Vue Weekly 898 jan 3-9 2013

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With heaps of snow and fun-�lled activities, Ban National Park is the place to be now! Celebrate winter with SnowDays, a month-long festival, jam-packed with events and activities that celebrate Ban ’s historic love for winter. Enjoy skiing, ice climbing, skating, geocaching, sleigh rides, cultural activities and more! Get out and play, because it’s always a ‘snow day’ in Ban National Park! Ban�LakeLouise.com/SnowDays





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Page 3: Vue Weekly 898 jan 3-9 2013



I guess we're still here, hey?



ISSUE: 898 . JAN 3 - JAN 9, 2013

"The level and tone of debate and dialogue in the legislative as-sembly, which was not stellar to start with, has deteriorated substantially since last spring's election."6"Mental illness is still a highly stigmatized subject; as a society, we are more comfortable than ever before in discussing depression and anxiety, but suicide is still very much stigmatized." 22"The truth is, you'll always leave something unfinished, no matter what, if you're creating."29




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CONTRIBUTORSRicardo Acuña, Bryan Birtles, Chelsea Boos, Josef Braun, Rob Brezsny, Alexa DeGagne, Gwynne Dyer, Jason Fos-ter, Michael Garth, Brian Gibson, Hart Golbeck, Fish Gri-wkowsky, Douglas Hoyer, Matt Jones, Maria Kotovych, Scott Lingley, Fawnda Mithrush, Stephen Notley, Mary Christa O'Keefe, Samantha Power, Mel Priestley, Dan Savage, Justin Shaw, Mimi Williams, Mike Winters, Yuri WuenschDISTRIBUTIONShane Bennett, Barrett DeLaBarre, Aaron Getz, Justin Shaw, Wally Yanish

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With still no word from Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the Governor General as to whether or not they'll meet with First Nations leaders to discuss treaty rights and Bill C-45, Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence was on day 20 of her hunger strike on New Year's Day. Spence has considerable support across Canada from the Idle No More movement and was joined in Ottawa by elder Raymond Robinson of the Cross Lake First Nation in Manitoba, who has been on a hunger strike for the same amount of time, and a busload of 50 supporters from the Martimes who joined Spence on New Year's Eve at her teepee on Victoria Island in Ottawa.


New Year's Day didn't ring in so well for beer drinkers in Russia. The country has banned the sale of beer on the street in kiosks and food stands, and shops are not al-lowed to sell it in the late night/early morning hours (11 pm – 8 am). In order for a shop or restau-rant to qualify for selling beer, it has to be at least 500 square feet. It is also now illegal to drink beer in public as Russia deals with the country's alcohol problem, and the beverage is now listed as an alcohol rather than a food prod-uct. In a 2011 study, the World Health Organization found that one-fi � h of the deaths of Russian men were related to alcohol.



NEWSROUNDUP REBECCA MEDEL // [email protected]


// [email protected]

Last year was the deadliest year to be a journalist since Reporters Without Borders began keeping watch in 1995, as there was a 33-percent increase in the death of journalists on the job from 2011.

In fact, RWB's "Press Freedom Barometer 2012" states: 88 journalists killed; 47 netizens and citi-zen journalists killed; six media assistants killed; 193 journalists imprisoned; 131 netizens impris-oned; 879 journalists arrested; 144 bloggers and netizens arrested; 1993 journalists threatened or physically attacked; 38 journalists kidnapped; 73 journalists fl ed their country.

What does this mean to us as Canadians, living in a "safe" country? When the freedom to expose government corruption is silenced anywhere, we should be concerned for the people in that country. Censorship is a human rights issue, and although there have been no journalists killed or arrested in Canada this year, we still only scrape in at number 10 (out of 179 countries) on the RWB's ranking of freedom of the press. Accord-ing to Canadian Journalists For Free Expression, since Stephen Harper became prime minister, it has been harder to access offi cal data. Thirty days is the required waiting period for accessing government information, but 44 percent of re-quests are not answered in this timeframe. On average, it's a 395-day wait. That's unacceptable. Canada has also been in the hot seat for prose-cuting journalists who don't reveal their sources.

Overall, the number of arrests and kidnappings

decreased—except in Asia and the Americas—from 1044 arrested and 71 kidnapped in 2011 to 879 and 38 in 2012. The fi ve worst o« enders for killing journalists were Syria (65 deaths), Soma-lia (18 deaths), Pakistan (11 deaths), Mexico (six deaths) and Brazil (fi ve deaths). RWB secretary-general Christophe Deloire said, "The reason for the unprecedented number of journalists killed in 2012 is mainly the war in Syria, the chaos in Somalia and Taliban violence in Pakistan."

The Internet and other social media platforms like Twitter are used quite o� en when govern-ment controls traditional forms of media, but those netizens are still monitored and at risk. Only fi ve netizens and citizen journalists were killed in 2011, but that number jumped to 47 in 2012. This is happening mainly in Syria, where men and women are risking their lives to expose how the government is treating their people.

And the worst o« enders for imprisoning jour-nalists? China (99 imprisoned), Turkey (46 im-prisoned), Iran (43 imprisoned), Syria (39 impris-oned) and Eritrea (28 imprisoned).

There is some improvement in Libya and Egypt since Muammar Qadhafi and Hosni Mubarak are no longer in power, with arrests falling from 28 in 2011 in Libya to seven in 2012 and Egypt falling from 116 arrests in 2011 to 33 in 2012.

The freedom to question authority, without the government dictating the terms under which that can be done, should not be optional. V

Freedom of the press


Five minutes tops. That's how long vehicles are now allowed to idle in front of Edmonton schools and hospitals when the temperature is above zero degrees. The new bylaw is an e« ort to try and limit the amount of exhaust that comes into contact with the more vulnerable parts of the population—children, elderly and the sick. Vehicle exhaust has been linked to asthma and other breathing diffi culties. A study done in Hamilton, ON, in 2006 found that pollution levels increased when idling cars were present around a school. However, there will be exceptions for buses and ambulances.

Cross Lake First Nation in Manitoba, who has been on a hunger strike for the same amount of time, and a busload of 50 supporters from the Martimes who joined Spence on New Year's Eve at her teepee on

Page 5: Vue Weekly 898 jan 3-9 2013


To begin on a happy note, the world didn't end this year. December 21 came and went without a sign of the Four Horsemen, leav-ing the Mayans (or rather their ancestors) with egg all over their faces. It just goes to show the perils of prediction—but why would we let that deter us? Nobody is keeping score.

So, instead of the usual trek through the events of the past year, why don't we use this year-ender to examine the entrails of recent events for portents of the future? Like, for example, the vicissitudes of the Arab revolutions in the past 12 months.

On one hand, there were the fi rst truly free elections in modern Egyptian his-tory. On the other hand, judges inherited from the old regime dismissed the lower house of parliament on a fl imsy pretext, and then the Islamist president retaliated by ramming through a new constitution that entrenched conservative "Islamic" values against the will of more than a third of the population. Is this glass half full or half empty?

On one hand, Libyans managed to hold a free election even though the country is still overrun by various militias, and Ye-men fi nally bid farewell to its dictator of 30-odd years. On the other hand, Syria has fallen into a full-scale civil war, with government planes bombing city centres and 40 000 dead. Did the "Arab spring" succeed, or did it fail?

Well, both, of course. How could it have been otherwise, in a world of fallible human beings? But the mould has been broken, and already half of the world's Arabs live in coun-tries that are basically democratic.

The political game is being played pretty roughly in some Arab countries, but that's quite normal in new democracies—and in some older ones, too. In the years to come the transformation will deepen, amidst much further turbulence, and most Arab countries will emerge from it as normal, highly imperfect democracies. Just like most of the world's other countries.

The European Union staggered through a year during which the common currency of the majority of its members, the euro, tottered permanently on the brink of col-lapse. The fi nancial markets have been talking all year about "Grexit", the expect-ed, almost inevitable withdrawal of Greece from the eurozone, and speculating on which country would leave next.

They thought it would be Spain for most of the year, but Silvio Berlusconi's decision to run for offi ce again—"The Return of the Undead", one European paper called it—switched the spotlight to Italy in No-vember. The possibility that the common currency might simply fall apart, and take the political unity of the European Union with it, could no longer be dismissed.

Meanwhile, secessionist movements fl ourished in major EU states. In Spain, both Catalonia and the Basque region elected provincial governments com-mitted to holding referendums on inde-pendence. The United Kingdom and the recently devolved Scottish government agreed on the terms of a referendum to

be held on Scottish independence in 2014. And in Belgium, Flemish threats to secede seemed more plausible than usual.

It's a mess, in other words, and Europe certainly faces years of very low eco-nomic growth. But the EU was always mainly a political project, intended to end centuries of devastating wars in Europe, and the euro was invented to reinforce that political union.

That project still has the fi rm support of the political elites in almost all EU countries, and they will pay whatever price is necessary to save it. Even in the regions considering secession from their current countries, there is no ap-

petite for leaving the EU. Indeed, the strongest argu-ment of the anti-secessionists is to say that those regions would have to re-apply for EU membership if they got their independence, rather than just inheriting it automatically.

So the European Union will survive, and will even recover its fi nancial stability even-tually. It will also remain a major economic player in the world, although the centre of gravity of the global economy will con-tinue to shi£ towards Asia. There is even reason to think that Asia's triumph will ar-rive somewhat later, and in a rather more muted fashion, than the enthusiasts have been predicting in recent years.

In the last months of 2012 China went through the 10-yearly ritual in which power is handed on to a new generation of leaders, and both Japan and South Ko-rea elected new right-wing governments. North Korea, the nuclear-armed rogue state that lies between them, put its fi rst satellite into orbit, thus demonstrating its

ability to build long-range ballistic missiles. And China was almost continuously em-broiled in border disputes with its neigh-bours (Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia) in the South China Sea.

The cloud on the horizon is still "no big-ger than a man's hand," but it is defi nitely there. We can hope that the world works di¦ erently nowadays, and in some ways it really does, but the fears, the nationalist passions, and even the strategic relation-ships in Asia are coming to resemble those in Europe a century ago, on the eve of the First World War.

Even if an equivalent war never actually happens in Asia, a growing share of the re-

gion's resources may be wast-ed on military spending. And

if there ever were a real war, the destruction would be so great, given

current weapons technologies, that the region could lose several decades' worth of growth. But it will be some years yet be-fore we know if the region is really dri£ ing in that direction.

The world's dri� towards global catas-trophe due to climate change is becoming impossible to deny. This northern summer saw prolonged droughts and heat waves ravage crops from the US Midwest to the plains of Russia, and soaring food prices as the markets responded to shortages in food supply.

This September saw Arctic sea ice cover fall to its lowest ever level: only half of the total area covered by ice in Septem-ber 10 years ago. And October saw Hur-ricane Sandy devastate much of the US east coast, causing a hundred deaths and over $30 billion in damage. It was the second-costliest tropical storm in Ameri-

can history (a£ er Katrina, in New Orleans, seven years ago).

Yet the global response is as feeble as ever. The annual round of global nego-tiations on cutting greenhouse gas emis-sions, held this December in Qatar, merely agreed that they would try to get some sort of deal by 2015. Even if they do, how-ever, it won't go into e¦ ect until 2020.

So for the next eight years the only legal constraint on warming will be the modest cuts in emissions agreed at Kyoto 15 years ago. Moreover, those limits only apply to the old industrial powers. There are no lim-its whatever on the rise of emissions by the fast-growing economies of the emerging

industrial powers in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Even lemmings usually act more wisely than this.

November brought a week of massive Israeli air and missile strikes against the Gaza Strip, allegedly in retaliation for Pal-estinian missile attacks against Israel, but the tit-for-tat has been going on for so long that it's pointless to discuss who started it. And nothing Israel does can stop the growing support for a Palestinian state: in late November the United Nations General Assembly granted Palestine non-voting ob-server state status by a vote of 138-9.

More worrisome was the threat of Is-raeli air strikes on Iran, supposedly to stop it from getting nuclear weapons. That would be a very big war if it started: the United States would almost inevitably get dragged in, the fl ow of oil from the Gulf states would stop, and the world economy would do a nosedive.

But there is no proof that Iran is currently working on nuclear weapons (the US and Israeli intelligence services both say no),

and mere air strikes would not cripple Iran's nuclear industry for long. So the whole issue is probably an Israeli blu¦ .

A blu¦ to what end? To get the rest of the world to impose severe economic sanctions against Iran, in the hope that they will cause enough pain to get Irani-ans to overthrow the present regime. The damage is certainly being done—the value of the Iranian rial collapsed this year—but the power of the ayatollahs is unshaken. They will not be overthrown, and there will not be a war. I think.

And then there's the United States,where Barack Obama, having accom-plished little except health care reform in his fi rst presidential term, was re-elected anyway. The Republican candidate con-centrated his campaign on Obama's slow progress in overcoming the deepest reces-sion in 70 years (which had been caused by the previous Republican administration), but just in time the numbers started to turn upward for Obama.

The economic recovery will probably strengthen in the coming year (unless the United States falls o¦ the "fi scal cli¦ " in the next week or so), and strong growth will give Obama enough political capital to undertake on at least one big reform project. The highest priority is obviously global warming, but there is a danger that he will fritter his resources away on hot-button issues like gun control.

So much for the big themes of the year. There was also the usual scatter of promis-ing changes like Burma's gradual return to democracy, the start of peace talks that may bring an end to the 60-year-old war between government and guerillas in Co-lombia, and the return to the rule of law in growing areas of anarchic Somalia.

Similarly, there was a steady drizzle of bad news: the revolt by Islamist extremists that tore the African state of Mali in half in April, the pogrom against Burmese Muslims in July, and the police massacre of striking min-ers in South Africa in August.

Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez is probably dying of cancer, and the rules for choosing his successor are in dispute. Russia's President Vladi-mir Putin faced unprecedented pub-lic protests a£ er the elections last March, but his power still seems secure. The Mars rover landed suc-cessfully in August, and is now busily trundling across the Martian land-scape. The existence of the Higgs bo-son was confi rmed (or at least tenta-tively confi rmed).

Business as usual, in other words. 2012 wasn't a particularly bad year; if you think it was, you've been reading too many news-papers and watching too much CNN. Their stock-in-trade is crisis and tragedy, so you can always count on them to give you the worst news possible. It wasn't all that great a year either, but never mind. There'll be another one along shortly. V

Gwynne Dyer is an independent journal-ist whose articles are published in 45 countries.

2012 year-enderLooking at recent global events as a window into the future







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During the spring election campaign, the party proved that a rose by any other name would smell a lot sweeter than the stink bombs and mind-gre-nades they dropped.

First came the bust that was the Wil-drose campaign bus, the image worth a thousand laughs. When first rolled out in Edmonton in mid-March, its poorly placed picture of Danielle Smith had the leader with a set of back wheels right where her chest would be. A pho-to went viral on Twitter. Soon, even Jay Leno was tittering at the goof on air.

The boobs kept coming. In mid-April, a 2011 blog post from candidate Allan Hunsperger, a minister in Tofield, AB spread via Twitter. Hunsperger had written that gays and lesbians "can live the way you were born, and if you die the way you were born then you will su�er the rest of eternity in the lake of fire, hell, a place of eter-nal su�ering." Hunsperger removed the post, while Smith lamely said the candidate would keep his religious views personal. Hunsperger, running

in Edmonton South, lost.Soon a�er, at an April 19 debate,

Smith declared, to some boos and catcalls, that, "There is still a debate in the scientific community" over global warming, though only about 97 percent of climate researchers disagree with her.

Then Calgary-Greenway candidate Ron Leech, a retired pastor, told a mul-ticultural radio station, "I think, as a Caucasian, I have an advantage. When di�erent community leaders, such as a Sikh leader or a Muslim leader, speaks, they really speak to their own people in many ways. As a Caucasian, I believe that I can speak to all the community," Leech said. Smith refused to censure or drop the candidate, even as Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi, who lives in the riding, criticized the comments. Leech lost to PC candidate Manmeet Bhullar.


Alison Redford's PCs made some blue-boos of their own. During the cam-paign, sta�er Amanda Wilkie stepped down a�er thoughtlessly tweeting

about the Wildrose leader, "If @ElectDanielle likes young and growing families so much, why doesn't she have children of her own?"

In July, deputy premier Thomas Lu-kaszuk posted a "joke" caption beneath a photo of the Fairmont Hot Springs mudslide (stranding about 600 tour-ists, some of them Albertans) on his Facebook page: "Fairmont in Hot Springs has a good deal on rooms to-day. If a little bit of mud doesn't bother you, book now!!!" He soon removed the post and apologized.


Toronto mayor Rob Ford, so pig-head-ed about repaying $3150 to the public trough for inappropriate use of council resources in 2010 that it could cost him his position, remained infected with hoof-in-mouth disease. The Mu-nicipal Conflict of Interest Act dictated his repayment, but in September Ford noted, "I've never read that before."

In March, expressing his vision for Toronto's transit system, he declared, "People want subways, folks ... sub-

ways, subways. They don't want these damn streetcars blocking up our city!" Come July, while discussing TTC expan-sion, he remarked, "I cannot support taxing the taxpayer."

A�er the legal decision went against him in November, Ford contended, "The people are going to speak. I'm not going to have people who say, 'You can't do this, you can't do that.' I'm going to fight for the taxpayers like I always have." But back in June, Ford had blamed everyday folk for a plastic-bag ban proposed by a member of his own executive: "It's the people's fault. Honestly, sometimes I get so frustrat-ed because the people are just sitting back listening. They don't pick up the phone, they don't go down to city hall, they don't ask questions, they just ... it's frustrating." One of the "people," though, protester Ken Garnum, ob-served of Ford, "I don't think he's evil. He just can't tell the di�erence be-tween right and wrong."


At the federal level, Stephen Harper's crew took their share of time o� from common sense. In February, Public Safety Minister Vic Toews told Lib-eral critic Francis Scarpaleggia that, if he opposed Toews' bill granting police more surveillance powers, "He can either stand with us or with the child pornographers."

In July, soon a�er minister Bev Oda, already caught for upgrading her room while in London's five-star Savoy Hotel and spending taxpayer money on a luxury car, announced that she was stepping down, aide Justin Broekema admitted that she had smoked in her office and paid for two air-purifiers with taxpayer money. "To my knowledge, she never paid fines," he said about her illegal indoor smoking; as for the purifiers, "We put [them] in the expense col-umn," Broekema said.

During the Prime Minister's Novem-ber visit to India, Harper travelled in two armoured cars flown in from Canada. Toews cited "operational consideration," but NDP MP Peggy Nash wasn't buying it, since Canadi-ans were paying for it. "This is not about security," Nash said. "Can we please get a straight answer to this simple question—how much is it costing to send the prime minister's personal limos to the Taj Mahal?"BRIAN GIBSON// [email protected]


Fa�s, ga�es and laughsPolitcal tongue trip-ups of 2o12

In 2012, from sea to sea to sea, we had our rolling waves of politi-cians' soundbats, vocalized brain-farts and verbal dire-ness. So, sit

back, relax, but don't put up your feet up—you could tip over back-wards because some of these tongue trip-ups will make you lol.

2012 was supposed to be a transforma-tive year for Alberta politics. Twelve months ago, many would have told you that 2012 would be the year that the Conservatives finally got booted from power and that Danielle Smith and the Wildrose Party would take over the government offices at the legislature. Others would have highlighted that the Orange Crush that carried federal New Democrats to the benches of the Official Op-position would have a significant impact in Alberta and result in a surge of NDP MLAs, and ultimately, in the de-mise of the Alberta Liberal Party.

At the end of it all, however, none of those things came to pass. In fact, despite all of the hype and talk about flux and change, what we have, as 2012 comes to a close, does not look all that di�erent in most ways from what we had as the year began. We have a Con-servative government with a more than comfortable majority in the legislature, a premier who refuses to talk about

Alberta's broken revenue stream and a provincial budget that is in serious trou-ble as a result of low oil and gas prices.

Yes, the Wildrose Party is now the Of-ficial Opposition and the total number of opposition members increased from

15 before the election to 26 a�er, but those numbers still pale in

comparison to the 61 MLAs on the government benches. It's also important to keep in mind that the extreme right-

wing viewpoints represented by the Wildrose are not new to the

legislature: they've always been there. The only di�erence is that instead of being aired behind the closed doors of the Conservative caucus room, they're now being aired from the opposition benches. In terms of the core ideology guiding the province, the net impact of this shuffling of chairs in the legislature has been absolutely nothing.

Despite the general direction of gov-ernment policy not having changed, however, there was one notable trans-formation that came out of the Wil-

drose Party's ascension to the role of Official Opposition. The level and tone of debate and dialogue in the legislative assembly, which was not stellar to start with, has deteriorated substantially since last spring's election.

The Wildrose party set the tone for the session that was to follow during the 2012 provincial election. Much of their campaign revolved around heavy-handed attacks against Alison Redford and her key candidates, focusing on their trustworthiness and ethics rather than on policy in any substantive way. They have now turned this tactic into standard operating procedure for Wil-drose MLAs in question period. Instead of nuanced questions about policy and government decisions, the Wildrose has chosen instead to use question period as a venue for strongly worded partisan attacks against the premier and her cabi-net ministers. These aggressive attacks have, for the most part, focused on al-legations of corruption, expenditures by ministers and senior public servants, and

the accusation that they are not 'true conservatives'.

The media loves a hint of corruption and a good scandal, and the Wildrose communications team has ensured that there has been no shortage of both for them to glom on to. In many ways, through this line of attack, Smith and her team have been able to set the agenda for the legislature. The other opposition parties have felt compelled to follow up on the exact same issues in hopes of be-ing able to get any media coverage and these tactics have forced Redford into a place where all she seems to be doing is defensively reacting and responding. Rather than deal with the barrage of at-tacks, and in an attempt to look e�ec-tive and proactive, the government has responded by ramming through poorly conceived and poorly written legislation without any thought to larger dialogue with, or amendments from, the opposi-tion. The damage that the current state of a�airs will ultimately cause to democ-racy and the public interest in Alberta remains to be seen, but from this per-

spective it promises to be substantial.As we head into 2013, there is no

shortage of serious issues which should be given thoughtful and thorough con-sideration in the legislature and in the public realm: our province is in a crisis of financial solvency and sustainabil-ity; contract negotiations with teachers, doctors and other public servants are in serious trouble; the health-care system and long-term care remain in crisis; and serious action is urgently needed to address the environmental impacts of the province's oil, gas and coal devel-opments. The hope for the new year is that our elected representatives will be able to have these conversations in an informed and positive manner. The fear is that they will opt to continue focus-ing on scandals and ministerial expenses and once again let the public interest take a back seat. V

Ricardo Acuña is the executive director of the Parkland Institute, a non-partisan, public policy research institute housed at the University of Alberta.

Did anything really change?Predictions of Alberta politics one year ago look nothing like today






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BRIXX BAR • 10030-102 St • 780.428.1099 • Troubadour Tuesdays monthly with comedy and music

CENTURY CASINO • 13103 Fort Rd • 780.481.9857 • Open amateur night every Thu, 7:30pm

COMEDY FACTORY • Gateway Entertainment Centre, 34 Ave, Calgary Tr • Brian Work; Jan 4-5 • Paul Sveen; Jan 11-12

COMIC STRIP • Bourbon St, WEM • 780.483.5999 • Wed-Fri, Sun 8pm; Fri-Sat 10:30pm • Hit or Miss Mondays: 8pm • Ian Bagg; Until Jan 6 • Michael Che; Jan 9-13

DRUID • 11606 Jasper Ave • 780.710.2119 • Comedy night open stage hosted by Lars Callieou • Every Sun, 9pm

FILTHY MCNASTY'S • 10511-82 Ave • 780.996.1778 • Stand Up Sundays: Stand-up comedy night every Sun with a differ-ent headliner every week; 9pm; no cover

OVERTIME PUB • 4211-106 St • Open mic comedy anchored by a professional MC, new headliner each week • Every Tue • Free

ROUGE LOUNGE • 10111-117 St • Sterling Scott every Wed, 9pm

RUMORS ULTRA LOUNGE • 8230 Gateway Blvd • Every Thu Neon Lights and Laughter with host Sterling Scott and five comedians and live DJ TNT; 8:30pm

VAULT PUB • 8214-175 St • Comedy with Liam Creswick and Steve Schulte • Every Mon, at 9:30pm

WUNDERBAR • 8120-101 St, 780.436.2286 • Comedy every 2nd Mon

ZEN LOUNGE • 12923-97 St • The Ca$h Prize comedy contest hosted by Matt Alaeddine and Andrew Iwanyk • Every Tue, 8pm • No cover

GROUPS/CLUBS/MEETINGSAIKIKAI AIKIDO CLUB • 10139-87 Ave, Old Strathcona Community League • Japanese Martial Art of Aikido • Every Tue 7:30-9:30pm; Thu 6-8pm

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL EDMONTON • 8307-109 St • edmon-tonamnesty.org • Meet the 4th Tue each month, 7:30pm (no meetings in Jul, Aug) E: [email protected] for more info • Free

ARGENTINE TANGO DANCE AT FOOT NOTES STUDIO • Foot Notes Dance Studio (South side), 9708-45 Ave • 780.438.3207 • [email protected] • Join Vincenzo and Ida Renzi every Friday at Foot Notes Dance Studio for an evening of authentic Argentine tango • Every Fri, 8pm-midnight • $15 (per person)

AWA 12-STEP SUPPORT GROUP • Braeside Presbyterian Church bsmt, N. door, 6 Bernard Dr, Bishop St, Sir Winston Churchill Ave, St Albert • For adult children of alcoholic and dysfunctional families • Every Mon, 7:30pm

BRAIN TUMOUR PEER SUP-PORT GROUP • Woodcroft Branch Library, 13420-114 Ave • braintumour.ca • 1.800.265.5106 ext. 234 • Support group for brain tumour survivors and their families and caregivers. Must be 18 or over • 3rd Tue every month; 7-8:45pm • Free

DROP-IN MEDITATION CLASSES • Sherwood Park Community Centre (Mon); Amitabha Centre, 9550-87 St (Tue, Fri) • [email protected] • Every Mon, Tue 7-8:30pm and Fri 10-11:30am

EDMONTON NEEDLECRAFT GUILD • Avonmore United Church Base-ment, 82 Ave, 79 St • edmNeedlecraftGuild.org • Classes/workshops, exhibitions, guest

speakers, stitching groups for those in-terested in textile arts • Meet the 2nd Tue each month, 7:30pm

FABULOUS FACILITATORS TOASTMASTERS CLUB • 2nd Floor Canada Place, 9700 Jasper Ave • 780.467.6013, [email protected] • fabulousfacilitators.toastmastersclubs.org • Can you think of a career that does not require communication • Every Tue, 12:05-1pm

FERTILITY AWARENESS CHART-ING CIRCLE MEETING • Cha Island Tea Co, 10332-81 Ave • [email protected] • Learn about menstrual cycle charting and share your personal experi-ences in a supportive group environment • 1st Mon of the month from Oct-Apr, 6:30-8:30pm • $5 (suggested donation) • Mon, Jan 7

FOOD ADDICTS • St Luke's Anglican Church, 8424-95 Ave • 780.465.2019, 780.634.5526 • Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA), free 12-Step recovery program for anyone suffering from food obsession, overeating, under-eating, and bulimia • Meetings every Thu, 7pm

HEALING CIRCLE • Call 780.570.0475 for location • spiritualawakeningcentre.com • Begins with a guided meditation moving into an affirmative state where healing on all levels occurs • Every Wed, 7-8pm

HOME–Energizing Spiritual Community for Passionate Living • Garneau/Ashbourne Assisted Living Place, 11148-84 Ave • Home: Blends music, drama, creativity and reflection on sacred texts to energize you for passionate living • Every Sun, 3-5pm

LOTUS QIGONG • 780.477.0683 • Downtown • Practice group meets every Thu

MADELEINE SANAM FOUNDA-TION • Faculté St Jean, Rm 3-18 • 780.490.7332 • Program for HIV-AID’S prevention, treatment and harm reduc-tion in French, English and other African languages • 3rd and 4th Sat, 9am-5pm each month • Free (member)/$10 (mem-bership); pre-register

MEDITATION • Strathcona Library • meditationedmonton.org • Weekly medita-tion drop-in; every Tue, 7-8:30pm

MILL CREEK MORNING AL-ANON FAMILY GROUP • Sun-drenched Room • Meet every Wed: Open to anyone who has been affected by somebody else's drinking; 10-11am • Din-ner/Presentation: last Wed each month, 6:30-9pm; Dinner and Speaker: $12 (member), $17 (non-member); Speaker only: $5; pre-register hltaa.org/Events.php

NORTHERN ALBERTA WOOD CARVERS ASSOCIATION • Dug-gan Community Hall, 3728-106 St • 780.458.6352, 780.467.6093 • nawca.ca • Meet every Wed, 6:30pm

OCCUPY EDMONTON GENERAL ASSEMBLY • Grant MacEwan City Centre Cafeteria, 10600-104 Ave • [email protected] • A leaderless space where everyone is welcome to organize and/or assist with all forms of Edmonton based non-violent activism • Every Tue from 6:30-8:30pm & Sat from 2-4pm

ORGANIZATION FOR BIPOLAR AFFECTIVE DISORDER (OBAD) • Grey Nuns Hospital, Rm 0651, 780.451.1755; Group meets every Thu, 7-9pm • Free

