LOCAL NEWS. SATURDAY EVENIl.^. MARCH 2'J For this section rain to-day, (-'earing to niihr, fair weather on Sunday, winds shit"ling to ccijihr northwesterly._ Church Services, &c, Tomorrow.. , Church..Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. i»v Rev. Dr. Sut»-r. St. Paul's Church..Services at 11 a. m. : ;i in. by Rev. Dr. Norton. Grace Church..Sjrvices at 11a. m. by Rev. Dr. Minnigerode aud 7:31) p. m. by R iv. H. T. Sharp. St. Mary's Church..Service at 11 a. m. by R.-v. Father Campbell. Vespers at 4 p. m. S >nd Presbyterian Church..Preachiog at II a. m. by Rsv. J M. Nourse. of Eiz*- b >th, X. J., and at 7:30 p. m. by Rev. James I. Vance. Baptist Church..Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by Rsv. I. 31. Mercer. Young men's prayer meeting this (Saturday) even uig at 7:30 Trinity Melh.Epis. Church..Praaohiog at 11 H. m. and 7:80 p. to. by R jv. R F. Bishop. M Ih. Epis. Church South..Preaching at IIb rn. by Rev. W. J. Young, and 7:30 p. m by R v. R R s. Hough. Meth. Pi'ot. Church..Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. by Rov. L. It. Dyott. Morn¬ ing miij Cf : "Greater Works than These;*' evening subject: "Temptation a Prepara¬ tion for S*r\ ice." German Lutheran Church..Seivices at 11 a. in. Young Men's Christian Association..Meet¬ ing nt i tin R iotunat 4:30 p. m. Meeting at the Midland depot at 3:30 p. m.; alrashouse at 3 p. m., and jail at 2 p. in. Potomac Lodge's Anniversary.The Celebration of 'tie 51st auoiversary ot the or Zilien of Potomac Lodge, No. 3S, I O. U, F , »i inelr ball last, night was one of tho must <.¦ j »yable and successful affairs over witnessed in !'ih ciiy, and redacted much credit on thoae vsho conducted it. The at¬ tendance was very largp, but (so perfectly aud sjs ematicaiiy had the committee) of ar¬ rangements Anticipated every want and em srgeooy in*' mijtht occur) not tbe s.igbt- e>i ooufusidu or embarrassment followed, and ibo entire affair pa-sed oil in a satisfoc- toiy manner, The lodge was called to cr- der promptly at 7:.".i> o'clock, a full attend anot* of the members of Potomuc Lodge being noticeable, together with members from Sarepta L idee and delegations from Myrtle Lütge, of Fredericksburg,and sever¬ al lodges of Washington. Brides these visiting members, there were also present N. E Whitehurst, Grand Master of Virginia, and severai Past Grand Mastets. Tne visit ore were introduced by Mr. Leonard Mar- bury an.: Mayor Downbam welcomed them in a brief and appropriate speech. After the exempdtination of the work of the third degree upon five can¬ didates, by Potomao team, composed of 2.) men, the assemblaue uccompanied by a force number of their lady frieuds, re paired to the banquet room on the first fl>or, which had been tilted up with taste for the occasion and where a gorgeous feast had been prepared by Mr. L Brill, jr. Upon being sealed and a blessing having beeu in¬ voked, tho company proceeded to discuss the innumerable viands spread so lavishing- ly, and soon nil was "light laughter and merriment," and course followed course in rapid succession. Tho following was tho bill of fare: Oysters, raw ami friod; turkov, tongue, ham, chicken, boof, &c; lobster, chicken ami potato salads; celery, olives, slaw, pickles, uncos, &c; sanry biscuits &&; banana'-", apples, oiangesaud ^r->i> is akes of all kinds, creams aud ices. After all had partaken of the bouu'iful re- pasi Mr. D. R. Stansbury, P. G, muster of ceremonies, rapped the as.-ouifdy to order and in a few remarks told of the rapid growth of O Id Fellowship. He was follow *d by P. G. M. George Emmons, P. G. M. Jas. Burroughs and V. G. J. A. l\er>on, o! tri« District of Columbia; Grand Mas- tor of Virginia N. B. Whitehurst, Mr. F. A. Reed, W. II Merchant, of Myrtle Lodge of Fn deriiksburg, and oilierp. "i'ne banquet did nor, end till after elev» n cVolock when the company gradually de- i ar:ed for I heir homes, all more than pleased with tin' ei j »ymonts they had ex[ienanced. Tli-' committee of arrangements, consisted oi Messrs 1>. R Stansbury, ^chairman), L. Brill, jr., 1' M. Bradshtw, G. W. Bmz, Charles Goodrich, F. Oeisendatfor, G. T. Price, W. K. Hinken, B. F. Hall. G. H. Hinken, F. Kam and E. Lyles. Mrs. L Brill and .Mr-. Charles Goodrich, with many lady friends, vied in rendering assistance, and proved themselves valuable anxiliarien I v »rd making the «M-tir a decided success. Lecture..Rev.Wm.M. Djime last nigh', at u>e Opera Hou-e, delivered a lecture on Um Personal Recollections of a Soldloi'n Lift» in tho Army of Northern Virginia. The lecture w.is for iiiu benefit, of the Episcopal Cbuicts, near Burke'a Station, and the nu M- ence was large and appreciative. Mr. Dame told in a mosl interesting way of tho life of a'eoldier during the war-reciting a number of amusing and pathetic instances. He told of tbe hardrblps of tbe men and of t«;-ir patient iou>; suffeiing, and sp"ke most touchiugly of the absolute cmtidence the BOldiere bad in General Lee, every man bi- iievingtbat with the G.'iierai at ihelr head they could accomplish any undertaking. H<» closed with a beautiful tribute to theCon- federate BOldiers and their heroic conduct. Railroad Bills in Congress..The bill chartering the Georgetown and Arlington railroad was considered by the House Dis- iriot of Columbia Commi tea yesterday. It was largely amended so as Io almost form a new bill. It will he favorably reported as amended if tbe portion allowing tbe track to be ;,»:.! through tbe government reserva lion be approved by the Secretary of War. Tbe Bouse Committee on Military Affairs yesterday urd> red a favorable report on the bill to aiiow Ibe Falls CbU'Ch and Potomac railway company to construct a railroad across the government lands a! Arlington in Virginia. The power is to be horse, cable, compiessej air or electricity pud the route is to be t'orouuh tho ravine B&Ulh of the c ffi- cer»' quarters nt F >rt Myer. Police Report..Last pich* was clou ly and mild with rain about 12_>'clock. There were four prisoners and one lodger at the station house. The Mayor this mon ing dinprrsed of the following cases: A young white man. arrested by officer Grady charged with fighting had his case continued, and another nrrested on t he same charge, was discharged. Margie Pendlelon, colored, arrested by officer Median for disorderly connduct, was hued $1 50 Lühe Anderson, colore.l, arrested by offi¬ cers Jones aud Tie*-r charged with abusive language, and Jamt s Beach, charged with violating the police regulations at the local depot, were discharged. The YocNt; Peoples' Union of the 2nd P.esbyterian Church held a delightful meet- log last night, The lee-tire room was well tilled, many strangers beirg present. Mr. A. H. Thorns in, the president, pre-sided. Tt:e vaiious comm ttees made interesting reports showing (bat the work of the church ii in a prosperous cond::i< n. A r ch musi cal programms «a: ion le ed under the di¬ rection of Mr. P. J. Ds ni sey. It