --4 a(


0 O

5 SJ.

k. ..kewmm. --t



rJos.3 and 5FIRST STXt.iEIQ'r.


Tlia Finest Assortmentever Drought to this market.



WhlTiSa DKBK6, - .FriotOR-rap- n. Albusns, P try Altonnan

Pnnfoltos, Pntnt Boxes, Alphabet- Blocka, Btblea, Tesitaaaenta," Prayer - Book.. Duay

Bible, C.)ultPrayer sad ntbinr BooUs. .

tsAStavS,and a great variety of other preaenta, nil at thaLOW EST PBICE, st

. DOBSLL'S HEW BOOK STOKE, Jdec20 " Ho. 19 Mai. street.

SILVER POLISH.TUST BXOXIVXD A NEW STOCK OF BUFB.J rfcir Silver Flat. Polish, Ho mmily ought to

be without a hoav WM. BUCK,next Ho. ID AlaU street.

COIIMISSION.--rnrcTzj rrrr ,


a. B.,kraroi..r. . isbhaii..iicu iicimioi,

HUSTON &.GO.tForwarding & Commission

Merchants, ?i . U J, T ! a- -' WH1EFB0AT PEOPEIETOES,

33 v.SLzasv'illej, Indianaf CLOTHING.

tJL'X dt 'J. A

i m it- -I t-- m "Htamtam aui




Evo-nsville- , Intl.! .rr oli.

OVERCOATS.OrmotktM of very sluul and nutorfftl

TINDE3R -- COATS.Trench Tricot Back or "Walkins Coats.' ;i .

i rrencb Besmr tittilM Walking Coat.macs vrm rroem uoau, irom w u sou. a :

Vaanliaei Sack and Walking tioat of ertrydeecrlpttoaf Ij. si..- - ai.. v...' i '1

Cawimer. Suit of every description and price.: ' -r

r ewwl fU'frioajpANTS.macK JKkMKin, aetkfr rressa Xlbbed. Vaaey

OaHlmera, and alt ebade and texture fonnd iathie market.

: m n- -, 1: i.

VESTG.YaltsrNinUtn and Sirnred. Black Oioth. Blaak

fiilk, fancy Oaetimere, Waterproof!, etc.


Olo-re- Xlttene. Mnffien. Wrietlnee. Collars.CrsTato, T.te. Bntterfliee, Stocks, Linen PocketKandkerobleb, Bilk Pocket Handkerohieni, Sha-ker Wool Uoee, British Half iiose, Cottoa Booksof every oeecrtption.. ;xrj i f ,

UJTDExWEAR.Shaker Knit Shirts and Drawers. Also every

description of Euder.Wear for Qsntlemea.. 5 i! 4

LINsTH.fiUIRTfi.r w b mm m m mm m m mwm

Ws are Arnta" for the abova.named fihilrt. thebest ever sold in this market.

i .' , r, rPerties In want of Boods in oar Mae eainotlailto be pleased if they will call and examine our

:fkf. ... i

HMTLEY 3& SMITH;Proprietors of tlbe

Gentlemen's ClotlUng.and.i"ritxa ..i.i.(.

84 MAI1T STEEET, 84I'l'-fi'--'- ! ii(Adjoining ths Washington Bouse,)

t'.;J-- : VI; Ef aiTiUe, tntf 1.

declt dtf

jri i.


. I ; i .t i '


IMPLEMENTS.51 ' ' ' "BTSSL PLOWS (all kinds);


VOTTIKO BOXES (various kl Ina (various kinds);


BBAO BA r.t'? .

I. . i 3'UCi

Fresh, Seeds.BLCZ 3BA$S BgTT' "C: OSCBABD OB A 88 8BXD;

A, u CLOVSB 8ESD; jlm,,cj a u o a , i infills suoi u


Together with a full aesortment of Oardea Deeds,either in papers put up In boxes suitable fur re-

tailing, or in bulk ell growth of 1865.m or eaie oy

i- 9 Kotth Virst etreei, -

deed dim ! XvaosTllle, lad.

ilEWEIiERY.1 3 1

jOsS. Bmaowr. C0HSTAI9 CSLASO.


N6. 48 Main Street,TTAVK BKOKITKD THXIB NEW STOCK,Xi which Is full and complete, comprised of tbenewest and beet styles of

J E !W Et cot

vv: :a. t" cDIAMOD3,








hica we offer at the West figures." Call aadexamine our stock before pnrchaeing elsewhere,or yon may kwee a bargain, . w e are determinedtoaeii. ; - - -

This Is a good time to boy your Holiday Presents. . j "UixrnUAiis- iaiiAB9J

n23d2mo s - t- - - - . . .