SHERWOOD PARK WALKING GROUP + 50 • Meet inside Millennium Place, Sherwood Place • Weekly outdoor walking group; starts with a 10-min discussion, followed by a 30 to 40-min walk through Centennial Park, a cool down and stretch • Every Tue, 8:30am • $2/session (goes to the Alzheimer’s Society of Alberta)

SOCIETY OF EDMONTON ATHE-ISTS • Centennial Rm, (basement) Stan-ley A. Milner Library • Monthly roundtable 1st Tue each month • edmontonatheists.ca; E: [email protected]

SUGARSWING DANCE CLUB • Or-ange Hall, 10335-84 Ave or Pleasantview Hall, 10860-57 Ave • 780.604.7572 • Swing Dance at Sugar Foot Stomp: beginner

lesson followed by dance every Sat, 8pm (door) at Orange Hall or Pleasantview Hall

WASKAHEGAN TRAIL HIKES • waskahegantrail.ca • Hike 10km from Hawrelak Shelter to the Royal Alberta Mu-seum loop; Led by Helen, 780.468.4331; meet at Argyll McDonald's Argyll Rd, 81 St; Jan 13, 9:45am-2:45pm • Guests are welcome. Annual membership is $20

WILD ROSE ANTIQUE COLLEC-TORS SOCIETY • Delwood Community Hall, 7517 Delwood Rd • wildroseantique-collectors.ca • Collecting and researching items from various periods in the history of Edmonton. Presentations after club business. Visitors welcome • Meets the 4th Mon of every month (except Jul & Dec), 7:30pm

WOMEN IN BLACK • In Front of the Old Strathcona Farmers' Market • Silent vigil the 1st and 3rd Sat, 10-11am, each month, stand in silence for a world without violence

Y TOASTMASTERS CLUB • Queen Alexandra Community League, 10425 University Ave (north door, stairs to the left) • Meet every Tue, 7-9pm except last Tue each month. Help develop confidence in public speaking and leadership • Contact: Antonio Balce, 780.463.5331

LECTURES/PRESENTATIONS GREAT EXPEDITIONS • St Luke’s AnglicanChurch, 8424-95 Ave • 780.469.3270 • 1st Mon every month, 7:30pm • Suggested donation of $3

THOUGHTFUL TUESDAY–THE GROWING EDGE • Earth's General Store, 9605-82 Ave • Screening of the documentary, Permaculture: The Growing Edge, an antidote to environmental despair, a hopeful and practical look at a path to a viable, flourish-ing future; followed by a discussion; Jan 8, 7-9pm; free • Screening of the documentary, FORKS OVER KNIVES; followed by a discus-sion; Jan 15, 7-9pm; free

QUEERAFFIRM SUNNYBROOK–Red Deer • Sunnybrook United Church, Red Deer • 403.347.6073 • Affirm welcome LGBTQ people and their friends, family, and allies meet the 2nd Tue, 7pm, each month

BEERS FOR QUEERS • Empress Ale House, 9912 Whyte Ave • Meet the last Thu each month

BISEXUAL WOMEN'S COFFEE GROUP • A social group for bi-curious and bisexual women every 2nd Tue each month, 8pm • groups.yahoo.com/group/bwedmon-ton

BUDDYS NITE CLUB • 11725B Jasper Ave • 780.488.6636 • Tue with DJ Arrow Chas-er, free pool all night; 9pm (door); no cover • Wed with DJ Dust’n Time; 9pm (door); no cover • Thu: Men’s Wet Underwear Contest, win prizes, hosted by Drag Queen DJ Phon3 Hom3; 9pm (door); no cover before 10pm • Fri Dance Party with DJ Arrow Chaser; 8pm (door); no cover before 10pm • Sat: Feel the rhythm with DJ Phon3 Hom3; 8pm (door); no cover before 10pm

EDMONTON PRIME TIMERS (EPT) • Unitarian Church of Edmonton, 10804-119 St • A group of older gay men who have com-mon interests meet the 2nd Sun, 2:30pm, for a social period, short meeting and guest speaker, discussion panel or potluck supper. Special interest groups meet for other social activities throughout the month. E: [email protected]

EPLC FELLOWSHIP PAGAN STUDY GROUP • Pride Centre of Edmonton, 10608-105 Ave • 780.488.3234 • eplc.webs.com • Free year long course; Family circle 3rd Sat each month • Everyone welcome

FLASH NIGHT CLUB • 10018-105 St • 780.969.9965 • Thu Goth + Industrial Night: Indust:real Assembly with DJ Nanuck; 10pm (door); no cover • Triple Threat Fridays: DJ Thunder, Femcee DJ Eden Lixx • DJ Suco beats every Sat • E: [email protected]

G.L.B.T.Q SAGE BOWLING CLUB • 780.474.8240, E: [email protected] • Every Wed, 1:30-3:30pm

GLBT SPORTS AND RECREATION • teamedmonton.ca • Co-ed Bellydancing: [email protected] • Bootcamp:

Garneau Elementary, 10925-87 Ave. at 7pm; [email protected] • Bowling: Ed's Rec Centre, WEM, Tue 6:45pm; [email protected] • Curling: Granite Curling Club; 780.463.5942 • Running: Kinsmen; [email protected] • Spinning: MacEwan Centre, 109 Street and 104 Ave; [email protected] • Swim-ming: NAIT pool, 11762-106 St; [email protected] • Volleyball: every Tue, 7-9pm; St. Catherine School, 10915-110 St; every Thu, 7:30-9:30pm at Amiskiwiciy Academy, 101 Airport Rd

G.L.B.T.Q SENIORS GROUP • S.A.G.E Bldg, Craftroom, 15 Sir Winston Churchill Sq • 780.474.8240 • Meeting for gay seniors, and for any seniors who have gay family members and would like some guidance • Every Thu, 1-4pm • Info: E: tuff @shaw.ca

ILLUSIONS SOCIAL CLUB • Pride Centre, 10608-105 ave • 780.387.3343 • groups.yahoo.com/group/edmonton_illu-sions • Crossdressers meet 2nd Fri each month, 8:30pm

INSIDE/OUT • U of A Campus • Campus-based organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans-identified and queer (LGBTQ) faculty, graduate student, academic, straight allies and support staff • 3rd Thu each month (fall/winter terms): Speakers Series. E: [email protected]

JUNCTION BAR AND EATERY • 10242-106 St • 780.756.5667 • junctionedmonton.com • Open Tues-Sat: Community bar with seasonal patio • Beat the clock Tue • WINGSANITY Wed, 5-10pm • Free pool Tue and Wed • Karaoke Wed, 9-12pm • Fri Steak Night, 5-9pm • Frequent special events: drag shows, leather nights, beer bashes, girls nights • DJs every Fri and Sat, 10pm

LIVING POSITIVE • 404, 10408-124 St • edmlivingpositive.ca • 1.877.975.9448/780.488.5768 • Confidential peer support to people living with HIV • Tue, 7-9pm: Support group • Daily drop-in, peer counselling

MAKING WAVES SWIMMING CLUB • geocities.com/makingwaves_edm • Recreational/competitive swimming. Socializing after practices • Every Tue/Thu

PRIDE CENTRE OF EDMONTON • Pride Centre of Edmonton, 10608-105 Ave • 780.488.3234 • A safe, welcoming, and non-judgemental drop-in space, sup-port programs and resources offered for members of the GLBTQ community, their families and friends • Daily: Community drop-in; support and resources. Queer library: borrowing privileges: Tue-Fri 12-9pm, Sat 2-6:30pm, closed Sun-Mon; Queer HangOUT (a.k.a. QH) youth drop-in: Tue-Fri 3-8pm, Sat 2-6:30pm, [email protected] • Counselling: Free, short-term by registered counsellors every Wed, 5:30-8:30pm, info/bookings: 780.488.3234 • Knotty Knitters: Knit and

socialize in safe, accepting environment, all skill levels welcome; every Wed 6-8pm • QH Game Night: Meet people through board game fun; every Thu 6-8pm • QH Craft Night: every Wed, 6-8pm • QH Anime Night: Watch anime; every Fri, 6-8pm • Movie Night: Open to everyone; 2nd and 4th Fri each month, 6-9pm • Women’s So-cial Circle: Social support group for female-identified persons +18 years in the GLBT community; new members welcome; 2nd and 4th Thu, 7-9pm each month; [email protected] • Men Talking with Pride: Support and social group for gay and bisexual men to discuss current issues; every Sun 7-9pm; [email protected] • TTIQ: a support and infor-mation group for all those who fall under the transgender umbrella and their family/supporters; 3rd Mon, 7-9pm, each month • HIV Support Group: Support and discus-sion group for gay men; 2nd Mon, 7-9pm, each month; [email protected]

PRIMETIMERS/SAGE GAMES • Unitarian Church, 10804-119 St • 780.474.8240 • Every 2nd and last Fri each Month, 7-10:30pm

ST PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH • 11526-76 Ave • 780.436.1555 • People of all sexual orientations are welcome • Every Sun (10am worship)

WOMONSPACE • 780.482.1794 • womonspace.ca, [email protected] • A Non-profit lesbian social organiza-tion for Edmonton and surrounding area. Monthly activities, newsletter, reduced rates included with membership. Confi-dentiality assured

WOODYS VIDEO BAR • 11723 Jasper Ave • 780.488.6557 • Mon: Amateur Strip Contest; prizes with Shawana • Tue: Kitchen 3-11pm • Wed: Karaoke with Tizzy 7pm-1am; Kitchen 3-11pm • Thu: Free pool all night; kitchen 3-11pm • Fri: Mocho Nacho Fri: 3pm (door), kitchen open 3-11pm

SPECIAL EVENTS DEEP FREEZE FESTIVAL • Al-berta Avenue on 118 Ave, Betw 90-94 St • deepfreezefest.ca • A Wild West Byzantine Winter Festival: This winter adventure celebrates the Russian/Ukrai-nian “Olde New Year” and embraces our northern climate by melding artistic pa-nache with authentic cultural and heri-tage winter games and fun. Snow and ice sculpture, old tyme curling, ethnic foods, dance and street hockey; fireworks on Sat night • Jan 12-13

THE WILD EAST PARTY • deepfreez-efest.ca • Part of the Deep Freeze Festival: Sample Acadian and Newfie cuisine, and then dance to the multilingual, world-beat music of Le Fuzz; Sat, Jan 12, 7-11pm; $10 (adult)/$5 (child 10 yrs and under) available at the Carrot Community Arts Coffee-house, TIX on the Square, door



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Page 8: Vue Weekly 898 jan 3-9 2013


FILM ONLINE: The best documentaries of 2012, plus reviews of This is 40 and Les Miserables.


A detail-saturated 65-mm epic composed most memorably of

close-ups, a chronologically vast his-torical chamber drama, a harrowing portrait of a damage-case stumbling into an immensely peculiar found family, an essay about the persistent desire for self-made religion in the postwar American landscape: Paul Thomas Anderson's The Master, about an uneasy alliance between an alcoholic veteran and a new age guru, is haunting. Along with the next few titles it was one of the fi lms that instantly sprang to mind when asked to consider the cinemat-ic highlights of 2012. It's diffi cult, at times unspeakably painful. It's also a masterwork in which every contribu-tion, the photography, the scoring, the writing and acting (from Joaquin Phoenix and Philip Seymour Ho� -man most especially), feels at once maverick and rigorously devoted to a collective vision.

Tabu, Portuguese writer/director Miguel Gomes' inventive diptych slips from drab, ine� ective current-day Lisbon to dangerous, decadent and dizzily romantic colonial Africa, from starkly composed scenes of dead-pan realism to fl uid, fl orid scenes of semi-silent melodrama, from the lonesome battiness of age to the recklessness and beauty of youth. We meet an elderly woman slowly fading into dementia and then meet that same woman 50 years earlier, precariously bored, pregnant, roped into an a� air with a drummer and handy with fi rearms. Tabu is formally daring, intelligent and lyrical. (Its title is also a reminder for me to spread a little love onto the greatly undervalued A Dangerous Method, a 2011 fi lm, strictly speaking, though it only hit Edmonton in early 2012. Be-sides sharing with Gomes' fi lm some heated adultery, David Cronenberg's historical picture about the meeting of Freud, Jung and Sabina Spielrein also happens to be all about taboos).

Writer, director, producer and star Patrick Wang's quietly audacious In the Family follows Joey, a decent, hard-working and very suddenly widowed father accustomed to accommodating others and keeping his frustrations to himself. The grieving family of his deceased partner attempts to gain custody of Joey's little boy with the

utmost passive-aggressiveness, and Joey's forced to fi nd the resources to fi ght back. Did I forget to mention that Joey's partner was a man? In the Family manages to be fi ercely politicized while never even uttering the word "gay." It is the most startlingly accomplished, tremendously moving American inde-pendent debut since Kenneth Loner-gan's You Can Count On Me (2000). Let's hope Wang doesn't have to wait as long as Lonergan to o� er a follow-up—Lonergan's cursed but exquisite character/moral study Margaret (2011) never screened anywhere in Canada to my knowledge, but you can fi nd it now on DVD. I strongly recommend the lon-ger director's cut.

Speaking of follow-ups: Terence Davies' The Deep Blue Sea, based on Terrence Rattigan's play, seems to begin where Davies' 2000 ad-aptation of Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth le§ o� : with a woman alone in a room with suicide. The trajecto-ry is not q u i te a s

d i r e , but the desperation and longing are thick as London fog in this story of reckless transgres-

sion: Hester (a particularly brilliant, courageous, and sexy Rachel Weisz) is married to William (Simon Rus-sell Beale), a judge, a mama's boy and tender-loving in a way that has nothing to do with passion. Hester leaves William for Freddie (Tom Hid-dleston), a former RAF pilot who happens to be a war hero and, it turns out, a real cad. The fi lm is at once raw and elegant, generous and merciless: people have their reasons, and Davies fi nds reasons to sympa-thize with everyone.

Which is a feat that Mexican direc-tor Gerardo Naranjo also somehow manages to pull o� in Miss Bala, his eerily fi rst-person, claustrophobic, nerve-rattling chronicle of a young woman (a convincingly traumatized Stephanie Sigman) who haphazardly decides to enter the Miss Baja Cali-

fornia competition and winds up be-coming the pretty pawn for a gang of violent drug traffi ckers led by the inscrutable yet magnetic Noé Hernán-dez, an actor who, like Sigman, we'll hopefully be seeing more of soon.

Miss Bala was only one of a trio of in-spired, eccentric crime stories to grace screens in 2012: Turkey's acclaimed atmospherist Nuri Bilge Ceylan's philo-sophical police procedural Once Upon a Time in Anatolia begins with a long, maddening search for the scene of a crime, while Winnipeg master-fabulist Guy Maddin's mythical gangster ghost story Keyhole begins at its familial hearth-crime scene and never leaves. Wildly di� erent in tone and technique as these fi lms are—Anatolia is mostly outdoors, earth-toned, frequently very still and meditative; Keyhole is black and white, gauzy, a happy clutter of

objects and encounters bordering on weirdo-farce—I like

how both elide the generic resolu-

tions they initially


g e a r e d toward and

how they turn meandering into a kind

of beguiling form of narra-tive motion.

Still, no crime story generated more astonishment and post-screening conversation in my house than The Imposter, Bart Layton's documentary thriller about the very strange case of Frédéric Bourdin, the Franco-Algerian who could barely speak English yet, at the age of 23, convinced a white rural Texan family he was their long-missing 15-year-old boy—or did he? I've never seen a fi lm so fully inves-tigate the notion of identity the§ as a collective agreement or act of tacit consent. Which is to say that The Im-poster is a movie about playing roles and telling stories as a group activity, which leads us directly to Sarah Pol-ley's Stories We Tell, a sort of memoir about Polley's attempts to uncover the true story behind old family ru-mours about her dead mother's se-cret life and the possibility that her father might not be her father. Both The Imposter and Stories We Tell are addressed further in our feature on the year's best documentaries (see our list online at vueweekly.com/docs2012), but I mention them here because no review of the year's best fi lms would seem complete without them—and also because their theme of role-play gives me the perfect seg-ue into mentioning the year's most blessedly batshit magnum opus, Leos Carax's unholy Holy Motors, in which Denis Levant, surely one of the

greatest mutant-level all-round acting wizards in world cinema, is driven to one strange fantasy setting a§ er another, where he transforms himself into one character a§ er another. All in a day's work, apparently. His job seems to involve nothing so much as merging his able body with the musings of his director's ferociously fertile imagination. Holy Motors, like Tabu, is

unapologetically a movie very much in love with the movies.

But really, what could possi-bly inspire more movie love than

Mark Cousins' hugely ambitious, iconoclastic yet authoritative 15-part documentary The Story of Film? Its understanding of the true scope of cinema's world history—not just the history of the world's wealthiest, most stable and shrewdest export-ers—is breathtaking. And it makes peering into cinema's future feel that much more enticing. JOSEF BRAUN// [email protected]

REVUE // FILM 2012

Rounding the lensA rundown of 2012's fi nest fi lms

Holy Motors

Page 9: Vue Weekly 898 jan 3-9 2013

Opens FridayDirected by Gus Van Sant

Environmentalist ideals and capi-tal greed collide in Gus Van Sant's

Promised Land, as big-city salespeople Steve Butler (Matt Damon) and Sue Thomason (Frances McDormand) ar-rive in a small rural town, quickly set-ting to work promising lucrative deals to the townspeople in exchange for drilling rights on their land. Eager for any monetary gain to soothe the im-pact of steady economic decline, many residents are quick to sign the contracts without being provided all of the facts, the implications of this decision glossed over by Butler and Thomason with the promise of a profi table future.

At the fi lm's opening, Damon comes across as a fast-talking, charismatic businessman chasing a he� y pay-cheque, as he attempts to pay o� the mayor to allow the deal to pass. How-ever, the pair's progress is halted fol-lowing a town meeting when a high school science teacher and retired Boe-ing engineer Frank (Hal Holbrook) pipes up regarding his disdain for fracking and the potentially dire consequences it has on the town's land.

Further complicating matters is the arrival of a pesky and all-too-chipper environmentalist Dustin Noble (John Krasinski), bringing with him heart-string-tugging stories of farms, cattle and livelihoods lost at the hands of fracking companies he feels preys on blue collar communities.

Once Promised Land's confl ict gets established, the steady pace of the fi rst half feels as though it stagnates as But-ler and Thomason try to sort out their next move. Added to the mix is a gra-tuitous and lackluster love interest be-tween Butler and an elementary school teacher, Alice (Rosemarie DeWitt). The pair's chemistry is tedious and does little to advance the plot aside from Butler trying to convince Alice that he's really not the bad guy, while Noble attempts to swoop in and steal her away—although Butler doesn't put up much of a fi ght on that front.

It's entertaining to watch Butler and Thomason fl ounder as they go head-to-head against Noble, with small amounts of humour injected into a dialogue and ideological heavy script, particularly when it comes to the beat-up old truck they cruise around in that refuses to start each morning, coupled with the swi� banter exchanged be-tween the colleagues.

Despite his lack of romantic fl air with DeWitt, Damon—who assisted in writ-ing the script along with Krasinski and Dave Eggers—does a noteworthy job at providing a friendly face to a char-acter who could have easily become a clichéd money-hungry villain. His moral conscience begins to get the better of him, boiling down to a predictable change in heart, complete with a heart-felt speech and numerous emotional close ups to drive the point home. MEAGHAN BAXTER// [email protected]


Sun, Jan 6 (2 pm)Metro Cinema at the Garneau

AlienDirected by Ridley ScottOriginally released: 1979

AliensDirected by James CameronOriginally released: 1986

A cursory glance at the person-nel involved in Alien serves

to remind us just how remark-able this movie—at once science fiction, body horror, slasher flick and chamber drama—truly was. The cast included John Hurt, Harry Dean Stanton, Tom Skerritt, Yaphet Kotto and Ian Holm, while the di-rector came fresh from his superb debut The Duelists ('77), and would thereafter make a little futuristic detective yarn called Blade Runner ('82). His name was Ridley Scott, and while time hasn't proved him the world's deepest director, the guy had style to spare and a cun-ning, merciless sense of economy. (For those with a weak stomach for busting stomachs, Alien is simply merciless, period.)

The strength of the ensemble cast is emphasized early on, their first scenes being group ones, relaxed portraits of seemingly regular folks amiably bitching about their jobs. The film's hero only establishes

herself roughly halfway through. We only really start to notice—if not entirely trust—Ripley (a long, tall and very cool Sigourney Weav-er) after we see just how badly things go with the unidentified creature she alone insisted not be let aboard the spacecraft, the first major spasm of mayhem occurring in that still traumatizing "birth" scene where the only overtly sym-pathetic character dies writhing in his own blood. A showdown of intergalactic Darwinism locks the movie between its teeth, playing out on a brilliantly claustrophobic set from one of the great periods in sci-fi design, very tactile and un-ruly, with gear made of industrial strength material, stuff with actu-al weight, stuff you want to wrap your knuckles on. For so many rea-sons there is in Alien a sense of the real that's absent from virtually all contemporary digital effects-laden films of its ilk.

In what seems to be turning into an annual event, Metro Cinema is offering a holiday screening of Alien in a double feature with Aliens. There are camps that claim the sequel superior, yet to my eye the relationship between the two is nearly identical to that between The Terminator ('84) and Termi-nator 2 ('91), which were both di-rected, like Aliens, by James Cam-eron. Aliens indeed establishes

its themes of ruthless maternal instincts more emphatically, and develops Ripley, awakened after a 57-year sleep to help fight an en-tire colony of aliens, into a fully fleshed out character. Yet after Scott's style and economy we go straight to Cameron's workman-like, more genre-bound flabbi-ness—like T2, another two-and-a-half-hour mega-budgeted movie full of over-cooked sequences and abundant redundancies. (Some-thing about the lower stakes of the original Terminator produc-tion lent that movie a charm that Cameron's never been able to recapture.) The climactic scene where Ripley escapes from the queen mother's lair is masterful-ly handled—too bad we're then forced to sit through a "surprise" second ending that's not half as thrilling and just takes forever to wind down.

There are concessions, like a sin-ister Paul Reiser as the corporate weasel, Bill Paxton, fresh from play-ing Chet in Weird Science ('85) and reveling in portraying a babbling hu-man Nerf ball, and Lance Henriksen, proving robot scientists can actually be nice guys. For better or for worse, there's more of everything in Aliens, though I'd pick its predecessor for the stronger, meaner chills and thrills any day of the week. JOSEF BRAUN// [email protected]


Alien / Aliens

Chills! Thrills! Xenomorphs!


Promised Land

Trust in me, Matt Damon, dear small town folk. Trust only in me

Page 10: Vue Weekly 898 jan 3-9 2013

The best of the year ran from As-ghar to Zeitlein, from fi ssuring

families and homoerotic mentorship to a Parisian rumination on what fu-els fi lm and a brutally honest look at dying. Canada's Kim Nguyen made an almost unwatchably great fi lm about African child soldiers, a Japanese stu-dio seamlessly translated a British kids' book and a New Yorker made the most rapturous fi lm about down-and-never-out Louisiana (and a little girl) imaginable. 2012 was a strange, wondrous brew of surreal odysseys, wry little adventures, and claustro-phobic chamber-dramas.

But there were just so many fi lms to pick from. In our super-saturated hyper-info-age, it's getting harder to fi lter the best from the rest (these are only fi ction-features—we had to put the year's best docs on another list). So here are my 12 for '12, plus a few extras, all squeezed in for today's >140-characters, soundbite-driven social-media and our nutrition-defi cient atten-tion-spans.

The system? RT: Rotten-Tomato-like Review, tweet-length; EEG: Eerie Echo of Greatness

(great literature/cinema it's reminis-cent of or outdoes; aka name-dropping for cinephiles and fi lm-studies grads); HACC: Hyperbolic Adjectival phrase that's a Critic's Cliché; PQ: Pitchy-Quote (part-pitch to Hollywood execs inter-ested in a remake, part-critic's quote for the fl ick's marketers); PMS: Pitchfork-Mean-Score (percent grade).

A Separation (directed by Asghar Far-hadi)RT: best opening scene/argument in fi lm; a family's gradual dissolution the

complexities of a Tehran torn by social and legal codes; cra� y cam-erawork and desperate dialogue. EEG: Raymond Carver's story "Little Things," only more drawn out and less-literal. HACC: throat-gripping domestic drama. PQ: imagine Kramer versus Kramer, in Iran ... aw, forget it. PMS: 99.

Beasts of the Southern Wild (dir. Benh Zeitlein)RT: joyous apocalyptic folktale about a defi ant salvage culture; blasts apart today's innocent-izing and cute-ifi cation of kids; gritty visual poetry for our global-warming age. EEG: novels The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Oryx and Crake. HACC: sublimely strange.

PQ: imagine Waterworld meets Days of Heaven meets Where The Wild Things Are meets The Gleaners and

I ... only better. PMS: 97.

Holy Motors (directed by Leo Carax)

RT: operatic dream of ennui à Par-is passionate truth of performance;

life as commitment to one's role pro-fane, profound, protean cinema; fi lm re-dying and re-born. EEG: TS Eliot's lines "To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet; / There will be time to

murder and create"; Plath's lines "Dying / Is an art ...

It's the theatrical / Comeback in broad day ... That knocks me out." HACC: wist-fully weird. PQ: surreal cinema at its holy-rolling best. PMS: 96.

Amour (directed by Michael Haneke)RT: long, longing look at husband car-ing for stroke-crippled wife; harrow-ing to the point of tender concern for our dying days. EEG: Dylan Thomas' poem "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night"; Bertolucci's Last Tango in Paris (if all its sex scenes were re-placed by scenes of steadily declining health). HACC: unfl inching. PQ: must-see for anyone who plans on getting old with dignity. PMS: 96.

Once Upon A Time in Anatolia (direct-ed by Nuri Bilge Ceylan)RT: nocturnal odyssey and medita-tive mystery; shrewdly framed shots and cannily composed soundscapes; rural noir. EEG: the candlelit scenes in Kubrick's Barry Lyndon. HACC: lingers soulfully. PQ: Chekhov waiting for Go-dot out on the steppe. PMS: 95

Rebelle (directed by Kim Nguyen)RT: journey through the heart of a child-soldier's darkness. EEG: young girls' POVs in the Dardennes' Rosetta and Moodysson's Lilya 4-Ever; the horrible war-lyricism of Malick's The Thin Red Line made more personal. HACC: gut-wrenchingly unforgettable. PQ: see the brutal, bloody truth behind the coltan in your electronics. PMS: 95.

Rebelle plays Fri, Jan 4 – Wed, Jan 9 at Metro Cinema at the Garneau.

The Kid with a Bike (directed by Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne)RT: a (only slightly) sunnier, more hopeful trip with the Dardennes into the fi erce dignity of the underclass. EEG: De Sica's The Bicycle Thieves; Lamorisse's The Red Balloon. HACC: pulse-pounding social-realism. PQ: takes you for a handlebar-gripping ride with a boy easy to like but hard to love. PMS: 94.

The Master (directed by Paul Thomas Anderson)RT: sex meets sect in disturbing, puz-zling new ways; unsettling close-ups and stare-downs; more about the director's mastery than the fi lm's. EEG: The Great Gatsby; Citizen Kane. HACC: grandly discordant & discom-

fi ting. PQ: Freud meets fraud in a Great American cult classic. PMS: 93.

The Deep Blue Sea (directed by Ter-ence Davies)RT: elegantly poised study of heart-break; spirals us into post-Blitz London; spellbinding turn by Rachel Weisz; ro-mance as shell-shock. EEG: Brief En-counter. HACC: wrenchingly wistful. PQ: a very British passion play. PMS: 92.

In Darkness (directed by Agnieszka Holland)RT: one of tensest, most morally doubtful Second World War dramas; variously self-interested Jews hide from Nazis with Pole in it only for $ at fi rst, then possessive solicitude. EEG: the ethical dilemma in Kieslowski's Decalogue Part VIII; the collaboration scenes in The Pianist. HACC: stark, riv-eting. PQ: the Nazis' greatest crime? Making no one good in their despera-tion to survive. PMS: 92.

Le Havre (directed by Aki Kaurismaki)RT: lovely little Chaplinesque commu-nity comes together to help illegal im-migrant; weathered look of a Kaurismaki fi lm paired perfectly with old-time coop-eration and care. EEG: Chaplin's The Kid; the collectives and friendships in Jean-Pierre Jeunet's fi lms. HACC: quaintly, quietly delightful. PQ: shoeshiner rallies the neighbourhood to take on the cold climate of a xenophobic EU. PMS: 90.

The Secret World of Arrietty (direct-ed by Hiromasa Yonebayashi)RT: classic British children's story transported to Japan w/ all the care and detail one expects from Studio Ghibli; sharp little gusts of enviro-feminism. EEG: Microcosmos [Le peuple de l'herbe]. HACC: fantastic fl ight-of-fancy. PQ: heist fl ick meets eco-fable in the lushest animation imaginable. PMS: 90.

The next best: the French New Wave gently lapping onto the island-unto-themselves romance of Moonrise King-dom (89); the narco-war-trance of Miss Bala (87); bottomline accounting in the criminal economy of Killing Them So� ly (85); one man's chilly disconnectedness in Shame (85); clutching for control and ritual in Alps (84).BRIAN GIBSON// [email protected]

CBCF Classically Pink: Ten TenorsSize: 10.25in W x 2.1in tallBWRun Date: Due date: September 19, 2012

Contact: Nicole Maillet [email protected]



TICKETS: Winspear Centre box offi ce at 780-428-1414 or visit classicallypink.org




Twelve for '12More of the year's best fi lms

wondrous brew of surreal odysseys, wry little adventures, and claustro-phobic chamber-dramas.

