Voyagers Lesson 4 September 30/ October 1 1

Voyagers Lesson 4 September 30/ October 1…Voyagers Lesson 4 September 30/ October 1 2 Voyagers About this Series: Man the hatches! Hoist the sail! Pull up the anchor, but don’t

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September 30/ October 1 1

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September 30/ October 1 2


About this Series:

Man the hatches! Hoist the sail! Pull up the anchor, but don’t do it alone. Sailing a ship takes an entire

crew. Each person has their own role, from the captain to the cook. In our own lives, the roles may be

different, but the problems are the same. With friends for our crew, parents as our captains, and even an

occasional storm, how can we manage the rough seas of relationships?

Memory Verse:

Philippians 2:4- “None of you should look out just for your own good. You should also look out for the

good of others.”

Weekly Overview:

Lesson: Topic: Big Idea:

Lesson 1:

Sept. 9/10

Lesson 2:

Sept. 16/17

Lesson 3:

Sept. 23/24

Lesson 4:

Sept. 30/Oct. 1

Lesson 5:

Oct. 7/8

Lesson 6:

Oct. 14/15

Choosing Your Crew

Rehoboam- 1 Kings 12

Rough Seas

Jonah- Jonah 1-4

Captain’s Orders

David and Saul- 1 Samuel 16-19


Paul writes Letters- Philippians

Damage Control

Jacob and Esau- Genesis 27, 33


Jesus and Peter- Matthew 14:22-33;

John 19-21, John 13:34, Ephesians 2:13.

To make good friends, I must

be a good friend.

I can be a good friend to


Respect makes my

relationships better.

My words can help me be a

good friend.

Forgiveness can fix a broken


I can have a relationship with


Large Group

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Series at a Glance for Elevate (continued)

Lesson 1: Choosing Your Crew

King Rehoboam had only been king of Israel a short time, but he already had a big choice to make. The

royal advisers encouraged him to give everyone a break from work for a while. His group of childhood

friends said to work the people even harder than before. Rehoboam’s choice of friends shaped his legacy

as king. How are your friends shaping you?

Lesson 2: Rough Seas

Relationships are rarely easy. When a person or a group of people is against us, it can feel like we are

sailing in a vicious storm. How can we keep going through the rough seas of bullying, teasing, and lost

friendships? Jonah knew what that felt like, but when God asked him to stand up to people he didn’t like,

it was in a way Jonah never expected. God didn’t tell Jonah to fight back or get even. Instead, he told

Jonah to help the people he disliked.

Lesson 3: Captain’s Orders

No ship can be without a captain. The same is true in life. Everywhere you go, there’s a teacher, a leader,

a parent, telling you what to do. It’s not always fun, but those relationships are some of the most

important ones in our lives. It’s extra hard when that leader isn’t someone you like. For years, David had

to follow a mean and unlikable leader, even though David was destined to be king! The way he treated

King Saul is a great example of how respect makes our relationships better.

Lesson 4: Ahoy!

Many relationships today are built on words. You might text, talk, message, call, or snap what you want

to say, but all of those things are ways to communicate. This week we’ll ask “What am I

communicating?” How do the words you choose affect your relationships? A man named Paul knew the

power of words. He used words to encourage people, solve problems, and help others in amazing ways.

Come and discover the incredible power of your own words!

Lesson 5: Damage Control

Many relationships end up broken. Some sink slowly, but others are wrecked in a storm of mean words

and anger. Jacob and Esau had a stormy past. They were brothers, but hadn’t seen each other in twenty

years! Lies, fighting, and stealing had broken them apart, but there was still one thing that could repair

their wrecked relationship: forgiveness.

Lesson 6: Rescue

There is a lot we can do to make our relationships better. Even so, there is one relationship we are in that

we can’t repair. All of us are sinking in sin, we’ve broken our relationship with God, and there is nothing

we can do to change that. We need to be rescued. God sent Jesus, not only to show us how to be free from

sin, but to show us that God loves us. Following Jesus will guide us to the most important relationship of

all: our friendship with God.