was de¬ eded to hold aLot ur Cturch reception at au eaiiy date. Proper? v Sales..Mr. R. T. Lncaa ao!d »n-:fov at public auction for Mr. Walter Ha I, tru3lee, two lots of ground, improved by a three Btory brick building, situated on the en»t of Royal street, between Cameron and Quaen s?r«ets, fronting on Royal street 59 fres, by 123* fees in depth, to Mrs. Jane F. Ballenger, tor $2,000. The same auctioneer also sold for War- rington Qilllngham, trustee, three hundred acres of the tract of land known as "Gun- ston Hall," situated in Mouot Vernon dis¬ trict, Fairfax county, Va., on Bslvoir Bay, (once the property of George Mason, the author of the Bill of Right* of Virginia) to Col. Eiward Daniels, for $11 per acre, eob- ject to a deed of trust of $5,000, making the price about $24 per acre. Personal.Capt. W. H. Brooke has lost h's pcsitiou as engineer at the Washington navv yard. Mr. John G. Chapman, of Prince George's county, Md., Is dangerously ill with a heart trouble. Mr. Newton Hill, who has been in business iu Providence, B. I., for some timo, hta returned to this city. Mr. Alexander Murray, of Memphis, is visiting rolativc« in this city. Mrs. LT. H. Young, of tho couuty, whoso illness was mentioned yesterday, was thought to be but¬ ter to-day. Mr. Walter Q. Eogore. of tho Midland office, is about to Ii ave for Clarkson, W. Va., where he has been tendered a good position under Mr. M. G. Tylor. Rev. T. M. Mercer, who has beon in Martics- burg, W Va, some days, returned to the city to¬ day and will occupy his pulpit to-morrow. Letters from Wilson, N. C.Mayor Dowobam to day received a letter from the M.iyor of Wilson, N. C , enclosing $7 to re- imbur-e him for the expense of sending Paul Knight, the runaway boy, who came here last Sunday, back to that city. The Mayor also reoeived a letter from the boy's father thanking him for the interest he had taken la his son. The boy himself wrote a letter to Officer Grady, thanking him for the kindce.^ shown him while be was at the station house. Basket Social .The basket social giveu by the young ladies of Golden Light Lodge, at Good Teraplars'^iall.last night, was well attended and was a pleasant a Hair. B-sides members of the lodge there were present a number of visitors from this city and Wash¬ ington. Duriug the evening a "donkey par¬ ty''was held, which was heartily enjoyed. About eleven o'clock each gentleman was furnished with a tastefully arranged basket of fruit. ^ A New Band..A number of members of the Alexandria Musical Association have organ!z£d a string and brass band and will offer their services to the public. The mem¬ bers of the band while all members of the Musical Association will act entirely inde¬ pendent of the latter association. Tbe band will be under the manageman of Mr. Joo. A. Scrivener. Commission Received..Mr. Park Ag- new, the recently appointed postmaster of this city, received his commission yeaterr day. To day be called at the poRtoffice and bad an interview with Postmaster Herbert, during which it was arranged tint Mr. Agnew would take charge of the office on April 1st. Loss Adjusted..The Fairfax Mutual Fire Iosuraooe Company met to day and adjusted tho less sustained by the burning of Mr. J. E. Munday's store at Waxponl, Loudoun county, a short time since. The amount agreed upon was $1.800, the full amount of the insurance. Opera House .The southern favorite, Miss Mattie Vickors, and her own company will appear here next Thursday night. Miss Vickors is well known here and gave great satisfaction when in this city two seasons ago. LEMON ELIXIR. Its Wonderful Effect on the Liver, Stom¬ ach, Bowels, Kidneys and Blood. Dr. Mo/.loy's Lemon Elixir is a pleasant, lemon drink that positively cures all Biliousness, Con¬ stipation, Indigestion, Headache,Malaria, Kidney Diseaso, Dizziness, Colds, Loss of Appetite, Fe¬ vers, Chills, Blotches, Pimples, Pain in Back, Pal¬ pitation of Heart, and all other diseases caused by disordorod liver, stomach and kidneys, the first great causo of - all fatal disoases. Fifty cents and ono dollar per bottle. Sold by druggists. Prepared only by H. Mozley, M.D., Atlanta, Ga. Lemon Hot Drops. For coughs and colds, take Lemon Hot Drops For soro throat and bronchitis, tako Lemon Hot Drops. For pneumouia and laryngitis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For consumption and catarrh, take Lernen Hot Drops. For all throat and lung disoas63, tako Lemon Hot Drops. An elegant aud reliable preparation. Sold by druggists. 25 cents per bottle. Pre¬ pared by H. Mozloy, M.D , Atlanta. Ga. SHII.OH'S COUGH and Consumption Core is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Consumption. e. S. Leadlioater & Bro.. agonta. Opinion of a Leading Editor. Almost all the diseases that till,et us from Infancy to old ago have ibeir origin in a disordered liver. A really good liver medicine is the mcsl Important in the whole range of pharmacy. We believe 8immone L ver Regulator to be the beBt among tbem all. We [tin our faith upon the Regulator, and if we cou'd persuade every reader who is in ill health to bnv it, we would willingly v- uch for th« b«-D*tit each wou'd receive.. Ed. Cincinnati Gazelle Best appetizer ever known is A. B. C. Tonic ; -never known to fail. Try it. Bics3ed is the mau who sells for cash. Ho always kuows whore to get his h sh ; ilut ho who sells for credit grows thinner and thiuner, Till be knows not where to get his dinner; Put yu who sutler pain cm be content, If within reach of Stonobrakor'a Liniment. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS made miserable by that terrible cough. Stiiloh'd Cure is the remeUy for you. E. S. Leadboater A Bro., Agents. AMUSEMENTS._ OPERA HOUSE, ONE NIGHT ONLY, THURSDAY, MAR. 27, Amoiica's Greatest Soahrotte, MATTIE TICKERS, Supported by JOSEPH M. DO \ Fit And an excellent company, in tho funniest musi¬ cal ccmedy of the present d<y, JACGÜINE, or PASTE and DIAMONDS, A h imorcus and satirical relloction of life behind the scenes, presenting incidentally the very lutost topical songs, charming medley, dain y dances, novel specialties, startling situations. Usual Prices.15, 25, 35 aud LOc. Seats now on sate at Alton's dru; store. mb22 5c _CANDIDATES._ IX) THE VOTERS OF THE CITY OF ALEX¬ ANDRIA, VA. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for the effiitt of COMMONWEALTH'S ATTORNEY, subject to the action of the democratic party in primary election. LEONARD MARBURY. mh'22 dte NOTICE..All persons having claims against the estate of CASSlUö F. LEE, deceased, will pie3ent the same to me or payment. mb.22 eo3t C. F. LEE, Jr.,Execator. LOCAL BREVITIES. The Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows will meet in Roanoke on the 12:h of Aprii. Bishop Whittle held confirmation services at Hamilton ic-day, and will confirm a class and presch at Leethurg to morrow morning. The U. 8. 