But there were just so many fi lms to pick from. In our super-saturated hyper-info-age, it's getting harder to fi lter the best from the rest (these are only fi ction-features—we had to put the year's best docs on another list). So here are my 12 for '12, plus a few extras, all squeezed in for today's >140-characters, soundbite-driven social-media and our nutrition-defi cient atten-tion-spans.

The system? RT: Rotten-Tomato-like Review, tweet-length; EEG: Eerie Echo of Greatness

today's innocent-izing and cute-ifi cation of kids; gritty visual poetry for our global-warming age. EEG: novels Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and Crake. HACC: sublimely strange.

PQ: imagine Waterworld meets Waterworld meets Waterworldof Heaven meets Where The Wild Things Are meets The Gleaners and

I ... only better. PMS: 97.

Holy Motors (directed by Leo Carax)

RT: operatic dream of ennui à Par-is passionate truth of performance;

life as commitment to one's role pro-fane, profound, protean cinema; fi lm re-dying and re-born. EEG: TS Eliot's lines "To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet; / There will be time to

murder and create"; Plath's lines "Dying / Is an art ...


Page 11: Vue Weekly 898 jan 3-9 2013


6094 Connaught Dr Jasper 780.852.4749

THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG violence, frightening scenes, not recommended for young children) DAILY 7:30


FILM CLUB NIGHT–THE SESSIONS (18A sexual content) THU, JAN 10: 7:30

DUGGAN CINEMA–CAMROSE 6601-48 Ave Camrose 780.608.2144

THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG violence, frightening scenes, not recommended for young children) No passes DAILY 7:30; SAT-SUN, THU 1:30

LES MISÉRABLES (PG violence, not recommended for young children) DAILY 8:00; SAT-SUN, THU 1:45

JACK REACHER (14A violence) DAILY 6:55, 9:30


THIS IS 40 (14A crude coarse language, sexual content, not recommended for young children) DAILY 6:45, 9:20; SAT-SUN, THU 2:00


CINEMA CITY MOVIES 125074-130 Ave 780.472.9779

HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA (PG) FRI-SUN,TUE 1:05; 3D: DAILY 3:45, 6:55, 9:15


FRANKENWEENIE (PG) FRI-SUN, TUE 1:15; 3D: DAILY 3:50, 6:45, 9:10

HERE COMES THE BOOM (PG violence) FRI-SUN, TUE 1:35, 4:05, 6:50, 9:50; MON, WED-THU 4:05, 6:50, 9:50

PLAYING FOR KEEPS (PG sexually suggestive scenes) FRI-SUN, TUE 1:00, 4:00, 6:40, 9:25; MON, WED-THU 4:00, 6:40, 9:25

LOOPER (14A violence, coarse language) FRI-SUN, TUE 1:45, 4:35, 7:15, 9:55; MON, WED-THU 4:35, 7:15, 9:55

ARGO (14A) FRI-SUN, TUE 1:20, 4:10, 7:05, 10:00; MON, WED-THU 4:10, 7:05, 10:00

TAKEN 2 (14A violence) FRI-SUN, TUE 2:00, 4:40, 7:20, 9:50; MON,WED-THU 4:40, 7:20, 9:50

KILLING THEM SOFTLY (14A course language, brutal vio-lence, not recommended for young children) FRI-SUN, TUE 1:55, 4:30, 7:25, 9:40; MON, WED-THU 4:30, 7:25, 9:40

SEVEN PSYCHOPATHS (18A language may offend, gory violence) DAILY 7:00, 9:30

FLIGHT (18A substance abuse) FRI-SUN, TUE 12:55, 3:55, 6:50, 9:45; MON, WED-THU 3:55, 6:50, 9:45

CLOUD ATLAS (14A sexual content, violence, coarse language) FRI-SUN, TUE 12:50, 4:25, 8:00; MON, WED-THU 4:25, 8:00

DABANGG 2 (14A violence) Hindi W/E.S.T. FRI-SUN, TUE 1:50, 4:45, 7:50; MON, WED-THU 4:45, 7:50

CINEPLEX ODEON NORTH 14231-137 Ave 780.732.2236

RISE OF THE GUARDIANS (G) Closed Captioned FRI, SUN 11:40; SAT 10:30; 3D: Closed Captioned DAILY 12:05, 2:30, 5:00

WRECK-IT RALPH (G) Closed Captioned FRI, SUN 11:50; SAT 11:15; MON-THU 12:00

TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN PART 2 (PG violence, disturbing content, not recommended for young children) Closed Captioned FRI 2:00, 4:40, 7:15, 10:45; SAT 4:40, 7:15, 10:45; SUN 2:00, 4:40, 7:15, 10:30; MON-WED 2:00, 4:40, 7:20, 10:30; THU 1:40, 4:15, 10:30

THIS IS 40 (14A crude coarse language, sexual content, not recommended for young children) Closed Captioned FRI, SUN-THU 1:20, 4:20, 7:40, 10:40; SAT 1:40, 4:20, 7:40, 10:40

LIFE OF PI 3D (PG) Closed Captioned DAILY 7:25, 10:25

SKYFALL (14A violence) Closed Captioned DAILY 12:30, 3:40, 6:55, 10:05

THE GUILT TRIP (PG language may offend) Closed Cap-tioned FRI-SUN 11:35, 1:45, 4:05, 6:30, 8:50; MON-TUE, THU 1:45, 4:05, 6:30, 8:50; WED 1:00, 4:05, 6:30, 8:50

THE HOBBIT AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG violence, frightening scenes, not recommended for young children) Closed Captioned FRI-SUN 2:20, 6:10, 9:45; MON-THU 2:30, 6:10, 9:45: 3D: HIGH FRAME RATE ULTRAAVX: FRI-SUN 11:30, 3:10, 6:50, 10:30; MON-THU 12:50, 4:30, 8:15

DJANGO UNCHAINED (18A gory brutal violence) FRI-SUN 12:00, 3:50, 7:30, 10:15; MON-THU 12:15, 3:50, 7:30, 9:30

TEXAS CHAINSAW 3D (18A gory brutal violence) DAILY 12:40, 3:00, 5:30, 8:00, 10:35

JACK REACHER (14A violence) Closed Captioned DAILY 1:10, 4:10, 7:10, 10:10

LES MISÉRABLES (PG violence, not recommended for young children) FRI-SAT 11:45, 3:15, 6:40; SUN 11:45, 3:15, 6:40, 10:00; MON-WED 12:00, 3:30, 7:00; THU 12:00, 3:30, 7:00, 10:00; Closed Captioned: FRI-SAT, MON-WED 10:00

GANGSTER SQUAD (18A gory brutal violence) THU 10:00

MONSTERS, INC. 3D (G) Closed Captioned FRI-SUN 11:30, 1:50, 4:15, 6:45, 9:00; MON-WED 1:15, 3:45, 6:45, 9:00; THU 1:15, 3:45, 6:45

PARENTAL GUIDANCE (G) Closed Captioned FRI-SUN 12:15, 2:45, 5:15, 7:50, 10:20; MON-TUE, THU 1:30, 4:15, 6:50; Wed 1:00, 4:15, 6:50


THE METROPOLITAN OPERA: LES TROYENS LIVE (Clas-sifi cation not available) SAT 10:00

LINCOLN (PG violence, language may offend, not recom-mended for young children) Closed Captioned FRI, SUN 12:45, 4:00, 7:20; SAT 10:00, 12:45, 4:00, 7:20; MON-THU 12:45, 4:00, 7:15


CINEPLEX ODEON SOUTH 1525-99 St 780.436.8585


11:25, 2:30, 5:00; SUN 12:30, 2:50, 5:20; MON-THU 1:25, 4:05

WRECK-IT RALPH (G) Closed Captioned FRI-SUN 11:45; MON-THU 11:50

TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN PART 2 (PG violence, disturbing content, not recommended for young children) Closed Captioned FRI-SAT 8:10, 10:55; SUN 7:45, 10:40; MON-THU 6:40, 9:35

THIS IS 40 (14A crude coarse language, sexual content, not recommended for young children) FRI 12:40, 4:25, 7:40, 10:40; SAT 12:40, 4:25, 7:45, 10:50; SUN 12:40, 4:25, 7:40, 10:50; MON-WED 12:10, 3:25, 6:45, 9:45; THU 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 10:00

LIFE OF PI 3D (PG) Closed Captioned FRI-SAT 12:20, 3:45, 7:25, 10:25; SUN 12:25, 3:45, 7:05, 10:05; MON-THU 1:20, 4:25, 7:15, 10:15

SKYFALL (14A violence) Closed Captioned FRI-SAT 12:35, 3:50, 7:20, 10:35; SUN 12:55, 4:15, 7:25, 10:35; MON-THU 11:50, 3:35, 6:50, 10:05

THE GUILT TRIP (PG language may offend) Closed Cap-tioned FRI 12:30, 2:50, 5:15, 7:45, 10:05; SAT 3:20, 5:40, 8:00, 10:40; SUN 12:00, 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 10:00; MON-WED 1:10, 4:15, 6:55, 9:50; THU 1:00, 4:15, 6:55, 9:50

THE HOBBIT AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG violence, frightening scenes, not recommended for young children) Closed Captioned FRI-SUN 2:20, 6:00, 9:45; MON-THU 2:25, 6:05, 10:00; 3D: HIGH FRAME RATE ULTRAAVX: FRI-SUN 11:00, 2:45, 6:30, 10:15; MON-THU 12:15, 4:00, 8:00; 3D: FRI-SAT 11:30, 3:15, 7:00, 10:45; SUN 11:30, 3:15, 7:00, 10:40; MON-THU 1:00, 5:00, 9:00

DJANGO UNCHAINED (18A gory brutal violence) FRI 11:50, 3:25, 7:15, 10:50; SAT 11:50, 4:10, 7:40, 11:10; SUN 11:40, 3:25, 7:15, 10:45; MON-THU 11:45, 3:30, 7:30

TEXAS CHAINSAW 3D (18A gory brutal violence) FRI 12:45, 3:10, 5:45, 8:15, 11:00; SAT 12:45, 3:10, 5:50, 8:15, 11:00; SUN 12:45, 3:10, 5:25, 7:55, 10:10; MON-THU 11:55, 2:40, 5:10, 7:40, 10:15

JACK REACHER (14A violence) Closed Captioned FRI 1:25, 4:20, 8:00, 11:00; SAT 1:25, 4:20, 7:55, 11:05; SUN 1:25, 4:20, 7:35, 10:30; MON-THU 12:25, 3:20, 6:30, 9:55

LES MISÉRABLES (PG violence, not recommended for young children) FRI-SUN 11:05, 2:40, 6:15, 9:40; MON-THU 12:00, 3:45, 7:45

GANGSTER SQUAD (18A gory brutal violence) THU 10:00

MONSTERS, INC. 3D (G) Closed Captioned FRI-SUN 12:15, 3:00, 5:30, 7:50, 10:10; MON-THU 12:05, 2:30, 4:50, 7:10, 9:30

PARENTAL GUIDANCE (G) Closed Captioned FRI 11:20, 2:00, 4:35, 7:10, 9:50; SAT 11:20, 2:00, 4:35, 7:15, 9:50; SUN 11:10, 1:40, 4:10, 6:55, 9:50; MON-WED 1:35, 4:20, 7:00, 9:40; THU 1:35, 4:20, 7:00

SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK (14A coarse language) SAT 1:40, 4:40, 7:35, 10:30; SUN 12:50, 3:50, 7:10, 10:20; MON-THU 1:30, 4:30, 7:20, 10:10; Star & Strollers Screening: FRI 1:40, 4:30, 7:35, 10:30

CIRQUE DU SOLEIL: WORLDS AWAY (G) FRI-SAT 11:35, 2:10, 4:45, 7:30, 9:55; SUN 11:35, 2:10, 4:45, 7:35, 10:25; MON-THU 12:40, 3:40, 6:35, 9:10

THE METROPOLITAN OPERA: LES TROYENS LIVE (Clas-sifi cation not available) SAT 10:00


CINEPLEX ODEON WINDERMERE CINEMASCineplex Odeon Windermere & Vip Cinemas, 6151 Currents Dr,


THIS IS 40 (14A crude coarse language, sexual content, not recommended for young children) Closed Caption & Descriptive Video FRI-SUN 12:50, 3:50, 7:10, 10:10; MON-THU 6:40, 9:40

SKYFALL (14A violence) Closed Caption & Descriptive Video FRI-SUN 12:10, 3:20, 6:30, 9:50; MON-THU 6:30, 9:45

THE HOBBIT AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG violence, frightening scenes, not recommended for young children) Closed Caption & Descriptive Video FRI-SUN 2:00, 5:50, 10:00; MON-THU 8:40; 3D: Closed Captioned FRI-SUN 12:20, 4:30, 8:15; MON-THU 7:00; 3D: VIP 18+ FRI, SUN 12:00, 4:15, 8:20; SAT 4:30, 8:30; MON-THU 8:10

DJANGO UNCHAINED (18A gory brutal violence) FRI-SUN 1:40, 5:20, 9:00; MON-THU 8:00; VIP 18+: FRI, SUN 2:00, 6:15, 10:20; SAT 2:00, 6:30, 10:30; MON-THU 9:20

JACK REACHER (14A violence) Closed Caption & Descrip-tive Video FRI-SUN 1:00, 4:00, 6:55, 10:20; MON-THU 6:35, 9:35

LES MISÉRABLES (PG violence, not recommended for young children) VIP 18+: FRI, SUN 1:00, 5:15, 9:20; SAT 1:00, 5:30, 9:30; MON-THU 7:00; ULTRAAVX: FRI, SUN 2:00, 6:10, 9:40; SAT 11:05, 2:40, 6:10, 9:40; MON-THU 7:30

PARENTAL GUIDANCE (G) Closed Caption & Descriptive Video FRI-SAT 12:00, 2:30, 5:10, 7:40, 10:20; SUN 12:20, 2:50, 5:20, 7:50, 10:20; MON-THU 6:50, 9:20

THE METROPOLITAN OPERA: LES TROYENS LIVE (Clas-sifi cation not available) VIP 18+ SAT 10:00 �CITY CENTRE 9

10200-102 Ave 780.421.7020

LES MISÉRABLES (PG violence, not recommended for young children) Closed Captioned, Digital, Dolby Stereo Digital FRI-SUN, TUE 1:00, 4:30, 8:00; MON, WED-THU 4:30, 8:00

THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY 3D (PG violence, frightening scenes, not recommended for young children) Closed Captioned, Digital 3D, Dolby Stereo Digital, No passes, On 2 Screens FRI-SUN, TUE 12:00, 4:00, 7:45; MON, WED-THU 4:00, 7:45

DJANGO UNCHAINED (18A gory brutal violence) Closed Captioned, Digital, Dolby Stereo Digital FRI-SUN, TUE 12:10, 6:00, 9:00; MON, WED-THU 6:00, 9:00

JACK REACHER (14A violence) Digital, Dolby Stereo Digital No passes FRI-SUN, TUE 12:30, 3:45, 6:50, 10:00; MON, WED-THU 3:45, 6:50, 10:00

THIS IS 40 (14A crude coarse language, sexual content, not recommended for young children) Closed Captioned, Digital, Dolby Stereo Digital, No passes FRI-SUN, TUE 12:15, 3:30, 7:00, 10:05; MON, WED-THU 3:30, 7:00, 10:05

LIFE OF PI (PG) Closed Captioned, DTS Digital FRI-SUN, TUE 1:15; 3D: Digital 3D, DTS Digital DAILY 4:15, 7:20, 10:20

PARENTAL GUIDANCE (G) Closed Captioned, Digital, Dolby Stereo Digital FRI-SUN, TUE 12:45, 3:20, 6:40, 9:30; MON 3:20, 6:40, 9:30; WED 3:20, 9:30; THU 3:20, 6:40

NOT FADE AWAY (14A crude coarse language, sexual con-tent, substance abuse) Digital, Dolby Stereo Digital FRI-SUN, TUE 1:30, 4:25, 7:30, 10:15; MON, WED-THU 4:25, 7:30, 10:15

GANGSTER SQUAD (18A gory brutal violence) Digital,

Dolby Stereo Digital THU 10:00

PROMISED LAND (14A coarse language) Digital, Dolby Stereo Digital FRI-SUN, TUE 1:20, 4:15, 7:15, 10:10; MON, WED-THU 4:15, 7:15, 10:10

CLAREVIEW 10 4211-139 Ave 780.472.7600

SKYFALL (14A violence) Digital Presentation FRI-SUN 6:25, 9:25; MON-THU 7:30

THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG violence, frightening scenes, not recommended for young children) Digital Presentation FRI-SUN 12:50, 4:25, 8:00; MON-THU 5:00; 3D: Digital 3D FRI-SUN 1:20, 5:00, 8:50; MON-THU 7:00

RISE OF THE GUARDIANS (G) Digital Presentation FRI-SUN 1:10, 3:40

THE GUILT TRIP (PG language may offend) Digital Presen-tation FRI-SUN 6:55, 9:20; MON-THU 4:50, 8:15

MONSTERS, INC. 3D (G) Digital 3D FRI-SUN 1:40, 4:10

JACK REACHER (14A violence) Digital Presentation FRI-SUN 12:40, 3:35, 6:30, 9:25; MON-THU 4:45, 7:40

THIS IS 40 (14A crude coarse language, sexual content, not recommended for young children) Digital Presentation FRI-SUN 12:45, 3:45, 6:40, 9:35; MON-THU 4:35, 7:45

DJANGO UNCHAINED (18A gory brutal violence) Digital Presentation FRI-SUN 1:00, 4:30, 8:20; MON-THU 4:30, 7:15

PARENTAL GUIDANCE (G) Digital Presentation FRI-SUN 1:20, 4:00, 6:45, 9:30; MON-THU 4:55, 8:10

LES MISÉRABLES (PG violence, not recommended for young children) Digital Presentation FRI-SUN 1:15, 4:40, 8:30; MON-THU 4:40, 7:25

TEXAS CHAINSAW 3D (18A gory brutal violence) Digital 3D FRI-SUN 1:30, 4:20, 7:00, 9:15; MON-THU 5:15, 7:55

GALAXY–SHERWOOD PARK2020 Sherwood Dr Sherwood Park 780.416.0150

RISE OF THE GUARDIANS (G) FRI-SUN 2:10; Closed Cap-tioned FRI-SUN 11:40; 3D: Closed Captioned FRI-SUN 4:40, 7:15; MON-THU 7:20

THIS IS 40 (14A crude coarse language, sexual content, not recommended for young children) FRI-SUN 1:10, 4:15, 7:20, 10:25; MON-THU 6:50, 9:55

LIFE OF PI 3D (PG) Closed Captioned FRI-SUN 9:40; MON-THU 9:45

SKYFALL (14A violence) Closed Captioned FRI-SUN 12:20, 3:40, 7:00, 10:20; MON-THU 6:40, 10:00

THE HOBBIT AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG violence, frightening scenes, not recommended for young children) Closed Captioned FRI-SUN 12:30, 4:10, 7:50; MON-THU 7:50; 3D: Closed Captioned FRI-SUN 11:30, 3:05, 6:50, 10:30; MON-THU 6:55

DJANGO UNCHAINED (18A gory brutal violence) FRI-SUN 11:25, 2:55, 6:30, 10:10; MON-THU 7:40

JACK REACHER (14A violence) FRI-SUN 1:00, 4:05, 7:10, 10:15; MON-THU 7:00, 10:00

LES MISÉRABLES (PG violence, not recommended for young children) FRI-SUN 11:30, 3:00, 6:35, 10:05; MON-THU 7:30

MONSTERS, INC. 3D (G) Closed Captioned FRI-SUN 12:00, 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 10:00; MON-THU 7:10, 9:35

PARENTAL GUIDANCE (G) FRI-SUN 1:45, 4:25, 7:05, 9:50; MON-THU 7:05, 9:50


GRANDIN THEATRE–ST ALBERT Grandin Mall Sir Winston Churchill Ave St Albert 780.458.9822

JACK REACHER (14A violence) DAILY 1:20 4:00 6:50 9:25



THE GUILT TRIP (PG language may offend) DAILY 7:10, 9:10

THE HOBBIT AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG violence, frightening scenes, not recommended for young children) No passes DAILY 12:45, 4:25, 7:45

THIS IS 40 (14A crude coarse language, sexual content, not recommended for young children) DAILY 1:10, 4:15, 6:55, 9:20

PARENTAL GUIDANCE (G) DAILY 1:00, 3:05, 5:10, 7:15, 9:15

LEDUC CINEMAS4702-50 St Leduc 780.986-2728


LES MISÉRABLES (PG violence, not recommended for young children) FRI-SUN 1:30; FRI-SAT 6:40, 10:00; SUN-THU 7:30

THE HOBBIT AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG violence, frightening scenes, not recommended for young children) 2D: FRI-SUN 12:30; 3D: DAILY 8:30; FRI-SUN 4:30

JACK REACHER (14A violence) DAILY 9:00

MONSTERS, INC. 3D (G) FRI-SUN 1:10, 3:35; DAILY 7:00

PARENTAL GUIDANCE (G) FRI-SUN 1:05, 3:40; DAILY 7:05, 9:40

METRO CINEMA AT THE GARNEAU Metro at the Garneau: 8712-109 St 780.425.9212

REBELLE (STC) Sub-titled FRI, SUN 7:00; SAT 2:00, 7:00; MON-WED 9:30

CLOUD ATLAS (14A sexual content, violence, coarse language) FRI, SUN 8:45; SAT 3:45, 8:45; MON 6:30

THE ROOM (14A nudity, sexual content) FRI 11:30



AMARCORD–EDMONTON OPERA (Classifi cation not available) Sub-titled WED 7:00



EMPIRE THEATRES–SPRUCE GROVE130 Century Crossing Spruce Grove 780.962.2332

THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG violence, frightening scenes, not recommended for young children) Reald 3d FRI 5:30, 8:30; SAT-SUN, TUE 2:30, 5:30, 8:30; MON, WED-THU 5:20, 8:50

THIS IS 40 (14A crude coarse language, sexual content, not recommended for young children) Digital FRI 6:30, 9:30; SAT-SUN, TUE 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30; MON, WED-THU 5:10, 8:15

JACK REACHER (14A violence) Digital FRI 6:40, 9:40; SAT-SUN, TUE 11:50, 3:45, 6:40, 9:40; MON, WED-THU 5:15, 8:20

DJANGO UNCHAINED (18A gory brutal violence) Digital FRI 6:10, 8:50; SAT-SUN, TUE 12:00, 2:50, 6:10, 8:50; MON, WED-THU 5:00, 8:30

PARENTAL GUIDANCE (G) Digital FRI 6:20, 9:50; SAT-SUN, TUE 12:15, 3:40, 6:20, 9:50; MON, WED-THU 5:40, 8:10

TEXAS CHAINSAW 3D (18A gory brutal violence) Reald 3D FRI 6:10, 9:00; SAT-SUN, TUE 12:45, 3:20, 6:10, 9:00; MON, WED-THU 6:00, 8:40

PRINCESS 10337-82 Ave 780.433.0728

HITCHCOCK (PG not recommended for young children) FRI 7:00, 9:00; SAT-SUN 2:30, 7:00, 9:00; MON-THU 7:00, 9:00

ANNA KARENINA (PG mature subject matter) FRI 6:45, 9:15; SAT-SUN 2:00, 6:45, 9:15; MON-THU 6:45, 9:15

SCOTIABANK THEATRE WEM WEM 8882-170 St 780.444.2400

RISE OF THE GUARDIANS (G) Closed Caption & Descrip-tive Video FRI-SUN 11:50, 2:20, 4:40, 7:10; MON, WED-THU 1:30, 4:10; TUE 1:30, 4:10, 7:10

WRECK-IT RALPH (G) Closed Caption & Descriptive Video DAILY 1:10, 4:00

TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN PART 2 (PG violence, disturbing content, not recommended for young children) Closed Caption & Descriptive Video DAILY 9:50

THIS IS 40 (14A crude coarse language, sexual content, not recommended for young children) Closed Caption & Descriptive Video FRI-TUE, THU 1:00, 4:20, 7:30, 10:40; WED 4:20, 7:30, 10:40; Star & Strollers Screening: WED 1:00

LIFE OF PI 3D (PG) FRI-SUN 12:30, 3:45, 6:45, 9:45; MON-THU 12:45, 3:45, 6:45, 9:45

SKYFALL (14A violence) Closed Caption & Descriptive Video DAILY 7:20, 10:35

THE HOBBIT AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG violence, frightening scenes, not recommended for young children) Closed Caption & Descriptive Video FRI-SUN 12:15, 4:15,

8:15; MON-THU 1:15, 5:15, 9:00; 3D: HIGH FRAME RATE: FRI-SUN 1:15, 5:15, 9:15; MON-THU 2:00, 6:15, 10:00

DJANGO UNCHAINED (18A gory brutal violence) ULTRA-AVX: FRI-SUN 11:40, 3:15, 6:50, 10:30; MON-THU 3:00, 6:50, 10:20

TEXAS CHAINSAW 3D (18A gory brutal violence) DAILY 12:40, 3:10, 5:30, 8:00, 10:45

JACK REACHER (14A violence) Closed Caption & Descrip-tive Video FRI, SUN-THU 1:50, 4:50, 7:50, 10:45; SAT 4:50, 7:50, 10:45

LES MISÉRABLES (PG violence, not recommended for young children) Closed Caption & Descriptive Video FRI-SUN 11:30, 3:00, 6:40, 10:10; MON-THU 2:30, 6:40, 10:10

GANGSTER SQUAD (18A gory brutal violence) THU 10:00

MONSTERS, INC. 3D (G) DAILY 12:50, 3:30, 7:00, 9:30

PARENTAL GUIDANCE (G) Closed Caption & Descriptive Video FRI-SUN 12:00, 2:40, 5:10, 7:40, 10:20; MON-TUE 1:40, 4:30, 7:15, 10:00; WED 4:30, 7:15, 10:00; THU 1:40, 4:30, 7:15; Star & Strollers Screening: WED 1:00

THE HOBBIT AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY–AN IMAX 3D EXPERIENCE (PG violence, frightening scenes, not recom-mended for young children) FRI-SUN 11:20, 2:50, 6:30, 10:15; MON-THU 12:30, 4:15, 8:00

THE METROPOLITAN OPERA: LES TROYENS LIVE (Clas-sifi cation not available) SAT 10:00

WETASKIWIN CINEMAS Wetaskiwin 780.352.3922

THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY 3D (PG violence, frightening scenes, not recommended for young children) 2D: FRI-SUN 12:30; 3D: DAILY 8:30; FRI-SUN 4:30

THIS IS 40 (14A crude coarse language, sexual content, not recommended for young children) DAILY 6:50, 9:35; FRI 12:50, 3:35

LES MISÉRABLES (PG violence, not recommended for young children) FRI-SUN 1:30; FRI-SAT 6:40, 10:00; SUN-THU 7:30

PARENTAL GUIDANCE (G) DAILY 7:05, 9:40; FRI-SUN 1:05, 3:40



Page 12: Vue Weekly 898 jan 3-9 2013


Your first few adventures on a ski hill, whether you're sporting

a board or skis, can be scary.You reach the top of the lift, look

down and think, "Hell no. I can't do that." Or, if you're really brave and—if we're being honest—kind of stupid, you might think, "Oh yeah! I'm all over this."

And then, being the newb that you are, you fumble, flail and fall, ending up in a pile of gear and awkwardly bent limbs in the middle of the run.

We've all been there, whether we first hit the slopes when we were three years old or 20 years old. We all had to learn sometime.

But, during all of your erratic flail-ing—the kind only produced by a beginner—was there ever a mo-ment where you thought, "I might just need to head back to a green run, or even the bunny hill for some more practice"?

I can clearly remember that mo-ment in my own life. I was 15 years old and I was sliding down an icy double black diamond run on my face. By the time I came to a stop, I had lost my mitts, polls, skis and toque all over the ski hill. So, I climbed all the way back up to col-lect my gear, and by the end, I was both furious and exhausted.

I didn't cl ip back in that day, and the following day I was back on the bunny hil l getting my confidence back while I re-learned the basics.

It's that experience—one that I look back on frequently—that taught me to always ski within my abilities. In my day, that was a les-son I had to learn on my own.

But today there is a new campaign called Snow Smart teaching youth to do just that, saving them the frustra-tion and embarrassment of learning

it on their own. The pilot campaign launched at fi ve ski hills across Cana-da—including Edmonton's Snow Val-ley—on December 27.

The campaign tells kids to "Know your level" and to "Get air, but ski with care."

Valerie Smith, youth programs manager for Parachute Canada, the national charity behind the new safety program, said it's all about teaching kids how to pre-vent unnecessary injuries.

"We're not telling young people not to take risks. We're not saying don't go over that ski jump. We're not say-ing don't get some air over that mo-gul or over that jump. We're saying just be aware of your own level and the variables around you," she says. "The main issues that we're trying to address are excessive speed and col-lision with people or objects. So, a general loss of control."

The campaign is targeted at children and youth because they have the highest rates of injuries on ski hills in Canada.

According to the Canadian Ski Council, 55 percent of ski hill in-juries are sustained by skiers and boarders between the ages of 10 and 19 years of age.