Commission Merchants 4 Mcrchan- -U1BC U1VSU9I iiili

19 WATIR BTSEBT....(Cor. Coentm'a Blip), , n

Oonslenmenta solicited. Orders rkinds of merchandise promptly filled.


e --Wt- Seoojs StrMtw.... ... -- .. cnrenraACOHio.

' ' FOSTER, OWTS a Ca,,Wholesale Grocers ana tonunissica

I Merchants,30 ..TBOST STBBIT ,....80apota04as BtaaaplsU. Tama.

I fr-

cratch! 8 cratch I Scratch J,.


Will ran tb Itch In S6 hoor. "Abo ram SoldtTnart AM Aa.u .nil .11 ((la.atM tf th ak f n 1

eoatjuo ao Morenry. . Fries 60 canto per box byMil, or 00 per dosen. Adilnu Dr. SLAa.m W.f WU. IM., l- Kiii.it a wrrTTBT

Jyl4-6m- d a i . Xmurilia, lads'


,'ti UfcSI "J

. . v .1- -


' " :J T Z .- a i

ITO: 72si .

rJAItl --STREETwtsaK i.;i"-cv,l- )

,fi iJ . ,' .1--

a k j

IParsons )' "ille.

i (Do.IT

i .auw.8 i:..-- xi

Take great pleasure in an-nouncing to the public tnatthey have Just receivedfrom New York, a largeand choice assortment of

Staple jand JFancyGFtOGERIES,


"WdSocien & WillowWarc Coal. Qil ,

Lamps' and &lidtlessUa,dies' 3Ei,etlctxles,

Trayeling Basketsof every variety,'"

swhich they offer 'for snta nt the verylowest cash prices, r, j-


. ' .S -

.i;Tf'J .fc .ii'

i ii, i 'A

'1 I

DRUGS."?- - Ofil.


h;.Ws CLOUD & CO.,


DETJGGrlSTSlo." 0, Soutb Water . Street,

i' -

OOITSTAKTLT ON HAND A IiABOZKIIP and STOCKin their line, at - .,- -

i ; L Lowest Cash Prices.

BTJTSBS will do well to call before psrehasingelsewhere.


All orders atteudsd to with promptness andcars. dec 12 asm


Watches JexvelryIDIjMONIDS!SILVERWARE," Cloclss, &cl,



. . . TO TUB UDIZ3. r

If yea want a Fins Sold Watch and Chain, 9iamond, Cb-- na, ruun uom- o-

If youSrant a Fine Hecklace, Bracelet, Breast--

nln. Waddlnn Bine or Fins Set or jeweiry, nui' - p. L GKISiJIiKK, M main Bt.


' - , ' MECHANIC. ;

' f If vow want a Fine Heavy Gold or Silver Bant.- a v.fah. Mil allingam.rtcnn,u.- - ",-oSijia- .

ia te is' also tha soto agent fcr tha esiebratsd" - TWifvtr Oold Jfen.

Which ta wBlMnuli acknowledged ta he thafinest and best wriUnn Den in America. ' .,

KSV Personal attention paid to rrpairiBg fineWatches, Clocks and Jswslry. AU work gnaran-tee- d

to give entire satisfaction, or the money re--tunfleu, ny j .

rCjr &4 Main St. :. I, r,

. 10NK DOOE B.X1.0W 8KCOND 6XBEET.Xat' a--

SACKS te sals et Vo. 90, Water itrset.1000 JK. a. tttiBXVJi w.Septa.



Our I Stock is now Com-plete in all Styles of For-eign and Domestic .. Dry-Goods-


which we offer EX-CLUSIVELY: AT WHOLE-SAlJS- er "'- -

In Style, Quality or Pricewe defy all competitioneither in Evansville or anyother market. - i CO

CAB.P.E- -

DEPARTOEMT.HOl. the second floor of our whole

ale home, and attached to it, ia aroom expressly devoted to Hoasejmraiiainf uooas in general, vizVELVET CARPETS, -

Brussels Carpets, X, ,

AUIED A IJf WWJICMtSupeinne carpets,Medium Carpets," ca

Ingrain Carpers," : tCottage Carpets,

Listirg Carpets, J Q' ' iRag Carpets, oHemp Carpets, ;

Manilla Matting,Cocoa matting ,iStraw Matting, ,4Velvet RugSs t,

Brussels Rugs, r PaOil Cloth Rugs,Velvet Matts, ; ! ;

Cocoa MattS- f- - 1 !

Adelaid Matts; i u

Ruher Matts. 1 ' --

Window CShades, oWindow Fixtures,French Purnit are Prints.SILK DAMASK, 50c per yard

-- 1 - XVciieaper i.'-a- ,u me., retailprice in NewYork or Cin-cinnati. '

, '.' . "Wool Damask, '

, 'Worsted Damast,Piano Covers, ; u-r- t iTable Covers, ,. - ;,Bed Blankets.s? i j .