8. Despi»oh with Secretary Tracy and party on board from Norfolk, passed op the river at eight o'clock this morning. The District of Columbia receivers of the C. and O. Canal had a conference with the Maryland receivers at Hagerstown yester¬ day. They will be given access to books and papers. The local steamboat inspectors com¬ menced yesterday to iuvestigate the canse of the bursting of the boiler of the tugboat Htm-op, which occurred last August at Georgetown, D. C. George Northedge, the Washington pugil¬ ist, was arrested yesterday afternoon on a warrant sworn out by William McNulty, charging him with having committed an as¬ sault on him in November last. Northedge wae released on deposit of $10 collateral for his appearance to day. There was a very heavy fall of rain this morn¬ ing, but lator the »kies cleared and the tempera¬ ture became very warm. Tim evening there was another very heavy fali of raiu. Mr. I. Eichborg has returoed from New York, where he has puichasod an immense stock of dry goods, Ac. Some of the goods havo already ar¬ rived. More complaints are received at this office of the irregularity iu the receipt of the Gazette at Lincolnia, Fairfax county. Ed. Meado, who was assaultei and beaten on the head by Kobert Arnold on Thursday, is thought to be out of danger. Ernest Travors, whose arm was amputated on Wednesday, is improving. Tho father of Eev. J. A. Schwoy diod yestorday iu New Jorsoy. Tho boys havo commented "picking" eggs. MONETARY AND COMMERCIAL. New Yobk, March 221.The spart of activity in tho stock markot yesterday afternoon had all disappeared this morning, and tho transactions during the first hour woro tho smallest for months. There was but littlo animation anywhere, and whilo tho smno steady to tirni tono prevailed, the morcmouts in prices woro scarcely porccptiblo. Opening prices woro either unchanged from last night's figures or but slight fractionsdill'jrent and in a few stocks did prices get moro than per et- away from them, aud at 11 o'clock tho msrkot was int2iisoly dull and steady to firm, gouorally at a shade hotter thau first prices. Baltimore, Mar. 22..-Virginia 6s consolidated 41; past-duo conp .: 10-40s .; do 3s .. WHOLESALE PBTCES OF PRODUCE MAE. 21 Flour, flno. ¥2 00 @ 2 75 Superfine. 2 50 @ 2 75 Extra. 3 10 @ 3 50 Family. 4 00 @ 4 50 Fancy brands. 4 75 (<& 5 25 Wheat, Longberry. 0 72 @ 0 83 FultE. 0 74 da 0 80 Mixed. 0 72 @ 0 81 Fair Wheat. 0 05 @ 0 70 Damp and tough. 065 @ 0 05 Corn, white. 0 30 Qp 0 38 Yellow. 0 30 (d 0 38 Misod. 0 3t; (§) 0 37 Corn Meal. 0 40 (fl 0 42 Eye. 0 40 dp 0 50 Oats. 0 2ti Qp 0 30 Butter, Virginia prime. 0 18 © 0 22 Common to middling... 012 0 16 Eggs. 0 12 © 013 Live Chickens (hens). 0 i! Co Oil Dressed Turkeys. 015 ted 0 16 " Chickens. 0 0 Qy Oil Veal Cslvos. 0 4 dp O ftJ*, (irass Calves. 0 2\<jh 0 3^ Dressed Hogs, small. 0 4 (a) 0 5 " largo. 0_3Vj(«j 0 4 Irish Potatoes per biisnei.. 50 (m 0 70 Oniona. 1 50 fa) 2 00 Apples per bbl. - 00 (a) 3 50 Dried PeachcH, oeolod.... 0 (< (a) 010 " " uupeoled.... 0 3 (a) 0 4 " Charries. 0 8 Co 010 " Apples. 0 3'fc(a> 0 5\ Hacon.HHnjB.coiiniry. Oil UP 012"£ Host sugar cured iiann Oil <§> 0 12^ Butchers' Hnuia. Oil ije 0 12^ Broakfast Bacon. 0 7'» (Tt> 0 8 Sugar-cured Shots Idoru. if.-- o <.'-.t Bulk shoulders. 0 5 dt 0 B\ " lg. cl. sidos. 0 6*4 to 0 6^ " fat backs. 0 5^© 0 6^ " bellies. 06 tie 0 6^ Bacon Shoulders. 0 5' fc 0 6 " Sides. 0 7 © 0 7^ Lard. 0 6 dp O 7 Smokod Beef.. 0 !3_ (je 0 14 Sugars-Brown. 0 5% Qa u 5% Off A. 0 6^H 0$ 0 6'y Conf. Standard A. 0 US 0 6^ Qranulatod. 0 6% % 0 0*, Coffees.iilo. 0 0 (m 0 21 Laüauyra. 0 2t (a> 0 22 Java. Ot'4 dp 0 £6 Molasses B. S. 0 34 dp Olti » C. B. Oil (<ß 0 22 Now Orloans. O 25 fa) 0 40 Porto Bico. 0 22 do 0 32 ¦sugar Byrups. 0 22 to) 0 35 Herring, Eaitern, nor bVi... 3 00 fflt 00 Potomac No. 1. SO-i 3 24 Pot. Family Eoe p> bbl. 4 75 ft) f> ( 0 Do. "p* half harrot. 2 50 fill 2 75 Potomac Shad . 8 Ol) @ 8 50 Mackerel, small,per bbl. 0 00 m; O 00 No. 3. niodium... IS 00 0 22 00 " Nu. 3, large fat... 20 OO di 24 00 No. 2. 25 00 (<c 27 00 Clovor Seed. 350 bfi 4 00 Timothy . 1 50 «I 1 70 Old Process Liuso^-tl Mos!.... .'udo (so 32 00 PI as tor, ground, por ton. 4 70 (t£ 5 00 Ground in bay.b. B f 0 U 0 5 ) Lump. 3 GO dp 3 75 Salt.G. A. 0 70 4* 080 Fine. 3 10 © 1 50 Turk's Island. 1 25 1 30 Wool.Long unwanhod. 0 26 & ü i*8 Washed. 0 32 © 0 '15 Merino, unwashed. 0 20 0 22 Do. Waahod. 0 32 @ 0 «5 Sumac. 0 70 (jß 0 75 Hay. 16 00 (jj 18 00 Cut do. 20 OO Qp 21 00 Wheat Bran 1* ton ~& car.. 15 00 g b 25 Brown Middlings " «'0 <Si 15 25 White Middlings " 17 00 dy 17 50 Cotton Seed Moal " 22 00 fa) 22 25 Baltimore, March 22 .Cotton Crm ; middling 11%. Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat. b'onihom firmer; Fulz 80n86 ; longberrv H la87; No 2 tsouthorii 84aM4't2; steamer No 2b0a8L; West«ru steady ; No 2 winter red f-pot Mar 83"^« 84; April 84"-4; May 85a85^; July S3 asked. Corn.Southern fairly »ctive and Ktea ly ; white 30*38 : yellow 35a37 ; Western firm ; niix«d «not 36*36^; March and April 35% 36>fe; May 30^ »36^; June 36\a36%; July ST'aaST1/^ Oats firm; Southern and Pcnna 27a301^; Wo3tcrn whi'e 29*30 Hi; do mixed 27a2->'«2; graded No 2 white 30*30^. Bye nominally lair at, 55a57. Hay dull; prime t5 choice timothy $12 50al3. Provisions lirm and unchanged. New York, March 22..Cotton quiot; uplands ll1^; Orleans 11^ ; futures barely steady. Flour fiim Wheat slow. Corn strong and quiot. Poik firm and quiet at $10 50al2. Lard quist at $6 50. LFGGETT'S FINEST FAEINA, in 1-lb pack¬ ages, perfectly fresh, at ian23_ McBUBNEY'S. 11BY OUK FINEST OOLONG and GUNPOW- DER TEAS for salo at $1 per pound by mh!3_ J C. MILBUBN. MILD COFFEES.15 bags Maracaibo and La Guayra Cotfeos received to-day by feblO_J. C. MILBUBN. I EBSEY KNIT VESTS AT 12% CENTS FOB ) Men, Ladies and Children roy4_At A. B. SLAYMAKEB'S. iXTBA MIXED TEA 45c; draws well; for sale by fmh!3] J. C M1LBUEN. PINT BOTTLE OF LUST'S OPEBA CO¬ LOGNE only costs $ I. dec!6 A M JXED NUTS, fresh, 12c per lb at janlO j. c. MILBUBN'3. DRY GOODS. Grand Opening of the Season. Easter& Spräa Novelties .AT. ISAAC EtCHBERG'S. Having just rotnrned from Now York, I am pro- pared to show tha FINEST LINE That has ever been offered for said in the Alex' andiia market. I shall aim to prove that shopping in Washing¬ ton is unnecessary, as I will cater for the taste of tho most fastidious as well as the plainest. For want of space can enumerate only a few special¬ ties : SUBAH SILKS, MOHAIBS, HENRIETTAS, CASHMERES, 8ERGES, NUN'S VEILING3, all loading shades, VANDYKE TRIMMINGS, VELVET RIBBONS, LACES, NETS, BUCKLES, etc. CHALLIS FROM 5c UP. GINGHAMS, ZEPHYR CLOTHS. EMBROIDERIES. BE3T MAKES OF KID GLOVES. HANDKERCHIEFS, HOSIERY, TOWELS, NAPKINS, &c. Bargains in Each Department It will repay aDy one contemplating a purchase to look through my stock, as goods have been se¬ lected with special care, and I can otfor overy ad¬ vantage as regards variety, quality and price. ffr A CHANCE TO SECURE BARGAINS IN DESIRABLE AND SEASONABLE GOODS. ISAAC EICHBERG, CORNER