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Lesson Outline for Elevate

Lesson 4: Ahoy!

Lesson Segment Total Running Time


Opening Song (2:00)

Welcome (1:00)

Question of the Day (2:00)

Group Activity (10:00)

Worship: All the Glory (5:00) 0:00 - 20:00


Media: Part 1 (4:00)

Lesson Intro (1:00)

Group Time (15:00) 20:00-40:00


Memory Verse Challenge (3:00)

Media: Part 2 (7:00)

Application (5:00)

Worship: Let It Be Known (4:00)

Wrap Up (1:00) 40:00 - 60:00

Video Cue Slide Cue Audio Cue Tech Notes

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Opening Song 2:00

Welcome to Elevate! It’s time to get started! If you have popcorn, slam-dunk it into a trash

can. Everyone, come on up and find a good spot to sit!

Welcome 1:00

My name is ______. I’m super excited to be here with all of you today! We’re here to get to

know God better, to have a lot of fun, sing and dance, and answer a really important question

about relationships. This series we’re in is all about our friends and families, our

relationships. In fact, I hope you’ve all got some good friends here in Elevate already. If not,

I hope you’ll get to make some friends here soon! If you look around, you’ll see different

colored arm bands. The people with your color on are the ones on your team! These point

trackers up here are filling up.

There are only two more weeks until we find out which team is the winner! To get points

for your team, bring someone with you who hasn’t been to Elevate before. Make sure you

let me know that you brought them, so I can give your team points, and both of you can get

a prize this week. Make sure to come back next week, because if we beat our goal for

inviting, you’ll get to watch our kids pastor get slimed! You’ll want to especially invite

people to the last week of this series, two weeks from today, because you’ll get an extra

special prize if you bring a friend that week!

Question of the Day 2:00

You may be competing, but no matter what team you’re on, this question of the day is for

you. Get ready to answer!

(Roll when directed) Elevate Opener

(Auto advance) Elevate Slide and Underscore

Question of the Day Video

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What is your favorite word? Is it a long word, like deoxyribonucleic (dee-oxy-rye-bow-

new-clay-ick)? Or is it a funny word like bubbles? Think about your favorite word, then

find out the favorite word of two or three people around you! Do This: Emcee as the kids are sharing their answers. Encourage them to share with the people

around them, and encourage any kid whose story you hear.

Know This: It’s more important that the kids interact with each other than with you. Allow them

time enough to share with each other, and don’t have them share with the whole group.

The words we choose are very important. They show people who we are and what we are


Group Activity 10:00

This next activity for your group is called “Muffled Marbles.” Your group leader has a bunch

of marbles in a box. Your job is to stand in a circle, and pass the box of marbles around the

circle, without making a noise. One person will stand in the middle with her or his eyes

closed. If they hear the marbles, they will point to where they think the box is. If they get it

right, the person holding the box goes to the middle. Do This: Help kids find their groups. Make sure each group has a box with a few marbles in it. If

the older kids need more of a challenge, the group leaders can make them only able to pass the box

behind their backs, or even without using their hands.

No matter how hard we try, our words show who we are. Once the person in the middle of

your circle heard those marbles, they knew where the box was. Once people hear our words,

they know what we think, we can’t take it back. Today, we have places like Instagram,

Facebook, and Youtube where thousands of people can see the words we write and say. You

never know who will see them, so the words you choose can do amazing things for good, or

hurt people in a big way.

(Auto Advance) QOTD Slide: What is your favorite word?

Game Title Slide: “Muffled Marbles”

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Lesson Intro 1:00

Media: Part 1 4:00

Worship 5:00

God created us to use words and languages. It’s amazing how much we can do with words.