Picture cords. n? h j..-s'-

Picture Tassels,- - ; . .. t.t tSeal ckm Lap Robes,

Stair Rods and fixtures,-- - 'iitair iiinen and Ou Cloth, --

Gilt Cornices,' ui&.ct;i v.--

arpet Tacks, jLace Curtains, 7--) "fTri -- carTable Linens, &c"&c.- -.

Floor Oil f, cloths, from 18inches to 18 feet wide- - 't

Mo.liO First St.i'J AQUESS, FBEITCH & CO , t



HAVK PBOTKD, FSOM THK MOST AMPLBan entire sncoeee: Simple-Pro- mpt

ifflolent aad Btlisble. They are theoaiy mndlcinee pertectiy adapted to popster nae,so simple tha t mistskee cannot be made la nalngthem i. so harmless as to be free from danger, andse efficient as to be always reliable. They hsvsraised tbe highest eommeodatioB front alt, andwill always render satisfaction. . . .

Cures ' Cents.No. 1 " Fevers, Congestion, Inflammations 25So. " Worms, Worm Fsver, Worm Colic 29Bo. S Crying Chtolle, or teething of in--

- tnte............. S5No. " lftrrl, of childrea or adults . iiNo.He. a h ?llTn:rl7 'P"- - Colio , 2

Bo. 7 " Csagas, told, BvonchrfTst,.o. 8 " Nomrnlarln, toothache, Faceache 2a

No. S " Hisdsehe, Sick ileadacbe. Vertino 25Ko. 10" lyepefelK, Bilroae Btomech 29Ke. 11 " Snppreeaett or Pelnfol Periods.No. 12 " tV bites, too proftue Period. . SKo. 18 e crenp, 6oogh, difficult breathings. 25No. 14 aveat M.bcataB,Krysipelas,Iraptioos 25No. 15 " Itneamatiaui, iihenmatio Pains 26Ka. 16 "Fewer and A ana. Chill feves, -

A rune . 60Bo. IT Plies, bi nd or hleedtDgw.,..... SOBo. 20" Whooping Conglt, aad vtoleot

con lis goNo. l"'Cntnrrli,BcEte or chronic, Inflnenss 60no. ie - upinsimy and eere ar weak eyes 60Ho. 21 " Asthran,oppreeeed BreethlD?.. 60Mo. '"Kar AJteobargea, Impaired Hear.

Ho. 23 Scrorwj'aV'inierl!"G"lirnll logs.. ...w......... 60

No. 21 " Gen.ral UcbUlir, and Physical ,

Weakness,.J..,.., 50Bo. 25 N Dropsy aad scanty secretions. 60No. 2S " Sen aiehmesa,sicknese from riding 60No. 27 " KldUnop- - Dlaensn, Oravel 60No. 2S " Bervsu Oeblllty,bemlnel Xmls- -

sioa.. Involuntary Discharges. IPOBo. 29 Sore Month, Cenker . 60No. SO Urtnnry 1 meant I nenee, Wet-tin- s;

bed- - 60Ho. 31 " Patrnfat Perinda, avem wrttAt -

f twimi ... ...... 60No. .12 Snttertng-s-, change af lift). .. 100Bo. S3 Kpllep.ey, Spesms, and fit. Tins'

Dance.............. .... 00No. 34 " Diptberla, Ulcerated Sore Throat 60


S5 vials, morocco- case, and boos. 110 0020 large viaht, ia morocco, and book,. 8 0020 do plain caee, and book fi 60IS boxes (Nee. 1 to 16), and book .. SOT

VcfiTKlt.191 M.X SfSlitJI ACS.Hshogsny aieee, 10 vials....w......410Bingle vtels, with directions......... 1 00

Thess Bemedies. by the case or sinxls box.are sent to any part of the country, by mail orexpress, free of charge, on receipt of the price.



Office sod Depot, No. 662 Broadway, New York".Da. HtmrHsiTS la consulted dslly at bis omos.

personally or by letter, as above, for all forms of' ''' '' FKBBI8, 8PAKK9 M OO.,

2S Wholesale Asente, Bvaasvilie, lad.



No. . r...io"


Wholesale dealer In '



Kbmmnmnmmmnm atanataiam vyyajjsr


ijmOuj iLa

lam bow receiving a large stock of thabertqualities of Boot., Shoes, Hats and Gaps averottered to the trade, which have been pnrohaeedKr cash, and will be sold at a very small advanosabove cost.

Gall and examine my stock aad prove the abereassertion.

P. 8. I hare secured the services of Mr. B. S.Tenney, late with P. Semonin, who! .- - hi Oldfriends to eal 1 aad examine my stock. -

No trouble to chow goods.BvensvHte.Dse. 12,064.