And, most of those injuries are caused by one or more of the three risk factors Snow Smart is trying to address: excessive speed, loss of control and colli-sions with people or objects.

So, in hopes of putting a stop to those risks, volunteers from Cana-dian Ski Patrol hit ski hills across the country December 27 to hand out information, talk to skiers and boarders, and to give positive rein-forcement to youth practising safe

skiing or boarding."So instead of ski patrol pulling

kids over and talking to them about what a stupid thing they just did, it's about rewarding good behaviour," says Smith of Snow Smart's "Get Caught" initiative.

"So, they're saying, 'Hey, we saw when you were coming down that hill, you looked over your shoulder and you stopped and didn't just come fl ying out from those trees, and you slowed down when you were coming

under the li� line. Good job.'"

Lindsay Toth, youth programs as-sistant for Parachute, was at Snow Valley for the launch of Snow Smart. In total, she says, ski patrollers talk-ed to and rewarded more than 600 children and youth that day.

The rewards were branded tissue packets and candies that direct youth to the Snow Smart website, where they can learn more about


'Know your level'Youth safety campaign launches at Snow Valley


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Lindsay Toth, youth programs assistant for Parachute Canada, stands next to a Snow Smart poster displayed at Snow Valley. Snow Smart is a new safety campaign that launched at ski hills across the country December 27.


Page 13: Vue Weekly 898 jan 3-9 2013








ski hill safety.For Toth, the most power-

ful part of the day was talking to parents about their role in mitigating the unnecessary risks their children take.

"I had parents, immigrant parents, who never skied or snowboard-ed, but they wanted their kids to learn—it's a very Canadian thing—and they said they didn't even know how to have the discussion about ski safety with their kids.

"And they were really shocked when they learned the influence parents have on their child's risk taking," Toth continues, noting that parents have a greater influ-ence than a child's peers when it comes to risky behaviour.

"We also try to address parents in this campaign," says Smith. "We're basically saying to parents that they are a big in-fl uence on their kids' risk-taking behav-

iour and so they need to be aware of their own behaviours on the ski hill.

"So are they ripping down the ski hill not really aware of anyone else and doing that with their children, or are they talking to their children about 'Hey, you know what, you've got to be careful of other children on the ski hill. You've got to be careful of new skiers. You have to be careful of yourself.'"

To keep these messages at the forefront of people's minds, there are posters and chairlift advertising in place at the five participating ski hills.

A second Snow Smart day will take place in March, and in the meantime, Canadians of all ages are encouraged to visit the campaign website to learn how you can im-pact ski hill safety by entering the Snow Smart video competition. To find the competition rules and guidelines, visit snowsmart.ca.NICOLE VEERMAN// [email protected]

KPOW YOUR POWDER HABITDeep in Kananaskis Country, on the slopes of the old Fortress Mountain Resort, a start-up cat-skiing operation is rapidly becoming very popular.

KPOW president Joey O'Brian has surrounded himself with seasoned ski and operations veterans, and together they have found what appears to be a niche market for the area.

Cat-Skiing for $375 per day, only an hour's drive from Calgary, is going over very well. So good, in fact, that except for a couple of openings, the cat is otherwise solidly booked for the next few months. Not bad considering this is only their second season get-ting the Fortress area back in the game.

And, a picture on the front page of Ski Canada Magazine doesn't hurt. But on top that exposure, you have to deliver, and between

operations and mother-nature, KPOW has done that and more. If you are fortunate enough to head up for a ride this year, you're in for a treat. Usually a day consists of 10-14 runs and so far all of them have been in virgin powder.

For powder stashes like this, there's a suggested minimum width for skis (fat skis), just in case yours don't match the crite-ria, a dozen pairs of demos await you.

I have fond memories of blaz-ing trails in the Fortress area, but that was years ago when the ski resort was fully operating. It sounds like the new KPOW team is not only running the cat, but actively working to bring the en-tire resort back to full operation.

Considering Fortress is located right in a powder belt, that's the best news I've heard this winter.

SKI-IN SKI-OUT 10-PIN BOWLINGSilver Star Resort near Ver-non, BC recently added a new attraction to keep their guests entertained: a four-lane ten-pin bowling alley with state of the art comput-erized scoring. The alley is now open during the day for

skiers and snowboarders and in the evening for their on-mountain resort guests.

Unless it's raining or 30 below, I don't think you'll ever find me there but I'm sure their guests will make good use of the new attraction. V

FALLLINES HART GOLBECK // [email protected]

Cat skiing company KPOW has put the Fortress Mountain area in Kananaskis Country back in the game, providing skiers with nothing but fresh powder runs.


Page 14: Vue Weekly 898 jan 3-9 2013


ARTSFrom seats so and otherwise, the

view of the happenings in Edmon-ton's dance scene over the past 12 months has been interesting, to say the least.

Though 2012 looked to start out on a high note with La La La Human Steps taking the Jubilee stage for the first time in over a decade last Janu-ary, the first major dance show of the year turned out a resounding flop. Poor lighting, lacklustre presentation, I can't say what it was exactly, but considering it was one of the most an-ticipated dance performances of this writer's lifetime, La La La's Untitled was spectacularly unmemorable.

What was memorable was the pre-view interview with La La La's artistic director, Édouard Lock. He had some stark, surprising things to say about producing dance for the past 30-some years, notably this:

"You can never coast on a reputation for more than one piece. People will give you a one-piece pass. 'OK, maybe the last one was good, but you might have screwed up on this one—try it again next time.' Really you're always in a fragile state; there is no stability that is not earned without having to be re-earned constantly."

Tough love, from a man who's seen his fair share of reviews, nasty and otherwise.

The year chugged on, with advertise-ments and images for Swan Lake be-ing plastered everywhere throughout

March. Alberta Ballet's production was great, the music—as always—greater. The truly great Kidd Pivot closed out the year in November with her stunning The Tempest Replica, proving once again that dance and well-produced theatre can make the best of friends.

Among the season's regular o�er-ings, a letter arrived at Vue's offices this Spring, copied to all major print outlets in Edmonton. It was from a group of local dancers, choreogra-phers and collectives, and it pleaded the case for increasing dance cover-age, going beyond the preview format and running reviews of dance despite its short one-to-two show runs.

"Previews do not do enough to edu-

cate our community, increase audi-ences, or bring dance discourse to the public. We see this as the role of print media," the letter stated.

Among other things, this highlighted how the dance scene has galvanized in recent years, with more dancers calling Edmonton home—and their voices are increasingly being heard, onstage and o�.

Our city now boasts a handful of contemporary co-ops and talented choreographers, an up-and-coming neo-classical ballet company, a festival

dedicated to movement arts, world-class East Indian dancers, groups of B-boys and B-girls, a groundswell of Burlesque troupes and what is likely the world's largest and most prolific Ukrainian dance community outside of Ukraine itself.

Still, the dance organizations that most in Edmonton are aware of are Alberta Ballet (based in Calgary) and the Brian Webb Dance Company (which usually programs artists from elsewhere).

If anything, you've got to admire the

tenacity of any artist that produces here. As an audience member, I appre-ciate the risks and vulnerability shown on stages year-round, and can only hope that Edmonton's artists continue to surprise me—just as Noam Gagnon did at the Expanse Movement Arts Festival in March (no, he's not from 'round here either).

In his crumply fairy tale-style paper dress and strikingly honest storytell-ing in Thank You, You're Not Welcome, Gagnon's was the keynote piece of the year for me. He was also the only in-terviewee that (playfully) threatened my life in the past cycle:

"I would have to kill you if I told you," he says in response to a question about the autobiographical contents in his work. "I know where you live, too. I'll find you. You have no idea."FAWNDA MITHRUSH// [email protected]


Finding footworkA year in dance saw touring highs and lows around a galvanizing local scene

The Tempest Replica, one of the year's dance stunners // Jorg Baumann

It was a sort of doomy year of flux for theatre (and, more widely, the arts)

in Canada: the "This couldn't happen to us" bubble of denial burst as well-established institutions fell outside the city—The Canadian Conference of the Arts, the Vancouver Playhouse—but that isn't to say the silver linings aren't there, especially in Edmonton. So to dig into the year that was, a pair of Vue's resident theatre critics pick their highs and lows of the year in theatre.

Compiled by Paul Blinov (PB) and Mel Priestley (MP).

High: A behind-the-scenes shuffleThe year has been a sea change for the theatre community's behind-the-scenes powers that be: one of the last big announcements of 2012 was that Murray Utas, of the very indie Azimuth Theatre, was moving into the position of programming director of Fringe The-atre Adventures—taking over North America's biggest fringe fest—joining

fellow 2012 hire executive director Jill Rozell, who took over her position in June. Meanwhile, former FTA program-ming director Thomas Scott joined up in the Citadel's barracks as part of a newly created Audience Development team. There are more, too, but the overall point is this: the dangers of a well-es-tablished community include stagnancy, so a significant behind-the-scenes shake up bodes well for some fresh approach-es in the year to come. PB

High: conversations are actually happeningOver the years I've had plenty of artists express a frustration with the theatre scene's unwillingness to open up and have an honest discussion about itself, so to see an actual dialogue starting to open—between long-established in-stitutions and emerging artists alike—bodes pretty well for the future: from the Theatre Edmonton Project, which launched back in September, to the

likeminded Collective Artist WorkShare (CAWS) program, the community is giv-ing itself an honest eye and trying to start work as a unit. Right now the main clip seems to be workshops and lots of discussions, but those are the first step of any significant change. PB

Low: an endless spread of festivalsWhile Edmonton is a self-proclaimed festival city, there are only a handful of widely recognized theatre festi-vals—namely the Fringe, Free Willl, NextFest and Street Performers (if you consider this to be theatre). Yet there are dozens of smaller theatre festivals, many of which have sprung up only within the last couple years: Bonfire, Found, Thousand Faces, Ruba-boo and Snow Globe. Now, obviously there's nothing wrong with having so many festivals, but aside from the convenience of describing a run of plays under a single name versus each individual one, I'm uncertain over the

true merit of the festival title—it's too easy for attention to be trans-ferred away from the actual shows, causing people to gloss over (or miss entirely) the individual entrants. MP

Low: still playing it safeThis is a trend that has persisted for a few years now and seems to show no sign of waning: Edmonton's theatre circuit has been fairly conservative, at least as far as the big theatre compa-nies are concerned. Perhaps the year's biggest example of this was the Cita-del Theatre's cancellation of their Rice Theatre series, which featured the com-pany's more progressive shows. Other theatre companies have also been relying on pieces with mass appeal in terms of theme, and/or featuring big name playwrights or titles. While it's certainly a way of hedging their bets on drawing an audience, the risk of stagna-tion is real and imminent—and, in some cases, already at hand. MP

High: Embracing avant-gardeFlying directly in the face of my previous point about conservatism in Edmonton's theatre circuit are the few companies taking chances on staging plays that are edgy, new and/or innovative. Theatre Yes routinely presents challenging and subversive pieces (recently The List and earlier in the year, Race). Stu-dio Theatre opened its season with The Ghost Sonata, an experimen-tal and modernist (and therefore downright bizarre) play by August Strindberg. And in April, Cowardly Kiss Theatre staged a new produc-tion of Jean Genet's absurdist and similarly experimental The Maids. So, while there may not be an overly wide variety of shows in Ed-monton's theatre community at any one time, more alternative pieces do come through fairly regularly; hopefully this trend will continue into 2013. MP


The highs and lows of theatre in 2012

Page 15: Vue Weekly 898 jan 3-9 2013




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As a fi lm critic I see nearly everything given a ma-jor release and an awful lot given no release at

all. What I encounter as a book critic is more selec-tive, while as a book lover what I read is dictated by completely idiosyncratic criteria. Which is to say that what follows isn't an attempt at an authorita-tive "best books" of 2012; rather, it's the most inter-esting new books I came across last year.

I do indeed think and write a great deal about cin-ema, but my main reason for reading Geo� Dyer's Zona (Canongate) wasn't because it was to do with cinema, specifi cally, with Dyer's long-term relation-ship with Andrei Tarkovsky's Stalker, Dyer's favou-rite fi lm ever, and one of mine. My main reason was Dyer, whose somewhat cranky, yet endlessly curi-ous and witty prose is as beloved and singular to me as that of any living novelist. Ditto that of historian and critic—and occasional novelist—David Thom-son, who added The Big Screen: The Story of the Movies (FS&G), to his he� y catalogue of insightful and opinionated volumes on the seventh art.

Cinema history too broad and unruly a subject, you say? How about pencil sharpening? That's right, I'm talking about How to Sharpen Pencils: A Practical and Theoretical Treatise on the Arti-sanal Cra� of Pencil Sharpening (Melville House), David Rees' alternately obsessive and meditative, handsomely illustrated and o� en knee-slappingly funny entry into the instruction manual-as-memoir genre. Maybe you've got a hankering for Hallucina-tions (Knopf), in which esteemed neurologist Oli-ver Sacks explores the role of seeing things in the development of the modern consciousness—and doing loads of drugs—with characteristic sensitiv-ity and empathy. I would also heartily recommend Raymond Bonner's Anatomy of Injustice: A Murder

Case Gone Wrong (Knopf), which chronicles the case of Edward Lee Elmore, falsely convicted in 1982 of murder. Bonner's both a gi� ed storyteller and former prosecutor, and his examination of three decades of struggle to get a vigorous judicial system to overcome its most tragic fl aws is well-informed, highly readable and visionary.

But what about novels, JB? I got novels—four of them. I got Hari Kunzru's Gods Without Men (Knopf), a sort of network narrative in which all roads lead to a creepy triptych of stone forma-tions reaching up out of a dry lakebed some-where in the Mojave Desert. I got Emily Schul-tz's The Blondes (Doubleday), an apocalyptic tale of hair and widespread madness, and a wry study of how women study other women. I got the late, great Mexican novelist Daniel Sada's Almost Never (Greywolf), a rambling postwar comedy in which a young agronomist gradually shapes his life around the hapless pursuit of sexual ecstasy. And, most especially, I got All Men Are Liars (Penguin), Alberto Manguel's ex-quisite investigation, via varied and confl icting testimonies, into whatever happened to Ale-jandro Bevilacqua, a mysterious Argentine who met a strange fate in Spain.

Lastly, in the depths of winter, can I mention Winter Journal (M&S), a non-novel from novelist Paul Auster? A memoir, to be more precise, or a history of Auster's body, to borrow the author's MO. It describes a life as lived through scars and ailments, sex and travel, ships and houses, and it is fi nally one of the most peculiar and moving things Auster's ever written. JOSEF BRAUN// [email protected]


A year of interesting reads

Page 16: Vue Weekly 898 jan 3-9 2013


New for 2013

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DANCE CLARA'S DREAM • Jubilee Auditorium, 11455-87 Ave • Based on Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker, featuring the Ukrainian Shumka Dancers, Virsky–the Ukrain-ian State Folk Dance Company, the Kyiv Ballet in celebration of the Ukrainian Christmas • Jan 11-12, 7:30pm • Tickets at TicketMaster

FILMCINEMA AT THE CENTRE • Library Theatre, Stanley A. Milner Library basement, 7 Sir Winston Churchill Sq, 780.496.7000 • epl.ca • Centre for Reading and the Arts showcases little-known films every month • Tomboy; Jan 9, 6:30pm

EDMONTON OPERA PRESENTS FELLINI'S AMARCORD • Metro Cinema at Garneau Theatre, 8712-109 St • 780.392.7832 • [email protected] • Edmonton Opera presents a film series that explores and relates thematically to its 2012/13 season of productions • Jan 9, 7pm • $10 (adult)/$8 (student/senior/Explorers Encore member)

EPL–UP FOR DISCUSSION FILM SERIES • Stanley Milner Library Theatre (basement), 7 Sir Winston Churchill Sq • 780.496.7000 • Screening the local film Broke; the director, Rosie Dransfeld, will be available for a Q & A after the film • Thu, Jan 10, 6:30-9pm • Free

FROM BOOKS TO FILM • Stanley A. Milner Li-brary Audio Visual Room (main floor), 7 Sir Winston Churchill Sq • 780.496.7000 • epl.ca • Films adapted from books every Friday afternoon at 2pm • Rio Bravo; Fri, Jan 4, 2pm • High Noon; Fri, Jan 11, 2pm

VIDEO KITCHEN SCREENING • Metro Cinema, Garneau Theatre, 8712-109 St • Presented by Film and Video Arts Society–Alberta (FAVA): new works from the introductory digital film course, Video Kitchen • Thu, Jan 10, 7pm • Admission by donation GALLERIES + MUSEUMSALBERTA CRAFT COUNCIL GALLERY • 10186-106 St • 780.488.6611 • albertacraft.ab.ca • Discovery Gallery: EartHly ElEmENts: Charles Lewton-Brain and Les Manning in recognition of contributions and work; Jan 12-Feb 16; opening: Sat, Jan 12, 2-4pm • Feature Gallery: GoldEN EdGE: Artworks by 16 craft artists; Jan 12-Mar 30; opening: Sat, Jan 12, 2-4pm

ART GALLERY OF ALBERTA (AGA) • 2 Sir Winston Churchill Sq • 780.422.6223 • youraga.ca • mislEd by NaturE: CoNtEmporary art aNd tHE baroquE: Key artists include David Altmejd, Lee Bul, Bharti Kher, Tricia Middleton, Yinka Shonibare, Sarah Sze; until Jan 6 • bEautiFul moNstErs: Beasts and Fantastic Creatures in Early European Prints; until Mar 3 • impriNt: A selection of print-making artists, whose work reveals an attention to different print-making technique, as well as an interrelationship; until Jan 6 • Edo: arts of Japan’s last shogun age: a wide variety of Edo period art forms with focus on prints known as ‘ukiyo-e’; until Feb 10 • paul FrEEmaN: feature two life-size casts of stags whose antlers seem to have turned against them; until Feb 10 • Adult Drop-in: Litho: Experimental Printmaking on Jan 3; Texture: Surface Painting on Jan 10 • All Day Sunday: Art activities for all ages 3rd Sun every month, 12-4pm; free with admission • Art for Lunch: theatre Foyer: Casual and informative discussions about AGA exhibitions, held during the lunch hour, 3rd Thu every month

ART GALLERY OF ST ALBERT (AGSA) • 19 Perron St, St Albert • 780.460.4310 • artgal-leryofstalbert.ca • GamE piECEs: Paintings by Margaret Witschl • Until Feb 2

ART SOCIETY OF STRATHCONA COUNTY • Loft Gallery, 590 Broadmoor Blvd, Sherwood Park • Artwork by society members, and a gift shop of artist made items; open Feb-Jul

BRINSMEAD KENNEDY GALLERY • 10434-122 St • Naturally Abstract: artwork by David Blaine, featuring abstract images discovered in natural environments • Until Feb 28

CAFÉ HAVEN–Sherwood Park • 9 Sioux Rd, Sherwood Park • NVSart is featured • Sep-Jan

CENTRE D’ARTS VISUELS DE L’ALBERTA (CAVA) • 9103-95 Ave • 780.461.3427 • Artworks by members • Jan 7-Feb 26

CROOKED POT GALLERY–Stony Plain • 4912-51 Ave, Stony Plain • 780.963.9573 • Winter warming-casseroles, tea pots, mugs and more: a variety of slab, wheel thrown, decorated work selected for display by gallery members • Jan-Feb

EXPRESSIONZ CAFÉ • 9938-70 Ave • Olive Tree Project, Peg Barcelo-Jackson, Ginette D'Silva, Alice Dolphin, Dara Loewen • Ongoing

FAB GALLERY • Department of Art and Design, U of A, Rm 1-1 Fine Arts Bldg • 780.492.2081 • EmErGENCE: Works by Nika Blasser, the final visual presentation for the degree of master of fine arts in Drawing and Intermedia; until Jan 12 • stroKEr: Mackenzy Albright: Final visual presentation for Master of Fine Arts in Drawing and Intermedia; until Jan 12

GALLERIE PAVA • 9524-87 St, 780.461.3427 • Artworks by Michel Allen • Until Jan 16

GALLERY 7 • Bookstore on Perron, 7 Perron St, St. Albert • 780.459.2525 • NaturEs obsEr-vaNCE: Graphite and pastel artworks by Carroll

Charest • Until Jan 28

GALLERY AT MILNER • Stanley A. Milner Library Main Fl, Sir Winston Churchill Sq • 780.944.5383 • epl.ca/art-gallery • GALLERY: outEr aNd iNNEr laNdsCapEs: Calligra-phy work by Erik Cheung; reception: Thu, Jan 10, 10am-noon • DISPLAY CASES: spaCEs aNd plaCEs: Works by the Focus on Fibre Arts As-sociation of Edmonton • Until Jan 31

HAPPY HARBOR COMICS V1 • 10729-104 Ave • COMIC JAM: Improv comic art making every 1st and 3rd Thu each month, 7pm • OPEN DOOR: Collective of independent comic creators meet the

2nd & 4th Thu each month, 7am • Comics Artist-in-Residence: with Kyle Sams; Every Fri 12-6pm and Sat 12-5pm; until Apr

HARCOURT HOUSE GALLERY • 3 Fl, 10215-112 St • Main Gallery: iN matErial: Works by Marie de Sousa • Front Room Gallery: rootEd: Works by Corey Hardeman • Until Jan 18

HUB ON ROSS–Red Deer • 4936 Ross St, Red Deer • 403.340.4869 • hubpdd.com • albErta roots: Works by Christina Drader • Until Jan 31 • Reception: Fri, Jan 4, 4-6pm; Concert: The Original Caste, 7pm

JEFF ALLEN ART GALLERY (JAGG) • Strath-cona Place Senior Centre, 10831 University Ave • HarmoNy iN Colours: Paintings by Fatima Khair • Jan 4-30 • Reception: Jan 9, 6:30-8:30pm

JOHNSON GALLERY • 7711-85 St • 780.465.6171 • New works by Ada Wong, Yardley Jones, George Weber, Illingworth Kerr, Alex Halliburtron and Noboru Kubo (pottery) • Through Jan


15 mins N of Edmon-ton off Hwy 28A,

Township Rd 564 • Education-rich en-

tertainment facil-ity for all ages

KING’S UNIVERSITY COLLEGE • 9125-50 St • immiGraNt: Paintings and installation piece by Rosemary Sloot • Mon-Fri, 8:30am-4:30pm; until Jan 15

KIWANIS GALLERY–Red Deer • Red Deer Public Library • borrowiNG art: The Red Deer Public Library Art Lending Program • Jan 3-Feb 19 • Reception: Fri, Jan 4, 6:30-8:30pm

MANDOLIN BOOKS • 6419-112 Ave • nvsart.ca • Nvsart: Textured abstract art • Until Jan


Wood Nature Centre • our surrouNdiNGs: Works by Red Deer Culture Services photography students • Through Jan • Rec: Fri, Jan 4, 5-7pm

MCMULLEN GALLERY • U of A Hospital, 8440-112 St • 780.407.7152 • rEFuGE: priNtEd imprEssioNs: Group exhibition of graduate Printmaking students and staff from the U of A Printmaking Department • Until Jan 13

MISERICORDIA COMMUNITY HOSPITAL • Main Floor halls, 16940-87 Ave • 780.432.6678; [email protected] • Edmonton Art Club Show and Sale • Until Jan 26

MUSÉE HÉRITAGE MUSEUM–St Albert • 5 St Anne St, St Albert • 780.459.1528 • wiNd worK, wiNd play: wEatHErvaNEs aNd wHirliGiGs: Wind-powered folk art from the collection of the Canadian Museum of Civiliza-tion • Until Jan 13

NAESS GALLERY • Paint Spot, 10032-81 Ave • 780.432.0240 • paintspot.ca • Works by Byron McBride • Jan 7-Feb 15 • Reception: Thu, Jan 10, 5-7pm

NINA HAGGERTY–Stollery Gallery • 9225-118 Ave • 780.474.7611 • ninahaggertyart.ca • bouNd For Glory: Handmade, altered, and transformed books • Until Jan 6

PETER ROBERTSON GALLERY • 12304 Jasper Ave • 780.455.7479 • probertsongallery.com • Group exhibitions: Artworks by gallery artists • Until Mar 23

PROPAGANDA HAIR SALON • 10808-124 St • tHE modEl, tHE mystiC aNd tHE musClE: 11 new paintings by outro • Until Jan 12

RED DEER COLLEGE LIBRARY • Four Corners Gallery: tHE importaNCE oF liNE: Artworks by Elena Rousseau; until Jan 9 • PortHole Gallery: small sCalE worK: Past Artists in Residence: Until Jan 11 • The Panels: portraiturE: Alberta Society of Artists; until Jan 21

ROYAL ALBERTA MUSEUM • 12845-102 Ave • 780.453.9100 • FasHioNiNG FEatHErs: Dead Birds, Millinery Craft and the Plumage Trade; curated by Merle Patchett and Liz Gomez, show examines the effect of fashion's demand for beautiful feathers on bird populations at the beginning of the twentieth century; until Jan 6 • quEEN ElizabEtH ii's diamoNd JubilEE: until Jan 13 • rivEr's EdGE: Until Apr 10 • iNuuJaq: Dolls of the Canadian Arctic; Until Apr 28

ST JOHN’S INSTITUTE • 11024-82 Ave • prairiE drEamsCapEs: rEimaGiNiNG our roots: Alberta launch of art exhibit by the Alberta Council for the Ukrainian Arts • Until Jan 19

SNAP GALLERY • Society Of Northern Alberta Print -Artists, 10123-121 St • 780.423.1492 • sna-partists.com • Main Gallery: bimpE (Biennial International Miniature Print Exhibition): Prints measuring no more than 15cm x 10cm • Jan 5-31 • Opening reception: Jan 5, 2-5pm

STRATHCONA COUNTY GALLERY@501 • 501 Festival Ave, Sherwood Park • 780.410.8585 • strathcona.ca/artgallery • NomadiC bouNCE: Works by Jason Baerg • Jan 11-Feb 24

TELUS WORLD OF SCIENCE • 11211-142 St • telusworldofscienceedmonton.com • STAR WARS Identities: The Exhibition: ex-plores the amazing nature of human identity through the magic of the Star Wars universe and its legendary characters; until Apr 1

UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA MUSEUMS • En-terprise Square, 10230 Jasper Ave • 780.492.5834 • museums.ualberta.ca • pErCEptioNs oF promisE: biotECHNoloGy, soCiEty aNd art: until Jan 5 • passioN proJECt: 75 works from the U of A art collection, until Jan 26; pas-sion project–Curator's Talk with Jim Corrigan, Fri, Jan 25, 12:15-1pm • immortal bEauty: The work of 84-year-old master calligrapher Shiko Kataoka, until Jan 26; immortal beauty: Curator's Talk with Jim Corrigan; Fri, Jan 18, 12:15-1pm • pErCEptioNs oF promisE: biotECHNol-oGy, soCiEty aNd art: challenging viewers to consider the positive and negative possibilities of biotechnology in general and stem cell research in particular; until Jan 5 • the biomedicalized Body: Curator's Talk with Lianne McTavish, discussing how conceptions of the human body have changed since the Renaissance; noon-hour talk for the exhibition perceptions of promise: biotechnology, society and art • Conservation: With U of A Museums conservator Carmen Li in con-junction with passion project; Sat, Jan 19, 2-4pm

VAAA GALLERY • 3rd Fl, 10215-112 St • 780.421.1731 • urbaN aNimals: Works by Jason Carter: Paintings exploring urban vs. natural environment • Until Jan 19 (Closed: until Jan 9)

VASA GALLERY • 25 Sir Winston Churchill Ave, St. Albert • 780.460.5990 • vasa.ca • WET paiNt: Small artworks by VASA artists • Until Feb 2

LITERARYARTERY • 9535 Jasper Ave • 780.441.6966 • Lit-erary Saloon: reading series the 2nd Thu every month; Oct-May, 7pm (door)

AUDREYS BOOKS • 107 St, Jasper Ave • audreys.ca • Stroll of Poets: Poets' Haven Weekly Series • Jan 13, Feb 10, Mar 10

BLUE CHAIR CAFÉ • 9624-76 Ave • 780.989.2861 • Slam at the Chair: Story slam • Jan 9, 7-10pm (7pm sign-up) • $5 (donation)

CARROT COMMUNITY ARTS COFFEE-HOUSE • 9351-118 Ave • [email protected] • Prose Creative Writing Group • Every Tue, 7-9pm

HAVEN SOCIAL CLUB • 15120 Stony Plain Rd • 780.915.8869 • Edmonton Story Slam: writers share their original, 5-minute stories; followed by a music jam • 3rd Wed every month, 7pm (sign-up); 7:30pm (show) • $5

RIVERDALE • 9917-87 St • Creative Word Jam • Every 3rd Sun of the month, 6-10pm • facebook.com/group.php?gid=264777964410 E: [email protected]

ROUGE LOUNGE • 10111-117 St • 780.902.5900 • Poetry every Tue with Edmonton's local poets

T.A.L.E.S.–STRATHCONA • New Strathcona Library, 401 Festival Lane, Sherwood Park • 780.400.3547 • Monthly Tellaround: 4th Wed each month 7pm • Free

T.A.L.E.S. TELLAROUND • Parkallen Com-munity Hall, 6510-111 St • 780.667.8253 • talesstorytelling.com • Come One–Come All...: Hear what storytelling is all about in a comfort-able, casual atmosphere; share a story or just listen • 2nd Mon each month until Jun, 7-9pm • Free • Mon, Jan 14 • Bring inside shoes and your own mug

UPPER CRUST CAFÉ • 10909-86 Ave • 780.422.8174 • strollofpoets.com • The Poets’ Ha-ven Weekly Reading Series: every Mon, 7pm; Pre-sented by the Stroll of Poets Society • Jan 14 • $5

WUNDERBAR ON WHYTE • 8120-101 St • 780.436.2286 • The poets of Nothing, For Now: poetry workshop and jam every Sun • No minors

THEATRE BEAUTY AND THE BEAST • Bailey Theatre, Camrose • baileytheatre.com • Presented by Bashaw Community Theatre Group • Jan 4, 7pm; Jan 5, 2pm, 7pm; Jan 6, 2pm • Tickets at the Bailey Box Office or online

BUDDY HOLLY STORY • Mayfield Dinner Theatre, 16615-109 Ave • 780.483.4051 • may-fieldtheatre.ca • By Alan Janes wsith Jeff Giles as Buddy • Until Feb 3 • New Year's Eve: $165 each (incl dinner buffet and table-served appetisers, performance)

CHIMPROV • Citadel Theatre, 9828-101 A Ave • rapidfiretheatre.com • Rapid Fire Theatre’s longform comedy show: improv formats, intricate narratives, and one-act plays • First three Sat every month, 10pm, until Jul • $12 (door or buy in adv at Tix on the Square)

DIE-NASTY • Varscona Theatre, 10329-83 Ave • 780.433.3399 • die-nasty.com • The live impro-vised soap opera • Every Mon, until May, 7:30pm (subject to change) • Tickets at the box office

NCIS • Jubilations Dinner Theatre, 8882-170 St, WEM • 780.484.2424 • jubilations.ca • Dr. Ducky and his colleague from Los Angeles, Hetty, are off to Canada to attend a conference with the Royal Canadian Navy Investigative Services, where they run into trouble. Ducky is accused of committing murder and is given until the end of the confer-ence to prove his innocence • Until Jan 26

SONGS FOR A NEW WORLD • L’uni Théàtre, la cité francophone, 8627 Rue Marie-Anne Gaboury • threeformtheatre.com • By Jason Robert Brown, presented by Three Form Theatre A moment in time in a collection of songs; musical theatre • Until Jan 3 • $23 (adult)/$20 (student/senior); $26 (door, adult)/$23 (door, student/senior); special New Years Eve performance at 7pm with recep-tion at 6pm: $30 at TIX on the Square

OH SUSANNA! • Varscona Theatre • 10329-83 Ave • 780.433.3399 • varsconatheatre.com/ohsusanna • The Euro-style variety spectacle with Susanna Patchouli and her divine co-host Eros, God of Love! Laughs! Music! Cocktails! • Runs the last Sat each month, until Jul, 11pm (subject to occasional change)

THEATRESPORTS • Citadel Theatre, 9828-101 A Ave • rapidfiretheatre.com • Improv • Every Fri, 7:30pm and 10pm

THE V.I.P. KID’S SHOW • Varscona Theatre, 10329-83 Ave • 780.433.3399 • Series for children where young and old can enjoy a Variety, Improv and Puppet show with Kate Ryan, Davina Stewart, Donovan Workun, Dana Andersen, Cathy Derkach and friends • Sat, Jan 12, 26 • $6/$60 (VIP pass)



Page 17: Vue Weekly 898 jan 3-9 2013


For more info or to register visit our website at harcourthouse.ab.ca,call us at 780.426.4180 or email at [email protected]

PORTRAIT DRAWING FROM A PHOTOGRAPH instructed by Patrick HigginsFebruary 19th-March 26th, 2013 | 6 Tuesdays, 6pm–9pm

FIGURATIVE & PERSPECTIVE DRAWING instructed by Helen MuskalFebruary 19th–March 19th, 2013 | 6 Thursdays, 6pm–9pm

PRINTMAKING: MONOPRINTING WORKSHOPinstructed by Stacey CannMarch 10th, 2013 | Sunday, 10am–5pm




THE CITY OFedmonton


Foundationfor theArts



EDUCATIONThree years a er he realized that

Mr Bilbo Baggins of Bag End had made o� with his "precious"—in J R R Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings nov-el—Gollum overcame his fear of the sun and emerged from his cave under the Misty Mountains to go a er him. The hobbit's trail had long grown cold and what was worse, while Gollum knew Baggins lived in the Shire, he had no idea where in Middle Earth to fi nd it.