RING AND ROYAL STREETS. WANTS. WANTED.LADIES AND GENTLEMEN IN city or count'y wishing to earn $3 to $5 a day at their owu homes; no canvassing; work fur¬ nished and sont by mail any distance. Address with stamp, Cryatali/ad Phcto. Co, 112 W.6th St., Cincinnati, O. feh2:J w3m pOTA rOES. CHOICE EARLY ROSE SEED POTATOES. Also BÜEBANK POTATOES for table use. In store and for sale l>y mbl9 lw_W. A. JOHNSON & CO. The Great Indian Oil & Sagwa For sale by _nov22_J. D. H. LT7NT. 1 A CENTS will buy a large bottle of the MT. ±U VERNON HOU8EHOLD AMMONIA, the strongest and bc3t on the market. Try it at mh8_J. D. H. LUNT'S. CALIFORNIA SWEET MUSCATEL WINE just received. This is a delightful beverage. $2 per gallon. _febl3_ OEO. MCBURNEY & 8QN. GH. MUMM'd DRY and EX. DRY CHAM- . PAGNE, in pints aud quarts, always iu steck and for sale by fehl3_GEO. McBURNEY & PON. ANOTHER INVOICE BLACK-EYED PEAS just roceiveil by fcb24_J. C. MILBURN. r/\ DOZEN INDIA PALE ALE and HBOWN ÜU STOUT just received. Only $1.50 per doz- en at_[oct!8]_McBURNEY'S. / > ALWAY MONGBAND, a vory floe, extra dry \Jf Sptiiiiah Sherry, at §3 per gallon, for salo by ang!3_Gap. McBURNEY & SON. RED WARRIOR CHOPPING AXES, wholesale and retail, at 88 King, corner of Royal st. daag_J. T. OREIGHTON & 80N. ALL-WOOL 8TBIPED SHIRTS and DRAW¬ EES, for 75c a piece, just received at octl2_AMOS 8. SLA YMAKEB'S. APLE SYRUP in quart cans and quart fancy decanters for sale by nov4_GEO. McBURNEY & SON. RY CATAWBA WINE, in pints and quarts, for sale by feb!3_GEO. McBURNEY & SON. ALL-WOOL, HOME-KNIT HALF HOSE fine and cheap at nov!6_AMOS B. SLAYMAKER'S. ANOTHER SO PPLY OF BLACK-EYED PEAS receive! tc-day by mh!3_J. C. MILBURN. DUFFY'S MALT auJ G. O. TAYLOR'S WHIS¬ KIES, in cases, just received, ort»_OEO. McBURNEY ft SON. F YOU want somethiog nice try our SEASON¬ ING FOR CHOP PICKLE. oct29_JOHN D. H. LÜNT. \JEW SEASONABLE GOODS.New Boneless ±S Codfish and New Nos. 2 and 3 Mackerel. sep2.i_GEO. McBURNEY & SON. VTEW BONELESS CODFISH and SCOTCH i> HERRING at octlO_McBUBNEY'8. JUST RECEIVED.A beautifnl line of FINE PERFUMERY, TOILET SOAPS, &c, at oct29_J. D. H. LUNT'S. BA8SS ALE, GUINNESS'S STOUT and BEL FAST GINGEE ALE for sale bv _Jyl9_GEO. McBUBNEY & SON. LUNT'S AGUE CURE.Sure cure for Chills and Fever. Fifty cents per bottle. Three for $L25._sopll in QUARTER FINE WHITE ALL-WOOL l4) BLANKETS at $4.50,11 quarter at $3.50at doc7_AMOS B. SLAYMAKER'S. rpOOTH BRUSHES.A very large assortment of J. fine Tooth Brushes just received by janl7 _WABFIELD ct HALL. SMOKED BEEF TONGUES in canvass just re¬ ceived. Iel9_GEO McBUBNEY <fc SON. COLTON'S REMEDY FOR CHILBLAINS.. Pries 25c per bottle at mhb J. D. H. LUNT'S. M D 1 DRY GOODS. FOR THE SPRING TRADE OF 1890 WE OFFER UUSUAL ATTR1CTIÖSS. DRESS GOODS STOCK Presents many desirable foatnres. Choice Colorings in Mohairs and Brilliantinos, Fancy Strife Sorges, Plaids and Checks in Light Wool Fabrics, Henrietta, Cashmores in tho now and choice color¬ ings, Challis, fine Scotch Zaphyrs and French Satine3. . IN WASH GOODS Specially choicj patterns in Outings. Particular attention to the now printed etToets iu those goods Largo lines of tho new "A. F. C." Ginghams, the best American imitation of French work, in pattern s and colorings. The celebrated Toilo du Nord Ginghams, American Satinos, Printed Challis, At*. IN WHITE GOODS All our lines of Linon Lawns, French Nainsooks, Linen d'Aloneous, &c.,aroall full. Woaroa'si showing some very handsome Embroidered Muslins. Full Lines of all Housefurnishing Goods Tablo Linens, Napkins, Towels and Sheetings. 8pecial attention to our choice liao of Swiss Nainsook and Cambric Embroidery. Particular attention to the attractive Swis3 Goods in narrow hemstitch work. Valencia and Torchon Laces in good variety. OUR RIBBON BUSINESS Is largoly increasing, and wo are showing somo cheaper grado3 for dross trimmings. THE CARPET STOCK Has had large additions in choice Straw MattingB from V2U2 to 50 cents por yard. MERCHANT TAILORING STOCK Is full of now stylos. Particular attention to novelties in Trouserings. Cur Cutler is ono of tho best in this soction and has steadily giinod favor with our customers. Wo aro ready to give prompt at¬ tention iu this department. TACKETT * MARSHALL'S. FANCY GROCERIES. Cross &, Blackwell's Strawberry Jam, IN ONE-POUND GLASS JaRS, Received this day, March 7th, G.WM. RAMSAY. . FAT Is. 1 li 2 Mackerel FOB SALE BY G.WM. RAMSAY. CANNED G.WM. RAMSAY. SIX CROSS pears' soap. G.WM. RAMSAY. potomac' shad CHEAP, AND SHAD ROE AT RETAIL. G.WM. RAMSAY. nisi wmm VERY FINE INDEED. CANTON GINGEB, in whole, half and quart pots. STRAWBERRY JAM, in 4-lb jars. PÜBE CTJBBANT JELLY, in glass. TAMARINDS, in 1 and VH> jars. PRESERVED STRAWBERRIES, in Vlb tins. For sale by G. WM. RAMSAY. _TOBACCO._ TO THE CHEWERS . Of ^Y. T. HANCOCK'S Maritana Rough & Ready 10s It having como to my notice that Micro is a pieco of Tobacco on the market called Makitana, put up by son'o other manufacture^ I desire to caution my patrons to bo Riiro and seo that they get my skidd tag on their Tobacco. I hereby caution all dealers not to sell any To¬ bacco branded Maritana not having my shiold tag thereon, as I shall bring suit for damages agniiist all doalers handling my brands nat up by other manufacturer. W. T. HANCOCK, mh2I 3 m_Bichmond, Vs. DILL'S BEST An old-timo acquaintances particular friend of mine, Is DILL'S BEST TOBACCO, tho BEST you can find. Always tho same, this OLD reliable FEIEND, (living comfort and solace from beginning to end. As handflomo as a drctm, excellent in Out», Adorned, as n&ual, with tiireo tags on it.-i f.ico. PABTICÜLAB ATTENTION 1-5 CALLED TO OUß OTHER LEADING BEAND3: IipDjitioD, Luck, Cnt-Plng Mm. For sile in Alexandria by CHARLES KING & SON, 217-223 NORTH LEE STREET. Factory.£020 east Franklin streo'., Richmond Va. mh.'J eo3m NOTICE.The books of tho late firms of I'EB- BY.SMOOTACO and J. R. HMOOf&PEB- BY have baen placed in tho hands of Mr. GEO. DHLEB for settlement. They <: in be found at the office of Snioot A Co . and Mr. Uhler is author¬ ized to settlo all aoconuts, Prompt payment of all indebtedness to the above-named lirm is re¬ quested. PERRY, 6MOOT A CO. mhl2_tf .1. B. SMOOT A PEBRY. J~dTh. LÜNT, Agont for tho Celebrated ASHLEY BEOMIDE OF AR8E2UC WATEB. _[sop25] FABMEBS, BEAD X. 0. DUST! X. O. DU3T! THE NEW AND GREAT DISCOVERY, X. O. DU8T! For the relief from the Tcxa-i or Buffalo Fly on Cattle, just received and for ealo by Bep9_W. F. CRKKiMToN & CO. SMITH'S BILE BEANS, tho new popular reme¬ dy for Biliousness, Bid; Headache, Ac.: also PAINE'S CELEBY COMPOUND, so woll adver¬ tised on tho first page of tho Gazette, are for tale by aug!7_E. R. LEA DP. "A TER £. BRO^ PEABD8 LEY'S SHBEDDED CODFISH in one pound boxes. One pound of tins fish is equal to two poand of boneless cod. Can bo prepared in fifteen minutes. For sale by lanl5_GEO. McBURNFY A SON. Old Cold and;Silver Buught for cash at mh!7 HENRY WILDT'ti, 31« Kicg street,