A.. lO. FilieerilAKES PLBASCBB IB SATING TO HISJL old frisnts aad customers that he is new re-

ceiving an entire new stock of Fancy Goods,Tankee Notioss, Jewelry, Ladiee' Baskete, BeltBuckles, Poctet Books, Work Boxes, Combs,Beads, Gamee, Toy Tea Set., Dolle, Balls, star,biee. Whistles, Jewe Harps, Tin and BellowsToye In great v riety.ifor the cemrag holidays,many of whieh will he sold at oh) time prices, at" " J.0.2S LOCUST STEEET,


JL45--- 1.

HAVK JC8T BITTJBSKD B0M HI V7I, York. Boston and Philadelphia, with thsmost select stock of .,.v, k


Ivor offered In this market, boueht with cash outaf the last iatnortatios from France, German,and England, and I wilt be able to sell them atretail at wholesale prices, and will makes lib-eral discount below that to tbe county merchantsor city trade. .i- . j. . r, 3. J. KABLXTT A SON, .

nS Sm Ui Haia Street, cor. Main and Canal.





A' colii. " til ...






On Third Street, bet Main 3c Sycamore.l V v .;. :!."; w ,.'

Where they keep a full assortment of all articlemanutactured at their Factory, sues as

Jeans, -

Flannels, .!


! ' Ulrxnltetss


Merchants wanting a gocd article la onr line, r

are rssoeotfully invited to examine onr etock.aw We will sell our Gooda mm cheap as goods oltbe same sUjr an be sold anywhere, erWest. ,. p27;,.

MEDICAL." r The Young Man'a Friend.1 "

xah bi ni oww doctor.LnmsT name of n Box af K liciuee pre-pared by an eminent Phyeiciaa in Cincinnati, Ucontains a preventative and cure for all privatediseases, with directions how to treat each caee,therefore, with the Toang Man's Friend In yourpossession, you have ths full directions and medUcine for the treatment of yourself and friends. ItIs tor sale by Druggists everywhere. Ask for thsTonng ifen's Yrteud. ' . ' -

WbolesaU and Retail byJyl KILLEB A WHI-T-

DENTIST.Hi .'fMBBtlQM.iV-.- .

I I Sli:

.KILlSa DLilT THANKFUL FOB TH1A. liberal patt unage raosived during the past fearears, and being permanent resident of this city,

desires all person (whether they need his profesional services or art) to visit his rooms aad see thsVnrlnms Styl etnerk 9Innw.mctw.redi

Improvements and Invent l 'UAre being maOe, and everything that will sv' enrvsU IntenaU o( his patleaU is seenrad by hint. HIlata.llihmeat and lacllltl4.V. ' ' Assaqnaltoany In

BAIf BBS O IT I m tf

He has Several A&aathetieaAllawtatlna; Pnlnt wham ttraUaUbseks that are snnkea can be restored to nearlyoeir orl ginal oontoor. AU desirable styles of -

ARTIFICIAL TEETH,suds anywhere la the United States, are made byhi a. Irregnlaritfee of Children's Teeth snncess

uy correct. Tliose having ' .

. DliCATKD TKXTU ;.) ,

Bhonld either 've them Cxtraetod or Filled, (thelatter If possible.) The health of. ths parties andthe remaining Teeth demand It.SCCEALOiO AFFLICTIONS TREATED.

AUK) CLEFT FAIiATBWfllae nm VMrct It litr Psit ()



'"il . ,V.','

Copper, Tin and Sheet-Iro- n

. "W mt. H.-3E- I , -' . .. and ,' :

Wholesale and Eetail Dealer inBtitania Japan Ware,

Cooking and HeatingJOB-WOR- K ASATLT KXKCDTKD.Northwest Side Sycamore, between

Second and Xnird Btreeta -

Je27,d6ms. , '


t :; the ..:) ;"'v:

Adams Express.i. COMPANY

Bava established I

ISW ROUTE- betwieh :"

Cairo, 1? ashy ill e and Points South.VIA 'J

Johnionville, Tenn.

Arrancements having been completed, this oldand reliable Company are now prepared to receiptfor freights to



MACON,Aad all accessible points Booth, by tha abovspopaiar and expositions rente.

Ths attention of kterchanta and Shippers, andtha business public generally, is directed to ths

Superior InducementsOffered by this Old and Beliable Line. In point odispatch and great redaction in the rates ofreight.

BHh. r tall particulars snqmrs as aa siaamshuna Onioa. So. IS. Ghaadler'a Block. Bransvilte. ali-t- f



" Jf i r And


, Greatly Kednced Prices!C . KELLER

-i 95, Main Street,

TraTiorter and Manufacturer of?:alikinda of v

!ii V--GUNS,PISTOLS, and

RIFLES,'"" ! Aim DKAIiIB IS -- r "


- BAOfim 1aro.oorttmtmt, FIXE POCKET, KSirK AND MA SOBB, WALKING' ' aANM3,ALI8OBT8OO0NB,- -

.1 ASDPIMTOLB, - - i

AUtaT KwarythiiBZ TJsmnlly Found Invan eierss n - ; l.