Right now, I’m using words to teach. We can use words to make beautiful things like poems,

to thank people, to write stories, and so much more. The greatest thing we can use our words

to do is praise God, and tell him we love him! That’s what we do every time we sing to God.

Let’s stand and sing this song together! It’s a new song, but I think you’ll pick up on the

actions really quickly. Let’s sing “All the Glory!”

Our words can show other people who God is, but they can help us learn about God, too.

You can sit down, but at the same time, let’s close our eyes and bow our heads, and talk to


God, thank you for making this world. Thank you for giving us a purpose, and a part in your

amazing story. Help us to show the whole world who you are. Amen.

The Light Force team has another adventure for us this week. Let’s find out what happens!

I think all of us get in trouble with our words sometimes, but Network seems to be in trouble

all the time. Prism must feel really hurt to have lost her powers like that.

Worship Slide

Song 1: All the Glory

(Auto advance) Worship Slide

Light Force: Part 1 (4:00)

(Auto advance) Series Title Slide: Voyagers

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How do you fix that problem? When our words get out of control, it can be tough to handle.

As you can see on the screens, this series is called “Voyagers!” On a ship, the crew you are

traveling with makes a difference. From the captain to the cook, every person has an

important job. In our lives, the crew looks more like our family, friends, and the other people

we see each day. The words we use make a big difference in all those relationships. How

are you using your words? How could you use them better? You’ve got some time to try to

figure that out in group time. Look for the people with the same arm bands as you, that is

your group. You can follow your group leader now!

Group Time 15:00 Do This: Make sure each kid finds their group. Help group leaders if there is a need. If possible,

visit groups and encourage kids as they work to answer the question.

Know This: Kids will be discussing the power their words hold in relationships. This is a time for

them to search for answers, and see how they can use the Bible to investigate and better

understand life. This time is designed for kids to interact and deepen their understanding. They

won’t get all the answers, but allow them to question and discover as much as possible.

Do This: Give the groups a warning before the time ends. About one minute before time is up,

start the bumper video, and get them ready to transition to the next section. They stay in their

groups for the Memory Verse challenge.

Memory Verse Challenge 3:00

In the Bible, there are verses, made up of words. We learn about and memorize these verses,

because they are things God wants us to know! For this series, we’re learning a verse from

the book of the Bible called Philippians. This book is really a letter, written by someone

named Paul, to a church in a city called Philippi (Fill-ipp-eye). The people that lived in

Philippi were called “Philippians, which is where we get the title for the book!

(Auto-Advance) Memory Verse Slide: Philippians 2:4- “None of you should look out just for

your own good. You should also look out for the good of others.”

Elevate Bumper Video

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None of you should look out just for your own good. You should also look out for the good

of others. A lookout is someone who stands on top of a ship, watching for danger or land.

They are responsible for the safety of everyone else on the ship. If anything was spotted,

good or bad, they had to call down to everyone and let them know what was coming. They

knew how important words were. If a lookout called out “iceberg!” the crew would have to

get to work, fast.

For this memory verse challenge, I want you to explain this verse in your own words, with

your group. Your group leader can ask you about the different parts of the verse, but you all

get to think and talk about what it means for a couple minutes. Do This: Allow groups to talk about what the verse means. Prepare leaders ahead of time by pointing

out questions, such as “What does looking out for our own good mean?” “What does it mean that

we should look out for the good of others?” and “Has anyone ever put your good above their own?

What did that feel like?”

Good work! Find a place to sit again. Looking out for the good of others doesn’t mean just

with our actions. We need to do that with our words, too. Let’s check in with the Light Force

team to see how Network and Prism work things out.

Media: Part 2 7:00

Thanks, Sage! What an amazing story. Paul showed us that whether we use words for

good or bad, they are powerful. Sometimes it’s hard to know what words to use, but God

always promises to help us if we ask. One way he helps us is by giving us some awesome

words in the Bible!