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For this section rain to-day, (-'earing to niihr,fair weather on Sunday, winds shit"ling to ccijihrnorthwesterly._Church Services, &c, Tomorrow..

, Church..Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30p. m. i»v Rev. Dr. Sut»-r.

St. Paul's Church..Services at 11 a. m.: ;i in. by Rev. Dr. Norton.Grace Church..Sjrvices at 11a. m. by

Rev. Dr. Minnigerode aud 7:31) p. m. byR iv. H. T. Sharp.

St. Mary's Church..Service at 11 a. m. byR.-v. Father Campbell. Vespers at 4 p. m.

S >nd Presbyterian Church..Preachiogat II a. m. by Rsv. J M. Nourse. of Eiz*-b >th, X. J., and at 7:30 p. m. by Rev. JamesI. Vance.

Baptist Church..Services at 11 a. m. and7:30 p. m. by Rsv. I. 31. Mercer. Youngmen's prayer meeting this (Saturday) even

uig at 7:30Trinity Melh.Epis. Church..Praaohiog at

11 H. m. and 7:80 p. to. by R jv. R F. Bishop.M Ih. Epis. Church South..Preaching at

IIb rn. by Rev. W. J. Young, and 7:30 p. m

by R v. R R s. Hough.Meth. Pi'ot. Church..Services at 11 a. m.

and 7:30 p. in. by Rov. L. It. Dyott. Morn¬ing miij Cf : "Greater Works than These;*'evening subject: "Temptation a Prepara¬tion for S*r\ ice."German Lutheran Church..Seivices at 11

a. in.

Young Men's Christian Association..Meet¬ing nt i tin R iotunat 4:30 p. m. Meeting atthe Midland depot at 3:30 p. m.; alrashouseat 3 p. m., and jail at 2 p. in.

Potomac Lodge's Anniversary.TheCelebration of 'tie 51st auoiversary ot the or

Zilien of Potomac Lodge, No. 3S, I O.U, F , »i inelr ball last, night was one of thomust <.¦ j »yable and successful affairs over

witnessed in !'ih ciiy, and redacted muchcredit on thoae vsho conducted it. The at¬

tendance was very largp, but (so perfectlyaud sjs ematicaiiy had the committee) of ar¬

rangements Anticipated every want andem srgeooy in*' mijtht occur) not tbe s.igbt-e>i ooufusidu or embarrassment followed,and ibo entire affair pa-sed oil in a satisfoc-toiy manner, The lodge was called to cr-

der promptly at 7:.".i> o'clock, a full attendanot* of the members of Potomuc Lodgebeing noticeable, together with membersfrom Sarepta L idee and delegations fromMyrtle Lütge, of Fredericksburg,and sever¬

al lodges of Washington. Brides thesevisiting members, there were also presentN. E Whitehurst, Grand Master of Virginia,and severai Past Grand Mastets. Tne visitore were introduced by Mr. Leonard Mar-bury an.: Mayor Downbam welcomed themin a brief and appropriate speech.After the exempdtination of the workof the third degree upon five can¬

didates, by Potomao team, composedof 2.) men, the assemblaue uccompaniedby a force number of their lady frieuds, re

paired to the banquet room on the first fl>or,which had been tilted up with taste for theoccasion and where a gorgeous feast hadbeen prepared by Mr. L Brill, jr. Uponbeing sealed and a blessing having beeu in¬voked, tho company proceeded to discussthe innumerable viands spread so lavishing-ly, and soon nil was "light laughter andmerriment," and course followed course inrapid succession. Tho following was thobill of fare:Oysters, raw ami friod; turkov, tongue, ham,

chicken, boof, &c; lobster, chicken ami potatosalads; celery, olives, slaw, pickles, uncos, &c;sanry biscuits &&; banana'-", apples, oiangesaud^r->i> is akes of all kinds, creams aud ices.

After all had partaken of the bouu'iful re-

pasi Mr. D. R. Stansbury, P. G, muster ofceremonies, rapped the as.-ouifdy to orderand in a few remarks told of the rapidgrowth of O Id Fellowship. He was follow*d by P. G. M. George Emmons, P. G. M.Jas. Burroughs and V. G. J. A. l\er>on,o! tri« District of Columbia; Grand Mas-tor of Virginia N. B. Whitehurst, Mr. F.A. Reed, W. II Merchant, of MyrtleLodge of Fn deriiksburg, and oilierp."i'ne banquet did nor, end till after elev» n

cVolock when the company gradually de-i ar:ed for I heir homes, all more than pleasedwith tin' ei j »ymonts they had ex[ienanced.Tli-' committee of arrangements, consistedoi Messrs 1>. R Stansbury, ^chairman), L.Brill, jr., 1' M. Bradshtw, G. W. Bmz,Charles Goodrich, F. Oeisendatfor, G. T.Price, W. K. Hinken, B. F. Hall. G. H.Hinken, F. Kam and E. Lyles. Mrs. LBrill and .Mr-. Charles Goodrich, with manylady friends, vied in rendering assistance,and proved themselves valuable anxiliarienI v »rd making the «M-tir a decided success.

Lecture..Rev.Wm.M. Djime last nigh',at u>e Opera Hou-e, delivered a lecture on

Um Personal Recollections of a Soldloi'nLift» in tho Army of Northern Virginia. Thelecture w.is for iiiu benefit, of the EpiscopalCbuicts, near Burke'a Station, and the nu M-ence was large and appreciative. Mr.Dame told in a mosl interesting way of tholife of a'eoldier during the war-reciting a

number of amusing and pathetic instances.He told of tbe hardrblps of tbe men and oft«;-ir patient iou>; suffeiing, and sp"ke mosttouchiugly of the absolute cmtidence theBOldiere bad in General Lee, every man bi-

iievingtbat with the G.'iierai at ihelr headthey could accomplish any undertaking.H<» closed with a beautiful tribute to theCon-federate BOldiers and their heroic conduct.

Railroad Bills in Congress..The billchartering the Georgetown and Arlingtonrailroad was considered by the House Dis-iriot of Columbia Commi tea yesterday. Itwas largely amended so as Io almost forma new bill. It will he favorably reportedas amended if tbe portion allowing tbe trackto be ;,»:.! through tbe government reserva

lion be approved by the Secretary of War.Tbe Bouse Committee on Military Affairs

yesterday urd> red a favorable report on thebill to aiiow Ibe Falls CbU'Ch and Potomacrailway company to construct a railroadacross the government lands a! Arlington inVirginia. The power is to be horse, cable,compiessej air or electricity pud the routeis to be t'orouuh tho ravine B&Ulh of the c ffi-cer»' quarters nt F >rt Myer.Police Report..Last pich* was clou ly

and mild with rain about 12_>'clock. Therewere four prisoners and one lodger at thestation house.The Mayor this mon ing dinprrsed of the

following cases:A young white man. arrested by officer

Grady charged with fighting had his case

continued, and another nrrested on t he samecharge, was discharged.Margie Pendlelon, colored, arrested by

officer Median for disorderly connduct, was

hued $1 50Lühe Anderson, colore.l, arrested by offi¬

cers Jones aud Tie*-r charged with abusivelanguage, and Jamt s Beach, charged withviolating the police regulations at the localdepot, were discharged.The YocNt; Peoples' Union of the 2nd

P.esbyterian Church held a delightful meet-log last night, The lee-tire room was welltilled, many strangers beirg present. Mr.A. H. Thorns in, the president, pre-sided.Tt:e vaiious comm ttees made interestingreports showing (bat the work of the churchii in a prosperous cond::i< n. A r ch musical programms «a: ion le ed under the di¬rection of Mr. P. J. Ds ni sey. It was de¬eded to hold aLot ur Cturch reception atau eaiiy date.