- aP Amii mmAm, to order. , - ' '

aWParticalar attention given to repairinggnns and pistols. jyiu,an.

CARD.Drs.. Ehrman' & Herr,J'


AND BXSISXNCB HO. 10 STOBTH01Second strast, between autta ana oyoamorn.

reason that the I'ostmastet Ginral ssytwe'er rebels and must be punished. ButShi AM a hate I care. I'll send this totuj hvi the -- Southern -- Express whohave aginU everywhere except the placethe Buree consigned me io.

Well, I was at the theater the othern!ghi to see ft.isiignty"pirty dramy calledthe "Workin tain ofiNewYark'; There

insik.tion and'adivU iv ft lot UT

drinkin and an omadhaun purtendin hewm an Irishman-CU- t capers like a clownin a, oirensftnd I thiughe iarlouslf orirma on the sta?e ana . Drininu lueoonwithin rach nv his nose. Its rally tan-

talizing Falim, inda4, It JJ think nvour wakennesses and fallins bein tuk off

in thai sort uv way by a little " short-boy- ,"

from Ne Yark or a plotf vglf ' I

from Philadelphia on "ft ;blood itubiftoni Bltimore . I took every word hesaid pursonal, especially whence d lookat ma. .iBad luck to tne poltroon; itmakes me mad to thinK ut nis capers,and he pretendin to be an Irish gintle- -

' " ' ' "man, too. I ezr-----

You axed me if I was promoted inthe army. Divil promOt. 1 1 wroMnWit wid flnnegan the Quartermasther,and Gineral Bragg (God rest his soulaodfeiye him paoe) ayde'jl .1ve qstay there bekase we always managed toget the stuff reddy for the inimy, whohad a diviL pf an ,appetite,. and; tookeverything in sight and a lot that.was nt.

Yon' know we have" an Irish Boordhere. The Americans are played outThey tried the Dutch in St Louis andfound thim O. K. (all correct), ftnd nowthey're tryin' u The Boord is bullyall . over, and for" the drink bate theworld they're all Fenians, and that1 sbullier. Talkin about the Fanians, doye know we have Circle here iv thebrightest boys Onld Ireland ver turnedout, and the head-cint- er is a gintlemannv parts and as brave as ould Bonnie

Julius Caasar, , He was ft Colpnei inthe rebel sarvice at the time I was there jwud Finnegan puten up pork for theinimy. I had ft nice time. Ahl I wish

was goin on yitXI T i J CI F ; T H H...But I'm gitten into politics, Falim, and

I'll stop fur fare nv the Buree. De yeever sin? M, Warm- - v the Green'1 now. ,

Yoooldn't do it in Baltimore iy GinralLoa Wallace "wa there?-1- - 'Ha den I aWlow1 anvthin' that sounds rebellious. J

Mfvor-Park- s is well and indsbis compe.we say ia pome society "

X ours in r enianism," Oolioh MgDbboh.To Falim O'Shauihnesiy, Ireland. 1 1

SPECIAL NOTIC t-, i -- - I'M". ?

Kostettefs Celebrated Stomachi ecr n. . iv


E( ifrooctya, a. x., nay zsin, isoo. -

3Hssa.HotrTisa8Mrtir:dmOtmrn I have used your Bitters daring

the last six wcstir'aBd feel II dne to yoto and thpublio to ekpreis my hearty approTal of theireffect, opon sie. I neef errote - pnS " for anyone and I abhor everything thatsaTors of qnaek.

But your Bitters r eatimly rwaoved fromthe leyel ot the nur nottruia of the day, beingpatent alike to all, and exactly what they profess

be. They are sot advertised t core every I

think, but tbey are reoommended to assist natnrs I

the alleviation and nUlnutlaiheaUug or manyShe most common Inflrmltiee of the body, and

this they 111 acoom jll.h. 1 had been nnwtll fornear two month., as is nsnal with we daring thespring.- - I was Vnlotis had enffering from' indi- -

gestion, and a general dijqwe of. tt; maotmemembrane, and though compelled to keep at work

fhe discbarge of my professional dnties, weevery weak, Of a yellow complexion, no appetite,and much of the time co'sflneorto toy bed. Whea

had been taking' yons BH(tai a week, my vigorreturned ; the sallow complexion was all gone, Irelished soy food.'and bow I 'enjoy th dnties of

the mental application which so recently were soverylrkeome and burdensome to me. When Inud vnnr Bittora. I ,fM a cheate rorr day.These are facii." Air inference 'moat be made hyacaindlTidnalfoi'himsStftl t" - t

tii Tnrs,rspBtlullyVlH:ii i iI . .. W. B. til. ii.