My own search—in this instance to fi nd out the truth behind rumours of one student card for all Edmonton post-secondary students—started simply enough, as these things o en

do. My editor for-

warded me a copy of a news article that appeared in the Edmonton Jour-nal in November about the opening of the new NAIT LRT line, but it was a comment made by deputy premier Thomas Lukaszuk at the end of the article that caught her attention.

"For the fi rst time in the history of this city, four major post-secondary institutions will be connected by LRT," said Lukaszuk in the article. He was referring to NAIT, the University of Al-berta, Grant MacEwan University and Norquest College.

"It will allow (students) to take courses in di� erent institutions and utilize di� erent institutions using one line of LRT," he continued.

The schools are now looking at cre-ating a single student card so they can share libraries and other resources, reducing duplication, Lukaszuk told the Journal.

And so began my own journey, try-ing to fi nd about this one card to rule them all (OCTRTA). How would it work? How could students take a course at one school and get credit for it at another? To whom would they pay their tuition? I've seen stu-dents try to get credits transferred between academic institutions. It's rarely pretty. What kind of adminis-trative nightmare could this create?

I started at NAIT. Their spokesper-son, Frank Landry, told me he hadn't

heard about these specifi c plans, but very

generously of-fered to ask around and get back to me. He later sent me an email advising that there are no immediate plans for a sin-gle student card, but they are open to exploring the idea. He add-ed, "NAIT is inter-ested in working with the provincial government in any way that helps en-hance the student experience."

A call to the University of Alberta brought me no closer to fi nding out about OCTRTA. Media associate Ja-mie Hanlon pointed out that co-oper-ation and sharing of resources is al-ready underway among Edmonton's post-secondary institutions through such initiatives as the transit U-Pass and through the NEOS Library Con-sortium. NEOS is a consortium of government, health, college and uni-versity libraries that co-operate to share library resources, technology, collections and people—which Nor-quest recently joined. The University of Alberta and MacEwan are also members of the consortium.

But what could he tell us about OC-TRTA? Not much, it turned out. "The University of Alberta is unaware or unable to confi rm at this time any move towards a single student card that would  extensively encompass courses or other resources is under-way," Hanlon said.

O� to Norquest College, where media relations and communica-tions advisor Yuri Wuensch told me that they had seen that quote of Lukaszuk's and were somewhat in the dark about what it meant. He consulted with the chief of sta� in Norquest's executive offi ce, but he, too, was unaware of any immediate plans to develop OCTRTA. He re-ported that the schools were in very preliminary discussions about col-laboration, with a heavy emphasis on very. "They have only met once and agreed in principle to strengthen co-operation," he wrote in an email.

Both Wuensch and Hanlon directed me to a joint communiqué that was is-sued following this initial meeting.

"We agree that there are practical and mutually benefi cial ways in which we can collaborate as institutions to take advantage of our individual strengths. These opportunities can range from administrative and sup-port services to risk management and crisis communications. We look forward to identifying and exploring those opportunities," said the presi-dents of all four post-secondary insti-tutions.

There was no mention here of OC-TRTA, so, what on Middle Earth was Lukaszuk talking about? A er several calls to his offi ce, and despite assur-ances from one spokesperson that another spokesperson would get back to me, that didn't happen.

A phone call was made to Alberta Enterprise and Advanced Education. If anyone knew what the deputy pre-mier was talking about, they would. Suzana Krpan, spokesperson for that ministry, put an end to the quest in a one-sentence email. "There are no plans, within our ministry, to create a single ID card for all Edmonton post-secondary institutions (including Nor-Quest, U of A, MacEwan and NAIT)," she wrote.

But what about One Card To Rule Them All? I grew to view it as a Gol-lum-like riddle. And the answer ap-pears to be that OCTRTA exists only in the mind of the deputy premier and, perhaps, somewhere in Middle Earth.MIMI WILLIAMS// [email protected]


One card to rule them all?Rumours of one centralized student card merely codswallop

generously of-fered to ask

government in any way that helps en-

Page 18: Vue Weekly 898 jan 3-9 2013


Thursdays (7 – 9 pm) (As of Jan 30, classes will be held Wednesday nights) Open Studio: Adult drop-in workshopsArt Gallery of Alberta780.422.6223youraga.ca

'Today is going to be a messy class," laughs Jennifer Poburan, the in-

structor of the adult drop-in workshops at the Art Gallery of Alberta.

Today, we are working with plaster, and I'm among a dozen students who Poburan will teach to make a sculp-ture project. Poburan explains that the

class is di� erent each week and ties into the AGA's exhibits.

"Generally, the projects revolve around the di� erent exhibits that we have here. So there are themes around di� erent major ideas that the gallery's housing," she adds.

On the AGA's third fl oor is the Mis-led by Nature exhibit, one in which contemporary artists revisit themes from the baroque period. Reacting against the classicism of the Renais-sance, Baroque art celebrated excess, opulence and ornamentation.

To begin class, Poburan provides a brief background of the Baroque and shows a few photographs of the works in the gallery. Borrowing baroque themes, these contemporary artists have created large, opulent sculptures that overwhelm the senses, but that also employ everyday objects.

These household objects will be used within our plaster sculptures. Poburan demonstrates how to use wires, nylon stockings, paper and even old sports trophies to create our own baroque-inspired works.

For student Christina McPhee, the ability to meet interesting people is one reason that she attends these classes. She also enjoys the opportunity to ex-plore di� erent mediums.

"I like to have two hours where I can

just play around and just to have fun and be creative, and if comes out, great," McPhee says.

Plaster is new to her, but McPhee knows that with time, she will revisit all the medi-ums again to improve and gain new skills.

"You get a sense of what you like and what you gravitate towards and what you're good at," she says.

At home, McPhee likes to draw, paint and use clay. By taking these evening classes, she has also explored several mediums that she'd never used before, including wires, gel transfers and printmaking. In addition, these classes have allowed her to explore new styles, such as abstract art.

"I certainly recommend it to anybody who just wants to go somewhere and just explore that [creative] part of themselves," she says.

Those interested in fl exing their cre-ativity can visit the AGA's website for each week's theme if they want to focus on something particular, the more ad-venturous folks can just drop in.

"It's an adventure every time you come in," McPhee says.

Today is Blaine Milne's fi rst class and his current project involves creating a in the shape of a hand.

Using plasticine, Milne forms "fi ngers" that he puts into a latex glove. Once this plasticine-fi lled glove resembles a hand,

Milne carefully mounts it onto a wood-en block. Then, he begins to plaster his sculpture, one plaster strip at a time.

At another table, Carol Sullivan is mak-ing an angel. The body is plaster, the wings are wire and a pipecleaner forms the halo. Sullivan, much like McPhee, used to come to the classes a few years ago. Both are now coming back a¢ er having taken a break. Sullivan enjoys the classes for the professional direction and guidance they o� er. Outside of class, she's always engaged in artistic pursuits.

"I consider everything art," she says. "Even working on my house."

Much like Sullivan, Milne and McPhee frequently create art outside of class. Milne has taken an introductory drawing class and he does photography. McPhee likes to write poetry and song lyrics. With all her art, McPhee likes to provoke a bit and to make people think.

"I do like to be edgy at times. I like to push the limits," she says. "A lot of artists that I talk to, there's that element where they want to say something or get something across. Whether it's edgy or not, that's not the point, it's just that wanting to say something; to make a statement."

Poburan's classes seem like the perfect place for self-expression, as she encour-ages di� erent creative approaches. Some students might have an idea of what they want to make when they begin; others

might just work and see how the piece develops. Poburan encourages students to use the best process for them.

"I try to keep this atmosphere pretty casual and I'm very fl exible and open to pursuing a number of di� erent ideas," Poburan says. "This is a very experimen-tal-driven class. We are always experi-menting with new ideas. It's not always about the end result; o¢ en the process is important. We explore new ideas about art and about life."MARIA KOTOVYCH// [email protected]


Artsy fartsyEvery week something new off ered at adult art classes

Where else can you go to get your art fi x?

City Arts CentreVarious classes o� ered780.442.5311edmonton.ca

Metro Continuing EducationVarious classes o� ered780.428.1111metrocontinuingeducation.ca

Arts Continuing EducationGrant MacEwan University Centre for the Arts and Communications780.497.5000macewan.ca

Faculty of ExtensionUniversity of Alberta780.492.3116extension.ualberta.ca

Where else can you go to get your art fi x?

City Arts CentreVarious classes o� ered780.442.5311edmonton.ca

Metro Continuing EducationVarious classes o� ered780.428.1111metrocontinuingeducation.ca

Arts Continuing EducationGrant MacEwan University Centre for the Arts and Communications780.497.5000macewan.ca

Faculty of ExtensionUniversity of Alberta780.492.3116extension.ualberta.ca

Page 19: Vue Weekly 898 jan 3-9 2013

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Page 20: Vue Weekly 898 jan 3-9 2013

Management Development Certificates

Organizations today count on people to excel at decision making, problem solving, motivation and strategic planning. This certi�cate program will help you acquire practical knowledge in functional areas such as human resources management, �nancial management, marketing, strategy and operations. Learn from instructors who know their business—people who have faced the challenges you face to excel in their �elds. This is quality classroom time packed with insider information, practical advice and excellent instruction.

Students may specialize in:

• Management Development Certificate for Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists• Management Development Certificate for Police Services• Human Resources Management Certificate• Information Technology Management Certificate

We also offer courses recognized through partnerships with professional associations, such as:

• Purchasing Management• Risk and Insurance Management• Check our website for a complete list and more details.

Supervisory Development Citation

Provides up-to-date information and advice you need to be an effective leader in your work environment.

Business Analysis Professional Citation

Business Analysis is the set of tasks, knowledge, and techniques required to identify business needs and determine solutions for business problems. This program will be of interest to Business and Project Managers who seek solutions for process improvement and organizational changes as well as Systems Analysts who need to bridge the gap between business processes and technical requirements.

Master of Arts in Communications and Technology

What are the knowledge and skills needed to communicate in the new digital workplace? The University of Alberta’s innovative Master of Arts in Communications & Technology is the answer to that question: a part-time, online graduate program designed for working professionals. Don’t give up your busy career to get the leading-edge training you need for success in the new economy. Combine the benefits of classroom interaction with online convenience.

Adult and Continuing Education (CACE)

The CACE program is designed to meet the growing need for formal education and training by developing and enriching the knowledge and level of competence of those practicing in the �eld of adult education.

English Language Program (ESL)

Discover a whole new world by studying English at the University of Alberta, from English basics to pronunciation enhancement to university-level English. Small class size means you get lots of opportunity to practice with students from around the world. Both intensive day and part-time evening courses are offered year-round.

Government Studies

Local Government Certi�cate Integrate theory and practice to better understand local government administration. Distance delivery with online components offers flexibility as well as personal contact with the instructor and other students.

Applied Land Use Planning Certi�cate (ALUP) gives you a solid understanding of the fundamentals of the Alberta planning environment, including legislation, policy and technical issues.

Information Access and Protection of Privacy Certi�cate (IAPP) focuses on the ideas, structures and processes that de�ne appropriate administration of access and privacy legislation at a municipal, provincial and federal level in Canada. The program aims to develop and enhance manage-rial leadership in the access and privacy �eld.

Construction Administration

Become an effective administrator of construction projects in a wide range of sectors in the economy. Whether you work in construction, design, project management, manufacturing and supply, development or real estate, you will bene�t from this application of administrative and technical concepts, principles and practices to your role in the construction �eld.

Visual Arts

Develop a solid foundation in the fundamentals of art through our Visual Arts Certificate. Offering studio instruction, constructive critique, and practical experience, our courses, taught by professional artists, will help you build a portfolio reflective of your artistic vision and mastery. Courses can be taken for general interest or for certi�cate credit.

Residential Interiors

Unique in Western Canada, the Residential Interiors Certificate is recognized as an excellent university level program incorporating the principles of �ne arts, architecture and business. Offering theory, practice and industry-specific instruction, this program will enhance your current practice or help you pursue a new career in residential interior decorating.

Writing and Editing

Explore the clear expression of ideas, create interesting characters that amuse, write poetry that has meaning to others, or move from pen to print or the Internet. Guided by professional writers, many of whom have won awards, our writing courses will help you transform your thoughts into effective and inspired writing.

Environmental Resource Management

This program explores the critical ideas and developments that affect your organization’s environmental performance. The ERM program examines several areas, including air, water and soil processes, environmental monitoring, biotechnology, instrumentation, and experimental design.


Spanish Language Certi�cate

Whether you plan to vacation or to do business in Spanish-speaking countries, our Spanish Language Certificate opens up a world of opportunities. Learn Spanish in intimate classes formatted in short modules that let you begin at whatever level suits your skills.

We also offer: Chinese (Mandarin) • French • German • Italian • Japanese

Occupational Health and Safety

Health and safety is a growing field in the workplace. Learn the competencies needed to plan, implement, and evaluate occupational health and safety programs and systems in a wide variety of workplace settings and on-the-job situations.


Explore the arts and humanities to develop both your critical and creative faculties and to reach a greater understanding of the world around you.

Register now for Winter/Spring 2013 classes.

Visit our website to view the Course Guide online, find class descriptions, dates, times and locations, or to request your free print publications by mail.

www.extension.ualberta.ca/winterspring13To register: 780.492.3109 or 780.492.3116



Page 21: Vue Weekly 898 jan 3-9 2013

Management Development Certificates

Organizations today count on people to excel at decision making, problem solving, motivation and strategic planning. This certi�cate program will help you acquire practical knowledge in functional areas such as human resources management, �nancial management, marketing, strategy and operations. Learn from instructors who know their business—people who have faced the challenges you face to excel in their �elds. This is quality classroom time packed with insider information, practical advice and excellent instruction.

Students may specialize in:

• Management Development Certificate for Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists• Management Development Certificate for Police Services• Human Resources Management Certificate• Information Technology Management Certificate

We also offer courses recognized through partnerships with professional associations, such as:

• Purchasing Management• Risk and Insurance Management• Check our website for a complete list and more details.

Supervisory Development Citation

Provides up-to-date information and advice you need to be an effective leader in your work environment.

Business Analysis Professional Citation

Business Analysis is the set of tasks, knowledge, and techniques required to identify business needs and determine solutions for business problems. This program will be of interest to Business and Project Managers who seek solutions for process improvement and organizational changes as well as Systems Analysts who need to bridge the gap between business processes and technical requirements.

Master of Arts in Communications and Technology

What are the knowledge and skills needed to communicate in the new digital workplace? The University of Alberta’s innovative Master of Arts in Communications & Technology is the answer to that question: a part-time, online graduate program designed for working professionals. Don’t give up your busy career to get the leading-edge training you need for success in the new economy. Combine the benefits of classroom interaction with online convenience.

Adult and Continuing Education (CACE)

The CACE program is designed to meet the growing need for formal education and training by developing and enriching the knowledge and level of competence of those practicing in the �eld of adult education.

English Language Program (ESL)

Discover a whole new world by studying English at the University of Alberta, from English basics to pronunciation enhancement to university-level English. Small class size means you get lots of opportunity to practice with students from around the world. Both intensive day and part-time evening courses are offered year-round.

Government Studies

Local Government Certi�cate Integrate theory and practice to better understand local government administration. Distance delivery with online components offers flexibility as well as personal contact with the instructor and other students.

Applied Land Use Planning Certi�cate (ALUP) gives you a solid understanding of the fundamentals of the Alberta planning environment, including legislation, policy and technical issues.

Information Access and Protection of Privacy Certi�cate (IAPP) focuses on the ideas, structures and processes that de�ne appropriate administration of access and privacy legislation at a municipal, provincial and federal level in Canada. The program aims to develop and enhance manage-rial leadership in the access and privacy �eld.

Construction Administration

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Page 22: Vue Weekly 898 jan 3-9 2013

'Nick, are you thinking of killing yourself? Nick,

are you thinking of suicide?"No one wants to ever have to

ask someone these questions seriously. But if "yes" is the an-swer to both, how confi dent are you in carrying on this con-versation, let alone inquiring in the fi rst place?

Nick is one of three fi ctitious characters in a video shown at

the beginning of

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST), a two-day workshop o­ ered through the Canadian Mental Health Association. This isn't your decades-old health-class video; it is remade on an ongoing basis, with feedback from health-care professionals to ensure the most authentic examples of individuals in distress are being shown. The course strives to be as realistic as possible in teaching the process of holding a one-

on-one intervention with a suicidal per-son, which includes asking the above questions out loud in a group setting.

ASIST is one of a number of courses that has been developed by the Cen-tre for Suicide Prevention, based in Calgary. CSP was developed by prac-titioners in the early '80s and has continued to evolve through years of scientifi c research in the fi eld of mental illness. Today, ASIST is the world-wide front-runner for suicide intervention training.

"We need to look at it as fi rst aid, as a life skill," explains Mara Grunau, education director for CSP. "Seeing as how one in fi ve people will experience mental health issues in their lifetime, it a­ ects a lot of people, and we need to start looking at it di­ erently. Mental ill-ness is still a highly stigmatized subject;

as a society, we are more comfortable than ever before in discussing depres-sion and anxiety, but suicide is still very much stigmatized. We can reach out and help people at work or school, but in doing so we have to be able to talk about it."

Describing the purpose of the course, one instructor uses the anal-ogy of encountering someone having a heart attack. As the average person in this situation is not a cardiologist, even the most basic fi rst-aid skills are

desperately needed in this moment of crisis, up until that person can get the professional care they need. Long-term therapy, counselling, sup-port groups and medication, among other resources, may be needed for a suicidal person's recovery and contin-ued well being. But when faced with someone's uncertainty for their life, proper initial response is critical.

Dixie Estrin has been teaching the ASIST workshop for several years and has observed its direct success in sav-ing peoples' lives. No greater is the ef-

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'Nick, are you thinking of killing yourself? Nick,

are you thinking of suicide?"No one wants to ever have to

ask someone these questions seriously. But if "yes" is the an-swer to both, how confi dent are you in carrying on this con-versation, let alone inquiring in the fi rst place?

Nick is one of three fi ctitious characters in a video shown at

the beginning of

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST), a two-day workshop o­ ered through the Canadian Mental Health Association. This isn't your decades-old health-class video; it is remade on an ongoing basis, with feedback from health-care professionals to ensure the most authentic examples of individuals in distress are being shown. The course strives to be as realistic as possible in teaching the process of holding a one-

on-one intervention with a suicidal per-son, which includes asking the above questions out loud in a group setting.

ASIST is one of a number of courses that has been developed by the Cen-tre for Suicide Prevention, based in Calgary. CSP was developed by prac-titioners in the early '80s and has continued to evolve through years of scientifi c research in the fi eld of mental illness. Today, ASIST is the world-wide front-runner for suicide intervention training.

"We need to look at it as fi rst aid, as a life skill," explains Mara Grunau, education director for CSP. "Seeing as how one in fi ve people will experience mental health issues in their lifetime, it a­ ects a lot of people, and we need to start looking at it di­ erently. Mental ill-ness is still a highly stigmatized subject;

as a society, we are more comfortable than ever before in discussing depres-sion and anxiety, but suicide is still very much stigmatized. We can reach out and help people at work or school, but in doing so we have to be able to talk about it."

Describing the purpose of the course, one instructor uses the anal-ogy of encountering someone having a heart attack. As the average person in this situation is not a cardiologist, even the most basic fi rst-aid skills are

desperately needed in this moment of crisis, up until that person can get the professional care they need. Long-term therapy, counselling, sup-port groups and medication, among other resources, may be needed for a suicidal person's recovery and contin-ued well being. But when faced with someone's uncertainty for their life, proper initial response is critical.

Dixie Estrin has been teaching the ASIST workshop for several years and has observed its direct success in sav-ing peoples' lives. No greater is the ef-

The goal is to ASISTApplied Suicide Intervention Skills Training builds confi dence

As a society, we are more comfortable than ever before in discussing depression and anxiety, but suicide is still very much stigmatized.


Page 23: Vue Weekly 898 jan 3-9 2013

fect than on Alberta's reserve lands, as the aboriginal suicide rate in Canada is reportedly seven times higher than the national average.

"They're heavy workshops, because we're dealing with heavy loss," says Es-trin of her time spent teaching ASIST at schools in northern Alberta reserves. "It's tough for sta� and resource people in the community to begin with ... the principal of the school at the time called me shortly a� er we were there to let me know that the model we had shown did in fact come into play, and it did save lives."

Formal resources in all parts of the province do exist for those in dis-tress, she says, but cautions that it can be a challenge to access them—especially with hospital wait times what they are—making ASIST all the more relevant.

"The more people who can do inter-ventions, the better. The key is the value of relationship, and to be able to make that relationship," Estrin says. "Many people tend to think that by ig-noring grief, it'll go away. This method of pushing away these feelings is not e� ective. Go through the pain, not around it."

The course, which is kept to a maxi-mum of 30 students, is intensive, chal-lenging and not for the faint of heart. On the second day, one of the inter-active scenarios takes place on the railing of a bridge—and the person in distress is not coming down easily. Though open to the public, the major-ity of attendants are post-secondary

students in the fi eld of social work, or working in group homes, and for them ASIST is mandated. An alternative is safeTALK, a half-day workshop also of-fered through the CMHA, which teach-es how to recognize the invitations and warning signs from youths aged 12 – 24 who are seriously contemplating suicide; it too is open to the public and can be taken for credit.

The model of assessing high, medium and low-risk individuals for suicide is outdated: professionals in the fi eld to-day recognize that "at risk means at risk," period. When someone is in emo-tional pain, they o� en forget who they can reach out to, therefore it never hurts to ask a seemingly distressed friend, colleague, loved one or stranger where they're at, and remind them that help is always available.

Most people at risk of suicide do not want to die. This is an opportunity to gain the confi dence to intervene when necessary and potentially save some-one's life.

"Attitudes have changed in last few years," Grunau adds. "With the two NHL players who died by suicide, and the Amanda Todd case, people are talking more—and that's good—but we do need to continue teaching more as well. We need to slow down and look at the people around us. Really look at them and ask ourselves, 'How do we engage these people?'"

For more information on the course and suicide prevention, visit edmonton.cmha.ca and suicideinfo.ca.MICHAEL GARTH// [email protected]





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Calgary’s Caitlin Power began her road the runway at Lethbridge College when she came to school to study Fashion Design and Marketing. After graduation, she established her own fashion line – Caitlin Power – and has shown her designs on during Toronto’s Fashion Week. Her futuristic cloth-ing received rave reviews, and with the skills she learned in the classrooms of Lethbridge College, she is now considered a rising star in the Canadian fashion industry. Jeff Heggie started post-secondary schooling, took time off to go to Texas and become a steer wres-tling champion, got married and then decided he needed to return to school to support his future family. He enrolled in Business at Lethbridge College while working part time at a bank. After working his way up to bank manager, he responded to the call of his entre-preneurial spirit and started Kodiak Mountain Stone. His cultured stone company grew until he was ship-ping product across North America to international ports. Today, he continues to mold and shape his business with the knowledge he gained in his hands-on classes.Shane Hoiland now lives in a world of gangs, addiction and repeat of-fenders. He came to Lethbridge College to study Corrections in the School of Justice Studies and has spent his time since graduation

in that fi eld. Running into “former offenders” who have turned their lives around is one of the best parts of his job. “Sometimes I’m at the mail and see someone, usually from my time working with young offenders, and he looks good, and says he’s got a good job, and he thanks you and gets into a car with his wife and kids,” says Hoiland.Turning passions into professions is what Lethbridge College does best. Students are fully immersed in one of more than 50 career-train-ing programs from their fi rst day on campus. With hands-on, high-tech training, students are usually in, out and working in their chosen fi elds in less than two years.Lethbridge College excels at pre-paring people for careers in crimi-nal justice, design, environmental science and engineering. The col-lege is the fi rst in North America to offer BZEE training for wind turbine technicians. Its Therapeutic Rec-reation program focusing on Ger-ontology is the only of its kind in Canada. Health, human services, trades, agriculture, liberal arts – the list is long and the options are limitless for work or further studies after receiving a Lethbridge Col-lege education.Look to Lethbridge College and discover what the future holds for you. Welcome to your future.

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Page 24: Vue Weekly 898 jan 3-9 2013



Panciteria de Manila9653 – 102 Ave780.425.5757

I doubtless speak for many when I say the day Noodle Maker closed

its doors was a sad one. The eccentric eatery on the edge of the downtown Arts District o�ered a selection in line with owner Siu To's wide-ranging, multi-culti culinary enthusiasms, from the virtuously vegan—oh, what I wouldn't give for another plate of Flying Buddha Nun Noodles or smelly tofu—to the sleazily meaty (sliced pork belly) to the utterly anomalous (fresh-baked Montréal-style bagels).

But this particular inspired and erratic noodle house was like a shooting star flashing across the horizon and, scant months a�er I learned of his establishment, the avuncular Mr Noodle Maker took down his shingle, perhaps for a well-earned rest a�er four decades of feeding Edmontonians. If there's any consolation to be taken, it might be in the advent of the Panciteria

de Manila in the former Noodle Maker location. If not as ambitious as its predecessor, Panciteria is a friendly, family-run operation where you can grab a quick, nourishing, fresh-made bite at fast-food prices. Downtown lunch-baggers take heed.