Application 5:00

We’ve heard a couple examples of how powerful our words can be today. Paul used his

words to encourage and help the Philippians, who were using their words to tear down and

fight with each other. You’ve talked about this in your groups, but I want to take a couple

Light Force: Part 2 (7:00)

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minutes to show how important the words that you and I choose are. Actually, this example

I’m going to share is right out of the Bible!

This is written by one of Jesus’ brothers, a man named James. He writes “How about ships?

They are very big. They are driven along by strong winds. But they are steered by a very

small rudder. It makes them go where the captain wants to go.” Ok, so James is talking about

ships and rudders. I wanted to bring a huge pirate ship into Elevate today, but it wouldn’t fit

through the doors. Instead, I wanted to show you this!

This is a huge ship. It looks awesome! There’s one thing I want you to notice, though. Do

you see that piece of wood on the back of the ship? It’s a pretty small part, but it’s super

important. That is the ship’s rudder. It trails behind the boat, and when the driver turns it,

the boat changes direction. So, we know that James had some nautical knowledge there, but

what does that have to do with our words? Any ideas? Do This: Allow one or two kids to answer.

Good thinking. James actually tells us what his point is in the next verse. Let’s get it up on

the screen.

He writes: In the same way as a rudder steers a ship, the tongue is a small part of the body.

Think about how a small spark can set a big forest on fire. Wow! James is saying that our

tongue doesn’t just help or hurt other people, it can change the whole course of our life.

Remember Paul from the Bible story we heard earlier? His words made a big difference. He

used them to teach others about Jesus. He sent letters, he preached, and he encouraged

others. That’s why we remember him today, because he chose to follow God with the words

he said and wrote.

You have a choice to make. Every time you speak, your words make something happen.

Even if it is just a small thing, your words make a difference. God cares about your voice.

James 3:4- “How about ships? They are very big. They are driven along by strong winds.

But they are steered by a very small rudder. It makes them go where the captain wants to go.

Ship Picture with Rudder

James 3:5- In the same way, the tongue is a small part of the body… Think about how a small

spark can set a big forest on fire.

Series Title Slide: Voyagers

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Worship 4:00

He cares about your thoughts, your prayers, and your language. He cares about the things

you write in your diary or journal. He cares about what you listen to, watch, and say. All of

those things are made up of words, and those words change our lives, and our relationships.

So, use your words to be a good friend this week. Choose to tell someone about God. Tell

someone how important they are. Encourage a friend, forgive someone you’ve been fighting

with, or tell a family member you love them. You can do it, because your words matter to

God, and they are powerful.

Since our words are so powerful, we should use them to do great and amazing things, like

praising God! You can sing to God and think about him every day, not just here in church.

If you don’t already, try singing one of these praise songs at home this week. Now, let’s

stand and sing together, “Let it Be Known!”

Wrap-Up 1:00

Everyone on earth needs to know God, and hear about how much he loves them. One great

way to do that is by inviting them to come to Elevate! Don’t forget to do that this week.

You’ll give someone a chance to hear about God’s love, and get one hundred points for your


God loves each of you so much, that you can talk to him anytime, and he will listen. We can

talk to him with our eyes open or closed, our head up or down, and whether we are at home,

church, or anywhere else. We can even pray by thinking the words in our mind, because

God knows when we think too. Let’s close our eyes, and bow our heads as we talk to God.

God, thank you for listening to us. Thank you for caring about our voices and our words.

Help us to use our words to encourage and look out for the good of others this week. Amen.

Thank you for coming to Elevate, I hope you have an incredible week!

Song 2: Let it Be Known

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Do This: Watch for kids that do kind things this week, especially if they use their words to encourage

and build others up. Don’t tell the kids you are giving points away for this, but if you see a kid who

is kind to others, tell them what they did well, and invite them to put a ping-pong ball in their team’s

point tracker! If more kids want to get points, tell them you’re watching for the kind things people


Elevate Slide

Closing Music