Pastor of Greene Freslyterlan Church. '

dec2l dlw I . . - - -

A Congh, pold, . Tltio.Sj,,,BSCIQUKS laHKOIATS .ttbktios, ffov, S


Irritation of th. Lnsfi, a Permanent:Vtiroat AfEeUeav. sua In., .arabl. sVang DiHsse '

:.! tij'fi' ilflf;IS OFTElf THE BBSCLI.



For Bronchitis, iithns, Catarrb,Consnnipttve and Throat Diseases,

nouses ass no with alwats exxn; vcass.SIN0EB3 AHD PC3LI0 SfXASLABS

will find Trochm nsetul In olearlng the voice whentaken before Sloglol rlSpeukiDtf, and relieving

the'throat after an unnsnal exertion of the vocalorgans, th Trwshu are recommended and pre-

scribed by Ffcyslcians, and have had testimonials

from eminent men throughout ths conotry. BeIng an artiols of true merle, and, having proved

their efficacy by a test of many years, each yearflads them in new localities in- - various parts of

the world,' and the. Tnchet are universally pro- -noaneed better than the srtlclea, , ; t ( . yf

Osrani'oaly "Beowji's Esokohiai. Taocass,"and do not take any of the' Por41ile ImUatimuthatmaybeoBered. '"" "li

Bold everywhere In thS JJuMad States, and In

A CROW Of OLORii --;

Every Hen, Woman and Child who has used

sr.fritner's AmorosiaIs wUling to reeomuMij lt years of Tap.idly increasing sale. ,hav autda th . Amhrosla la.mous kll over the world. ! i


It cures Itching of the Head.

It makes Hew Hair grow on Bald Beads.

It prevents the Hair from falling Out.

It renders the Hair Boa and Glossy.Cleanses the Bcalp, Cools tbe Heated Brow,

DendrnfT, Cures Nervous Herdache, CuresBaldness, Insures Luxuriant Locks, Inclines Hairto Curl, Supercedes Wigs, Kills Hair-Kater-

euj.ft Minuwil ttalsV. fWi vaHivm - - - ---. 5 i t .


The Ambrosia will suit yqn to ,.;T-- Bfegantlyput np. Dellcatery ' rWrttmeii.' PatroAUed "tJrOpens fiingera and Actresses. Bold in splendidbones of oartons, containing two large bottlesNo. a r morning, No. 1 for evening. r r


asreeable and effecttv toilet In the world. . Toprove this, try a carton. IIlO J' l '.

Bold by Druggists. -Bterling'8 Ambrosia Manufactorln

315 VCLTOB Street, SEW YORK., i ... ,.,:,. - nvHaifa Vcatetnol. dlctllan Hatr R.m.wer has proved Itself to be. the most periect

nreoaratlon lor tne nair ever ouerea w tne puouc.. it Is a vegetable compound, and contains no inJurious properties whatever..

IT WlUAl SKB1VS1 UUI DAia IV 119OBIGISAL COLQB. , ' - ' ' i t .

It will keen the bair from falllni out.It cleanses the scalp, and makes the hair soft.

lustrous ana siikbu.It is a solendld hair d retainer.Nooersoo. eld or vouns:. should fail to use it.


MT Ask for HaU's TegeUble Siclllaa Hair Bo--newer, and take no other.

B. P. HALL CO.,., i Nassau, N. H.. Proorletora.for sals by KILLEB WHITE, and Drug

gists generally. 1 1 ' ' oc2S-6i- n

COLGATE'S JlOlfET 80AP.This celebrated Toilet Soap, in such snivtr.

sal demand, is made from the cnoleest materials, is mild and emollient in its nature, ragreatly scented, and extremely beneflelslin its action upon the skin; ' For tale by Drug- - I

gists and Fancy Coodl Dealers. au24-l- y

A Card to Invalids.A Clergyman, while residing la South America

as a missionary, discovered a eafe and simple

remedy for .the cure of Hervons Weakness, larlyDecay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train or disorders oroognt onhw baneful and violous habits. Great numbershave Ibeen already cured by this noble remedy

Prompted by n desire to benefit the afflicted andunfortmateI will send the recipe for preparingand using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, toany one who needs It, Fntaf Okorg.

Fieaae enclose a post-pai- d envelope, addressed

to yourself.' Address,: I . ..jroaiJPH

Jy27,m. ' Station D, Bible House, W. T. City.


.'. Bntcb.lor'a Hni Dye is ths beet In theknown world. The- - only tone and perfect Dye

Harmless Instantaneous - and Beliable pro-

duces a splendid Black or Haturat Brown reme

dies tha ill efiects of bad Dyes, and frequentlyrestores the original color. Sold by all Druggists.Ths genuine is signed, JT. A. Batchelor, 81 Bar-- -.