The Alcantara family has certainly improved on NM's haphazard ambiance with bright yellow and orange paint, lively travel posters of the homeland and the application of Panciteria decals on the backs of the chairs to partially obscure their provenance at a now-defunct donut chain —not to mention a taste in seasonal ornamentation that runs toward the psychedelic.

(You can also sample Filipino TV while you wait for your food to cook, thanks to the requisite dining-room flat-screen. Unfortunately, my favourite variety show, the surreal and motley Eat Bulaga!, was pre-empted for the holidays by alleged Pinoy blockbuster Iputok mo… Dadapa ako! (aka Hard to Die), which looked more like a cheap, shabby comedy set at a

beauty pageant in a motel conference room. Judging from the gu�aws issuing from an adjacent table, and contrary to the evidence of my own eyes, it was very funny.)

The restaurant's eponym is, you guessed it, pancit, a dish made with thin rice noodles and various meaty and vegetable-y morsels that can be served as a stir-fry or a soup. Like most of the items on the menu, the bihon pancit costs around $7, and is commensurate to the average lunch-time appetite, though you can always arrange for a side of skinny Filipino spring rolls (lumpia) to round things out. The noodles are stirfried with soy sauce, then tossed with small shrimp, slices of chicken and pork, and topped with just-cooked bits of cabbage, carrot and broccoli. I added seasoned vinegar and hot sauce to liven things up, but I think it was the considerable thermal heat of the dish that filled my eyebrows with condensation.

If it were up to me, the restaurant would be called the Silogeteria, because the -silog portion of the menu is by far my favourite. A friend of mine who is of Philippine descent avers that this variety of dish makes the best breakfast ever, a view I respect but don't espouse owing to the existence of pho, which is the best breakfast ever. That said, I'm prepared to endorse tapsilog and longsilog based on their own merits.

What the -silogs have in common is a big heap of garlicky rice with a fried egg glistening and jiggling provocatively on top. The di�erence is in the choice

of meats and/or fish you can enjoy with alongside your heap; tapsilog, for instance, features thin-sliced beef marinated in soy and oyster sauce and grilled so that it develops a crispy crust, while longsilog comes with spicy-sweet pork sausage. I

d o n ' t know what

you're supposed to do, but I mash up the creamy, yolky

egg in the potent garlic rice and pour on a bit of the seasoned vinegar that


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Page 25: Vue Weekly 898 jan 3-9 2013


comes with the dish, then shovel in whichever sorts of savoury-sweet meat appear alongside. It ain't fancy, but man, is it delicious, and the provided slices of tomato and cucumber comprise a simple, mouth-refreshing salad.

My one wish to improve the experi-ence of tapsilog is that the Panciteria would abandon those little plastic en-

velopes of hot sauce—you know, the kind that fi re their livid contents in un-expected directions when squeezed—and step up to bottles of the beloved sriracha (aka Rooster Sauce) that is the spicy standard at so many noo-dle houses. All the same, I will make a resolution to visit the Panciteria more o� en in 2013 that they may stick around and provide us all with tapsilog for many new years to come.SCOTT LINGLEY// [email protected]


As I sit amidst the torn wrapping paper and discarded New Year's noise makers, sipping on my first beer of 2013, I find myself in a contemplative mood, thinking back on the year that has just run its course.

All in all, I have to say 2012 was a pretty damn good year for beer in Edmon-ton. We have lots to be thankful for and much to look forward to in the new year. The last 12 months have treated us rela-tively well. So, here are my top five reasons why 2012 was a very good year for beer in E-town, done countdown style à la Mr Letterman.

The quiet creep of craft: I was struck this year how the selection of beer

at liquor stores, corner pubs and other retailers quietly improved. Two years ago, I would go into an average liquor store and find scant offerings, but this year would dis-cover a couple dozen beer I would be happy to purchase. In a local pub where Rickard's Red used to be the highlight, this year a legiti-mate craft beer, like Sam Adams or Yellowhead, would have quietly popped up on tap, providing a real option for once. What is particu-larly intriguing is that it seems to have occurred without fanfare. Just a quiet response to customer demand.

Upping their game: Number four was something I started noticing in

2011, but it really took hold in 2012. Our local breweries seem to be upping their game—experi-menting more and offering bolder options. The folks at Alley Kat ap-pear to have a new spirit of adven-ture in particular. In addition to their mainstay product, they now

have a regular seasonal line, the Big Bottle series of one-off beer, the Dragon Series of single-hop

Imperial IPAs and unexpected one-time releases. They

are playing with oak-ag-ing, sour beer and unusu-al ingredients. It is great

to see—and drink. And they are not alone as Cal-

gary's Wild Rose also seems to be experimenting a bit more as well.

W e s t v l e t e r e n and beyond: 2012 was the year Edmon-tonians got their

hands on one of the world's rarest beer, Westvleteren 12, brewed by reclusive Belgian monks and nor-mally only sold out of the abbey gate. A single, one-time shipment made it to Canada, and Edmonton got a huge portion of the stuff. A once in a lifetime treat, but that is not all. The range of world-class breweries available within our bor-ders keeps growing every year. This past year we saw Green Flash, Courage, Flying Monkeys, De Mo-len, Jolly Pumpkin and many more arrive in our burg. I keep expecting a fall back as supply over-strips de-mand, but it never seems to hap-pen. Which means more beer com-ing our way next year.

New, new, new:2012 was the year of the new. The capital region saw its first new microbrewery in

a while with Hog's Head Brewing opening its doors in the fall (more on them in my next column). But we also saw an influx of new beer locations, including a couple of beer-focused pubs like Under-ground Tap and Grill (with 72 taps, mostly quality craft) and MKT (with a decent list of good beer), plus a couple more to come in ear-ly 2013. We are even seeing some new serious contenders for the

beer store market with Co-op Li-quor in the southwest and Wine and Beyond in the southwest and in Sherwood Park. Neither yet ri-vals reigning champ Sherbrooke Liquor, which has the largest beer selection in Canada, but beer op-tions got a whole lot better in the last 12 months.

The tap explo-sion: My number one reason for feel-ing like it was a great beer year is

the explosion in tap options in Edmonton. Let me be more spe-cific. I am not talking about the sheer number of taps in various locations, which is only one mea-sure of good beer. I am talking about the number of rotational, one-time, specialty and exclusive beer on tap you can now find in a handful of places in town, includ-ing Sugar Bowl, Accent, Wunder-bar and the newbies mentioned in point number two. In the in-dustry, taps that are not commit-ted to a specific beer are called rotational, and it is that phenom-enon of which I speak. This year I have found more than ever be-fore that I can find a couple of beer on tap that were not avail-able the week before and won't be next week. It creates an atmo-sphere of constant exploration, and it is a hallmark of a maturing beer scene.

Edmonton had a good beer year, but the thing that has me most pumped is the knowledge that this is only the beginning. I trust that in a few years I will be writ-ing a top five list that will make this one look anemic. Hold on to your beer mugs, Edmonton, we are in for a fun ride! V

Jason Foster is the creator of on-beer.org, a website devoted to news and views on beer from the prairies and beyond.

A year through the bottom of a beer glassThe top fi ve reasons it's been a beer-y good year





[email protected]

Page 26: Vue Weekly 898 jan 3-9 2013


FALSE PROPHETSHarold CampingThis is probably the one everyone knows best, given it's the most recent non-Mayan

doomsday. Camping's excessive 2011 campaign warned us all that the rapture would hap-pen May 21, 2011, when the good and holy of the world would be pulled up into heaven,

before five months of fire and brimstone would batter the rest of us, ending with the

biggest bang of all: the destruction of the world.Except that didn't happen at all, and plenty of goading tweets were tweeted and smug

gu�aws had at Camping's expense. Still, not put o� by being wrong for a second time (his

original prediction happened back in 1994, with similar accuracy), Camping re-reported

that a spiritual judgement had occurred on the date, and revised his Judgement Day pre-diction to October 21, for real this time. But you're still here, right? Yeah, me too. Camp-ing's now retired from the end of the world prediction game, a�er a good ol' fashioned

public ribbing that followed his zero-for-three stat..And with that, Camping joins the well-trod ranks of the repeat o�ender apocalypse

predictors, including the likes of Cotton Mather (three predictions), Sabbatai Zevi

(two predictions), Herbert W Armstrong (three predictions), Marilyn Agee (10+ pre-dictions; she even wrote a book, The End of The Age) and, really, scads more would-be


DOOMSDAY CULTSThe ShakersCult seems a pretty strong word to use in this case, but at its formation in England in 1792, the Shakers—or, in longhand, The United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appear-ing—was calling the end of days as about to happen, then and there. The group saw its work to be preparing for the end to come (preparations that included not marrying and generally remaining chaste), but, as it went on, the whole "D-day cometh" thing seemed less a definitive date and more a "let's be ready, just in case." To its credit, the group was an early advocate of gender equality, looking to its women for leadership and preacher duties, and, for a time, it was pretty convincing: at The Shakers' zenith, the group consisted of 20-odd settlements and a body of converts some 20 000 strong (given the whole "no marriage no sex" thing, they attracted members through preaching, indenturing and adopting.)Still, the 19th century saw a dwindling of their numbers, as urban focus grew: today there's

a paltry few remaining.

Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of GodOf course, the Jonestown People's Temple bunch are the go-to example for real doomsday cults, but the Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God was an-other: formed in the late '80s in Uganda a�er Credonia Mwerinde and Joseph Kibweteere claimed to have had visions of the Virgin Mary, they called for the end of days to occur Janu-ary 1, 2000. When it didn't happen, the membership was pretty upset, and the movement's influence over it began unspooling. The leadership immediately predicted the new D-date of March 17. Then, in an act of horror

that was presumed to have been a premeditated, a mass fire broke out at the Movement's doomsday party at the church in Kanangu. The windows and doors were boarded up, and all 530 members, leadership included, perished in the blaze.


The ending(s) of the world thus farWhat kind of post-apocalyptic wasteland is this?

No massive earthquakes have devoured the 104 Street promenade;

the high level bridge remains unblemished by rows of abandoned, overturned

shreds of car; Daryl Katz hasn't become a Road Warrior-style warlord, cackling

maniacally atop a sled pulled by a mutated Taylor Hall/Ryan Nugent-Hopkins

fusion, and he isn't erecting a Thunderdome where bloodsports and chaos

reign. Well, not really.

Mayan calendar be damned, it seems we're stuck with the world we know,

for now. And even though we aren't reduced to foraging and fighting through

what were once cities to find safe canned goods and oil for vehicles, we can

still look back upon the year that was with a certain bittersweet remembrance.

And, hey, it's not the first time the end of the world has been a no-show.

In memory of the apocalypse that wasn't, we at Vue have lovingly collected

a few past no-shows for you within these pages, broken down by category and

focusing on a representative or two of each predicting force.

SCIENCEThe Big Rip Theory

First published in 2003, the Big Rip Theory o�ers up that the expansion of

the universe will ultimately see it tearing itself apart. It's rooted in the idea of

invisible dark energy taking up more space and, in doing so, shrinking the size

of the observable universe. When it gets too small, the very structure of every-

thing would tear itself apart, making this a total bummer of a theory. If it's any

consolation though, we're talking billions of years in the future. Same with the

next one.

Heat Death of the Universe

Rooted in that pesky second law of thermodynamics, Heat Death claims that

the universe, being the isolated system it is, will eventually approach a state

where all energy is evenly distributed—maximum entropy, meaning no heat

energy is available to do work, everything cools down, all the stars go out and

that's all she wrote. But don't worry: again, billions of years in the future. We'll

all be dead by then. Unless we find a way to stop aging. In which case, we'll all

probably be there when it happens.


// [email protected]

Page 27: Vue Weekly 898 jan 3-9 2013



This was supposed to be it, the big one, the end of

human kind.

But what happened? Oh, yeah, once again, the prediction

for the apocalypse was wrong and when December 21

rolled around, we continued on our daily routines.

Some of you may have been prepared for the worst

and stockpiled mass amounts of non-perishapble fare

to keep you satiated if you had ended up having to take

refuge and battle out whatever was supposed to happen

to us. If your cupboards are now weighed down with mass

quantities of Spam, beans and the like, we've got a few

recipes—courtesy of some inventive local chefs—to

put these items to good use.

Even if you were one of the naysayers smirking away

and pulling a big "I told you so" to the anti-climactic

date, these chef-approved recipes might still be fun to

try—just in case.

Brayden Kozak: The Three Boars

OK, here we go. Here's a recipe for shepherd's pie using instant ramen noodles instead of

potatoes. I love instant ramen and eat it all the time, adding di� erent variants to the soup

to bulk it up and make it more interesting or fi lling. I went through a phase awhile ago to

try as many di� erent varieties of instant ramen as possible to fi nd my favourite. It was a fun

project, and I found three varieties I keep coming back to. The fi rst is Mama brand shrimp

tom yum noodles (recently I discovered the milk shrimp tom yum, which absolutely blew my

mind). These noodles are nice and spicy with a burst of lime and rich shrimp fl avour. I also

love the Korean-style Nong Shim kimchi ramyun noodles. They're spicy as hell, and benefi t

from a generous addition of fresh kimchi and shredded roast pork. Add some potatoes and

you've got yourself a hearty kimchi stew. Lastly are the Indomie Mi Goreng noodles. These

are not a broth-based noodle—you drain the water a� er the noodles have been cooked

and add the ingredients. A runny fried egg is almost necessary with these ones, as well as

any meat and vegetable additions you might have around. Because of the season, I fi gured a

warm and comforting recipe would be in order. 

Corey McGuire: TZiNThis dish is a great way to "jazz up" your canned pork and beans. Foraging for other ingredients is also a great way to spend the day, and help with the end of the world blues.

Andrew Parker: Chef Parker Catering and Events

The thing I love about being a chef is the opportunity to challenge myself and become creative. If said

apocalypse were to happen, I know I would be prepared. Resources like fresh produce would have to

be self-harvested. Other manufactured items like cooking oil, spices and artifi cial fl avours wouldn't be

around anymore. Cooking just become that much harder. When thinking of a Spam recipe, I thought of

stuffi ng pasta. But wait, you would have to make your own pasta. I know when I was going to college, I

learned how to make a mean Kra� Dinner, so cooking with limited resources is nothing new. You would

have to stock up on condiments, canned goods and whatever other non-perishable food items you can and make work with what you have.

learned how to make a mean Kra� Dinner, so cooking with limited resources is nothing new. You would

have to stock up on condiments, canned goods and whatever other non-perishable food items you can and make work with what you have.

and make work with what you have.

learned how to make a mean Kra� Dinner, so cooking with limited resources is nothing new. You would

have to stock up on condiments, canned goods and whatever other non-perishable food items you can

have to stock up on condiments, canned goods and whatever other non-perishable food items you can and make work with what you have.

and make work with what you have.



The thing I love about being a chef is the opportunity to challenge myself and become creative. If said


stash recipesWhat to do with your stockpiled food

Page 28: Vue Weekly 898 jan 3-9 2013














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Page 29: Vue Weekly 898 jan 3-9 2013

As I grow older, having yet another year slope towards its extinguish-

ment has shi� ed from occasion to recall enthralling new albums that crowned during the previous dozen months into a solemn compulsion to mark those whose music-making ceased—here, now, forever; arrested in whatever state it was in when they le� the realm of the living, along with the rest of their personal a� airs. I'm not sure whether (or how much of) this is an actual by-product of aging rather than an occu-pational hazard, as any serious music-lover sooner or later takes an interest in history and creative lineages, which only deepens with experience, and you

become keenly aware of what the loss of one artist can actually mean, in terms of irreplaceable knowledge and creative singularity, to a fi eld, an art, a genre, an industry, a scene, a world. What strikes me these past few years is the sadness of the messy unfi nishedness of it all.

When you're in your twenties and someone your age dies, it seems a freak thing; an improbable calling in of the odds. Moving into middle age and beyond, it's more and more o� en biological failure: runaway cells evading apoptosis, immune system mis-fi rings, dumb arrhythmic or pulmonary or neurological wavering at a critical juncture. My early intimations of how vulnerable the musicians who resonat-ed powerfully with me could be came with Victoria Williams' diagnosis of MS in 1993 (thankfully, she's still here), then Le� Eye Lopes' fatal accident in 2002, followed by Elliott Smith's awful 2003 suicide. Then came Vic Chesnutt's death on Christmas Day 2009, and Mark Link-ous in 2010, and Trish Keenan in 2011—of fucking pneumonia, of all things!—and, well, how could I not think of what

we've lost at the close of every year since? (Chesnutt's death has been felt particularly acutely by his peers, with Lambchop's Mr. M, released this past February, dedicated to him, while the Cowboy Junkies created an album of covers of his songs.)

This seemed a tough yearfor music. So many gone, so much gone with them. (And they keep dying; as of this writing, there went Fon-tella Bass). What loss, for those who created alongside them or

were touched by their creations, as well as for those who knew them beyond their art. I am not, and never will be, at peace with death—the idea of accumu-lating personhood (and creative force) through the hard choices and acts of liv-ing, only to forfeit all of it through some lousy entropic principle.

Who knows what Chris Reimer (Wom-en) would have continued to contribute to his Calgary community, and beyond, had he not died at 26 (christopherjohn-josephreimer.com/chris-reimer-legacy-fund)? Or how much history, technique,

and genius perished with Dave Brubeck (at 91), Kitty Wells (92), Earl Scruggs, (88), Doc Watson (89), or Ravi Shankar (92)? How weird is it that Don Corne-lius, creator of Soul Train, died within months American Bandstand's Dick Clark, as if their competing visions of teenhood were spookily codependent?

And how unlucky were Jamaicans, losing artists and mu-

sic entrepre-

neurs—the roles are o� en symbiotic, if not simultaneous, on the island—across generations, from dancehall practitioners like Ranking Trevor and Sluggy Ranks to ska and reggae masters such as Lloyd Brevett, Lloyd Charmers, and Bertram McLean, to soundsystem pioneer Duke Vin? Shouldn't all his namesake amps across the planet go silent for a minute to mourn Jim Mar-shall? And clubgoers the world over move in thankful rapture to Donna Summer's "I Feel Love"? Will gloriously genre-churning careers like those of

Etta James and Levon Helm ever be possible again?

See? It's been a hell of a year. And we haven't even mentioned Robin Gibb, Davy Jones, Jenni Rivera, or Terry Cal-lier (soundcloud.com/massive-attack-2/terry-callier-the-windmill).

The deaths that personally resonated the most, though, were of people with-in a decade of me, artists on the van-guard of the culture I was enthralled with as I grew up. Like Cynthia Dall,

who is, unfairly, best known for her work with Bill Calla-

han in the '90s, despite being a visual artist and on Drag City

under her own steam, as thorny and potent and transgressive

and exploratory in her represen-tation of womanhood at the turn

of the millennium as Callahan was with his masculinity. Bill Doss was a

founder of the legendary Elephant 6 Recording Company and part of Olivia Tremor Control, whose Dusk At Cub-ist Castle is still one of my favourite records. She was 41, he was 43,

and no cause of death was given in either case. Their passing leaves me with a pervasive sense of foreboding that compounds the already wearying struggle of pursuing an altogether mar-ginal life of creation.

As an adolescent, I was fascinated by rap, but found it alienating as nihilistic and sexist tropes came to dominate the genre. Female rappers sometimes pro-vided safe listening space, and Ms Mel-odie's death provoked vague memories of her only release, 1989's Diva. Listen-ing again, it's an odd gem—sassy, fl am-boyant and breezily sonically pick'n'mix. The loss of Adam "MCA" Yauch rivaled that of Levon Helm in the sheer univer-sal despondence it triggered, but pop culture-loving feminists mourned him as a fellow traveler as well as an art-ist. A� er a shaky start, Yauch and his fellow Beastie Boys broke with their early sexism and supported women of-

ten and loudly. Blogger Jessica Valenti wrote movingly about what this meant to her, and I concur (thenation.com/blog/167768/mcas-feminist-legacy#).

My reaction to Whitney Houston's death took me entirely by surprise. When she was wildly popular, I loathed her. I hated her showy octave-spanning trills, canned sentimentalism, tedious crowd-pleasing, content-free omnipres-ence. I went out of my way to not hear her. Later, I also managed to completely miss her life as a reality show star. But I thought about her a lot a� er she died, about what it cost her to be perennially available to feed our collective delusions of romance and glamour. She never re-ally grew as an artist, and became mis-shapen in her gilded cage. And a great many people seemed to delight in laying the blame for that at her grave, without a second thought as to whether they were complicit. I couldn't shake the only lyrics I remembered of hers—"I want to dance with somebody / I want to feel the heat with somebody"—recalling the

melody but not being able to summon the plasticky production. Sung slowly, depending on how you weighted it, the lines seemed by turns shy, melancholy and plangently self-affi rming.

The truth is, you'll always leave some-thing unfi nished, no matter what, if you're creating. But I can't help but wonder if these artists had just one more thing they wanted to leave in the world, before they le� it.

(And: what of our own precarious, messy, unfi nished lives?)MARY CHRISTA O'KEEFE// [email protected]


Unsung, unplayed, undoneMourning this year in music

for music. So many gone, so much gone with them. (And they keep dying; as of this writing, there went Fon-tella Bass). What loss, for those who created alongside them or

losing artists and mu-sic entrepre-

the most, though, were of people with-in a decade of me, artists on the van-guard of the culture I was enthralled with as I grew up. Like Cynthia Dall,

han in the '90s, despite being a visual artist and on Drag City

under her own steam, as thorny and potent and transgressive

and exploratory in her represen-tation of womanhood at the turn

of the millennium as Callahan was with his masculinity. Bill Doss was a

founder of the legendary Elephant 6 Recording Company and part of Olivia Tremor Control, whose ist Castle is still one of my favourite records. She was 41, he was 43,


Clockwise from the top:Cynthia Dall, Chris Reimer (le� ) with Women // Nick Heiderman , Levon Helm at the Edmonton Folk Mu-sic Festival in 2010 // Eden Munro , Adam Yauch, Beastie Boys at Brixton Academy - 05/09/07 //

Creative Commons fl ickr.com/fabiovenni/

Page 30: Vue Weekly 898 jan 3-9 2013



Best of the Best of the Best2012's finest albums, as listed in a list of lists

As 2013 dawns a selection of Vue's writers have o�ered up their lists of favourite records from the past year. There are plenty of gems to be found here, so if there's something you haven't heard—or even some-thing that you have but haven't given a spin for some time—use these lists as reasons to discover and rediscover something new.

Black Masti�, Pyramids (Independent)Edmonton's premier power trio demonstrates that it's more than a kick-ass live act with a nigh-perfect album of catchy, sludgy, sexy rock that deserves to be more than a local treasure.

The Coup, Sorry to Bother You (Anti-)Boots Riley and co. already make the most politically righteous hip hop on the planet, but the new album decimates former mu-sical boundaries. Torching the established order never sounded so fun, and Boots mints a memorable kiss-o� to capitalism on "You Are Not a Riot" in the line "I got the invite to your party and I threw it away!"

Dirty Projectors, Swing Lo Magellan (Domino)David Longstreth's adenoidal vocal a�ectations still get on my nerves a bit, but there's no denying he's reinventing the pop song in his own egg-headed image, with hooks so sharp they draw blood, eccentric arrangements and an angel's choir of co-vocalists to sweeten the brew.

Father John Misty, Fear Fun (Sub Pop)Ex-Fleet Fox Josh Tillman wins the prize for pen-ning the most persistent earworms of 2012 in songs like "Funtimes in Babylon" and "Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings," while the soaring, psych-tinged folk pro-vides cover for lyrics that mordantly crystallize post-millennial American delusionalism.

Swans, The Seer (Young Gods)Michael Gira's two-hour symphony of dread is the only mind-

blowing work of art on this list. Mesmerizing, unsettling and impossible to categorize, it pulled me back to con-tend with its jagged edges and deathly lulls repeatedly even when my better judgment commanded me to run the other way.

Five more: Andrew Bird, Break It Yourself (Bella Union); Debo Band, Debo Band (Sub Pop); Meshuggah, Koloss (Nuclear Blast); Pallbearer, Sorrow and Extinction (Pro-found Lore); Pig Destroyer, Book Burner (Relapse)

Frank Ocean, Channel Orange (Def Jam)An all-access pass of alt-R&B and soul shudder, Channel Or-ange starts in awe of itself, meddles in an ultramodern Mar-vin Gaye universe and finishes in brilliance. There's a coura-geous charm to this album that escapes words.

Flying Lotus, Until the Quiet Comes (Warp)Much less glitchy, much more refined than any of the predecessors, Flying Lotus subtly comes out of the gates on Until the Quiet Comes. As nuanced as a Mas-sive Attack 3-am mindmelter, this thing will play over and over.

Bahamas, Barchords (Universal)Bluesy ri�s with splashes of doo-wop and breeziness, Barchords doesn't attack as an album as much as it tenderly takes the lis-

tener to a lo-fi paradise.

Lee Fields & the Expressions, Faithful Man (Truth & Soul)Soul might be witnessing a revival, but Lee Fields has always been around. Powerful horns, thor-ough arrangements and an authenticity built on years in the game.

Godspeed You! Black Emperor, 'Allelujah! Don't Bend! As-cend! (Constellation)'Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend! is an intensive therapy in "what it is to be opposite of the pop single." Expansive, heavy handed and outwardly pomp stu�, in the vein of wherever your imagi-nation takes you. Godspeed returns more advanced and me-lodic 10 years later.

Grimes, Visions (4AD)With the price of oil slipping, Grimes is now Canada's most lucra-tive export. Her breathy voice feels like a secret in your ear, while the fat-bottomed urgency of the music feels like a head butt to the nose.

Renny Wilson, Sugarglider (Independent)This sounds like a cross between the slow, emotional talking parts of Michael Jackson songs, '70s porno soundtracks and that You-Tube video of the mulleted saxophone guy who keeps rocking out so hard he gets kicked out of the mall.

Peace, The World is Too Much With Us (Suicide Squeeze)The World is Too Much With Us represents a huge step for the Vancouver foursome: already an absolutely magnetic band, Peace blew up its whole "deal" and came out with a risky, subtle soundtrack to a hangover that stretches from late morning until the next day.

Sea Pinks, Freak Waves (Independent)If surfers got the blues—and were more thoughtful and articulate than crude stereo-types give them credit for—Sea Pinks would be the music that happens in their heads. Freak

Waves floats melancholy images overtop of upbeat, jangly pop music. Like the Archies if they were fronted by the guy in your high school who sat in the back carving into the desk.

Tanlines, Mixed Emotions (True Panther Sounds)A pop-duo from Brooklyn, Tanlines takes super conven-tional sounds—there's no heavily filtered Moogs here, no overabundance of processors—and puts them together in a way you could sit and chill to, or even do a funny dance that makes your sister laugh.

Mares of Thrace, Pilgrimage (Sonic Unyon)An evolution from The Moulting, Pilgrimage has a cohesion and momentum that compels the listener into the meticulous, heavy world of the Mares of Diomedes. It's unfortunate Mares of Thrace will not be continuing, but thankfully this album will stand as a testament to the truly heavy and intricately cra¤ed work the duo could produce.

Eluveitie, Helvetios (Nuclear Blast) Eluveitie excels at conveying, with genuine intensity, the mean-ing and importance in their Gaulish history. Using the Gallic Wars as a concept, the album is a forceful and fascinating tribute to the band's Gaulish roots and an ideal to which folk metal should aspire.

Bison BC, Lovelessness (Metal Blade) Bison is well known as a band that can create resonating hooks and thunderous atmosphere. For Lovelessness, guitarist and writ-er James Farwell constructs an album that shouts up from a pit of emotional frustration and harnesses an unrelenting assault of heaviness. It's nothing short of astounding. Just put the track "Blood Music" on repeat. For days.

Melvins, Freak Puke (Ipecac)No strangers to the bizarre, Buzz Os-bourne and Dale Crover work with avant-garde jazz bassist Trevor Dunn to create an album that's weird—but en-tirely listenable—heavy, and leaves you

wanting to just start all over again from track one.

Weapon, Embers and Revelations (Relapse)Weapon avoids the repetitive, staid crutches black metal can sometimes rely on. Instead, the band advances the genre with a precise, growly and unwavering tribute to Satan. Also: a big 2012 shout out to Southern Lord for finally re-issuing Sleep's Dopesmoker and a hearty "get well soon" to John Baizley and the rest of Baroness. Although I personally don't consider Green and Yellow a metal album, it is a triumph of creativity.

SCOTT LINGLEY // [email protected]

CURTIS WRIGHT // [email protected]

BRYAN BIRTLES // [email protected]

SAMANTHA POWER // [email protected]

Page 31: Vue Weekly 898 jan 3-9 2013



Grimes, Visions (4AD)Sometimes you've got to believe the hype. Grimes' break-through album, Visions, is quite accurately titled, like an ethereal dream. "Be a Body," "Genesis" and album stand-out "Oblivion" all let the pulsing synths and reverbs take centre stage, while Claire Boucher's vocals are o� en indecipherable in a perfectly mysterious way.

Ghibli, Rare Pleasures (Old Ugly)With classical samples co-opted by a house esthetic, Ghibli once again provides the perfect soundtrack to bring poignancy to the loneliest bus rides overlooking our city of forgotten champions.

Chairli� , Something (Columbia)Simply great synth-pop songs. Caroline Polachek and her band took a glimpse at the '80s for some sonic suggestions, but never let the album become a genre exercise in nostalgia. Fresh, relevant, well written and sincere, Something is a highly recommended pop album.