Proper? v Sales..Mr. R. T. Lncaa ao!d»n-:fov at public auction for Mr. WalterHa I, tru3lee, two lots of ground, improvedby a three Btory brick building, situated onthe en»t of Royal street, between Cameronand Quaen s?r«ets, fronting on Royal street59 fres, by 123* fees in depth, to Mrs. JaneF. Ballenger, tor $2,000.The same auctioneer also sold for War-

rington Qilllngham, trustee, three hundredacres of the tract of land known as "Gun-ston Hall," situated in Mouot Vernon dis¬trict, Fairfax county, Va., on Bslvoir Bay,(once the property of George Mason, theauthor of the Bill of Right* of Virginia) toCol. Eiward Daniels, for $11 per acre, eob-ject to a deed of trust of $5,000, making theprice about $24 per acre.

Personal.Capt. W. H. Brooke has losth's pcsitiou as engineer at the Washingtonnavv yard.Mr. John G. Chapman, of Prince George's

county, Md., Is dangerously ill with a hearttrouble.Mr. Newton Hill, who has been in business iu

Providence, B. I., for some timo, hta returned tothis city.Mr. Alexander Murray, of Memphis, is visiting

rolativc« in this city.Mrs. LT. H. Young, of tho couuty, whoso illness

was mentioned yesterday, was thought to be but¬ter to-day.Mr. Walter Q. Eogore. of tho Midland office, is

about to Ii ave for Clarkson, W. Va., where he hasbeen tendered a good position under Mr. M. G.Tylor.Rev. T. M. Mercer, who has beon in Martics-

burg, W Va, some days, returned to the city to¬day and will occupy his pulpit to-morrow.

Letters from Wilson, N. C.MayorDowobam to day received a letter from theM.iyor of Wilson, N. C , enclosing $7 to re-imbur-e him for the expense of sendingPaul Knight, the runaway boy, who camehere last Sunday, back to that city. TheMayor also reoeived a letter from the boy'sfather thanking him for the interest he hadtaken la his son. The boy himself wrote a

letter to Officer Grady, thanking him forthe kindce.^ shown him while be was atthe station house.

Basket Social .The basket social giveuby the young ladies of Golden Light Lodge,at Good Teraplars'^iall.last night, was wellattended and was a pleasant a Hair. B-sidesmembers of the lodge there were present a

number of visitors from this city and Wash¬ington. Duriug the evening a "donkey par¬ty''was held, which was heartily enjoyed.About eleven o'clock each gentleman wasfurnished with a tastefully arranged basketof fruit.


A New Band..A number of membersof the Alexandria Musical Association haveorgan!z£d a string and brass band and willoffer their services to the public. The mem¬bers of the band while all members of theMusical Association will act entirely inde¬pendent of the latter association. Tbeband will be under the manageman of Mr.Joo. A. Scrivener.

Commission Received..Mr. Park Ag-new, the recently appointed postmaster ofthis city, received his commission yeaterrday. To day be called at the poRtoffice andbad an interview with Postmaster Herbert,during which it was arranged tint Mr.Agnew would take charge of the office on

April 1st.

Loss Adjusted..The Fairfax MutualFire Iosuraooe Company met to day andadjusted tho less sustained by the burningof Mr. J. E. Munday's store at Waxponl,Loudoun county, a short time since. Theamount agreed upon was $1.800, the fullamount of the insurance.

Opera House .The southern favorite,Miss Mattie Vickors, and her own companywill appear here next Thursday night. MissVickors is well known here and gave greatsatisfaction when in this city two seasons


Its Wonderful Effect on the Liver, Stom¬ach, Bowels, Kidneys and Blood.

Dr. Mo/.loy's Lemon Elixir is a pleasant, lemondrink that positively cures all Biliousness, Con¬stipation, Indigestion, Headache,Malaria, KidneyDiseaso, Dizziness, Colds, Loss of Appetite, Fe¬vers, Chills, Blotches, Pimples, Pain in Back, Pal¬pitation of Heart, and all other diseases caused bydisordorod liver, stomach and kidneys, the firstgreat causo of - all fatal disoases. Fifty cents andono dollar per bottle. Sold by druggists. Preparedonly by H. Mozley, M.D., Atlanta, Ga.

Lemon Hot Drops.For coughs and colds, take Lemon Hot DropsFor soro throat and bronchitis, tako Lemon Hot

Drops.For pneumouia and laryngitis, take Lemon Hot

Drops.For consumption and catarrh, take Lernen Hot

Drops.For all throat and lung disoas63, tako Lemon

Hot Drops.An elegant aud reliable preparation.Sold by druggists. 25 cents per bottle. Pre¬

pared by H. Mozloy, M.D , Atlanta. Ga.

SHII.OH'S COUGH and Consumption Core issold by us on a guarantee. It cures Consumption.e. S. Leadlioater & Bro.. agonta.

Opinion of a Leading Editor.Almost all the diseases that till,et us

from Infancy to old ago have ibeir origin ina disordered liver. A really good livermedicine is the mcsl Important in the wholerange of pharmacy. We believe 8immoneL ver Regulator to be the beBt among tbemall. We [tin our faith upon the Regulator,and if we cou'd persuade every reader whois in ill health to bnv it, we would willinglyv- uch for th« b«-D*tit each wou'd receive..Ed. Cincinnati Gazelle

Best appetizer ever known is A. B. C.Tonic ; -never known to fail. Try it.

Bics3ed is the mau who sells for cash.Ho always kuows whore to get his h sh ;ilut ho who sells for credit grows thinner and

thiuner,Till be knows not where to get his dinner;Put yu who sutler pain cm be content,If within reach of Stonobrakor'a Liniment.

SLEEPLESS NIGHTS made miserable by thatterrible cough. Stiiloh'd Cure is the remeUy foryou. E. S. Leadboater A Bro., Agents.


Amoiica's Greatest Soahrotte,MATTIE TICKERS,

Supported byJOSEPH M. DO\ Fit

And an excellent company, in tho funniest musi¬cal ccmedy of the present d<y,

JACGÜINE, or PASTE and DIAMONDS,A h imorcus and satirical relloction of life behindthe scenes, presenting incidentally the very lutosttopical songs, charming medley, dain y dances,novel specialties, startling situations.Usual Prices.15, 25, 35 aud LOc. Seats now

on sate at Alton's dru; store. mb22 5c


ANDRIA, VA.I respectfully announce myself a candidate for

the effiitt of COMMONWEALTH'S ATTORNEY,subject to the action of the democratic party inprimary election. LEONARD MARBURY.mh'22 dte

NOTICE..All persons having claims againstthe estate of CASSlUö F. LEE, deceased, will

pie3ent the same to me or payment.mb.22 eo3t C. F. LEE, Jr.,Execator.

LOCAL BREVITIES.The Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows will

meet in Roanoke on the 12:h of Aprii.Bishop Whittle held confirmation services

at Hamilton ic-day, and will confirm a classand presch at Leethurg to morrow morning.The U. 8. 8. Despi»oh with Secretary

Tracy and party on board from Norfolk,passed op the river at eight o'clock thismorning.The District of Columbia receivers of the

C. and O. Canal had a conference with theMaryland receivers at Hagerstown yester¬day. They will be given access to booksand papers.The local steamboat inspectors com¬

menced yesterday to iuvestigate the canseof the bursting of the boiler of the tugboatHtm-op, which occurred last August atGeorgetown, D. C.George Northedge, the Washington pugil¬

ist, was arrested yesterday afternoon on awarrant sworn out by William McNulty,charging him with having committed an as¬sault on him in November last. Northedgewae released on deposit of $10 collateral forhis appearance to day.There was a very heavy fall of rain this morn¬

ing, but lator the »kies cleared and the tempera¬ture became very warm. Tim evening there wasanother very heavy fali of raiu.Mr. I. Eichborg has returoed from New York,

where he has puichasod an immense stock of drygoods, Ac. Some of the goods havo already ar¬rived.More complaints are received at this office of

the irregularity iu the receipt of the Gazette atLincolnia, Fairfax county.Ed. Meado, who was assaultei and beaten on

the head by Kobert Arnold on Thursday, is thoughtto be out of danger.Ernest Travors, whose arm was amputated on

Wednesday, is improving.Tho father of Eev. J. A. Schwoy diod yestorday

iu New Jorsoy.Tho boys havo commented "picking" eggs.