.tmt. Ww Tork. aoR-u- i


til I . trmmtn bvJ. O. B90CHI 00, . 1 Water St.


ii the streets and receives such halfI ?nce as may be cba, to him. There has

tie1 for 800,0 time a whl8P,r tbat he waa

e illegitimate son of the Duke of Glou-

cester, and the pamphlet goes to prowthat he is so. His mother was thedanjhter of a Cardiganshire farmer, and

tf father f having been- - reduced totraightened circumstances, she went!ot into the world as a Jady s.maid, anarentuaIIy""got a situation as nnder-ouaekeep-

in the Duke's residence inondon. After being there some time

ae returned 'Mi her ..father's, pregnant,tatiu? that she was married, and thater lausband would shortly appear to

lWber. No husband, however, appear-d-,and thyoang woman died three

neks aftef her eonfiaement. The ad --

Jntures of the boy, the subject of thisUobiograpby, After, this were nu met-

is and Taried." He went to the Gram-a- r

School in Hartford, which he left1 his grandfather's death, and was then orwanderer for a" considerable time onft streets of the town. Eventually bet an asylum with an old servant,

there,:, while ' ransacking- - an it1 desk of his grandfather's, he discbver--.some papers, whichj on being exauain- - soare said to nave disclosed the secret

his birth, and that he owed his par-

take on ode side to no' less a person-"- n

the Puke of Gloucester. Aof his enclosed the papers to his

. Highness, and shortly afterwards asember of the Duke's household was

' VvjoraVwho brought the lad to'VA'and he was received and well

I in the royal res.idence. for spate-Afte- r

this he was sent to an in-.i-

for teaching the blind, he hav-lo- st

his eyesight during his previous'"erings. sing annoyed and tanatedhe name of the yonng Dnka in the

.lam, he left U and - returned to theHie of his Royal Highness, n here-- he

tmei to have been well cared tor until, Duke's death, on which event occur- -

he was cast npon me woria, ana,vr numerous adventurers and travel- -

throughout the country, he at lengthtially settled down at Bristol, wbereiay still be seen playing his. concer- -

nil led by a dog with a small tin'its moutb, intended to receive the toof the' -- charitable. The whole

is s 'range, bat a highly respectable In.leman who helped Davis to compile ofautobiography,- - says he has every

ton to believe that the particularsin are quite true.--: ' -- ' w

) The Legend of Santa Clans, f iax)pular name of the Saint who

ts' over Christmas and the toy giftsat welcome season, is derived from I

H Nicholas. . The legend of bis firstearance is an Italian one. Accord- -

to this, shoemaker named Giraldi,lived in i errari, was so miserably

-- .that bis labor Jrom day to dayij Kept nis ismuy irora starvation;he was onabli to give even a smallry,to his pretty daughters. It 'was

I thought proper to marry ' without ary; and thus the yonng girl, though

had an, admirer, were compelled toain single. Their father, however,t every morning to the shrine to prayis patron saint, tit Nicholas, that heii i f i tia wora a miraois to relieve mm iromiistress.ne of his nearest Deishbors, a richchant, who chanced to hear his sim--

tietition. ridiculed the idea of hisrating the. saint to take care of hisliters, and recommended him tote a patron saint who would be able

something for him.' "Mine," he" is tb'v Jew Bnonajuto; he lends t

iy at '.wo per cent a month, and ifsnovr how to manage you may makevith it He is not so deaf as atilas." -7

j poor man was shocked at this b,

and assured the merchantlis religious faith could never bea. He went every day to church,

?:hstandinif the other's mockery.iras now Christmas day, when the

; ant and the Jew settled pp theirI accounts : Bnonajuto fonnd hehis friend three1 hundred ducats,ishing to give him an agreeablese. he ordered one bi the ducks bettened to ba killed and roasted,en with hu own hand introducedmndred eolden pieces into the inmd sewed them up, then sent theo the merchant as ft Christmas

merchant's wife, who shared thein prejudices .against the- - Jewsjeq be would hot touch the dock;he rich man resolved to sell it' Giralde passed on his way from). his neighbor, as usual banteredn his devotion, showing him., theaas gift his patron saint had 'sentrid taunted him with the stolidityNicholas, who conld not even Bendpiece of bread. " Finally he offer- -

ell the dnck for a dollar, and tor the D&vment. as he knew Giraldiatrictlv honest The shoemakerI the duck home, and when he! it for his Chrisvmas dinner, andree hundred ducats fell out, his

. itclamation was "Praise to St,

nen he recovered from hia surprise,ottld have taken the money back,bis wife persuaded him that,' as herht the duco, it was rightly nis owntherefore divided the sum betweensuitors for his two eldest daughters,he merchant after some days discoV'I his loss of the three hnndred du- -