Travis Bretzer, "Making Love" (Old Ugly)"Making Love" didn't leave my car's stereo for about three months this summer. Granted, the cd was literally stuck in the player, but I doubt that I would have taken Travis Bretzer's lat-est album out willingly. A fantastic journey through slacker-dom and friendship, "Making Love" goofs around without being goofy, and stands as a reminder that fun is an o� -forgotten ingredient in many rock 'n' roll records.

[Note: a similar review could stand beside either of Mac De-Marco's releases this year.]

Antibalas, Antibalas (Daptone)Members of Antibalas were involved with arranging afrobeat pioneer Fela Kuti's music for the Broadway stage, and it obviously le� a strong impact on the group. Recording the bulk of their latest record live o� the fl oor to tape, under the supervision of Daptone founder/producer Bosco Mann, kept the

album vivid and vibrant. The political undertones of songs like "Dirty Money" won't be lost on anyone, but never come across as preachy enough to take away from the joy of the jams.

Aesop Rock, Skelethon (Rhymesay-ers Entertainment)A rap werido—a sorta slacker-James Joyce t y p e — r e t u r n s a� er a fi ve-year absence with his best, most fully envisioned album: stories of rebels and mystics, homemade mummies, hero dogs and tense dinnert-able stand-o� s spool out in dense lyrical blasts, with details that seem impossible to motor through the way that Aesop Rock does. But for all its complexities, the sheer listenability is what keeps Skelethon moving along: the production and his fl ow carry the lyrical weight with ease. There is noth-ing I listened to more this year.

White Lung, Sorry (Deranged)The album title's misleading: Sorry is pulverizing, spirited punk rock from Vancouver that apologizes to nobody for nothing. A vortex of frantic guitar riffs and riptide drum-ming that crashes through 10 songs in 20 minutes, White Lung manage to set most kinetic, frothy elements of the genre to record without let-ting any of the intensity cool.

Help, A Viper in the Mind (Old Ugly)A Viper in the Mind is rap as a bleak monologue about God, life and the in-

evitable entropy of everything, as delivered by an unreliable, balaclava-clad narrator with a shattering psychosis and a growing death obsession, backed by stolen samples that waver almost as much as he does. This is what the even-tual heat death of the soul

sounds like.

Bruce Springsteen, Wrecking Ball (Columbia) Yep: he's still The Boss, everyone. Wrecking Ball's portraits of the down-and-out in modern America are as rel-evant and scathing as any Springsteen's done. One of his best ever.

Chairli� , Something (Columbia)Brooklyn hipsters fi nd an '80s sound all their own: Something's not reduc-tive or a retread, just thrilling and ro-mantic in its own terms.

Honourable mentions: David Byrne & St Vincent, Love this Giant; Renny Wilson, Sugarglider; Eamon McGrath, Young Canadians; Jay Sparrow, White; Mitchmatic, It's Always Raining; Japan-droids, Celebration Rock.

Anberlin, Vital (Universal Republic)Until Vital came along, Cities, released in 2007, was regarded by many as the gold standard of Anberlin records, with the band's last two albums achieving commercial success, but leaving something to be desired in terms of sound and con-tent. Vital shoved aside the pop-driven sound of New Sur-render and Dark Is The Way for hard-hitting, no-holds-barred rockers like stand out tracks "Desires" and "Little Tyrants."

Grizzly Bear, Shields (Warp)Taking a more adventurous approach than 2009's Veckatimest, Grizzly Bear has re-leased an album that is detail-rich, full of emotion and sonically captivating. It's an enjoyable listen from start to finish, weav-ing together well-crafted lyrics with di-verse and intricate instrumentation. Stand outs are the album's opener "Sleeping Ute" and "Yet Again."

Metric, Synthetica (Mom & Pop)The fi � h studio e� ort from the Canadian indie rockers melds '80s vintage electronica and dreamlike soundscapes with heavier industrial beats to back Emily Haines' philosophical lyrics, which are both thought-provoking and upli� ing. From

the title track—an exploration into resisting the pressures of society—to the catchy beats of "Speed the Collapse," it's as enjoyable to listen to for its lyrics as its instrumentation.

Japandroids, Celebration Rock (Polyvinyl)Let's just say it's a good thing the Vancouver twosome de-cided to ditch talks of disbanding prior to releasing this al-

bum. It would have been a disservice to the pair as a band, and for us as listeners. This riotous, chaotic fi st-pumper is the ideal soundtrack for those legendary nights you may or may not re-member, with "The House That Heaven Built" and "Younger Us" being stand outs on this raw, full-throttle disc.

Fiona Apple, The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than the Driver of the Screw and Whipping Cords

Will Serve You More Than Ropes Will Ever Do (Epic)The title's a mouthful and a half, but past the wordy name is a testament to Apple's staying power in music. It's her fi rst studio album in seven years, but it was well worth the wait. The evocative tracks are fi lled with vivid imagery and cra� s-manship, e� ortlessly incorporating elements of jazz, blues and folk from the smoky, introspective melody of "Valentine," to the piano-driven, pared-down simplicity of "Werewolf."

Various artists, Reggae Golden Jubilee – Origins of Jamai-can Music (VP Records)Few reggae retrospective compilations receive an of-ficial endorsement from the Jamaican government. Featuring extensive liner notes and tunes hand-picked by former Jamaican PM Edward Seaga, the Reggae Gold-en Jubilee four-CD set is impres-sively comprehensive and essen-tial for aficionados and would-be Rastas alike.

Enei, Machines (Critical Music)Mirroring Mother Russia's sometimes bleak, cold landscape and harkening to its Industrial Revolu-tion roots, Enei's Machines was one the best and most hotly anticipated drum-and-bass albums of 2012. The Russian DJ and producer's debut is dark, futuristic and densely technical, particularly in terms of drum programming. Machines more than lived up to the hype.

Selah Sue, Rarities (Because Music)Selah Sue's Rarities nicely complements her self-titled de-

but, which would have likely made my top 10 for 2011 were I not late to the party. With a range of infl uences—including reggae, soul and funk woven together with a pop sensibil-ity—the Belgian songstress will hopefully fi nd greater and

deserved fame in 2013.

Prins Thomas, Prins Thomas 2 (Full Pupp)Building on his reputation for spacey, loop-heavy, instru-mental disco, Norwegian Thomas Moen Hermansen once again delivered the goods with the doubly eponymous Prins Thomas 2. The beauty of Thomas's productions is their versatility: they are right at home in a chillout, house or techno set, in a lounge or club setting, or curled up at home during mercilessly long Canadian winters.

Various artists, The Reverb Conspiracy Vol. 1 (Fuzz Club)Now entering its sixth year, Austin's Psych Fest has become a globally recognized destination for psychedelic rock's dron-ing guitars and permeating reverb. Curated by fest founders the Reverberation Appreciation Society (see also the Black Angels), The Reverb Conspiracy Vol. 1 features 19 tracks from acts in Europe's psych scene. The double-LP compilation is available in a limited, hand-numbered edition of 1000.

DOUGLAS HOYER // [email protected] PAUL BLINOV // [email protected]

MEAGHAN BAXTER // [email protected]

YURI WUENSCH // [email protected]

Page 32: Vue Weekly 898 jan 3-9 2013

SEE MAG: Jan 3, 1c x 2”/ 28 AGRB: BLACKBYRD MYOOZIKSALES:Samantha HS01367

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THU JAN 3ACCENT EUROPEAN LOUNGE Live Music Every Thursday 9:30-11:30; no minors; no cover: Music night will be on a holiday break until Jan 16

CAFÉ HAVEN Ben Disaster, Jessica J'albert; 7pm

BLUES ON WHYTE Lucky Peterson

CAFÉ HAVEN Music every Thu; 7pm

CARROT CAFÉ Zoomers Thu afternoon open mic; 1-4pm

COOK COUNTY Open stage/jamaoke with Mourning Wood


PUB Derina Harvey

DRUID IRISH PUB DJ every Thu at 9pm

EARLY STAGE SALOON–Stony Plain Open Jam Nights: Musicians are invited to come and join Jammin' Jeff Millar and Trish Jameson (alternating hosts); $5

EDDIE SHORTS Good Time Jamboree with Charlie Scream every Thu

J R BAR AND GRILL Live Jam Thu; 9pm

KRUSH ULTRA LOUNGE Open stage; 7pm; no cover

L.B.'S PUB Open jam with Kenny Skoreyko, Fred LaRose and Gordy Mathews (Shaved Posse) every Thu; 9pm-1am

MARYBETH'S COFFEE HOUSE–Beaumont Open mic every Thu; 7pm

NEW WEST HOTEL Canadian Country Hall of Fame Guest host Bev Munro; 4'S a Crowd (country); 9pm

NORTH GLENORA HALL Jam by Wild Rose Old Time Fiddlers every Thu

OVERTIME–Sherwood Park Jesse Peters (R&B, blues, jazz, Top 40); 9pm-2am every Thu; no cover

PUB 1824 Sinder Sparks Show; 8-12pm

RICHARD'S PUB Live R&B bands (dancing); 8pm

RIC’S GRILL Peter Belec ( jazz); most Thursdays; 7-10pm



STUDIO MUSIC FOUNDATION Back to the Futour: Halfway to Hollywood (pop rock), A Perfect Punchline, Luna, Meet Terra, Smile for the Bullet; all ages; 8pm; $10 (adv)/$15 (door)

UNION HALL Buckcherry; 8pm

WILD BILL’S–Red Deer TJ the DJ every Thu and Fri; 10pm-close

WUNDERBAR Unwed Mothers, the Good Goddamns, the Young Albertans; 9pm


BLACK DOG FREEHOUSE Main Floor: wtft w djwtf-rock 'n' roll, blues, indie; Wooftop Lounge: Musical flavas incl funk, indie, dance/nu disco, breaks, drum and bass, house with DJ Gundam

BRIXX Hosted by Christian and Justin of Canyon Rose Outfit: Open turntables; E: [email protected] to book 30-min set

CENTURY ROOM Lucky 7: Retro '80s with house DJ every Thu; 7pm-close

THE COMMON Uncommon Thursday: Indie with new DJ each week with resident

CROWN PUB Break Down Thu at the Crown: D&B with DJ Kaplmplx, DJ Atomik with guests

DRUID IRISH PUB DJ every Thu; 9pm

ELECTRIC RODEO–Spruce Grove DJ every Thu

FILTHY MCNASTY’S Something Diffrent every Thursday with DJ Ryan Kill

FLASH NIGHT CLUB Indust:real Assembly: Goth and Industrial Night with DJ Nanuck; no minors; 10pm (door); no cover

FLUID LOUNGE Take Over Thursdays: Industry Night; 9pm

FUNKY BUDDHA–Whyte Ave Requests every Thu with DJ Damian

KAS BAR Urban House: every Thu with DJ Mark Stevens; 9pm

LEVEL 2 LOUNGE Funk Bunker Thursdays

LUCKY 13 Industry Night every Fri

ON THE ROCKS Salsaholic: every Thu; dance lessons at 8pm; salsa DJ to follow


RENDEZVOUS Metal night every Thu

TAPHOUSE–St Albert Eclectic mix every Thu with DJ Dusty Grooves

UNION HALL 3 Four All Thursdays: rock, dance, retro, top 40 with DJ Johnny Infamous

WILD BILL’S–Red Deer TJ the DJ every Thu and Fri; 10pm-close

FRI JAN 4BISTRO LA PERSAUD Blues: every Friday Night hosted by The Dr Blu Band; 8pm (music); drblu.ca

BLUES ON WHYTE Lucky Peterson

BLUE CHAIR CAFÉ 200200cut; 8:30pm; $10

BRIXX BAR Early Show: A Hundred Years


Music Notes

Blue RodeoTue, Jan 8 and Wed, Jan 9 (7 pm)A quarter century a� er the release of its debut album Out-skirts, Blue Rodeo is kicking o� the new year by hitting the road across the country to celebrate 25 years of a country rock legacy. (Northern Jubilee Auditorium, $25 – $65)

Secret RivalsSat, Jan 5 (8 pm)Local hardcore vets, including John Kennedy of E-Town Beat-down and Ryan "Junior" Kittlitz of Savannah, came together to create one of the city's newest rock outfi ts, and it's time to party as the band releases its brand new album.(Pawn Shop, $10)

Folk vs Rock CD ReleaseSat, Jan 5 (8 pm)

Folk and rock face o� on the same stage as local singer-songwriter Brittney Grabill and rocker Kami celebrate the re-lease of their new respective recordings. (Avenue Theatre,

$20 in advance and includes two CDs, $25 at the door)

MEAGHAN BAXTER // [email protected]

Page 33: Vue Weekly 898 jan 3-9 2013


ACCENT EUROPEAN LOUNGE 8223-104 St, 780.431.0179

ALE YARD TAP 13310-137 Ave

APEX CASINO 24 Boudreau Rd, Saint Albert , 780.460.8092

ARTERY 9535 Jasper Ave


AVENUE THEATRE 9030-118 Ave, 780.477.2149

BILLY BUDD'S 9839-63 Ave

BISTRO LA PERSAUD 8617-91 St, 780.758.6686

BLACK DOG FREEHOUSE 10425-82 Ave, 780.439.1082

BLACKJACK'S ROADHOUSE–Nisku 2110 Sparrow Drive, Nisku, 780.986.8522

BLACKSHEEP PUB 11026 Jasper Ave, 780.420.0448

BLUE CHAIR CAFÉ 9624-76 Ave, 780.989.2861

BLUE PEAR RESTAURANT 10643-123 St, 780.482.7178

BLUES ON WHYTE 10329-82 Ave, 780.439.3981

BOHEMIA 10217-97 St

BONEYARD ALE HOUSE 9216-34 Ave, 780.437.2663

THE BOWER 10538 Jasper Ave

BRITTANY'S LOUNGE 10225-97 St, 780.497.0011

BRIXX BAR 10030-102 St (downstairs), 780.428.1099

BUDDY’S 11725B Jasper Ave, 780.488.6636

CAFÉ HAVEN 9 Sioux Rd, Sherwood Park, 780.417.5523, cafehaven.ca

CAFÉ TIRAMISU 10750-124 St

CAMROSE RESORT CASINO 3201-48 Ave, Camrose, 780.679.0904

CARROT CAFÉ 9351-118 Ave, 780.471.1580

CASINO EDMONTON 7055 Argylll Rd, 780.463.9467

CASINO YELLOWHEAD 12464-153 St, 780 424 9467

CENTURY CASINO 13103 Fort Rd, 780.643.4000

CHA ISLAND TEA CO 10332-81 Ave, 780.757.2482

CHROME LOUNGE 104, 550 Clareview Rd, 780.937.8810

COAST TO COAST 5552 Calgary Tr, 780.439.8675

COMMON 9910-109 St

COOK COUNTY SALOON 8010-103 St, 780.432.2665 ; cookcountysaloon.com

CROWN AND ANCHOR PUB 15277 Castledowns Rd, 780.472.7696

CROWN PUB 10709-109 St, 780.428.5618

DEVANEY’S IRISH PUB 9013-88 Ave, 780.465.4834

DEVON HOTEL 1 Huron St, Devon

DRUID 11606 Jasper Ave, 780.454.9928

DUSTER’S PUB 6402-118 Ave, 780.474.5554

DV8 8307-99 St

EARLY STAGE SALOON– Stony Plain 4911-52 Ave, Stony Plain

EDDIE SHORTS 10713-124 St, 780.453.3663

ELECTRIC RODEO–Spruce Grove 121-1 Ave, Spruce Grove, 780.962.1411

ELEPHANT AND CASTLE–Whyte Ave 10314 Whyte Ave

EXPRESSIONZ CAFÉ 9938-70 Ave, 780.437.3667


FILTHY MCNASTY’S 10511-82 Ave, 780.916.1557

FLASH NIGHT CLUB 10018-105 St, 780.996.1778

FLUID LOUNGE 10888 Jasper Ave, 780.429.0700

FUNKY BUDDHA 10341-82 Ave, 780.433.9676



HAVEN SOCIAL CLUB 15120A (basement), Stony Plain Rd, 780.756.6010

HIGH RUN CLUB 4926-98 Ave, 780.440.2233

HOGS DEN PUB 9, 14220 Yellowhead Tr

HOOLIGANZ 10704-124

St, 780.995.7110

IRON BOAR PUB 4911-51st St, Wetaskiwin

J AND R 4003-106 St, 780.436.4403

JEFFREY’S CAFÉ 9640 142 St, 780.451.8890

JR BAR AND GRILL 4003-106 St, 780.436.4403

KAS BAR 10444-82 Ave, 780.433.6768

L.B.’S PUB 23 Akins Dr, St Albert, 780.460.9100

LEGENDS PUB 6104-172 St, 780.481.2786

LEVEL 2 LOUNGE 11607 Jasper Ave, 2nd Fl, 780.447.4495


LIZARD LOUNGE 13160-118 Ave

MARYBETH'S COFFEE HOUSE–Beaumont 5001-30 Ave, Beaumont, 780.929.2203

NEWCASTLE PUB 6108-90 Ave, 780.490.1999

NEW CITY 8130 Gateway Boulevard

NEW WEST HOTEL 15025-111 Ave, 780-489-2511

NISKU INN 1101-4 St

O’BYRNE’S 10616-82 Ave, 780.414.6766

ON THE ROCKS 11730 Jasper Ave, 780.482.4767

O2'S ON WHYTE 780.454.0203

O2'S TAPHOUSE AND GRILL 13509-127 St, 780.454.0203

O2'S WEST 11062-156 St, 780.448.2255

OVERTIME SHERWOOD PARK 100 Granada Blvd, Sherwood Park, 790.570.5588

PAWN SHOP 10551-82 Ave, Upstairs, 780.432.0814

PLAYBACK PUB 594 Hermitage Rd, 130 Ave, 40 St


PUB 1824 12402-118 Ave, 587.521.1824

REDNEX BAR–Morinville 10413-100 Ave, Morinville, 780.939.6955

RED PIANO BAR 1638 Bourbon St, WEM, 8882-170 St, 780.486.7722

RED STAR 10538 Jasper Ave, 780.428.0825

RENDEZVOUS 10108-149 St

RICHARD'S PUB 12150-161 Ave, 780-457-3117

RIC’S GRILL 24 Perron St, St Albert, 780.460.6602

ROSEBOWL/ROUGE LOUNGE 10111-117 St, 780.482.5253

ROSE AND CROWN 10235-101 St

R PUB 16753-100 St, 780.457.1266

SANDS HOTEL 12340 Fort Rd, 780.474.5476

SIDELINERS PUB 11018-127 St, 780.453.6006

SOU KAWAII ZEN LOUNGE 12923-97 St, 780.758.5924


STARLITE ROOM 10030-102 St, 780.428.1099

STEEPS TEA LOUNGE–Whyte Ave 11116-82 Ave


166A St


SUITE 69 2 Fl, 8232 Gateway Blvd, 780.439.6969

TAPHOUSE 9020 McKenney Ave, St Albert, 780.458.0860

TILTED KILT 10401-82 Ave, 780.756.5455

TIRAMISU URBAN BISTRO 10750-124 St, 780.452.3393

TREASURY 10004 Jasper Ave, 7870.990.1255, thetreasurey.ca

VEE LOUNGE–Apex Casino 24 Boudreau Rd, St Albert, 780.460.8092, 780.590.1128

WILD BILL’S–Red Deer Quality Inn North Hill, 7150-50 Ave, Red Deer, 403.343.8800

WINSPEAR CENTRE 4 Sir Winston Churchill Square; 780.28.1414

WUNDERBAR 8120-101 St, 780.436.2286

Y AFTERHOURS 10028-102 St, 780.994.3256, yafterhours.com

YELLOWHEAD BREWERY 10229-105 St, 780.423.3333

YESTERDAYS PUB 112, 205 Carnegie Dr, St Albert, 780.459.0295

ZEN LOUNGE 12923-97 St


CAFÉ TIRAMISU John Calverley; 7:00; no cover

CARROT Live music every Fri: Rebecca Lappa (folk pop); all ages; 7:30pm; $5 (door)

COAST TO COAST Open stage every Fri; 9:30pm


PUB Derina Harvey

DEVON HOTEL PALS Acoustic Open mic: Tim Harwill (country, rock)

DV8 Snakebite, Cheap Date

ELEVATION ROOM Billie Zizi, Emma Perri, Paul Cournoyer; 8pm; $7

GOOD NEIGHBOR PUB T.K. and the Honey Badgers every friday; 8:30-midnight; no cover


IRISH CLUB Jam session every Fri; 8pm; no cover

LIZARD LOUNGE Rock 'n' roll open mic every Fri; 8:30pm; no cover

NEW WEST HOTEL 4'S a Crowd (country); 9pm

OVERTIME SHERWOOD PARK Dueling Piano's, all request live; 9pm-2am every Fri and Sat; no cover

PAWN SHOP Keys to the Cash; 9pm; $5 (adv)

PUB 1824 Every Fri & Sat; $5


Hottest dueling piano show featuring the Red Piano Players every Fri; 9pm-2am


PUB Dead Stringers



WILD BILL’S–Red Deer TJ the DJ every Thu and Fri; 10pm-close


BAR-B-BAR DJ James; every Fri; no cover

BLACK DOG FREEHOUSE Every Friday DJs on all three levels

BLACKSHEEP PUB Bash: DJ spinning retro to rock classics to current


HOUSE The Rock Mash-up: DJ NAK spins videos every Fri; 9pm; no cover

BRIXX BAR Early Show: A Hundred Years; Late show: Silence be Damned: DJs Gotthavok, Siborg, Nightroad

BUDDY’S DJ Arrow Chaser every Fri; 8pm (door); no cover before 10pm

BUFFALO UNDERGROUND R U Aware Friday: Featuring Neon Nights

CHROME LOUNGE Platinum VIP every Fri


The Box: every Fri; nu disco, hip hop, indie, electro, dance with weekly local and visiting DJs on rotation plus residents Echo and Shortround


ELECTRIC RODEO–Spruce Grove DJ every Fri

FILTHY MCNASTY'S Shake yo ass every Fri with DJ SAWG

FLUID LOUNGE Hip hop and dancehall; every Fri

FUNKY BUDDHA–Whyte Ave Top tracks, rock, retro with DJ Damian; every Fri

LUCKY 13 Fri and Sat with resident DJ Chad Cook; Glow with the Flow: glow party with paint

NEWCASTLE PUB House, dance mix every Fri with DJ Donovan

O2'S TAPHOUSE AND GRILL DJs every Fri and Sat

REDNEX–Morinville DJ Gravy from the Source 98.5 every Fri

RED STAR Movin’ on Up: indie, rock, funk, soul, hip hop with DJ Gatto, DJ Mega Wattson; every Fri



LOUNGE Fuzzion Friday: with Crewshtopher, Tyler M, guests; no cover

SUITE 69 Release Your

Inner Beast: Retro and Top 40 beats with DJ Suco; every Fri

TEMPLE Silence be Damned: with DJs Gotthavok, Siborg, Nightroad; 9pm

THIRSTY CAMEL The Sinder Sparks Show with Stratosphere; 10pm-2am

TREASURY In Style Fri: DJ Tyco and Ernest Ledi; no line no cover for ladies all night long

UNION HALL Ladies Night every Fri

Y AFTERHOURS Foundation Fridays

SAT JAN 5ALBERTA BEACH HOTEL Open stage with Trace Jordan 1st and 3rd Sat; 7pm-12

AVENUE THEATRE Folk vs. Rock (CD release): Brittney Grabill, Kami, guests; 8pm; $20 (adv at Blackbyrd, incl 2 CDs)/$25 (door)

BLACK DOG FREEHOUSE Hair of the Dog (live acoustic music every Sat); 4-6pm; no cover

BLUE CHAIR CAFÉ Scotty Hills and Amber Suchy; 8:30pm; $15

BLUES ON WHYTE Every Sat afternoon: Jam with Back Door Dan; Evening: Lucky Peterson

BOHEMIA Valiska: presented by Ramshackle Day Parade

CARROT CAFÉ Sat Open mic; 7pm; $2

COAST TO COAST Live bands every Sat; 9:30pm

CROWN PUB Acoustic blues open stage with Marshall Lawrence, every Sat, 2-6pm; every Sat, 12-2am


DEVON HOTEL PALS Acoustic Open Mic with Tim Harwill; Every Sat 4-6:30pm

THE DISH NEK Trio ( jazz); every Sat, 6pm

DV8 The Greys with the Patterns, Nolan Bossert and Jay Shitshow

ELEVATION ROOM The Archaics, Diehatzu Hijets, the Dizzies; 8pm; $7

FILTHY MCNASTY'S Seven Suns, Strange Planes (rock); 4pm

GAS PUMP Saturday Homemade Jam: Mike Chenoweth

HAVEN SOCIAL CLUB The Old World Record (rock), Colin Close; 8pm; $7 (adv)/$10 (door)

HIGH RUN CLUB Silver Bird, Neil MacDonald

HOOLIGANZ Live music every Sat

IRON BOAR PUB Jazz in Wetaskiwin featuring jazz trios the 1st Sat each month; $10

L.B.'S PUB Sat afternoon Jam with Gator and Friends, 5-9pm

LOUISIANA PURCHASE Suchy Sister Saturdays: Amber, Renee or

Page 34: Vue Weekly 898 jan 3-9 2013


Across1 Did some hoof work5 Acoustic guitarist's lack8 Reasons for some performance anxiety13 "___ but known...."14 Go head to head15 Words intoned16 With "The," hit summer movie with Robert Downey, Jr.18 Imply19 "Rah!"20 Nervous movement22 Wayside taverns23 Cruise ship that capsized o� Italy's coast in January 201226 Zeus's sister (and lover)27 Ctrl-S function28 "Yuck!"31 Devilish sort33 Beth preceder37 If it had happened, you wouldn't be reading this42 Org. with a shelter outreach program43 Group of cubicles44 Thesaurus wd.45 It's just a little bit48 Paint hastily51 Where Michael Phelps won even more medals57 R&B's india.___58 "This is ___ boring"59 "OK, sir, I gotcha"61 "___ Dearest"63 Snacks snapped up a¢er its manu-facturer went bankrupt65 Apply oil ritually66 "Tickety ___" (animated Nick Jr. show)67 Folk singer Burl68 Last name in British automakers69 "What a display!"70 Jane's Addiction album "Ritual ___ Habitual"

Down1 Fuzzy carpet2 Devastation3 "___ Billie Joe" (Bobbie Gentry song)4 Best-selling author D'Souza5 Schubert song played at weddings6 Salyut 7 successor7 Green sauce8 Drab crayon hue9 100%

10 Get up11 Singer/guitarist Lopez12 Taco salad ingredient15 Center of activity17 Airport terminal area21 The newly-elected24 Rough it25 Mirror shape28 Thurman who killed Bill on-screen29 Natural ___ (subject of "fracking" in 2012)30 Prefix meaning "less than normal"32 Go boom34 Pre-album releases, for short35 He unleashed "Gangnam Style" on YouTube in 201236 "Chicken Run" extra38 Like the scholarly world39 Org. once involved with Kosovo40 "Agent ___ Banks"41 He played the youngest son on "Eight Is Enough"46 Very beginning47 Dairy noise49 Getting all ___ your face50 What a toddler aspires to be51 1996 presidential race dropout Alexander52 University of Maine town53 Leonard who wrote "I Am Not Spock"54 Powerball, e.g.55 Sour cream and ___ (dip flavor)56 Girder material60 ___ buco (veal dish)62 Suffix for "opal"64 Court

2013 Jonesin' Crosswords

([email protected])

"The World Didn't End"--but some other things happened in 2012.