MONETARY AND COMMERCIAL.New Yobk, March 221.The spart of activity

in tho stock markot yesterday afternoon had alldisappeared this morning, and tho transactionsduring the first hour woro tho smallest for months.There was but littlo animation anywhere, andwhilo tho smno steady to tirni tono prevailed, themorcmouts in prices woro scarcely porccptiblo.Opening prices woro either unchanged from lastnight's figures or but slight fractionsdill'jrent andin a few stocks did prices get moro than per et-

away from them, aud at 11 o'clock tho msrkotwas int2iisoly dull and steady to firm, gouorallyat a shade hotter thau first prices.Baltimore, Mar. 22..-Virginia 6s consolidated

41; past-duo conp .: 10-40s .; do 3s ..

WHOLESALE PBTCES OF PRODUCE MAE. 21Flour, flno. ¥2 00 @ 2 75

Superfine. 2 50 @ 2 75Extra. 3 10 @ 3 50Family. 4 00 @ 4 50Fancy brands. 4 75 (<& 5 25

Wheat, Longberry. 0 72 @ 0 83FultE. 0 74 da 0 80Mixed. 0 72 @ 0 81Fair Wheat. 0 05 @ 0 70Damp and tough. 065 @ 0 05

Corn, white. 0 30 Qp 0 38Yellow. 0 30 (d 0 38Misod. 0 3t; (§) 0 37

CornMeal. 0 40 (fl 0 42Eye. 0 40 dp 0 50

Oats. 0 2ti Qp 0 30Butter, Virginia prime. 0 18 © 0 22

Common to middling... 012 0 16Eggs. 0 12 © 013Live Chickens (hens). 0 i! Co OilDressed Turkeys. 015 ted 0 16

" Chickens. 0 0 Qy OilVeal Cslvos. 0 4 dp O ftJ*,(irass Calves. 0 2\<jh 0 3^Dressed Hogs, small. 0 4 (a) 0 5

" largo. 0_3Vj(«j 0 4Irish Potatoes per biisnei.. <» 50 (m 0 70Oniona. 1 50 fa) 2 00Apples per bbl. - 00 (a) 3 50Dried PeachcH, oeolod.... 0 (< (a) 010" " uupeoled.... 0 3 (a) 0 4" Charries. 0 8 Co 010" Apples. 0 3'fc(a> 0 5\

Hacon.HHnjB.coiiniry. Oil UP 012"£Host sugar cured iiann Oil <§> 0 12^Butchers' Hnuia. Oil ije 0 12^

Broakfast Bacon. 0 7'» (Tt> 0 8Sugar-cured Shots Idoru. if.-- o <.'-.t

Bulk shoulders. 0 5 dt 0 B\" lg. cl. sidos. 0 6*4 to 0 6^" fat backs. 0 5^© 0 6^" bellies. 0 6 tie 0 6^

Bacon Shoulders. 0 5'fc 0 6" Sides. 0 7 © 0 7^

Lard. 0 6 dp O 7Smokod Beef.. 0 !3_ (je 0 14Sugars-Brown. 0 5% Qa u 5%

OffA. 0 6^H 0$ 0 6'yConf. StandardA. 0 US 0 6^Qranulatod. 0 6% % 0 0*,

Coffees.iilo. 0 0 (m 0 21Laüauyra. 0 2t (a> 0 22Java. Ot'4 dp 0 £6

Molasses B.S. 0 34 dp Olti» C.B. Oil (<ß 0 22

Now Orloans. O 25 fa) 0 40Porto Bico. 0 22 do 0 32¦sugar Byrups. 0 22 to) 0 35Herring, Eaitern, nor bVi... 3 00 fflt 00

Potomac No.1. SO-i iü 3 24Pot. Family Eoe p> bbl. 4 75 ft) f> ( 0Do. "p* half harrot. 2 50 fill 2 75

Potomac Shad . 8 Ol) @ 8 50Mackerel, small,per bbl. 0 00 m; O 00

No. 3. niodium... IS 00 0 22 00" Nu. 3, large fat... 20 OO di 24 00'« No. 2. 25 00 (<c 27 00

Clovor Seed. 350 bfi 4 00Timothy . 1 50 «I 1 70

Old Process Liuso^-tl Mos!.... .'udo (so 32 00PI astor, ground, por ton. 4 70 (t£ 5 00

Ground in bay.b. B f0 U 0 5 )Lump. 3 GO dp 3 75

Salt.G.A. 0 70 4* 080Fine. 3 10 © 1 50Turk's Island. 1 25 1 30

Wool.Long unwanhod. 0 26 & ü i*8Washed. 0 32 © 0 '15Merino, unwashed. 0 20 0 22Do. Waahod. 0 32 @ 0 «5

Sumac. 0 70 (jß 0 75Hay. 16 00 (jj 18 00

Cutdo. 20 OO Qp 21 00Wheat Bran 1* ton ~& car.. 15 00 g b 25Brown Middlings " 1» «'0 <Si 15 25White Middlings " 17 00 dy 17 50Cotton Seed Moal " 22 00 fa) 22 25

Baltimore, March 22 .Cotton Crm ; middling11%. Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat.b'onihom firmer; Fulz 80n86 ; longberrv H la87;No 2 tsouthorii 84aM4't2; steamer No 2b0a8L;West«ru steady ; No 2 winter red f-pot Mar 83"^«84; April 84"-4; May 85a85^; July S3 asked.Corn.Southern fairly »ctive and Ktea ly ; white30*38 : yellow 35a37 ; Western firm ; niix«d «not36*36^; March and April 35% 36>fe; May 30^»36^; June 36\a36%; July ST'aaST1/^ Oatsfirm; Southern and Pcnna 27a301^; Wo3tcrnwhi'e 29*30 Hi; do mixed 27a2->'«2; graded No 2white 30*30^. Bye nominally lair at, 55a57.Hay dull; prime t5 choice timothy $12 50al3.Provisions lirm and unchanged.New York, March 22..Cotton quiot; uplands

ll1^; Orleans 11^ ; futures barely steady. Flourfiim Wheat slow. Corn strong and quiot. Poikfirm and quiet at $10 50al2. Lard quist at$6 50.

LFGGETT'S FINEST FAEINA, in 1-lb pack¬ages, perfectly fresh, atian23_ McBUBNEY'S.

11BY OUK FINEST OOLONG and GUNPOW-DER TEAS for salo at $1 per pound bymh!3_ J C. MILBUBN.

MILD COFFEES.15 bags Maracaibo and LaGuayra Cotfeos received to-day byfeblO_J. C. MILBUBN.

I EBSEY KNIT VESTS AT 12% CENTS FOB) Men, Ladies and Childrenroy4_At A. B. SLAYMAKEB'S.iXTBA MIXED TEA 45c; draws well; forsale by fmh!3] J. C M1LBUEN.PINT BOTTLE OF LUST'S OPEBA CO¬LOGNE only costs $ I. dec!6A

MJXED NUTS, fresh, 12c per lb atjanlO j. c. MILBUBN'3.


Grand Opening of the Season.

Easter& Spräa Novelties.AT.

ISAAC EtCHBERG'S.Having just rotnrned from Now York, I am pro-

pared to show tha


That has ever been offered for said in the Alex'

andiia market.