I and went to the shoemaker to de--

d tne money, wnicn was , raiuseu.i cause came before the magistrate,j was ft pious man, and heard withgnation how eruellyUhe poorman

i been ridiculed about his religion.f sentence was that Giraldi shouldp the money, and that the merchanttne Jew snouia oesiaes pay nno,

their usurious dealines ci one hnn- -

1 dncats. to be eiven as a dowry forshoemaker a youngest daugbter.he meaning of this legend is, that aencent Providence watches over andit care of the poor, who are honest,lions and truthfuL . The traditions that since that time St Nicholas

a visit everv Christmas eva to all,m he thinks worthy of his favors,is known altogether by the nameta Clans.

Intercepted letter.Pinch, ik ths Blvtt City, )

Pacember lOtb, 1865. ; J)na Falm: All covered over widry, I'm at home ia Pinch, the place: wntnra and ooi-riot- After fourJt Of bloody war in bum-pro- itU-- I

ta in n OnartermaBter'a office. I'm 1

e ia the house of MeGiilicady widontii a scar to hand down to posterity.

been at home nearly six months,i what betune doin nothin, and theit in and tha aleeoin. am as rusty asauld sale in a panip tucker. Diril

?ht there's in tne, and I can't get my-int- o

a condition of fnry when theyFanian at me. . I m sum ewed. I mid iv the Buree the Freedman sie. I wint up there the other dayaxed for'tbi&op (that's what they' the SuperintendeDt for short) and

'how are Te;;bosr ;,Sir, sayshat did Jar want?" Says I, "ra- -

" "We don t feed the world, says'Indeed," says L "But don't yon''late, bread and drink to freed-sa- ys

I. r We do," says he. "I'miman," saya I, and a Fanian, too,"r not evnayger," says he. "GloryGod, no 1 says I. "Ihen go to"Thank you," says I: and I

i been back since, and I ax myym en to do the same. Bat that'srshun.( osa ia a great thing, Falim-- -


- V

FNDEBSIGXID HATE THIS DATTHX a awpartnersblo, under tha atyla af- WATSON ft EEEG,

for the trausactlon cf a

Wholesale Clotting Business, "'on BACX 8TBXET, between Third-aa- Fonrth,

! Olmetatmntl, Omla,wbsrs thsr hbDS to a th friaad of ths oldheuss. I JOHN V. WATSON,

"- . , . JOS. L. BEBa,

deel dim Late of Ooldman, Berg A Oo.


You will find an abnnd- -


ant supply. of Tongued

iitl !.

and ' Grooved : Tennessee

Yellow Pine Flooring at


Liiiiaber Yard,Cor. MAIN and 7th Sts.,



DOUTllHlirJ .;

Stdjire WoriisBfllfJKf.lEYER i CO.,

mannzaotnrer iCookie? Start,' for Wood and

Goal;Heating 8 tore, for Wood ' and

Coal:Country S'tillets and lids;Country Ovens and Lids ;Eiieuit OTena and Lids ;Odd Lids;Sugar Kettles;

. - Dog Irons; ... . ,

Jamb Orates:Fancy Grata fronts;

" Air urates; .rv.c'.- -

Cellar Orates ;- Window Weights;

. i Muffin Molds; tWatfie Irons;

" Ham Boilers;8tora Hoilowara, ft a., ft .


TIN 3E .7Z3dSheet Iron. Copper,

nv A17D JAFAMS'li'lsl) WAHi;aw Sale Konna Main Street, wypn--.tan Cert Homanv Vnsusdjrjr a.ar

aaontti Fig earn Creek.anaOrders Ssatcltnel. fcb


htain street to hu nsw Loo,IXo. H Second Street,

between Hala aad Sycamore, and received a largoaddition to hi. etoek of ware, as that now hs hath largiwt aad best selected stock in ths oity of

Plain and Fancy Tinware,C00KIMS AND H BATIKS STOVES,





' !

8MOOTHIN3--I BOUTS, fancy and eommcn,COAL HODS An FASES,


and every th I n gjowonei. ted with ths bnrlneee ; Infact, a geasral assortment f i ; ;

HtasCfualiMni Goods,ari good assortment of Tinners Stock.AU JobDlng, neb as GGTIEhUSfl, BOOFIH3.ate, dona at short notice.All wsrranted as represented.Offers to eelt cheap, at whohwala and retail. -

.v. w. nww. II


F. 0. Hammond, K. B. French, andO. A. Hammond, under tbe style of fiammsnd.French A Co., of Memphis, 1'ata., was, oa thslit Inst., dissolved by tnutuil coosent. Either ofth above-nam- partnere are suthorlaed to aattinall business connected with said firm.


CM. 12, MM dSW O. A. &AMM(,.