Stephanie with accompaniment; 9:30-11:30pm; no cover

NEW WEST HOTEL Country jam every Sat, 3-6pm; 4'S a Crowd (country), 9pm

O’BYRNE’S Live band every Sat, 3-7pm; DJ every Sat, 9:30pm

OVERTIME SHERWOOD PARK Dueling Piano's, all request live; 9pm-2am every Fri and Sat; no cover

PAWN SHOP Secret Rivals, Mars And Venus, Better Than Heroes (CD release), This Is War, Thoroughbred Racing Pigeon; 8pm (door); $10 (adv) at Blackbyrd

PUB 1824 Every Fri & Sat; $5

PAWN SHOP Bomb Squad Rookie (CD release), Mars and Venus, From the Ground Up, Step Mothers; 8pm; $10 (adv)

RED PIANO BAR Hottest dueling piano show featuring the Red Piano Players every Sat; 9pm-2am

REXALL PLACE Brendan Kelly and the Pick Ups (rock); 6:30pm


PUB Dead Stringers



SIDELINERS PUB Sat open stage; 3-7pm



FREEHOUSE Main Floor: The Menace Sessions: Alt Rock/Electro/Trash with Miss Mannered; Wooftop: Sound It Up!: classic hip-hop and reggae with DJ Sonny Grimezz; Underdog: Dr. Erick


BONEYARD ALE HOUSE DJ Sinistra Saturdays: 9pm

BRIXX BAR Transista

BUDDY'S Feel the rhythm every Sat with DJ Phon3 Hom3; 8pm (door); no cover before 10pm

BUFFALO UNDERGROUND Head Mashed In Saturday: Mashup Night

THE COMMON Get Down Saturday Night: All Out Dj's, Chris Goza; 9pm

DRUID IRISH PUB DJ every Sat; 9pm

ELECTRIC RODEO–Spruce Grove DJ every Sat

FILTHY MCNASTY'S Fire up your night every Saturday with DJ SAWG

FLUID LOUNGE Scene Saturday's Relaunch: Party; hip-hop, R&B and Dancehall with DJ Aiden Jamali

FUNKY BUDDHA–Whyte Ave Top tracks, rock, retro every Sat with DJ Damian


Collective Saturdays underground: House and Techno

LUCKY 13 Fri and Sat with resident DJ Chad Cook; Lucky 13's Last dance, no cover and Lucky13 memorabilia

NEWCASTLE PUB Top 40 requests every Sat with DJ Sheri

O2'S TAPHOUSE AND GRILL DJs every Fri and Sat

PALACE CASINO Show Lounge DJ every Sat

RED STAR Indie rock, hip hop, and electro every Sat with DJ Hot Philly and guests

ROUGE LOUNGE Rouge Saturdays: global sound and Cosmopolitan Style Lounging with DJ Rezzo, DJ Mkhai

SOU KAWAII ZEN LOUNGE Your Famous Saturday with Crewshtopher, Tyler M

STARLITE ROOM Dead in Memphis with Vixenesque (Burlesque troop), Dahlmers Realm; $10 (adv fr bands)/$12 (door)

SUGAR FOOT BALLROOM Swing Dance Party: Sugar Swing Dance Club every Sat, 8-12; no experience or partner needed, beginner lesson followed by social dance; sugarswing.com

SUITE 69 Stella Saturday: retro, old school, top 40 beats with DJ Lazy, guests

TEMPLE Oh Snap! Oh Snap with Degree, Cool Beans, Specialist, Spenny B and Mr. Nice Guy and Ten 0; every Sat 9pm

UNION HALL Celebrity Saturdays: every Sat hosted by DJ Johnny Infamous

Y AFTERHOURS Release Saturdays

SUN JAN 6BEER HUNTER–St Albert Open stage/jam every Sun; 2-6pm

BLACKJACK'S ROADHOUSE–Nisku Open mic every Sun hosted by Tim Lovett

BLUE CHAIR CAFÉ Sunday brunch: Jim Findlay Trio; 10am-2:30pm; donations

BOGANI CAFÉ Edmonton Ukulele Circle; 3rd Sun of each month; 3:30-5pm; $5 fee

BOHEMIA Valiska: presented by Ramshackle Day Parade

CAFFREY'S–Sherwood Park The Sunday Blues Jam: hosted by Kevin and Rita McDade and the Grey Cats Blues Band, guests every week; 5-9pm; no cover

CHA ISLAND TEA CO Live on the Island: Rhea March hosts open mic and Songwriter's stage; starts with a jam session; 7pm

CITY HALL Swing 'n' Skate: Skate to live swing band; 12-3pm; free

DEVANEY’S IRISH PUB Celtic open stage every Sun with Keri-Lynne Zwicker; 5:30pm; no cover

DOUBLE D'S Open jam every Sun; 3-8pm

EDDIE SHORTS Open stage with Dan Daniels every Sun

FANDANGO'S Singer songwriter open Stage every Sun

FILTHY MCNASTY'S Rock and Soul Sundays with DJ Sadeeq

HOGS DEN PUB Open Jam: hosted; open jam every Sun, all styles welcome; 3-7pm

NEWCASTLE PUB Sun Soul Service (acoustic jam): Willy James and Crawdad Cantera; 3-6:30pm

O’BYRNE’S Open mic every Sun; 9:30pm-1am

O2'S TAP HOUSE AND GRILL Live rock band every Sun with Joint Chiefs

PUB 1824 Every Fri & Sat; $5

RICHARD'S PUB Sun Live Jam hosted by Carson Cole; 4pm

RIG Better us Than Strangers Sunday Jam (rock); 3:30pm

YELLOWHEAD BREWERY Open Stage: Every Sun, 8pm


BACKSTAGE TAP AND GRILL Industry Night: every Sun with Atomic Improv, Jameoki and DJ Tim


FREEHOUSE Main Floor: Soul Sundays: A fantastic voyage through '60s and '70s funk, soul and R&B with DJ Zyppy

LEVEL 2 LOUNGE Stylus Industry Sundays: Invinceable, Tnt, Rocky, Rocko, Akademic, weekly guest DJs; 9pm-3am

SAVOY MARTINI LOUNGE Reggae on Whyte: RnR Sun with DJ IceMan; no minors; 9pm; no cover

MON JAN 7 PLEASANTVIEW COMMUNITY HALL Acoustic instrumental old time fiddle jam every Mon; hosted by the Wild Rose Old Tyme Fiddlers Society; 7pm

STUDIO MUSIC FOUNDATION Echoes of an Era, High Hopes, Call Heroes, Naked Beauty, Open Sails; all ages; 6pm


BLACK DOG FREEHOUSE Main Floor: Blue Jay’s Messy Nest: mod, brit pop, new wave, British rock with DJ Blue Jay

CROWN PUB Mixmashitup Mon Industry Night: with DJ Fuzze, J Plunder (DJs to bring their music and mix mash it up)

FILTHY MCNASTY'S Metal Mondays with DJ Tyson


BRIXX BAR Ruby Tuesdays with host Mark Feduk; $5 after 8pm; this week guests:

DRUID IRISH PUB Open stage every Tue; with Chris Wynters; 9pm

JUBILEE AUDITORIUM Blue Rodeo 25th anniversary tour; 7pm (door), 8pm (show); all ages; $25, $49.50, $65.50

O’BYRNE’S Celtic jam every Tue; with Shannon Johnson and friends; 9:30pm

O2'S ON WHYTE DJ Grizz every Tue industry night

OVERTIME SHERWOOD PARK The Campfire Hero's (acoustic rock, country, top 40); 9pm-2am every Tue; no cover

PADMANADI Open stage every Tue; with Mark Davis; all ages; 7:30-10:30pm

R PUB Open stage jam every Tue; hosted by Gary and the Facemakers; 8pm

RED PIANO All request band Tuesdays: Joint Chiefs (classic rock, soul, R&B) every Tue


BLACK DOG FREEHOUSE Main Floor: alternative retro and not-so-retro, electronic and Euro with Eddie Lunchpail; Wooftop: It’s One Too Many Tuesdays: Reggae, funk, soul, boogie and disco with Rootbeard

BUDDYS DJ Arrow Chaser every

CROWN PUB Live Hip Hop Tue: freestyle hip hop with DJ Xaolin and Mc Touch

DV8 Creepy Tombsday: Psychobilly, Hallowe'en horrorpunk, deathrock with Abigail Asphixia and Mr Cadaver; every Tue

FANDANGO'S Open mic Music Industry Night every Mon

RED STAR Experimental Indie Rock, Hip Hop, Electro with DJ Hot Philly; every Tue

RED PIANO All Request Band Tuesdays: Classic rock, soul and R&B with Joint Chiefs; 8pm; $5

SUITE 69 Rockstar Tuesdays: Mash up and Electro with DJ Tyco, DJ Omes with weekly guest DJs

WED JAN 9CHA ISLAND TEA CO Whyte Noise Drum Circle: Join local drummers for a few hours of beats and fun; 6pm

CROWN PUB The D.A.M.M Jam: Open stage/original plugged in jam with Dan, Miguel and friends every Wed

EDDIE SHORTS Electric open jam with Steven Johnson Experience every Wed


Open mic every Wed (unless there's an Oilers game); no cover

FIDDLER'S ROOST Little Flower Open Stage every Wed with Brian Gregg; 8pm-12

GOOD EARTH COFFEE HOUSE AND BAKERY Breezy Brian Gregg; every Wed; 12-1pm

HOOLIGANZ Open stage every Wed with host Cody Nouta; 9pm; Open mic contest (A.S.E. and Barsnbands.com); 9pm

JUBILEE AUDITORIUM Blue Rodeo 25th anniversary tour; 7pm (door), 8pm (show); all ages; $25, $49.50, $65.50

NEW WEST HOTEL Free classic country dance lessons every Wed, 7-9pm

OVERTIME SHERWOOD PARK Jason Greeley (acoustic rock, country, Top 40); 9pm-2am every Wed; no cover

PLAYBACK PUB Open Stage every Wed hosted by JTB; 9pm-1am

PLEASANTVIEW COMMUNITY HALL Acoustic Bluegrass jam presented by the Northern Bluegrass Circle Music Society; every Wed, 6:30-11pm; $2 (member)/$4 (non-member)

PUB 1824 Open jam session every Wed, hosted by Norm; 8pm

RED PIANO BAR Wed Night Live: hosted by dueling piano players; 8pm-1am; $5

RICHARD'S PUB Live Latin Band Salsabor every Wed; 9pm

ZEN LOUNGE Jazz Wednesdays: Kori Wray and Jeff Hendrick; every Wed; 7:30-10pm; no cover


BLACK DOG FREEHOUSE Main Floor: RetroActive Radio: Alternative '80s and '90s, post punk, new wave, garage, Brit, mod, rock and roll with LL Cool Joe

BRIXX BAR Really Good... Eats and Beats: every Wed with DJ Degree and Friends

BUDDY'S DJ Dust 'n' Time every Wed; 9pm (door); no cover

THE COMMON Treehouse Wednesdays

FILTHY MCNASTY'S Pint Night Wednesdays with DJ SAWG

FUNKY BUDDHA–Whyte Ave Latin and Salsa music every Wed; dance lessons 8-10pm

LEGENDS PUB Hip hop/R&B with DJ Spincycle

NIKKI DIAMONDS Punk and ‘80s metal every Wed

RED STAR Guest DJs every Wed

TEMPLE Wild Style Wed: Hip hop open mic hosted by Kaz and Orv; $5

Page 35: Vue Weekly 898 jan 3-9 2013


1005. Help Wanted

A well-established Drywall company is looking for

Journeyman Tapers, Framers, Boarders (I.S.M's). Preference

given to individuals with a ticket. Must have your own tools and

a reliable vehicle

Also looking to train individuals for an apprenticeship to start a rewarding career in the drywall

industry. Must be willing to purchase/provide your own tools.

Must have a reliable vehicle.

Salary based on experience

Send resumes to:Fax:780-939-2876

Email: [email protected]

Executive Director For Alberta Pro-Life

The successful candidate will be part of the team that defends life & leads Alberta's culture change. For a detailed description of this

position please send your request via email to:

offi [email protected]

1600. Volunteers Wanted

ElderCare Edmonton seeks volunteer Board Member. Grant

writing experience preferred. Must take initiative. We are a non-profi t dedicated to frail

seniors and their caregivers.Pls contact Matt at 780-270-8802

Help the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation create a future without breast cancer

through volunteerism. Contact 1-866-302-2223 or

[email protected] for current volunteer opportunities

1600. Volunteers Wanted

Volunteers needed at the Carrot

Calling all people who enjoy great coffee, art and community.

The Carrot Community Arts Coffeehouse is looking for some more barista-volunteers to join their coffee & art revolution on

Alberta Ave - could this be you? Available shifts are Thursdays

from 10am-1pm. Go to www.thecarrot.ca or email [email protected]

for more info

2001. Acting Classes

FILM AND TV ACTINGLearn from the pros how to

act in Film and TV6 month f/t program


2005. Artist to Artist

Art Gallery of St. Albert (AGSA), a contemporary public art gallery,

seeks proposals from artists working in all styles and mediums

for exhibition in the 2014 calendar year. Submissions must include an artist statement, CV

and up to ten images of work. For full details head to:


Art in Public Places -Kingswood Day Use Shelter

The City of St. Albert seeks proposals and qualifi cations from

experienced artists or artist teams with a demonstrated ability to produce a recognition artwork. This artwork will commemorate

the spirit and energy of the athletes, and the Special Olympic

2012 Canada Winter Games. Proposal deadline is January 23

For details head to:stalbert.ca/tender-opportunities

Bellydance Classes in JanuaryNo experience needed!

Register online or call!www.bedouinbeats.com • (780) 761-0773 • 11805 – 94 Street, Edmonton

Catch us at

Deep Freeze


on 118 Avenue

Jan. 12& 13,


BedouinBeats_VUEad-5.75x2.75_Dec2012:BedouinBeats_VUE_ad 12/19/12 12:21 PM Page 1

CLASSIFIEDSTo place an ad PHONE: 780.426.1996 / FAX: 780.426.2889EMAIL: classifi [email protected]

2005. Artist to Artist

City Of Lethbridge: Request for Qualifi cations - Helen Schuler Nature Centre Public Artwork

Artists are invited to participate in a two stage public art

competition, for further details please email

[email protected] Proposal deadline is February 1st

2010. Musicians Available

Old shuffl e blues drummer available for gigs.


2020. Musicians Wanted

Female singer/songwriter/guitar player looking for other musicians

to form an original band. Have songs written.

Infl uences: PJ Harvey, Radiohead, Cocteau Twins.

Phone Andrea at 780-488-2596 or email [email protected]

2060. Music Services

Now Hiring: Edmonton Recording Intern Production Assistant. The successful applicant will have

extensive ProTools knowledge & access to Alberta's premiere commercial recording studio. Req'd knowledge in tracking, editing, eq & post. Duties incl. aiding development of world-

class international recording/touring act. You could be working for up to one year in

sessions with pro grade technology & leadership, earning full studio access. This job does not pay. Earn exp. & reference

only. Inquire with enthusiasm to: Moses Avalon

email: [email protected]

2200. Massage Therapy

RELAX AND LET GO Therapeutic massage.

Appointments only. Deena 780-999-7510

8005. Serviceswww.albertaweddings.org

1600. Volunteers Wanted

Jasper Place High School's Global Cafe is doing a call out

for living books!Do you have a story to tell? Do you have a passion you would

like to share? Are you interested in enriching the lives of youth?

Then the living library is for you! If you are interested in

becoming a living book , please submit a short

description of the story you wish to share and a brief

biography to Julia Dalman at [email protected]

before January 14th, 2013

The Brick Sport Central is searching for volunteers to

donate their time helping with collection, inventory, repairing, as well as outfi tting children in need

of sports equipment. Call for more information and a tour


Volunteering - Become a Master Composter Recycler -

City Of Edmonton-Complete a FREE, 40 hr course-learn how to reduce waste: composting, grasscycling & more-meet other green-minded citizens-share your passion for a sustainable city-teach others what you have learned

Visit edmonton.ca/mcrp or call 780-496-5991

Deadline: February 7, 2013




primary source of su� ering. You broke the trance it kept you in and you freed yourself from its demoralizing curse. Now you have forged a resilient new relationship with your primary source of su� ering—a relationship that al-lows you to deal with it only when it's healthy for you to do so and only when you feel strong enough to do it. Very nicely done! Congratulations! Excellent work!

LEO (Jul 23 – Aug 22): "In this world," said Oscar Wilde, "there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it." I'm counting on you to refute the last part of that questionable assertion, Leo. Ac-cording to my analysis of the long-term astrological omens, you will defi nitely be getting what you want in the next six months. You will receive your prize ... you will earn your badge ... you will win a big game or claim your birthright or fi nd your treasure. When that hap-pens, I trust you will make sure it is an enduring blessing. There will be no sad-ness involved.

VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sep 22): English poet Alfred Tennyson wrote so many memorable lines that he is among the top 10 most frequently cited authors in The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations. One of his most famous passages was "'Tis better to have loved and lost / Than never to have loved at all." When he was on his death bed at age 83, his enigmatic last words were, "I have opened it." Let's make that declara-tion your mantra for the coming year, Virgo. In your case, it will have nothing to do with death, but just the opposite. It will be your way of announcing your entrance into a brighter, lustier, more fertile phase of your life. Try saying it right now: "I have opened it!"

LIBRA (Sep 23 – Oct 22): Back in 1830, it was expensive to stay up and do things in your room a� er dark. To earn enough money to pay for the whale oil that would light your lamp for an hour, you had to work for 5.4 hours. And to-day? It's cheaper. You have to put in less than a second of hard labour to a� ord an hour's worth of light. I sus-pect that in 2013 there will be a similar boost in your ease at getting the light you need to illuminate your journey. I'm speaking metaphorically here, as in the insight that arises from your intuition, the emotional energy that comes from those you care about and the grace of the Divine Wow. All that good stu� will be increasing.

SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov 21): "I've been absolutely terrifi ed every moment of my life," said Scorpio painter Georgia O'Kee� e, "and I've never let it keep me from doing a single thing I wanted to do." I think her declaration is excellent medicine for you. In 2013, you will have great potential for upgrading your rela-tionship with your fears—not necessar-ily suppressing them or smashing them, but rather using them more consistent-ly as a springboard, capitalizing on the emotions they unleash and riding the power they motivate you to summon.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21): "Ambition can creep as well as soar," said Irish philosopher Edmund Burke. That will be good for you to remember throughout 2013, Sagittarius. Later this year, the time may come for your am-bition to soar—in the month of April, for example, and again in the month of August. But for the foreseeable future, I think your ambition will operate best if you keep it contained and intense, mov-ing slowly and gradually, attending to the gritty details with supreme focus.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19): In Tom Robbins' book Skinny Legs and All, one of the characters, Ellen Cherry, has a conversation with a voice in her head. The voice gives her a piece of advice: "The trick is this: keep your eye on the ball. Even when you can't see the ball." I think that happens to be excel-lent counsel for you to heed during the next six months, Capricorn. You may not always be able to fi gure out what the hell is going on, but that shouldn't a� ect your commitment to doing the right thing. Your job is to keep your own karma clean and pure—and not worry about anyone else's karma.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18): I'll be bold and predict that 2013 will be a time when you'll discover more about the art of happiness than you have in years. Here are some clues to get you started. 1) "It is not easy to fi nd happi-ness in ourselves, and it is not possible to fi nd it elsewhere." —Agnes Repplier. 2) "There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things that are beyond the power of our will." —Epictetus. 3) "For the ra-tional, healthy person, the desire for pleasure is the desire to celebrate his control over reality. For the neurotic, the desire for pleasure is the desire to escape from reality." —Nathaniel Bran-den. 4) "Our happiness springs mainly from moderate troubles, which a� ord the mind a healthful stimulus, and are followed by a reaction which produces a cheerful fl ow of spirits." —E Wiggles-worth. 5) "Happiness is essentially a state of going somewhere, wholeheart-edly, one-directionally, without regret or reservation." —William H Sheldon. 6) "We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us really happy is something to be enthu-siastic about." —Charles Kingsley.

PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20): In 2013, I pledge to help you feel at peace and in love with your body; I will do every-thing in my power to encourage you to triumph over media-induced delusions that tempt you to wish you were dif-ferent from who you actually are. My goal is to be one of your resourceful supporters in the coming months—to be a member of your extensive team of allies. And I will be working with you to ensure that this team grows to just the right size and provides you with just the right foundation. If all goes well, your extra help will ensure that you fi n-ish almost everything you start in the coming year. You will regularly conquer everyday chaos and be a master of art-ful resolutions.

ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 19): In 2013, I pledge to conspire with you to increase your mastery of the art of friendship. Together we will concentrate on mak-ing you an even stronger ally than you already are. We will upgrade your skill at expressing your feelings with open-hearted clarity, and in ways that don't make people defensive. We will also in-spire you to help others communicate e� ectively in your presence. I hope you understand that doing this work will empower you to accomplish feats that were never before possible for you.

TAURUS (Apr 20 – May 20): Chick-ens and alligators share a common

ancestor. Seventy million years ago, they were both archosaurs. That's why chickens possess a gene that has the ability to grow teeth. A few years ago, a biological researcher at the University of Wisconsin managed to activate this capacity, inducing a few mutant chick-ens to sprout alligator teeth. I predict there will be a metaphorically compa-rable event happening for you in 2013, Taurus. The "chicken" part of you will acquire some of the gravitas of an al-ligator.

GEMINI (May 21 – Jun 20): "People wish to learn to swim, and at the same time, to keep one foot on the ground,"

said French novelist Marcel Proust. An attitude like that is always a barrier to growth, of course, but in 2013 it would be especially ill-advised for you Gemi-nis. In order to win full possession of the many blessings that will be o� ering themselves to you, you will have to give up your solid footing and dive into the depths over and over again. That may sometimes be a bit nerve-wracking. But it should also generate the most fun you've had in years.

CANCER (Jun 21 – Jul 22): Here's the horoscope I hope to be able to write for you a year from now: you escaped the chains that kept you enslaved to your


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I was invited to speak on the panel "Queer Inclusion: Sexual Orientation Rights," for the John Humphrey Centre's The Gall Con-ference: The State of Human Rights in Alberta. My co-panelists were Ed Laval-lee, Kristopher Wells, Michael Phair and Dani-elle Peers. Suffice it to say, I was both intimidated and excited to be participat-ing in the panel.

We were asked to discuss the most pressing human rights is-sues for LGBTQ Albertans. We also addressed a wide variety of issues, including the need to build solidarities between two-spirit and LGBTQ communities, the contin-ued prevalence of bullying against LGBTQ students in the province, homophobia and transphobia in sports, the benefits and problems of using "coming out" as a political tool, current political and activ-ist strategies for Alberta's LGBTQ communities and the usefulness and effectiveness of the human rights model for attaining social justice.

On the latter point, Peers pre-sented several problems with our current human rights model, and

the dominance of rights as a social justice strategy in LGBTQ politics. Peers argued that it is actually very difficult for citizens to exer-

cise their rights because rights are vaguely written and

too complicated for most people to understand. Moreover, when rights are violated, it is difficult

to prove that the violation occurred. As Peers explained:

"People don't normally, explicitly tell you that they fired you be-cause you're gay or because you're disabled." Rights are reactive and costly. Substantial funds are re-quired to pursue legal recourse to attain justice after your rights have been compromised.

According to Peers, pursuing hu-man rights as a social justice strat-egy can do more harm than good to the most vulnerable in our com-munities. She added that human rights "tend to focus on the identi-ty of the rights bearer ... instead of shared systems of oppressions. It divides instead of unites us in our social struggles. Those who expe-rience the most violence and vul-nerability often identify with more than one oppressed group, but rights do a really bad job of dealing

with those kinds of intersections. Thus rights tend to be most useful for queers with the most privilege."

Peers highlighted many impor-tant criticisms of our human rights model, and I'd like to add two more: first, human rights are only dolled out on the terms of those in power; second, there is a substantial amount of compro-mise needed to add a group to the Human Rights Act, often result-ing in the watering down of the terms and conditions. These prob-lems, along with those Peers men-tioned, are present in the latest battle to add gender identity and gender expression to the Canadian Human Rights Act.

Randall Garrison, an NDP MP, tabled a bill this year to change the Canadian Human Rights Act

and the Criminal Code to prohibit discrimination on the basis of gen-der identity and gender expres-

sion. Parliament has rejected many iterations of this bill over the past few years and, despite the Conser-vative majority, the bill seemed to be gaining traction. The bill has now come to a near halt, however, as Conservative MPs are intention-ally prolonging debate, and most egregiously, they have argued that allocating rights and protections to trans people will somehow give men license to enter women's washrooms and assault women and children. This "bathroom argu-ment" is nothing more than tired and disgusting fear mongering. Trans Canadians are subject to dis-proportionate levels of daily vio-lence, discrimination, incarceration and poverty, and yet the Conserva-

tive government is exercising their political agenda at the expense of citizens' human rights needs.

In an effort to gain Conservative votes, it has been suggested that gender expression be removed from the legislation. Apparently, gender expression is a term that is too com-plicated, difficult and politically volatile for the Conservative gov-

ernment. But there are important differences between gender iden-tity and expression—the former is more of a legal designation, while the latter refers to how one actu-ally presents themselves. Many trans people prefer not to change their legal identity, but wish to still express their gender as they choose. Removing gender expres-sion substantially weakens the bill and fails to protect those who truly need support.

The attainment of the rights is an important goal to some members of Canada's trans communities, but trans people and communities de-serve—and need—far better than watered down and ineffective po-litical appeasement. V

Canadian human rightsThe 'privileged' often experience them the most





People don't normally, explicitly tell you that they fi red you because you're gay or be-cause you're disabled.

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More than a thousand people showed up for a recent Savage Love Live event at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. It goes without saying that the students at UW submitted more questions than I could answer in 90 minutes. As promised, Madison, here are some bonus answers to ques-tions that I didn't get to dur-ing our time together.

Can an open relationship work if it's this type: dating two people, sepa-rately, both serious, neither rela-tionship is the "primary" one?

Define "work."Most people define "work"—in

the context of a relationship—as "a loving, lasting, long-term relation-ship that ends only with the death of one or both parties." But I de-fine "work" as "a loving relationship that makes the people in it happy, whether that relationship lasts for the rest of their lives or whether both parties—or all parties, if we're talking about a poly or open sce-nario—decide at some point to end the relationship amicably." So, yes, I do think the relationship you've de-scribed can work. Whether you'll be in this relationship—or these rela-tionships—for the rest of your life remains to be seen. You may wind up getting more serious about one person, or you may move on from both and find someone else—or a couple of someone elses—but if you're happy right now, and if they're happy right now, then your relationship is working.

I know you lived in Madison for a while. Got any great Mad Town sto-ries?

Savage Love got its start in Madi-son: I wrote my first columns on a computer in the back office of Four Star Fiction and Video, where

I worked as a night manager/VHS-tape-slingin' clerk. I

did other things—after-hours things—in the storeroom of Four Star. Those things are known

only to me, an insanely sexy guy named Roger and

one of the bartenders at the Plaza who one night overheard us talking about the things we'd just done to each other in that storeroom.

What would you say to Ann Coul-ter, who said that if her son told her he was gay, she'd "tell him he was adopted"?

Parental rejection of a gay child (which doubles a gay kid's already quadrupled risk for suicide), the im-plication that adopted parents are less emotionally invested in their children and that adopted children are loved conditionally—only Ann Coulter could pack so much hatred, malice and emotional violence into a single "quip." I'm not sure what I would say to Coulter—I've never had the pleasure of meeting her—but I can't imagine that any child of Coulter's, gay or straight, would be on speaking terms with her any-way, so I'd probably tell her that her feelings about her hypothetical children are irrelevant.

I have been treated badly in several past relationships. I am now in a great one, but I have a hard time believing/trusting that nothing bad will happen. How can I get over this dread?

Something bad is going to hap-pen—believe it. Sooner or later, your new squeeze will do some-thing bad and you'll get hurt. Hopefully the bad that happens won't be as bad as the bad you experienced in the past relation-ships—no physical or emotional violence, no unforgivable betray-als, nothing that requires you to end this relationship—but your new partner will behave badly to-ward you at some point. And you will behave badly toward your new partner. There's some bad even in the best relationships. You'll expe-rience less dread if you can accept that.

Can a successful long-term re-lationship form if the other per-son can never admit that they're wrong?

Anyone who's ever been in a suc-cessful long-term relationship knows that both parties have to be able to admit that they're wrong—sometimes you have to admit you're wrong even when you know you're not. So the answer is "no."

How and when is it good/best to use whipped cream?

We've covered this before: Whipped cream is NOT A SEX TOY. Two minutes after you put it on your nipples—or two minutes af-ter you fill your belly button or ass crack or armpits with it—you be-gin to smell like baby puke. It's not sexy. And it's not like you're not getting enough dairy in your diets, Wisconsinites. Save the whipped cream for your ice cream, and if you want to lick something off your partner, work up a sweat and

lick that off 'em.

My friends and I have a weekly tra-dition where we read your column aloud, wear bathrobes and drink whisky. What would you add to this already awesome ritual?

Remote-control vibrating butt plugs, of course, each one set to go off at a different time.

Facials: degrading or sexy?

Yes. Sometimes both at once!

Do you have any bisexual friends?

"Dan has bisexual friends, and I am one of them," says Eric Olalde, a yogi, a hottie and a close friend who happens to be bisexual. "He has seen me shift between male and female partners at different stages of my life and has even made brunch for me and my ex-girlfriend. Dan has never shown me anything but support and true friendship."

My partner lives far away, and we can't live together for at least two years. He says I can sleep with whomever I like. I want to tell him the same thing, but I am kinda jeal-ous and insecure. I told him to just not tell me, but he doesn't want to lie. What to do?

Withholding information at your request—holding that info back until you're ready for it—doesn't make your partner a liar. It makes him a considerate partner. Tell him to do what he needs to do, but to spare you the details.

OK! Thanks for a great event,

Madison, and I hope to come back soon. We have one more letter this week. It wasn't a question asked at the talk I gave in Madison, but it does have a Madison connection ...

I met you briefly in Madison, Wis-consin, a long time ago. As a phy-sician, I'm usually impressed with your savvy advice and medical accuracy. And your It Gets Better Project is a major contribution to the mental and physical health of adolescents and young adults.

Now for a quick medical comment: I agree with your suggestion that doctors give "flared-base" advice to patients who use anal toys. But there's a simple way for a person who didn't get that advice to re-move an object that is stuck in the rectum. They should squat—do a deep knee bend—stay still, relax, breath, and voila! The item will pop out onto the floor. No probing or uncomfortable procedure nec-essary. After learning about this technique from a very wise woman physician (who recalled the history of women giving birth in that posi-tion and applied the same principle to relaxing the rectal muscles), I used this with young adult patients who would come to my clinic in an embarrassing predicament. The re-sult was simple and comfortable for both patient and physician. Feel free to pass this advice on to others who might benefit!Best Advice Simplifies Exit

Thanks for sharing, BASE! V

Find the Savage Lovecast (my weekly podcast) every Tuesday at thestranger.com/savage.

@fakedansavage on Twitter

How to get 'unstuck' Dan gets to some unanswered student questions





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