I shall aim to prove that shopping in Washing¬ton is unnecessary, as I will cater for the taste oftho most fastidious as well as the plainest. Forwant of space can enumerate only a few special¬ties :



NUN'S VEILING3, all loading shades,









Bargains in Each DepartmentIt will repay aDy one contemplating a purchase

to look through my stock, as goods have been se¬

lected with special care, and I can otfor overy ad¬

vantage as regards variety, quality and price.




WANTED.LADIES AND GENTLEMEN INcity or count'y wishing to earn $3 to $5 a

day at their owu homes; no canvassing; work fur¬nished and sont by mail any distance. Addresswith stamp, Cryatali/ad Phcto. Co, 112 W.6thSt., Cincinnati, O. feh2:J w3m



In store and for sale l>ymbl9lw_W. A. JOHNSON & CO.

The Great Indian Oil & SagwaFor sale by

_nov22_J. D. H. LT7NT.1 A CENTS will buy a large bottle of the MT.±U VERNON HOU8EHOLD AMMONIA, thestrongest and bc3t on the market. Try it at

mh8_J. D. H. LUNT'S.

CALIFORNIA SWEET MUSCATEL WINEjust received. This is a delightful beverage.

$2 per gallon._febl3_ OEO. MCBURNEY & 8QN.

GH. MUMM'd DRY and EX. DRY CHAM-. PAGNE, in pints aud quarts, always iu steck

and for sale byfehl3_GEO. McBURNEY & PON.


r/\ DOZEN INDIA PALE ALE and HBOWNÜU STOUT just received. Only $1.50 per doz-en at_[oct!8]_McBURNEY'S./ > ALWAY MONGBAND, a vory floe, extra dry\Jf Sptiiiiah Sherry, at §3 per gallon, for salo byang!3_Gap. McBURNEY & SON.

RED WARRIOR CHOPPING AXES, wholesaleand retail, at 88 King, corner of Royal st.

daag_J. T. OREIGHTON & 80N.

ALL-WOOL 8TBIPED SHIRTS and DRAW¬EES, for 75c a piece, just received at

octl2_AMOS 8. SLAYMAKEB'S.APLE SYRUP in quart cans and quart fancydecanters for sale by

nov4_GEO. McBURNEY & SON.RY CATAWBA WINE, in pints and quarts,for sale by

feb!3_GEO. McBURNEY & SON.

ALL-WOOL, HOME-KNIT HALF HOSE fineand cheap at



DUFFY'S MALT auJ G. O. TAYLOR'S WHIS¬KIES, in cases, just received,

ort»_OEO. McBURNEY ft SON.F YOU want somethiog nice try our SEASON¬ING FOR CHOP PICKLE.oct29_JOHN D. H. LÜNT.

\JEW SEASONABLE GOODS.New Boneless±S Codfish and New Nos. 2 and 3 Mackerel.sep2.i_GEO. McBURNEY & SON.VTEW BONELESS CODFISH and SCOTCHi> HERRING atoctlO_McBUBNEY'8.

JUST RECEIVED.A beautifnl line of FINEPERFUMERY, TOILET SOAPS, &c, atoct29_J. D. H. LUNT'S.



LUNT'S AGUE CURE.Sure cure for Chills andFever. Fifty cents per bottle. Three for

$L25._sopllin QUARTER FINE WHITE ALL-WOOLl4) BLANKETS at $4.50,11 quarter at $3.50atdoc7_AMOS B. SLAYMAKER'S.

rpOOTH BRUSHES.A very large assortment ofJ. fine Tooth Brushes just received byjanl7 _WABFIELD ct HALL.

SMOKED BEEF TONGUES in canvass just re¬

ceived.Iel9_GEO McBUBNEY <fc SON.

COLTON'S REMEDY FOR CHILBLAINS..Pries 25c per bottle at

mhb J. D. H. LUNT'S.







Presents many desirable foatnres. Choice Colorings in Mohairs and Brilliantinos, Fancy Strife

Sorges, Plaids and Checks in Light Wool Fabrics, Henrietta, Cashmores in tho now and choice color¬

ings, Challis, fine Scotch Zaphyrs and French Satine3. .

IN WASH GOODSSpecially choicj patterns in Outings. Particular attention to the now printed etToets iu those goods

Largo lines of tho new "A. F. C." Ginghams, the best American imitation of French work, in pattern s

and colorings. The celebrated Toilo du Nord Ginghams, American Satinos, Printed Challis, At*.

IN WHITE GOODSAll our lines of Linon Lawns, French Nainsooks, Linen d'Aloneous, &c.,aroall full. Woaroa'si

showing some very handsome Embroidered Muslins.

Full Lines of all Housefurnishing GoodsTablo Linens, Napkins, Towels and Sheetings.

8pecial attention to our choice liao of Swiss Nainsook and Cambric Embroidery.Particular attention to the attractive Swis3 Goods in narrow hemstitch work.

Valencia and Torchon Laces in good variety.


Is largoly increasing, and wo are showing somo cheaper grado3 for dross trimmings.

THE CARPET STOCKHas had large additions in choice Straw MattingB from V2U2 to 50 cents por yard.

MERCHANT TAILORING STOCKIs full of now stylos. Particular attention to novelties in Trouserings. Cur Cutler is ono of tho best

in this soction and has steadily giinod favor with our customers. Wo aro ready to give prompt at¬

tention iu this department.


Cross &, Blackwell's


Received this day, March 7th,



Is. 1 li 2 MackerelFOB SALE BY




pears' soap.G.WM. RAMSAY.

potomac' shadCHEAP, AND



CANTON GINGEB, in whole, half and quartpots.STRAWBERRY JAM, in 4-lb jars.PÜBE CTJBBANT JELLY, in glass.TAMARINDS, in 1 and VH> jars.PRESERVED STRAWBERRIES, in Vlb tins.

For sale by



. Of

^Y. T. HANCOCK'SMaritana Rough& Ready10s

It having como to my notice that Micro is apieco of Tobacco on the market called Makitana,put up by son'o other manufacture^ I desire tocaution my patrons to bo Riiro and seo that theyget my skidd tag on their Tobacco.

I hereby caution all dealers not to sell any To¬bacco branded Maritana not having my shiold tagthereon, as I shall bring suit for damages agniiistall doalers handling my brands nat up by othermanufacturer. W. T. HANCOCK,mh2I 3 m_Bichmond, Vs.

DILL'S BESTAn old-timo acquaintances particular friend of

mine,Is DILL'S BEST TOBACCO, tho BEST you can

find.Always tho same, this OLD reliable FEIEND,(living comfort and solace from beginning to end.As handflomo as a drctm, excellent in Out»,Adorned, as n&ual, with tiireo tags on it.-i f.ico.



IipDjitioD, Luck, Cnt-Plng Mm.For sile in Alexandria by


Factory.£020 east Franklin streo'., RichmondVa. mh.'J eo3m

NOTICE.The books of tho late firms of I'EB-BY.SMOOTACO and J. R. HMOOf&PEB-

BY have baen placed in tho hands of Mr. GEO.DHLEB for settlement. They <: in be found atthe office of Snioot A Co . and Mr. Uhler is author¬ized to settlo all aoconuts, Prompt payment ofall indebtedness to the above-named lirm is re¬

quested. PERRY, 6MOOT A CO.mhl2_tf .1. B. SMOOT A PEBRY.

J~dTh. LÜNT,

Agont for tho Celebrated


_[sop25]FABMEBS, BEADX. 0. DUST! X. O. DU3T!


For the relief from the Tcxa-i or Buffalo Fly onCattle, just received and for ealo byBep9_W. F. CRKKiMToN & CO.

SMITH'S BILE BEANS, tho new popular reme¬

dy for Biliousness, Bid; Headache, Ac.: alsoPAINE'S CELEBY COMPOUND, so woll adver¬tised on tho first page of tho Gazette, are fortale byaug!7_E. R. LEA DP. "A TER £. BRO^


pound boxes. One pound of tins fish is equalto two poand of boneless cod. Can bo prepared infifteen minutes. For sale bylanl5_GEO. McBURNFY A SON.

Old Cold and;SilverBuught for cash at

mh!7 HENRY WILDT'ti, 31« Kicg street,